
© Brian Ferguson

 September 14, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.


I invite you to join me now into a time of prayer.

Spirit of this Community, in which we find strength and common purpose,

we turn our minds and hearts toward one another

seeking to bring into our circle of concern

all who need our love and support:

those who are ill,

those who are in pain, whether in body or in spirit,

those who are lonely,

those who have been wronged.

Our thoughts go to those living lives of hardship throughout our world, we think especially today of

Our neighbors on the Texas coast and the Caribbean Islands who have suffered due to the recent Hurricane.

May they all find the strength to rebuild their lives.

We think of all in our world who live with violence as part of their everyday lives:

we pray that they may find peace soon.

We are part of a web of life that makes us one with all humanity,

one with all the universe.

We are grateful for the miracle of consciousness which we share,

the consciousness that gives us the power to remember,

to forgive,

to change,

to cry,

to love,

to learn,

to hope,

to care,

to heal.

May we all find healing and hope at this time.



Our invocation at the beginning of service states this is a time for questions more profound than answers. Good questions can help us expand our world view and give us insights into our human condition. Not so profound questions can also provide insights, usually into the condition of the questioner. A couple of years ago I was asked “Why was I born in Scotland?” I was confused by the question and after some thought I answered. “I was young at the time and I wanted to be close to my mother.” Maybe this is a good example of a question being more profound than the answer.

I found it strange to be asked about an attribute of mine over which I had no control. Having responsibility for our actions assumes we have some control over them. Not really the case with our own birth. Yet through the use of stereotypes we often make assumptions about others based on factors over which they have no control such as gender, region of origin, cultural background, race, or class. I think my questioner was trying to gain some understanding of my country of origin, an area with which he had no familiarity. I sympathize. I sometimes struggle to relate to people from different cultural backgrounds and fall back on stereotypes to relate to an individual.

One author says “One reason for stereotypes is the lack of personal, concrete familiarity that individuals have with persons in other racial or ethnic groups. Lack of familiarity encourages the lumping together of unknown individuals.” Stereotypes can be a useful but limiting way of relating to people different from us. Useful in allowing us to categorize and organize the many people we meet but limiting in the generalizations and projections we make onto those people. Generalizations become most problematic when we make judgments or form values based on them.

I sometimes feel that people are like icebergs – there is 10% above the water is what we really know of the person from our actual encounter with them. The other 90% of the person is hidden from us and we make up by projecting onto the person stereotypes from the group we feel they closest match or even just from people they remind us of. Stereotyping attempts to assume everyone within a particular group is similar because of one common attribute such as color of skin, primary language spoken, or financial well being. Such over-simplifications fail to capture the complexity of individuals and groups but stereotypes are not about the truth. They play into our conscious and unconscious prejudices, often simplifying what really are complex relationships and resulting in uninformed judgments of others. It is convenient for us to make decisions based on stereotypes because they help us generalize about groups we know little about.

Once we have a stereotype of a person or a group then we can find the examples that reinforce the stereotype and it can become our truth. This makes it hard for us to change our mind about someone or for us to recognize the changes others undertake in themselves. We resist letting facts get in the way of our opinions and we constrain others with a generalized image of them. Yet if we really seek the truth then we must be open to change our views. A great promise of Liberal Religion is the ability to change as our understanding widens and knowledge deepens. Our beliefs are open to change and the truth we seek is really just the best world view we have at the present time and will be enriched by the world as we experience it.

Stereotypes are created for a reason. I believe the purpose of many stereotypes is to justify the privileged status of an insider group based on some common attribute and stigmatize the outsider group as somehow responsible for their own lesser status. Those most marginalized in our society because of poverty, color of skin, gender, or sexuality are most likely to have their individuality and identity limited or distorted by a group identity. Stereotypes of marginalized groups arise to justify their lower status in society with the reason for their lower status somehow being that groups own fault. For example, the poor are poor because of laziness and desire not to work rather than other reasons such as prejudice, simple misfortune or an unfair economic system.

I remember getting a rude awakening to my own stereotyping of others while serving breakfast in a homeless shelter. I noticed a number of the men wearing work uniforms for some very well known companies. I was surprised by this. In closer observation of other men, I noticed they were grooming themselves and rushing out the shelter much like many of us do when late for work. Many of these homeless men had jobs. I realized that my stereotyping was that homelessness was synonymous with unemployment. For some, being homeless is synonymous with joblessness for many it is not. I wonder if the workmates of the working homeless know about the housing situation of their colleagues or is that part of the 90% of the iceberg that we do not know about others.

This type of disconnection or separation between people goes against what I see at the core of liberal religion. Liberal religion strives for greater inclusion and connection between all people while recognizing the contribution each individual life makes to the fabric of our religious community. Each individual life contributes a unique story and the difference between our own story and the stories of others helps us grow our understanding of the human condition in all its complexity. I believe that diversity of religious thought and a variety of life experience is a source of spiritual growth for us. We learn much more from our differences than our similarities yet our differences can also separate us from each other. This tension with difference both being the source of our growth and a source of separation is a struggle for us within liberal religion.

In the reading that Jim read earlier we heard the author Jesus Colon struggle with whether he should help the woman with the children. He knew the right thing to do, to help her, but was concerned about how it would be perceived for a black-skinned, Puerto Rican man to help a white woman. He was aware of the potential prejudices that the woman COULD have, prejudices based on the stereotypes of the day. Would she think he was being too familiar or threatening her? Would her children be frightened of him?

The author, Jesus Colon, chose not to help her and says “I failed myself. I buried my courtesy early on Memorial Day morning.” I believe he felt that through his own actions and human separation he lost an important part of his own humanity. There is such a broken human connection when one is fearful even of offering help, not asking for directions or asking for money or even just casual conversation – but to offer help to someone he perceived needed it. He resolves next time he will do what is right regardless of how it is perceived. Jesus’s experience occurred in the mid-1950s yet much of what he says still resonates with me today.

I know that I often second guess my own behavior because of how it will be perceived by people particularly people of a different gender, age, race, or cultural background. A childhood female friend of mine said to me many years ago “Brian you have to realize how intimidating you can be to people because of your height, of course you are only intimidating until you start talking.” I guess there will be no fire and brimstone sermons from this preacher – pity. I remember being quite shocked when she told me about how I could be intimidating and that self-awareness has stayed with me. That perception of myself does affect the way I interact with others.

I would imagine most of us here today can think of characteristics of ourselves that we are aware of when interacting with others. Some aspects become more dominant when we are dealing with those different from us – often gender, race, class, or power differentials between people can change how people perceive themselves and the other. I became most aware of how those from marginalized groups can perceive of themselves in stereotypical and limited ways by an experience I had at the San Francisco Unitarian Universalist church.

I met Nathan Cistone on his first day visiting our San Francisco church. I was the first person who spoke to him at the church and we talked for about a half hour. I must have been behaving myself (or very quiet), since Nathan came back and became very involved in our religious community. Nathan and I became close friends. He was bright, funny, and kind-hearted. Prior to knowing Nathan I had no friends who were transgender. Occasionally we would discuss his struggles as a person who is transgender and how he had become estranged from his parents four years previously as they struggled to accept Nathan’s desire for others to recognize him as a man.

Nathan found a welcoming home in our church and was popular with many. One day I approached him about becoming a worship associate which involved co-leading worship. He resisted asking “Do you think people would be okay having a transgender person leading worship, or do you have an ulterior motive and are asking me because I am transgender?” I understood his concern, and replied, “I’m asking you because I think you are bright and articulate but I do have an ulterior motive. I’m 41 years old and do not want to be the youngest worship associate here, so I want a 26 year-old like you.” Nathan’s hearty laughter quickly subsided into tears. I was confused and asked what was wrong. Still sobbing, he explained, “Nothing is wrong. That is what I love about this church, people see me as a whole person, sometimes I need to be reminded of my own complete humanity.” This was a revelation for me to see how one marginalized aspect of a person’s identity came to dominate their own view of themselves. We often need to be reminded by others of our own worthiness and wholeness as people regardless of some specific identity.

I think this was Jesus Colon’s struggle in the earlier story, he could not see past his identity as a black, Puerto Rican. This is understandable given the history of racism and persecution that blacks and Puerto Ricans have experienced in North America. This sensitivity to one’s own identity was probably a healthy self-preservation mechanism but as demonstrated in the story so limiting to human connection. My friend Nathan was fortunate in finding a community that could help remind him of his wholeness as a person and allow him to embrace his full humanity. Some of us here today I would imagine feel the same about this religious community in Austin.

The San Francisco Unitarian Universalist community was also blessed and transformed by Nathan’s humanity and this became all too sadly clear to me about six months after the conversation I just described. On September 28th 2004, at the age of 27, Nathan died in a car accident. This occurred about a week after he and his mother had re-established their relationship after several years of estrangement. The Sunday after Nathan’s death he was supposed to give a reflection at the worship service in the San Francisco church. The minister asked me and two other friends of Nathan’s to read his reflection during the service. There was a sense of disbelief amongst everyone present. Despite the solemnity of the occasion we could not suppress the optimism of his words. It was a difficult and profound experience. I left the service sad but uplifted by the community support and Nathan’s optimistic outlook despite the adversity he had faced in his life.

After the service I read the newspaper report of his death. I remember feeling my heart sink as the last sentence of the article said the coroner had identified Nathan as a woman. I was angry that even in death his desire to be who he wanted to be, who he believed he was, being denied. My relationship with and affection for Nathan was so strong that I was hurt by the denial of his identity. This shows me the transcendent power of a relationship where people can bring all aspects of their full humanity including their differences and uniqueness. This is transforming to all involved, both individuals and community. I know it was true for me, and I believe it was true for Nathan and many members of the San Francisco church.

I think this shows the great promise of liberal religion with its drive towards inclusiveness and not only acceptance but an embracing of various identities. At our best we enable all members of community to embrace their fuller humanity beyond restrictive stereotypes and prejudices common in the wider society. Our religious community benefits from the diverse range of experiences and identities people bring into our community. I know my relationship with Nathan forever changed my understanding of and compassion for people who are transgender or struggling with their own gender identity.

Historically both the Unitarian and Universalist movements have sought greater inclusion of people in all aspects of our movement. Women in many religious denominations have had a major role in lay leadership and that continues today but that is not true of ordained leadership. Universalist Olympia Brown was the first woman ordained into ministry in North America and this happened in 1863. In the late 19th century Unitarians had ordained twenty-three women. During much of the 20th century leadership in the Unitarian movement actively blocked and discouraged women from ordained ministry.

After the merger of the Unitarians and the Universalists only about 2% of our ministers were women as late as 1970. Reflecting the greater equality women have elsewhere in our society, today there are more women actively serving as Unitarian Universalist ministers than men. So if you want a stereotype of a Unitarian Universalist minister today is it would be woman not a man. I believe that the struggles women have had for equality can only enrich the ministries within our movement. While women ministers may be common in Unitarian Universalism we should not forget that many religious movements in the United States women are a small minority or not allowed in ordained ministry.

Another example of our Liberal religious drive for inclusion within the Unitarian Universalist movement has been the acceptance and support of gays and lesbians. This includes many openly gay ministers serving without controversy in contrast to other denominations. Yet I still feel there is work for us to do in this area. I was very surprised to read a recent survey conducted within a Unitarian Universalist church in the San Francisco Bay area where 25% of the congregation expressed concerns about potentially calling a gay minister. This situation gets further complicated when one considers the same congregation a year later called a gay minister with a 94% vote in favor.

In thinking about these two apparently contradicting facts I wonder if there was some stereotype of a gay minister at work here such that 25% of a congregation felt troubled by the idea. When a gay person was proposed as the minister for the church people were able to see the individual minister beyond a gay stereotype. While this can sound a hopeful example of transcending stereotypes I wonder if a different gay ministerial candidate could overcome the same prejudice. This suggests to me that we still have work to breakdown stereotypes since I can’t imagine 25% of a congregation saying they would be concerned about a heterosexual stereotype.

This shows the struggle we have with stereotypes. When a person comes from a group we are familiar with or we perceive as “more like us” then we see them more as an individual but I suspect we still project much of our own values onto them. When a person comes from a group we perceive to be different from ourselves then we are much more likely to stereotype an individual with properties of a group, properties that have nothing to do with the individual themselves. This can be a problem since most stereotypes are negative.

So how does liberal religion guide us to respond to the limited perspective demonstrated by stereotypes. I believe our striving for inclusion of people with differing beliefs and life experiences is fundamental to overcoming the prejudices created by stereotypes. One of the defining characteristics of Liberal Religion is that we are non-creedal, where we do not have to profess a shared belief to be part of this community. This allows an openness of religious and personal expression within our communities and creates a place where through honest and open interactions spiritual growth of individuals and our community can occur.

Our differences are our strength. Similarity leads to conformity – conformity of religious views, conformity of societal norms, conformity of a patriarchal culture, conformity of political orthodoxy, and conformity of what it means to human and fully alive. The difference that comes from a diversity of opinions, histories, cultural background, class, gender, and race leads us to wrestle with questions that are more profound than answers. A seeking that helps us to grow our soul a little each time we struggle to live to our highest ideals. In serving our highest ideals we seek to understand the struggles of those who are different from us.

In serving our highest ideals we seek to overcome our own biases and prejudices as we honestly encounter the individuality of people different from us. In serving our highest ideals we accept that we are capable of great service to others even as we are imperfect in our relationship them.

The encounter with difference is the great promise of our Liberal Religious community. Our honest, humble, and compassionate response to this encounter helps us to transcend the stereotypes of others and ourselves. In doing so we connect more fully with our own humanity and the humanity of others, this I believe is how best we can bless our world. I believe Jesus Colon connected with himself in the story we heard earlier when he promised to offer his help regardless how it would be perceived. I believe my friend Nathan connected with his own wholeness as a person when he realized others viewed him as more than a person who was transgender. I believe I am most complete and whole when I am serving others in the cause of higher ideals. I leave you with this question when do you feel most alive and whole as a person? When we live in our actions the answer to that question we are blessing and enriching our world.


Hurst, Charles E. Social Inequality: Forms, Causes, and Consequences. (Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007) p.6

Colon, Jesus. Little Things Are Big (accessed September 8th, 2008)

Wright, Conrad. A Stream of Light: A Short History of Unitarian Universalism (Boston, MA:UUA, 1989) p.100

Bryce, David. Looking Back – Unitarianism and Women, Part 2 (accessed September 9th, 2008)

Unitarian Universalist Association. Women, Gender Equality, & Family (accessed September 8th, 2008)


© Davidson Loehr

 7 September 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.


We give thanks for life and truth, and are grateful when they find us. The kind of light that can heal comes in so many forms, from so many directions. It may be that the best way to live is with the kind of openness and trust that seems so much easier for children than for adults.

When the man Jesus pointed to small children and said we must be like them if we are to enter the kingdom of God, it was a deep truth that transcended even him, and was rooted in the deepest nature of life itself.

Let us not think that religion is about swooning to the sound of heavenly words or music. It’s about coming alive in a deep and fulfilling way. Living well is more than “the best revenge” – it’s also the best religion. And it’s what generates the heavenly music, not the other way around.

Let us give thanks when we are found by the kind of truth that can set us free and make us feel more whole.

And let us try to be vehicles of that kind of truth and healing for the parts of our world that touch our heads and hearts. Those in our larger world need us, just as we need them, for we really are all in this together. And for that too we give thanks. Amen.

SERMON: Covenants

“Covenant” is a weird word. In 22 years, I’ve never preached on it, seldom used it, and get suspicious of people who throw it around like it’s something of which all really cool people should have one.

So after deciding to bring it to you as a Sunday theme, I had to try and understand it well enough to know why I think it’s worth your time to hear about it in a sermon. For me, that meant trying to learn a wide variety of covenants, both from religion and from real life, because I think the more ways we can say something, the better the chances are that we actually know what we’re talking about.

So let me start with you the way I started with myself – by talking about a lot of different kinds of covenants, so the pattern and feel of what this weird word means might come alive from several different directions. It’s actually about something pretty important, and not at all confined to religion.

One of the classic statements is from the Bible, from the book of Joshua, where the writer says that you can serve any god you choose, then ends with the famous line, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

Another is the famous statement of Martin Luther’s, when he decided he had to serve a different definition and style of God than the Roman Catholic Church had served for almost 1500 years, when he said, “Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen.” As I said last week, this wasn’t long before he had to hide out for a year and a half because the Church wanted to kill him. But he was sustained in his hiding out by the new faith to which he had given himself heart, mind and soul.

Probably the most detailed and demanding example is in the religion of Islam. We are in their most sacred month, the month of Ramadan, when Muslims are expected to fast during the day for a whole month, as an exercise in spiritual purification. But in addition, there are four other Pillars of Islam, expected of all. They are required to profess their faith, do the ritual prayers that occur five times a day, pay a percentage of their income each year to benefit the poor – the poor can demand this! – and at some time in their life, make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Those are all pretty dramatic. But the idea of being possessed by an idea or a cause that gives you life is not just something that happens in organized religions.

I’m a member of a local group of former military officers. It was started by a retired Air Force general I know, and most of the officers were Colonels or generals. I’m the token former Lieutenant, and the token minister. What I like most about it is the deep and powerful covenant these men made with the oath they took as officers, and how much that oath still empowers them. For the past few years, they have been mailing letters to the very highest level military commanders, some of whom they know personally, reminding them that this oath was to uphold the Constitution, not support a President who has violated his office by launching an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, and systematically destroying the freedoms and civil liberties at home that these soldiers had once believed they were fighting to protect. “We have a sacred duty to uphold the Constitution,” they will say, “and we have all devoted our lives to that duty.” That’s a covenant, a very powerful one. At one time or other, most of these men have risked their lives on behalf of that covenant.

It doesn’t have to be that dramatic. The three banners we have hanging up on the front wall are inviting a kind of covenant (TO COME ALIVE, TO SEEK TRUTH, TO HEAL OUR WORLD). It is the covenant of people in almost every religion I know of, anywhere on earth. Is there a religion anywhere whose people don’t believe they are there to seek the kind of truth that can set them free, help them come move alive, and help heal themselves, their relationships with others, and whatever parts of their world they can touch? It’s very close to the definition of what it means to be religious, or just to be serious about life. And taking it seriously, giving ourselves to it, is a covenant that can be as binding as a General’s oath to uphold the Constitution, or Martin Luther’s saying “Here I stand. I can do no other.”

The banners and liturgical candles beneath them are reminders. Banners point to the lights because those ideals can each open us to kinds of light we need. The lights point to the banners, because we need to be lit up by plugging into only the highest ideals, and letting them take possession of us like the angels of our better nature.

The story of Androcles and the Lion also shows a kind of covenant. (I told this as the children’s Storytime at the beginning of this service.) It’s a very old story. Ancient sources insist that it is a true story, told by someone who witnessed the scene in the arena. It comes from Aesop’s Fables, and Aesop lived 2500 years ago, about the same time the Buddha lived. Androcles’ covenant was with Life. The lion was just the form of life that needed his help. It could have been a dog, a cat or a child, it happened to be a lion. The lion’s covenant was simpler. It was just with Androcles, who had probably saved his life.

And that wonderful ten-word statement of the spirit of liberal religion in the Bible that I read you last week is also inviting you into a covenant: “Examine everything carefully. Hold fast to what is good.” (I Thessalonians 5:21).

I don’t want to push the examples and metaphors for this too far, but I’ll try another. If life were an automobile, the covenant would be the transmission. It is how we get the power transferred to us, how we assimilate, incarnate, the promised power of religion. Every commitment with consequences comes from a covenant.

Now not all covenants are good. Not all gods are good, and not all gods give life to us. Some drain it from us in the name of lower and more selfish aims. After all, Mafia members also have a covenant. So do those conspiring to commit a crime. Corporations that punish whistle-blowers are saying that the whistle-blowers violated an implied covenant to put the corporation above all other considerations, including truth, justice and safety. But one of the most hopeful facts of life is that most of us can tell the difference between coming alive and selling out, and we know it very early in life.

