Hello Fellow UU’s
Bob and I are honored and excited to be stepping in as leaders of the Green Sanctuary Committee.  Richard and Beki are a hard act to follow. Thank you two for fifteen years of leadership for the church and the environment. As we get our feet under us, we are eager to learn from everyone, veteran of the committee or just interested in joining now about directions you would like us to head together.
For right now we offer an important action you can take on in the cool of your home, any hour of day or night. Citizens’ Climate Lobby, with support from the Sierra Club, has taken on sending 40,000 (yes you read that right) nonpartisan get out the vote postcards to voters in Texas districts with at least one contested seat who are identified environmentalists and who have not voted in recent elections. Instructions based on recent get out the vote research and suggested messages as well as addresses are included with each stack of postcards. We have postcards divided into groups of 100 and are giving out as many as three groups at a time. You can sign up for postcards. For a warm up, groups of five cards with names and instructions will be available to write at the social justice table during social hour most Sundays, starting this Sunday. We can provide stamps for any cards you write.  If this sounds good to you please contact me, Victoria, at seastarvsh@aol.com or by text at 512-567-5985 for details, or see me on Sunday in Howson Hall.
We hope to make the very most of the national Climate Justice Revival scheduled in September. At the very least we will have a Sunday service focused on the climate crisis and activities afterward in Howson Hall. We hope to offer more following the excellent model of July for Reproductive Justice, which is just superb.

Towards maintaining a livable world
Bob and Victoria Hendricks