Please refer to the addresses and phone numbers listed below for getting in touch with someone at the church. We welcome your inquiry and look forward to hearing from you.
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave.
Austin, TX 78756
Map Directions & Parking
Office Hours: By Appointment Only – Please email or call.
Phone: (512) 452-6168
E-Mail: Info@AustinUU.Org
Direct your inquiries to any of the following, as appropriate:
Ministers and Worship Services
- Rev. Chris Jimmerson, Co-Lead Minister, Call or Text 737-296-0376 Email
- Rev. Michelle LaGrave, Co-Lead Minister, (ext. 1304) Email
- Minister Emerita, Reverend Meg Barnhouse
- Music Director, Brent Baldwin, (ext. 1314), email
Congregational Care
- Leave messages for the Caring Ministry at Email
Religious Education
- Manager of Religious Education, Sol Cornell
(ext. 1305), email
Church Administration
- Executive Director, Shannon Posern
(ext. 1313), email