I’ve been reading some fantasy series written for young people this summer, and It’s interesting how often this idea of serving high ideals with your life comes up, and kids understand it almost intuitively, I think. One series of books was by Rick Riordan (Ryer-den, rhymes with “fire”), four volumes on Percy Jackson and the Olympians, all based in the ancient Greek myths, and a wonderful retelling of them. The children are called half-bloods, meaning half human, but also the sons and daughters of the Greek gods, and so they have the nature of their divine parents, and you can predict how they’ll act and what they’ll be passionate about.

I know you’re getting what this is about. It is really about a fundamental concept in religion and life: the question of what are we serving, and whether it gives us life, whether it and we are a blessing to ourselves and others.

Here’s another example that may not sound at all like a covenant. My undergraduate degree was in music theory from the University of Michigan, and I still remember a remark from a lecture in composition, about the French Impressionist composer Maurice Ravel, who wrote “Bolero” but also a lot of more complex stuff, and was regarded as perhaps the greatest orchestrator of the 20th Century. The line that stayed with me came when the professor said the most remarkable thing about Ravel was that he never published a bad piece of music. He wrote some, of course – even the best composers write some bad music. But he destroyed it before he died. He never published a bad piece of music because the idea of it violated something that seemed sacred to Ravel: only to serve the muses at the highest level possible to him, nothing less.

As I’ve reflected on it over the years, I’ve thought this really makes Ravel a lot like a saint, one of those people way more perfect than we’d ever aspire to be. We don’t hear stories of saints being really nasty, rude, cruel, or selling out to a lobbyist. I don’t know how they were in real life, but the image created of them by those who told and edited their stories was an image of someone living a nearly perfect life. That’s how Ravel was like a saint. Living the live of a perfect composer who never published a bad piece of music, no matter what the market demanded of him – and you know the market clamored for more pieces like “Bolero” (which Ravel once described as eight minutes of orchestration without music).

When you come here on Sunday, you know that I, Brian Ferguson our ministerial intern, all of our paid and unpaid musicians, our lay leaders, greeters and ushers will always be trying to serve the highest ideals we can. If you’ve been coming here for awhile, you know this, but It’s worth saying out loud from time to time. we’re serious about the time we all spend together here, because we have made a covenant with high religious ideals, high musical ideals, a covenant to serve the truths that can make us more whole, help us come more alive, help us heal ourselves and those others in our world whose lives we touch. That is as sacred as it gets, and that’s what we’re here to serve, every week.

Every week, you know this is a room where you can come to hear inspiring and challenging words. If theyre more challenging than inspiring, they may not always be comfortable. But if we’re doing our job, they will always be about coming alive, seeking truth and healing our world rather than hearing about outsourcing, downsizing, maximizing profit for stockholders, winning through intimidation or learning how to swim with the sharks, as though that wouldn’t just turn us into sharks, while outsourcing our souls.

This church, like all sanctuaries, is committed to being a nourishing place to dream of making better music with our lives, and protecting the dreamers. It is a place, and these worship services are homes, where we can dream in peace together – dreams of finding and being converted by the kinds of truths that can help us become more free and whole, filled to overflowing with life, so the world around us might be nourished by the overflow.

The goal of all this seems to be to live as Ravel did his music, only publishing the best. To the extent that we can pull it off, It’s pretty admirable.

What if the children’s author Rick Riordan and the composer Ravel are right? What if we are all half-divine, called to find that higher voice, those angels of our better nature, the healing kind of harmony, let it get inside our souls and shape us in its image? What if all the works we published in our lives had the mark of that kind of excellent spirit? We’d be eligible for sainthood, for one thing.

Here’s another way of putting this. you’re going through your life, wandering around a bit. You see this church, but you think, “Oh, that’s religion, and I don’t trust it. It isn’t honest. I know religion, and it isn’t honest.” Then you come in, hang around and listen for a bit, and you think, Oh well, I get this. It’s just ideas, abstract ideals and values, like reading philosophy books. I get it. Well, that was interesting. Ho hum.” Then one day – it can happen at any time – you become aware of a large sort of animal near you who is suffering. It’s a thorn of some kind stuck into it, a big painful thing. The animal needs your help. You’ve learned about suffering, and truth, and life, and know that even you can help alleviate suffering. It’s a little scary, but you find some courage – maybe it comes from realizing that after all you are half divine, and you call on the power and courage of that god or goddess who’s always been with you as part of your soul. So you do it. In spite of some fear, you pull out the thorn in this animal’s foot. You do it perhaps not because you cared so much for this one suffering animal, but you have learned to care for life, and this potentially powerful creature is very much alive. You heal it. It is only afterwards, when you begin to notice how much more easily and lightly you are walking, that you realize the animal, all along, was really you.

And this life-changing little drama has a sound track. It’s accompanied by a choir of the better angels of our nature, singing some of the most beautiful music ever published.

To Come Alive

© Davidson Loehr

 August 31, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.


When we are tempted to get carried away with how special we are – so much more special than everyone else – let us remember that the words “humanity” and “humility” have the same root.

If a self-absorbed arrogance blocks us from growing into our fuller humanity, we may have better luck along the path of a more selfless humility that leaves room for the larger world to find its way into us.

Wherever we build walls of self-righteousness, we exclude ourselves from participating in a world that is larger and usually more blessed than all our little fossilized certainties.

One of the most profound ironies of life is the fact that we don’t become bigger by exalting ourselves, but by finding our calling as small parts of a much larger reality.

Another of life’s delicious ironies is that humility enlarges us more than hubris, embracing differences makes us better people than demanding similarity, just as the willingness to understand another shows that we are more highly evolved than the eagerness to judge them.

We pray for greater humility, understanding and compassion. For those are among the spiritual vulnerabilities that truly are more powerful than tight little strengths.

Our world desperately needs people who can become more fully human. We pray for the humility to become one of them. Amen.

SERMON: To Come Alive

We gather here to pursue the promises of honest religion: to come alive, to seek truth, and to heal our world. We’re here in search of that special kind of light that has always been at the center of nearly all religions. It is the light that lives in words like enlightenment, spiritual illumination, and that halo that medieval painters used to put around the heads of all the saints. One of religion’s two most enduring questions is “Where are you hurting?” The other is who and what is that religious light, that religious truth, meant to serve? And those two questions are deeply intertwined.

Most of the sermons this fall are planned to help us all find a more informed and more commanding connection to our several religious traditions. We are religious liberals, our style of worship here has been heavily influenced by the Protestant Reformation (whether we’re Christians or not), and some of our most important beliefs – of which you may not even be aware – have been shaped by the best Unitarian thinkers of the early 19th century. Our religious heritage has several levels, and I think you will resonate with each of them. They are all like successive incarnations of the spirit of honest religion, the spirit of liberal and liberating religion, the search for the kind of truth that makes us come more alive, that helps us make ourselves and our world more integrated and authentic. That’s the gift of life that all religions are meant to offer, and at its best I think liberal religion does it best of all.

I’ve always like etymology, the study of the origin of words, because it can show us deeper meanings of ordinary words that we might otherwise overlook. For instance, the root of the word “liberal” is also the root of words like liberation and liberty, and it means “free.” In religion, it means free from the constraints of anyone’s orthodoxies, creeds, or salvation schemes that include them but not you. I”m not knocking salvation. It comes from Latin words meaning “to save,” but it’s also the root of our word “salve” – it’s about a healthy kind of wholeness. There is a salvation scheme that transcends all religions, that most of the wisdom literature in the world points to, that is as true and life-giving today as it was 4,000 years ago, in the first incarnation of the liberal spirit that we know of.

Today, I want to give you one kind of introduction to honest religion, liberal religion, and what it has involved since its first known appearance at the dawn of history. This is very broad, like flying over a continent pointing out what shows from six miles up. We’ll revisit some of these themes throughout the fall, both in sermons and in the adult education class our ministerial intern Brian Ferguson will be leading on Monday nights starting September 22nd. This is a class where you can read and hear what the influential Unitarian and Universalist thinkers wrote in the early 19th century. It’s a little sobering to realize that students preparing for the Unitarian ministry only have to read one essay each by a total of just three Unitarian writers, the most recent one dating to 1841. That sounds pretty paltry, and in some ways it is. But Unitarian thinkers have not contributed much of anything to mainstream Christian thought since then, because they have not been interested in mainstream Christian thought since then. But the new perspectives they brought in a century and a half ago are still profound, still life-giving, and still absolutely essential parts of how almost everyone here understands religion. This may surprise you, like that Voltaire character who was surprised late in life to learn that all his life he had been speaking prose, but it’s true. So one theme for this fall will be learning what it means to be both a liberal and a religious liberal.

How old is this spirit of honest religion, this spirit of liberal religion? It’s at least 4,700 years old, which makes it almost prehistoric. It is found in the oldest story in the world, the story of Gilgamesh, a real-life ruler who lived about 2750 BC, which makes it older than the Bible, older than the earliest Hindu writings, and more than 1500 years older than the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Gilgamesh story is also the source of the Flood story in the Bible, and the source of the myth about Noah and his ark. I’ve done a whole sermon on the Gilgamesh epic, and don’t want to repeat it except to show how powerfully it illustrates the spirit of liberal religion, that quest for the kind of light that is at the heart of spiritual illumination and religious enlightenment.

Those who wrote the story more than four millennia ago described their age as the “modern” age, which sounds impossible, when they didn’t even have wi-fi or TV dinners. But writing had just been invented right there in Sumeria, a hundred years earlier, so they saw all the pre-literate people as ancient, and themselves as modern. They knew writing had changed the world forever, for now history was born, and the past could always be present as never before. It gave them a kind of synoptic view of history that pre-literate people couldn’t have, so they saw themselves – rightly – as modern. And as modern people, they had the audacity to ask whether the gods were still useful, and they decided the gods were no longer relevant. This didn’t frighten or depress them. Instead, Gilgamesh decided that the purpose of life is right here among us. It is about living well, loving friends and family, building and contributing things to the future, and being enlarged by the joy and fullness brought through music and the other arts, and the enthusiastic participation in life.

In other words, they decided, more than 4700 years ago, that the purpose of life is to seek the kind of truth that makes you come more fully alive, and to participate passionately in the many opportunities and blessings life offers. Even that long ago, they grew beyond being interested in some tricky way to live on, whether through an afterlife or a reincarnation. The Buddhists, who wouldn’t appear for another 2200 years, would have said it was the kind of truth that could awaken us from our illusions.

That’s the liberal spirit in its earliest known incarnation: the spirit that will question and challenge and shrug off anything that no longer gives us the kind of truth that makes us come more alive. It is a very courageous spirit. It is also very disturbing. Imagine that – simply deciding the gods are no longer useful, and shrugging them off! I think the Gilgamesh story went farther and more boldly than all of the Bible-based religions that hadn’t even evolved yet.

When they did evolve, when the ancient Hebrew tribes put together their notion of God by combining Yahweh and the Elohim gods (“Elohim” is plural), and borrowing from other religions, they put together a God from which, in some important ways, we are still suffering. What I mean by that is that biblical scholars are clear that Yahweh evolved originally from a tribal chief, and has always kept much of the authoritarian character of that ancient tribal chief. The covenant between that God and his people was based on an earlier Hittite treaty between a ruler and his subjects. That’s the covenant – which I’ll talk more about next week – that says “I’ll be your ruler and you will be my people. I’ll protect you if you obey, and punish you if you disobey.” That’s the attitude that still lets Western believers move way too effortlessly to persecuting or murdering those who believe differently. It’s been harder to shrug that God off as irrelevant, because its followers may kill you for it – as many martyrs throughout history have discovered the hard and painful way.

But this liberal spirit that ranks getting right with truth higher than getting right with God, and coming alive higher than coming to Jesus – this is a dangerous spirit in all times and places. It believes that “New occasions teach new duties,” and that “Time makes ancient good uncouth.” Those are the words of 19th century poet James Russell Lowell, but Gilgamesh walked that talk more than four thousand years before him.

When Martin Luther, who started the Protestant Reformation nearly five hundred years ago, reincarnated that ancient liberal spirit, he threw out five of the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church, and said that informed believers trumped uninformed popes. So you can’t be too surprised to learn that he had to hide out for over a year because the Church had a contract out on him – the same kind of contract that the Ayatollah Khomeini had out on the novelist Salman Rushdie when Khomeini said it was the religious duty of Muslims to kill Rushdie because he had insulted old beliefs.

The liberal spirit is about freeing the light, liberating the light from the little cages we keep building for it through our creeds, orthodoxies and rituals. The Unitarian church I served before coming here, in St. Paul, MN, has a wonderful version of this message engraved on the outside of their building, with a picture of birds flying – the bird is a nearly universal symbol of the spirit. The words were by one of their ministers from half a century ago (Wallace Robbins) and say, “We dare not fence the spirit”. We dare not fence the spirit! There is the spirit of liberal religion in six short words.

There is a kind of eternal game in religions, between the liberal spirit and the conservative enclosures that keep trying to limit the light to only their own comfort, to fence the boundless energy of the Holy Spirit into the confines of their parochial certainties, the limits of their current orthodoxies and creeds.

Now I”m not going to keep singing the praises of that liberal spirit without stopping to attack it – well, if you believe in the liberal spirit, you have to attack it. Because here we come up against the catch in all of this wonderful and arrogant talk about freedom. Because when you read it this way, this liberal stuff can sound misleadingly heroic. It can sound like the point of criticism and inquiry is simply to shatter whatever beliefs people have erected to help them through their lives, as though destroying is a higher calling than creating, as though merely knowing some truths is more important than coming alive. That’s the seduction that liberals must avoid if they’re to be religious liberals. For finally, religion isn’t about knowing the right facts; it’s about coming alive. It isn’t about knowing truths; it’s about living them. It isn’t about preaching peace; it is, as the Buddhists say, about becoming the peace that we want. And that is so much harder!

The liberal spirit says that if we mouth second-hand beliefs, we’re living someone else’s life, which means there’s nobody left to live our life. But the spirit of religion says that if our beliefs are only about us, only serve us and our kind of people, then we’re serving something too small to give us life, too partial to be a truth that can help us become more whole, too limited to heal either ourselves or our world.

Another way of putting this is to return to the words I used in the first paragraph of this sermon. All of religion – meaning all of healthy, honest and adequate religion – can be boiled down to two questions. Yes, this is sort of the Cliff Notes version of Religion 101, but at one level it really is this simple and clear.

The first question is, “Where are you hurting?” Half of honest religion is seeking a path to lead us beyond our existential discomfort, our spiritual ennui, the sense that our lives could somehow be “more” and the longing for that “more”. We don’t need a flashlight for this; we need the kind of light that lives within illumination and enlightenment: that kind of light, that big. And absolutely nothing may stand in the way of our search for it. No orthodoxy, no creed, no belligerent beliefs forced on us by those who stopped their own search before they should have, and who are threatened by voices like old Gilgamesh’s that say their precious gods, creeds and rituals are irrelevant and useless. These are the voices that say time really can make ancient good uncouth. Not just wrong, but uncouth. The liberal spirit empowers us to barge through all obstacles in the way of finding the kind of truth that can set us free, make us feel more alive, and help us heal ourselves and our world.

But the second question – and I think this is the deepest and most easily overlooked question in all of religion – is “Who and what does the Light serve?” This truth we seek: what must it serve? To what must it bind us in order to be the kind of truth that can really grant us the kind of wholeness, aliveness and health we seek? The word “religion” means “reconnection.” It is about binding us to life-giving truths through a personal covenant – which is the subject of next week’s sermon.

But when we move to this second question, we are no longer in the realm of simplistic scientific or rational answers. Now we are in the realm of poetry, metaphor, and love-talk. And in love-talk, the answer is that the truth and the light must serve God. Even more than God. It must serve Life: all of life. The kind of truth that can help us come more fully alive originates within the life force – not within religious scriptures or communities – and must return us to that life force to complete the circle, and to bring us home again.

If it builds fences at the edges of our own comfortable beliefs, and excludes or damns those who believe differently, than we have found something too small to be worthy of our yearnings. If it divides the world into the saved and the damned – where we and those who think like us just happen to be among the saved – then we have hitched our wagon to a lie, rather than to a star. If the light we find starts becoming a little spotlight shining just on our face and telling us we – just we – are special, special, special, then we have been duped and seduced, and need to be awakened from our illusions.

There is a little passage in the Christian scriptures that sums this up in just ten words: “Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

Examine everything carefully – that’s the liberal spirit. Hold fast to that which is good – that’s the spirit of religion. And what is good – the light that is truly a light unto the world – is what connects us with truths that make us come alive, that help us heal ourselves and our world. You can call it what is good, what is of God, or what is sacred. We can only get at this sort of thing through symbols, metaphors, and love-talk.

That kind of light is the most ancient symbol of religion. We’ll light the light up here on our little ledge every week, as a symbol of that transcendence, illumination and enlightenment, to lift up and liberate the light that is the promise of honest religion. We’ll light a light every week. But it won’t always be the same. Today it’s just one flame. Next week there will be three flames, and three banners hanging above them. Then in a few weeks there will be some more feminine shapes for the candle bases instead of just these X shapes. At the end of September, there will be a family of five candles of different sizes and shapes, lit by a family of five of our church members. On the 12th of October there will be seven lights arranged like a four-foot wide menorah for a service on Atonement in harmony with the Jewish high holy days. A church member who is a rabbi will blow the shofar, the traditional ram’s horn – you don’t want to miss this – and I’ll try to find seven church members with Jewish backgrounds who would like to come up and light the seven flames. You get the idea. We want to liberate the light, to let it point in many directions, not just toward us. We dare not limit the light or fence the spirit, because in order to serve us well, that light and that spirit must serve all of life. We are cups of water from the ocean of life; we need to be reconnected with the ocean.

There is an aliveness in us that wants us to become whole and fulfilled. Call it our spirit, or the spirit of life within us, our Buddha-seed or our God-seed. It’s that spark of the infinite within us, the stardust that resides in every atom of our being. Sometimes we get frightened, or seduced, or bribed, or numbed by habit and conformity. We settle for smaller, second-hand identities. We become merely a man or a woman or an American or a Christian or a Muslim, merely a Unitarian or a University of Texas booster. You’ll find that distinction between small and large, first- and second-hand identities, preached by almost every good religious thinker in history, including the three 19th Century Unitarian preachers we’ll talk about later this fall.

To some extent, the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus is all of our stories – that’s why myths last for centuries, after all. He fell in love with his own reflection and was so entranced by it that he could no longer experience the huge world around him. We so easily go to sleep.

That’s why we gather here: to call forth the better angels of our nature, that they may kindly or rudely awaken us and beckon us back to the spirit of life, where we belong, where we can examine everything carefully, and hold fast to what is good. It’s that challenging combination that makes us both liberal, and religious. It’s a very good place to be.

To Love Alike

To Love Alike

© Aaron White

 August 17, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

I went to my culture asking in search for the meaning of love, and this is what I found: The film, Love Story, told me that “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” St. Paul told me that love is “patient” and “kind.” He said that “I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains – but if I have not love, I am nothing.” [1]

The other St. Paul, along with St. John, told me that “All you need is love.”

I found in one database 3,419 songs with “love” in the title, and only 124 with “work” in the title. [2]

I was told by others that love looked like diamonds or chocolate. Still, others told me that love looked like sex, or marriage, or friendship. Some say God is love. And yet, if I am to believe what I find in my newspaper’s comic strip section, Love Is apparently what happens between two strange looking naked people. I went to my culture asking in search for the meaning of love, and these are what I got: mixed messages!

It is not unusual for me to find in life that what causes religious reflection for me often comes from very unexpected sources. And this time, the main catalyst came from the television comedy, Scrubs. In one scene, the main character, J.D., is daydreaming about a visit to a friend’s church. I don’t remember too much about the scene, except that in ending the worship service, the very charismatic minister turns to the gathered congregation and says, “I love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

In our modern expression of Unitarian Universalism, I often hear us talk about some things as if they were inevitable – unavoidable. We talk about the inevitability of truth or sometimes the fact of an ever growing complexity and diversity in life. We speak of inevitable knowledge and understanding that comes with experience. But what I don’t often hear described as unavoidable, what I don’t often hear is talk of this type of irresistible love, one that would say, “I love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

However, running through the core of our tradition, deep within the DNA of our religious heritage, is the understanding that a profound, mature love has the power to break so many barriers. In 1568, the first (and only) Unitarian king in history, John Sigismund of Transylvania, enacted the first recorded law of religious toleration in a nation’s history. While this law included all varieties of the Christian religion only, it was a radical move at the time. He was counseled by his Unitarian court minister, Francis David, who is famously quoted as saying, “We need not think alike to love alike.” But what is it that we love?

