
Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Jami Yandle and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
November 10, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This is the time to lean into our faith and one another. Sunday we will have some time to talk about our collective grief, anger, desperation, and just be with one another.

Chalice Lighting

We light this flame
To ignite the sacred power of justice.
We light this flame
So that it may be a beacon of hope
In moments of uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and the unknown.
We light this flame, and are emboldened by its blaze,
Knowing our strength as a prophetic and powerful people Is rooted in the diverse ways we answer the call to love.

Call to Worship

by Rev. Rebekah Savage

Welcome beloveds, welcome!
We come to spiritual community this morning with many hopes in our hearts:
The hope for inspiration, the hope for comfort, the hope for renewal.

In this time and space, may inspiration water our thirsty souls. In this time and space, may comfort blossom in the gardens of our hearts, and bring us sweet relief.

In this time and space, may renewal course through us,
as electric as a surge of energy,
as serene as a nourishing meal,
as contagious as joy,
and bring us vitality and rejuvenation.

May our time together honor all the hopes we hold within;
May our time together bless us with the gifts of inspiration, comfort and renewal.

Let us Worship together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Words of Solice and Lament

NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

Chris Jimmerson

Good morning. I’m Reverend Chris Jimmerson co-lead settled minister here at the church and I am technically out on sabbatical. How’s that for bad timing?

I wanted to come in this morning after the events of this week and be with my people. I know that so many of us have been feeling things like despair, disbelief, anger, anxiety, fear, disgust. I’ve been feeling all of that and so much more.

Right now, I’m pretty squarely centered in the anger-defiant stage of my reaction. So, it says I’m supposed to offer words of solace and lament. I’m not sure if it’s the right time for that, or maybe it’s exactly the right time for that. I don’t know.

I can offer you a few things that have been helping me. The first is that I know those emotions I mentioned can can be something that we experience as painful. I think though that they are like when we feel physical pain, they’re telling us we need to pay attention to something, something that will bring us harm unless we make change. And so if we try to not pay attention to those emotions, try to move through them too quickly, we can sort of latch on to a kind of false hope that doesn’t bring change that won’t sustain us as we go forward. By moving through them, we learn what we have to do, where we need to go next, how we find a true hope in our world.

The other thing I just read from Dr. Brene Brown was that she said that while hope is the antidote to despair, hope is not actually an emotion. It is a cognitive behavioral aspect of our life. It is the way that we think and do and be in the world. So to find that hope again we have to move through these emotions.

Here’s what I know. I know we need this religious community of love and support more than ever before.

And I know that there are a lot of people who have joined us this morning and will continue to join us this morning because they want to be part of a theology of love, joy and justice up against an ideology of hate and division, we have to be there to welcome you. And so I welcome you all this morning whether you’re here in person or online.

And finally, I know that that theology centered in love, justice, and joy is needed now more out in our community, in our state, in our nation, in our world than ever and that we have to be there. We have to show up because our world needs us to live that mission more than ever where we show up to nourish souls, transform lives, we show up to do justice, we join with others in solidarity and we build the beloved community because it is the beloved community that will move us through this ideology of hate and division back to a place of joy, of justice, of love.

Those forces want us to feel that we have no power as long as we center ourselves in love and relationship we have all the power we need.

That is the way forward.

I love you.


by Ashley Horan

How is it with your soul? This is the question that John Wesley, Anglican priest and the founder of Methodism, was known to ask of participants in small reflection groups. I ask you because, for me, this has been a hard week. So, beloveds, how is it with your souls?

If your response to that question is anything like mine, I want to invite you to pause as you read this. Take a deep breath, say a prayer, sing a song, light your chalice, feel the force of gravity pulling us all toward the same center-whatever helps you feel more rooted and less alone.

Now do it again. And again, and again.

And, once you feel that rootedness and connection, hear this:

You are loved beyond belief. You are enough, you are precious, your work and your life matter, and you are not alone. You are part of a “we,” a great cloud of witnesses living and dead who have insisted that this beautiful, broken world of ours is a blessing worthy of both deep gratitude and fierce protection.

Our ancestors and our descendants are beckoning us, compelling us onward toward greater connection, greater compassion, greater commitment to one another and to the earth. Together, we are resilient and resourceful enough to say “yes” to that call, to make it our life’s work in a thousand different ways, knowing that we can do no other than bind ourselves more tightly together, and throw ourselves into the holy work of showing up, again and again, to be part of building that world of which we dream but which we have not yet seen.

Centering and Medition

Now let us take a few moments to center ourselves in silence with these words from Harold Babcock.

Let us be quiet without and within.
Let the stillness be in us.
Let the silence hold us.
May we find the deep places of the soul and begin to let go of the distractions
which plague us.
May we let go of irritation, calm the confusion which inhibits us,
let go of fear.
The quiet is within us,
The stillness is in us,
the silence will hold us.
There are deep places in the soul.
Here, may we find peace as we enter into the silence together.

Amen, and blessed be.


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

Rev. Jami Yandle

Unbeknownst to me, Reverend Chris said everything I was going to say and then some, but we’ll move on with my plan anyway and see how the spirit moves.

So instead of me blabbing on up here, I want to take a few minutes and hear from you. Turn to your neighbor and answer this question. Where are you feeling the events of this last week in your body?

I have felt tension in my shoulders, I found out just now Reverend Michelle has felt it in their gut. Where have you felt it? Gut. Jaws. Heart. Head. All over. Left foot. Left foot. wrist.

The reason I had you do that exercise is because generally some, some you use, particularly some white you use, are super great at two things. One, intellectualizing their feelings and two, trying to find the first actionable thing they can do to distract themselves from feeling their feelings.

Also if you are new here and you like spiritual questions and don’t respond to hypocritical fire and brimstone faith, don’t worry, you’re in the right place too. So how quickly you were able to discern what is going on in your body and or you were able to answer the question, might be different based on the color of your skin and some other key factors like how much society has intentionally silenced and oppressed you. But I’m gonna back up and explain a few things so you have some context for where we’re going with all of this.

I spent this past week, no doubt, like Many of you, feeling a bit lost, gobsmacked, sad, despair, and mostly angry. The gamut of emotions ran throughout my body and the concern I have for so many vulnerable communities. I can feel that concern seeping into my bones. It’s settling, and I don’t like that feeling, and it feels like pain all over. That concern that has become pain is full of questions, not only about my own trans community, but for our black and brown beloveds, migration, education, bodily autonomy. My kids go to public school in Texas. Maybe you are worried about that too. Is it time to move? Can I afford homeschool? What is going to happen? So many questions I have swirling in my mind.

My partner Natalie, who is also UU and a person of color, tried to bite her tongue and not say, I told you so. She was so much more relaxed this week to an almost alarming degree.

From the beginning, she watched everything go down and said, “This is not possible yet. This election will not produce the results that reflect our UU values yet.” It isn’t possible because her body knows something mine does not. As a woman, and especially as a woman of color, she knows all too well how far the hate goes. Generations worth of PTSD does not course through my veins as it does hers, reminding her how far systematic oppression goes. Something I have read about quite a bit and experienced and witnessed some, but it will never be to the same degree.

So I had more hope than she did. And for the record, I don’t feel foolish for hoping and dreaming. I refuse to stop, because everyone from Martin Luther King, Jr., to Victor Frankl, to Sylvia, Rivera, to Harvey Milk, and so many more of my personal heroes carried that same message.

So if any of you among us have a spark of hope left for God’s sake protect it with all you’ve got So you can reignite the flame in your neighbor, but I kept wondering What was Natalie’s deal? Why was I a frantic stress ball and she was so calm Unwavering she remained the anchor of the household. Meanwhile, I, like so many of my white peers, turned to documentaries, memes, poems, a John Stuart segment even. Anything to fix this. I was desperate. That was how I spent part of my Tuesday and Wednesday. Natalie watched all this quietly and on Thursday Natalie said to me, Stop it Stop trying to fix this you cannot fix it with your white anxiety Until you feel it more than that and you just need to feel it right now all of it

She took my hand and said just sit in it with me Be here with me My hand on her heart, hers on mine, a tender moment between two humans, the weight not the same in my body as hers, but nevertheless pushed to a newer place I opened up for more capacity for my feelings, instead of trying to rationalize and mobilize, we sat there. She said to me, This, too, is how we will dismantle systematic oppression. When you are with me, truly seeing and understanding me, this is when you will start to riot in the streets. The only way out is through. So we sit here until you understand how bad it actually all is.

Then, With you next to me we will go through this together But it can’t be a fad this time. It cannot be safety pins or blue bracelets performing allyship Risking nothing It has to be long lasting and daily to the point you will do anything to make the suffering stop For as long as it takes

So right now, this is what we’re gonna do Collectively we are going to sit we are going to feel this The elders and the ancestors providing a shield for us and with us we will sing songs and We will go through the rest of the service but intentionally Here with one another Be reminded about the power of humanity and the connections between and around us recharge your battery before making the next long road trip.

There will be time to physically move and to take action. And when it is time, you will know that because your deep knowing well will tell you so. Right now though, just be. Soul, connecting with soul, moving onwards by sitting still.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


By Audre Lorde

For those of us who live at the shoreline
standing upon the constant edges of decision
crucial and alone
for those of us who cannot indulge
the passing dreams of choice
who love in doorways coming and going
in the hours between dawns
looking inward and outward
at once before and after
seeking a now that can breed
like bread in our children’s mouths
so their dreams will not reflect
the death of ours;

For those of us
who were imprinted with fear
like a faint line in the center of our foreheads
learning to be afraid with our mother’s milk
for by this weapon
this illusion of some safety to be found
the heavy-footed hoped to silence us

For all of us
this instant and this triumph
We were never meant to survive.
And when the sun rises we are afraid it might not remain
when the sun sets we are afraid
it might not rise in the morning
when our stomachs are full
we are afraid of indigestion
when our stomachs are empty
we are afraid we may never eat again
when we are loved we are afraid
love will vanish
when we are alone
we are afraid love will never return
and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid

So it is better to speak remembering
we were never meant to survive


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

We the People Have the Power

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Erin Walter
November 3, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

On the Sunday between Dia de los Muertos and Election Day, Rev. Erin Walter reflects with us on the call of our ancestors and our power, as Patti Smith sings, “to dream, to rule, to wrestle the earth from fools.” However hopeful or scared, energized or exhausted, you may be feeling in this changing season, come sing, dream, and exhale in community.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Orlanda Brugnola

Flame, friend of our most ancient ancestors,
we kindle you now to make you visible in this time.
Yet, in truth, you burn always,
in the unique worth of each person,
in the imagination,
in the turning of the heart to sorrow or joy,
in the call to hope and
in the call to justice.
Burn bright before us.
Burn bright within us.
May we enter into this space,
nourished by the love and warmth of community.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Rev. Ashley Horan, UUA
(written just before 2016 election)

“You are loved beyond belief. You are enough, you are precious, your work and your life matter, and you are not alone. You are part of a “we,” a great cloud of witnesses living and dead who have insisted that this beautiful, broken world of ours is a blessing worthy of both deep gratitude and fierce protection. Whatever happens tomorrow, our ancestors and our descendants are beckoning us, compelling us onward toward greater connection, greater compassion, greater commitment to one another and to the earth. Together, we are resilient and resourceful enough to say “yes” to that call, to make it our life’s work in a thousand different ways, knowing that we can do no other than bind ourselves more tightly together, and throw ourselves into the holy work of showing up, again and again, to be part of building that world of which we dream but which we have not yet seen.”

Prayer and Meditation

An excerpt by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

“We have gathered this morning with gratitude for all that has brought us to this day, this moment, this breath.
Let us never forget that we serve our neighbors, our values, our free faith in the spirit of the many who have gone before us,
who made ways where there was no way,
who left legacies for us to remember, to follow, to emulate
As we prepare for the week ahead,
Let us pray that the fire of commitment, the Spirit of truth, love, and justice that was in those ancestors goes with us.
God of many names and beyond all naming, Spirit of Love,
Breath of Life,
In this time when so many stakes feel so high, help us remember that no season lasts forever,
that the days of the greedy and powerful are numbered,
that there is a force at work in our world and among us that lifts up the oppressed and fills the hungry … ”


The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you get one more yard
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

-Tom Petty

I love that song but I actually disagree with the patron saint musician Tom Petty. The waiting is hard but it’s not the hardest part. The hardest part is women dying without abortion care. The hardest part is our trans families who aren’t here anymore because they had to leave the state. The hardest part is the militarization of our beautiful border communities, war, voter suppression and intimidation, mass shootings. That’s the hardest part.

And still we sing. And i want to talk about what we can do in the next couple days. Because I know we are tired. The work we do over the next two days is what we can do to stave off the hardest part. We’re going to gather our spirits this morning for the next couple days.

So on Friday I got on Zoom, in between dropping my daughter at theater practice and joining my band in the studio, and I got on the Zoom call with our UU state action network siblings in North Carolina. I am honored to lead our Texas UU Justice Ministry, and we do our work in relationship with UU the Vote, our 40 congregations, and partners around the country.

The story that my colleague Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson told that brought so much joy to my heart.

.. UUs from D.C., Virginia, and Maryland came down to help get out the vote in North Carolina, where Asian Americans have been experiencing harassment and intimidation at a senior center polling place. All these UUs asked themselves what was needed, what kind of resistance could they bring in the spirit that they claim. So they put together a choir of musicians, a lot like the bluegrass we heard today. And they sang and created a spirit of love and welcome at their polling place for voters.


You might need to sing at your polling place. This is not theoretical. If it gets ugly out there on Tuesday, I want to hear that our people sang!

I voted at the South Austin Community Center this week. I remember my first time voting when I was 18, and still this time, I have never felt so emotional about voting in my entire life. I teared up. ! wanted to hug every single volunteer in that rec center.

A friend also voted there Friday night and waited in line for more than an hour, on the last night of early voting. She said someone referred to her as a procrastinator. My friend is a social worker who works with people who are homeless, addicted to drugs, and HIV positive. She is not a procrastinator. She got to the polls as soon as she could.

With two days to go until the election, I come today to celebrate all the ways we as UUs are working for democracy, to hold space for the absolute Halloween caldron of emotions we are feeling right now, and to remind us that, frankly, though I know we are weary – I am weary – we must take heart, take a breath, and keep working. The work we do in the next two days can decide whether our values show up to the polls, our Supreme Court, our laws of bodily autonomy, who feels safe enough to stay in Texas or this country, whether we have a department of education or not a few months or years from now.

And I don’t know what the results will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, or any day. Last weekend, I spoke on a panel for the NY State Convention of Universalists, alongside my colleagues Rev. Julian Soto and Rev. Chris Long, about allyship across state lines, and Rev. Soto talked about Fannie Lou Hamer and how hard she worked for voting and economic rights for Black Americans and therefore all Americans. If you are struggling in your spirit about voting, please go seek out the history of Fannie Lou Hamer. She is the one who famously said, “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.” Hamer also said, “I feel sorry for anybody that could let hate wrap them up. Ain’t no such thing as I can hate anybody and hope to see God’s face.” Rev. Soto told the NY Universalists to remember Hamer’s work and to remember that, as people with privilege, many us, some fights are not ours to win. They are only ours to fight.

So whatever happens this week, please take heart, we can’t know which fights we’re going to win and when, and we know what our commitment as people of faith in be in the fight for democracy. And I urge you to remember the words of Fannie Lou Hamer and not let hate wrap you up. There is a spark of the divine in all of us.

The only thing that we did was right
Was the day we started to fight
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on, hold on

The prize of collective liberation.

So I implore you to let this time together in church bolster your spirit to spend as much of the next two days calling, texting, knocking on doors, and having hard conversations as you can.

Yesterday I walked my dog with a close friend. As we visited, she told me she probably wasn’t going to vote. She doesn’t believe the claims of either of the major parties. It’s all just too much. I listened and told her I understand the frustration. And then we talked about Project 2025 and extremists’ desires to get rid of the Department of Education. Our kids are in public school. I mentioned control of our own bodies. We both have daughters. I told about how a big city like Houston has still had races decided by a small number of votes. I lament that I didn’t have this conversation with her during the early voting period, but better late than never. I said, I’m sorry, I know this is not fun. I know we are sick of this. And she said, no, thank you for reminding me to do my duty as an American.

I will text her on Tuesday to check in and encourage her one more time to vote. I will check with all my friends on Tuesday.

This is the work we have to do in these last days before Election Day, and really, as people with faith in democracy and a vision for a true multiracial democracy, this is our work to do always. To talk with our neighbors with empathy. To take no vote or voter for granted. To acknowledge where we still have much work to do, and must hold our leaders accountable, and that voting is but a first step in that direction, not the last.

We can call and text strangers. We can protect the polls. And we still need to check in with our friends, family, church members, and neighbors,

Sarah Serel-Harrop in mid-October: “I was blockwalking with some fellow UU’s today, and we knocked on 57 doors … But the most impactful part was when one of my colleagues asked a person on the street if he was ready for the upcoming election. He said he wasn’t eligible. I asked, are you sure? And in talking with him, he was actually off paper [completed his term of incarceration or probation and any related paperwork] and thus was eligible to register. So I registered him, explaining that he couldn’t vote in November, but could vote after that. And, I gave him a few mail-in forms. This just goes to show how impactful it is to be out and visible in the community. It was also so meaningful to me to be able to help someone regain his citizenship rights.”

We don’t know exactly what’s to come. But we do know that every conversation you have in your community matters, how you live your faith in the public square matters every day.


