February 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

FUUCA Board of Trustees

Meeting date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Location: FUUCA

Agenda: 1. Committee business

1.1. Call to Order

1.2. Board Covenant

1.3. Process Evaluation

1.4. Consent Agenda Resolution #:

1.5. Adopt Agenda Resolution #:

3.1. Board Activity Timeline

There are a large number of important board activities coming up March-May. Brendan will guide us through the forest of dates.

3.2. Fiscal Year 2010 Recap Sean Hale / 10 min

3.3. Update on DRE and VC hiring process Ed Brock / Ed will give an update on where we are in the process of finding suitable candidates for the Director of

Religious Education and the Volunteer Coordinator positions.

3.4. Report on progress toward an internal audit

3.5. Governance Task Force Reports and Exercise

3.6. Linkage updates

3.7. Break

3.8. Policy Approval

3.9. By-laws revisions

3.10. Executive Session

4. Committee business

4.1. Process Evaluation

4.2. Board-Executive Team Covenant Reading

Winter 2011 Congregational Meeting, Jan. 16

Please attend the January 16, 2011 Congregational Meeting at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary! Childcare may be arranged by sending an email to .

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting: