Getting to know you

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave
August 27, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Rev. Michelle LaGrave will share her theology of interim ministry, some of her hopes for this coming year, and a little bit about herself too.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

By Gary Kowalski

We gather here to worship:
to seek the truth, to grow in love, to join in service;
to celebrate life’s beauty and find healing for its pain;
to honor our kinship with each other and with the earth;
to create a more compassionate world,
beginning with ourselves;
to wonder at the mystery that gave us birth;
to find courage for the journey’s end;
and to listen for the wisdom that guides us
in the quietness of this moment.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


By Erika Hewitt

READER 1: I don’t have anything to say.

READER 2: Well, I do – but it might not be interesting to anyone.

READER 1: I have secrets inside of me, and struggles, and I don’t know if I’m ready to share them.

READER 2: I want to hear what you have to say.

READER 1: I want to speak of the deepest things together.

READER 2: I want to hear what you dream about, what you hope for.

READER 1: I want to know how you have come to arrive at this resting point along your journey.

READER 2: What if I speak and you don’t understand me?

READER 1: I will listen, and listen again, until my hearing becomes understanding.

READER 2: What if can’t find the words to share the world inside of me?

READER 1: I believe that wise words will emerge from you.

READER 2: How can I trust you to hold my life’s stories? You, who I may not even know?

Reader 2: How will this work? What will happen? What awaits us?

Reader 1: We can find out anything by beginning.


“Let us begin to listen, and trust, and to know one another more deeply.” (from the reading)

Let us begin to listen, to know one another more deeply, and to trust. Let us begin by sharing our stories. Mine begins like this …

I was born under a cross. This might seem like an odd beginning for a Unitarian Universalist minister, but it is true, both literally and figuratively. Not only was there a lighted cross on the hospital itself, there was a giant lighted cross that sat upon the top of a hill and loomed over the city, beneath which, on the side of the hill, in large white letters, were the words “Holy Land”.

I was born a liberal Protestant into a world dominated by Catholicism, a world that, upon later reflection, seemed to be re-living the Protestant Reformation. As a Congregationalist, I was part of a numerical minority and experienced my small world as such. I was taught everything we believed in contrast to what Catholics believed. We kept things simple. Crosses instead of crucifixes. No idols. That was a big one. Not a single painting or drawing or image of Jesus anywhere. Which was fine, when I was in my home church, but quickly became a moral dilemma every time I was in a Catholic Church, and there were many times – for weddings or funerals or Girl Scout events or while sleeping over a friend’s house. The problem was I didn’t know where to rest my eyes there were statues everywhere, so I mostly wound up looking at the floor. It was safe there. I didn’t want to get in trouble with G_d for accidentally committing idolatry.

I was, in some ways, a serious child, at least when it came to my faith. While I didn’t always love Sunday School, I did love being in church. I loved the joyful entrance songs and the long processional of robed choir members and ministers. Sometimes I daydreamed about what it might like to be a minister, though I thought it wouldn’t be a good match for me – too much writing, which I didn’t like, plus people were always telling me I was shy.

Well, as you can see, I eventually did become a minister, a transformational process which began when I was in my 30s. I sat down at the dining room table one day and began to read an inspirational article about Ghandi. In it, they talked about how someone had once asked Ghandi if he had a mission or a motto in life. His answer was: “My life is my message.” In less than an instant, I knew that I needed to become a minister. By then, I was a Unitarian Universalist. I knew that I wanted my life to be my message and in order for that to be true, I needed to become a UU minister. This was a deeply spiritual experience.

One I didn’t completely trust at first. So, I went through a process of logically confirming that becoming a minister would be a good match for me. I found out it was. I had received my call.

Years later, and early in my ministry, I candidated for a position as a settled minister in a church. It turned out to be one of life’s most heartbreaking, and best, experiences. The vote to call did not pass, and when people talked about it with me afterwards, they explained that the discussion was all about my identities, that I was queer, and disabled, and had a service dog, and was married to a person who was transgender, and was … large. My heart broke. These people, my people, had broken faith with me, with all of us. That these discussions had happened, so openly and explicitly, was exactly what we UUs were not supposed to be. I was shocked.

And I, rather quickly, become determined. I had already done one transitional ministry, so I turned right around and applied for another. My mission became clear. I would travel around the country, teaching congregations, through my presence, that it was okay to have a minister like me. My initial call was affirmed. My life would continue to be my message.

And so, here I am, your Interim Co-Lead Minister. Over my time as a minister, I have served congregations in Texas, Nebraska, Illinois, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. I know, that’s a lot of moving around! Some of it has been hard, much of it has been rewarding. I have met many wonderful people along the way and done some good, I think.

On the micro level, my mission is to support congregations in becoming stronger and healthier.

On the macro level, my mission is to build a better world.

We will begin, or continue, as you have already done some interim ministry, with a practice of self-reflection. My role is to, symbolically, hold up a mirror, reflecting what I see, so that you might better see yourselves, who you are as a congregation, how you function, so that, together, we might discern some patterns in who you are now as a congregation and how you have been. This is all done so that you might thoughtfully and intentionally choose which patterns you would like to continue and which patterns you are ready to let go. I will support and guide you through this process, and I won’t let you fall off any cliffs I see coming. But I want to be clear, and I want you to be clear, that this is your congregation. It is not your ministers’ congregation. It is not Rev. Meg’s congregation, though she will remain your honored emerita. It is your congregation. Who you are and how you are in this world, is up to you.

You are a strong, vital, healthy, growing congregation and you have much to be proud of. That will not change. And, this interim time can be a rich and rewarding time in the life of your congregation, a time when you become even stronger, even healthier, even more vital. The way this happens is by engaging in the hard work of cultural change, maybe even, of transformation. I will be here to guide you and support you on the way through, even as it is your congregation and your work.

Why do I do this work, this ministry? Why should you do this work? This is the crux of the issue, isn’t it? Underlying all of this cultural change work, underlying all of this potential transformation, is the work of antiracism and antioppression, or, if you prefer newer language, the work of belonging and inclusion. As our congregations work, as this congregation works, to dismantle oppression, to widen the circle of concern, to become even more inclusive, to build on feelings of belonging, we, you, are building a better world, we, you are creating beloved community. This is our, yours and mine, thea/ological work. This is the way we move our thea/ology from our minds, our intellect, from our hearts, our compassion, into action.

May it be so. Amen and Blessed Be.


Go now in Peace, with Love in your hearts, kindness on your lips, and compassion at your fingertips, blessing all others as you yourselves are now blessed. Our worship has ended, now our service begins.

Please join me in saying: Amen and Blessed Be.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Question Box Service 2023

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave
and Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 20, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Rev. Michelle and Rev. Chris will answer your submitted questions about the church, life, the universe, and everything else (time permitting.)

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Understand that the task is to shift the demand from the right answer to search for the right question.

– Peter Block

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.

– Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Post-Pandemic Ponderings

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 13, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

The pandemic and the necessary isolation that accompanied it changed us and our world in ways we are still trying to understand. As we move through this time, when we hope that Covid may be becoming endemic, it is important that we appreciate all that we have experienced together, as we assess how we approach life, the life of our church, and what we hope to manifest in this new world in which we find ourselves.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.

– Alfred North Whitehead

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Sonya Renee Taylor

The body is not an apology.
Let it not be forget-me-not fixed to mattress when night threatens
to leave the room empty as the belly of a crow.
The body is not an apology. Do not present it as a disassembled rifle
when he has yet to prove himself more than common intruder.
The body is not an apology. Let it not be common as oil, ash or toilet.
Let it not be small as gravel, stain or teeth.
Let it not be mountain when it is sand.
Let it not be ocean when it is grass.
Let it not be shaken, flattened or razed in contrition.
The body is not an apology. Do not give the body as confession,
communion. Do not ask for it to be pardoned as criminal.
The body is not a crime, is not a gun.
The body is not a spill to be contained. It is not
a lost set of keys or wrong number dialled. It is not
the orange burst of blood to shame white dresses.
The body is not an apology. It is not the unintended granules
of bone beneath will. The body is not kill.
It is not unkempt car.
It is not a forgotten appointment.
Do not speak it vulgar.
The body is not soiled, it is not filth to be forgiven.
The body is not an apology. It is not a father’s backhand,
is not mother’s dinner late again, wrecked jaw, howl.
It is not the drunken sorcery of contorting steel round tree.

The body is not calamity.
The body is not a math test.
The body is not a wrong answer.
The body is not a failed class.
You are not failing.
The body is not a cavity, is not hole to be filled, to be yanked out.
It is not a broken thing to be mended, be tossed.
The body is not prison, is not sentence to be served.
It is not pavement, is not prayer.
The body is not an apology.
Do not give the body as gift. Only receive it as such.
The body is not to be prayed for, is to be prayed to.
So, for the evermore tortile tenth grade nose,
For the shower song throat that crackles like a grandfather’s Victrola, Hallelujah.
For the spine that never healed, for the lambent heart that didn’t either, Hallelujah.
For the sloping pulp of back, hip, belly,
For the errant hairs that rove the face like a pack of Acheronian wolves.

for the parts we have endeavored to excise.
Blessed be
the cancer, the palsy, the womb that opens like a trap door.
Praise the body in its blackjack magic, even in this.
For the razor wire mouth.
For the sweet god ribbon within it.
For the mistake that never was.
For the bend, twist, fall, and rise again,
fall and rise again. For the raising like an obstinate Christ.
For the salvation of a body that bends like a baptismal bowl.
For those who will worship at the lip of this sanctuary.
Praise the body, for the body is not an apology.
The body is deity. The body is God. The body is God:
the only righteous love that never need repent.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Faithful and Proud

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
E. Ciszek and Christina Raymond
Art Carter and Tom Shindell
Evan Mahony and Bis Thornton
August 6, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

As this year’s LGBTQI+ Pride week begins in Austin, we will continue our annual tradition of inviting members of our church community to share their experiences with the intersectionality of identity and faith.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Jay Hulme

He’s here in the midst of it —
right at the centre of the dance floor,
robes hitched up to His knees
to make it easy to spin.
At some point in the evening
a boy will touch the hem of His robe
and beg to be healed, beg to be
anything other than this;
and He will reach His arms out,
sweat-damp, and weary from dance.
He’ll cup the boy’s face in His hand
and say,
my beautiful child
there is nothing in this heart of yours
that ever needs to be healed.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by KC

I don’t like to think
About Pat Robertson going to hell.
That lets him off too easy.
I like to think about Pat Robertson finding himself
In a heaven he never believed
Would exist.
Where Divine is reading in drag
To the children murdered at
Sandy Hook and Ulvalde.
While Edie Windsor
And Gertrude Stein drink coffee
In the breakfast nook
talking politics with Harvey Milk.
Where Matthew Shepard relaxes by
A stream, reading poetry to
A nameless young man whose family
Never claimed his body
when he died Of AIDS.
Where the music plays loudly
Welcoming dancers from the Pulse
And Club Q to the floor where they
Twirl and vogue with
All the murdered trans women of color
Whose names we never knew.
Where Jesus puts his arm around
Pat Robertson’s shoulders and
Drapes them with a rainbow feather boa.
And, gesturing around him says
Come, meet my disciples.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.

The speakers are:

E. Ciszek and Christina Raymond
Art Carter and Tom Shindell
Evan Mahony and Bis Thornton


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Blessings for the next chapter

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Erin Walter
July 30, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In her last service as our interim Minister for Joy and Justice, Rev. Erin Walter will reflect on the congregation’s learning and spiritual growth in the past year, and offer blessings for the church’s future. Rev. Jonalu Johnstone will also join the service by video.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

By Andrew Pakula

We arrive together here
Travellers on life’s journey
Seekers of meaning, of love, of healing, of justice, of truth
The journey is long, and joy and woe accompany us at every step
None is born that does not die
None feels pleasure that does not also feel pain.
The tear has not yet dried on the cheek but the lips curve sweetly in a smile
Numerous are our origins, our paths, and our destinations
And yet, happily, our ways have joined together here today
Spirit of life. Source of love.
May our joining be a blessing
May it bring comfort to those who are in pain
May it bring hope to those who despair
May it bring peace to those who tremble in fear
May it bring wisdom and guidance for our journeys
And though this joining may be for just a moment in time
The moment is all we can ever be certain of
May we embrace this and every instant of our lives.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Nurturing Spiritual Wholeness

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
July 23, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Did you know that the church offers several small group ministries where people gather in groups of around 10 to share deeply, explore personal and collective spiritual growth, and develop sustaining, nurturing practices? Join us to hear from fellow congregants who have helped lead such groups and, in doing so, discovered new spiritual horizons that already existed within themselves.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Parker Palmer

Philosophers haggle about what to call this core of our humanity, but I am no stickler for precision. Thomas Merton called it true self. Buddhists call it original nature or big self. Quakers call it the inner teacher or the inner light. Jews call it a spark of the devine. Humanists call it identity and integrity. In popular parlance, people often call it soul.

What we name it matters little to me, but that we name it matters a great deal….

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Parker Palmer

No fixing, no saving, no advising, no setting each other straight. The rule is simple…


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Lessons from Chalice Camp

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson, Kelly Stokes, and First UU Chalice Campers
July 16, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This week we hosted Chalice Camp, a full-day summer camp for UU kids from all around the Austin area. During worship this Sunday, they’ll be sharing some of the songs, stories, and UU history that they learned this week. We’ll also hear a Bridging Homily from a graduating senior about how their faith has informed their understanding. Join us for this youthful – and very joyful – worship.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In a house which becomes a home,
one hands down and another takes up
the heritage of mind and heart,
laughter and tears, musings and deeds.
Love, like a carefully loaded ship,
crosses the gulf between the generations.
Therefore, we do not neglect the ceremonies
of our passage: when we wed, when we die,
and when we are blessed with a child;
When we depart and when we return;
When we plant and when we harvest.
Let us bring up our children. It is not
the place of some official to hand to them
their heritage.
If others impart to our children our knowledge
and ideals, they will lose all of us that is
wordless and full of wonder.
Let us build memories in our children,
lest they drag out joyless lives,
lest they allow treasures to be lost because
they have not been given the keys.
We live, not by things, but by the meanings
of things. It is needful to transmit the passwords
from generation to generation.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Joy and Justice, Amen

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Julicia Hermann de la Fuente
July 2, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

There are so many things vying for our attention and energy. How do we manage it all? How do we find joy and satisfaction? How do we fit our commitment to justice among the many other things that need doing? Let’s explore the possibility of sustainable and joyful liberation and transformation, in our lives and our communities.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

By no means are we Unitarian Universalists perfect. We often fail as much as we succeed. Yet even when we have broken our vows a thousand times we return to this essential work of justice and liberation for all. We do the work best when we remember what the church is and what it is not.