Religious thinkers and practitioners, philosophers and scientists alike have been aware for many years that our identities are shaped to a great degree by what it is we hold dear, that we are transformed by what we love. The term “worship” derives its meaning from an older word meaning to give worth, to assign “worth-ship” to something. And at least this form of devotion, this love assigned to people, things, and ideas, seems inevitable in this life.

Our own Ralph Waldo Emerson famously noted, “A person will worship something – have no doubt about that. We may think that our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts – but it will out. That which dominates our imagination and our thoughts will determine our lives, and character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping, we are becoming.” [3]

The liberal Christian theologian Paul Tillich also noted for him how powerful and, sometimes how dangerous, this type of love can be. For Tillich, “idolatry” simply meant assigning our ultimate love, our “worth-ship,” to things that did not deserve it. In his assertion, everyone, even atheists, make gods out of things that do not deserve the title or the concern.

Our misplaced love can make gods out of money or power, can have us chasing after status or esteem; our highest loyalty and love can easily be paid to the shabby deities of a flag or tribe. Like Emerson and so many before him, he knew that as humans, we will worship something, but that our ultimate love should be directed toward the most ultimate things possible. What/whom is it that we love?

I know that in my own life, it is so easy to misdirect my love – to give ultimate attention to things that don’t ultimately deserve it. I know that I love my wife, my friends, and my family. I love my church, and I devote my love to the emergent, creative process in the universe that I call “God.”

But I am willing to bet that I am not the only person in this room today who has found that it is so tempting to fall in love with other things, too. Maybe it’s my ego – sometimes I fall in love with the idea of being right. I’ve found that it’s tempting to fall in love with possessions, a specific cause, to fall in love with one way of doing things, or even just being liked.

On the other side, it seems like it is also easy for us to fall into the trap of believing that we can tell WHO deserves love in this world and who doesn’t. I know that for me, personally, it is so simple for me to talk about a world in which all people deserve love, but it is a lot harder to live in that world.

I can get revved up on a Sunday morning, convinced that all creation is one big family, and then hours later turn on my television and thing some very unlovely thoughts about people who vote differently, think differently or spend their resources differently. It’s hard to live in that world where we don’t have to think alike “to love alike.”

Sometimes, things get tuned around such that we begin to wonder if we ourselves aren’t less deserving of love than others. I wonder if anyone else here has ever felt like they screwed up so bad that there was little chance of being liked, let alone deserving love? I know deep down that I’m never disconnected from the world, never cut off from what is sacred or an opportunity to grow in wholeness, but sometimes it’s very easy to feel as if I am disconnected.

This is certainly not a new issue in religion. We know that at least one branch of our Unitarian Universalist heritage was forged out of this question of who deserves real love, who deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the world, of the sacred, of God. Although there were certainly believers of Universalism before him, the minister John Murray is often credited as the “Father of American Universalism,” because he founded the first explicitly Universalist congregation in our country.

Murray and our other early Universalist Christian ancestors spread what they called the “doctrine of universal salvation,” the notion that no loving deity could possibly condemn one of its creations to eternal punishment. As you might imagine, in a time of much fire and brimstone preaching, this wasn’t always the easiest position to hold.

After one sermon in which Murray drew a lot of applause, one local orthodox minister, the Rev. Bacon, and some of his supporters left the worship space, “came back with some eggs, and started pelting Murray with them.”[4] For all of you who are fans of corny jokes and puns, you’ll be happy to know that the very witty Murray immediately responded that day, “These are moving arguments, but I must own that I have never been so fully treated to Bacon and eggs before in all my life.” [5]

In our historical heritage, there is a long-standing tradition of people who affirmed that while we are surely defined by what we love, we are equally defined and transformed by what loves us! It seems like a somewhat strange idea for us today. It was this notion of an irresistible love that brought into being one of the most influential figures in our movement that you’ve probably never heard of, or at least don’t hear much about lately.

In 1794, at the age of 22, Hosea Ballou was ordained at the Universalist General Convention without even knowing he was going to be ordained. This young Universalist minister, although he didn’t preach on this often, became Unitarian in his theology, and thus was one of the first true Unitarian-Universalists in our tradition. At the age of 33, Ballou wrote a text that is one of the most influential in his history of our movement. It is called A Treatise on Atonement.

I’m going to do this work a great disservice and boil it down to just a few sentences. Basically, Ballou’s asserted that if our failings are finite, as we are, it makes no sense religiously for an infinite God to bring the infinite power of the universe down to punish one individual, finite being for doing what finite beings do.

He then turned the entire thing around and said that in this divine relationship, it is humans who are the dissatisfied party, not God. For Hosea Ballou, it wasn’t God who needed to be reconciled with human beings, but the other way around. Has anybody else ever felt this way, that it’s not life that has a problem with us, but we who have the problem with life?

Like many before, he asserted that in matters of doctrine, etc, a generously placed love was the safest bet: “Be cautious in any system of divinity,” he warned. “The moment we fancy ourselves infallible, everyone must come to our peculiarities or we cast them away.If we agree, there is no disagreement that can do us any injury, but if we do not, no other agreement can do us any good.”[6]

Ballou said some things in 1805 that are radical in many settings today, including our own, I think. He said, let’s get over quibbling with each other about the literal meaning of religious or philosophical terms. Our religious lives aren’t only about having someone’s anger resolved; they are about growing together in love. Salvation isn’t about getting saved from some eternal punishment, but with falling in love with life, real life.

It makes sense that in the religious tradition of his past, when the teacher Jesus was asked to sum up the most important Jewish laws, he said here were only two things: to love your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. [7]

I wonder if that much has really changed for us. If we are going to commit our deepest love, our devotion and “worth-ship” to something, if we are going to make a god out of something, it had better be something worthy of our attention, and when we do, let us serve that life and all our human and non-human neighbors with every inch of our being.

What is it that you will choose to love? What would it look life for you to be reconciled to life, to your god, or to the world? With so many troubles coming in our direction from life, it’s pretty hard sometimes to imagine that we are the dissatisfied party in the relationship.

We can assert, like so many before us, that there is no group of people damned to hell because of their religious beliefs, yet, in a way, we are “saved” every day. As we read together this morning, we are warmed each day by a sun we did not create, we are fed by food we could plant, but not grow, and we are held in a community of friends and loved ones we did not earn and could never buy. [8]

Whether you are joining us for the first time or one time of many, know that you belong here. We can be a people stuck in our heads, curious for new knowledge, constantly working out the details of an argument or idea, ever in search of new truth. But just as deep within our religious family is the desire to live in a reality where our night language poetic minds could imagine God, or the universe, or reality saying, “I love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” We can affirm that all people take part in what is sacred – we need all people to make meaning, and all, without exception, are worthy of love.

How is it that you would respond to such a world? What will you spend your life loving? How is it that you will fall in love with life? This kind of love is not easy; it’s certainly not the kind that can be summed up on one song, or one item, one newspaper page or one verse. It is being reconciled with life.

Those who have loved a parent, a sibling, a child, partner, or friend know that love never means perfection – it has tremendous waves and can be very hard. I think the same will be true of our response to life. So many people in the world, and so many in our community here today, are having a hard time believing that life could be on their side. Let us show one another with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, that while so hard to understand, it can be a life worth loving.

My spiritual friends, hundreds of years ago, John Murray issued this call: “Go out into the highways and byways of America, your new country. Give the people, blanketed with a decaying and crumbling [religion], something of your new vision. You may posses only a small light but uncover it, let it shine, use it in order to bring more light and understanding to the hearts and minds of men [and women]. Give them, not hell, but hope and courage. Do not push them deeper into their theological despair, but preach the kindness and everlasting love of God.” [9]

It was obviously a successful call and a compelling message, as at one time in the 1800s, Universalist churches alone had over 600,000 members – around 4 times what our UU churches have today. It was the 5th largest denomination in the country. In fact, they did such a good job that they almost put themselves out of business! As more and more religious groups affirmed that eternal punishment did not await outsiders, Universalism lost some of its bite.

It seems as is part of our own time is similar to that of Murray. So many people are blanketed in ideas of religion that no longer work, that are crumbling in the face of a new world, and many of them have no idea there is an alternative. Let us not hide it from them. Let us, too give our society something of our new vision, a world in which all beings participate in the sacred, a world in which we value a sincere love over correct doctrine, a world in which we know that when we agree in love, no disagreement can do us lasting harm. In fact, let’s do it so well that we put ourselves out of a job – where this vision of inclusion and tolerance seems commonplace.

So much of who we are is shaped by what we love, and how we respond to a world that gives us life. Who here is ready, in the face of so many imperfections and hardships, to get right again with life? What is it that you will choose to love? May we find together those things that are truly worthy of our devotion and love them with all we have.

What better time than now?



[1] 1 Corinthians 13:2


[3] Ralph Waldo Emerson, Quoted in Singing the Living Tradition, reading #563.

[4] Charles A. Howe, The Larger Faith (Boston: Skinner House Books, 1993), 5.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid., 28.

[7] Mark 12:29-31

[8] Singing the Living Tradition, reading #515

[9] The Larger Faith, 9.

Something, Anything More

Aaron White

 August 10, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

A few years ago I heard the story of a woman named Rue. Rue had recently decided to purchase a home in what was becoming the very expensive location of Sag Harbor, New York. When she thought her luck was exhausted, she found what could be described as the deal of a lifetime. But there was a catch. The home Rue was looking to purchase was listed under two different prices. The more expensive price for the home included as she expected “a house, a shed, and a little garden.” The less expensive price for the home ($110,000 less expensive) included “a house, a shed, a little garden, and Ned.”[1]

Ned was the former owner of the home, an older man who was growing quite ill. In exchange for the drastic reduction in price, Ned could live in his larger downstairs portion of the home for his remaining days, while Rue would inhabit the two rooms upstairs. Jokingly, Rue refers to him as the “man who came with the house.”[2]

When Rue first bought the house, it seemed no problem to her. She didn’t take up too much space, was single, and Ned would surely not be around for too long. Within the year, though, she had “[acquired] a puppy, a husband, and a baby.”[3] And Ned was still very present. Now she feels somewhat bad about even talking about the situation, as everyone involved knows, a significant part of her is waiting for Ned to die. “I never expected to live that long,” said Ned. “I’m aware that the other side can’t be thrilled that I’m still here.”[4]

I can’t help but think that a lot of us share an experience similar to that of Rue. Here is a woman, cramped in her own home, feeling as if something drastic needs to change before she can start really living. How many of us here have felt, or are feeling, the same way? So many of us spend our time waiting for something to be different – for something to be over – waiting for something to leave us before we really start to live.

I figure I’ll just throw out a few of the things I know I have thought or said in my life and see if they resonate with anybody else here: “Just after this project is over, then I’ll start really spending time with my partner again – I’ll be in better touch with my family when this crazy month winds down – I’ll have time to be a good person again when this to-do list is a little smaller – I’m just too busy to have a spiritual practice.” And yet I am somehow consistently surprised that the to-do list is never empty, there’s another project after the one I finish, and my spiritual practice doesn’t practice itself. Anyone else? I once heard a Christian monk say that he prayed every day for one hour, and if he was going to have an especially busy day, we would pray for two hours. I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely not there yet!

The rhetoric we hear so often about our modern lives is that we are fast-paced, over-booked and constantly busy. But busy doing what?

I refer to a line by the Quaker author, Parker Palmer, quite often because it resonates with me so much. He says there are “moments when it is clear – if I have eyes to see – that the life I am living is not the same as the life that wants to live in me.”[5]

There is often so much life that wants to live in me, and instead of living it, I’m waiting for Ned to die and leave the house before I get started! I can only speak for myself, of course, but so often I feel like some part of who I am needs to be different or be gone before I can start living like I want to live. How often are we waiting for that perfect moment in life or that perfect version of ourselves to be present before we start living like we want to live?

The truth in my experience, though, is that there is no perfect moment in the future to start really living, that no flawless version of me is ever going to show up that can take risks for me – Ned is never going to leave, and if he does, he’ll be replaced by someone or something very similar. If we wait for that “perfect” moment, it will be too late.

Theologically, most of us as UU’s assert that heaven and hell are not places but states of mind that we experience here on this earth. We talk about believing in “life before death.” But how many of us miss it? Often, it is not the external busyness of life that has me waiting to live, but the busyness of my mind. It is so easy to get caught up in remembering times in the past when I took a risk and failed, or work out the most detailed scenarios of all the things that go could go wrong in the future.

The Buddhists refer to this aspect of our being as our “monkey mind,” and scientists would identify the part of our brain that does this as our neo-mammalian brain. We can be very thankful that our ancestors millions of years ago developed it – it is exactly what helped them to make sense out of patterns and make choices between options. But that doesn’t means it is always easy to live with it now.

We even do this as a religious community. I’ve heard it said that we can’t make the difference of a “real” religious community until we’re bigger than we are, or that we need to all agree on some more things before we get started making communities of justice. I hear all the time that people want their church to grow, but not to look different than it is right now. We can easily spend much of our time as a people worrying about what a newer future would look like with us as a vital voice in our society, but if we wait for that to happen on its own, we will have missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

We spend so much of our lives waiting to live, so much of our lives worrying about the past or the future. But as we know, we have such a brief time to live the life that wants to live in us.

It doesn’t take much to remind us of our finitude, our mortality: a close call in an accident, a scary diagnosis, the loss of a friend or family member. But in the midst of this reality, it is sometimes hard to really believe that one day we will not exist!

One of my favorites musical groups, Spiritualized, summed this notion up in a song, from which I got the title of today’s sermon. Here are a few lines from the song:

“Though my body gets tired, my mind does it no favors at all

And there’s so little time, to do something, something, anything more

And there’s no use in crying about the damage that you’ve done inside

And there’s so little time, to do something, something, anything more

…Don’t cry, baby, cry – as long as you and I

Do more than just survive, don’t cry, [we’ll] have a real good life

…There’s so little time, so do something, something, anything more.”[6]

It brings me some comfort to know that we’re certainly not the first people in history to live with this tension. We may feel busier than ever – our bookstores are filled with texts helping people to live in the present moment, dealing with worry and anxiety, but this has been the human condition for a long, long time.

Spiritual teachers have been addressing this concern for millennia. In the language of the early Christian writings, Jesus reminded those around him that the Kingdom of God was present here and now, not somewhere else! Just as now, this teacher knew that much of our human life is consumed waiting and worrying about our problems around food, safety, money, status, etc. It is almost as if the authors of this text could have been writing today. In the book of Matthew, the text has Jesus saying, “Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing…Can all your worries add one day to your life?”[7] He charged those around him to live their lives now. Verse 34 of the same book reads, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”[8]

An author of one of the Psalms in the Hebrew Scriptures says something I feel all the time, just in a little different language. He writes in Psalm 35, “Oh Lord, you know all about this, Do not stay silent. Do not abandon me now…Rise to my defense…take up my case…Then I will proclaim your justice, and I will praise you all day long.”[9]

And yet here we are again: I’ll be happy and grateful for life, just after these good things happen to me. I know I feel this urge to live a life of peace and justice within me – I just need to get all my affairs in order first. There’s so much that could go wrong! I just need enough money to be secure first, have the right job first. Once that happens, I’ll definitely start living the life that wants to live in me.

This issue has not gone unnoticed in our own historical tradition of Unitarian Universalism. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay titled, Prudence, noted this same problem in his own time. “Life wastes itself while preparing to live,” he says, “…How much of human life is lost in waiting?”[10]

In a letter to a friend, Henry David Thoreau also noticed that people seemed too busy to live. He writes, “It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about?”[11]

My friends, what is it that you are busy about, and what is it that you are waiting for? What great dream of yours, what type of life and love have you wanted to live that you’re waiting on? There is so little time to do something, anything more.

For me, this challenge is not an expression of only one side of liberal religion, that side which continually calls for freedom of conscience and personal expression. This is a vital part, but only one part. It is not the whole story. A true understanding of our finitude calls me to serve life and others as only I can while I am here. I owe it to the life that I affect to live more nobly and lovingly in the time that I have. There is no one exactly like you, never has been, and never will be again.

Here’s one way of putting the length of our time on earth in perspective. If the entire history of the Universe was compressed into 100 years, every day would equal 400,000 years, and each minute would be 250 years long.

In this cosmic timeline, all hydrogen in the universe is created on day two. Our solar system comes into existence in year 67. On this timescale, the dinosaurs died out in May of year 99, and we Homo Sapiens appear on December 31st of the 99th year. Rev. Michael Dowd had this to say about the timeline, “If we show up on the last day of a 100 year process, maybe it’s possible that the whole thing wasn’t meant for us.”[12]

We are so big and yet so small at the same time. Some of this information is very humbling for me. I think, “You mean to tell me my ego is not the most important thing in the universe? But I spend so much time defending it!” This perspective also helps me when I think about my screw-ups. In cosmic time, they are pretty small. Some of this information lets me off the hook a bit for the mistake that I thought was the end of the world, and especially for that load of laundry that went undone last week and caused me so much stress. It just puts things in perspective.

This doesn’t mean, though, that each of us does not matter. We know that what we do lives on, that we make a make upon life itself, each of us affects lives. All of us in this room share a common ancestor somewhere way back. I’m able to speak here today because millions of years ago, some individual primate had the gumption to move out of the way of that falling branch, or thought it was better to gather in community to face an opponent. So don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t make a difference! Who knows what life will live because of you?

My point here is this, we have so little time, yet so much is possible. In his book, Canticle to the Cosmos, the physicist, Brian Swimme says, “Four billion years ago the planet Earth was molten rock; now it sings opera!”[13] Friends, in the last 2 minutes of this cosmic time-line I described, we have experienced the coming into being of harnessed electricity, social democracies, the protestant reformation, airplanes, the internet, vaccines, Beethoven, and of course, the IPod. What will the next minute look like because you were alive?

We’re not very big in cosmic time, but we know that in this history of the Universe, shared common interest has driven complexity and cooperation among elements and living things. When there was crisis, it was the cells that joined together, the animals that cooperated, the societies that served one another, who survived to live life. We UU’s affirm that reality is interdependent, that no part of existence exists separate from another – that we can’t easily draw boundaries around one part of reality and call it sacred and that profane. As Emerson noted in The Over-Soul:

“…there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so is there no bar or wall in the soul where [a human], the effect, ceases, and God, the cause, begins. The walls are taken away…”[14]

We know that what we do makes a difference. If we do share a common home and a common good, then what your life has to offer this process can be given by no one but you. It does not always have to be grand or seemingly ground breaking, just the life that wants to live in you. What are you waiting for?

It is sometimes hard for me to even think in these massive cosmic terms, how my life fits into the history of the universe. It’s a little overwhelming to tell you the truth. So it sometimes helps me to scale it down a bit.

How many more times will your friends smile because you have lived? Who will learn something they did not know because you were there to teach them? What stranger might be convinced that people can be good because of your small acts of kindness? What song, poem, painting, family, garden, church, community, would not exist in the same way without you? And what great piece of life have you yet to express?

What are you busy about, and what is it that you are waiting for? What is keeping you from living, as Christians might say, as if the Kingdom of God really is present here on earth, or as our Buddhist friends might say, what is it that keeps you from living in the only moment that is, this present moment?

Friends, in this life, we have so little time. So much of what we focus on in our anxieties of the past or future – so many of our worries – bind us to imperfections or mistakes that remain so small in perspective. Yet at the same time, we are able to change lives; we are able to affect the course of life itself.

It is up to us to offer what we can while we are here. It will be made up of the common elements of life: One more conversation, one more smile, one more song, one more act or forgiveness, of kindness, one more act of justice.

