Senior Lunch will occur on Wednesday, April 12th, meeting in Howson Hall at 12 p.m. noon. Our speakers are Rev. Jonalu Johnstone and David Riehl, Board Treasurer. You may not know David, so here is a bit about him.
David (Dave) Riehl is the current Board Treasurer for First Church Austin. He and his wife, Gretchen, joined us six years ago, moving from First Church Dallas, where they were 30 year members. Dave will spend a few minutes filling us in on his background and then continue the discussion with Rev. Jonalu’s presentation. He will share his insights into the status and outlook for the finances for our congregation.
Everyone is welcome to attend even if you are not a senior.  If you’ve never attended, we bring our own lunch and drinks, and visit for about half an hour. The program will begin around 12:30 p.m.