Spring Into Action Lectures

On Sunday, May 7, from 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. in Room 13, Bruce Naylor will present the second of our “Spring into Action” series. The Inflation Reduction Act includes tax credits and rebates that most consumers can use to reduce greenhouse gases and at the same time save money. He will discuss what’s available and how to get these. Using effectively the money from the Inflation Reduction Act is one of the best ways to fight our climate crisis today.
Dr. Bruce Naylor is active in both the Sierra Club and Citizens’ Climate Lobby. He’s been a Computer Science Professor at University of Texas at Austin, Georgia Tech, and DeBry University. He also worked for Bell Labs. We’ll provide some snacks for attendees.

Caring for One Another: Workshop on Visiting

Rev. Jonalu will lead an in-person Caring Workshop on Visiting on Saturday, May 20th, at 1 p.m., in Room 13. The workshop should be about 90 minutes.

Our First UU Cares volunteers will attend, and everyone is invited. Even if you’re not interested in volunteering to visit church members, you may find some useful pointers for visiting your own friends who are sick or in need.

The focus will primarily be hospital, and it’s broadly applicable. If you’re uncomfortable with hospitals and sickness, it may give you some confidence. If you’re more experienced, it’s a chance to brush up on skills, maybe get some new ideas, and to share your experience!

If you would like to participate on-line instead of in person, please contact Rev. Jonalu at jonalu.johnstone@austinuu.org.

Depolarizing From Within Workshop

If you are heartsick about the rancor tearing our country apart,

If you believe that your opponents should not be your enemies,

If you believe that America’s best days can lie ahead,

Join for our FREE workshop, DEPOLARIZING FROM WITHIN. Saturday, May 13th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Howson Hall.

This workshop is for everyone who is interested in learning strategies to disagree without condemning or ridiculing others. Real change is an “inside job.” Trained moderators will walk participants through the steps: to recognize and counteract their inner polarizer; to learn how to talk about the other side in a non-polarizing way; and to learn how to depolarize conversations with like-minded people. 

Please go to Braver Angels of Central Texas to learn more and register.

For more information, contact Laraine Altun at laltun@braverangels.org.

Religious Words We Love to Hate with Rev. Jonalu Johnstone

Whether you came from a different religious tradition or grew up purely UU, you have probably encountered religious concepts, phrases, and words that rub you wrong. Here’s a chance to explore them!

Maybe “prayer” carries bad connotations for you, or “sacrifice” or “duty.” I’m looking for the religious – and spiritual – words that you love to hate. They may make an appearance in the Sunday, May 14th sermon, “Religious Words We Love to Hate”. Tell me just the words, or tell my your story. You can contact me at jonalu.johnstone@austinuu.org.

Spring into Action Lecture

On Sunday, April 30, from 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. in Room 13, Bob Hendricks will present our first of our “Spring into Action” series. He will discuss many of the climate solutions we know about plus a few that we hope to innovate into. These include issues in moving towards clean sources of energy, towards lower energy use, and multiple ways of removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. It also includes suggestions as to how to get more involved.
Bob Hendricks is the chair of the executive committee of the Texas Sierra Club Chapter and also the Co-Coordinator of Texas Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We’ll provide some snacks for attendees.

UBarU Summer Camp

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There is a lot planned at our UU camp in TX this summer!  www.ubaru.org

  • Summer Family camp May 26-29 for families of all shapes and sizes
  • GenderfUUl retreat June 2-4  for binary or transgender folks
  • Youth Summer camps based on age of campers (from June 11-July 1)
  • Young Adult weekend from July 1-4
  • SWUUSI camp at UBarU   July 16-21 including an option of Human Sexuality based on OWL for K-2 graders and parent/guardian
  • Star Party  Aug 17-20
All the details and to register, go to www.ubaru.org

Sunday, April 23rd Service

“Purple Theology: The Music & Message of Prince”

Simone Monique Barnes and Rev Erin Walter


Seven years after his death, Prince’s work continues to influence and inspire the world. With religiously themed music and lyrics, combined with an ongoing exploration of identity, self-expression, truth-telling, joy, injustice, grief, and of course, love, Prince’s deeply spiritual music offers a theology of liberation. 

As we look inside, look around, and look beyond ourselves, we begin to ask questions like, “How do we perceive and define our individual selves?” “What role do we play in our collective healing?” “How can we survive and thrive in times of heartache and oppression?”  “How do we imagine the next chapter of our lives, our church, our world?”

Come as you are, whether you are seeking healing for your own spirit or healing for the wider world, invite friends, and prepare to take in moving music from the First UU band, soloists, and instrumentalists. The church’s important pre-congregational meeting will follow the worship service.