May we realize that there will be no more perfect moment that now to begin living the life that wants to live in us. May we join together, finding the strength of community and friends to build the life we wish to see on earth. As the song says, “there’s so little time, so do something… anything more.”

What better time than now?



[1] This American Life, “It’s Never Over.” Produced by Alex Blumberg (Chicago: Chicago Public Radio, June 23,2006)

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000), 2.

[6] Jason Pierce, “Anything More.” Spiritualized. From the album Let it Come Down. BMG, 2001. Audio CD

[7] Matthew 6: 25-27

[8] Matthew 6:34

[9] Psalm 35:22-28 (Paraphrased)

[10] Ralph Waldo Emerson, Prudence –

[11] Henry David Thoreau, Personal Letter to Harrison Blake. November 16, 1857.

[12] Michael Dowd, Beyond Sustainability: A Hopeful, Inspiring Vision of the Next 250 Years, online video broadcast – (Accessed August 6, 2008).

[13] Brian Swimme, Canticle to the Cosmos, quoted in Michael Dowd, Thank God for Evolution (Tulsa: Council Oaks Books, 2007), 121.

[14] Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Over-Soul –

Doubt is Not Our Product

© Aaron White

 August 3, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

I believe it was Lilly Tomlin who said that “no matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up.”

I tend to fall on the optimistic side of the spectrum, but this week I, and I know many of you here too, were hit with a very harsh version of reality. This week, individuals in one of our communities had their foundations shaken. Yet again, a location of worship, sought for its safety and comfort was turned into a place of violence. A community in celebration has become a community in mourning.

As many of you might know, on the morning of last Sunday, July 27th, a man walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville with a shotgun hidden in a guitar case. He entered the sanctuary, and during a performance by the congregation’s children of a song from their musical, Annie, he began shooting at those in attendance. At this point, two adults have died as a result of the attack, and a handful of others remain wounded. Some notes in the shooter’s car gave voice to his anger at the liberal community for our views and specifically inclusion of the GLBT community, but overall, this appears to be the action of a very sick man whose frustrations found a focal point in one of our churches.

As human beings, it is natural to want to make meaning out of a situation like this, but when things appear so senseless, communities of faith can very quickly become communities of doubt. As Unitarian Universalists, we’re often quite comfortable bringing our doubt with us to church and our religious lives. We’re usually quite proud of this fact, and rightly so. However, I think that when we talk about bringing our doubt with us, what we mean most of the time is a skeptical stance toward any creed or doctrine, a questioning mind about the details of any scientific, philosophical, or religious truth.

But the events of this week highlight realities that many in our community bring with them every week into our sanctuary – “doubts and questions that run so deep, it challenges our very being.” It has not taken me long in ministry to realize that in any gathering within our walls, someone is asking questions like these: “Will I make it through tonight? “With all that is happening in the world, how can we make any difference?” “How could anyone love me?” “Do I have what it takes to be a good person again?”

Overall there is so much evidence of good in the world, so many things that go right that we hardly even notice. Just the simple act of getting in our car and driving across town involves thousands of acts of social cooperation, and this very superficial example highlights that our lives are filled with this reality. Yet in the face of all this some events can shake us to the core. I’m sure that most everyone here has experienced something like this, I know I have. Some personal failure, some betrayal, an accident, the loss of someone we love that threatens to call into question our assumption about a good life.

One writer on doubt is the author, David Michaels. In his recent book, Doubt is Our Product, Michaels explains how easy it is for one action or thoughtfully placed question to cast doubt on what we believe to be true, even in the midst of much evidence. He explains that in modern history, our society has been unaware for the most part that there is a doubt industry existing right under our noses. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, when the dangers of cigarettes were becoming more of a public issue, tobacco companies started to hire scientists and spokespersons whose entire job was to create doubt in the minds of the public that cigarettes were actually harmful, that what evidence was telling them was true. Michaels took the title of his book from a cigarette company memo. It reads like this:

“Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the body of fact that exists in the minds of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy.” David Michaels’ book is about how this strategy today is being used again today in science, business, and politics. Some of the same people have been hired again to challenge he science of evolution or global climate change. He says that the motivation behind this creation of doubt is explicit and simple. If we are focused on the controversy, if we spend all our time debating the facts, we are involved in very little action. Many people’s best interest rests in our doubt about ourselves and what we know.

We have been fed doubt, not just this week in events that shake us, but our whole lives. So much of our current consumer society thrives off us doubting who we are as individuals. We’re meant to wonder if we’re good looking enough to attract a partner (I’d better buy something to fix that), wonder if we are smart enough to land that job (I’d better buy something to fix that), wonder if we have enough stuff to look to our friends and family as if we really have value (better buy something to fix that). Much of this society feeds us doubt in the hope of making us find our trust in something we can buy, not something that will last. As one of my favorite musical artists says, “Making you think you’re crazy is a billion dollar industry.”

But we know that in real life no product you can buy can bring back a loved one; no thing you can buy can erase an experience of trauma or restore hope to someone for whom life has become a threat. And so, we gather together in a community like this to offer something different, a different “product.” But what we offer in a place like this is certainly no set of easy answers.

In a reading in the back of our gray hymnal, the Rev. Robert Weston is quoted as saying, “Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the attendant of truth – doubt is the touchstone of truth; it is an acid which eats away the false – it is a testing of belief – those that would silence doubt are filled with fear,” he says, “their houses are built on shifting sands…” I do think that Robert Weston is correct. However, I don’t know about you, but it’s easier for me to praise doubt when I have the luxury of ambiguity, when things seem easy or simple, when my friends and family aren’t suffering, when I am not scared.

But what do we do with such doubt when we encounter events like those that happened in Knoxville last weekend? To me, Weston’s reading points out that doubt is NOT meant to be a final product of anything, but a part of the process, a tool. We use doubt, he says, in order to find trust in something else. We UU’s are fairly good at discovering what it is we doubt. But what is it that we here will choose to trust?

The Rev. Forest Church had this to say about our religious foundations: “We Unitarian Universalists have inherited a magnificent theological legacy. In a sweeping answer to creeds that divide the human family, Unitarianism proclaims that we spring from a common source; Universalism, that we share a common destiny.” In other words, we’re all in this together.

My friends, let us not doubt our power and value as a people gathered here. Do not think that because we do not give easy answers here that we do not give something of value. We have given and will continue to give a voice for justice, a home for inclusion, and loving community that does indeed save lives. So many people have been told they do not matter in this world ? that they do not deserve the love of someone’s god, or any love at all. No matter what, we will continue to build a community that strives to offer more and more love to any and all who would seek it.

People often ask me what consolation Unitarian Universalism has to offer those facing sickness, death, or fear if we have no version of God or an afterlife we all agree on. We have seen a part of the answer to this question lived this week.

Annette Marquis, the District Executive for the Thomas Jefferson District of the UUA, where the shooting took place, said that in her experience of seeing our communities come together in the wake of the tragedy that she had “never been so proud of being a Unitarian Universalist.”

She watched our values being lived as congregational and denominational leaders joined in a response effort, partnered with the outpouring of help from other faiths, and ministered to the pain and fear that was so present in the children and adults affected that day.

She was proud, as am I, that our hopeful faith does not retreat when the hardest of times are present. During the candlelight vigil held in Knoxville on Monday evening, UUA President, Bill Sinkford, said this, “None of us can allow our pain and anger to keep us from living our faith, from welcoming all people, from standing on the side of love. We will not let that happen. We will continue our commitment to welcoming all”

We have been taught so many times what to doubt. What is it that we will trust? Once again, I think that life has shown itself worthy of our faith, worthy of our trust in community and in love. In the response to one man’s act of violence, we saw so many stand up in courage. Even in the midst of so much violence and confusion, the members of the Tennessee Valley Church lived their values.

One of the individuals who died in the attack was said to have placed himself in front of the shooter’s weapon, shielding others, and sacrificing his life for theirs. When it would have been so easy, so understandable, to respond in violence to the attacker, members of that congregation restrained him until the police arrived.

There is no question that for this brave group of people, our liberal religious values withstood a tremendous test. In response to one act of violence, thousands have gathered in solidarity, millions expressed their compassion and good will. We can trust our human connection in this world.

There are many events of human suffering in the world, but this week, members of our religious community especially took pause because in a way, this hit so close to home. Some members of our congregation have friends and family who were present for the attack. Their sanctuary, their gathering in community, and their worship feel so familiar to our own.

Yet this single event serves also as a reminder of our place deep within the human condition and never outside of it – a place where, yes, violence and fear exist in a very real way, yet they do so alongside community and hope. This is not simply bright-eyed liberal idealism, but a fact, a reality we have seen this week and in so many other places.

We are reminded that it is our human experience that is familiar, that with fresh perspective we might see our minor disagreements and labels for exactly what they are, minor. While we would certainly never wish for THIS type of opportunity for reflection, it calls us to see that the work of our lives and the work of our religious communities serve something far larger than ourselves. We can trust that this is true.

We know that there is more to life than the labels we wear, and that one act of violence is not the end of hope. We know that, as a colleague once said in a sermon, “life wants to live,” that creation was not something that happened once long ago being corrupted further and further, but rather that the great story of the universe, the evolving, emergent creative force that has brought us into being continues to create right now – “in the cells of our bodies, in our families, our communities, in our response to life and death.”

We may trust that all humanity and indeed all life is as interconnected as we say it is, literally tying us all to the same ancestors, the same family. As we said in our last hymn, “what touches one affects us all.”

We know that violence will continue, that bad things will happen again to liberals and conservatives, to Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs, to people of every color and creed. Yet we also know that communities of every sort will continue to join together and form lives of meaning and care.

Some have this week been left in doubt about when and where we can be safe in practicing our religion. Even a place called a ‘sanctuary? became a home for violence. The events in Knoxville certainly affected many outside of that congregation, but this was one incident, and we can trust that we are as safe today as we were last week, as we have ever been. We are as secure as anyone can be who professes to live a life of radical love and inclusion. And what we read in the paper or see on TV is certainly not always helpful in making me feel safe. Trust in life does not sell papers or increase ratings. Hope will not keep us in front of our TV’s watching coverage; hope would have us living our lives and the values we proclaim.

Nothing is ever certain, and there are things in life far beyond our control. But, a Unitarian Universalists, we know that how we respond is up to us. As First Church’s own Mary MacGregor put it this week in an interview, “How can we close the doors of our churches? We can’t do that. We have to have our doors open.”

My friends, we do have to have our doors open, not only our physical doors, but those which leave us open to continual love and trust in this world.

I am suggesting something a bit unusual in a UU church – I’m suggesting that we give up some of our doubts. I’m asking you to give up doubting that your life is sacred just as it is, to give up doubting that communities such as this can change lives in radical ways, and to give up doubting that in the midst of confusion and pain, life is still precious and good.

Let us have our doubt, as Robert Weston said, so that we may trust in something else, too. Let us have doubt, so that we may have faith. This is not a faith like many associate with that word; this is not a blind faith which would ask you to believe something without evidence. The type of faith we have to offer is that of the theologian, Paul Tillich, who asserted that faith is a verb, the “act of being ultimately concerned.”

In this faith, we join together in devoting our worship and our lives to that which is worthy of devotion, and nothing less. Let our faith be in life itself, faith that love exists, that we know it to exist here on earth and can make it real in our very lives.

Let’s continue to bring a cynic’s mind to creeds and doctrines, but friends, please carry no doubt about the potential of human care, the sacred nature of all creation, and that in an evolving universe, there is potential around every step – or as we say in one of our hymns, “there is more love somewhere.”

The children of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church expressed something similar when they gathered on Monday evening during a candlelight service and sang the song they had been practicing this summer. As rain poured outside and congregants held candles high, the children sang, “The sun will come out tomorrow.”

We know that it will.

May we continue to realize that while we welcome doubt into this place with open arms, doubt is not OUR product. Our products, our ends, are faith, hope, and love, with which we will all continue to build our beloved community on earth.

When we reflect on events such as these and so many others in the world, may we be called to recognize the preciousness of our life and others. Let us live and love as if it is our only chance.

What better time than now?


The Sometimes Strange Science of Us – Jim Checkley

© Jim Checkley

 January 27, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

Imagine it is 2,500 years ago and you are a Greek with a question. This question has been bothering you for quite some time and you just can’t figure it out. So one day you decide to consult the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi, one of the ancient world’s most intriguing and unusual establishments. For there at the ancient temple located beneath the shining rocks of Mount Parnassus, the God Apollo spoke through a Pythia, or human priestess, and offered inspiration and guidance to all who came.

Legends tell that Delphi and its environs had long been considered to have mystical powers. A few years ago I went to Australia for my 50th birthday and actually turned 50 while visiting Uluru, formerly know as Ayers Rock, the largest monolith in the world. I was nervous about going out into the middle of the desert to a giant sandstone monolith for such an auspicious occasion – ironically, I had always thought I’d go to Greece and turn 50 at the Parthenon but I’ve got to tell you, Uluru has a magic to it that has to be experienced and cannot be described. If Delphi was like Uluru, then I understand exactly why the ancient Greeks put an oracle there and why they thought the very land held special power.

When you arrive at Delphi, you approach the entrance to the temple and notice something carved into the wall, something that has come down to us as the best known of all the Delphic injunctions: in Greek it reads: GNOTHI SEAUTON, which we translate as “know thyself.” Some sources say that “know thyself” is the answer the Oracle gave to Chilon of Sparta who asked: “What is best for man?” It is, interestingly enough, the same advice that the Oracle in the 1999 movie The Matrix gave to Neo, only in the movie the phrase was written in Latin over the entrance to the Oracle’s kitchen. Times change, but the questions (and some of the answers), do not.

Now it seems self-evident that knowing yourself would be a good thing. But just what does it mean to “know thyself”? It is a question as old at the Delphic Oracle itself. Socrates said that it meant that “The unexamined life is not worth living,” that it was important on a daily basis to look inward to discover the true nature of our beings and to consciously make decisions about our lives and our dreams. In The Matrix, know thyself meant to know the essence of your inherent nature, which for Neo meant to know, the way we know we are in love, with every fiber of our beings, that he was the One, the savior of mankind. And when asked what he thought of the injunction “know thyself”, St. Augustine replied, “I suppose it is that the mind should reflect upon itself.”

Nowadays we call such self-reflection “metacognition,” the ability to think about your thoughts, to engage in self reflection, to introspect. This ability was for centuries thought the sole province of human beings, but animal research has challenged that old prejudice’some animals seem to have the ability to reflect upon their internal mental states, if only at a rudimentary level. That aside, while I think that knowing yourself certainly includes self-reflection, I think it is more than that. For modern science has shown us quite dramatically that we are more than just our conscious selves, and knowing oneself, truly knowing oneself, would include understanding all the layers of our beings, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.

So let me suggest that simple – or even complex self reflection will not get you where you want to go. One thing that has become clear over the years is that we humans are not monolithic beings – we are not simply a conscious being that makes fully informed choices about life. We want to think we are, and we certainly behave as if we are, but modern research on the sometimes surprising science of us has revealed that often, our control is an illusion, and that there is something very powerful and very deep going on that we don’t even know about at a conscious level.

Research shows that our subconscious and unconscious selves play a big role in who we are, how we feel, and what we do. More fundamentally, new studies reveal a subconscious brain that is far more active, purposeful, and independent than previously thought. Generalized goals, like eating, mating, traveling, and the like, appear to be instigated by neural software programs that can be run by the subconscious whenever it, and not we, chooses.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

In a recent experiment, psychologists at Yale were able to alter people’s judgments of a stranger by handing those people a cup of coffee. It’s true. What happened was this: the subject of the experiment was handed either a hot cup of coffee or an iced latte in a social setting. Afterwards, the people who held the iced latte rated a hypothetical person they read about as being much colder, less social, and more selfish than did the students who held the hot coffee. As improbable and strange as this seems, this result is consistent with others that have poured forth over the last few years. For example, new studies show that people are more tidy if there is a tang of cleaning liquid in the air, and they are more prone to be highly competitive in their negotiations with one another if there is a leather briefcase at the end of a long table rather than an old, worn backpack, in which case they are more laid back.

Psychologists say that what is going on is a demonstration of how everyday sights, smells, and sounds can selectively activate goals and motives that people already have in their brains. What is going on is that the subconscious is running preexisting programs that strongly influence our choices and our behavior – all without us actually having any conscious awareness that we are being manipulated by our own brains.

These findings help to explain how we can be happy one minute, then for no apparent reason, unhappy the next. I’m sure everybody in here has experienced this phenomenon – you show up to a party feeling great, then, without apparent reason, you get depressed, turn sour, and want to get away. No amount of self-reflection can explain the change, but it could be that one of the women is wearing the same dress that your ex-girlfriend was wearing the night she tossed all your possessions onto the street or perhaps the smell of the house triggered repressed resentments about your childhood. You didn’t consciously realize any of it, but your subconscious did, and initiated a hard-wired program that actually changed your basic equilibrium.

I’m going to go a little further and say that I don’t think that self-reflection is enough to know thyself for yet another reason. No matter how hard we try, I don’t think it’s possible to get a true picture of who we are simply by looking inward. While it’s true that only we can see our deepest thoughts, our deepest desires, and our deepest motivations, one thing we simply cannot see is how others see us. We need more data, data that reflects the who that we are in the eyes of others. In short, to fully know ourselves, we need feedback on the self that others know and experience.

And thanks to the Internet, all of us can do something that the visitors to the Oracle at Delphi could not: While they could ask a god for advice, we can Google ourselves. How many of you have Googled yourself? According to a Pew Research Study, by the end of 2007, about half of all Americans have come a little closer to knowing themselves, at least as others see them, by Googling themselves. But whether one Googles oneself or simply listens to what others who know and care about you have to say, I don’t think we can get close to truly knowing who we are without input from outside of ourselves. That perspective allows us, at the very least, to check on whether who we think we are matches with how we are perceived by others, and, if there is a discrepancy, as there often is, figure out what happened, and correct it.

Another thing about human beings is we are not static. We change as we grow older, more experienced, and, as Billy Joel might say, earn a few scars on our faces. I certainly don’t think I am the same person I was in my early twenties, before my experience with advanced Hodgkin’s disease and all that went with it. I have a sense of continuity, certainly, but deep inside I know that I have changed at a very fundamental level, a conclusion that has been confirmed by many of those closest to me over the years.

While these assertions may seem to run counter to the strong current in our culture that we each have an essence that is eternal and at some fundamental level, unchanging, recent findings in neuroscience and neuropsychology tend to support my experience. I do not dispute that we are born with certain aspects of ourselves hardwired. Nor do I dispute that this hard wiring is sometimes quite difficult to change. Nonetheless, research is showing that while older brains may be less efficient than younger brains, and may in fact, show signs of memory loss and the like, older brains may actually be wiser brains. It has to do with how information is accumulated and processed, but the point is that for this and other reasons, our brains – and with them, us – change over time. So unlike some people who think it’s better to be consistent than right, I think it’s OK to change your mind because, in fact, your mind changes. We change. We become different people with different desires, different wants, different goals, different values. And keeping up with ourselves, not living in the past, is a big part of knowing ourselves.

Which brings me to the point that knowing thyself doesn’t just mean knowing and understanding one’s essence. It also means knowing our dreams, our abilities, our real virtues and even our frailties. It means knowing ourselves in all our aspects, including how we change over time, at least as well as we know the world, our jobs, and those around us. But this often isn’t the case. Just as we are generally good at helping somebody else figure things out, whether it be their love life, money situation, problems on the job, or whatever, we are often not so good at taking care of ourselves, and the same applies here. As I’ve gotten older I have realized just how much I was unaware about my younger self and I think many people have had the same experience and that some, some go almost all the way though life as complete strangers to themselves.

So does all this mean it’s not possible to fully know yourself? I think that’s a fair question. There are those who say that it’s not possible to understand oneself, that an accurate definition of self is impossible from an objective point of view. Others think that the exploding field of neuroscience – the study of the brain at an anatomical, but in particular, at the cellular and even molecular level – is the most hopeful candidate for providing scientific answers to the questions that have perplexed human beings for thousands of years, including who we are and what is our true nature.