This joy that I have
The world didn’t give it to me
This joy that I have
The world didn’t give it to me
This joy that I have
The world didn’t give it to me
The world didn’t give it,
the world can’t take it away

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


by Andrew Pakula

As you prepare to leave this sacred space
As you prepare to leave this sacred space
Pack away a piece of this church in your heart.
Wrap it carefully like a precious gem.
Carry it with you through the joys and sorrows of your days –
Let its gentle glow strengthen you, warm you,
remind you of all that is good and true
Until you gather here again in this place of love.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

2024 Celebration Sunday

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
October 27, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Each year, we celebrate the differences we make in our world together, and the joy that comes from being a part of and supporting this religious community. Join us for an uplifting service followed by a joyful celebration of building the Beloved Community together.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Today we celebrate a dream awakening.
Today we worship with renewed hope in our hearts.
Today we act on an audacity of hopes and dreams for the future.
Today we begin the hard work for justice, equity and compassion in all human relations, for today is a day like no other and it is ours to shape with vision and action.
Let us worship together and celebrate a dream awakening.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Once a traveler came across three bricklayers.

She asked each one of them, “What are you doing”?

The first answered gruffly, “I’m laying bricks,” and returned sullenly to his work.

The second replied, “I’m putting up a wall,” and continued with the task at hand, growing wearier and slower with each brick.

But the third aid enthusiastically and with pride, “I’m building a cathedral.” And not so long after, it came to be, and was more magnificent than anyone could have possibly imagined.

– Anonymous


Chris’ Homily

Happy Celebration Sunday!

On this, the last Sunday of October, last year, I was preaching the last of two sermons of a full ministerial candidating week, and then everyone went off to vote on whether I would be called as the next settled minister (while I waited nervously at a coffee shop one block away).

So, I am celebrating that I’m not doing that again on this Sunday this year!

And a year later, we have much to celebrate!

Today, we celebrate you, and the commitments, the pledges you have made or will make to keep this church and its mission alive and going strong in our world.

Your pledges make so much possible.

We have built an ever-growing culture of caring at First Unitarian Universalist (or UU), launching our Caring Companions lay pastoral support ministry and are planning for even more organized ways of supporting one another in the months to come.

Your pledges make a thriving social action ministry at the church possible.

This church year, we have committed more time and resources to dedicated church-wide social justice events and worship services than ever before, on topics like reproductive justice, climate justice, democracy and voting and more.

We are also working to make sure we live our social justice values here first, by exploring how we can become ever more inclusive and welcoming, finding ways to offer accessibility across all areas of church life, and taking steps to dismantle vestiges of white supremacy culture in our own ways of doing things.

Fare the well, Roberts Rules of Order, we bless and release you. Now, we have an election coming up in a little over a week, and no matter what the result, this church will be called upon to do justice and build the Beloved Community more than ever.

Depending upon the result of the election, those in control of our state government during the upcoming legislative session will either feel empowered and unchecked by the next Presidential administration or, if it goes the other way, they will do their best to undermine and run as counter to it as possible.

So, either way, as the large UU Church nearest the state capital, we will be there to demand love and justice, our voices raised and on occasion, I suspect, our fists in solidarity with so many of our partners.

Let us celebrate today that because of your pledges, that strong and faithful voice for love and justice will be showing up and stirring up!

Your pledges are also making it possible for this church to playa larger and larger role in our greater UU faith movement.

We’ve become a virtual birthing center for mentoring and supporting new ministers. I’ve lost count of how many ministers have come out of this church and how many of our current folks are at various stages of becoming UU ministers.

In the months to come we will also again become an internship site.

Folks from throughout the church are serving in several leadership capacities within our larger faith, and we continue to explore partnerships with other local UU churches, TXUUJM, and our UU Southern Region.

More and more folks are visiting the church and joining as members. We’re growing, not just in numbers, but in our spiritual development and our presence in each others lives and in our world.

This too is happening because your commitment is providing that spiritual home so many are seeking.

Well, I could go on and on about the future and vision your pledges make possible – a future and vision that will no doubt be extremely appealing to potential co-lead ministers out there!

I will close with this though.

When this church called me around this time last year, I had no way of knowing that my own personal calling would be altered so drastically only a few months later, when I would be called to become first caregiver and then mourner for the love of my life.

Because of that, I have witnessed in a very personal way the very real difference this church and our UU faith makes in people’s lives.

In the last months, they saved mine.

So, I celebrate you today for creating a religious community that I could not be prouder to say I serve as a minister.

I celebrate you.

Thank you for being First UU.

Michelle’s Homily

NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

I’d like to tell you a little story. It’s a story about three people named Aubrey, Sasha, and Kinsey. Sasha is your administrator, Aubrey is your kitchen manager, and Kinsey is your manager of religious education.

They came up with an idea. I imagine it was a little idea at first but then as they talked and planned it grew and grew and grew. There were requests for recycled materials to come into the church. Cardboard tubes and boxes and paper towel rolls. There were searches on Facebook Marketplace looking for reused and repurposed materials for their project. There was sorting through and culling out of large storage closets. There was requests of volunteers to donate time and materials. And the project, the idea, grew and grew. It was definitely a project, not an idea anymore.

And I inserted myself every so often and asked if they needed some more of this or something of that and mostly they said that they were good and I wasn’t quite sure how it was gonna turn out because last night was the big reveal of their project. Have you all figured out what I’m talking about yet? Haunted Howson Hall.

I know not all of you have seen it yet. And it’s mostly still there. Last night it was much darker and much spookier and had more candy and had some games that aren’t there right now. But even so, the next few days it will remain up and you can be able to go through it and explore it and experience it.

And this is the totally unbelievable part. How many of you have already seen it or experienced it? A number of you have. Would you believe all of it costs less than $200? They are amazing. I was bowled over when I walked in last night and experienced haunted housing. It was amazing and it was fun and there were little kids and there were older adults and we were all there together and there were costumes and fun to be had.

And it’s a story not just of abundance because everything this community needed to put on something as fun and amazing as haunted housing was already here. It’s also a story of transformation. That hall is just this little segment of our bigger picture as first UU community. Your staff, and some very dedicated volunteers, and even the students that go to high school here during the week helped out and transformed your hall for you for this amazing celebration Sunday.

So here is the part where I talk about being an interim and what that means. I haven’t really talked about it a whole bunch with you over the whole last year, but a key part of being an interim is intentionally coming in with an outsider’s perspective, being able to reflect back to you what it is that I see and that’s important in what I’m trying to say today on Celebration Sunday.

So you know that I’m leaving and I’ll be with you the rest of the year but I will be leaving. You know that my salary is already set I’m not invested personally in what happens with the Pledge Drive and the budget for the next several months. I’ll be going, but I am invested in the presence of this church as an amazing, thriving, vital UU community, and I want more of them all over the place, but especially in Austin, Texas.

So anyways, this Outsiders perspective is what I want to say about that is that this building that you’re doing, this building of the beloved community, it’s really all about you. It’s about you, it’s about your amazing staff. It’s about your amazing minister. It is about your amazing seminarians and newly ordained ministers, your community ministers, your musicians, your choir, your children, everybody. It’s all about you and what you are becoming.

So I kind of have this image in my head. I wish I had like two little poles right here with those red flashing lights, strobe lights that could go off, okay. So we’ve been hearing that y ‘all want some more theology, explicit theology. So theology, here we come. (audience laughing) There’s your warning sign. So, as an outsider, I am free to celebrate with you everything that you have become so far and everything you will someday become and everything you are right now.

Becoming is an ongoing theological and spiritual process. We are always becoming. We are always building on what has become before. We are always building on what is yet to come. This is process theology. I’m a process theologian in part, as is Chris. I’m also a pantheist. So I’m not going to go into a lot of detail about that, but it does go all the way back to William Ellery Channing and his preaching sermons about being a likeness to God in the 19th century theology-of-self culture and building ourselves up and always improving and becoming better. So there is some of that white stuff in there that we want to dismantle, but it’s also about God or the holy, whatever it is, the universe that you see that is bigger than any of us as individuals, is also in process, is also growing, is also changing. It’s a rejection of a static God or a static holy or static divine. So together with with whatever is greater than us, we are building. We are becoming.

I joked with Brent earlier about this old cartoon called Bob the Builder. Do any of you know it? It was popular when my nephew was a kid. And the opening song goes, I’m not going to sing it, but it’s about Bob the builder, can he build it? Yes, he can. We heard it from the choir. I sent him a YouTube video and told him that’s what we should sing today. Thankfully, he chose something else.

But the truth is that we are all Bob. I’m Bob, even as my outsider perspective, you’re Bob, you’re Bob, all of you are Bob, new people who just joined the church are Bob, the visitors who are here for the very first time are Bob, the people who’ve been here since the 1950s and helped founded this church are Bob. We are all Bob, members, friends, new folks, visitors. you have built, we are building, and you will continue to build it. All of us. So just like House and Hall has been transformed out of the abundance of resources that are already here, that are present, right here, right now, you are. We are together transforming this community both inside and outside of these physical walls. Right now you are at 85 percent of your goal after only two weeks. Let’s celebrate that.

We’re going to celebrate that today. And as careful as your staff has been with the resources that you entrust to them, Under $200, amazing experience right outside these doors, the truth is that our expenses have gone up by a lot, by a real lot. And I know that those sustaining pledges are easy to continue from year to year. So whether you haven’t pledged yet or you’re one of our amazing sustainers, remember to go in, and if you can, if you at all possibly can, increase those pledges so that we can keep up with those rising expenses. We are almost there. So let’s continue to pool those resources, let’s celebrate, let’s bring this pledge drive home. All the way, All the way, people keep telling me that you kind of usually stop at 85, 90, 95%. I’m challenging you to get to 100 % or more before the end of the drive. We have everything we already need right here in this room, out there in House and Hall, out there online. Our resources are here.

Let’s pull them together so that we can keep on doing amazing things because you are amazing and you are doing amazing things. Every dollar, every hour, given counts. Can we build it? Yes, we can.

Amen, and blessed be.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


by Peter S. Raible

We build on foundations we did not lay. We warm ourselves by fires we did not light.

We sit in the shade of trees we did not plant We drink from wells we did not dig. M: We profit from persons we did not know

This is as it should be.

Together we are more than anyone person could be.

Together we can build across the generations.

Together we can renew our hope and faith in the life that is yet to unfold. C: Together we can heed the call to a ministry of care and justice.

We are ever bound in community.

May it always be so.

Amen and Blessed Be. Go in Peace


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

Listen Deeply. Truly Hear. Become

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
October 20, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Author, theologian, and Minister David Augsburger writes, “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” Feeling truly heard can be such a blessing. Might it also be true that truly hearing is a sacred act that will nourish our own soul?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

When you listen so completely to another, you are also listening to yourself, listening to your own problems, to your own uncertainties, to your own misery, confusion, desire for security … We are talking together about what human beings are, which is you.

– J. Krishnamurti
(a philosopher, speaker, writer, and spiritual figure from India.)

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Gary Kowalski
(a white, retired UU Minister and author of numerous books on animals, spirituality, history and the environment.)

Maybe prayer doesn’t mean talking to God at all.
Maybe it means just listening.
Unplugging the TV, turning off the computer,
Quieting the mental chatter and distractions.

Maybe it means listening to the birds
And the insects, the wind in the leaves,
the creaking and groaning of the trees, noticing
Who else is out there, not far away but nearby;

Sitting so still we can hear our heartbeat,
Watch our breath, the gentle whoosh of air,
The funny noises from our own insides,
Marveling at the body we take so much for granted.

Maybe it means listening to our dreams,
Paying more attention to what we really want from life,
And less attention to all the nagging, scolding voices from our past.

Or maybe it’s all about listening to each other,
Not thinking ahead to how we can answer or rebut or parry or advise or admonish,
But actually being present to each other.

Perhaps if we just sit quietly we’ll overhear a peace whispering through the centuries
That’s missing from the clamor of the moment.

Maybe prayer means listening to the silences between the words,
Noticing the negativity of space,
The vast, undifferentiated and nameless wonder
That underlies it all.

Maybe prayer doesn’t mean talking to God at all,
But listening with the heart,
To the angel choirs all around us.

Those who have ears,
Let them hear.


“Sainthood emerges when you can listen to someone’s tale of woe and not respond with a description of your own.” So says author, Dr. Andrew V. Mason.

And yet, listen to these statistics that indicate our sainthood may be a ways away from emerging yet:

  • 75% of the time, we are distracted or preoccupied rather than truly listening,
  • After listening to someone talk, we can immediately recall only about 50% of what they said. Even less if we didn’t like the subject or the person! One hour later, we remember less than 20%,
  • It takes less than 7 seconds for you to decide if you trust someone or not. If not, our primitive brain then filters out whatever else they say,
  • Less than 2% of the population has had formal education on how to listen,
  • We listen at 125-250 words per minute, but think at 1000- 3000 words per minute,
  • Most people are uncomfortable with silence and can only make it less than 10 seconds before having to ask a question or say something to break the silence.


And yet, 85% of what we learn is through listening, not talking or even reading.

Further, one in five Americans reports feeling lonely every single day, and having someone to talk with and who will share with us is the key element for alleviating loneliness.

So, it seems we too often are not listening to one another, at least not deeply.

Not only that, but studies show that most of us, most often may not be deeply listing to other important aspects of our lives, such as:

  • Our own inner voice and calling.
  • Our own emotions.
  • What our own bodies are telling us.
  • Nature.
  • God, or that which we consider ultimate and larger than ourselves.
  • The cry of a world that is hurting and needs us to hear and take action.


Theologian David Augsburger wrote, “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.”

And, as our Call to Worship pointed out, doing the listening, hearing deeply is essential to our own wellbeing. It is how we learn and grow the most. It is how we create connection and belonging. It is the way in which we live love.

Now, I want to pause and acknowledge that for folks who face physical hearing challenges, which these days includes me, the language around deep listening might feel ill-fitting.

So let’s acknowledge the metaphor and respect that, for all of us, deeply understanding, respecting, and embracing one another involves all of our available ways of accessing and interacting with the world around us.

Telling our stories, and feeling that they have been deeply understood and respected, it vital to us as humans. As already noted, it is one one the huge ways by which we feel loved.

It creates a sense of belonging and acceptance.
It is how we process large emotions, such as grief.
It can alleviate suffering and help heal our woundedness. Deep listening is a gift and a blessing we can give to one another.

And doing the deep listening is a one of the practices that can nourish our own souls and transform our own lives the very most.

When we truly hold the story of another, we open ourselves to love – we create love in our relationships.

The sense of belonging and acceptance it creates for the person to whom we listen, it creates for us also.

And, it may touch our own suffering in ways that begin to heal the wounds we carry.

As I mentioned earlier, offering deep understanding to another is a major way in which we learn and grow.

When we fully embrace the sacred stories of others, we ourselves move into the hallowed space that is the ground of our own sacredness.

Now, that is pretty, abstract language, but how, practically, does such deep listening help us to learn and grow?

Well, probably in too many ways to cover them all today, but one of the bigs ones is it helps us overcome one of the major barriers to our own intellectual, emotional and spiritual development.

Confirmation bias.

And all of us as humans share a tendency toward it, at least to some degree.

Confirmation bias is when we come to believe something, and then start to only take in that information which supports what we already think, while simultaneously ignoring or reinterpreting anything that might contradict it.

Sound at all familiar?

Let’s bring it a little closer to home.

Let’s say, one were to decide something like, oh, I don’t know, those ministers talk too much about God during church. (or visa versa, but anyway).

Confirmation bias would then cause us to only sit up and take notice every time God or related language gets mentioned during a church service – you know, scribbling in our order of service, talkin’ about God stuff again.

And then, we would also ignore or explain away when no or very little such language gets used, never hearing that other folks would like more of a language of reverence.

Same thing with, “Worship should follow a set order of service and be exactly one hour” versus “No, services should be experimental and vary depending upon what needs to he addressed.”

or … “Too much boring old classical white people music” versus “No, we have too much new-fangled, non-reverent music.”

And then, too often, we only hear and remember what we don’t like and miss out on enjoying what we love!

The beautiful thing about listing deeply to others is, in order to do it, we have to acknowledge what they think, even if it contradicts what we do.

Now, that may not mean that we come to agree with them, but it at least allows information that confirmation bias would have otherwise caused us to ignore, and by doing so, we open ourselves to learning and growth and a possible expansion of our own perspective.

Not to mention a greater understanding of our fellow human beings and their beliefs, potential biases, and preferences.

I think of when I studied Buddhism. I didn’t become a Buddhist as a result, but I did come to understand how other folks perceive their world, and it altered my own practices – enhanced and added nuance to my own theology.

This way that listening deeply can break through our confirmation biases, I think, can be especially important when we find ourselves in strong disagreement with others.

Author, actor and founder of Urban Confessional: A Free Listening Movement, Benjamin Mathes tells a story of when he held up a sign that simply said, “free listening” at the Republican National Convention.

I want to read you an edited version of his story, because I don’t think I could do it justice otherwise. He writes:

She was just staring at me.

Finally, she walked up, and like a young warrior preparing for battle, she said:

“I don’t usually do this … But, I think abortion is wrong. It s not a form of birth control, and people who have them should be arrested for murder.”

… I wanted to stop her, and tell her my story.

I’ve sat with two loved ones as they suffered through the difficult decision and consequences of ending a pregnancy. It was a brutal human experience …

There were so many things I wanted to say.

I wanted to change her mind, to argue, to disagree. It s a natural response.

But, if my story brought me to my beliefs, then I needed to know how her story brought her to her beliefs.

So, I asked:

“Thank you for sharing that. Tell me your story? I’d love to know how you came to this point of view.”

She seemed surprised by my interest.

“Why? It doesn’t matter. Your sign said Free Listening, so I gave you something to listen to.”

“Give me more to listen to.”

“They should be locked up! Its wrong. Its not right to go out and sleep with whoever, then just toss away the result like it never happened.”

She paused … then inhaled the entire world.

“And its not fair. All I’ve ever wanted to be is a mom. My whole life, I knew I was meant to have children. Then, when I was 18 É 18 the doctor told me I’d never have children.

I kept it a secret, and when my husband found out, he left me. I’m alone, my body doesn’t work, I’m old … who will ever love me …”

I wondered if she could hear my heart breaking

Sometimes, there s nothing to “disagree” with.

I didn’t need to be right.

I just needed to be there.

She wiped away a few tears, gave me a hug, and thanked me for listening.

Maybe one day, she’ll hear my story. But today, it was my turn to hear hers.

I hope she felt loved.

The truth is, … our love can hold space for paradox, tension, and disagreement … our listening, must bring in, not edit out.

Dare to listen, dare to be quiet, dare to seek understanding; in the end, it’s the people we need to love, not their opinions.

Now, Benjamin Mathes didn’t change his mind about reproductive justice that day.

He did learn something about our own biases regarding those with whom we disagree.

And in fact, those who study it say that the number one way to dialogue with folks with whom we disagree, is to start with the question he asked, “Would you tell me your story?”

As one researcher put it, “Hear the Biography, not the ideology.”

Now, I’d like to quickly share a few other important tips for listening deeply, whether or not we agree or disagree:

  • When possible, maintain eye contact and watch for verbal cues.
  • Stop formulating your response while they are still speaking – you can’t keep an open mind if you do.
  • Wait until they pause to ask questions and then only ask questions to clarify. “How can you possibly think that?” is not a clarifying question.
  • Practice the 80/20 rule – if you are talking more than 20% of the time, stop talking and start listening more.


Finally, I want to close with two really big ones: Stop interrupting!

Author and researcher Diane Schilling writes, “Interrupting sends a variety of messages. It says:

  • ‘I’m more important than you are.’
  • ‘What I have to say is more interesting, accurate or relevant.’
  • ‘I don’t really care what you think.’
  • ‘I don’t have time for your opinion.’
  • ‘This isn’t a conversation, it’s a contest, and I’m going to win.’


And, lastly and maybe most vitally, treat listening deeply as a spiritual practice … because we have to practice it in order to actually do it in our daily lives.

As I mentioned earlier, almost none of us were taught how to listen.

And one of the ways we can get the practice is right here, in this our religious community.

We can practice with each other.

And our small group ministries are designed specifically to encourage deep listening.

We can use them as models.

What if we made life our own small group ministry?

Whether it is with other people; our own inner voice, emotions or body; that which we consider ultimate; God; the cry of a world that needs us, deep listening is a sacred act.

“The truth is, … our love can hold space for paradox, tension, and disagreement … our listening; must bring in, not edit out.

Dare to listen, dare to be quiet, dare to seek understanding … Then, might our sainthood emerge after all.

It’s worth a try.


Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


by Joyce Stephan

Tilt your head slightly to one side and lift your eyebrows expectantly. Ask questions.
Delve into the subject at hand or let things come randomly.
Don’t expect answers.
Forget everything you’ve ever done. Make no comparisons. Simply listen.
Listen as if the story you are hearing is happening right now.
Listen as if a move might frighten the truth away forever.
Don’t attempt to copy anything down.
Don’t bring a camera or a recorder.
This is your chance to listen carefully.
Your whole life might depend on what you hear.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

2024 Commitment Sunday

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
October 13, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We join together with love, joy, and a sense of belonging to express our commitment to our mission. Join us on this special Sunday when we explore building the Beloved Community and all that we are and dream of becoming as a religious community. Together, we make our pledges for 2025 so that we may live that commitment into the future.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Rev. Angela Herrera

Don’t leave your broken heart at the door;
bring it to the altar of life.
Don’t leave your anger behind;
it has high standards
and the world needs your vision.
Bring them with you, and your joy
and your passion.

Bring your loving,
and your courage
and your conviction.
Bring your need for healing,
and your power to heal.
There is work to do
and you have all that you need to do it
right here in this room.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by the Rev. Angela Herrera

Consider this an invitation
to you.
Yes – you
with all your happiness
and your burdens,
your hopes and regrets.

An invitation if you feel good today,
and an invitation if you do not,
if you are aching –
and there are so many ways to ache.

Whoever you are, however you are,
wherever you are in your journey,
this is an invitation into peace.
Peace in your heart,
and peace in your heart,
and – with every breath
peace in your heart.

Maybe your heart is heavy
or hardened.
Maybe it’s troubled
and peace can take up residence
only in a small corner,
only on the edge,
with all that is going on in the world,
and in your life. Ni modo. It doesn’t matter.
All that you need
for a deep and comforting peace to grow
lies within you.
Once it is in your heart
let it spread into your life,
let it pour thru your life into the world
and once it is in the world,
let it shine upon all beings.


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.


I love this congregation. My favorite part of it is on Sunday morning when I walk in and I feel all of this energy and vitality as people are gathering and entering into the sanctuary and I can feel, I know, that this church is alive, that is doing things, that is going somewhere, that feeling is palpable. You know your mission, you recite it, you believe in it, you live it, you refer to it, you are so curious, you have this great immense love of learning, an ability to change and grow and transform both yourselves and your congregation.

You have resilience, so much resilience, which we can see even in the story of the last dozen years or so. When you went from a time a really painful conflict with the congregation voting to dismiss a minister to doing the work of an interim work that you really did. Then calling Reverend Meg Barnhouse, your minister emerita, doing the work of rebuilding healthy relationships, covenanting together as a congregation, surviving the pandemic together as a congregation, and then coming out of it ready to rebuild, ready to grow in spirit and in numbers. Not every congregation did that. Some are still faltering, some are still recovering. And yet we come in here, and most Sundays, we’re almost overcrowded.

There’s a retreat going on at UBARU this Sunday, so we’re a little lighter for people on retreat. But still, you’re all here, and I can feel your presence, your love of being here, your joy in being here, the ways in which you are comforted by being here.

You went through the news of Reverend Meg’s devastating illness. You supported her through her need for an early medical retirement. You are going through the interim process again. You are working, you worked through the decision to go to co-ministry, you called Reverend Chris, you learned the departure of your DRE, went through another healthy transition process, moving the fabulous Kinsey into managing the RE program, Religious Education program, and now you are going in to search again. And still, the energy is there. And sometimes the staff struggles to keep up with all of you. Often we struggle to keep up with all of you. We talk about this a lot. It’s the opposite problem a lot of congregations have. You are amazing. And that’s just the brief story of what you’ve done and what you’ve been through in recent years. You’ve also done so much more than that. And still, you come out ready to thrive, ready to grow, ready to do, to nourish souls, to transform lives, and to do justice. That is truly amazing. This is my job as an interim to reflect your story back to you.

I’ve been around the block a bit. I’ve served congregations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, Nebraska, and Texas. And it is being here in Austin, in this city, in this congregation that gives me faith in the future of our liberal religious tradition as a whole. Faith that we can and we will not just survive, but thrive, post-pandemic. That other congregations can learn how to do what you are doing and have been doing. That in this new world that is all too quickly emerging with its immense needs, including the needs for spiritual nourishment and transformation and justice building that it can be done. You all have, you already have a very long history of supporting and integrating the LGBTQ + community and working to integrate and support the local BIPOC community. You’ve passed the eighth principle, which is about anti-racism for those of you who haven’t heard of it yet, who might be new. You’ve worked through a congregational process of supporting the UUA’s Article 2 bylaws change, and now, as you heard last week from Celeste Padilla, you have more to do. Yes, there is more to do, both internally and externally. Internally, there is more to be done in the process of dismantling a culture of privilege that is embedded in not just all of our congregations, but all of our nation’s institutions. More to be done to become truly radically welcoming to all people, including BIPOC folks, non-binary folks, and disabled folks, keeping in mind that some of us are the same people. So many of us have intersecting backgrounds identities and needs and you will do it You will do it. It’ll be challenging and I have faith that you will do it.

These are some of the reasons why I believe in this congregation. I hope that you do too And I hope you will show that you believe in this congregation too, by increasing your commitment to it in all the ways, by working to grow yourself spiritually, by working to transform the culture of this congregation, I should say continue to transform the culture of this transformation of this congregation, and by increasing your financial commitment to do all that we are here to do. One of the things that we ministers and staff have been hearing lately, and we do listen, is that you like to make the Church’s covenant more prominent in the life of the congregation. You’d like to see it more, hear about it more, read it more. So let us begin by doing that now.

Let us begin by making it even more clear how it is that we aspire to be together as we do the work of fulfilling the mission of this congregation. So will you rejoin me in recommitting to this congregation, to its mission, and to each other by reading or listening to the Covenant together now.


As a religious community, we promise:

To Welcome and Serve by

  • Being intentionally hospitable to all people of good will
  • Celebrating all aspects of diversity
  • Treating other as we want to be treated
  • Being present with one another through life’s transitions
  • Encouraging the spiritual growth of people of all ages


To Nurture and Protect by

  • Communicating with one another directly in a spirit of compassion and good will
  • Enshuring those who wish to communicate are heard and understood
  • Speaking when silence would inhibit progress
  • Disagreeing from a place of curiosity and respect
  • Interrupting hurtful interactions when we witness them
  • Expressing our appreciation to each other


To Sustain and Build by

  • Affirming our gratitude with generous gifts of time, talent and money for our beloved community
  • Honoring our commitments to ourselves and one another for the sake of our own integrity and that of our congregation
  • Forgiving ourselves and others when we fall short of expectations, showing good humor and the optimism required for moving forward


Thus do we covenant with one another.

So we are covenanted, so we are committed.


Thus do we covenant. These promises we make. This is our great commitment to center ourselves in love and right relationship together.

Last Sunday, as Michelle mentioned, Celeste Padilla so eloquently reminded us that the commitment we make is not just to who we are now, but it is also to building the beloved community of our dreams and aspirations. I just lost my spouse Wayne a little over a month ago, and so, of course, as we have approached this commitment Sunday, I haven’t been able to help but think about the commitment he and I made to one another, and how we came to realize that that commitment was not just to who we are and the love we have at any moment, but also to acting for that love, doing the work to keep that love growing stronger and larger.

So I have to share with you all a story about that commitment we had to becoming together. So to start, you have to know that Wayne absolutely loved dogs. You’ll see why in a little bit. Now some of you have heard the first part of the story before. Wayne and I first got legally married in Vancouver, Canada. We got married in this beautiful house on the bay by this wonderful woman who happened to be babysitting a dog named Marley who she thought she had locked away for the time of doing our nuptials but Marley broke free and came in and that turned out to be a good thing because when we got to the point where we were to say our vows both Wayne and I got unexpectedly emotional and couldn’t really speak and Wayne was able to make before he got too sick to travel was to go back to Vancouver. And unbeknownst to me, while he was there, he fell in love with the work of a gay Ukrainian artist and bought this large piece of art that I didn’t know about. And in the weeks leading up to his death, he started to kind of sheepishly tell me about this because that was kind of against the rules of our relationship to buy a big piece we were gonna hang in our house without talking to each other about it. But he hoped I would love it as much as him and he had even picked out where he hoped I would frame it and hang it in the house.

Well a week after he died I found the cardboard tube that had the piece of art in it. So I took it to a frame shop near our house and I told the woman who was helping me, I probably can’t make it through this without breaking up because of the situation and as she unrolled it and I saw that it wasn’t the print I thought it would be but the actual piece of art, art and the actual canvas, I did totally lose it.

Well, there was a female couple in the shop with us who had a dog and the dog came running over and insisted that it love on me and I love on it and that once again rescued me so we were able to measure the piece of art and it was so large they had to ship it off to their central warehouse in order to get it framed.

Oh, and also, Wayne and I had been discussing that our oldest dog, Benjamin, turns nine years old on January one of next year, and so I should think about getting another puppy to help me through when I lose Benjamin, because that’s getting near the end of his lifespan, and it would really help our younger dog, Luisa, who has never lived without a canine companion. So I started looking into that, but it was a little too soon right now because I plan on doing travel through the end of the year.

And at the same time I was doing that, I kept trying to track the painting online and it kept saying, “We can’t wait to get started.” And a month later, I was starting to worry like, “Have they lost the painting?”

Well, yesterday was my day, the first one without Wayne, and so I was worried about how I was going to make it through that. And then partway through last week, I got an email from the woman that we bought Benjamin from saying, “You can be among the first, if you would like, to choose from the litter of puppies I’ll have in early November that we’ll be ready to adopt after the first of the year.

And then I got an email saying his ashes could be picked up. And so I got my younger brother to take me over, and we picked up the ashes and brought him home.

And then yesterday, the painting showed up. And so it kind of feels like Wayne Spirit made it back just in time for my birthday and gave me a large-framed art piece and a new puppy.

Now that’s a commitment to becoming together.

You know, people say that we Unitarian Universalists have no common theology because we have folks who range from non-theistic humanists to naturalists to Christian-oriented to folks who draw from one or more of the many world religions or philosophies, and I say they’re wrong. I say we do have a common theology because common to all of our various perspectives, we have that commitment to centering ourselves in love and right relationship. And because we have always been a living tradition, our promises and covenants we make among ourselves embrace who we are now and also include a commitment to who and what we are not yet.

We commit to all that we have been, all that we are and all that we aspire to become together, just like Wayne did with me.

Recently, I was telling Wayne’s best friend of over 40 years, Teresa, that at one point, after he had gone on hospice, we were talking, and he said to me, “I love Teresa more than anyone in the world except you, and sometimes I’m not so sure about that.”

Thanks, honey. I can tell you this. I love and am committed to this church, second only to Wayne of that I am sure. And I know, I know that so many of you love this church and are just as committed to it and your church needs you because we have been hit with almost a hundred thousand dollars in greater expenses for 2025 due to insurance and other cost increases and that means our expenses will be about thirty two hundred dollars per day even with a very cost conscious budget.

That is a big challenge. And I know, I know that this church will not only meet that challenge, but will also do so many great things in this coming year because we commit, we make promises, we make covenants about how we will grow together in the ways of love. You see, for us theologically, God is in those promises we make. And our divine promise emerges from within right relationship centered in love. And our pledges are a promise.

So my beloveds, pledge early. Pledge now. Pledge big. It makes you feel good all over. God is in the promises we make, now let us make those promises together.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


We come to religious community from many paths and with diverse needs:
If you have come here seeking comfort, may your pain be soothed
If you have come here looking for answers, may you find new questions
If you have come here seeking purpose, may your call be awakened
If you have come here hoping to build a new way, may the path open before you
May it be so, Amen, and Blessed Be


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776


Listen to the service by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Patrice (PK) Curtis and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
October 6, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Rev. Patrice Curtis is helping us prepare for this year’s ministerial search and the possibilities a new co-minister might bring. In their role as the UUA’s Transformational Interim Ministries Director they amplify belonging, diversity, equity, and inclusion within congregations and in querying unhealthy patterns that make Beloved Community difficult to realize. At their request Rev. Curtis’ homily is not included.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

– Sobonfu Some

Community is the spirit, the guiding light of the tribe, whereby people come together in order to fulfill a specific purpose, to help others fulfill their purpose, and to take care of one another.

Come, let us worship together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Laura Ann Hershey

Ms Hershey (August 11, 1962 – November 26, 2010) was a white poet, journalist, feminist, and a disability rights activist and consultant known to have parked her wheelchair in front of buses. Hershey was one of the leaders of a protest against the paternalistic attitudes and images of people with disabilities inherent in Jerry Lewis’s MDA Telethon. She had spinal muscular atrophy.

What you risk telling your story:
You will bore them.
Your voice will break, your ink spill and stain your coat.
No one will understand,
their eyes become fences.

You will park yourself forever on the outside, your differentness once
and for all revealed, dangerous.
The names you give to yourself will become epithets.
Your happiness will be called
bravery, denial.

Your sadness will justify their pity.
Your fear will magnify their fears.
Everything you say will prove something about their god,
or their economic system.

Your feelings, that change day-to-day, kaleidoscopic,
will freeze in place,
brand you forever,
justify anything they decide to do with you.

Those with power can afford to tell their story
or not.
Those without power risk everything to tell their story
and must.

Someone, somewhere will hear your story
and decide to fight,
to live and refuse compromise.
Someone else will tell her own story,
risking everything.


At Rev. Curtis’ request the audio and text of the homily is not available.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


“We receive fragments of holiness, glimpses of eternity, brief moments of insight. Let us gather them up for the precious gifts that they are, and renewed by their grace, move boldly into the unknown.”

– Sarah York


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

The Great Unitarian Universalist Climate Justice Revival

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
September 29, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This month, our church has been participating with our sibling churches throughout the country in the UU Climate Justice Revival. We have had a variety of learning and participation opportunities throughout September, focusing particularly on the climate crisis. This Sunday will be the culmination of those activities, and we will explore how faith can ground us in hope and resilience as we work to save our planet and ourselves.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Margaret Atwood

The moment when, after many years
of hard work and a long voyage
you stand in the centre of your room,
house, half-acre, square mile, island, country,
knowing at last how you got there,
and say, I own this,
is the same moment when the trees
unloose their soft arms from around you,
the birds take back their language,
the cliffs fissure and collapse,
the air moves back from you like a wave
and you can’t breathe.

No, they whisper.
You own nothing.
You were a visitor,
time after time
climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming.
We never belonged to you.
You never found us.
It was always the other way round.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Thomas Starr King
from an 1863 sermon entitled “Lessons from the Sierra Nevada”

Thomas Starr King was an American Universalist and Unitarian minister. Starr King was a dedicated abolitionist and supporter of black liberation. He was credited by Abraham Lincoln with preventing California from becoming a separate republic. He is sometimes referred to as “the orator who saved the nation”.

I believe that if, on every Sunday morning before going to church, we could be lifted to a mountain peak and see a horizon line of six hundred miles enfolding the copious splendor of the light on such a varied expanse; or if we could look upon a square mile of flowers representing all the species with which the Creative Spirit embroiders a zone; or if we could be made to realize the distance of the earth from the sun, the light of which travels every morning twelve millions of miles a minute to feed and bless us, and which the force of gravitation pervades without intermission to hold our globe calmly in its orbit and on its poise; if we could fairly perceive, through our outward senses, one or two features of the constant order and glory of nature, our materialistic dullness would be broken, surprise and joy would be awakened, we should feel that we live amid the play of Infinite thought; and the devout spirit.


This month at the church, we have been participating in the nationwide Unitarian Universalist Climate Justice Revival.

So it is sadly synchronistic that, as we entered this capstone weekend and worship service of our month dedicated to climate justice, we have witnessed the heartbreaking destruction and loss of life caused by Hurricane Helene.

Because of the climate crisis, our existing model for tracking and predicting hurricanes has become woefully inadequate.

The model is based largely on maximum sustained windspeed, and because of warming sea waters, these storms are growing more powerful, with higher winds developing. This has led some scientists to propose adding categories 6 and 7 to our current 5.

Perhaps even more significantly, our storms now can intensify much more rapidly, as Helene did, and they are massive.

So, they can bring greater destruction over a much wider swath of areas and cause much greater damage and loss of life even at lower categories because even with lower wind speeds they now bring such immense tidal surges, rains, and other storm effects

And these ever more threatening hurricanes are just one of the many increasingly severe weather events we are enduring across the globe because of the human caused climate crisis.

Now, I suspect that I don’t need to convince most of you that the climate crisis is real, is a huge threat, and that it is, in fact, being caused by humans.

So, if I have climate crisis deniers listening in this morning, rest easily. I am not going to try to convince you to change your minds.

In fact, the folks who study these things say that would most often be a waste of time – that we are better off talking with folks who are convincible but not yet engaged, as well as talking amongst those of us who already believe the climate crisis science, so that we are moved to hope and action, rather than getting mired in despair over how daunting the climate challenge really is.

Many, many thanks to church members Victoria and Bob Hendricks, for leading so many activities, artistic projects, discussions and more this month that have allowed folks of all ages in this church to do just that!

Each week, Bob and Victoria have led us in a different area of exploration. Their first weekly theme was “personal action to fight climate change”.

As you heard earlier, folks in this church sent over 8,000 postcards to climate engaged, but inconsistent voters, encouraging them to get out and vote in this election.

Further, we’ve discussed that we can all reduce our carbon footprint, vote, and take public action on the climate crisis.

And studies show that the more each of us do that, the more other folks will join in and do so also.

The next theme is on how “a fight for any social justice, is a fight for climate justice”.


Bob send me this picture from one such discussion where folks in this church put magnetic markers on a board to show the justice concerns we address.

First, I am struck by such a wonderful range of justice concerns. Second, they are all so intersectional. Here are just a few examples specifically related to climate justice.

    • Immigration – the climate crisis is driving huge increases in migration, as folks are forced to leave their native lands that are becoming uninhabitable.



    • We know that LGBTQ+ youth are much more likely to experience housing insecurity and are thus more likely to be extremely endangered by climate events like Hurricane Helene.



    • BICPOC folks are disproportionately being displaced by climate gentrification, as extraordinarily wealthy, mostly white folks take over geographic areas less likely to be as susceptible to the ravages of climate change.



  • Democracy – We know that severe weather events make it much more difficult for low income and poor people to vote.


And, these areas of justice are also interconnected because we have more power when know they intersect, and so we combine our efforts.

Victories in one area of justice so often lead to victories in others. The next theme is that we have to talk about the climate crisis.

Telling our stories is one of the most powerful ways we can encourage one another to join and/or stay in the fight.

Stories like in the film, Cooked: Survival by Zipcode that we showed at the church during the revival.

It tells the heartrending story of a tragic heatwave in Chicago” in which 739 citizens died over the course of a single week, most of them poor, elderly, and African American.


  • Intersectionality.


In a wonderful Ted Talk, “The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it,” climate scientist Kathryn Hayhoe acknowledges that talking about it can be really hard.

She says that rather than talking about science and facts, we should look for shared values to discuss.

I have a friend who is more conservative, but who loves nature and gardening.

The climate crisis is changing what plants they can choose and altering some of our mutual favorite nature spots, and that has opened up a whole conversation between us that had never been possible before.

Well, our final theme this month is the importance of public policy in combatting the climate crisis.

The truth is, while all of our individual efforts are absolutely vital, they will not be enough to overcome the damage inflicted by large corporations that

are placing short-term profits over people’s lives and even their own, longterm viability.

The only thing that can stop them is public policy, and they are spending billions to make sure their voices are louder than than ours.

And that can be discouraging, I know. But we can vote in greater numbers.

We may have less dollars, but we can make sure we have many, many more voices to amplify.

Bob Hendricks tells the story of how by 2021, climate activists had grown greatly discouraged by how, despite putting pressure on congress for many years, their voices were getting drowned out by the corporate lobbyists.

But then, the Biden Administration introduced the Build Back Better Act, that due in large part to their efforts, included billions in funding to fight the climate crisis.

Through many a battle, even after it looked like we might lose several times, eventually, we got a version passed that included provisions that could reduce carbon pollution by 43 to 48% by 2035.

My beloveds, we can have hope.

We can win the battle to begin reversing this crisis.

Just visit drawdown.org and see the multitude of science-backed ways in which we can do it.

As our call to worship and our reading earlier illustrate, we can find hope by remembering that we are inextricably woven within the web of all existence and letting the beauty of that center us in a great love for it, just as we have centered our UU faith in love.

And one of the ways that we do that is through embodied ritual.

So this morning, I want to invite you to participate in one such ritual.

We have provided you with these sheets of water soluble paper. And yes, it is environmentally friendly, even after dissolved in water.

I am going to play a video featuring just some of that for which we are centering ourselves in love.

I invite you as the video plays to contemplate two things:


    • 1. where you find hope and love regarding the climate crisis, and



  • 2. at least one commitment you will make to combat it.


I invite you to either write these on your paper or to simply whisper them into it. If you are online, please feel free to post the same into the comments.

During the music, I invite you to then come forward down the outer aisles and dissolve your paper into the vases of water we have placed up front, exiting down the center aisle.

After the service, we will use the water to nurture our tree of hope and remembrance that we planted on our grounds a few years ago and that has against all odds survived both ice storm and draught, sometimes just barely. May the love and commitment you mingle together in these waters keep hope and remembrance alive and thriving.

All blessings upon these waters. All blessing upon the hope, love and commitment you have blended into them.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


– Thich Nhat Hanh

This beautiful, bounteous, life-giving planet we call Earth has given birth to each one of us, and each one of us carries the Earth within every cell of our body …

We can all experience a feeling of deep admiration and love when we see the great harmony, elegance and beauty of the Earth. A simple branch of cherry blossom, the shell of a snail or the wing of a bat – all bear witness to the Earth’s masterful creativity … When we can truly see and understand the Earth, love is born in our hearts. We feel connected. That is the meaning of love: to be at one.

Only when we’ve truly fallen back in love with the Earth will our actions spring from reverence and the insight of our interconnectedness.

May we heed his words.

May the congregation say, “Amen”, and “blessed be”. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

Centered for the Season

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
September 22, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We are barreling toward the holidays and all the joy, stress, love, grief, community, busyness, beauty, loneliness, and so much more they can entail. And then there is also a major election and its as yet unknown aftermath. How do we begin to find our spiritual center so that we can be better prepared for the heightened intensity of the season to come?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

– Clarissa Pinkola Estes

We do not become healers.
We came as healers.
We are
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become storytellers.
We came as carriers of the stories
we and our ancestors actually lived.
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become artists.
We came as artists.
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become writers … dancers … musicians … helpers … peacemakers.
We came as such.
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not learn to love in this sense.
We came as Love.
We are Love.
Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


– Joy Harjo

Remember the sky that you were born under,
know each of the star’s stories.
Remember the moon, know who she is.
Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the
strongest point of time. Remember sundown
and the giving away to night.
Remember your birth, how your mother struggled
to give you form and breath. You are evidence
of her life, and her mother’s, and hers.
Remember your father. He is your life, also.
Remember the earth whose skin you are:
red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth
brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too.
Talk to them, listen to them. They are alive poems.
Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the
origin of this universe.
Remember you are all people and all people
are you.
Remember you are this universe and this
universe is you.
Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you.
Remember language comes from this.
Remember the dance language is, that life is.


Happy Holidays!

No, Rev. Chris isn’t losing it.

It’s just, it is September and all of the stores have had Halloween decor out for weeks already.

I was at an HEB the other day, and they already had a whole fall Thanksgiving merchandise display up.

A local news station recently ran a story about a great brouhaha that has erupted on social media over Hobby Lobby already putting out Christmas decorations.

So, like it or not, we already get to start thinking about the impending season of joy.

Or angst, depending upon your perspective.

So, I thought we might start this morning with a little embodied spiritual engagement.

I will ask some questions. If the answer is true for you, and you are here in person, please just raise your hand. Or you can stand up and cry hallelujah if you are so moved. If you’re online, feel free to answer in the comments.

Of courses if you are uncomfortable with any of this, it’s fine to just think about what your answer might be.

OK, first question. How many of you are just jazzed about the upcoming holiday season?

How many of you are already stressed about it and would happily tell Hobby Lobby exactly what they can do with their way too early Christmas decorations?

Any abstentia?

Personally I feel deeply that the display of Thanksgiving and Christmas decor should be banned until the average daily high temperature has fallen to no more 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

And during the middle of all of it, we also have that pesky election coming up.

How many of you are feeling extremely nervous about the election and/or its potential aftermath?

Well if you are having less than joy-filled feelings about the holidays and/or the election, you are not alone.

Surveys have found that 62% of folks feel elevated stress during the holidays. Forty percent don’t want to celebrate at all because of grief and loss. Sixty percent feel lonely at some point during the holidays; 64% of folks with psychological challenges say the the holidays make their conditions worse. Cardiac mortality is highest during the holiday season.

Now, add to that a presidential election year, where three quarters of the population says they are feeling stressed and anxious, over a quarter are in conflict with their family or loved ones, and 40% say they are depressed about it. We have seen that before, right here at this church.

For several weeks after the 2016 election, I remember having to pull chairs out of the fellowship hall and put them in the back of the sanctuary to handle all of the folks coming to our services because they needed community in the face of the fear and trauma they were experiencing.

My therapist told me that therapists were seeking each other out for counseling sessions in the aftermath of that election.

During the 2020 election and its aftermath, our requests for pastoral care went way up, especially after the January 6 attempted coup (and that’s what it was. We were just lucky that it was so incompetently planned).

So, while the holidays can certainly bring joy, community, family, generosity and more, one of our pre-holiday annual rituals has also become trying to prepare ourselves for the potentially not so bright aspects of the season – the sheer intensity of it.

As I was thinking about this, the first thought that occurred to me is that we have to start our preparing by centering ourselves – locating ourselves within that calmest, strongest, truest self – that spark of the divine within each of us.

And that’s how being a part of a faith community like this one can be such a huge support for us moving into the upcoming season.

The second thought that occurred to me though, is that one of the things that makes it more difficult for all of us to find our spiritual center is that we are all carrying at least a certain degree of collective trauma and grief from the events of the past several years. And we have to recognize that in order to move past it.

So, I want to spend some time this morning talking about everyone’s favorite holiday topics – trauma and grief.

First though, I do want to let you that you don’t have to take my word for any of this – I ran it by my therapist, and she said it was spot on. Of course, I am paying her to make me feel better.

So first, collective trauma and grief are much like our individual experiences of them, only they occur when entire communities experience them all at once.

Communities that have gone through natural disasters, war and genocide, our country after the terrorists attacks of 9/11/2001, the world community after the Covid pandemic are a few examples.

My therapist pointed out that it was only a few years ago that we were all witnessing images of refrigerator trucks parked outside of our hospitals because so many people had died of Covid that the morgues were all full.

So, she commented, it would be a far stretch to say we are past having collective trauma and grief that may be hampering our ability to engage our spiritual center.

Now, quickly, trauma and grief are not the same.

Trauma is the emotional and psychological response to deeply disturbing or distressing events whether or not they involve a permanent loss, while grief is a collection of strong, often painful feelings that follow a loss or that happen in anticipation of a loss.

I’m talking about them together today though, because they so often occur together and can be strongly interwoven.

For instance, an unaddressed trauma response can often lead to what is sometimes called complicated grief – where we either delay our grief because we are unable to fully engage with it, or we kind of get stuck in continuous, profound and often disabling grief because of the trauma.

All of this is especially common with collective forms of trauma and grief. Now, of course, when we are part of these collective experiences we also experience it as individuals, and it doesn’t change that we may at the same time also experience traumatic events or loss in our own individual lives too.

Before I talk about how we might move though collective trauma and grief, many of you know that I am grieving the recent loss of my spouse Wayne.

So, it would feel disingenuous for me not to talk a little bit about individual trauma and grief.

I will ask your understanding that it is too soon for me to able to talk more than just a little bit about it. And, again, I don’t pretend to be an expert on all this. I am reading a good book about it though, because I am a good Unitarian Universalist.

Here are a few things I can say.


    • Messages of love and support matter. Thank you to all of you have sent such messages to me.



    • For me, physical affection helps a lot too. Hugs are welcome. For other folks though, please do ask first whether physical expressions of affection would be helpful or not.



  • Asking how I am doing is not particularly helpful.


Most of the time, the honest answer would be “I have no idea. I cry a lot.” And that’s OK, my book says that’s part of grieving.

Still, I might not especially feel like talking about it just then and how I am doing seems to change every few minutes anyway.

Having said that, know that I forget and ask folks that because I genuinely am concerned about how they’re doing.

Know we all sometimes struggle with knowing what to say, and that when our heart is in the right place, that will be clear, even if we don’t know what the right words might be.

As Parker Palmer put it,

“It’s not about what you say … I took comfort and strength from the people who neither fled from me nor tried to save me but were simply present to me.”


We can more support those who are grieving by offering compassion, understanding and tenderness.

So, please understand I find I tire easily, which my book says is also very common, so I am not at 100% and will have to pace my church schedule for a while.

I also have absolutely no memory. So please forgive me if I forget things, or something never makes it to my to-do list. Feel free to send an email follow up so it’s more likely to get on that list and to check back later with a gentle reminder if it seems like maybe it didn’t.

Finally, a couple of related items – grief doesn’t just happen because of losing someone we love like I am experiencing – and sometimes we can get all judgy about trauma and grief, and that can make folks who are grieving the loss of a job, or a dream, or a pet, or a marriage or relationship and so on, afraid to share what they are feeling.

So, related to that, we often don’t know who is coping with trauma and grief, and as I’ve said, and my therapist verified, we are all dealing with some degree of collective trauma and grief, so we might do well to just always approach one another with that compassion, understandings and tenderness I mentioned earlier.

OK, now, how do we help each other move through collective trauma and grief so that each of us is better able to spiritually center ourselves as we move into this election and holiday season?

Remember after 9-11, when we are told to just go shopping? That’s not it. Perhaps not surprisingly, what it does involve is many of the same ways we center ourselves individually, only for collective experiences we also heal together communally.

One of the best examples of this I have read is the story of the grieving parents, as well as the children who survived the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting.

It is hard to believe the children who survived are now young adults. Together, as a community, the folks from Sandy Hook:


    • created opportunities for public mourning and embodied rituals



    • offered the children therapy involving theatre type play



    • engaged in community art projects reflecting upon their losses



    • made lists within their community of folks whom they would check in on and who would check in on them



    • volunteered to help other people through the trauma of the seemingly endless stream of continuing mass shooting events



  • organized to advocate changes to this country’s abominable gun laws.


Those last two kind of remind me of the saying by author E.B. White

“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”


I think we too often forget that in our efforts to save the world, we are also, so often, saving ourselves.

As we approach this holiday season and this election, as a religious community, we can do all of the things they did to help each other work though our fears and any pain we may carry so that we can, as we heard in our call to worship earlier, catch up to the love we truly are.

Certainly, depending upon how the election and its aftermath go, we will offer rituals and other opportunities for processing it communally.

If you are feeling like you might like some support moving into the holidays, please feel free to contact caring@austinuu.org.

Together, we can help each other remember – remember our profound interconnectedness, as so beautifully illustrated by our reading today.

Together, we can help each remember – remember to offer one another compassion, understanding, and tenderness throughout the season.

Remember that we, as a community are faith-FULL. Remember that we already have strong hearts. Remember that we already are true hearts. Remember.


Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Now let us go out into the world centered in the love we already are.
Now let us remember that the universe is within us and we are the universe.
Now let us know that our fears and sorrows can open us to even more joy and even more love.
Now let us find peace in building the Beloved Community.

May the congregation say, “Amen”, and “Blessed be.”
Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

Invitation to Transform

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave
September 15, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Building beloved community is, at its heart, about transformation. Reflecting upon cultural differences among the generations is one way we can think about welcoming pluralism into our lives and our communities.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Welcome to this place
where certainty transforms
to questions.

This place that takes what is
and imagines what can be.

Welcome to this space
where what was fixed begins to shift; where
rigidity embraces unfolding,
as we join in the dance
of trans-form-a-tion.

Welcome to this
moment of change,
where together, we
transfigure and transcend together.

– by the Rev. Dr. David Breeden

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by the Rev. Dr. Lynn Unger

Where will you go home?
These mountains cannot receive you,
and there is no cave or grave to be dug
for you in your old hills.

And still a current of air
keeps singing home … home
as if that meant something
you could go to, as if something
could finally stand still.

Turn then, and keep turning.
Faster, like a drill
through your old God’s promises,
like a potter’s wheel,
like a spindle, twisting

your tears into salt crystals,
into the face of this
wrecked land, into the distant,
perfect stars, which will not
take you up, but hold to you

like mirrors, flashing their
salty glare with each minute,
with each


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors that weren’t caught.

In our story this morning, Casey, a Gen-Zer or a Zoomer, listened and learned from Grandma, who was a silent generation person. They, that is Casey, learned some lessons about change over time, what to expect, and how best to cope with change. While we didn’t go into all the details in the children’s story this morning, we can imagine how rich and deep those conversations got between Casey and her grandmother.

This is often how we think about elders and wisdom. That wisdom is passed down from older generations to younger generations. And all that is true. It is so true and so important. We younger generations need to remember to ask questions, to ask for stories, to listen. Our elders need to remember to share their stories with us. And it’s not the only way that we learn wisdom. Wisdom can flow from any generation to any other. Sometimes older generations, like mine, can and do learn from younger generations.

There was a person named Audrey, not our Aubrey, I wanna be really clear about that. Nothing bad happened to our Aubrey. Audrey was a woman, a trans woman in Houston who I met right after she graduated from college when she was 21, right when she was beginning her process of transitioning. I only knew her for a year and a half or so before her life ended tragically, a consequence of the social and political climate in which trans and non-binary people currently live. She was a wonderful person. I loved her so much. She was just beginning her faith journey. She hoped to go to seminary and become a UU minister. She had been hired to be the General Assembly Young Adult Coordinator for GA 2023 so you may have heard of her from that context. She was amazing.

She restored my faith just at that cusp of churches emerging from the pandemic and trying to figure out what post-pandemic church was going to be like and what post-pandemic Unitarian Universalism was calling us to do. And she restored my faith in the future of our faith tradition. She had a wonderful way of invitational listening. She was a membership coordinator at the UU Church in Houston, Emerson, and she would sit people down in the comfy chairs, and I have this image that will stay with me forever, of her putting her head and her chin in her hand and just sitting and watching and listening and you could tell that she had her entire focus on the person that she was listening to and people opened up to her.

We learned so much about the church and what was going on in the church because everyone was telling Audrey. I also, Audrey was a Gen-Zer, a Zoomer, I also learned so much from Audrey about how social justice movements were being organized in college and by young adults in their 20s and how it was being done in such a better way than we had in the past, how it was so much more collaborative, how there was so much more shared leadership, and I have taken those lessons with me and carried them forward in my ministry.

She may have been only 21 or 22 and I her elder by 30 years but she had wisdom to share with me. All of this is really getting at the question of culture, especially the question of culture in churches.

So if you are new or visiting with us today, if this is not your church home or it’s not your church home yet, and maybe someday, you can also think about these things I’m saying about culture as working in your workplace or in your family or in the nonprofit organizations where you volunteer, all sorts of different settings. So this is for all of us, although I will focus on talking about church.

So, culture. Culture is a set of rules of behavior. That’s the simplest definition. A set of rules of behavior. Those rules of behavior might be unwritten. They might be written down somewhere. And there are a group of people that share those rules of behavior.

Culture can be regional, national, generational, queer, deaf. There are lots of different cultures and subcultures. They can go with one’s ethnic heritage. They can go with one’s orientation or gender identity. Lots and lots of different cultures, including within the United States.

Churches, like families and schools and other groups, also have culture. We have a set of rules of behavior about how things are done, when they are done, et cetera, how meetings happen, how bylaws are written, all sorts of different things. So recognizing that church has a culture, a set of rules of behavior that people are expected to follow. What we’re going to try to do this morning is reconcile that, those sets of church cultural expectations, with what we learned last week, especially from Brené Brown’s video that I shared, about how her research showed that that opposite of belonging is fitting in.

So how do we encourage people to feel like they belong, help them feel like they belong, help ourselves feel like we belong, and also have these cultural rules and expectations, many of which are unwritten, like who sits where and in which pew. Dangerous for visitors, right? ‘Cause they don’t know where to sit. No clue whose pew is whose. And sometimes, I don’t know if this happens in Texas, but I did serve churches that were hundreds and hundreds of years old when I was in New England. And I had people whose family sat in the same pews for the last couple hundred years, honest.

So if we are to build beloved community where more and more people can feel like they belong, we also need to take care that we are not expecting all the different kinds of people that we want to feel welcome here, that we want to feel like they belong here, or not even just new people, but the people who are already here wanting to feel more like they really do belong here ’cause both are true. And then we have these expectations about how to “fit in” to the church culture that is already here. How do we do that? How do we weigh those different ways, W-E-I-G-H, those different ways, W-A-Y-S. I didn’t intend that to come out that way. (laughing) Of being.

So there is a toxin that is present in this church, and in all of our churches, about how there is one right way to do things, one right way to do church, or one right way to have the holiday family dinner, or one right way to cook the ham, that’s the classic example from one of those apocryphal stories.

So I’m going to share some more lighthearted examples. Okay, one of the other things I learned from Audrey, Zoomer, remember, is that when texting on your phone, it is rude to reply to someone by saying “okay”. How many of you knew or thought that that was true? Very, very few. Much more polite is to say K or KK. OK is rude, according to the Zoomers.

I grew up with rules about how to use the phone. Never call during the dinner hour. Rules have changed over time as technology and social norms have changed, whether we call at the dinner hour or not, whether it’s more polite to call because someone has trouble either physically manipulating a phone to text or is older and never learned how to text, whatever the reason, some people in some situations it might be more polite, more kind, to call as long as it’s not at dinner. For others, it’s much more polite to text. It’s quite rude to call someone on the phone. That includes my generation. It interrupts your life less with a text. You don’t have to actually stop what you’re doing. You can actually answer without doing the phone screening thing.

For Zoomers, yes, you still have to text, But you don’t say “okay”.

So we take this all into context are we texting with a zoomer.  Maybe we don’t say okay. Maybe they are kind to us and say “Oh, you old gen-Xer, You don’t know that you’re being rude, so I’ll ignore it”.

In any case, there’s no one right way to use the phone anymore. There used to be one right way when I was a kid, but no longer.

Another example, Brent and I, we both come from New England, not Texas. We are both gen-Xers. We get each other. We have a different sense of humor. Light-hearted teasing means we actually love you, so if Brent makes fun of me in a light-hearted, not mean bullying kind of way, a light-hearted way, then that means he likes me.

He and I will also speak directly to each other and to all of you. As Brent says, because we’ve discussed this, he doesn’t know how to talk Southern. I don’t really either, because I’ve been here less time than he has. I’m learning.

Brent shared an example with me about how at home one day his wife said, (and I’m sharing this with his permission,) “Oh, gee, it looks like the trash is getting pretty full.” And then hours later, the trash still being there, she commented about the trash still being there. The light finally goes on in Brent’s head and he says, “Oh, when you said that the trash was getting full, what you really meant was ‘Brent, take out the trash?’ ” At which point she said, “Yes.”

So, if we want Brent or me, for that matter, to take out the trash, tell us to take out the trash. I’m being light-hearted about this. These are smaller ways in which we can miscommunicate, and they’re also more fun to use as examples. But our goal in all of this is really to understand each other, not to change each other.

I’m not going to try to get you all to stop speaking Southern. I’m going to try to learn how to understand it and figure out when to take out the trash. And you might do the same and put some effort into learning how to speak Connecticut or Maine or Massachusetts every once in a while. But to understand that we have different ways, that’s the most important piece. Not to change each other, not to force each other to “fit in” to a set of norms or expectations that aren’t crucial.

So remember that we do all of this within a hopefully relatively safe container of having healthy relations covenants and a healthy relations team which can provide us and support us when we do get into trouble with communicating with each other or understanding each other.

So that doesn’t mean anything goes, is what I’m trying to say. We do stay within the covenants and we also don’t try to force each other to fit in. And I know it’s hard.

So, the reason why I’m talking about all of this relates to this mission. In church, in this church especially, we are building the beloved community in here so that we can also do it out there. And in order to do so, we need to welcome in new ways of being and doing church. There is no one right way of doing church or much of anything. Maybe landing on the moon has one right way or something like that, but for the most part, most of our lives, multiple different ways are okay. There’s no one right way.

And we’ve been learning about this in lots of smaller ways. I recently talked with the seniors at the senior lunch about pronouns and how to use them correctly now that we understand that we have more than two genders and that gender is not binary.

We have added visual descriptions to who we are as worship leaders as we come up for each of our turns during the service. That is for a few different reasons, but including for people who have partial vision loss but not complete blindness, it helps them be able to find us later. You want to talk to the minister, knowing to look for bright pink can be really helpful if it’s someone that can see colors. So accessibility is part of this. We’re doing slides with better visibility. People with vision issues, have a better chance of reading the words to the hymns, we’re beginning to add more ASL to our services, lots of different ways that any one change might be kind of small, all together, they’re huge, they’re enormous. We’re doing it people, this past year together, we’ve been doing it.

We’re building a bigger and better, more open, more inclusive, more accessible, beloved community. And we are also doing it in bigger ways, both within this church and within the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Some of these bigger ways include some amazing work that just came out of a recent board retreat. We’re going to be working on some of the ways to dismantle white supremacy culture by changing the way that we do our monitoring reports, focusing more on qualitative reporting than quantitative reporting. We both here and in the UUA are working on changing our bylaws and policies using simpler language so that more people can understand, so that more people can understand how a congregational meeting is run, so that they can better participate, have a chance of participating.

Let’s face it, back in the day when we were super, super strict with Robert’s rules, you had to study it. You really had to study it. If you wanted to get up and make a change or do something effectively in a meeting, it took a lot of work and a lot of intelligence. Now we’re making it simpler so more people can participate in democratic systems and in church polity.

So remember, it’s not just here in church that we’re doing this. We’re also doing it at home, in our marriages, in our workplaces. Think about how two people get married from two different families of origin. You have to figure out all sorts of things, like whether to put the toothpaste cap on, which direction the toilet paper goes, how to spend your holidays.

Culture is little, little tiny things that are unwritten all over the place, as well as the big humongous things that can really break our relationships in half. So part of building this beloved community is about learning all of these, maybe not every single one, but learning a lot more of these different ways of being and doing so that all can belong.

And today we’re focusing on multigenerational culture. Church now has six adult generations. SIX. Six different adult cultures about the best or right way to do church. SIX.

  • We have the greatest generation who are the oldest members of our congregation in their upper 90s, but they’re still here.
  • We have the silent generation. Those are the folks who grew up during the depression and who fought in World War II, who tend to be pretty traditional and conservative when it comes to finances. They’re very much institutionalists.
  • We had the baby boomer generation who followed the few civil rights leaders who weren’t all that silent in the generation, like Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a silent generation exception, but was followed by lots and lots of baby boomers, right? Baby boomers who did all of this work around civil rights, and there was a lot of civil unrest, and then paradoxically, to my Gen X mind, went ahead and created the workaholic culture of the 80s, still working on that. Still working on understanding y ‘all. But I’m working on it.
  • Then we have Gen X who, unlike the free love that the baby boomers experienced, came of age during the AIDS epidemic and learned that sex was kind of like playing Russian roulette, and was a potential death sentence. That is formative on a young person’s outlook in the world, so maybe you can understand why we tend to be those cynical people. We’re also the middle child between the baby boomers and the millennials, which are two enormous generations on either side of us, and we often act like the middle child.
  • And then we have the millennials, who are people who grew up with a lot more technology than we did. They experienced 9 /11 when they were kids.
  • We have Gen Z, who are the Zoomers, who just came into adulthood the last several years and who are digital natives.  They do not remember a time before smartphones existed, never mind black and white TVs.

And we’re all adults with the things that shaped us, shaped our generational cohorts in terms of our outlooks on the world and our understandings of our relationships to institutions, whether we’re institutionalists or anti-institutionalists, all sorts of different things come into the mix of those multiple generational cultures. Six.

And that is not including all of the other ways in which we have an experienced culture, like our ethnicities, our social class, our education levels. That also comes into play. So this is a really complex mix of cultures is what I’m trying to say.

If you are a follower of social media, You may have noticed that there are some generational wars going on. Primarily between the baby boomers and the millennials. That’s where that phrase “okay boomer” comes from. But also between Gen Z and their elder siblings, the millennials. The most recent thing is tearing apart their method of decorating in what they call millennial gray, which the millennials say is a reaction to the baby boomers way too bright chaotic colors of their childhood, that they need something calmer like plain old gray.

There’s also (this is one of my favorites) a fight about how to make the bed. You all heard this one. So baby boomers, greatest generation, silent generation, all make the bed with a bottom sheet and a top sheet. And then maybe a blanket, comforter, whatever, on top of all that. If you’re a millennial or a zoomer, you’re most likely not using the top sheet. And this really upsets the boomers, really upsets them. Gen X could go either way. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. Being the middle child, we are often forgotten and somehow nobody’s making fun of us in social media ’cause they don’t remember we exist, but in any case. I’m being lighthearted and fun about it, and it’s also serious, right?

All these things come into play in our church life. If we can’t figure out how to use the phone, if we don’t know what the rules are for how to use the phone or email or text, how do we communicate with each other in church when we have so many ways of communicating. I think what we really need to do is learn about and understand each other and our various cultures that we come from. We need to be curious about each other, take away the pressure to fit in, the pressure to do church or whatever else it is, the way that it has always been done, which is a myth anyway, but still persists.

I promised you the offering plate story today. So I’m wrapping up and here’s the offering plate story. When I was a kid, I loved church. I grew up in a very liberal congregational UCC church. We had the choirs, the adult choirs, the kid choirs, the youth choirs, the handbell choirs. We had the robes, not just for the ministers, but all of the different choirs. We had gloves for the handbells. We did New England church. And we had “Holy, Holy, Holy”, and “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”. The big, huge, joyful organ music with these long processions and robes and pageantry.

And we were relatively low church compared to the Catholics, but I loved it, I loved it. And there were so many rules that went along with it, including (and you had to learn this before confirmation) how to pass the church offering plate correctly. None of this willy-nilly stuff that we do here. The usher hands it to you on the end of the row, you pass the plate all the way down to the end of your own pew without putting any money or envelopes or anything in it. That would be rude. It has to go all the way down, then the first person at the end of the pew puts their money in. As it comes back, that’s when you get to give your money to the church. And only then.

We can adjust and learn new ways like Brent is helping us learn today. You may have noticed during our candle lighting music that he had some new ways of using his voice. So he’s gonna demonstrate for us quickly, right? So here is the old traditional way of using one’s voice. (Brent sings “Spirit of Life”.) And here is the new modern weird, because we’re in Austin, way of using one’s voice as a vo-coder. (Brent sings using a vo-coder, the audience laughs) Someone yelled out that was awesome.

So our point being, We are a living tradition. Our traditions change. We don’t necessarily throw out the old ways. We’re still gonna sing “Spirit of Life,” the way that Brent sang it for us first. But we also welcome in other music. We welcome in other ways of being or doing church. We can adjust. We can learn new ways. We can grieve old losses, we can grow and remain a thriving, vital, if slightly different congregation or family or whatever. It’s all about us building Beloved Community everywhere we are and everywhere we may go.

May it always be so. Amen and blessed be.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


by Eric Williams

Blessed is the path on which you travel.
Blessed is the body that carries you upon it.
Blessed is your heart that has heard the call.
Blessed is your mind that discerns the way.
Blessed is the gift that you will receive by going.
Truly blessed is the gift that you will become on the Journey.

May you go forth in peace.
Amen and Blessed be.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

An Invitation to Belonging

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave
September 8, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

What does it mean to belong? How might we support ourselves and each other in cultivating a sense of belonging? Why is belonging important to building the beloved community?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson

It is not by chance that you arrived here today.

You have been looking for something larger than yourself.
Inside of you there is a yearning, a calling, a hope for more,
A desire for a place of belonging and caring.

Through your struggles, someone nurtured you into being,
Instilling a belief in a shared purpose, a common yet precIous resource
That belongs to all of us when we share.

And so, you began seeking a beloved community:

A people that does not put fences around love.
A community that holds its arms open to possibilities of love.
A heart-home to nourish your soul and share your gifts.

Welcome home; welcome to worship.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


– Brené Brown

We’re wired for love. We’re hardwired for belonging. It’s in our DNA. But let me tell you what belonging is. The opposite of belonging – from the research – is “fitting in.” That’s the opposite of a lot.

Fitting-in is assessing and acclimating. “Here’s what I should say. Here’s what I shouldn’t say. Here’s what I should avoid talking about. Here’s what I should dress like, look like.” That’s fitting in.

Belonging is belonging to yourself first. Speaking your truth, telling your story and never betraying yourself for people. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are. It requires you to BE who yau are, and that’s vulnerable.


On this day, when so many of our hearts are heavy, I offer you this invitation – to listen. Not with your ears, but with your hearts. To open your hearts to the possibility of change, the possibility of Love, the possibility of beloved community. This is an invitation to the possibility of belonging.

Belonging. Belonging to a family, a group, a community is essential to our ability as humans to thrive, to grow, to develop, to change, to transform. From the time of our birth, belonging is essential to both our physical and mental health. We belong to and with those who raise us, care for us, and teach us. Our very survival is based on interdependence with a group of humans, made up partly of family, biological or chosen, as well as a larger community of people who cooperate in growing and preparing our food, teaching us essential knowledge and skills, and caring for our health. We cannot survive as fully independent humans.

Independence is, at its core, a myth. We must belong. Somewhere, somehow, we must belong.

While belonging is essential to our basic, short-term survival as individuals, as a collective, humans aspire to more than basic survival. We are driven to grow, develop, and change. These abilities are essential to our survival as a species. And for these, too, belonging is also essential. To thrive, as a species, and as individuals, we must belong. We belong to families, groups of friends, classrooms, interest groups, congregations, neighborhoods, ethnic groups, faith traditions, towns, schools, clubs, and much more. At least, we might. The possibility, as well as the necessity, of belonging exists. If, or when, we don’t belong we feel excluded and trouble brews.

Not belonging leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation. And not much that is good comes from loneliness or isolation. These are to be avoided, if at all possible. Today, you are all here. Either in person or online. And so the possibility of belonging exists for you, right now, right here, in this moment. The possibility of belonging to a spiritual community, a faith tradition, yourself exists right now. You are invited to belong.

This congregation’s mission, its purpose, is to build beloved community. Beloved community probably means many things to many different people. It was first clearly articulated by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr during the civil rights movement. Beloved community in that context is a lot about social justice, especially economic justice and so it is already a lot about belonging, about the possibility and promise for all people to not only survive but also thrive.

Building beloved community here, in this congregation, is partly about how if we can learn to do it well here, we can learn to do it well out there, in the wider world.

That doesn’t mean we aren’t actively working on doing justice out there, in the wider world, at the same time. We’re doing both. I’d like to suggest that building beloved community is also about building connection; getting and staying connected to each other. We cannot cooperate in a group endeavor to survive and thrive if we do not know each other and if we are not connected to each other. Beloved community is about being known, loved, cared for, and by, and connected to each other. Building beloved community is about working to minimize those all-too-common feelings of isolation and loneliness. And so, building beloved community requires us to show up as our authentic selves and to support and encourage each other in doing the same.

You are invited to belong. You are invited to belong to yourself. You are invited to belong to this beloved community.

So let’s pretend, for a moment, that you’ve said yes, yes to belonging. How does one go about the process of belonging? There are three key components: to show up as your authentic self, to support and encourage others to do the same, and to allow for the possibility of change, maybe even transformation.

  1. That’s show up, yourself;
  2. encourage others to show up, themselves;
  3. and be open to change.


1. Show up as your authentic self

  • Be true to yourself (don’t betray yourself in terms of who you are) Don’t try to “fit in”. Church is not a personality or a popularity contest. Neither is beloved community.
  • Be vulnerable (sharing your authentic self, your thoughts and feelings, your lived experiences is how people build trust with each other.)
  • If we limit the ways in which we share our authentic selves, our experience of beloved community will also be limited.


2. Support and encourage others in showing up as their authentic selves.

  • Be curious about other people, be open to learning about each other, about how we experience similar life events differently. e.g. my grief might be different from yours, even though we both lost a child or a parent or a spouse; my job loss might have additional layers of trauma due to systemic oppression. This one is all about gentle, warm, open, non-judgmental curiosity.
  • If we limit the ways other people show up as their authentic selves, if we pressure them to try to fit into our own boxes, our own ways, then their and our experience of beloved community will also be limited.


3. Be willing to be changed by what you learn about yourselves and each other.

  • This one is not about changing who you are, or trying to fit in, but about
  • knowing yourself and growing into more of who you are
  • This one is about making room for possibility, for change, for transformation. It is about being open to changing the way we do things and not only accepting, but also supporting and encouraging each other in doing things differently. There is no one right way. There is no one right path.
  • More about this one next week.


How? What this congregation is already doing:

  • Small group ministry (Chalice Circles, Wellspring)
  • First UU Cares (including new Caring Companions ministry)
  • Grief group, soon to come Caregivers Group
  • Religious Education for all ages – including ways to reflect on our own experiences and ways of being in the world, and to change
  • Working together to create a healthier environment for people to share, to be vulnerable, through shared Healthy Relations Covenant, Healthy Relations Team, shared values, etc.
  • And so many other ways…


As a Gen X’er (which you’ll hear more about next week), I have a healthy dose of cynicism and idealism. And as a minister, that is extra true. I am realistic. I know what the world is. And I believe a better world is possible. In the meantime, I live in a world that could be but is not yet.

What I’m saying is that I know, I know that building beloved community is hard work. I’m not naive. And I know that showing up as our true selves is also hard work. Being vulnerable is the most courageous thing we can do because it is a choice. Unlike other situations in which courage is so often lauded, when our bodies react to extreme situations by going into fight, flight, or freeze mode, being true to ourselves, showing up as our authentic selves is a choice. A courageous choice. Beloved Community, and all that it entails is possible. Belonging is possible. You are invited to belong. Will you join me?

Amen and Blessed Be.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


All of you, each and every one of you, is Loved.
You are loved in all of your strengths and might and challenges, and mistakes, and imperfections, and foibles, and plain old quirks.
You are Loved, wholeheartedly and unquestionably as your real, true, authentic self.
Go forth knowing that you are loved.
Go forth knowing that you are blessed.
Amen and Blessed Be.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

2024 Water Communion

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave and Rev. Chris Jimmerson
September 1, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We come together to begin our new church year with the annual Water Communion Ritual. We share with one another water that symbolizes something meaningful to us as we blend and mingle the waters that remind us of our shared faith.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by the Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Between rocking the boat
and sitting down;
between stirring things up,
and peaceably going along,

We find ourselves
in community.

Each called
from many different
many different
life paths,
onto this river road.

Some are here
because of the rocking of
the boat
has been too much:
too much tumult,
too much uncertainty,
too much pain.

Some are here with questions
about where the boat is going;
how best to steer it;
where this journey ends.

Others are here
as lovers of the journey,
lovers of life itself.

Here in front
each a passenger;
each a captain;
doing the best we can.

“Rest here, in your boat,
with me,” the river calls;
“Listen to how I flow,
the sound of life coursing all around you.”

Let the current hold you,
let the current guide you;
the river that gently flows
through your soul,

“Come, let us worship.”

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


By Langston Hughes

I’ve known rivers:
I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.
I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.

I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I’ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset.

I’ve known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.



On the first Sunday of September each year, it is our tradition at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin to begin our new church year with our much beloved water communion service.

We bring water, perhaps from a cherished spot – water that holds special symbolic meaning for us, and then carrying that meaning in our thoughts and hearts, we blend all of the waters each of us have brought together just as we gather to create shared meaning and a culture of love and care in this religious community.

If this happens to be your first water communion service, I promise more explanation and instructions will be coming soon.

Last year, we added a new element to our annual ritual – retelling the story of how our water communion tradition first came to be within our larger Unitarian Universalist faith.

For by remembering our stories, we are reminded of the wellsprings of our faith – values that flow to us from those who came before.

In 1980, a group of feminists within our UU movement were advocating a greater role for women in our ministry and in our worship, as well as eliminating sexist language, such as “mankind”, from our guiding documents of that period.

Two of them, Carolyn McDade and Lucile Schuck Longview put together a worship service for the Women and Religion Continental Convocation of Unitarian Universalists.

They called that service “Coming Home Like Rivers to the Sea”.

Here is how they described that first water communion ceremony:

“Making our way like rivers from places distant and near, we come together to give shape to a new spirituality.

… we come together to question. To hear. To share. To speak. To inspire. And to celebrate through new rituals, knowing that our energy and our love are transforming.

Celebrating now our connectedness, we choose water as our symbol of our empowerment … a spirituality that uplifts, empowers and connects.”

They used rinsed out cosmetics and perfume containers in which to bring their water as a symbol of, quote, ” … abandoning products that exploit perceived feminine inadequacies to make room for shared power”.

So we inherit these communal values, rooted in transformative love – a river of love that flows throughout our universe – a river that replenishes us and a river for which we serve as tributaries, adding to that river of ever growing love, centering our faith in love.

And this we do symbolically each year, with our water communion.


As Unitarian Universalists of the twenty first century, water communion is one of our most beloved rituals. Though it is one of our newer traditions, clocking in at only 44 or so years old, water communion has become an essential part of our living tradition; a tradition which changes and adapts over time, much as a river does.

Rivers shape the environment in which humans live as much as humans shape the environment in which the rivers flow. Rivers flood their banks, dry up, flow peaceably along, carve new paths, cool off hot bodies, and sustain life of all kinds. It is hard to imagine life in this corner of earth without rivers or the lakes, streams, creeks, and springs which they form or by which the rivers are formed.

And so rivers are an apt metaphor for talking about the Eternal – whether that is within the context of process theology or a never-ending stream of prophetic voices calling for our attention or a way in which we might begin to understand the Tao, or a way to embrace our own Living Tradition.

One of the things I have loved best about my calling as an interim minister, thus far, is how each congregation, no matter how big or small, has had a role to play in shaping, or forming, my own faith. And, as if that were not enough, once I have been re-shaped, or re-formed, I then have the opportunity to bring my new learnings, or insights, to the next congregation. As I have done already here, and would like to do so again now.

One of these former congregations had the practice of beginning each of the children’s religious education classes with a common sharing of joys and sorrows. That, in and of itself, was not all that unusual, but they added to the practice a ritual of passing a small bowl of water and a little dish of salt around the table as they did so. Each child would share their joys and/or sorrows, then add a tiny pinch of salt to the bowl of water, and stir it with their finger. The salt in the water represented the natural composition of human tears. Whether our tears are of sorrow, or of joy, they all contain water and salt. The bowl of water that was passed from person to person was a bowl full of the community’s tears – the happy ones and the sad ones, too.

Whether the river that carries you through the world is a river of Love, as Rev. Chris has described, or a river of Life, as I might say, the River carries with it the power to heal and the power to bless.


In a moment, when the music begins playing, I will invite you to come forward down either of these two aisles, carrying the water you have brought with you, or you may use water we have provided at the table up front. When you reach one of the tables, please pour your water into one of the larger vases, holding in your mind and heart what it symbolizes that is holy for you, and, perhaps, what is sacred about the place from which it is drawn. You are welcome to stir in a little salt as in Rev. Michelle’s story.

You may return afterward down this center aisle and may also light a candle during this time if you are moved to do so.

If you have joined us online today, please feel free to replicate this ritual in any way that works for the space from which you are watching.

You may notice some folks bringing forward an empty cup, as a reflection of the water insecurity in Gaza right now. We have provided empty containers on our tables for anyone who may wish to join them in solidarity.

After the service, we have created a station in Howson Hall where you may create text and artwork expressing what the water symbolizes for you. If you are online, please feel free to post text or images in the comments.

Now, let our water communion begin.


The waters gathered together, here, in these common bowls, and among all of you online, represent all of the symbolic meanings you have brought with you today. Memory, Hope, Joy, Heritage, Anger, Resilience, Justice, Friendship, Tradition, Forgiveness, Transformation, Love, and much more has been stirred together. These common bowls hold within them so much of the mystery and meaning of communal life so let us, together, bless these waters. All are invited to hold out our arms in a gesture of silent blessing … and then say together: These waters are blessed. May our lives also be blessed.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As you sail along on the River of Life and of Love,
may the winds be gentle,
your sails strong,
the weather fair,
your friends plenty,
and the waters replenishing.
May the congregation say: Amen and Blessed Be.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

2024 Question Box Service

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
August 25, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Rev. Michelle and Rev. Chris will answer your questions about the church, life, the universe, and everything (though neither will pretend to have the answers to all that).

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

The marvelous thing about a good question is that it shapes our identity as much by asking the question as it does by the answering.

– David Whyte

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Courageous people willing to admit ignorance and raise difficult questions is usually not just more prosperous, but also more peaceful than societies in which everyone must unquestioningly accept a single answer. People afraid of losing their truth tend to be more violent. Questions you cannot answer are usually far better for you than answers you cannot question.

– Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive the omissions and/or errors.

So today is our question box sermon. This is a time when we attempt to offer an answer to some of your questions. It may not be the only answer or the right answer or the best answer, but we will offer some answers, some potential answers and I also want to and we will do our best to get all of these questions I want so much to answer everyone they are so precious today we may not get to all of them but we will try and realizing each one could be a sermon in its own right. You’re asking two preachers. So double the trouble.

First question that we received ahead of time is a two-part question.


My answer is most of the time to look them in the eyes with kindness and gratitude and say thank you because it is about them and their spirituality and they are offering you a gift in the best way that they know how. Some of the time that may not be appropriate. What I’m thinking about are instances relating to oppression, such as when someone offers to pray the gay away, or offers to fix your disabled body, or things like that. In those cases, I would not respond in those ways.

But if you’re in some time of crisis in your life, facing a hospitalization or surgery or grieving a loss, then gratitude is what I would offer as the best response to an offer of prayer.

The other half of that question is:


A simple ouch. Or, wow, is fine. You can call them on it and say, you know, that’s a really hurtful comment. It’s okay to name it and say it. Prayer is not and should not be a weapon.

Thanks, Michelle. I wouldn’t add a lot to that except I try to also remember that we don’t know what they think of as prayer when they say this to us. So for Since I do pray, but it’s not to a higher power, it’s kind of just putting my wishes for the universe out there. So if I say I’m praying for you, I’m sending you well wishes, is what I mean by that. If they’re sarcastic or nasty, I just tend to say, well, and I’m going to pray your hairdo gets better too. I don’t actually. I think that what I do consider sometimes with something like that is do I need to set boundaries and or is this a person I need to continue to have in my life?

The next question,


Actually, that was a joke, but I’m going to talk in a minute about a theology that I hold that I think would answer that, yes, or both. And I also, though, want to get to what I think this question may be getting at, which is that when we create an idea of God that reflects ourselves, that we humanize, it’s too easy to cast our own selves into that God and to cast our own prejudices and our own hatreds and our own behavior into that God and thereby to excuse those things about ourselves. So I think that’s the danger of creating a God in our own image.

A theology that really supports me these days is called process relational theology and the idea behind it is though we think of ourselves and this pulpit as solid objects – we’re really not. We are processes of evolution or becoming so the very fact that we’re having this conversation today is changing us. As we have it the Buddhists would say, “That flame in our chalice seems to be a solid object but it’s really not.” It’s a process of fuel and oxygen repeatedly being burned….

…its tributaries is calling us to live in the ways of love. And so from that perspective, that river of love that I call God is both creating us and we are contributing to God and creating God at the same time. So I think that’s a lovely theology and it calls us by the very nature that we’re all processes to engage in liberation together because none of us can become…

… so you may recognize that this question refers to an early line in Genesis about God creating humans in God’s image. And the interesting thing about the Hebrew is that it is actually plural, Elohim, in our images, that there are a multitude, a multiplicity of gods, not just the one monotheistic God that we have been taught to believe in.

The Hebrew Bible came into creation over at least 1,400 years, depending on how you do the math, possibly a few hundred more years than that, depending on which academic scholar you follow. And it took all of that time to come into what most Christians consider to be a solid monotheistic perspective that they have today. In the meantime, if we were to think about the ancient Israelites, such as those who the story is told about wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, they believed that there were other gods out there and that the God that we now call simply God was their God. And they imagined when they were fighting with other groups, with other cultures, other peoples, as in wartime, not simple conflict, that while the humans were battling on the field here on earth, their God leaders were also battling up in heaven. And it was the stronger God who would win.

So when we talk about God’s rod and staff, we’re really talking about the symbols of God that are carried in and before a people, especially during wartime, not instruments used to beat people, their symbols. That’s a complete misunderstanding of the Hebrew.

So long answer is, interestingly enough, now that we are U.S. who believe in a multiplicity of theologies and philosophies, we can go right back to the beginning of the Hebrew Bible that also believes in a multiplicity of gods. Hopefully ours won’t like go to war, though. Oh, and then the next question I have is:


This could totally be a sermon in response. That’s a very long question. So I have so much I would love to say about this.

One is that as Unitarian Universalists, we are a faith tradition of people who are come-outers. We do have our children that we raise in our faith and grow up and remain UUs. We also have many, many new people who are constantly leaving other faith traditions and coming into our faith traditions. They are bringing so much of their religious hurt with them that as a community in order to support them, we are often in the position of supporting people who are feeling really hurt and broken over concepts of God and religion…

…I’m not sure I want to call it standard Christianity, but mainline Christianity believes in this Greco-Hebrew amalgamation of a monotheistic god with all sorts of omnis attached to it doesn’t mean that’s the only definition of God.