Simone Monique Barnes: Informed by the arts, prayer, meditation, and yoga, Simone Monique Barnes is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, educator, and lay minister. Simone was born and raised in New York City, and has called Austin, Texas, home for over ten years. Simone enjoys joy practices such as Laughter Yoga Teacher and Afro Flow Yoga. She holds a master’s degree in Arts in Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Earth Day Celebrations at First UU

Chris will give an inspiring climate justice sermon on Sunday, April 16th.
Celebrations During coffee hour include:  Earth celebration coloring pages and everyone wins a prize fun bean bag toss for all ages, free delicious earth celebrating Vegan tasting event, tables full of environmental water/earth/air $$$ saving free appliances, a Solar showcase of our roof panel array, climate justice materials and climate justice Leaders will be on hand, Rep. Donna Howard will be the FORUM speaker @ 12:45pm she will provide a Legislative update including environmental issues.    
Look forward to celebrating an early Earth Day with you!

Upcoming Class: Talking About Money

“Talking about Money,” co-led by Karen Neeley and Hannah Meehan:

Money: we can’t live without it but our culture tells us that the love of it is the root of all evil.  So, how do we truly understand our attitudes toward this “necessary evil”?

“Talking About Money” is an interactive program that explores the place of money in our personal and community lives. Through stories and exercises, we will explore our own financial histories, assumptions and values. Through these, we will determine how a healthy relationship with money helps us live a fulfilling life.
This event will take place on Saturday, May 20th. Class will be meet at 11:30 a.m. with sack lunch, then the program will begin at 12 p.m. in Howson Hall. Cookies will be provided. 


This Sunday Representative Donna Howard will be speaking at our Public Affairs Forum, this Sunday, April 16 at 12:45 p.m. Ms.Howard is the Texas State Representative for House District 48, an office she has held since 2002.
She is a native Austinite and member of First UU. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and a Master’s in health education from the University of Texas. She served as president of the Texas Nurses Association and a health education instructor at UT. She currently serves on the House Appropriations Committee and is vice-chair of the Select Committee on Health Care Reform
As this session of the Legislature approaches its end, Ms. Howard will tell us what they have  done (and not done) this session.


It feels like everyone is at least knee-deep in the Texas legislature, some are up to their chins, others up to their eyeballs, and a few might be in over their heads… So, we’re going to take a respite from the external battle for justice.

We’re going to go mythic and explore a fairy tale called The Handless Maiden from one of my guides Dr. Martin Shaw. Through the magic of story, may we be blessed enough to learn how to be heartbroken in ways that fortify our resolve and nurture our ability to distinguish right from wrong and health from disease, one that restores our faith in showing up and persevering.

This event will be held in the First UU’s Sanctuary on Tuesday, April 18th at 6 p.m.

Senior Lunch

Senior Lunch will occur on Wednesday, April 12th, meeting in Howson Hall at 12 p.m. noon. Our speakers are Rev. Jonalu Johnstone and David Riehl, Board Treasurer. You may not know David, so here is a bit about him.
David (Dave) Riehl is the current Board Treasurer for First Church Austin. He and his wife, Gretchen, joined us six years ago, moving from First Church Dallas, where they were 30 year members. Dave will spend a few minutes filling us in on his background and then continue the discussion with Rev. Jonalu’s presentation. He will share his insights into the status and outlook for the finances for our congregation.
Everyone is welcome to attend even if you are not a senior.  If you’ve never attended, we bring our own lunch and drinks, and visit for about half an hour. The program will begin around 12:30 p.m.

Second Sunday Offering: Texas Equal Access Fund

The mantra for Texas Equal Access is “fighting together for abortion access is community care”.  Over the past tumultuous year, TEA has shifted from funding abortions in Texas to supporting people seeking care outside of Texas.  In addition, they have worked with community partners to gain local protections such as de-prioritization of criminal investigations of pregnancy outcomes.  Also, TEA was a plaintiff in a recently decided case that affirms their right to provide financial assistance to Texans seeking an abortion out of state. 
TEA is also committed to pushing for human rights to abortion access by hosting retreats, investing in the community and people who have had abortions by having them poised for advocacy for future legislative sessions.  They host rallies, support Pride events, and have their own fundraisers “to be in community and as radical self care.”  In early March, the Executive Director was on the front page of the American Statesman for TEA’s promotion of a state bill to require coverage of abortions and contraceptives.  TEA is notable for centering race and gender equity in their work, and their commitment to resistance.