Neuroscience is expanding at a fantastic pace. My son, TJ, who is doing the lay leading today, has his masters degree in neuroscience and so I have some idea of how far we have come since the old days of stone knives and bearskins when I was studying biochemistry in graduate school.

But you know, while I think neuroscience is going to be able to teach us a lot about what we are and how our brains work, I think it’s going to be less good at telling us who we are and how we should live. So while it is clear that we are comprised of conscious, subconscious, and unconscious beings, and that our feeling of total conscious control is something of an illusion, no matter what science says, no matter what the limitations, it is vital that we get to know ourselves to the best of our ability, and be honest and accepting of what we learn. If you insist on being ignorant or if you insist on being somebody else, then who will ever be you?

All of which brings me to William Shakespeare. Thought by many to be the world’s greatest playwright, Shakespeare’s greatest play may have been Hamlet. In Hamlet, Polonius is preparing his son Laertes for his travel abroad. Polonius directs his son to commit a “few precepts to memory”, the most famous of which is, “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Much has been written about this quote, and I certainly am not going to do any literary exposition here. But I do think it’s interesting that Polonius assumes that Laertes knows himself, for how can one be true to oneself without first knowing oneself? Thus, before following Polonius? advice, we first must follow the advice of the Oracle at Delphi, something that is at best a daily exploration, and at worst, impossible. But leaving aside for the moment the very real issue of how do we know ourselves, what does it mean to be true to that self? What does it mean to be true to the self we know and understand today, who needs to get about with the task of living, and hopefully living well?

Well, the first thing we know is that Shakespeare was not trying to grant Laertes permission to behave however he wanted. If you are an axe murderer, it will not avail you to say you were simply being true to yourself. So that’s not what’s going on here. Unless we live in solitude, being true to oneself will always mean being true in the context of culture, society, and law. Thus, one of the most difficult aspects of being true to yourself is how to navigate in a complex society that presents us with scores of often complicated, difficult, and even ambiguous relationships.

And we do live in a complex society that demands much of us, and that, for almost all of us, requires some level of compromise. It is inevitable. So we tend to wear masks, masks that have the Good Housekeeping seal of approval, that are safe, that don’t rock the boat. Sometimes we wear them because we have to, one of those accommodations to reality that just has to be. But sometimes we wear them out of fear, and sometimes we wear them out of a lack of self-confidence. Those are the masks we need to work on, need to shed, if we are to live a truly authentic life of integrity.

Still, we are left with the difficult question of how to choose our path, when to fight and when to yield. There are many answers to this question, of course, but let me quote what Thomas Jefferson had to say: “In matters of style, swim with the current, in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” Looking back on the 1970s, I’m not sure I agree with Jefferson on matters of style, but I do certainly agree with him on matters of principle.

Which begs the question, of course, which principles? Well, if we are being true to ourselves, then the principles we are being true to are the principles we found within ourselves, while we were following the Delphic command to know thyself. You know, taken seriously, this position is a pretty radical one in our culture, one that sits at the core of what I understand it means to be a modern Unitarian Universalist and an adherent of liberal religion.

I’ve been coming to this church for 31 years, and have always believed that one of the important missions of this church is to help people get to know themselves, their real selves, and then assist them in being true to themselves as they live their lives and participate in our world. This is, I think, a very different mission from many other churches. In many other churches the mission is to convince you to distrust your humanity, to almost disavow it, in favor of revealed truth that comes from God, truth that is unchanging, that is to be accepted and obeyed. Our church, and all those like it, are very special places, are sanctuaries of humanity in the broadest sense of the word and I, for one, am grateful for them.

But did you know that some of the people in this church are among the most disliked people in America? It’s true. And I’m not talking this time about being gay or lesbian. According to a study conducted by sociologists at the University of Minnesota, atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers are among the most disliked persons in America. They fell below Muslims, homosexuals, and recent immigrants in a poll that measured the respondents? view of whether and how much a number of different groups shared the respondents? vision of America and what it means to be an American. Unitarian Universalists, as free thinking adherents of liberal religion, and by that I mean us – you and me – we are not much liked or trusted by many in mainstream society, something it pays to know when you are out and about in the world.

Having noted that, we all know that no matter who you are, sometimes being true to oneself and one’s principles takes enormous courage and may even put you at risk of harm. It sometimes means having to stand against the majority, or your friends, or even your family. It means engaging in a regular pattern of behavior, and of making choices that are consistent with your espoused values and with the person you claim to be inside. It means having the courage of your convictions, and of being willing to put them out on the table, even when they are not popular. And I suggest to you that it all begins with knowing yourself, and then of accepting yourself, fully and completely, both the good and the bad, in order to be true to the good and change the bad.

Now, I don’t mean to imply that we are always alone in our lives and in our quest to be true to ourselves. Certainly, we have our friends, our family, we have this church, and we have a community of thought and feeling that goes back hundreds of years. All of that is enormously important.

And yet, we are a creedless religion that honors the individual conscious; which leads me to one of the scariest things about liberal religion and trying to know and be true to oneself.

There isn’t anyone else to blame.

When it’s up to you, when you are being true to yourself, then that’s all there is. This is another reason why living authentically, living the life of personal integrity, takes so much courage. Sometimes we’re all we’ve got.

And on this topic, it occurred to me that some Christians wear WWJD wristbands “What would Jesus do?” At first I thought we could wear WWED wristbands – you know, What would Emerson do?” Or even perhaps just get our own WWJD wristbands – only they would stand for What would Jefferson do? But ultimately I realized that none of these would be authentic, that if there was going to be a UU wristband it would have to read: WWID? What would I do?

Finally, there’s more to life than principles. There’s dreams, there’s goals, there’s fun. Yes, even tortured soul UUs get to have fun. But strange as it sounds, being true to your dreams, your goals, and your potential can sometimes be just as scary and intimidating as standing up for unpopular principles. Once we take off our blinders, once we see for real, we begin to understand just how much is possible in our lives and we wonder if we’re up to it. We look out at the vista of possibility and it can be overwhelming.

The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard put it this way: “There is nothing with which every person is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming.” We talk about becoming the true beings that we are and then of being authentic and living lives of integrity, and it certainly sounds good, even exciting, but when it comes down to it, sometimes those prospects can be intimidating and scary. Sometimes it’s as if we are waiting for somebody to give us permission to be ourselves and pursue our dreams and our potential.

My message to you is don’t wait for anyone or anything to work on yourself and your dreams. You see, when we know ourselves, then we come into focus, our dreams become clearer, our path becomes straighter, and our sense of purpose and meaning grows until we feel such power and such of sense of belonging to and being right with the world, that as night follows day, we almost cannot help being true to ourselves.

So let me close today by suggesting this: I think there is a way to both know who you really are and at the same time, be true to who you are. And it’s not through ruminating, or self-reflecting, or taking classes, or any other inward looking activity. Ultimately, I think knowing yourself and being true to yourself is best accomplished simply by engaging fully in life and making choices and standing by them.

In the hit move Batman Begins, Rachel Dawes tells Bruce Wayne that it isn’t who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you. You are the choices you make and the actions you take. So if you want to know who you truly are, then put yourself out there, in situations that are challenging, that call for action, because then you’ll know. “There will be an inner voice that will tell you how you are doing.” You can sense it if you are honest with yourself and listen carefully.

So let me ask you to do something today, something we should do every day of our lives. Do something that is you. Do something that is true.

 Presented July 27, 2008

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin

Revised for print.

Copyright 2008 by Jim Checkley

Responsibility and "Easy Religion"

© Aaron White

 July 20, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

Although I was laughing, I had to cringe a bit when I first heard it. It was one of the most accurate portrayals of someone stumbling through a definition of Unitarian Universalism that I had ever heard, and I saw it on a 2006 episode of The Colbert Report. After reciting the entire Nicene Creed, the host asks a staff member, Bobby, what religion he is a part of. When Bobby responds, “I’m a Unitarian,” Colbert asks, “So you’re a Christian, too?” Here’s Bobby’s response: “Well, I incorporate Christian values as well as aspects of many other religious traditions in my belief in God, and I don’t mean to imply that I necessarily think God exists or doesn’t exist, or that it even maters to Him, or It, or Whoever, what I do or do not believe. What’s important is that it’s my choice, and that’s what holds the Unitarians together.”

A very confused Stephen Colbert asks Bobby, “So, do you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah?” – to which Bobby replies, “Sure.”

To hit this close to home with the satire, one of the writers must have known us well.

Has anyone else out there ever felt like Bobby ? tripping over our words and apologizing, doubling back as we try and explain exactly what it is that we do here? It is not necessarily a simple thing to explain a liberal religions community in a few breaths. It would be a lot easier if our religious tradition had its own version of the Nicene Creed, but that’s just not the religion that we signed up for.

I think that my mixed reaction to these types of portrayals of UU’s comes up because it hits on my personal feelings about what it is that we do in this community and how we present ourselves to the world. Most of the time, when friends or family ask what it is we are about, I give them a brief explanation, and then lately I have gotten in the habit of saying, “But the best way to really know more is to come and experience us for yourself; here’s where we’re located.”

After some time and experience, most of the people close to me get it.But not always, and there’s one response that really gets me. Often, a stranger who sees me wearing a UU t-shirt or the person sitting next to me on an airplane will ask me what I do for a living. When I explain to them our vision of universal inclusion of humanity and freedom of conscience in religion, of deed not creeds, I sometimes get the response, “Well, Unitarian Universalism sounds like a pretty easy religion.” I don’t know about any of you, but in my experience of trying to live fully in this dynamic community and tradition, that couldn’t be further from the truth. At its best, Unitarian Universalism is no easy religion.

When I try to live out the values that we hold up as a community in my daily life, it is far from easy. It is not a simple task to assert that no one religious tradition can hold all of the truth, even my own. It is not simple to be humbled in the face of such grand questions of meaning, community, and the sacred. It is not simple to cast aside superstition, and yet stand in awe of the beauty and mystery of the universe, attempting to speak truth while allowing for poetry and metaphor to make its way into our spiritual lives. To imagine that each part of creation, that every individual on this earth (no matter how much I disagree with them), participates in the sacred and deserves love ?this is one of the hardest religious tasks I can ever be asked to do.

At their best, our religious lives are certainly not easy. But they can be sometimes. It would be easy for me to call myself a tolerant and open minded man ? to ride around with a “Coexist” bumper sticker on my car and continue to become enraged at other drivers or look down on others whose vehicle expressions don’t match my “open minded” views.

It is easy for me to think I know all I need to know about someone because of the way they voted in the last election, to assume the worst motives of someone who believes differently and then become enraged when my views are misrepresented.

It would be easy for us as a religious community to call ourselves a “welcoming congregation” and then ignore guests who join us for coffee after the service ? and this happens all the time. How many times in church have I finished singing a hymn like “We’re Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table” or “Enter Rejoice and Come In” and then noticed that I had not met the person sitting right next to me in the pews?

It is easy to talk about how many religious beliefs are welcomed in a community like ours and then never really share them with the people who join us here. And it would be easy to imagine that the reason we join together in a religious community is to only learn new facts or be surrounded by like minded people, and not to be transformed in love.

This kind of spiritual life, this kind of community like we find in a Unitarian Universalist church can certainly be easy. But at its best, when we are truly responsible for the vitality of our spiritual lives and making real the things we say we believe, it will be one of the most difficult journeys we’ve ever begun. But I think it will be worth it.

One hundred and eight years ago, the Universalist minister, Rev. Frederic Williams Perkins, wrote an essay titled, “Why I am a Universalist.” In one section of this work, Perkins explains that for him, the core of his Universalist Christianity of the time rested, not in the correct facts, but in living in the reality of love – that easy religion thinks it is done when it finally gets things right, but a challenging faith calls us deeper than that. Here’s part of what he said:

“The heretic, to the Universalist, is not the man who denies the accuracy of a method of creation portrayed in the book of Genesis; he is the one who distrusts the deathless love of God . . . . It is the depth and earnestness of the religion, and not the correctness of the scholarship, that is of primary concern.”

It is not easy to go deep in our religious lives. It is temping for me to think that if I simply learn enough, I will be at peace or become a better person; that if I just start getting all the facts straight, I’m well on my way. We Unitarian Universalists are pretty good at getting the facts ?we tend to be very curious people, people who yearn after new knowledge. But it seems like the temptation for us, our easy route in religion is to believe that the whole reason we are here is to get those facts.

A teacher of mine once challenged me to ask three questions in all of my spiritual life: “What, So What, and Now What?” We UU’s have the “what” part of the equation down. Also, it is getting much easier to gain information in our world. With every portable electronic device imaginable, we can carry libraries in our pocket. We can “Google” almost anything. It is going to be hard to take that new information we gain and ask, “So what?”

How will my life be transformed by this knowledge? How might this help me to fashion a life of justice or grow to better love and trust this world? An easy move in our religious life is to believe that our community, which calls us to self expression, values that above understanding and compassion.

I can believe that my highest virtue was sitting strong in the face of someone’s anger, or really proving myself to friends or family that disagree with me (and these can be great things). However, the challenge for me, in the face of that same anger or disagreement, is going to be asking, “How is that they are hurting?” A responsible religious life calls me to see the fear in defensiveness and the pain behind ego. It calls us to bringing what the Zen Buddhist, Suzuki Roshi called a “beginner’s mind” to our relationships and to the world. In terms used commonly in the Unitarian Universalist world, a search or truth and meaning that is both “free” and “responsible” is going to take some radical new forms of understanding.

I think that one of the most profound and yet simple examples of this type of depth in religion came from a man named Krister Stendhal, a recently deceased Swedish theologian who formerly served as the dean of the seminary I attended. In 1985, as a response to much opposition to the building of a Mormon temple in Stockholm, Stendhal developed a brief set of guidelines to use in responsible ecumenical and interfaith work. Now, since almost everything we do in a UU church is in a small way “interfaith,” it seems like these might be valuable for us in many ways. He called them, “Three Rules of Religious Understanding.”

They are phrased in very simple language and some appear to be self evident, but I think they leave no room for the easy road in religion. Here they are:

1) “When you are trying to understand another religion, you should ask the adherents of that religion, and not its enemies.”

Our society has lately become one that is more and more comfortable with black and white, right and wrong, with little shade of grey. How much confusion, misinformation, and fear might have been avoided in the last seven years if the majority of our citizens learned about Islam, for example, from Muslims, instead of cable news or emails form a friend? I am afraid that we religious liberals have not been immune from this infection of polarity and simplicity either. I wonder how much of our understanding of traditional Christianity, for example (especially the evangelical sort), has come to us from its enemies and critics, and not its followers.

2) Stendhal’s second “rule of religious understanding” is this: “Don’t compare your best to their worst.”

I think this is probably the rule that I have the most trouble following. I think that we have a lot of “best” here. In fact, if I didn’t think that this was the best religious tradition I could be a part of, I would be somewhere else this Sunday morning. I am so proud of the history of our tradition – that the Universalists were the first denominational body to ordain a woman in this country, that we have led the pack in our support and inclusion of the GLBT community in our religious life, that we have made great efforts toward anti-racism and social justice, and so many other things.


However, how many of us (myself definitely included here) start off our definitions of who we are by saying what we are not? How often do we introduce this place by saying, “As opposed to religion X where they tell you that you can’t to this or that, we say”… Many of us are fresh out of another religious home, or trying out a spiritual community for the first time in a long time, and it’s completely understandable to define ourselves somewhat by some distance from this past. But as we grow together in our religious journeys, it will be easy to continually say, “I know who I am, because I am not one of “them.” When we begin taking responsibility for our religious development, it will be challenging to say, “I know who I am, because this I know, this I believe, this I have experienced – we know who we are because we believe in life and the radically transformative power of love, inclusion, and justice.”

3) Stendhal’s third rule of religious understanding goes like this: “Leave room for “holy envy.”

By this, he means to find some part of another’s tradition that you admire and wish was incorporated into your own. For me, the easy path often looks a lot more like holy pride than holy envy. During my least admirable moments, I can get so caught up in the excitement of being in a community of like minded people, of finding a place where I can be authentic and religious, that I sometimes catch myself thinking that we might somehow be more evolved, more human, than others. Anybody else?

I catch myself thinking that I’d just assume never have to talk to one of “them” again because, as we know, they don’t talk to anyone who disagrees with them. This is when I begin to use my holy pride to build up walls, and it is very easy to feel safe inside them. I have to say that I think Krister Stendhal’s rules could be pretty helpful in understanding ourselves as well. Ask the adherents, not the enemies, don’t compare your best to their worst, and leave room for holy envy. I wonder what it might look like during a period of overwhelming self-doubt or criticism to turn those rules around and say, “When you are trying to understand yourself, ask your supporters and not your enemies – count the “yes” votes in your life, not the mistakes. Don’t always compare the best of others to the worst in yourself, and do leave some room for holy envy, but don’t think that what you stared off with isn’t sacred already.

The responsibility that comes with a free religious life is certainly no simple thing, and it is definitely not easy. Nowhere in our literature or our history do we find a promise of an easy answer or a simple journey together.

I find it very interesting that in the narrative of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Israelites wait exactly one verse after celebrating their release from the Egyptians before complaining about their newfound freedom. In Exodus 14 and 15, Moses has just led this small group of escaped slaves out of their camp, miraculously through a parted sea that swallowed their foes, to celebrate with song and dance at their new location. At their camp the people sing a celebration hymn that reads, “With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed. In your might you guide them to their sacred home.”

They begin their journey in the first verse of chapter 16, and the second verse reads, “There, too, the whole community of Israel complained about Moses and Aaron. “If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt,” they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted. But now you have brought us into the wilderness to starve us all to death.”

This freedom and responsibility in religion and in culture is hard. How much of our society has felt like it might be easier back in Egypt lately, where there are many more constraints, but more security also? In our community here, too, how many of us have longed sometime for a simpler faith where at least we all agreed on what it is our church believes? But we know that it wasn’t better in Egypt, and we have chosen together a free religious life. The word “heretic” merely means one who chooses. We have chosen to walk together in a place (like the invocation often says) where questions are more profound than answers, where we have cast off the security of the simple fix in religion, to seek new truth every day, and to affirm that we “need not think alike to love alike.”

My friends, what this community, what this history and this free religious vision has to offer us will not be easy. I know that for any visitors here today, I am not offering you a simple sell on our religion. But I can tell you, it is worth it. This free and responsible spiritual life calls us to be transformed by participating in it, and to therefore transform the lives of others. It calls us, not to simply throw away the old stories of our religious past, to define ourselves by what we are not, but to reuse and recycle that past, to retell those stories in a way that makes meaning for us now. It calls us to use our freedom, not to build walls, but to go deep and dig wells from which we can all draw – to see the best in others and ourselves.

In this tradition, no minister, no denominational figure, no staff person or district official bears the responsibility of coming up with answers, with a statement of faith. It is not that one person is responsible for the future of a free religious life, every person is, and each of us has enough of what is sacred inside us to play a significant role.

I’ll conclude today with the words of the UU minister, Rev. Rebecca Parker. They might be familiar to some of you:

“Your gifts, whatever you discover them to be, can be used to bless or curse the world. The mind’s power, the strength of hands, the reaches of the heart, the gift of speaking, listening, imagining, seeing, waiting,”

Any of these can serve to feed the hungry, bind up wounds, welcome the stranger, praise what is sacred, do the work of justice, and offer love.

Any of these can draw down the prison door, hoard bread, abandon the poor, obscure what is holy, comply with injustice, or withhold love.

You must answer this question: What will you do with your gifts? Choose to bless the world.?

My friends, in a free religious community, it is the responsibility of each of us to offer such a blessing. It is not easy, but it is ours to make real.

What better time than now?


Honest Religion: One More Honest Adult

© Aaron White

 July 13, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

A few months ago I received an email forward. You know, one of those forwards that has a new piece of information that will shock me, something I am supposed to send to all of my friends and family before it is too late. No, this email was not the one informing me that one of our presidential candidates is a secret Muslim intent on turning our government over to Iran (although I have received that one), nor was it one of the string of emails warning me of evil men lurking in the parking lots of Wal-Mart, Target, or my local gas station waiting to attack at any moment. Has anyone else been getting these, or is it just me?