Church is not a place to hide. It is not the place to get away from the world. It is not place shere we get to pretend that the lives we live and our particular situations are not terribly complex, often confusing, and sometimes depressing.

Church is the place where we stand with one another, look the world in the eye, attempt to see clearly, and gather strength to face what we see with courage and yes, with joy. Come, let us worship together.

– Rosemary McKnight

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Aurora Levins Morales

Say these words
when you lie down and
when you rise up,
when you go out and
when you return,
in times of mourning and
times of joy.

Inscribe them on your doorposts,
embroider them on your garments,
tattoo them on your shoulder,
teach them to your children,
your neighbors,
your enemies.

Recite them in your streets.
Here, in the cruel shadow of empire.

Another world is possible.

Thus spoke the prophet Roque Dalton:
All together they have more death than we,
but all together, we have more life than they.
There is more bloody death in their hands
than we could ever wield, unless
we lay down our souls to become them,
and then we will lose everything.
So instead,

imagine winning. This is your
sacred task.
This is your power. Imagine
every detail of winning, the exact smell
of the summer streets
in which no one has been shot, the
muscles you have never
unclenched from worry, gone soft as
newborn skin,
the sparkling taste of food when we know
that no one on earth is hungry, that the
beggars are fed,
that the old man under the bridge and
the woman wrapping herself in thin sheets in the
back seat of a car,
and the children who suck on stones,
nest under a flock of roofs that keep
multiplying their shelter.
Lean with all your being towards that day
when the poor of the world shake down a
rain of good fortune out of the heavy clouds, and justice
rolls down like waters.

Defend the world in which we win as if
it were your child.
It is your child.
Defend it as if it were your lover.
It is your lover.

When you inhale and when you exhale
breathe the possibility of another world
into the 37.2 trillion cells of your body
until it shines with hope.
Then imagine more.

Imagine rape is unimaginable. Imagine
war is a scarcely credible rumor
That the crimes of our age, the
grotesque inhumanities of greed,
the sheer and astounding shamelessness
of it, the vast fortunes
made by stealing lives, the horrible
normalcy it came to have,
is unimaginable to our heirs, the
generations of the free.

Don’t waver. Don’t let despair sink its
sharp teeth
Into the throat with which you
sing. Escalate your dreams.
Make them burn
so fiercely that you can
follow them down
any dark alleyway of history and not
lose your way.
Make them burn clear as a starry
drinking gourd
Over the grim fog of exhaustion, and
keep walking.

Hold hands. Share water. Keep imagining.
So that we, and the children of our
children’s children may live


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Toward our Metamorphosis into Who Knows What

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Buice
June 25, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We bring a very special worship service from our annual Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, where UUs from from far and wide have gathered in Pittsburgh this week. Our Director of Religious Education, Kelly Stokes, leads our service as we join our larger faith in worship. Rev Buice is minister of the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville, Tenn.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


By Elandria Williams

If we believe in the promise of our faith, we must continue pushing forward, even if the reality makes us want to give up. There is no one-size-fits-all solution or model, but there are many paths forward based on context, relationships, and place.

Ideology sparks movements, but relationships are what changes organizations and sustain movements. It takes one relationship at a time. In the end changes to the leadership of the institution happen because of relationships, people pushing. We must place value on the relationships and the need to not leave folks behind in our quest for transformation.

I live in a small city, and living in that small city helps me understand what community means. Community doesn’t only include the people who agree with you or those with whom you want to be friends. Our Unitarian Universalist faith is similar in the sense that we are a small religious community of people who are not bound by creed but instead are bound by principles, values, and a covenant with a need for intellectual rigor combined with spiritual depth or humanist love. Everything comes back to our congregations and covenanted communities. That is where the faith starts and ends. We must embody the changes we wish to see and not just say that we believe in the changes. We must actually live the changes with every fabric of our being. If we believe in the promise of our faith, we must continue pushing forward.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Diving into Delight

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
June 18, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

The experience of delight is essential to our spirits. Delight allows us to encounter the transcendent even within the mundane of this world. We will explore what brings us delight and how we may cultivate and find it – how we often discover that our path to delight lies in serving others and the greater good, being a part of creating something larger than ourselves.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Barbara Crooker

I want to tell you something.

This morning is bright after all the steady rain, and every iris, peony, rose, opens its mouth, rejoicing.

I want to say, wake up, open your eyes, there’s a snow-covered road ahead, a field of blankness, a sheet of paper, an empty screen.

Even the smallest insects are singing, vibrating their entire bodies, tiny violins of longing and desire.

We were made for song.

I can’t tell you what prayer is, but I can take the breath of the meadow into my mouth, and I can release it for the leaves’ green need.

I want to tell you your life is a blue coal, a slice of orange in the mouth, cut hay in the nostrils.

The cardinals’ red song dances in your blood.

Look, every month the moon blossoms into a peony, then shrinks to a sliver of garlic.

And then it blooms again.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

By Adrienne Maree Brown

even now
we could be happy

even now

breathing in
filling our bodies with right now
from the dirt below us
from our toes to our knees
hips up our spines
shoulders to earlobes
the tip top of our heads to beyond
to the stars

breathing wide
across our wingspan
into that sacred and constant silk web
where we belong

breathing deep
inhale back to great grandmother’s bosom
exhale seven generations of blessings
that will come through our
next choices

even now
we can be present

even now

life is right here, still
an erotic pulse kissing your jaw line
a restlessness of mind: too much, too little
there’s still someone you are longing to see
someone who startles you with simple pleasure
just because they exist
even now

we can anticipate harvest
be shocked by the thunderclap, the storm
laugh at the abundance of our grief
and our earnest attempt to avoid the inevitable

we are a delight
we could be another’s blessing
with our brief and epic lives
where every day
we are given the option
of love


How would you define “delight”?

The spiritual topic we’re exploring in the church this month is “The Path of Delight.”

I have to admit, when I first started thinking about this, I had trouble defining exactly what we mean by “delight”. I know what it is. I know when I experience it. And yet, how would I put it into words?

Is delight different than joy or happiness, and if so, how so? What path or paths transport us to delight?

How, is delight related to our spirituality?

So, I was lucky when in the midst of my struggle, church member Carolyn Gremminger told me about an episode of National Public Radio’s program, This American Life, titled “The Show of Delights”. In it Bim Adewunmi (ada woon me), a producer for the show, hosts the episode after sharing her own thoughts on delight.

Adewunmi was born in London to parents who immigrated from Nigeria. She talks about learning to organize her life around actively seeking out delight, despite being raised oh so very British, which caused many tut, tut, tuts to go off in her head, as if to say “enjoying yourself a bit much there, aren’t you dear.”

She tells of how discovering a collection of essay’s, “The Book of Delights” by American poet Ross Gay helped her embrace the path of delight.

She interviews Ross for the show, saying that his book “offers up many thoughts on what delight is or what it could be, but it never defines it explicitly. The take away is that delight, while important, is hard to pin down.”

Whew, I thought, “here’s a poet who did a whole book on delight, and he can’t define it either.”

“Yay, I feel better.”

Adewunmi also interviews 5 year old Cole and his mother, as he expresses sheer delight over riding the bus to school for the very first time.

And that’s when I realized that though both Ross Gay or I may not be able to precisely define delight for you, I can bring you the experience of it.

VIDEO of a father and a very young child playing and laughing with an oversized letter W, the father inverting it to become the letter M.

Every time I experience delight now. I may just sing out “double u”!

Actually, this may be one of the things that is distinct about delight. While joy and happiness are obviously a part of delight, this childlike letting go of all other cares in the world, of being attuned to the delight presenting itself in the present moment seems to be a unique aspect ofthe experience.

Delight comes to us when we give ourselves over to it, as we did as children, before we began to carry the worries of our world.

I love how Adewunmi described organizing her life around seeking out delight. I think this may be one of the ways that following the path of delight is spiritual. Life’s pain and disappointment and loss and sorrow will come. In fact, delight and broken-heartedness may not exist, one without the other.

The practice of actively seeking delight helps carry us through when things get more difficult.

Adewunmi interviews a wonderful woman, Noriko Meek. Niriko spent most of her adult life nurturing her husband and children, including several years during which she took care of her husband, as he slowly wasted and eventually died of cancer.

After a period of intense mourning, Noriko has discovered new life at age 72 – life that is, as she puts it, “just delightful, you know.” She says now she allows herself to do what she wants, when she wants. She hikes. She travels constantly. She’s seeing the world.

Now, she allows herself to experience delight in even the mundane – her heated toilette seat, her ballet class for seniors, eating discounted donuts for breakfast, reading biographies in bed for two hours every night.

And in all of this, Noriko Meek has discovered another spiritual aspect of following the path of delight – it enables us to experience the transcendent in even the seemingly mundane.

Our poet, Ross Gay, discovered this while creating his book by writing an essay about something delightful every day for a year. Here is part of what he described on the very first day, as he visited a favorite coffee shop:

“A cup of coffee from a well shaped cup.

A fly, its wings hauling all the light in the room, landing on the porcelain handle as if to say, “Notice the precise flair of this handle, as though designed for the romance between the thumb and the index finger that holding a cup can be.”

Or the light blue bike the man pushed through the lobby.

Or the topknot of the barista.

Or the sweet glance ofthe man in the stylish short pants (welllotioned ankles gleaming beneath), walking two little dogs.

Or the woman, stepping in and out of her shoe, her foot curling up and stretching out and curling up.”

Transcendence revealing itself from amongst the everyday.

And whether it emerges from the every day or out oflife’s larger experiences such as witnessing the birth of new life, delight comes to us more often, if we engage in the practice of recognizing it.

Again in Ross Gay’s words, “It didn’t take me long to recognize that the discipline or practice of writing these essays occasioned a kind of delight radar. Or maybe it was the development of a delight muscle. Something that implies that the more you study delight, the more delight there is to study.”

Now, here is one more spiritual aspect of delight. It is an essential part of our humanity – our interconnectedness.

Gay says that we are “negligent” if we don’t share our delights with one another.

And we so often find delight in being a part of something larger than ourselves – something that contributes to a greater good.

In our story for all ages earlier, delight emerged as much or more from the creativity James and Danny and their community had engaged in together as it did from the finished product.

The volunteer efforts of so many of you that Celeste celebrated earlier create so much delight in this community, as you make it possible for us to truly live into our values and mission together. As your minister, I experience so much delight witnessing this church and the folks who create it grow – both numerically and in spirit, again, due in such large part to these volunteer ministries. And that delight happens both within these church walls and beyond them.

Not long after I began ministry with the church, I had gone to Boston, to attend the first year Ministers’ retreat that our Unitarian Universalist Association offers at their offices.

I was at the airport for my return trip home, when my cell phone rang. It was our senior minister at the time, Meg Barnhouse, calling to let me know that the church was going to offer immigration sanctuary to Sulma Franco, invite her to live in the church to try to prevent her being deported to her home country of Guatemala where she might be harmed or even killed because she had publicly advocated for LGBTQ rights while still living there.

Meg wanted to know if! would be OK with that, as in had a choice, but that was Meg (and she knew I would be more than OK with it).

I couldn’t contain my glee, as she told me about how a church board member had responded to the possibility of providing sanctuary by stating that this fits exactly with our mission, asking “if we don’t do this what do we do”?

I was filled with delight.

Before becoming a minister, for seven years, I had been the executive director of American Gateways, a non-profit that provides immigration legal services and advocates on behalf of immigrant rights.

I had carried that into ministry when I did my internship at Wildflower Church, helping them set up an immigrant detention center visitation program and several other immigration related ministries. Immigration justice and the struggle against the racism and bigotry so embed within our immigration system had become just, part of who I was and what drove me as a person and a minister.

So, there I was in Boston Logan, teary eyed and gleeful over this church taking such a faithful leap toward justice. I think I may have squealed a little like the small one in our video earlier, because folks at Boston Logan were staring at me like I was suffering some sort of crisis nerveosa, not knowing it was actually a fit of delight.

I felt much the same way more recently, as our folks participated in actions at our Texas State Capital.

Despite some really terrible things that were happening this legislative session, there was a sense of exhilaration sometimes that arose from showing up as UUs, joining together with so many other solidarity partners in a co-conspiracy of radical love crying out for justice. Justice that we WILL eventually bring about.

These are just a couple of examples of how delight so often arises when we join together in loving relationship to reach for something greater than ourselves. That same delight then moves us toward building even more of that something greater – the Beloved Community.

And aren’t we fortunate then, that, here at first Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, our path of delight is following those words we emblazoned on our wall and that we say together every Sunday.

And to that, may we say, “Double You”!


From the Hinu text, the Veen Yana Vuyer Va Tantra

I have been listening to the hymns of creation,
Enchanted by the verses,

Yet still I am curious.

What is this delight-filled universe into which we find ourselves born?

What is this mysterious awareness

Shimmering everywhere within it?


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

I Am What I Am: Reflections on Radical Welcome

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Erin Walter
June 11, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Happy Pride Month. This Sunday, Rev. Erin Walter and three members of First UU will co-lead a service inspired by the recent Transgender Inclusion in Congregations course. What did folks learn that can spark more love and joy in our own lives? How can lessons of trans inclusion help First UU foster belonging for all be more welcoming of all ages, cultures, abilities, and more?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

We want a world where boys can feel, girls can lead, and the rest of us can not only exist but thrive. This is not about erasing men and women but rather acknowledging that man and woman are two of many stars in a constellation that do not compete but amplify one another’s shine.

– Alok Vaid-Menon, Beyond the Gender Binary

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.



First UU members and friends present their reflection on radical welcome, a service inspired by the recent Transgender Inclusion in Congregations Course. Listen to the three reflections by clicking the play button at the top of this page. They are:

1. Becca Brenna-Luna

2. Leo Collas

3. Glenna Williams


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Flower Communion 2023

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
June 4, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In this traditional Unitarian ceremony, everyone is invited to bring flowers to church. Then, during the service, we will hold our annual ritual where we bless the flowers and then share them with one another. What might this annual ritual tell us about human flourishing and delight.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

By Thomas Rhodes

We come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.
Some of us grow in bunches.
Some of us grow alone.
Some of us are cupped inward,
And some of us spread ourselves out wide.

Some of us are old and dried and tougher than we appear.
Some of us are still in bud.
Some of us grow low to the ground,
And some of us stretch toward the sun.

Some of us feel like weeds, sometimes.
Some of us carry seeds, sometimes.
Some of us are prickly, sometimes.
Some of us smell.

And all of us are beautiful.
What a bouquet of people we are!

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

By Lynn Ungar

What a gathering-the purple
tongues of iris licking out
at spikes of lupine, the orange
crepe skirts of poppies lifting
over buttercup and daisy.

Who can be grim
in the face of such abundance?
There is nothing to compare,
no need for beauty to compete.

The voluptuous rhododendron
and the plain grass
are equally filled with themselves,
equally declare the miracles
of color and form.

This is what community looks like-
this vibrant jostle, stem by stem
declaring the marvelous joining.
This is the face of communion,
the incarnation once more
gracefully resurrected from winter.

Hold these things together
in your sight-purple, crimson,
magenta, blue. You will
be feasting on this long after
the flowers are gone.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Divine Co-Creation

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
May 28, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We need our most creative spirits to manifest the holy in our world. Indeed, becoming, changing, engaging in constant acts of creation and re-creation are the essence of our growth and spirituality, And we are at our most transformative and transformed when we co-create in communion with one another and the web of existence.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

The universe buries strange jewels deep within all of us and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to discover those jewels, that’s creative living.

– Elizabeth Gilbert
Big Magic, Creative living Beyond Fear

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

Rev. Laurel Mendes

Creation is messy,
And often uncooperative.

Take a look at the cosmos.

Go ahead, close your eyes and imagine the stars.

When you do, forget the Franz Josef Haydn “spacious firmament” bit. His images are far too tidy.

See the real mess the universe made of itself 14 BILLION years ago.

All of creation is still trying to clean THAT up.

It’s called the Big Bang,
Not the Grand Coalescence,

For a reason.

Mistakes were made (probably),
And incorporated into the whole anyway.

And wonders never cease, here we still are muddling along 14 billion years after the fact.

Now open your eyes and look around you.
You are surrounded by the most astounding miraculous wonder of all:
Each other,
Life ongoing caring about life ongoing.
So it is.
So it shall be, because we do care



Our reading earlier was about how creation is messy.

So, I thought the Blob Opera exercise from “Google Arts and Culture” made a great metaphor for this.

The video you just saw was from my experimenting with it. You just go to Blob Opera online.

Then, you use your pointing device to to drag the blobs in different directions, which allows you to create different voice types and melodies.

You literally create a musical “opera” out of some blobs. And our creative process is so often like that.

Our creativity emerges out of the “blobiness”.

It seems science and philosophy have both begun to posit that our greatest creativity most often comes out of messiness, when we are blocked, confused, unsure.

Creativity arises from uncertainty; our unknowing.

Mystery holds almost infinite creative potential.

Chaplains, hospice workers and artists will tell you that there is even, or maybe especially, creativity bound up with our grief also.

So, as we examine creativity, our spiritual topic this morning, we do so with some humility, knowing that so often we owe our creative spirit to the uncertainty, sometimes even the great challenges or difficulties in our lives.

Here is an example from our own Unitarian Universalist history. II Each Sunday morning, we begin and end our worship services by lighting and then extinguishing our chalice, which is a symbol of our faith.


In fact, this is the current logo of our Unitarian Universalist Association.

Well, Unitarian Universalist minister and historian Susan Ritchie describes how this symbol of our faith came to be.

During World War II, the Unitarians formed the Unitarian Service Committee, which operated a rescue and relief operation helping folks escape the Nazis in Europe.

Its director, Rev. Charles Joy, began to feel that the operation needed a symbol of hope that both refugees and those trying to assist them could carry on paperwork to denote that they could be trusted, as German informants were widespread across Europe at the time.

Rev. Joy turned to an artist who was himself a refugee from the Nazis, Hans Deutsch, to create a symbol that would represent the spirit of their work.

Deutsch created the flaming chalice design.

Eventually, sympathizers would also begin to draw the symbol in the dirt outside their home, as a signal to those in need of a safe place to stay: a light in the darkness.

Deutsch’s flaming chalice, ensconced in a circle representing unity, would become the symbol of the American Unitarian Association.

When the Unitarians and the Universalist merged in 1961, the Universalists had a similar symbol that “featured a large, open circle with a very small, off-centered cross inside … that … signified how Universalism had grown out of the Christian tradition but was still held open to a world of other possibilities … “

Out of the two, the newly formed Unitarian Universalism adopted the flaming chalice with two overarching circles.

As to how this two dimensional symbol developed into the three dimensional actual chalice we light to mark our services today, Ritchie says we are not entirely sure.

However, she writes, “All evidence, though, suggests that the path leads through our children’s religious education programs.” Beginning in the 70s, our religious educations programs started teaching children about the chalice and encouraging them to make chalices using different media.

They eventually created objects which could be lit.

The first documented uses of lighting a chalice in the main sanctuary occurred when children and youth led worship and demonstrated the practice to the adults.

How wonderful then, that it seems children may have taken a symbol of hope, created out of the worst of situations, and turned it into a symbol of faith for our entire denomination.

There is something very spiritual about that.

And indeed, for all of recorded history, we humans have associated creation, creativity, the creative process with spirituality. I’ll share just a few current examples with you.

The first is a concept called ontological design.


Here is a brief explanation. So, what we create then directs what we become.

We create language and then that language creates us. It defines the parameters of our becoming.

Our technology, these smart phones, social media, scientific experimentation, and on and on, they come out of our seemingly almost endless creativity AND they are creating who we are becoming.

Certainly, our architecture, our urban design, our energy production and use (and our pollution), all products of human creativity, also form the environment in which we live and therefore the manner in which our continuing evolution will turn.

I think this is true of the the cultures and societies we envision and create also.

Will we dream ourselves into ever more powerful ways of creating the Beloved Community?

Will our ontological designing create liberation for all?

Rev. Dr. Martin King, Jr. once said, “Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.”

Given our current status quo, that creative maladjustment is still a necessary component of dismantling that status quo and designing something new that will in turn create us anew.

And it doesn’t get much more spiritual than that.

Author Elizabeth Gilbert, best known for writing, “Eat Pray Love”, has another spiritual concept about our creativity.

In another book, “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear“, she writes that we might think of our creative impulses coming to us from these sorts of spirits she calls “geniuses”.

These spirits can be tricksters, ornery and demanding.

This is actually an ancient idea. The concept of a Genie was related to this.

These geniuses are the source of our creativity if we remain open to them, find them, pay attention to them.

If we don’t, they may well move on to someone else.

Gilbert tells the story of this happening after she met and became friends with another author, Ann Patchett.

Gilbert had been neglecting a genius that wanted her to create a novel set in the Amazon jungle.

In letters they were exchanging, Gilbert learned that Patchett had also begun working on a novel set in the Amazon jungle, though it was too early at the time to know exactly what it would be about.

Here is how Gilbert describe what happened the next time they met.

Ann told me that she was now deep into the writing of her new book …

I said, “Okay, now you really do have to tell me what your Amazon novel is about. I’ve been dying to know.”

“You go first,” she said, “since your book was first. You tell me what your Amazon jungle novel was about – the one that got away.”

I tried to summarize my ex-novel as concisely as possible. “It was about this middle-aged spinster from Minnesota who’s been quietly in love with her married boss for many years. He gets involved in a harebrained business scheme down in the Amazon jungle. A bunch of money and a person go missing, and my character gets sent down there to solve things, at which point her quiet life is completely turned into chaos.

Also, it’s a love story.”

“You have got to be” … (word that rhymes with trucking) … “kidding me.” (said Ann)

“Why?” I asked. “What’s your novel about?”

She replied, “It’s about a spinster from Minnesota who’s been quietly in love with her married boss for many years. He gets involved in a harebrained business scheme down in the Amazon jungle. A bunch of money and a person go missing, and my character is sent down there to solve things. At which point her quiet life is completely turned into chaos.

Also, it’s a love story.”

Now, whether you completely buy Gilbert’s tale and her theory about “genius spirits”, many, many other people have also described this experience of what they create coming from something outside of themselves.

Something that often feels greater than themselves.

Author, artist, poet and playwright, Julia Cameron in her book, “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” writes, “The creative process is a process of surrender … In dance, in composition, in sculpture, the experience is the same: we are more the conduit than the creator of what we express.”

Theologian, Martin Buber said, “Creation happens to us, burns into us, changes us. We tremble and swoon. We submit.”

I have (only too occasionally) experienced this with writing poetry or sermons.

Every once and a while, not nearly always, I will sit down to write and will lose all track of time and my sense of self.

Not always – sometimes writing for me is more like pushing a boulder up a hill with lots of grunting, straining, occasional cursing and many, many stops, starts and rolling backwards.

But just occasionally, I will find myself sitting there, staring at a screen filled with words I don’t remember creating, and wonder, “Who wrote this?”

I shared this experience many years back, with our now Minister Emerita, Meg Barnhouse, and she replied with her best southern accent, “Oh, loooove it when that happens. That’s the holy spirit workin’ right there”

Anyway, Elizabeth Gilbert believes we made a huge mistake during the renaissance when we began to think of creativity coming from the self of the individual human genius, rather than from genius spirits.

Here is how she describes that mistake.


Perhaps, these “spirits” are actually the creative potential that arises within us when we glimpse the vastness of our true interconnectedness.

Research, has begun to find that our creativity is rarely a solo, individual act. Even the great artists produced their work out of creative interplay with others and their environment.

In an article titled “The End of ‘Genius”, the New York Times describes how creativity arises out of innovative networks, often creative pairs.

And many studies have found that we are the most creative when we work together with people whose life experiences are different than our own – whose world views differ from our ours.”

Diverse groups in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation and the like produce more creative outcomes.

And this idea meshes well with two theologies that support the values and principles of our UU faith.

For collective liberation theology, opportunity for each of us is bound together with liberation for all of us. Only together can we all reach for our greatest creative potential.

Likewise, process relational theology views each of us as processes of becoming, in every moment evolving into something new, all of us always and constantly changing.

Because processes by their very nature are relational, again, each of us can only become our fullest self when we answer the call to enhance the creative possibilities for all.

For this theology, the divine is the ultimate process, which holds all of us within and lures us toward our most creative potentiality.

In this way, we co-design the divine together, even as we are being guided in our own becoming.

Whew, that’s some heady stuff.

Perhaps Julia Cameron expresses the idea that the divine beckons us toward our most creative selves more simply when she says, “I would say that as we become more spiritual we automatically become more creative, and as we become more creative we automatically become more spiritual. I’m not sure why that is. It just seems to me to be a fact … And to be facile I might say it’s God’s will for us to be creative.”

Italian-American psychologist, art therapist, and writer, Lucia Capacchione goes further and says, “The person who says ‘I’m not creative’ is uttering blasphemy.”

And psychologist Dan Gilbert adds, “Human beings are a work in progress that mistakenly think they are finished.”

We are all artists then, even if we’re not painters, sculptors, musicians, poets, authors or any of the things we commonly think of us the creative.

Our lives are our art; our great creative endeavor. So, together, let’s:
Compose life as a great concerto.
Imagine it as a Pulitzer-Prize winning play,
Paint it as a magnificent painting,
Carve it into a breathtaking sculpture
Choreograph it as a dance in which all humanity moves in communion with one another and with all that is.

May we live life as if we are creating God together.

Because perhaps we are.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Creating Creative Welcoming

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Kelly Stokes
May 21, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

One of our church ends (goals) states, “We embody the principals of Unitarian Universalism and invite people of goodwill to find a spiritual home with us.” Our church is growing in both numbers and multiculturally. This both provides all of us greater creative potential and requires greater creative efforts and openness from each of us.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Steven Tyler

Every time that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
Oh, it went by like dusk to dawn
Isn’t that the way?

Everybody’s got their dues in life to pay, oh, oh, oh
I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it’s everybody’s sin
You got to lose to know how to win

Half my life’s in books’ written pages
Storing facts learned from fools and from sages
You view the earth

Oh, sing with me, this mournful dub
Sing with me, sing for a year
Sing for the laughter, and sing for the tear
Sing with me, if it’s just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

Dream on
Dream on
I dream on
Dream a little, I’ll dream on
Dream on
I dream on
I dream on

Dream a little, I’ll dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
I’ll dream on
Dream on
Dream on
I dream on

Oh, sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, and sing for the tear
Sing it with me, if it’s just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away


Jan Richardson.

Here’s one thing you must understand about this blessing:

it is not for you alone.
It is stubborn about this.

Do not even try to lay hold of it if you are by yourself, thinking you can carry it on your own.

To bear this blessing, you must first take yourself to a place where everyone does not look like you or think like you,

a place where they do not believe precisely as you believe, where their thoughts and ideas and gestures are not exact echoes of your own.

Bring your sorrow.
Bring your grief.
Bring your fear.
Bring your weariness, your pain,

your disgust at how broken the world is, how fractured,
how fragmented by its fighting,
its wars,
its hungers,
its penchant for power,

its ceaseless repetition of the history it refuses to rise above.

I will not tell you this blessing will fix all that.

But in this place where you have gathered,


Lay aside your inability to be surprised,
your resistance to what you do not understand.

See then whether this blessing turns to flame on your tongue,
sets you to speaking what you cannot fathom

or opens your ear to a language beyond your imagining that comes as a knowing in your bones,

a clarity in your heart
that tells you this is the reason we were made:

for this ache that finally opens us,

for this struggle, this grace that scorches us toward one another and into the blazing day.


– Kelly Stokes’ homily may be heard on the audio but the text is not available.

– Chris Jimmerson

OK, let’s have a moment of communal releasing of guilt or shame if we were sitting here thinking, “Geez, I have some of those scripts Kelly just described”.

We all do.

These scripts come out of our life experiences; The culture in which we grew up; The culture in which exist now; The very societal waters in which we swim.

We take them on without even realizing it.

Sometimes though, they are unhelpful or just plain wrong.

Sometimes they can harm others, even when that is not at all our intent.

Left unchecked, these scripts can arise out of what social scientists call, “implicit bias” – when we hold attitudes or stereotypes towards people without our conscious knowledge.

Importantly, we don’t have to hold any explicit prejudice for implicit bias to be lurking about outside our awareness.

So conveniently, you can uncover them by taking an implicit bias test online at

And, there is good reason to do so, because research shows that unearthing such biases can be a first step toward changing these unconscious scripts.

Now, a few warnings:

First, It can be disconcerting or even upsetting to get a test result that says, “I’m biased”.

Second, our level of implicit bias can change depending on our social environment.

Here’s an example.

I was in a seminary class on racial justice in Chicago. The class was very diverse, so our discussions were rich and included perspectives from folks of a variety of different races and ethnicities.

During the class, we each took the implicit bias test on race. I was all proud of myself because my test showed no racial bias whatsoever.

And then three weeks after I got back to Austin, I took it again, and it showed a slight bias. I was pretty upset with myself.

And then, I got to thinking, “What was I was a seeing when I watched television? Who were most often the bad guys? How often did all the protagonists look just like me?”

That’s when I stopped watching network TV.

Though I will admit to streaming Ted Lasso religiously these days. Anyway, after a few weeks of cutting out network television, the implicit bias began to disappear again.

Finally, because of the potential for internalized oppression, when folks from historically marginalized groups take the test, it can sometimes show that we have a negative bias toward, well, ourselves. Not fun!

So, while I encourage you to explore these implicit biases and tests, please also know that I am available to you if you find yourself troubled by the results.

And exploring them is important, because implicit biases too often get expressed in behaviors that unintentionally marginalize other people.

These are often called “micro-aggressions”.

Please be aware though, that term can be problematic because the impact of such behaviors is often anything but “micro” for those on the receiving end of them.

Better descriptions include “exclusionary behaviors” or “unaware othering”.

For now though, if you want to delve into this more, you will still need to search the term “microaggressions”, as it is what has been used in most of the research.

And I am going to send you to a website – where people have submitted their own experiences of these, exclusionary behaviors, because these experiences provide such a powerful way to truly grasp the impact of them.

And exclusionary behaviors can happen here at our church, as Kelly noted, even when our intent is to welcome and create connections with one another.

Let me give you just a couple more examples.

One exclusionary question can be asking, “What do you do?” For many other cultures, ones work is not as central to personal identity as it can be among white professionals.

In fact, I grew up in a blue-collar culture, where career and self- identity are far less bound together, so when I was younger and got asked this question, I was often confused by it.

“I hike? Go to movies? Read? Breathe? I dunno!”

Another example of potentially “unaware othering” is to assume someone was not born in the U.S. because of how they look or sound to us and then ask, “So, where are you from?”

A friend of mine, who was born in the U.S. to parents who had lmmigrated from Korea, told me she always wants to answer that question with, “Beaumont, TX. What’s your God-forsaken place of birth”.

Apologies to Beaumont and my family who still live in the area. So, let’s uproot implicit bias.

Let’s work hard to become more aware of our scripts and get creative about ways we might engage one another to avoid this unaware othering and instead create welcoming, connection, Beloved Community.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Religious Words We Love to Hate

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
May 14, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Whether you came from a different religious tradition or grew up purely UU, you have probably encountered religious concepts, phrases, and words that rub you wrong. Today we consider those words – some that you’ve provided – and what it means to consider, reclaim, or reject the words that we love to hate.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

By Leslie Takahashi

All that we have ever loved
And all that we have ever been
Stands with us on the brink
Of all that we aspire to create:
A deeper peace, A larger love,
A more embracing hope,
A deeper joy in this life we share.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Pastoral Meditation/Prayer

By Lisa Bovee-Kemper

In this circle of care, we make space for the complexity of life, the myriad experiences that bless and break our hearts. The truth of human experience dictates that on any given day, we each come to the table with hearts in different places. It is especially so on this day, invented to honor women who nurture.

In this circle of care, we honor the truth that mothering is not and never will be quantified in one single descriptor. Mothering can be elusive or infuriating, fulfilling or confusing, commonplace or triumphant. It exists in the every day experiences of each person. There is no human being that is not connected to or disconnected from a mother.

And so we honor the complexity of experience, writ large in flowered platitudes, but here in this space laid bare, honoring the truth in each of our hearts. There is room for all in this circle:

If you have carried a child or children, whether or not they came to be born, we see you.

If you have fervently wished to do so, and circumstances of fate made it impossible, we see you.

If you love children we cannot see, whether because of death or estrangement, we see you.

If you never wanted to be a mother, we see you.

If you are happy to mother other people’s children, as an educator, an auntie, or a foster parent, we see you.

If your mother hurt you, physically or emotionally, we see you.

If you had no mother at all, we see you.

If your mother is or was your best friend, we see you.

If your gender says you are not a mother, and yet you take on the role of nurturer, we see you.

If you wonder whether your mothering has been enough, we see you.

And if yours is a different truth altogether, we honor your unspoken story.


by David E. Bumbaugh
to Chicago Area UU Council at Unitarian Church of Hinsdale, Illinois
on May 12, 2001

As an observer of and participant in contemporary Unitarian Universalism, I have found myself wondering what has happened to the Humanist witness among us. How has it happened that we, who once seemed to set the agenda for religious discourse, now find ourselves increasingly on the defensive, if not engaged in a monologue? I would submit that to some degree at least we are talking to ourselves because we have allowed ourselves to be defined by the opposition. We have dismissed traditional religion as an atavistic aberration. We have given up the hope of a constructive dialogue. We have manned the ramparts of reason and are prepared to defend the citadel of the mind against a renewal of superstition until the very end. But in the process of defending, we have lost the vocabulary of reverence, the ability to speak of that which is sacred, holy, of ultimate importance to us, the language which would allow us to enter once more into critical dialogue with the rest of the religious community. If this be so, then the recovery of a vital vocabulary of reverence is a task of great urgency for those of us who cherish the Humanism tradition.


We have to acknowledge that if we want to talk about what is deepest, most valuable, most awesome, our tools are limited. Silence might be best, yet humans that we are, we seem driven to share our experience. The tools we have are the inadequate ones of symbols, and the symbols we use most readily are words. And when we want words that are hefty enough to represent what is most profound, they are often religious, or spiritual, words.