We UUs have as much power and privilege to define God in the way that we see God as they do. So we can say that we believe in a God and define that God for ourselves, whether it is as a river of love or a force in the universe or the power behind evolution, all sorts of different kinds of ways. So yes, we often default to terms like eternal, sacred, divine, holy, universe, earth.

But we also have this opportunity to learn to translate in and amongst each other and with other faith traditions to make the theology work for ourselves. This is where it comes in of not being you, easy to be a UU. We have to work to be UUs, right? Amen. That’ll move us along. Next question.


Wow. There’s a whole other sermon here. So first, thank you. Questions like this help me keep that positive outlook. I think that for Michelle and I as spiritual leaders of the church, or at least speaking for myself, in order to do that, I have to know how to do that for myself. Where do I sustain myself? How do I find that positive energy even when things are hard?

And for me, I go back to that sustaining theology, process theology, that I was just talking about and try to make that real in my life, even when things are hard….

… I’m doing a whole sermon here. One of the professors, Sharon Welch, where I went to seminary, talked about when things are really hard, letting go of the outcome is so important and thinking about what are we going to do? How do we live? Can we find the joy regardless of the outcome? So, for instance, I think with the climate crisis, we do work toward an outcome that we hope for. And I think that outcome is possible. And I think we’re also seeing that we may not get the outcome we hope for. We’re seeing some really scary stuff. And if we only look at that outcome, it’s hard to fill the joy in what we’re doing now. And so living according to our values in the moment and working for what we dream about in the world, whether or not we know that’s going to happen, helps us maintain that joy.

The final thing I’ll say, many of you know what I’m going through in my personal life right now. As a young Southern Texas male I was taught that the way you deal with those negative things is to not feel anything at all. And let me tell you that is not the answer because feeling nothing at all I can tell you is worse than feeling grief and hurt and pain. We need those things because without those things, we also don’t feel love and joy. So let me tell you, the hurt is worth, the love is worth the hurt. It absolutely is. And please don’t try not to feel. Feeling, you have to feel. And that’s the whole gamut of things because if you anesthetize the pain, you anesthetize the joy and love.

And I would just put that right back on all of you when I can walk in here on Sunday morning and pick up on so much energy and life and vitality and joy. It feeds my spirit so much. It’s the best part of the entire week for me is when I arrive here at church on Sunday morning. And I don’t know if any of you online can pick up on that or feel it at all. I hope that you can. And I assure you that it is here. And that is from all of you.

And on top of that, I walk into working with this great staff team with Kinsey and Shannon and Brent and Aubrey and everyone else and they are just amazing to work with and you are so lucky to have them and I feel so lucky and blessed to work with Rev Chris to minister with him I am just having the best time doing that. So, that really feeds my joy. Next question.


This is a very relevant question right now. So as many of you know, Chris’s husband is in hospice. So he will be facing bereavement leave at some point. And we are going to hold and support him through that whenever that happens. Also, Chris is due for some sabbatical time this year and I will let him share in a moment about what he might do on his sabbatical.

I am also facing some surgeries this year. So as a congregation that has a form of policy governance which requires us to have a continuous operation plan. The basic plan is basically you are going to have one minister all year with periods of two ministers for maybe a couple of weeks at a time here and there.

So this is a joy today to actually be with Chris before he goes out for another couple of weeks. So Chris will be out for two weeks in September, for sure. He will be out for sabbatical in November and December. I will be going out for a total knee replacement in January and February, Chris will be going out for sabbatical in March and April. I will be saying goodbye to all of you in mid-June and then taking another opportunity for my other knee, total knee replacement and moving to wherever I go next. So between the two of us, we are planning to have a calm, stable, sustaining year. We’re probably not going to do a whole bunch of brand new, huge initiatives. It’ll be more like little tweaks and improvements here and there, and also just keep one of the reasons I chose to come to this church is because you are vital and alive and thriving post-pandemic. So we want to keep that going and that’s basically the plan.

Great. I wouldn’t add a lot except just to let you know that I was actually due for my sabbatical and then the pandemic happened. And then I was talking about taking it and then our minister Meg retired. So it’s been a while coming. I look forward to it. The reason we do sabbatical is to refresh ourselves a little bit and to get some time that we can think about, what in the world am I going to preach about next?

Right now, what sounds good to me for sabbatical is to load my two pups in the car with me and have a general idea where I’m going and then just drive. So I would love to do that for a little bit. I will also mention that we will bring in some help, some coverage part-time. We have talked with Aaron Walter, who you’ll remember was one of our interim ministers last year, and she will be helping us out. So I do want to get to a couple of these, and we’re running out of time. So one of the questions that just got asked is:


Because he was a Unitarian. Just kidding.


Oh my gosh. So much. Like I already said, the joy and vitality of coming in here and being with you in person on Sunday morning. But the things that touch my heart the most are when you share your stories about how you are going through life and what you are learning and how you are growing and changing from it, how you are transforming.

So I think we’re running out of time. I agree with all that. I think the only thing I might add is that I want to be a part of a faith that makes a real difference for us and for other people in the world. I believe this church does that. It certainly does that in my life. Being with you’all makes a real difference. That is the thing I love the most. Our faith makes a difference in the world for the better.

All right. Actually, I’ll close with a little story, and then we’ll sing. We just had a board retreat, and at the close of that board retreat, we came to a place where I felt like the entire board was on-board with really doing the work of dismantling white supremacy culture, and really turning in the way that they’re thinking about how to do the work of governing this church in a new way. And so I am so excited and fulfilled by having heard what they had to say.

And Chris and I were talking this morning about apologies for the past. For the first time, we’re excited about writing our monthly monitoring reports. Because a whole new world has opened up, and we’re going to be able to do it in such a better way. And I just love that.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As we go out into our world now, may we continue to explore questions more profound than answers. And may we also find some really good answers every now and then. May the congregation say amen. And blessed be. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

Renewal, Restoration, Reclaiming

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 18, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

The challenges of life and our current world can exhaust our minds, bodies, and spirits. We often think of renewal as finding nourishment and new energy from sources outside of ourselves, and that can certainly be valid sometimes. What if another source of reinvigorating our spirit comes from within though? How do we release the spark of the divine within us so that it can burn brighter than ever?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Alan Seale

Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” There is nothing to add to our souls, to ourselves, or to our societies in order to find out who we are as manifestations of Source, Consciousness, or God. Our job now is to carve away everything that keeps us from being who we really are … who we are called to be from the depth of our human spirit.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Rashani Réa

There is a brokenness
out of which comes the unbroken,
a shatteredness
out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow
beyond all grief which leads to joy
and a fragility
out of whose depths emerges strength.
There is a hollow space
too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,
out of whose darkness
we are sanctioned into being.
There is a cry deeper than all sound
whose serrated edges cut the heart
as we break open to the place inside
which is unbreakable and whole,
while learning to sing.


As many of you know, but some may not, a few months ago my spouse, Wayne, had to go on home hospice care because of a hereditary, chronic immune condition. We have since tried one final potential treatment, but it caused dangerous side effects, so he is now on health maintenance and palliative medications only. He is pretty much homebound now.

We have some good days though, as well as some times that are hard. We are in a liminal space, where we have no way to know what to expect each day, though we do know we have fewer and fewer days left together, so we’d better get busy loving each other in each moment now.

But isn’t that really always true.

I start by sharing this with you this morning for at least a couple of reasons. One is just that, I know it can feel awkward to bring it up, even if to express your thoughts and support.

As we continue to build an even greater culture of caring in the church, we have to be OK with discussing these things. It’s OK to share what we’re going through. It’s OK to to express care and support for what others are going through. It doesn’t have to be awkward to raise the subject – even when it involves the minister. And, I want you to know how much your expressions of support have meant to both me and Wayne.

Now, in a church this size, it can become difficult though for folks to share updates with more than 400 people on an individual basis, so we’ve set up a system where the co-chairs of our First UU Cares Ministry and the ministers can let the church know what is going on with folks who are facing life challenges.

The same is true for me. I am keeping Rev. Michelle, and Susan and Toni of First UU Cares updated on our situation so that they can let you know what is happening with us, should you want to ask them. You can email First UU Cares through caring@austinuu.org.

The other reason I wanted to start with this it that today we are exploring how to find renewal when life depletes our energy and resources sometimes.

Wayne and I are pretty much having to find renewal every day in order to make the most of every moment we can, while we still can.

So, I thought I might share somethings that help me find renewal these days. Now, I didn’t just come up with this stuff myself – these are things out there in the literature that have been found to revive our spirits even during difficult circumstances.

And lets face it, we all go through challenges sometimes, whether in our own lives or more broadly – more broadly, like, oh, a pandemic, a climate crisis, an election where fascism will be on the ballot, witnessing and some of us experiencing experiencing ongoing, systemic racism and oppression, witnessing war, terrorism, genocide and more in world events – well, all of these and then some can kind of wear us down sometimes, can’t they – exhaust us, mind, body and soul.

And so here are some places we may find renewal even in challenging times:

  • Community,
  • Nature,
  • Rest and Reset,
  • Joy and Play,
  • the Sacred Self


We so often find rebirth in relationship – find ourselves revived by the support of others.

Wayne and I are so fortunate to be held by so many wonderful communities of love and support, including this one.

And research is finding, for example, among social justice movements, that it is not possible to sustain our efforts, to consistently access these other sources of renewal without building community first.

Now, there is this interesting paradox about community though – sometimes we also need solitude in order to fully realize the depth of community. We have to go up to the mountain top alone in order to come back more fully interconnected and engaged than ever.

One morning recently, I snuck away to a little spot nearby that overlooks a babbling creek, just to have my morning coffee in solitude. And somehow, in that time alone, I sensed more strongly than ever how firmly held in community I truly am.

So many of us replenish our souls through being in nature, in solitude or in community with others. Our UU transcendentalist forbearers thought of nature as a source for communion with the divine. Getting out in nature is a big one for me – at least when it is not 105 degrees out!

Well, I could go on and about the renewing nature of nature, but why listen to me when we have the poetry of Mary Oliver.

– Mary Oliver

When I am among the trees,
especially the willows and the honey locust,
equally the beach, the oaks, and the pines,
they give off such hints of gladness.
I would almost say that they save me, and daily.

I am so distant from the hope of myself,
in which I have goodness and discernment,
and never hurry through the world,
but walk slowly and bow often.

Around me the trees stir in their leaves
and callout, “Stay awhile.”
The light flows from their branches.

And they call again. “It’s simple,” they say.
“And you too have come
into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled
with light, and to shine.”

Becoming a caretaker, I’ve discovered, adds so much extra. It means helping someone else do the things we normally do for ourselves. The chores and errands of daily life – laundry, doing the dishes, getting groceries, picking up prescriptions, – things that were once shared, must now be done by just one. So all that extra also requires extra rest.

The problem, says activist, performance artist and founder of the Nap Ministry, Tricia Hersey, is that we are programmed not to let ourselves rest. She goes on to say, “There is deep power in taking a break, honoring your body and actively participating in your deprogramming from grind culture. We have been brainwashed to be violent towards our own bodies by pushing it to exhaustion… Rest is a form of resistance…”

So, we, I, have to know that we can, and must, reclaim the right to rest! Now, another paradox is that rest can at times come from things that may involve some exertion, but that also help us reset: our spiritual practices such as meditation or gratitude journaling, music, arts, gardening – whatever helps us enter a new mindset and thus, reset.

Again, paradoxically, physical activity can be one of the major ways to rest ourselves by resetting ourselves – dancing, for instance.

Now, even if we can’t dance like they do, we can dance however we are able, even if in our imagination!

So, dance like no one is watching, as the saying goes, or better yet, dance and be fine with whomever may be watching. I love the joy, humor and playfulness they infuse into the dancing we just watched.

And that bring us to joy and play.

There may be nothing else that restores us like engaging in play and experiencing joy.

One thing that Wayne and I have always shared is playful humor, and that shared humor is helping us through this current journey together, even if the humor gets a bit dicey these days, like when Wayne keeps insisting that he wants the processional music for his memorial service to be Baby Elephant Walk.

And that’s OK, because once again, movements for social justice are showing us that joy is integral to building the resilience, the continuing ability to find renewal so necessary for sustaining ourselves.

As an example, a group called Revival Resistance Chorus helps infuse joy into social action through their music. Here is how they describe themselves.

Resistance Revival Chorus believes in the words written by the poet Toi Derricotte when she wrote, “Joy is an act of resistance.” We believe in the words of Mr. Harry Belefonte who said “when the movement is strong, the music is strong.” We sing to revive the hearts of those who fight for social justice, and we sing together for freedom.

We’ll hear more from them shortly! Well, I want to talk last about perhaps our greatest source of renewal, last in part because I think that everything we have we have covered so far helps us to access this – what I am calling the sacred self.

What we refer to each week in our service as a spark of the divine within each of us. What a psychological theory called Internal Family Systems calls the authentic self – an ever renewing wellspring that is joyful, playful, calm, courageous, compassionate, pure and loving.

And part of renewal often involves putting aside parts of us that mask our authentic self – parts that have often helped us get through at times, but that may no longer be helpful and may in fact be wearing us down – other parts that may have been internalized through our family and our culture.

Parts such as the always ready fighter, the perfectionist, the people pleaser, the procrastinator, the constant helper of every one else, the self-medicator. What are some parts of you that may have once been helpful but may now be keeping you from accessing your sacred self?

Like Michelango carving aways the excess marble to free the angel within in our call to worship earlier – Like how restoring an old house often involves not so much adding new, but getting rid of the ugly seventies wallpaper, tearing out the regrettable shag carpeting in order to reclaim the beauty underneath – Our renewal often involves thanking these parts of us for the ways in which they have served us, and then quieting them, letting them rest, letting them rest so that our authentic self can light our way.

As we enter a new church year, face this election year, sustain our work for justice, deal with all that comes in our own lives and our world, together let us remember: community; nature, rest and reset, joy and play – these will release the sacred self.

These will refuel that true, radiant spark of the divine within us, so that it may shine forth again, and again, and again. Shine on, my beloveds. Shine on. Amen.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

Transformative Moments

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 11, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In life, we and everything around us are always changing, even if in sometimes imperceptible ways. Yet, there are moments that hold the potential for more transformative change. And such transformative moments contain seeds of change that can be constructive and beneficial, but that can also turn us toward destructive and harmful change. It feels as if we may be in such a moment in our world now. How can we seize the moment and reach for transformation that brings about even more creative possibilities, love, and justice in our lives and in our world?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

We delight in the beauty of a butterfly, but rarely admit the changes is gone through to achieve that beauty.

– Maya Angelou.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Jan Phillips

We are attendants at the wake of the old way. And each of us through our actions, our thoughts, our work, our relationships is midwifing a new world into existence. This is our destiny, our meaning, our purpose. And when we come to our day with this awareness, when we are fully wakened to the tremendous privilege, when we sense the oak and the acorn of our being, then we will have the energy to move mountains and shift tides. It is an illusion that we are powerless. It is an illusion that someone else is responsible. It is an illusion that we cannot transcend these dualities and difficulties that are making a mockery out of our democracy. We are the people. This is our world.


NOTE: This is an ai generated transcript. Please forgive any errors or omissions.

They were twins, sisters, born together, formed together, so much the same and yet not, perhaps the same coin but different sides. And then that day came in their late teens when the outsiders invaded their village. The outsiders burned the houses and buildings. They pillaged the supplies of grain and the other foods. They wrought death and destruction among far to many of their friends and loved ones, including massacring their father.

The sisters hid together until the outsiders left as suddenly as they had come, taking with them all that they had looted leaving the twin sisters and the remaining family and townsfolk in the smoke and ruins the stench of tribalism and hatred thickening the air and burning their lungs and she went into hiding. She became consumed with hate. She joined the group that would leave the village to inflict hatred upon hatred. She was among those who would hunt the outsiders doing to them what they had done, but she could not stop there. They moved from town to town among the outsider’s fellow clans, bringing to them the same fate her village had suffered. And eventually, she led them into skirmishes that transformed into war until both sides suffered injury upon injury, death upon death, including eventually her own.

But she – she turned to the love of her people. She turned to the work of rebuilding their village and healing their wounds. They went about the work of forgiveness and worked for peace and eventually they helped negotiate the end of war and brought reconciliation and reparations. She joined with those who created a new vision of peace and flourishing where there were no outsiders anymore.

And so in this wisdom tale, one twin emerges from a transformative moment as a butterfly that would bring more beauty to the world, pollinating more and more love and justice. And sadly, another sister becomes a wasp, losing more and more of herself with each hate and harm-filled sting until nothing is left.

Transformative moments are like this. They hold the possibility of both transformation that can be harmful and destructive as well as the creative potential for beauty and flowering. And so today we will explore how we can react to such moments more like butterfly sisters, a recently renowned subset of which have been referred to as childless cat ladies.

I think many of us are feeling like we’re in one of those transformative moments in our country’s history. Now, we have a big election going on and that is a huge part of this moment. And, as many of you know, that as a tax exempt non-profit the church cannot endorse any individual candidate nor can we endorse a political party.

We can, though, talk about issues related to our religious values. And our values around the separation of church and state mean we work against the state, mandating, endorsing, or sponsoring any particular religion, including even our own. And we can speak about how politics and eventually the public policy that will come out of it either contravene our religious values or uphold them. Values such as those of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Love held at our very center.

 Love Flower Graphic

Now, you may have noticed on the slides that both our UU faith and our church have one more value we uphold. Transformation.

Our UU faith defines transformation like this.

We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openess to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages. Never complete and never perfect.


Here at the church we simply say that transformation means to pursue the growth that changes our lives and heals our world. Personally, I like how our church defines transformation. It’s more concise. And I think it fits this transformative moment in which we find ourselves.

Because again, as our story earlier shows us, transformative times can lead to change that is healing, or they can lead to change that is harmful. And this transformative moment contains an element that looms even larger than the immediate election and that holds the potential to deeply violate our religious values.

A white, fundamentalist, Christian nationalist movement is alive and active in our country, and it has found political and public policy expression in a 922-page far-right conservative manifesto called Project 2025, created by the ultra-conservative lobbying and influence group, the Heritage Foundation.

Project 2025, in my opinion, would run counter to all that we value, decimate our democratic institutions and cause great harm to many, while greatly privileging, far, far fewer. Fewer who just happen to be mostly white, hetero-cis male theocratic fundamentalists.

Now, as a minister, I cannot, as part of an official church function, endorse a particular candidate either. I can, however, express what I think of their stance on particular issues, as long as I do so as only me, not on behalf of the church as a whole.

So, let me just say, not speaking on behalf of the church, he who was always white until a number of years ago when he happened to discover spray tanning and his running mate, J.D. Vanceypants have tried to distance themselves from Project 2025 and claim to know very little about it. Yet, J.D. Vance wrote the foreword for a book about it by the primary author of Project 2025, and more than 30 Trump associates helped create the document.

Trump has said of the Heritage Foundation, and I quote:

“They’re going to lay the groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will look like.”


But, I don’t know. Speaking only as me, maybe they’re not being entirely honest about this issue. That’s the pastoral way of saying they’re lying. Another more recent lie, as Project 2025 proves highly unpopular, the more people find out about it, is that they try to say that it has been put back on a shelf, as if they can’t take it right back off the shelf depending on how the election goes. And church member David Overton recently put together an excellent comparison of the party platforms in Texas. The legislation and policy proposals of one of those party platforms are derivative from and, if anything, more extreme than Project 2025 itself.

So what exactly is this Project 2025? Well, basically, it’s a blueprint for forming a theocratic authoritarian administration. As I said, it’s over 900 pages, so it’s impossible to cover all of their plans for every federal department this morning. Here, though, are just a few examples of what a presidential administration following Project 2025 would do, much of it within their first 180 days.

  • Eliminate job protections for and fire experienced qualified civil servants and replace them with partisans whose only job qualification would be loyalty to the conservative president.


They have already established a database of people who would serve in these positions.

  • Gut the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • End climate research.
  • Eliminate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes the National Weather Service.
  • Reverse all LGBTQ plus federal protections and end all transgender health care under Medicare and Medicaid
  • Expel trans folks from the military as well as anyone requiring treatment for HIV.
  • Eliminate the Department of Education.
  • Revoke the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Policy that prevents raids on churches.
  • Convert the Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Life, tying benefits to traditional family structures,
  • Eliminating abortion as health care,
  • Utilizing the federal bureaucracy to effectively prevent access to abortion nationwide as well as to
  • severely limit access to contraceptives.
  • Restructure the Justice Department and the FBI to serve the aims of the presidential administration and
  • End enforcement of voting rights.


Well, these are just a few. It goes on and on and on. God, guns, and gays is back with a vengeance. And if anyone claims it is an overreaction to call Project 2025, a detailed plan for establishing a permanent white nationalist, Christo-fascist state. Listen to what Trump said just recently to a group of fundamentalists.

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time, You won’t have to do it any more. You know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.”


Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, was even more direct, saying, quote,

“We are in the process of the Second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it.”


To paraphrase Maya Angelou, when people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.

  • Interdependence
  • Equity
  • Generosity
  • Pluralism
  • Community
  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Justice
  • Transcendence
  • Love

The kind of transformation we seek in our lives and our world, these are under seige by the wasp stings of a white suprimacist nationalism theocratic facist institutionalized patriarchy that has arisen during this Chrysalis time.

And so we, we must also raise up our religious values in the public square. We must become the pollinators of love and justice in our world, the butterfly siblings that dismantle all Project 2025 seeks to fortify and build in its place the beloved community.

So how do we do that? I don’t have all the answers. But right now, as Carrie mentioned in the announcements, we UU the Vote. Because when people vote, our religious values tend to become more actualized in public policy. So after the service today, join us in sending postcards, encouraging folks to vote. Consider serving as a poll worker during the election. Right now, we educate ourselves about Project 2025 And we inform and educate others about it because polling shows that even fairly conservative folks oppose it when they find out what is in it.

And right now, if you so choose, you can work for those who you believe are most likely to pursue laws and policies consistent with your values, values centered in love. Perhaps most importantly though, we must know that this transformative time will continue beyond this particular election. It will require more of us. Project 2025 will just try to become Project 2029 and so on.

So we take the long view. And one of the ways that we do that is by living our values in our daily lives. We build communities of love, joy, and justice such as this religious community. As our reading earlier said,

“We are attendants at the wake of the old way, and each of us through our actions, our thoughts, our work, and relationships is midwifing a new world into existence.”

And so in our lives, our actions small and large, our communities, our ways of being, we breathe our values into the world. We build a new way. We join with others bound for a new land of freedom and justice singing come and go with me along the way.


Author and activist Adrian Marie Brown writes,

How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale. The patterns of the universe repeat at scale. There is a structural echo that suggests two things.
  • One, that there are shapes and patterns fundamental to our universe.
  • And two, that what we practice at a small scale can reverberate to the largest scale.


Remember, my beloveds, we do what we can. How we live matters. How we live makes a difference. How we respond in transformitive moments has the potential to build the world about which we dream. This is our project.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


I leave you with words from Octavia Butler.

All that you touch, you change.
All that you change changes you.
The only lasting truth is change.
God is change.

May the change we bring builds the beloved community.
Amen and Blessed be. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776

2024 Pride Sunday

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave and Carrie Holley-Hurt
August 4, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Come join us as we kick off LGBTQ Pride Week here in Austin! It takes courage to live authentically. We’ll have queer speakers, awesome music, and a glitter blessing. Come celebrate with us.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Hannah Roberts Villnave

People sometimes ask:
Is Pride a protest
Or a party?

And the answer is
Of course

And why not?

Why not
Rejoice as we resist
Dance as we demand change
Celebrate as we create community that delights in
All of who we are?

So bring all of that
With you this morning.

Bring your policy demands
Bring your glitter
Bring your supreme court broken heart
Bring your rainbow socks
Bring the emptiness you feel
For our siblings gone too soon.

Bring your Gloria Estefan remix
Bring your tender hope for change
Bring your most garish eyeshadow
Bring your spirit, tattered and battered
By a world that seems insistent on
Choosing fear and hate.

Gather up all these things
And bring them here
To a place where we don’t
Have to shoulder these burdens
Or celebrate these joys

Come, let us worship Together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


By Jay Hulme

He’s here in the midst of it –
right at the centre of the dance floor,
robes hitched up to His knees
to make it easy to spin.

At some point in the evening
a boy will touch the hem of His robe
and beg to be healed, beg to
be anything other than this;
and He will reach His arms out,
sweat-damped, and weary from dance.

He’ll cup the boy’s face in His hand
and say,
my beautiful child
there is nothing in this heart of yours
that ever needs to be healed.


NOTE: Carrie Holley-Hurt’s homily is an ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any errors.

Carrie Holley-Hurt

So, fun fact, pride at this church is actually my anniversary. Almost a decade ago I showed up at this church knowing nothing about you people and fell in love hard. So this is very exciting for me that I get to participate in this pride ceremony today. So when Reverend Michelle, who is generous, asked me what I wanted to do, how I wanted to contribute, I said, well, I want to give my testimony.

And I know that might be a little weird, but y’all, I come from a Pentecostal tradition, and so I’m going to give my testimony. And I hope that for those of you who were raised in a fundamentalist or otherwise soul-crushing church, that this does not trigger you. In fact, I hope my testimony is liberating and that it will inspire you to think about your own stories, your own narrative of growth and liberation.

So growing up I was different. I didn’t fit in at all. My body didn’t fit. My style didn’t fit. My mind didn’t fit. And I tried as best I could. I tried to act and look just like everybody else. I tried with clothes and hair, even got an eating disorder. I worked so hard to hide myself and to fit in all the right boxes. And then at some point that all just became too much. It was too hard, too stressful.

And after leaving my religion, I started to allow myself to be more me. And some of that included acting on my queerness. And it was freeing, but only up to a point, because I quickly found out that everyone I loved was not always loving about who I was. And so I stopped the process of coming out and went back into hiding, well, half-hiding because I couldn’t actually hide from myself anymore.

Then many years later, my own kid came out as queer, followed by several of my loved ones who are younger, and I realized that I never wanted them to go into hiding. I knew that they were perfect and wonderful as is. And I did not want the world to suffer because they felt the need to hide. So I came out again. I fully came out to my loved ones and this time I didn’t do it for their acceptance but as a display of my own acceptance and a really beautiful thing started to happen. I began the process of accepting all the parts of who I am, not just the queer part, but the neurodivergent part, the size of my body, my disabilities, in all of the ways that I will never conform to the societal standards of good enough.

I will never fit into those boxes. You see, in embracing myself I stopped embracing the boxes of patriarchy and internalized homophobia. When I decided I was going to fully embrace my queerness and stopped hiding it started to lose control over me. This to me is the beauty of queerness and those who have said yes to their queerness. They say, You, system of suprimacy, you don’t get to have control over me. I’ll not be confined by your boxes, the system that tries to punish me into conforming. You no longer get to call the shots.

So pride then is pointing to the liberation that is found in this act. Liberation on the most personal level. And please know that this message isn’t just for queer people. I love straight people. Some of my best friends are straights. Like my husband, who is a straight cis-man.

No, this message is for all of us because all of us need liberation. All of us feel the weight of the boxes that systems of supremacy try to force on us. The current contrived controversy with the Olympic boxers show us just how demanding and punishing these systems can be on all of us.

We all need the liberation of self. That deep embrace of our own inherent dignity and worthiness. And that comes when we stop conforming and we stop hiding ourselves. We embrace ourselves. And while I know not everyone can do this publicly, because it’s just not safe, I get it. When those of us who can – do. Let us all be those people. Let us continue to do the work of becoming a more radically welcoming church so that we can help others on their journey.

Thank you.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

This is my story. Or a piece of it, anyway. A portion of the truth … that is me, that is my spouse, that is my family, that is you, that is all of us. Because I can’t really separate out my story from the stories of those I love, those I know, those I don’t know, but with whom I have crossed paths in some way. Our stories are interconnected because we are interconnected on the deepest level. Our stories go out into the world, shape and form each other, and then return to us, re-shaping and reforming ourselves, again and again.

This story is a Love story and I don’t mean a romantic, frilly sort of love, though that is a piece of it at times. I mean the kind of Love story in which people come to love themselves, and each other, in a most agonizingly authentic way and then have the courage to say to the world – “This is who I am!” and “This is who we are!”

The opening setting for this Love story, my Love story, is Andover Newton Theological School, a beautiful campus filled with tall trees and brick buildings, sitting on a hilltop just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, a rather typical New England scene. It began fifteen years ago, and I was deep in the process of ministerial transformation, of becoming a Unitarian Universalist minister. While my own faith tradition had a long history of welcoming, affirming, and marrying people of all sexual orientations, these were new practices, or emerging practices, for many of the faith traditions present at the school and were a frequent topic of theological conversation. As was the question of gender and gender identity. The very first openly transgender people were attending the school, and the very first transgender panel had recently been held. Gay marriage was only a few years old in Massachusetts and less than a year old in nearby Connecticut, where I am from. What I’m trying to say in setting this scene is that everything felt very new and fresh and groundbreaking in the area of GLBT rights. (Yes, it was still GLBT back then.)

And so it was within this cultural context, that I headed to the first day of class, Pastoral Care for GLBT People, with one of my best friends, Craig. We were joking around about something some of our friends had said about sexual attraction and how it works, and we decided to playa game, a bit of an experiment to bring back to the conversation. We would go to class and pick out the person who most immediately, without thinking about it, struck us as attractive and then share about it with each other later. As I scanned the room, I immediately noticed a very butch-presenting person – short, spiky hair, tats on her arms, thick, brown leather bracelet, cool sunglasses hanging around her neck. Oof. I immediately felt the attraction and wanted to get to know her, and so I went and sat kind of nearby. Afterward, I told Craig who I had chosen. It was the first time I ever admitted out loud to another person that I felt attracted to someone who was a woman or was genderqueer. I was in my late thirties.

About two months later, that person had become my girlfriend, my first, and only, girlfriend. Coming out on campus was relatively easy because I lived there, which was kind of like living in a fishbowl. I met up with her after an evening class and while walking around campus she took up my hand and held it. Boom! Done. I was out at seminary. Scary, but overall, not too painful.

What was terrifying was the prospect of coming out to my family and some of my friends. I was afraid of losing, or damaging, relationships with people I loved and cared about. And I did, but not the most important ones. Here’s where social location is important. I was a white, cisgender woman, well into adulthood, super well-educated, living in a liberal area of the country, following a calling to ministry in the most progressive faith tradition available. I had all of the advantages, all of the privileges, except for money, that would bode well for coming out, and still, coming out was terrifying. I risked, and experienced real loss. I lost relationships and I lost jobs. We all do. It takes courage to come out. Coming out is an act of resistance, coming out is an act of defiance, and coming out is an act of pride.

But my story, my Love story, did not end there. There was to be another coming out. Less than a year after meeting each other, my girlfriend came out as transgender. FTM, female to male, as we said back in the day. He had newly come into this identity, partly as a result of some of the work he had done at seminary. My girlfriend was really a transman. Many of you know him, as my spouse Micah. Yes, I married my ex-girlfriend. (That’s my favorite trans joke … Okay, it’s my only trans joke, but I really like it.)

So now we had a second coming out as well as a gender transition before us. These were hard, on both of us, in different ways. While I shared with you the story of my being attracted to a woman, having a first girlfriend, and using she/her pronouns to describe it all, that’s the story from my historical perspective. Now, both Micah and I avoid the use of his deadname and use he/him pronouns to talk about him at any age, long before he came out as trans, long before he came out as a butch lesbian, long before he played softball, long before he joined the Girl Scouts, back to when he was a little kid who played football on the playground with the other little boys, until they told him he couldn’t play anymore because he was a girl.

Returning to our Love story, that summer right after graduation, Micah came out to his family and friends, shared his new name and pronouns, and began gender-affirming care. We joined support groups for trans people and trans partners. We marveled at the way people began to treat us differently when they thought, incorrectly, that what they were seeing was a heterosexual couple. I got through some terrifying moments when I was afraid for his safety. One or the other of us often raged at the mistreatment he received, especially in relationship to his healthcare. And we got through it all, we still get through it all, with both Love and courage. By the next February, Micah had legally changed both his name and gender marker, and knowing we were to get married later that summer, also took on my last name and became Micah Shiloh LaGrave.

Our wedding was beautiful. We were married on the beach in Connecticut. I wore cargo shorts and a tiara. People who were walking along the beach joined in the circle of family and friends surrounding us for the ceremony, strangers welcomed in to the trans/partner wedding.

But before that, we worried that our wedding wouldn’t happen at all, or would only happen with great difficulty, at least legally. Because first we had to get a wedding license and even though Micah had all his gender marker papers in place, and even though gay marriage was legal in Connecticut, it wasn’t almost everywhere else. It was an exciting, but also fraught time. We worried the whole way down to get the license, and while standing in line, and while being helped. And we thought we were right to be worried, because as soon we handed over our papers it became clear there was a problem. The clerk took them in back and there was a lot of whispering and consulting going on before she came back and finally said, IIUmm, you both have the same last name? Are you related?/I We laughed with relief. They didn’t care that we were queer, they were concerned we might be committing incest! It never occurred to us it might be an issue that Micah had already taken my last name a few months back.

All of this is to say, that while there are moments of humor and misunderstanding, and lots of love along the way, coming out is long, hard, tough work. Coming out is never finally and fully over. It must be done again and again. And so it is, that we have Pride every year. We support those who are newly coming out and those who have been coming out for a long, long time. And we remember, that Pride began as a riot, led by trans women of color, as an act of resistance, and defiance, and of agonizing joy to throw off the cloak of oppression and finally act free by simply being ourselves – out loud, in public, and on the streets.

Pride says, still says – you cannot, will not hold me down. You policymakers, you legislators, you enforcers, you false prophets, you conservative religious fundamentalists, you oppressors, you the system, you cannot hold us down. We will persevere and we will survive as we have always done – whether we are lesbian, gay, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, intersexual, transgender, non-binary, nonconforming, polyamorous, or plain old queer, we will persevere, we will survive! We are courageous! We are proud! And we will celebrate!

May it always be so, Amen, and Blessed Be.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As we go forth, we offer you this final blessing.

May you receive and reflect love, everywhere you go, and know-in your deepest heart and in every day – you matter and you belong.

May you hold on to hope and your inner sparkle even when discouragement and despair beckon.

May the beauty that is you shine out, bright as the stars from which we came and to which we will return.

Together may we make this a place of welcome and healing, of connection and plurality.

Together may we practice compassion and courage, seeing and celebrating and supporting each other.

Together may we be the sparkling force of love that our world needs.

Blessed by this community and by the divine, go forth and celebrate with pride!

Amen and Blessed Be


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link. https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/first-unitarian-universalist/id372427776