We all need help from time to time. We may be grieving, or recovering from an illness, or dealing with transportation problems. The members of the Caring Committee are here for you in times like these. If you or someone you know needs support, contact the team as shown below. If you know someone who needs help, please try to find out first if they are willing to be contacted by the committee. We are very careful to respect the confidentiality.

How to Ask for Support from the Volunteers of the Caring Ministry
Someone from the team will get back to you with a few questions to determine how we can best help. The co-chairs of the ministry, Jim Patterson and Joseph Hunt, with determine how the team can meet your needs. We do most of our coordination through emails and phone calls.

How Can We Help?

Here are some of the things we can do to help:
  • Post joys or concern notifications to share with the church congregation
  • Send cards for illnesses, deaths, celebrations, and other events
  • Make hospital or home visits due to illness or injury
  • Help with transportation if you are in need
  • Provide meals on a short-term basis where needed
  • Help around the home for simple tasks
  • Help with gathering information or help with confusion
  • We can put you in touch with the Pastoral Care Associates if you need someone to help with more emotional support situations.
We cannot really help in these areas:
  • Lift people out of bed or in and out of wheelchair
  • Give medication
  • Be responsible for critical life-threatening appointments
  • Provide legal service or advice
  • Provide long-term care
How to Become a Team Volunteer
First, being a volunteer does not involve attending any meetings or other time-consuming commitments. Requirements include:
  1. Contact us to let us know you want to get involved – Email: caring@austinuu.org.
  2. Choose which of the following you are interested in doing: visits, cards, calls, meals, rides, errands, or just leave it general for what you would like to help with at the moment.
  3. We will add you to our email distribution to tell you when and where we have needs.
  4. When you find something you would like to help with, communicate with the team through email or telephone.