Policy Based Governance is a system designed to free the creativity of our church and its members –

  • to discern the differences we can make a in our world, and for whom,
  • and then to live these differences.

Under this system, the Board of Trustees and its members base their trusteeship and governance on the mission and values defined by the church. An Executive Team (Settled Minister and Executive Director) are responsible for managing church operations through paid and volunteer staff, under policies established by the Board to advance the mission. The Board is responsible and accountable to the moral owners of the church (the congregation) for ensuring that policies and operations conform to the values of the church and that they advance its mission.

The mission, values, ends, and covenant of the church were articulated by the congregation through an extensive process led by the Board of Trustees during 2009-2010.

More details about Policy Based Governance and our transition to it can be found on a page of Frequently-Asked Questions. A Governance Resources page leads to documentation from numerous meetings, workshops, and reports provides a continuing, updated record of the church’s implementation of this form of governance.

We will post updates to the above links as they become available.