That’s tough for many of us who came as religious refugees to Unitarian Universalism. We have felt hurt and excluded by those who claim only through Jesus Christ or only through the Catholic Church or only through anyone particular way is one fully accepted and acceptable. I particularly loved seeing an article in the satirical paper “The Onion” some years ago that proclaimed in its headline, “Jesus is MY personal savior, not yours.” Seriously, the exclusivity claim can wound deeply.

Spiritual wounds come from “coercive belief systems and spiritual practices,” according to Flora Slosson Wuellner, a spiritual director, writer, and retired United Church of Christ minister. Insistence on belief and emotional manipulation in a spiritual setting, often by a charismatic leader harms people spiritually, no matter what that leader’s or belief system’s particular perspective. The wounds that come from these settings can produce guardedness around our beliefs, a desire to keep them private and protected. It can lead to passivity around religion, leaving one’s decisions to someone else. Or, it can lead to defensiveness and defiance, anger flaring whenever religion comes up.

I needed spiritual healing when I came to UUism. It took decades before I could fully and positively name and articulate my own positive beliefs instead of simply denying what I had been taught, and even coming to embrace some of it. That was a process of healing.

Religious words and concepts have hurt, yes, and they have been powerful healers and comforters as well. The “Plowshare Song” Katrina sang this morning shifts religious concepts into a healing embrace, beating swords into plowshares. If something has survived for centuries, there may be something there worth exploring. And if we want to understand our neighbors and family who embrace them, maybe it’s worth poking around a bit.

Also, when I am doing social justice work with other religious people, they sometimes will use their religious language and if we’re going to be able to work together, I have to at least be able to tolerate their expressions of faith, and I have to be able to explain how my own faith tradition, Unitarian Universalism, relates to my work.

And the deeper reason for dealing with religious language relates not to our external work, but to being a community together. If a congregation is to be a safe haven, then people need to share their full selves without defensiveness, especially the essence of their spiritual journeys. That means that atheists, agnostics, theists, Buddhists, Pagans, existentialists, Christians, and others somehow need to bring their full selves here and talk about their experience without making it an unsafe place for those who disagree with them. This requires some finesse in how we talk together. Each of us has to be able to name our personal experience without the assumption that others share it. At times, we do need to name our communal experience, and in that case, we need to be sure that others agree with that naming, or at least can go along with it. And, we have to be careful not to confuse the two – what I individually endorse and what we communally endorse. A delicate balance.

We need not always use the same religious language.

Prayer, for example, may be powerful for some UU’s, while others have long resisted the cultural imperative of prayer, and find it distasteful and even oppressive. We don’t tell non-praying UU’s that they must pray or tell praying UU’s that they must not pray.

The many shades and shadows, ambiguities and associations, of religious words, differ from one person to another. We have to be able to say to one another, “What do you mean when you say ‘x’?” or “That’s an interesting idea. Here’s how I see it,” without accusing them of being wrong.

I encourage what I’d call a radical agnosticism, a basic acceptance that none of us knows with certainty any of the fundamentals related to religious or spiritual life.

With that, let’s talk about some specific words. As I read the words that you all sent me for the sermon, I’d like you to listen to see if anything surprises you, and to see if there are words on the list that are meaningful to you.


God’s will

The Bible

Church hymns

“You have to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior in order to get into heaven”



Communion: Eating Flesh and drinking blood






“Deeply felt convictions and beliefs”



Holy Mother





Holy Father

Holy Spirit







last rites





“the cross”

cross to bear

the host




“I’m praying for you.”

“Thanking Jesus”

“Jesus is the reason for the season.”


“God is good”



Pagan babies








Chastity and celibacy













My God

My Jesus


Blessed Be




Masculine pronouns associated with god


“Or however you choose to think of… (insert traditional religious word here)

“Life in the world to come”

Original sin

Sin nature

Being thought of as “religious”


teachings from the Bible



As we continue to look at these words, who was surprised by one or more of these? Who looked at one more more words and felt it was something that was meaningful for them personally?

Many of these words come out of the Christian tradition.

I don’t ever hear UU’s say that words from other traditions like “enlightenment” or “non-attachment” or “Tao,” are too religious. It feels like there is much more tolerance for religious language from non-Christian traditions than there is for the words identified with Christianity. And in this church, at least from the list I got, especially with Catholicism.

Let me say something about a few of these words.

Worship, despite our preconceptions, need not be a ritual dedicated to a god. Rather, the etymology frames the word in terms of respect and honor. For me, UU worship is a process of discerning and acknowledging what is worthy of respect and honor.

A whole subset of submitted words cluster around the idea of salvation: original sin/sin nature, saved/not saved, trespasses, obedience. All of these imply or flat out state a distinction between who’s in and who’s out, who has God’s favor (we’ll get to God in a minute!). We UU’s don’t divide people into saved and damned, and often figure that others put us into that ((damned” category. However, if we reject the whole tenet that some are saved and some are damned, as we do, these words can fall away as irrelevant for us. “I can’t go to hell; I don’t believe in it.”

I might even be able to find something of value in the concept of sin and redemption, as long as I realize I’m not talking about two rigid separate categories of people, but of problems we all face as human beings. “Sin,” in the classical rabbinical formulation, is “missing the mark.” We all have to deal with our tendency to sometimes miss the mark. What do we do to make up for where we have fallen short, to seek forgiveness from others, or to offer forgiveness when it’s needed? These are useful human skills we need to talk about.

So what about the whole “god” thing?

Even the writers of the Bible did not agree on the definition or characteristics of God; they even used different Hebrew words for God. For UU’s, God may be Nature, or Love, or the inexplicable Mystery. For some, God is Creativity or process or the spirit that invigorates life. It can be useful to have a label. For others, God is not a useful image. On this concept, on this definition, we agree to disagree. And value one another anyway.

I want to touch on “Blessed” and “Blessed be.” To bless something is to invoke divine favor, or to name the divine in someone or something. I think about Peter Meyer’s song, “Everything Is Holy Now,” where he describes how when he was a child in church only certain things – the holy water or the book were holy, and now, he can see the holy, the spark of the divine, in the dawning sky, in the chirping bird, in everything. Or about Emerson’s talk of the miracle of the blowing clover. If we can find awe, we may be able to name blessing. That, I think, is why Pagans adopted the phrase “Blessed be,” to define the goodness of the universe – all of it as divine – and to offer the wish that all might be holy, that all might have that spark and that we might all see it.

So, we’ve considered this morning a few of the words that people in this particular UU congregation struggle with. I invite you to continue the conversation, to find ways to be beat hurtful words into healing plowshares. May you all have the chance to speak the words that call you to your best selves, that evoke for you a sense of the sacred, that you find most worthy and honorable as you make the gifts of your lives, trying to create the world you wish to see come into being.


By Ma Theresa

Some came here to be blessed with answers in a tumultuous world.

Let us hope too, however, that many of us have been blessed with questions to direct us with a clarity of mind to steer our logic towards kindness and justice always.

So may it be.


Most sermons during the past 23 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.