Green Sanctuary update Friday, June 14, 2024

Hi Earth Ship Partners,

If you know Seniors who are vulnerable to these Historic Heat levels there are lots of resources presented in last week’s newsletter.   Go there and check them out. Lots of ways to help Seniors.


“Women leading on climate, senior citizens at risk, and more climate voices to follow

Last week, my newsletter focused on the risks of extreme heat around the world, and how to stay safe: but I could write about this every week. The US National Weather Service just introduced a new Heat Risk forecast map showing where people will face dangerous levels of heat. The entire southern US, from California to Florida, is baking in yet another early-season heatwave, with Phoenix, AZ setting a new daily high of 112F (44C) last Thursday.

I also mentioned last week how heat disproportionately affects elderly people—and this new article goes into depth on exactly why that is.” more @


Hello! Wouldn’t it be cool if the world’s wealthiest companies — you know, the ones worth trillions of dollars — paid the bill for the shiny new technologies needed to achieve 24/7 clean power? Sigh. What a nice, idealistic dream.


Important Announcements:

Talks are underway with Austin Energy (AE) to replace AE’s proposed fossil fuel new gas plant with a renewables-based community plan. We will keep you posted. Come to or zoom into the next Climate Crises/solutions meeting @church.

July 2, 6:30-8PM, Next Climate Crises/Solutions mtg at Howson Hall. 6:30 potluck, 7 PM MTG. begins. Ping Bob for zoom link,, or join us in person.

The Unitarian Universalist Church (UUA) is about to take up the Climate Crisis with real actions at a grassroots level, here at our church, churches across the USA, and at the National office. The plan is already put together. Trainings are beginning now. Go to : and FAQ’s here.  Let Chris know you want to help out

As previously mentioned, after 15 years as Green Sanctuary Ministry (GSM) Co-Chairs, Beki and I are retiring. If you are interested in Chairing Green Sanctuary Ministry and or managing the upcoming Climate Revival (much of the work is scripted to make it easy) Please let Chris know you’re interested.
It is a blessing to work with all of you on this Environmental Justice initiative to save our Home Planet.

Big THANKS to all Inside Books donors. The Spanish/English dictionaries were lifesavers!

Beki & Richard Halpin, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Green Sanctuary Ministry

July for Justice

During July 2024, we are offering a series of events to learn, give, share, and take action in the fight for reproductive justice.  There are both in-person and on-line activities to choose from, and childcare is available.  All events are free, although donations are accepted to support our community partners.  Click on items below for more information.

  1. July for Justice Poster
  2. July for Justice Calendar
  3. Educational Workshops
  4. Film Screening
  5. Anti-Abortion Center training and action
  6. Special Worship Service Sunday July 21
  7. Black Mamas ATX Community Partner donations

The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Group will gather Saturday, Dec, 9, at First UU Church of Austin.

Please join us for good food and fellowship. We start showing up at 7 a.m. and beyond, as we prepare breakfast for serving at 8:15 a.m. The fellowship begins when the second person shows up.
A donation of $6 is appreciated.
And, please, be mindful of others during our COVID era — it’s still out there. If you’re not feeling well, please stay home; if you join us, practice safe-distancing.

Annual Regifting Event- Sunday December 17th

We will hold our annual Regifting Event on Sunday December 17th. For this event, on the morning of December 17th, church attendees bring any and all items they wish to donate for free and place them on the designated tables in Howson Hall. All church attendees are welcome to take any of the items on the tables home with them to enjoy or pass along. All items are offered for free in the spirit of sharing and celebration.

Stewardship Update

2024 Pledge Drive – Rebuild. Renew. Rise Up.

With hearts full of hope and a spirit of unity, we invite you to join the 2024 First UU Stewardship Campaign. Commitment Sunday is coming on Sunday, October 1. This is the day that we will ask all members and friends to make their annual pledge to First UU.  We will then celebrate our pledges on October 15 with a Celebration Sunday Party (RSVP here!).


Our theme, “Rebuild, Renew, Rise Up,” is an affirmation of our commitment to creating a world of justice, compassion, and boundless possibility. As we begin this year’s campaign, we invite you to reflect on the profound impact we can make when we come together as a community united by shared values.

Join the hundreds of Austin families committed to the spiritual practice of supporting our progressive faith community by pledging on October 1.  If you already pledge, we encourage you to increase your support of First UU in 2024.  Learn more about pledging and the 2024 Pledge Drive on the Stewardship webpage.

Stewardship Helpers Needed!

To make the upcoming Pledge Drive a success, we need some volunteers.  We have lots of opportunities, from participating in a one time text bank on October 8, to helping with Celebration Sunday on October 15, to writing thank you notes to those who have pledged.

If you are able to assist, please sign up here or at the Stewardship Table in the Howson Hall after the service. Thank you for supporting First UU and the Stewardship team!


RSVP for Celebration Sunday on October 15

Celebration Sunday is coming on Sunday, October 15. After the service, we will celebrate our commitment to First UU and our pledges.  We’ll have music, food, and ice cream!   Please RSVP by clicking here so we know how much food to order!