No, this particular email forward wanted to shock me by bringing some truth to light about a public figure who was not who he appeared to be – someone who represented our highest aspirations of innocence, education, and family. This email was about Mr. Rogers.

I was told that Fred Rogers had a violent criminal past he hid from us, that he was forced to work on public television for children as part of his parole, that he had served in the past as a sniper in the Navy Seals with many confirmed kills – that the real reason he wore those sweaters was to cover up his many tattoos from his time in battle.

Of course, this email was far from honest, but I got sucked in for a moment. The truth about Mr. Rogers is far less shocking. He had never served in the military but instead was ordained as a Presbyterian minister, and his trademark sweaters were all hand-sewn by his mother.

After spending some time online debunking this email, thinking to myself that my beloved internet had once again stolen another hour of my life, I found something that moved me. In an interview on the television show, Hour Magazine, in the 1980’s, Fred Rogers discussed the philosophy behind his show and his interactions with children. “I’m sure you know this,” he said, “but the best thing you can ever do is just be yourself.” The best thing we can do for children and others, he said, is simply to “give them one more honest adult in their lives.”

Throughout the last few years, this church has been placing ads in the newspaper, one of which reads, “Honest Religion.” After seeing this interview, I got to thinking: “What does honest religion look like on the ground?” What would it look like for a place like this to call us each to give to the world “one more honest adult?”

Our Unitarian Universalist community has a long tradition of its members searching to build an honest religion and an honest spiritual life. We have hundreds of years of experience attempting to build a faith whose members don’t have to take for granted what they hear in church. A faith like ours challenges each and every one of us to ask whether what we hear and experience here honestly fits with what the real world looks like, with what our lives teach us.

This is not a simple religion. In an honest faith like ours, none of us can have our worth determined by what some book, some society, some theologian, or any other person says. Each of us is constantly, every day, called to ask these questions for ourselves: “Who am I, really? What moves me? Am I living the life that wants to live in me?”

In my own experience, when I slow down and take this challenge of honest religion in my life, I experience two things that seem to contradict one another at first. One the one hand, I discover that there are places in my life where I could be doing a lot better, that I could be in much better relationship with my family, friends, with what I call God. On the other hand, though, I find that no person in the world deserves more love by birth, that the world is not divided into “saved” and “damned,” that what is sacred is infused within all people and creation. It is funny ? I find that we are not yet as good as we could be, and yet more precious than we can ever know.

I’m willing to bet that there is at least someone else here today whose has found it’s not simple to live as an authentic person. It is not always easy to be honest, even with ourselves. A struggle in much of our society today is people trying to appear as something different, something they think would give them more value. The lower and middle classes are buying themselves into poverty trying to look like the upper class. So many of us spend our time and money trying to appear thinner, smarter, more educated – or just anything but ourselves. In the film version of the book, Fight Club, one character laments, “Advertizing has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so that we can buy [things] we don’t need…we’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars??

Our culture often has its own suggestions as to what we should strive to be. What is it that honest religion would ask to us to be? Long before modern movies, of course, people were dealing with issues just like ours. In the book of Luke, the teacher Jesus cautioned his disciples not to be deceived, that a person’s life is not measured by the sum of their possessions. The Buddha, too, knew this when he proposed that in a world full of deception, full of distractions about who we are, a world in which we can constantly cling to attachment, one of the most radical things we can do is be aware in this moment, present for life as it really is – living instead of labeling.

I cannot speak for you, but in my life, this honest religion is easier said than done. It is so tempting for me to have others believe that I’m strong enough to deal with any adversity. It is tempting sometimes not to ask for help, to present this version of myself to the world that is smart enough and competent enough to handle anything that comes my way. Anybody else? It is almost too compelling to wear the label of most talented, best looking, most creative, the perfect friend, parent, or partner. I wonder what it would look like to live such an honest life, to let go of those masks, to shake off the weight and the stress of trying to be perfect people that we cannot be – that no one can be.

For me, honest religion means finding out who I am in this world without the negative stories we tell about ourselves as well. How often have I told myself that because I failed once, I could not succeed again? How often can we replay that mistake, that dumb thing we said or did over and over again until we start to believe that’s who we are?

Let this religion call us to give the world one more honest adult. Many of us left traditions that told us human beings, just for being born, were so depraved and sinful that we would deserve hell without someone’s assistance – that real change in the world would not be possible if a supernatural force did not do it for us. Let’s be honest, we can’t wait for that to happen if we want justice in this world.

However, it seems that in liberal religious communities, we’ve also sometimes told a false story about what it means to be human. Many of us, including myself, have sometimes let ourselves believe that human beings were born so inherently good that we will continue every day to progress onward and upward. We get shocked when evil things happen. An honest religion, I think, is going to have to live within the tension that the 20th century brought us – that human beings can be beautiful and frightening, all at the same time.

And a religion such as this is not just a challenge for individuals, but for our communities as well. Honest churches must continually face with courage the core questions of our identity. Who are we? What are we called to do? Whom/What do we serve? We have to ask ourselves, “Are we called to be a sanctuary for the like-minded? Are we called to be the religious wing of the DNC? Is our purpose in this world to be the best kept secret in religion?” I don’t think so.

But in being honest with ourselves, again this means that we are confronted not only with our imperfections, but also with our best selves – our amazing selves. This means also that we must live up to the honor of this religious tradition (and this is a good thing). To be honest with ourselves, we do have something to offer this world. We have something to offer people who come looking for community, who come looking for change. As a community, we DO have history. We didn’t just arise from the vapor somewhere in the 1960’s. Thousands of years and countless individuals brought us to where we are.

I think it is safe to say that, for many here, our past selves would be pretty surprised to see us sitting in this church on Sunday morning. I know mine would be. An honest religion knows that you aren’t a bad person for not going to church, but that those of us who do have come for a reason. We seek to renew our minds, to learn more about life itself, to find community, to call our best selves into the world. Each of us had a lot of choices of where we could have been this morning: sleeping, seeing a movie, reading a good book, catching up with friends. But something brought us here, together. If I am a UU Christian, something has me here this morning instead of the liberal Christian church down the road. If I’m a UU Buddhist, something calls me to a place like this instead of the Zen center or local sangha, etc.

For those that might be newer to our community, you’ll find that there is a tremendous amount of theological diversity in a Unitarian Universalist congregation. However, this strength can sometimes lead us to believe that we’re more different than we are alike. But we can see the unity in this diversity; we can experience the shared values that bring us to a place like this. When we are honest, we know that there is something to sink our teeth into here. But it’s hard to admit that what we do matters, because if we do, we have to live up to it.

Last week, I talked about the well known UU theologian and ethicist James Luther Adams. In the book, On Being Human Religiously, Adams points out what he believes to be the central, necessary assumptions of religious liberalism, and, using an image from the biblical David and Goliath story, he calls them the “Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism.” Here’s what Adams offers:

1) “Revelation is continuous.” Here, an honest faith proclaims that there is always more truth to be found in our religious lives. All the truth of the world cannot possibly be contained in one book, one teacher, one tradition, and so we keep searching.

2) All relations between people should be based on consent, and not coercion. The honest religion cannot make you believe something or join its congregation. It is an invitation into a shared life together. It invites you to bring your mind with you.

3) We have a moral obligation to direct our efforts toward justice in this world. In other words, the honest church knows that we do not only serve ourselves; justice is shaped with human hands.

4) We deny “the immaculate conception of virtue.” Here Adams means that there is no abstract good, we must bring goodness into the world. “The good” is brought about in our history, in our relationships, in good partners, citizens, friends, and leaders.

5) The resources that are available for achievement of meaningful change justify an attitude of ultimate optimism. There is hope in the ultimate abundance of the Universe. Adams was not naive about the evil in the world. Indeed, he saw it firsthand when we worked with the Underground Church movement in Nazi Germany. However, he asserted, as can we, that the honest religion knows things do not have to be the way they are. We can change the world.

Finally, Adams concludes this essay with an optimism about the core of liberal religion: “Thus, with all the realism and tough-mindedness that can be mustered, the genuine liberal finally can hear and join the Hallelujah Chorus, intellectual integrity, social relevance, amplitude of perspective, and the spirit of true liberation offer no less.”

I don’t know about you, but this is the kind of honest religion I would like to be a part of. We know that religiously liberal does not have to mean religiously timid, but it must mean honest; it must mean humble. When it comes to addressing questions of the sacred, of God, of value and meaning, a common statement coming out of an honest church is going to have to be “We don’t know yet.”

When asked to define the call of a religious life, the prominent Unitarian Universalist minister, Rev. Forest Church, offered this: “Religion is our human response to the dual reality of being alive and having to die.”

What does an honest religious life call us to do? If anything at all, to give to the world one more honest adult. We cannot make each other compassionate, we cannot remove human greed or all violence from the earth, but we can be present and real for this world as it is and each other as we are. Honest religion is not always grand. In fact, it seems that it is made up for the most part of the common moments of life. It might mean saying what we mean when we mean it, like “I love you,” or “I’m sorry.” It might mean giving voice to that uncomfortable fact or emotion in the room that everyone feels but is afraid to admit. It might mean living with our imperfections, our vulnerabilities knowing well that we are not the only ones, that we are not alone.

It asks of us each day, “Who is this self I’m presenting to the world? What masks am I wearing to protect me, and what are they keeping me from doing?” It calls us to speak up, not to remain silent and complicit in the midst of bigotry, racism, or injustice when we know that there is more potential for our beloved community to become real. It calls us to speak up when injustice is done in our name, especially when injustice is done in our name. The prophets of the biblical tradition focused on Israel first.

My spiritual friends, let us give to the world one more honest adult. If we “believe” as Rev. Adams said that revelation is not sealed, then let us search for more truth together. If we can believe that honest religion invites and does not coerce, let us begin the conversation now, let us invite others here. If we know that no supernatural force will bring justice in the world, let us prepare for much work. If we can say unashamedly that there is more hope in this world, let us not be quiet about it, let us make it known in our words, our songs, and in our lives.

Let us offer the chance for some real “honest religion,” because this world needs it. May this place and our communal lives together give the world for each of us, one more honest adult. What better time than now?


A Prophet's Authority

© Aaron White

 July 6, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

I’ll begin somewhat unusually for a Unitarian Universalist service today with a reading from 1 Kings:

“And He said: ‘Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD.’ And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”

On July 17th of 2006, I found myself on the 11th floor of Massachusetts General Hospital, sitting on the ground, in the dark, testing out my broken Spanish with a patient for the very first time.

J. was an elderly man, a Spanish speaker, and a victim of a very serious recent stroke. J. could barely speak, and the little I could hear I strained to understand. My religious and medical vocabulary is almost non-existent in Spanish, and I have trouble speaking in anything but the present tense. J and I had communication problems, to say the least. But there was one thing J said to me that I know I understood.

Jesus was in the room.

His head jerked back, yelling as he called out to God, I watched J slowly move his finger in the air as he pointed to the space above his bed. This UU seminarian asked, “Is Jesus here in the room with us?” He gripped my hand and pointed right above our heads. “Yes, there.”

My visit with J was part of a ten week unit of training in ministry called “Clinical Pastoral Education” that I completed a few summers ago at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. A frequent issue that arose there for me and my fellow students was one of spiritual authority. I asked and heard this question many times, “What gives me the right to say anything here?”

Now, I shared my story about J with my other student colleagues as part of a “verbatim.” Basically, a verbatim as a weekly assignment, in which you record one of your more memorable patient visits as accurately as you can. You then take this into something like a small group setting, and you read them aloud and reflect on this in your CPE group. In my CPE group, we had one woman from the United Church of Christ, one Reformed Jew, three Catholics, and one UU. It sounds like one of those jokes where everyone walks into a bar together, but it was every day of my life for a summer.

After recounting this visit in my verbatim, one of my colleagues, a devout Catholic seminarian preparing to be a missionary, asked me if I really believed that the man I spoke to saw Jesus in the room. Now, from what he knew of me as a Unitarian Universalist, I think he expected me to say “no.”

But there was something more to my experience here, and so I told my friend “yes.” I could tell he was a little surprised. He then asked me if I saw God in the room that day. This is where my natural “Aaron defines Unitarian Universalism” self began to step in. I was about to explain how that word “God” means many things to UU’s and how what I say can’t represent everyone. But before I could get my usual anxiety-filled routine going where I apologize for my faith, I simply said, “Well – yeah, I mean, we were already talking in translation.?

After our weeks together, I think that my colleagues expected me to do my normal shuffle around such questions. And they were completely right for doing so. For the longest time, I tried to provide informational facts about our church or make statements I thought would represent every UU. In a setting where my job was to make sense out of my religious experiences with others, I had yet to be honest about any of them with my colleagues, or myself for that matter. I had been so worried about my inability to say something entirely true about my experience of the Divine, that I said nothing at all.

Lately, this question of religious expression has been at the front of my mind, and its manifesting itself in one common word: prophesy. When I say “prophesy,” like many UU’s, I don’t mean the ability to foretell what will happen in the future. For me, prophesy means the courage give expression to my experiences of the world, of the Holy, no matter how imperfect my expressions may be. People sometimes call it ‘speaking truth to power.? At its most authentic, prophesy is a radical act.

The late Unitarian Universalist ethicist, James Luther Adams, spoke much about what he called the “prophethood of all believers.” Adams wanted to extend Luther’s call for the priesthood of all to extend to our prophetic witness as well. “The prophethood of all believers.” This is a phrase that has stuck with me since I first heard it, and it is crucial to my understanding of Universalism. All human beings, simply by the fact of being alive, have some access to the ground of our being, from which we can speak.

Now, our age in society makes us well aware of the dangers that can arise in assuming a voice of prophesy. Just turn on the television or read a newspaper and you can see that prophets don’t always do well for the world. What we see of fundamentalism, the post-modern condition, our training in schools, and the liberal nature of our own churches often caution us against assumptions that lead to simple grand statements about the world, and rightly so. Yet I cannot help but think that as people of the spirit, we have a place from which to speak. In our prophetic voice, should our inability to say everything keep us from saying something?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the biblical prophet, Amos. Amos was a people’s prophet. He came not from the stock of politicians, but from farmers, and raised his voice loudly against a government that would not care for the poorest of its people. Not surprisingly, Unitarian Universalists have historically taken a liking to Amos. We sing his words in our Hymn, “We’ll Build a Land,” when we talk about creating a society in which “justice shall roll down like waters, and peace like and ever-flowing stream.” In a decadent society crashing down around him, Amos, the text says, was visited by God in the form of visions which served as the start of his ministries.

I don’t know about you, but I have to say that I am very different from Amos in this regard. I’ve yet to have a vision, and more often than not, my religious inspiration resembles the ‘still small voice? of Elijah that I read about at the beginning of the sermon. Elijah is portrayed on a mountainside amid storms, earthquakes, and fire, none of which contain the word of God. When all is settled, he strains to hear the message in a ‘still, small voice? that passes by. (1 Kings 19:12). I love this image, a still, small voice.

The 20th century musician and Zen Buddhist, John Cage, had his own experience of hearing something amazing when he visited Harvard some years back and stepped into what’s called an anechoic chamber, a room without echoes.

Here is what Cage says about the experience:

“I entered one at Harvard University several years ago and heard two sounds, one high and one low. When I described them to the engineer in charge, he informed me that the high one was my nervous system in operation, the low one my blood in circulation. Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music.”

I feel something similar with respect to religion. Again, this for me is Universalism. It is the conviction that there is some reality within the world that all human beings have access to, not just a chosen group, a chosen time, not just those who have the grace of god and on and on. Our Universalist ancestors put forth the catalyst for a theology which affirms that all human beings, simply by the fact of being alive, can have connection with that which sustains all the web of life, with a spirit of community and love. Until we die, I believe there will be for every human being the sounds of the Divine, that still, small, astonishingly inescapable whisper of the sacred.

I can, of course, speak only for myself. But it is in these experiences of awe of the world around me, of feeling a force greater than myself surge through my veins, that I find my inspiration to speak to my greatest values. It is not always the source of my beliefs, but it is always the energy from which I speak about them. What happens, though? Why do I fall into the role of politician instead of prophet? Why is it so easy for us to shy away from being honest with our friends, family, and strangers about some of the most important experiences of our existence?

We are worthy to speak. Each and every one of us. Despite what others might have said; despite the constant messages we hear in our culture that we must become something different than who we are before we can give ourselves and our voices to the world, despite the dominant religious voice we hear in the American religious landscape ? in the face of all these things, you, me, and all those who will join us, our voices are worthy of being considered prophetic.

But why don’t we always use them? Often for me, it is fear. Fear of ridicule mostly, or not being understood. But I don’t think I’m the only one. Looking to the Hebrew Scriptures, even Moses was afraid to speak prophetically. He was a stutterer and didn’t think people would listen.

Sometimes I stutter spiritually. Sometimes my best efforts at giving voice to my religious life, even in times where like-minded people surround me, they just fall short. I find that often when I voice the earlier question I mentioned from the hospital – “what right do I have to speak?” – what I mean most of the time is “I’m so afraid that you won’t believe me.” But we remain called to speak.

There is a great story about the 18th century minister John Murray preaching in Boston. At the time, his notion of Universalism was even more radical than it is today, and it was not always well received. During one of his sermons, a rock came flying through a window and landed by his pulpit. Almost as if it were planned, Murray reached down and picked up the rock, saying: “This argument is solid and weighty, but it is neither reasonable nor convincing – not all the stones in Boston, except they stop my breath, shall shut my mouth.”

In our speaking as prophets of liberal religion in this world, there will be stones, my friends, but which ones will shut our mouths? Which ones are shutting our mouths right now? Real prophesy is a radical act. We hear the stories and see the images of those speaking truth to power facing death or violence, and many times meeting it.

The truth of the matter here, I think, is that most of us won’t face physical death for expressing our faith. I’m worried that we as prophets die spiritual deaths, because we did not hear the voice within us, or did not feel worthy to speak it when we did.

Our voice of liberal religion has something to offer this world. At this point, we have not only the right to speak, it is our duty. On this week of July 4th, we take time to celebrate the greatest principles of our nation. And yet the news speaks also this week of increased secret plans for war with Iran, of a despicable widening gap between the richest of our citizens and those who starve daily in this country. In yet another election cycle, I find myself being told to hate my neighbor, to fear the foreigner and the immigrant, to feel God’s love for my country over all others in the world.

Our history, our vision for a world made fair has so much potential. My friends, we have not been marginalized as a community, but we have been on the margins ? we have been too silent.

It is time for a different religious voice to make itself heard in our society, for a different religious voice to be the one featured on the news. It is time for us.

Our messages of tolerance, of peace, our dedication to individual freedom of conscience and equal voice for all in religion. Our religious commitment to the rights and dignity of every human being, of all the world around us – I cannot keep these messages to myself anymore.

There are things to be said. Let us say them. What would it look like if just the people in our congregations ? in just this room – really took their religious voice, their prophesy seriously? I think that it would be life changing. We will not always be right, and each one of us cannot know the truth alone. This is why we join together in community. This is why we have one another.

My friends, my prayer for us is that we may live fully the sometime terrifying task of the religious life, which challenges us to speak clearly and unashamedly our most intimate religious experiences, with the knowledge that we are not alone. We are not alone. May we, as if for the very first time, take seriously the voice within each of us, and the voice that this community of faith has to offer – not only in our places of worship, but with our family and friends, in our whole lives.

Like Elijah atop the mountain, may we strain to hear that still, small voice ? on hospital floors, in classrooms, in nature, in subway cars, and indeed within our very hearts; and may we have the courage to say with all of our breath, I hear you. It is waiting to be heard. What better time than now?


Should I?-Emily Tietz

© Emily Tietz

 June 29, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.


We pray from a place that knows there is much beauty in the world to behold.

 We pray from a place that knows there is endless love that has the power to connect us all.

 We pray from a place that knows that it matters what we believe.

 The Angels of our Better Nature call us to notice the beauty.

 The voices of our Higher Selves call us to remember love.

 Let us listen to them.

There are voices that would have us judge someone else’s worth to be less because their approach is different than our own.

