Staying Sane and Strong Despite Tyranny’s Onslaught

“How do we stay sane and effectively resist the tyranny that besets our country?   How do we take care of ourselves and each other when times feel too hard?” “How do we avoid the kind of collapse that beset the German people when the Nazis were rising ?” To understand how tyranny works to keep us weak, for mental and emotional tools to fight despair and stay strong. and for specific resistance resources, come hear Victoria Hendricks speak on Tuesday evening, March 4th at 7:00 p.m. in Howson Hall.

Potluck first, starting at 6:30 p.m Victoria says “To provide what I see as a metaphoric survival kit for times of tyranny, I have drawn heavily  from Timothy Snyder’s excellent small book, On Tyranny, Twenty Lessons From the Twentieth Century and added bits from Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Joan Baez, Dan Rather and many more.  As Citizens’ Climate Lobby founder Marshall Saunders reminded us, we can’t afford to wait for rescue. “We are the cavalry.”

Let’s stay strong and connected in community for what may well be the fight of our lives. 

Veganistas / UUAM

Join the Veganistas group at this church to connect with others who care deeply about animals. You do not need to be vegan to participate; everyone is welcome!
Please come to our next meeting on Sunday, March 2nd at 12:30 p.m. after service in Room 17 or find the group online through Church Center. 
This is a group of First UUs whose spirituality is expressed and explored through compassion for all beings, advocating for animals, plus hosting fabulous vegan potlucks and other activities.
We are proud and excited to announce that our group here at First UU has recently been approved as a chapter of the Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry. The group looks forward to creating goals and projects for the new year. 
Please join the Veganistas / UUAM group to explore your own spirituality as it relates to the interdependent web of life, and help guide the future of this group. 

UPLIFT Book Talk

Book Talk with “Imani Rituals” Author, Ayanna Kafi

Thursday, February 27th @ 12:00pm ET 

Join us for a rich discussion of disability and black spirituality as I interview my friend and colleague, Ayanna Kafi about their upcoming skinner house release, “Imani Rituals: Nurturing African Spiritual Heritage.”

We’ll discuss the book writing process, the intersection of race and disability, and ways to adapt rituals for individual access needs.




Ayanna Kafi (they/them/theirs) is a neurodivergent, nonbinary, Black woman living on occupied Creek land, commonly known as Stone Mountain, a beautiful city within the collective of cities known by locals as Atlanta. They cohabitate with their partner, teenager, and granddog. They believe that their ministry springs from their embodiment, home, and community so they strive to fill their life with laughter, music, movement, intentional rest, and the discipline of ever-expanding joy.



We are excited to announce that DRUUMM is again sponsoring intersectional antiracism training facilitated by our partners at Justice Movement.

UU calls on us to center love and fight for social justice and equity. You’ve heard the term ally, and you want to be there for people. You don’t want to unconsciously contribute to sexism, ableism, racism, and other forms of systemic oppression in your life and community. But what to do? What to say? We’re here to help. Similar to last fall, we offer:

Introduction to Allyship 
This interactive Zoom session serves as an optional gateway to our comprehensive four-session intersectional antiracism “Aiming for Allyship” training series. This workshop is open to all and includes opportunities for caucusing. It will take place on Tuesday, March 4, 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM Eastern.

In this intro session you will meet Justice Movement founders Natalie Nguyen and Danya Xena Davis and guest trainer Atena Danner, be introduced to our intimate style of pedagogy, and engage in an example exercise that reflects our dynamic approach to education. This session is meant to give you a taste of what to expect in the four-session “Aiming for Allyship” course.

Each session is structured to challenge, inspire, and empower participants, culminating in a roadmap for active allyship that respects and enhances the dignity of all individuals. Don’t miss this chance to build your intersectional antiracism skills and continue your journey toward being an effective ally!

Scholarships for Introduction to Allyship are available and reserved for BIPOC participants; please request by Tuesday, February 18.

Register for Intro to Allyship



Aiming for Allyship 
This is a 12-hour multiracial intersectional antiracism training designed to deepen relationships, understanding, support, and commitment to living into our UU values. Join Justice Movement founders Natalie and Danya and guest trainer Atena as they guide you through a deep dive into allyship and accountability. The training will occur on four Tuesdays from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM Eastern.

– Session 1: Tuesday, March 18
– BREAK/ Pod: Tuesday, March 25
– Session 2: April 1
– BREAK/ Pod: Tuesday, April 8
– Session 3: Tuesday, April 15
– BREAK/ Pod: Tuesday, April 22; Tuesday, April 29
– Session 4: Tuesday, May 6

The four Aiming for Allyship sessions will explore themes such as Intersectionality, Community Building, Emotional Regulation, and Effective Allyship Practices as informed by UU principles and values. Highlights include practical exercises on “Calling In/Out” with responses, discussions on “Socialization and Its Impacts,” and tools for “Navigating Difficult Conversations.”

Acting as an ally can feel and be complicated. We specialize in breaking down challenging topics and complex concepts into manageable and illuminating pieces. We prioritize intimacy and make learning to act as an ally deeply personal. Our goal is to build the confidence in our participants to address difficult topics with empathy and understanding.

To do so we will unpack how we have been socialized to behave, privilege, and why it not only enforces unhealthy power dynamics but also limits you personally. We will also investigate the ways we are guided by UU principles and how to turn them into action, plan and practice how to respond when you are called in or out, and how to do that for others. Learn in community about cancel culture, tone policing, radical love, and so much more. This course will be an opportunity to do some inner work, grow as a person, ask hard questions, and be a force for change in your congregation and beyond.

The training is open to all and includes opportunities for caucusing in racial groups. Scholarships for Aiming for Allyship are available and reserved for DRUUMM members; please request by Tuesday, March 4.

Register for Aiming for Allyship


2025 CROP Hunger Walk

On Sunday, March 2nd, First UUs and friends will gather with others in our community to fight hunger both at home and around the world. Join the First UU team as a walker and/or donor for the Austin CROP Hunger Walk, which will be held at Camp Mabry.

We will gather at 2:00 p.m., the step-off will be at 2:30 p.m. and the route is accessible for wheelchairs and strollers. Check out our webpage to join the team or donate; visit the Social Action table in Howson Hall for more information on walking, donating, or both; or contact Emily Speight at with questions. The local beneficiaries of this year’s walk are the Central Texas Food Bank, Casa Marianella, Micah 6 of Austin, iACT for Refugees, Hope Food Pantry, Faith Food Pantry, and Urban Roots.

Together we will continue to fight against disease, disaster, displacement and other challenges that leave people hungry. Join with us as we raise funds to help neighbors near and far get the meals they need for today and sustainable food security for tomorrow!

Next Path to Membership Class – March 22, 2025

For new visitors wishing to become members, the next Path to Membership Class will be taking place in Howson Hall on Saturday March 22nd at 9 am
Breakfast will be available and childcare can be provided upon request. 
Registering on Church Center is helpful, but you will not be turned away if you have not done so. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to become a member and sign the book, please reach out to Aubrey at and arrangements can be made.
Keep in mind that being a member is a requirement to vote for our new settled minister and this is the last class before the vote.

SWUUWCon 2025 at Houston Hilton NASA


March 21-23, 2025

“Sacred Spaces Sacred Places”

Registration is open!

Join us for the SouthWest UU Women annual conference at the Houston Hilton NASA in Clear Lake, Texas.

The conference begins with an opening on Friday and continues through Sunday.  Your registration includes access to all the workshops and vendors, and lunch and dinner on Saturday.  

There are twelve fascinating workshops which will address our Sacred Spaces and Sacred Places in a variety of ways.  Workshops will illustrate spiritual connections to the sacred within and around us through appreciation of the universe, of nature, of pilgrimages, of futuristic tools, and of artistic perspectives.  Small group ministries and social justice initiatives will show ways to appreciate and enhance the sacred spaces in our lives.

With so many interesting workshops, you will have difficulty deciding on just three!  Space is limited, so make sure to register early to be assigned to your favorite workshop.

Do you like to shop?  We will have your favorite vendors back this year, as well as new local talent.

After a Gala Saturday dinner, enjoy dancing and singing to music provided by a professional DJ – who also enjoys facilitating karaoke.

Registration is open until March 7, 2025 at $250.

Rooms for the Hilton SWUUW Conference Block can be reserved now.  The cost is reasonable: $139/night, taxes to be paid when you check into the Houston Hilton NASA Hotel. Reserve Here.


Celeste Kennedy,

SWUUW 2024-25 Board President

SWUUW is a non-profit organization that supports social justice issues, leadership development and learning; explores feminist theology, promotes friendships and celebrates the diversities that make us unique women on our individual spiritual paths.

Register at



The Keynote Speaker will be Catherine Vance, Intern Minister at Galveston Fellowship.  Catherine is also an author. Her book “Mountains Under Her Feet”, recounts the stories of strong women over generations in Tennessee.  

Our Chaplain will be the Rev. Katie McQuage-Loukas the newly called and settled minister of Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church.

Joy for Justice

Another legislative session starts in January 2025 and it can be hard for UUs to get through this season without feeling discouraged. Yet one of the ways we give up our power is by letting hopeless take over. Join UU seminary student AJ Juraska on Sunday, January 12th from 1 – 2:30 p.m. at the church in room 13 to learn ways to not only survive but thrive while doing justice work. If you are burnt out or worried you will be, this workshop is for you! Register in Church Center to join us!

January Monthly Service Offering- TXUUJM

The Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry (TXUUJM) is our UU state action network, which brings 40 UU congregations and justice partners together from around the state, online and in person, to bring UU values and voices to the public square. We know Texas needs that — and we know what happens in Texas doesn’t just stay in Texas either! TXUUJM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit led by Executive Director Rev. Erin Walter and also including Intern Minister Bis Thornton, a First UU member.

Since 2012, TXUUJM has also been organizing and educating UUs around crucial issues, from trans inclusion to democracy, all year long. TXUUJM is part of the nationwide Coalition of UU State Action Networks (CUUSAN) and the Teach the Truth Coalition, which advocates from schools board to the State Board of Education to the Legislature for accurate and inclusive curriculum, public school funding, and the separation of church and state. 

Every Thursday night in Zoom Action Hour, TXUUJM members take action together around climate, immigration, the death penalty, and more. 

TXUUJM is a grassroots justice nonprofit made possible by people power and the generosity of congregational dues and individual donations. By sharing the plate, we join with fellow UUs around the state in the lifelong work of Bending Texas Toward Justice.

At First UU, we are the justice ministry — a founding congregation and the largest UU congregation in the capital city. TXUUJM cannot do this work without us – without you. Thank you for making First UU’s generous support of TXUUJM possible!

January Public Affairs Forum

James Harrington – Civil Rights Attorney

Public Affairs Forum – January 12, 2025

An ordained Episcopalial Priest, James Harringtonis has fought all of his adult life for the rights and lives of marginalized people.
From 1973 to 1990 he worked for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as an attorney and established what became the Texas Civil Rights Project where he focused on racial justice issues. He worked closely with Cesar Chazez and the United Farm Workers, along with other groups.  He retired in 2015 and became an ordained Episcopalian Priest, serving as Director of Proyecto Santiago based out of St. James Episcopal Church here in Austin.
He remains an active advocate for civil rights for all people.

Next Path to Membership Class

For new visitors wishing to become members, the next Path to Membership Class will be taking place in Howson Hall on Saturday November the 16th at 9 am. 
Breakfast will be available and childcare can be provided upon request. 
Registering on Church Center is helpful, but you will not be turned away if you have not done so. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to become a member and sign the book, please reach out to Aubrey at and arrangements can be made.
Keep in mind that being a member is a requirement to vote for our new settled minister.
QR code to register for the class on Church Center:

Join Our Regular Monthly Climate Crisis Meeting

The First UU Green Sanctuary Committee will join the Sierra Club Climate Crisis Committee on Tuesday, November 5th, at its regular monthly meeting. We will have a potluck, as usual, starting at 6:30 pm. This will be an early election results party for results up to 8:30 pm. This should show the current returns and trends for most of the eastern states and for much of the Central Time Zone states. We will also see the very early results from the Mountain Time Zone. We will celebrate our volunteer election work and play a few election/party games. Victoria will also present a few tips on handling grief for those whose candidate loses (which you can pass on to your Trump friends).

The presidential race will not be declared Tuesday. Even if someone won in a landslide, they wouldn’t call it until the states in the West closed their polls. Most other close races will not be declared until late that night. But we can see some returns, share some community time, and hopefully have some fun.

Dia de los Muertos Alter Coming to First UU

Expect to see a Dia de los Muertos Altar at First UU in the foyer outside the sanctuary when you arrive for services Sunday, November 3rd, compliments of Austin Sanctuary Network. Some ASN members can’t return to their homeland to honor their ancestors where they were buried to follow the traditions of their communities.

The ceremony will start at 2 p.m. that Sunday to honor loved ones who’ve passed away and UUs are welcome to bring a photo of your loved ones, who you’d like to honor, if you want to join us for the ceremony. ASN will provide simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and English. After the ceremony, we’ll gather in Howson Hall for a potluck of dishes our loved ones enjoyed most during their lives. For more info and to tell us if you plan to attend the ceremony please email Peggy at