Scott Butki Requests Your Social Justice Related Books


What: I’d like your books for a project I’m calling Social Justice Book Distribution

When: Bring books on Sundays. We’ll have a special bin for it

Why: Instead of just circulating social justice books around the church and social justice circles I’ve
started a project to use a little free library at Spicewoods Park to distribute those books, along with others. The library currently includes books by former First UU ministers Erin Walters and Susan Yarborough.

Who: Me, who lives in North Austin, plus I’m in the process of recruiting ambassadors, folks, especially those from other areas of town, to help circulate and distribute books to other little free libraries.

How: The books you give me will not just go into the hands of the little free library but I’ve also given some to  the church, to LGBT advocacy groups, to Jim Rigbys church (I’m going to see if he wants he or his church to join the project) and just to LGBT folks who want to see something beautiful (that got the books banned): LGBT representation in books for kids and YA.

What else: The project exploded last Friday when I attended an event by a banned books project who, excited by my project scope, gave me all their books, and my collection grew from 20 books to more than 150. I gave away about 50 on Sunday at church.

I’m transitioning the project from a Scott Project – I was calling myself the Johnny Appleseed of Social Justice Books – to a Church Social Action Council event project.

Email me at for more information, for questions or to learn about what it would mean to be an ambassador.