 There are voices that would make us feel “less” because we don’t match someone else’s set of ideas.

 There are voices that would focus us only on ugliness, and disconnection and tearing down.

 But we know there is more love somewhere.

 Let us listen to the Higher Voices.

 The ones that add life to life; the ones that encourage us to come alive, and allow for everyone and everything around us to do the same.

Let us listen to those voices.


This sermon started over breakfast one morning. I sat across the table from my husband and saw a man who looked like he had something exciting to tell. “What,” I asked. Well, he had spent the morning brainstorming things he tells himself that he should or shouldn’t do/ be/think/feel. Several pages later, he felt quite light.

That’s when we sat down to breakfast.

“I should like cats!? He said. – I always thought that I should like cat’s because my sister liked cats and not dogs.”

When we were first married 8 years ago, there was some discussion about whether we’d get a cat or a dog. He was a cat person. I was a dog person. I’d grown up with dogs. Beyond that, when I was very young, my dad developed severe asthma and cats were one of the triggers. So in a very serious way, I learned that we should not have cats and that stayed with me into adulthood.

I had to laugh at David’s revelation because sometime during our college years, my sister Mary announced that all dogs, as pets, should be big and black. She had read that somewhere and seemed to put stock in it, so I adopted the idea.

In 38 years, Mary has never had a large black dog. In 36 years, neither have I. But for some reason the idea had weight and for years I thought that if I got a dog, it should at least be big, if not dark. But that didn’t appeal to me and I wondered if something was wrong with me because of it. It’s likely that Mary forgot about this “should” shortly after our conversation, but I held onto it because it came from my wiser older sister. It’s funny how that can happen.

David and I now have two cuddly 12-pound miniature dachshunds. One is red, and one has white, brown, and black spots. Getting them was his idea, and I happily obliged.

My dad now lives happily in the same house as a cat. His allergies are under control.

Each one of us let go of a “should” and we are all happy for it.

The funny thing about “shoulds” is that they often originate as an appropriate response to a specific situation. And then they turn into absolutes inside of us so even when a situation changes, the “should” stays. It may or may not be relevant or even helpful anymore. And it can hold us back from some really great experiences.

My resistance to cats well beyond the years I lived with someone who was allergic (and apparently beyond the years they were detrimental to his health) to them is a light-hearted example.

There is a story about a woman who always cut the front and back ends off of a ham before putting it into the oven to bake. Her husband asked her one day why she always did that. She didn’t know precisely, but that’s how her mom had always done it so it must be the way to cook a ham. She called her mom to find out why. Her mother laughed and explained that her baking pan was too small to fit the entire ham so she had to make it fit somehow.

The behavior was a relevant response to having a small pan. It wasn’t so relevant in the daughter’s life. And she had thrown away a lot until she examined the ‘should.?

From the time we’re born we take in messages. Messages about how we should behave, what we should like, how we should act, who we should be, and how to apply these standards to other people or situations. These “shoulds” affect our lives and they affect our souls, often in profound ways.

What might our lives be like if we consciously examined our “shoulds” ; if we figured out where they came from, who they belong to, and whether or not they are helpful in our lives now; if we looked at what choices are presented to us by our “shoulds” , and what choices are denied.

What might our lives look like?

That’s what I’d like to consider this morning.

So dogs and cats were the lighter side of the breakfast conversation that David and I had one morning. It turns out that I needed to give the church a sermon topic that day and now I had one.

Of course the next thing to do was to have a party. I invited my girlfriends over for good food and drink and thoughts.

Only some of the time did we directly talk about ‘shoulds.?

But we talked about them all night.

We told stories about growing up. We talked about motherhood a lot ? either about our own mothers or the newness of being a mother that many of my friends are now experiencing.

We gathered to talk about “shoulds” ? and talked about motherhood.


I don’t think that is a coincidence.

As girls, we often try to emulate our mothers, or be the opposite. Either way, we define ourselves by them for at least a while. Then we become the age our mothers were when we first tried to emulate them, maybe we become mothers ourselves, and we try to figure out what womanhood means in light of her. There is bound to be a lot of “shoulds” there.

The same could be said of a man’s experience.

It is from our parents that we learned that we shouldn’t run out into the street, or touch a hot stovetop, or pull the ears of a dog. It is from our parents that we learn we should say “please” and “thank you,” brush our teeth, and get a good night’s sleep.

And things much more profound.

Things like self-respect, or shame. Things like self-care, or denial. Things like trust, or fear.

And so on.

We learn these things from countless other places too. But they start at home.

The “shoulds” and ‘shouldn’ts? that we learn build the essential framework for the codes we live by. I don’t think our experience of life can be separated from these codes, or even (should) be. After all, it’s these codes that make groups of people able to function together. They give us identity. They give is direction. They keep us safe.

But they can also do the opposite. And then they’re detrimental.

And then, of course, there are the “shoulds” that start out as appropriate responses to a certain situation, and stay with us long after the situation has changed and the should is no longer helpful.

So much of what we believe we should or shouldn’t do comes from layers of indirect conditioning. Then we are compelled to live by a code that we’re not fully conscious of or can’t really articulate. We just know somewhere deep in our fibers certain do’s and don’ts.

We tend to assume others live by the same do’s and don’ts

And we get surprised when we discover that they don’t.

And we even get offended when someone doesn’t live up to our unspoken ideas about what should and should not be.

Then we set ourselves up for a lot of struggle and a lot of trouble and a lot of missing out on neat things.

Examining our “shoulds” ? and choosing our “shoulds” ? is a helpful thing to do.

There is a saying that goes, “We give ourselves away one inch at a time.” How far can you go before there’s nothing of You left?

I think it’s also true that we can chip away at another person one inch at a time. How much can we chip before there’s nothing of that person left?

I think so much of what allows us to give ourselves away one inch at a time is to believe that another person’s “shoulds” are more legitimate for our own lives than what our own soul tells us.

And I think so much of what allows us to chip away at someone else is the belief that our own set of “shoulds” is more valid than his or hers.

Jim Hightower spoke here about a month ago and he quoted someone ? I can’t remember whom, and I may not even accurately remember the quote, but it went something like, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

That’s a little hard to do without consciously examining what should messages we live by, who they really belong to, and then choosing the ones that work for us now.

We formulate our “shoulds” and ‘shouldn’ts? one inch at a time, too. And we rarely notice.

But it’s helpful to notice.

It is helpful to notice because then we can actually decide which ones add life to life; which ones make us come alive; and which ones allow us to be wholly ourselves.

This has everything to do with the soul. It’s really no different than examining and consciously choosing one’s religion ? both are about what we fundamentally believe, and how we intend to live, and what we want to pass on.

Becoming conscious of the “shoulds” we live by allows us to discern which ones belong to the voice of our Better Nature, our Higher Selves, or something more squashing.

How many people choose a profession, or a partner, or make other major life choices that kill their spirit a bit more each day because of an adopted should?

And then how many other people suffer because of that person’s frustration?

Becoming conscious of our “shoulds” is not about navel-gazing. It is about coming alive.

It is an essential part of being able to find the path that makes us come alive, because we can only do it if we shed someone else’s idea for us.

What might our lives look like if we examined the choices presented to us by our “shoulds” ?

A few stories came to mind as I was thinking about this theme.

One is a story about Gandhi. It may be true, it may be legend, it may be a bit of both. But it’s good?

A woman came to Gandhi and asked him to please tell her son to stop eating sugar. It was ruining his teeth and hurting his health. Gandhi thought about this for a minute, then asked her to come back in a week.

A week later she returned and made the same request, and Gandhi thought again, and again asked her to come back in a week.

This happened a couple more times before Gandhi finally advised the son to stop eating sugar.

The mother was both relieved and exasperated. If that’s all Gandhi was going to do, why did he make her wait so long and come back so many times?!

Well, he had to successfully stop eating sugar himself first, and it was much harder to do than he had expected.

There is a “should” in that story. A big one – and it’s not about sugar. One that makes us go, “Ahhhh – yesss.” The “should” has something to do with integrity ? and the Angels of our Better Nature recognize a kindred voice here.

There is another story about Lance Armstrong in the 2001 Tour de France. Lance and his strongest competitor, Jan Ullrich, were neck and neck. Then Ullrich crashed. Armstrong pulled over and waited until his rival could return to the race. He said that he couldn’t imagine taking advantage of the situation.

There is a “should” in that story. A big one. One that makes us go, “Ahhhh-wow.” The “should” has something to do with humanity, or respect ? and our Higher Selves recognize a kindred voice.

So please don’t hear me saying that “shoulds” are bad and we need to throw them out the window. They can be very life giving. They are even necessary for life. It’s just helpful to think about the ones we’ve got and the ones we want, and how that affects our lives and those around us.

I’ve been reading a book by Renee Peterson Trudeau called The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal. I’m not a mother, but my neighbor, who is a new mother, discovered it and invited a group of friends ? new mothers and non-mothers alike ? to join her in reading a chapter a month and then getting together to discuss it.

Last month’s chapter observed a “should” that is alive and well in our culture ? the “should” that says we must be strong and independent and not need to ask for help if we’re going to be worth much. The author observed how demoralizing this can be, especially when one is trying to figure out how to be a new parent while keeping the rest of life functioning.

Then she shared the story of a woman whose husband travels often for work. When he goes out of town for a week or more, Sarah, mom of two toddlers, has her sister babysit one night so that she can go out to dinner with a girlfriend. She also has a high-school neighbor come over a few evenings to help with dinner, baths and bedtime, and she makes sure she has easy-to-prepare food going into the week. Sarah says, “I used to dread these business trips and would want to dump the kids on my husband the minute he returned from his trip. Now I have learned that I just have to build in extras support when he’s away on a trip. Not only is the week more peaceful and enjoyable, but my husband returns to a family that’s happy to see him. Rather than being resentful that he’s been gone.”

She examined a should ? the one that told her she should be independent and able to take care of everything in her life herself. She challenged it and found a way to invite others in. What she came up with has added life to her life, and to the lives of the ones she loves the most.

What might our lives look like if we examined the choices presented to us by our “shoulds” ? And then found the courage to choose a better path?

Here’s a different kind of story. One with weighty consequences.

I knew a woman when I lived in Chicago who had a very strong Christian faith. Her particular understanding of the faith was that, when someone dies, one should celebrate and only be glad because that person was now experiencing the ultimate eternal life. This is not every Christian’s understanding of an appropriate response to death by a long shot, but it was hers, and she is not alone in it.

Penny was very close with her mother, and during the last years of her mother’s life, her mother lived with Penny. One of the things that brought mother and daughter together so strongly was their shared faith. Her mom told Penny that when she, the mother, died, Penny should not feel sad. She should only feel happiness and rejoice that her mother was in heaven.

Her mother probably meant these words to be comfort.

And Penny expected to only feel happiness and rejoicing.

But that’s not how she felt when her mother died. Penny felt the awful aching hole that gets wrenched in us when someone we dearly love dies.

And it scared her.

It made her feel very ashamed.

Grief naturally brings crisis of it’s own. Penny’s was layered with a confusion and self-doubt that made her feel worthless, and it was all because of a ‘should.?

What kind of faith did she actually have if she felt sadness at the loss of her mother, instead of joy? Did it mean that she didn’t believe strongly enough? Would God reject her because of her unfaithfulness? Could she show her grief and still be acceptable to other people? How selfish must she be to feel pain for her own loss, and not exuberance at her mother’s gain? Did she not love her mother enough to be happy for her? And her list went on.

Her beliefs about what she should feel and ‘shouldn’t? feel, how she should and ‘shouldn’t? respond were so ingrained in her that when she was confronted by her actual experience, her “shoulds” shredded her.

It’s helpful to take notice of what should and ‘shouldn’t? messages we live by. It’s helpful to ask ourselves whose voice they belong to. Is it a voice that builds up, or beats down?

Only when we ask ourselves these questions can we actually decide which “should” messages add life to life; which ones make us come alive; which ones allow us to be wholly ourselves and present with others. And which ones would be better given back to their source.

We would choose to keep many ‘shoulds,? but now they would belong to our own voice and that kind of should feels very different. We would choose to let go of other “shoulds” and while that wouldn’t always be easy or pain-free, it would ultimately feel good and be a step toward gaining our own lives back.

What might our lives look like if we examined the choices presented to us by our “shoulds” ?

A couple of weeks after my party, I sat with one my friends on her front porch well into the night.

At the party, she seemed to redirect the topic anytime a “should” came up. “I figured out why I didn’t want to talk about “shoulds”,” she announced. “I feel so bad anytime I think of them. They’re just a weight hanging over my head or a finger waiving at me. I think of all the things I’m not getting to, or the person I’m not being with my son or my husband or at work, and I feel overwhelmed and like I’m falling short. And I feel stuck.”


She shared that she was trying something new. Anytime she thought she should be doing something, she changed the “should” to a “could” to see how that felt. It always felt freeing. It gave her choices.

This has everything to do with the soul. Not just our own souls, but those around us. We give ourselves away one inch at a time. We chip away at another’s soul one inch at a time. We also affect people around us by the well-being of our own soul.

I don’t think it’s accidental that all religions end up with a list of them. We recognize that there are certain codes that make life meaningful and full and larger than our own meiopic world and these codes deserve the qualification of “holy”.

As we spoke together in this morning’s reading:

“It matters what we believe.”

Some beliefs are like walled gardens. They encourage exclusiveness, and the feeling of being especially privileged.

Other beliefs are expansive and lead the way into wider and deeper sympathies.

Some are like shadows, clouding children’s days with fears of unknown calamities.

Others are like sunshine, blessing children with the warmth of happiness.

Some beliefs are divisive, separating the saved from the unsaved, friends from enemies.

Other beliefs are bonds in a world community, where sincere differences beautify the pattern.

Some beliefs are like blinders shutting off the power to choose one’s own direction.

Other beliefs are like gateways opening wide vistas for exploration.

Some beliefs weaken a person’s selfhood. They blight the growth of resourcefulness.

Other beliefs nurture self-confidence and enrich the feeling of personal worth.

Some beliefs are rigid, like the body of death, impotent in a changing world.

Other beliefs are pliable, like the young sapling, ever growing with the upward thrust of life.?

It matters what we believe. And our “shoulds” have everything to do with that.

Life Passed Through the Fire of Thought

© Aaron White

 June 22, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.

In January of this year I was astounded to hear that on this planet, a human language dies every fourteen days. The radio program I was listening to said that “by the end of this century, half of the world’s nearly 7,000 languages will be extinct.” One of those languages that died this year was that of the Alaskan Eyak tribe. But, before she herself died, this language’s last fluent speaker did what she could to make sure the legacy, culture, and memory of her language lived on. Before the time of her death at age 89, Chief Marie Smith Jones worked with researchers in putting together both a dictionary and formalized grammar of her Eyak language. Here, something of her story will live on.

Another dying language, however, will face a different set of challenges. Here’s a brief quote from NPR’s Morning Edition from November of last year:

“Two brothers in southern Mexico had a falling out. They aren’t speaking, and that has linguists worried. It might have remained a family feud but the brothers are the last two speakers of the local Zoque language. Experts at the Mexican Institute for Indigenous Languages fear that the version of Zoque the brothers speak will disappear if they don’t come to terms. No details on exactly what drove the two apart.”

Now, while the English I’m using right now is certainly in no immediate danger of extinction, I can’t help but think that all of us are in a situation similar to that of the people I just mentioned. Each of our communities, and each of us as individuals, has such a unique experience of the world. And, unless we express what we want now, much of it will pass with us. How is it that we translate the language of our life into something that will carry on?

When I was in seminary, I commonly heard from fellow students and ministers the notion that every preacher actually only has one sermon that they give over and over again in different forms. This is not to say that the minister only has one good sermon in them, but that for many people, their ministry is driven by a religious motivation so strong, that most of their sermons and material are really variations on that larger theme. I’ll leave it to you to decide if this description fits for your current minister, but I know that it is definitely accurate for me.

One night, some members of my ministerial support and study group were sitting around a table discussing what our one sermon might be. My good friend, Julia, offered hers, and I will never forget it. Julia said that the one theme that runs through all her preaching is this: “Life is weirder, harder, and better than you think.” So far in my life, I’ve found her to be correct.

When I came to my own, it was no surprise to me that as someone with a theatre degree, mine would reflect the title of a musical: “I love you, you’re perfect, now change.” I find that this theme runs through much of my ministry and is grounded in our Unitarian Universalist tradition. Our Unitarian and Universalist ancestors passed down to us the theological notions that every part of creation, every individual participates in what is sacred, but that it is still hard work fashioning a fulfilling spiritual life and making justice in this world.

It is certainly not possible to describe an entire life in one sentence. I have to be honest with you. When preparing for this first sermon of the summer as your Summer Minister, I had a bit of writers? block. This question kept creeping up on me: “What can I say to this place? What is it that I have to offer to this historic, vibrant, and growing community of faith?” I certainly don’t think I could offer any sort of grand wisdom that many or all of you don’t already have. But what I can do is ask you the same questions I was asking myself.

Why does this place exist? If this church were to disappear tomorrow, what language would disappear with it? For each person here today, what is it that your life says to the world, and what do you want it to say?

We are living in a period of time where advertisers are constantly telling us to express ourselves. But they want that expression in our cell phone plans or MySpace pages, with the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, or the music we listen to. I was lucky enough to be invited to sit in with the Young Adult group that met here this week. And, as they wisely said in our conversations, being sold something all the time is not the fullest expression of who we are as human beings. Our religious tradition affirms that the great story, the religious wisdom of the world is not complete without your life. What is it that you want it to say?

I know that, for me, it’s often really hard to find that answer or to say it when I have even some idea. As romantic as I’d like to present it, I don’t spend the majority of my waking hours thinking profound thoughts or acting like some sort of saint. A great deal of the time, I’m worried that I won’t be able to make a difference in this world as just one person, especially THIS person.

I can only speak for myself, of course, but there is so much that keeps me from offering my true self to the world. In this culture, I often feel like I’m just too busy to offer some saving message. I’ve got a job, bills to pay, family to deal with, a house to clean ? there’s just no time for some sort of prophetic message to the world.

I wonder if anyone else here has ever felt like it’s a little embarrassing to seem hopeful in this society? It seems easier to get up in front of strangers, or even my family and friends, to talk about some pain in my past, stories of doom and gloom to come. It seems like it’s easier to get up and show off some scar from when I got hurt than to speak of my real love and hope for this world.

The good news here is that we certainly are not the first people to feel this way or struggle with these types of issues. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes gives voice to the real frustration we can experience in this life. The first sentence of the book begins like this, “Everything is meaningless,” says the teacher, “completely meaningless.” The more traditional translation makes me think he could have been living in 2008: “Vanity of Vanities,” he says, “All is vanity.” I say, “He,” because as a court author of the time, the author was most probably male.

“What is the use of all this,” he asks. He looks to gaining wealth, power, and wisdom, and finds that each of us in the end shares the same fate. He finds that the sunshine and rain fall upon the just and the wicked equally. In one of the passages where he is perhaps struggling most, the author writes, “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new – We don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now.”

I can tell you that I have definitely been frustrated enough to feel like this. Anybody else?

In the midst of all this, though, I’m happy to know that what we do and say actually does make a difference. When our congregations came together to adopt the principles of Unitarian Universalism, we included this, that we affirm an “interdependent web of existence, of which we are all a part.” A little wordy and vague, I know, but in my understanding, this is meant to be a statement about the nature of reality -that each and every part of existence affects and is related to all others. Our religious tradition, and what we are learning from science, affirms that the language of our life, what we offer to this world, makes a difference far beyond ourselves.

In his book, Thank God for Evolution, the Rev. Michael Dowd notes that in the evolution of species, we know that one animal looks and acts the way it does because of what its ancestors did. A Rhinoceros is thick skinned and horned because its ancient ancestors chose to stay and fight. A gazelle is fast because its ancestors were able to flee. What will our descendents look like? What will the future of this church and this faith, of this world, look like because you were here?

