Trans Hostile States/Safe States Training with
Transforming Hearts Collective and UUSC


This webinar will be held on Zoom; scroll down for log-in details. Speakers will include Zr. Alex Kapitan and Rev. Mykal Slack of the Transforming Hearts Collective; Rev. Jami Yandle, Transgender Support Specialist for the Unitarian Universalist Association; and Heather Vickery, Coordinator for Congregational Activism for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.
Attendees will gain an understanding of the targeted political and legislative attack that trans/nonbinary people are currently facing and learn how you can advocate for trans rights and increase congregations’ capacity to be places of refuge in this moment.
Please note that this webinar is designed for Unitarian Universalists in the U.S. and is targeted toward cisgender people, although people of all faiths, geographies, and gender identities are welcome. Our expectation is that all attendees affirm gender diversity and believe in the inherent worth and dignity of people of all gender identities. 
We will be discussing topics that may be particularly difficult for trans/nonbinary people and we will be welcoming any questions that come from a genuine place, so we encourage trans/nonbinary folks who choose to attend to take extra good care of yourselves. A chaplain will be on hand.
Monday, September 16th:  Zoom for UUs in legislatively hostile areas
Meeting ID: 843 0177 1684
Passcode: 780855