Updates from Green Sanctuary

Saturday 9/16 IN Downtown AUSTIN At 11 AM—1:30 PM
  • Texas leads our nation in CO2 emissions!
  • Speakers, Press Conference, Climate Information
  • Music! Learn Songs and Chants
  • March! To the front entrance of the U.S. Courthouse,
Meet us Sat. Sept. 16 at 11:00 AM in downtown Austin at REPUBLIC SQUARE PARK behind the US COURTHOUSE — between 4th & 5th Streets west of Guadalupe St. See parking below.
Join with EXTINCTION REBELLION AUSTIN, Texas Climate Emergency, and millions of people around the world to demand END FOSSIL FUEL PROJECTS and PHASE OUT PRODUCTION OF OIL AND GAS.
Fast, fair, and forever! We want a rapid, just, and equitable end to fossil fuels to save our planet and species for the present and for future generations.
This rally and a second Austin event on Sunday are part of a massive, global mobilization as world leaders gather to attend the United Nations Climate Ambition Summit in NYC. The weekend of actions culminates in a mass march to #EndFossilFuels in New York City.
The U.N. Summit coincides with the urgency revealed by this year’s record-breaking heat, deadly floods, an epidemic of out-of-control wildfires, and a Cat 3 and now a Cat 4 hurricane in Florida.  MORE INFO, Browser To: FB:  Rally and March to End Fossil Fuels / Facebook

Are you interested in money and tax credits that will help you buy an electric vehicle, new air conditioning, heat pumps, solar panels and more for your home, business or our church? Next Sunday Bob Hendricks will speak at our FORUM about these funds. join Bob 12 :30 / 9/17. In our sanctuary.

Thanks to your donations we have helped open a Library at the Del Valley Travis County Jail location. This is the first time the Jail Library has been open since the previous COVID-19 pandemic.
Inside Books Project wants you to know: There are openings for potential volunteers for the Travis County Del Valley Jail to teach reading, writing, arts, nutrition, exercise, job readiness and other classes. If your interested please contact:  Patricia  Schiaffini:   Tell her you heard about this from First UU Green Sanctuary Ministry

Save the Date!

Dear First UU members and friends,

Please save the date for Sunday, October 29th at 12:30 pm for a Congregational Meeting. This is the date on which the vote will be held.  

We are encouraging all members to save the date now so that you will have the opportunity to attend and vote at the congregational meeting as well as to participate in candidating week activities during the week leading up to the meeting.

To vote, members must have joined at least 30 days before the meeting.  Members must also have made a financial contribution between September 29, 2022, and September 29, 2023. 

If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Shannon Posern at  

If you have not joined but would like to before the vote, please contact Kinsey Shackleford at

See you on Sunday!

Shannon Posern
Executive Director

Spring 2022 Congregational Meeting

First UU Austin’s Spring 2022
Congregational Meeting
May 22, 2022 · 1:00 – 3:00 p.m

This is your Official Notice for our Spring Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 1:00  p.m., to be held in the Sanctuary and on Zoom

Meeting Materials

The church bylaws specify the following regarding voting eligibility: “Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

Thus to be eligible to vote, you must have made a documented contribution between April 22, 2021 – April 22, 2022

The list of eligible voters can be found here.

Any questions about voter eligibility, including if you feel that you were mistakenly not listed on the list of eligible voters, please contact Shannon Posern,

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Spring 2022 Pre-Congregational Meeting

April 24, 2022 • 1:00 p.m. • Sanctuary & Zoom 

On April 24, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. in First UU Austin’s Sanctuary and on Zoom, we will hold our Spring Pre-Congregational Meeting.

At the Pre-Congregational Meeting, we will walk through the  agenda and materials, found here.

The Pre-congregational meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. on April 24, 2022. The purpose of
this meeting is to provide a forum for questions, concerns and clarification of items that
will be presented for a vote at the Congregational Meeting. We will review the agenda with
time for discussion, but no votes will be taken. If you have questions about any of the items
that will be voted on, we encourage you to attend the Pre-congregational meeting or
contact Toni Wegner, Board of Trustees President, at

You may attend either in person in the Sanctuary at 4700 Grover Avenue or by Zoom. Masks are optional.

Zoom Link:
Passcode: 512452

Congregational Meeting Announcement

Congregational Meeting, Sanctuary, 1:30-3:30 p.m., May. 5. Congregation members will vote on several matters. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Voting list: we have generated the list of everyone who is eligible to vote and it is posted in the copy room. Please check to make sure you’re on the list. Eligibility: in addition to having signed the membership book, the bylaws require that you have made a gift of record between May 5, 2012 and April 5, 2013 to vote in this congregational meeting. Any gift will do (cash, check, stock) as long as we received it within the date range and that we can connect it to you (cash in an envelope without your name on it, for example, does not qualify). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about any of the above, please contact Sean Hale, director of finance and operations,, 512-452-6168 x 308.

PDF file containing agenda and combined documents is below.

Click to download     >  CombinedDocsMay2013