For me, another piece of good news here is that, in my experience, to make the right kind of difference, we do not have to be anything but who we are. But the challenge is that we do have to be who we REALLY are – our most authentic selves. Our message to the world, what each and every one of us has to give, does not have to be the smartest, most unique, interesting thing to come about. In fact, that is not always what is most helpful. It seems that what really matters is presenting ourselves, not the selves that get bought or sold into an image, but our REAL selves to the world in a way that alters lives.

The former Unitarian minister, Ralph Waldo Emerson, knew something about this when he addressed the graduates of Harvard Divinity School in 1838 and talked about bad preaching. I know that is a dangerous subject to bring up while in the pulpit, but I think it is worth it here. In this address, Emerson asserts that we have the option between choosing to give freely to the world our real selves or something far different. Here is a bit of what he said to the graduates that day:

“I once heard a preacher who sorely tempted me to say, I would go to church no more… A snow storm was falling around us. The snow storm was real; the preacher merely spectral” He had lived in vain – If he had ever lived and acted, we were none the wiser for it…This man had ploughed, and planted, and talked, and bought, and sold; he had read books; he had eaten and drunken; his head aches; his heart throbs; he smiles and suffers; yet was there not a surmise, a hint, in all the discourse, that he had ever lived at all – The true preacher can be known by this, that he deals out to the people his life, ? life passed through the fire of thought – It seemed strange that the people should come to church. It seemed as if their houses were very unentertaining, that they should prefer this thoughtless clamor.

What Emerson taught that day is not just a lesson for preachers, I think, but for anyone who wants their life to matter. We don’t have to present some perfect version of ourselves to the world in order to make a difference. What we give to each other doesn’t have to be, and cannot be flawless, but it does have to be real. When people read the story that your life gives to the world, what do they find? Will they know that you lived, smiled and suffered, “ploughed and planted” as Emerson said.

It is not always easy to feel like we’re in the right part of our lives to give something to the world. Some in this community are moving out of home for the first time, trying out new ways of living that feel right for them. Many of us are just trying to get the basics of life in order: making a living, starting a family, or finding some type of work that gives us meaning while paying the bills. Many people in this community are facing extraordinary or terrifying things, sometimes all at the same time. In this room right now, there is inspiration, loneliness, sickness and suffering, ageing and youth, anxiety and hope all living side by side. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that what is happening here in our lives could be holy, and other times it’s obvious.

I am proud to be a part of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Our living tradition has held for hundreds of years that new truth about reality has been revealing itself in many ways for eons in the past, and is doing that same thing right now. Religious inspiration and revelation about the nature of this world, of our very existence, is happening right now, right here in this room, in me, and in you.

It is easy to be humbled in the face of how big the world is. And, sometimes, it’s easy also to be humiliated by it. I feel compelled to say this in almost every sermon I give, because it’s often so difficult for me to truly comprehend myself. We are so much more than our jobs. We are so much more than where we went to school, how we dress, where we live, or who we voted for. These things surely affect us, and much of it is so important to us, but in the end, we are so much more than all these. In the midst of all this mental chatter, in all these messages that are sent to us in society, how is it that I even find part of a bigger self to identify with?

Recently, I read a passage from scientists Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams that offer one source:

I can trace my lineage back fourteen billion years through generations of stars. My atoms were created in stars, blown out in stellar winds or massive explosions, and soared for millions of years through space to become part of a newly forming solar system ? my solar system – Intimately woven into me are billions of bits of information that had to be encoded and tested and preserved to create me. Billions of years of cosmic evolution have produced me.

It’s a good thing that we don’t have to believe this, because we know it’s true. Looks like each of us can speak from a very spectacular place.

As I said in beginning this morning, over the course of the summer, I know that I have much more to learn from your community than to teach it. But I will begin with at least with these questions. What it is that this place gives to the world? What is it that you want your life to say, and what is it saying? At a White House Conference on aging 1961, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “There is no human being who does carry a treasure in [their] soul: a moment of insight, a memory of love, a dream of excellence, a call to worship.” What is yours?

My spiritual friends, each of us has the chance (and a very brief one at that) to let our lives speak something true to the world. It may be something grand, something beautiful, a call to justice, a subtle compassion, or a quiet wisdom. No matter what, know this, even in our silence, our very existence will present a message. The interesting this about being a free religious community is that we do not have one book, authority figure, or set of rituals that will continue after us all by itself. The future of this place and its saving message is up to us.

I am sure you have noticed, but a lot of the world is in trouble right now. So many are suffering. So many here are suffering. We do not have the privilege of letting our lives remain silent, or say anything less than prophetic to the world. In this community, our lives must speak to the deepest growth and potential of existence itself.

The term gospel means “good news.” But I have to tell you, I am convinced that good news will not be enough. Your life, and the life of this community, needs to show the world some great news: The great news that the potential for what we can say and be in this world is amazing. The great news that there is always more love, more joy, more truth to be found in this world. The great news that there are no saved and damned, none excluded from the sacred. The great news that gay or straight, conservative or liberal, any race, creed, or nation – each of us shares in one humanity and one fate.

However, I believe that the call to action in a Unitarian Universalist community and in those of other religious liberals is not an easy one. This is not some sentimental view of our role here ? not just some religion where we can say “we’re all ok as we are so we have no work to do.” This is a call to the most radical reimagining of society we have ever seen, where we each cultivate a radically free mind and heart. Its starts this very moment. In how we greet those who come into the doors of this church as if they were in our own home. It starts in how generous we can be to this living tradition and to our communities. It starts in seeing the history, the essence of being itself, something sacred in every single human, including those who differ with us (especially in this election year).

The call of our community is one to give genuinely of yourself to the world ? all of you, the real you ? to give forth our life “passed through the fire of thought.” This does not have to be the “you” defined your religious group, political party, or any other single label we use to confine ourselves. This might be the simplest and most challenging thing any of us could do, but I believe this is exactly what is going to have to happen if we want to see the beloved community on earth.

Just like the languages dying of every fourteen days, something of our lives? song will go with us unless we give what we can right now. May we at this very moment find the courage to give voice to our hope; may we breathe our most authentic selves into this world, and may the language of our lives, sing songs of justice. What better time than now?



© Davidson Loehr

 June 15, 2008

 First UU Church of Austin

 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button.


Let us give thanks for this amazing and miraculous gift of life, and let us work to complete it. Life comes to us in kit form, with some assembly required. But most of the pieces are blessed indeed – far more than are not.

Let us never doubt that we are a gift to this world, and let us pray that our world will be a blessing to us as well.

So much is uncertain in life: how long we will live, how well we will live, the balance of our happy and our sad days, how we will love and be loved. So much is uncertain.

But all the uncertainties take place within the larger miracle of life itself. The miracle and the gift is the fact that we are here at all. Let us not become so confused or jaded that we let ourselves become numb to that most important of facts.

If the only prayer we ever uttered was simply “Thank you,” it would be sufficient. Thank you to Life, the universe, God, the unnameable mystery by whatever names we call it forth. Thank you.

Let us give thanks for this amazing and miraculous gift of life, and let us show our gratitude by becoming a gift to ourselves, and to others. For we are not only gifts, but the bearers of gifts, and the world would not be as complete without us. So let us, above all else, remember to give thanks for the sheer gift of just being alive. Just being alive.


SERMON: Brokenness

I’ve never preached on “brokenness” before. When I Googled it, I found it is a very popular word among many Christian writers. I love good and insightful thinking from all religious traditions, but the things I read on this word “brokenness” have an odd, even morbid, undertone. Let me read you the comments of six different authors who were among the first dozen or so to come up on the Google search, and you’ll see what I mean:

One says, “An unbroken person cannot be trusted.” (Gary Rosberg)

Reknowned Catholic priest Henri Nouwen wrote (in his book, The Return of the Prodigal Son) that “it is often difficult to believe that there is much to think, speak or write about other than brokenness”.

Another author (Mark Buchanan) wrote that brokenness “molds our character closer to the character of God than anything else. To experience defeat, disappointment, loss”the raw ingredients of brokenness”moves us closer to being like God than victory and gain and fulfillment ever can.” This sounds like some of the teaching of 12-step programs, and it’s true that sometimes we have to hit the bottom before we’re willing to wake up. But as a model for living our lives? We can do better.

Another (Alan Redpath) says, God will only plant the seed of his life “where the conviction of His Spirit has brought brokenness.”

A fifth author (Charles Brent) says that every call to Christ is a call to suffering, and every call to suffering is a call to Christ.

And a sixth says that “Worship starts with a broken heart.” (Calvin Miller)

I want to say that these voices are coming from another world, but not the one most of us are living in or would want to live in. They are speaking from within only one vehicle of insight and wholeness, the vehicle of one popular version of modern Christianity, and I want to suggest that what’s broken is not us, but that vehicle. I want to bring in a couple evangelical writers who speak to that, and then offer you some wisdom from a very different, perhaps unexpected, source.

A couple weeks ago, I talked about a new book by Christine Wicker called The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church. She was raised in the evangelical Baptist church, came to Jesus at age nine, then grew away from the church, but kept a soft and warm spot in her heart for it. A major publisher asked her to write a book about what great successes the megachurches were as the spearheads of the evangelical movement. But after more than a year of research, the leaders within the churches convinced her that she was writing the wrong book. She went back to her publisher and took another year to write, instead, about the unreported fact that evangelical churches and numbers are declining, have not kept up with population growth for the past hundred years, and that we”ve been duped into thinking they were strong because they learned to manipulate the media very cleverly. They represent perhaps 7% of Americans, not the 25% we”ve been told – and the churches know this. She includes herself among the duped, as she was a religion writer for the Dallas Morning News for seventeen years.

The reason for the decline is the same as the reason for the decline of almost all traditional churches: our world has changed, our minds and hearts have changed, we no longer need the kind of God traditional religion has to offer, and we need other important things that it can’t offer. If you think about it, that’s a revolutionary statement. On Father”s Day, this stands out to me more, because this sounds like the data that say far more women attend church than men, because men want more hard-nosed empirical stuff than all the airy-fairy poetry of religions. I don’t think it’s quite that simple, though there’s something to it. But I think it is more about parents than just fathers.

In the world today, we need to be able to act, to adapt quickly, to think on our own, rather than blindly following authority. We feel a visceral imperative to be more open and flexible than humans have been in the past, which is another reason we may see the blind obedience taught by evangelical parents as dangerous thinking that will not prepare their children to live in the real world after they leave home (Christine Wicker, The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church, p. 171).

It’s in families, raising children, where the real world and the world of religious dogma are most incompatible. Evangelical children, says Christine, are learning to obey authority while other American children are learning to question authority, to voice strong disagreement, to follow their own ideas. While evangelical parents may protect their children from growing up too fast, other American parents – both fathers and mothers – begin preparing their children to make decisions at earlier ages. These deep-seated differences in what parents believe their children must have and in how children are being formed as a result are the greatest reasons Americans will never, and cannot ever, return to the old-time religion. (Christine Wicker, The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church, p. 173)

The idea that a happy, self-reliant person with adequate self-esteem is more likely to be a moral, good citizen has replaced the Christian image of humans as sinful, broken creatures in need of outside salvation. What was once called sin is now considered sickness. So health rather than holiness is the modern parent’s goal. And I want to say, that’s a good thing. (Christine Wicker, The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church, p. 185)

It seems that a new way of judging what’s moral and what’s not is coming into being. It means people don’t feel the same need for the kind of God traditional religion supplies. (Christine Wicker, The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church, p. 187)

This kind of thinking makes our children flexible, thinking, reasoning, searching, very unorthodox people. (Christine Wicker, The Fall of the Evangelical Nation: The Surprising Crisis Inside the Church, p. 187)

It leads to deeper, more aware, honest, nuanced and integrated kids. This state of hopeful wholeness was once called “salvation,” but today we call it health. So one point is that traditional religion has lost its roots in, and lost the ability to prepare us for, the real world outside the walls of the church and many fathers and mothers don’t trust their kids to it.

Let’s hear from one more evangelical who”s writing from inside that faith, rather than having left it as Christine Wicker did. Alan Jacobs is a professor of English at Wheaton College , and wrote this for the Wall Street Journal just over a week ago. (“Too Much Faith in Faith”, 6 June 2008, p. W11). Here’s some of what he wrote:

“If there is one agreed-upon point in the current war of words about religion, it is that religion is a very powerful force. Is it, though? I have my doubts, and they begin with personal experience. I am by most measures a pretty deeply committed Christian. I am quite active in my church; I teach at a Christian college; I have written extensively in support of Christian ideas and belief. Yet when I ask myself how much of what I do and think is driven by my religious beliefs, the honest answer is “not so much.” The books I read, the food I eat, the music I listen to, my hobbies and interests, the thoughts that occupy my mind throughout the greater part of every day – these are, if truth be told, far less indebted to my Christianity than to my status as a middle-aged, middle-class American man.

“When people say that they are acting out of religious conviction, I tend to be skeptical; I tend to wonder whether they’re not acting as I usually do, out of motives and impulses over which I could paint a thin religious veneer but which are really not religious at all.”

Now this man isn’t a Christ-hating savage. He teaches at Wheaton College in Illinois , the alma mater of Billy Graham, which has never been known as a bastion of liberal thought.

So one former evangelical author says the membership in the churches is declining, that they can’t convert enough new people to keep from shrinking because they’re too out of touch with the world we’re really living in. And a current professor at evangelical Wheaton College says that even within the religion, the truth is that the religion has very little to do with what we think, read, feel or do. This is a measure of a religion that has become a broken vehicle for helping us find more meaning and purpose in life. Its wheels have come off.

So I began with the idea of brokenness, which is a concept deeply embedded in a lot of modern religious thinking in our culture. I shared some of the research by a former evangelical who now, as an outsider to that worldview, reports that even the churches know they are losing more members and more appeal every year. She suggests it’s because their message is grounded in biases that have lost their roots in the world we’re really living in, and a growing number of us prefer the real world. Then Alan Jacobs, who is not only still an evangelical, but teaches at one of the flagship conservative colleges, says that even as a believer, he has to admit that his religious beliefs actually play almost no role in how he thinks, feels, or lives. I think there’s good evidence that many of the loudest religious voices telling us we’re broken and need their special salvation are, in fact, themselves broken, and failing as useful vehicles for our most important hopes, fears, dreams and yearnings.

So what if, instead, we were to seek out some wise figures who live in the real world, are at home in it, and are also asking questions about life, meaning and purpose? How different would their advice sound than these messages insisting that God only cares for broken souls?

Well, it just so happens that we have some of these voices among us. So I want to read you a few things from their wisdom, so you can hear and feel the difference. Remember, the question guiding us this morning is the question of brokenness: are we broken, is brokenness really a healthy and useful way of looking at our lives, or is there a way of understanding ourselves that is not broken, and is better for us? Some of you have already heard these voices, because they are four of our own high school students, who presented short homilies during their Youth Service last Sunday. If you missed it, you missed something very special. Listen to a few insights from four teen-agers who live in the modern world, are creatures of that world, and believe what they’ve learned in this church – and I hope could learn in any good liberal church – that their questions and feelings matter, that they can trust their minds, and can find their own healthy and whole path through life if they choose to.

Now as you listen, don’t mentally patronize these young people. Don’t think “Oh, that’s so good for a kid, it’s just swell.” Don’t mentally pat them on the heads. Be tough. Listen to them as you would listen to anyone offering wisdom, and see how it stacks up. See, especially, how it stacks up against advice about how we’re broken or sinful. They didn’t come here to show off; they came here to try and offer something that might be both true and useful for you, so hold them to the high standards they’ve requested.

Josh is one of our students, and says, “As our lives change, we lose and discover things about ourselves. We change from what we were, to what we are, to what we could be. Sometimes we also find friendships we thought we could never have, without even trying. In my short 16 years I have moved a total of 10 times and every time I seem to find these wonderful and amazing people without even looking. They seem to pop out of nowhere and change my life. That I think is the greatest thing anyone could find: the love and joy of friends.” He doesn’t sound broken.

Listen to the trust here. He has found a way to back off and see life as a moving picture. He isn’t trying to cling to a dogmatic truth, he knows already that life is about change. He isn’t looking for water wings, but for swimming lessons, and he’s swimming pretty well.

One youth reflected on a Rolling Stones song from her parents” generation, about how “You can’t always get what you want”but if you try sometimes, you can get what you need.” She says, “No matter how much we want something or how much we think we must have something, or how hard we try to get it, sometimes the universe just won’t let it happen. But, if you try sometimes, if you try new things and expand your world, you can get what you need,” even if you hadn’t known you needed it.

She told a story to illustrate this, about a time she was digging through the family couch, looking for loose change to buy candy at the movie. I imagine nearly everyone here remembers doing that. She didn’t find enough change to get the candy, but she did find something without which many teenagers might not be able to survive for even one day – her cell phone. She didn’t even know she’d lost it. And so the world, she said, is like a big couch, “littered with all sorts of random objects, and waiting for us to dig around in it. Maybe we will find what we want. Maybe we will find what we haven’t been looking for, but need more than we thought. Nevertheless, the choice is ours whether or not to look in the first place.” And she thinks we should be out there digging around in the couch of life. She doesn’t sound broken.

Our third student, Shane, thought about the whole idea of gaining experiences. He said that unless you live under a rock, you’re experiencing things every day. And that even if you do live under a rock, you’re probably experiencing things too, like pain and boredom. But it’s not like you can go to the movie store and pick out which experiences you want, and skip the bad ones. If you want to have really valuable experiences, you have to be patient, because not all experiences are either valuable or pleasant. And when the really valuable experiences do happen, it may not be when or where you expect. Does this sound like a modern teenager, or an ancient sage?

Then Sierra talked about happiness. She’s already learned that you can’t buy it – even with money from the couch. “You have to know where to find it. And this is the tricky part. How can we get it? You can try as hard as you possibly can to reach this happiness, and still not get it. You can’t control it. You can alter your mood and surround yourselves with things that supposedly “make you happy”, and some days the happiness just won’t come.”

She decides that maybe happiness is more complex than we think. Maybe it has to include the sadness, the fear, the satisfaction, the contentment, the surprise, and the regrets. Like Natalie, she invents an analogy for us. She says maybe happiness is like white light. White light is made up of all the colors, and if one color were missing, it wouldn’t be pure white, just like if one of our experiences was missing or an emotion was suppressed for a lifetime, it wouldn’t be as full, as complete a life. It isn’t about pretending we can only have happy, fun experiences. I”d say that’s not the real world; that’s Disneyworld . She says, at age 15, that in our real-world pursuit of happiness, we are gathering experiences that at the end of our lifetime might just combine and finally give us our greatest happiness – the most full and satisfying life – the way all the different colors combine to make pure white light.

These young people are not finished growing, but they’re not broken. They see the good and bad as inherent parts of life, and see happiness as living in a way that can let them integrate all of our experiences, and weave them into a character with depth and nuance.

We are completely at home in the real world. Whatever is sacred, is there – which means that whatever is sacred is already within us, too. We are linked with all other life on earth. We are part of this world, all the way down. We are at home here, all the way down. And our salvation, our wholeness, must be rooted deeply in the real world around us to its most profound and life-giving parts, all the way down.

That’s the voice you hear coming from our own high school students. Not because they were taught a doctrine or dogma, but because they were taught that they must think, they must interact with the world and that it can mostly be trusted, and so can their own powers of reasoning and meaning-making. We are saved, today, not by dogmas or orthodoxies, but by an empowered imagination, and our ability to imagine our own most fulfilling paths through life.

we’re not broken. we’re unfinished. We don’t need to be made holy; we need to be made whole. And that has changed everything. We can trust life. We can trust ourselves, we can trust in the best of human relationships, and it’s ok when we occasionally fail, because failing is part of living, just as succeeding is part of living.

Let me sum this up in the words of some local sages. As we go digging through the big couch of life, we can find things we want, and things we need, as we change from what we were, to what we are, to what we could be. If we want to have really valuable experiences, we have to be patient, because not all experiences are either valuable or pleasant. And when the really valuable experiences do happen, it may not be when or where we expect. But don’t be afraid of the wide range of life’s experiences, because in the end they can all go together like rays of different colored lights to create a kind of white light so complete we can call it by its ancient religious name: Enlightenment.

That isn’t broken. It’s whole. It’s blessed. And it’s very, very good.