Transformative Moments

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Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 11, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In life, we and everything around us are always changing, even if in sometimes imperceptible ways. Yet, there are moments that hold the potential for more transformative change. And such transformative moments contain seeds of change that can be constructive and beneficial, but that can also turn us toward destructive and harmful change. It feels as if we may be in such a moment in our world now. How can we seize the moment and reach for transformation that brings about even more creative possibilities, love, and justice in our lives and in our world?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

We delight in the beauty of a butterfly, but rarely admit the changes is gone through to achieve that beauty.

– Maya Angelou.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Jan Phillips

We are attendants at the wake of the old way. And each of us through our actions, our thoughts, our work, our relationships is midwifing a new world into existence. This is our destiny, our meaning, our purpose. And when we come to our day with this awareness, when we are fully wakened to the tremendous privilege, when we sense the oak and the acorn of our being, then we will have the energy to move mountains and shift tides. It is an illusion that we are powerless. It is an illusion that someone else is responsible. It is an illusion that we cannot transcend these dualities and difficulties that are making a mockery out of our democracy. We are the people. This is our world.


NOTE: This is an ai generated transcript. Please forgive any errors or omissions.

They were twins, sisters, born together, formed together, so much the same and yet not, perhaps the same coin but different sides. And then that day came in their late teens when the outsiders invaded their village. The outsiders burned the houses and buildings. They pillaged the supplies of grain and the other foods. They wrought death and destruction among far to many of their friends and loved ones, including massacring their father.

The sisters hid together until the outsiders left as suddenly as they had come, taking with them all that they had looted leaving the twin sisters and the remaining family and townsfolk in the smoke and ruins the stench of tribalism and hatred thickening the air and burning their lungs and she went into hiding. She became consumed with hate. She joined the group that would leave the village to inflict hatred upon hatred. She was among those who would hunt the outsiders doing to them what they had done, but she could not stop there. They moved from town to town among the outsider’s fellow clans, bringing to them the same fate her village had suffered. And eventually, she led them into skirmishes that transformed into war until both sides suffered injury upon injury, death upon death, including eventually her own.

But she – she turned to the love of her people. She turned to the work of rebuilding their village and healing their wounds. They went about the work of forgiveness and worked for peace and eventually they helped negotiate the end of war and brought reconciliation and reparations. She joined with those who created a new vision of peace and flourishing where there were no outsiders anymore.

And so in this wisdom tale, one twin emerges from a transformative moment as a butterfly that would bring more beauty to the world, pollinating more and more love and justice. And sadly, another sister becomes a wasp, losing more and more of herself with each hate and harm-filled sting until nothing is left.

Transformative moments are like this. They hold the possibility of both transformation that can be harmful and destructive as well as the creative potential for beauty and flowering. And so today we will explore how we can react to such moments more like butterfly sisters, a recently renowned subset of which have been referred to as childless cat ladies.

I think many of us are feeling like we’re in one of those transformative moments in our country’s history. Now, we have a big election going on and that is a huge part of this moment. And, as many of you know, that as a tax exempt non-profit the church cannot endorse any individual candidate nor can we endorse a political party.

We can, though, talk about issues related to our religious values. And our values around the separation of church and state mean we work against the state, mandating, endorsing, or sponsoring any particular religion, including even our own. And we can speak about how politics and eventually the public policy that will come out of it either contravene our religious values or uphold them. Values such as those of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Love held at our very center.

 Love Flower Graphic

Now, you may have noticed on the slides that both our UU faith and our church have one more value we uphold. Transformation.

Our UU faith defines transformation like this.

We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openess to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages. Never complete and never perfect.


Here at the church we simply say that transformation means to pursue the growth that changes our lives and heals our world. Personally, I like how our church defines transformation. It’s more concise. And I think it fits this transformative moment in which we find ourselves.

Because again, as our story earlier shows us, transformative times can lead to change that is healing, or they can lead to change that is harmful. And this transformative moment contains an element that looms even larger than the immediate election and that holds the potential to deeply violate our religious values.

A white, fundamentalist, Christian nationalist movement is alive and active in our country, and it has found political and public policy expression in a 922-page far-right conservative manifesto called Project 2025, created by the ultra-conservative lobbying and influence group, the Heritage Foundation.

Project 2025, in my opinion, would run counter to all that we value, decimate our democratic institutions and cause great harm to many, while greatly privileging, far, far fewer. Fewer who just happen to be mostly white, hetero-cis male theocratic fundamentalists.

Now, as a minister, I cannot, as part of an official church function, endorse a particular candidate either. I can, however, express what I think of their stance on particular issues, as long as I do so as only me, not on behalf of the church as a whole.

So, let me just say, not speaking on behalf of the church, he who was always white until a number of years ago when he happened to discover spray tanning and his running mate, J.D. Vanceypants have tried to distance themselves from Project 2025 and claim to know very little about it. Yet, J.D. Vance wrote the foreword for a book about it by the primary author of Project 2025, and more than 30 Trump associates helped create the document.

Trump has said of the Heritage Foundation, and I quote:

“They’re going to lay the groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will look like.”


But, I don’t know. Speaking only as me, maybe they’re not being entirely honest about this issue. That’s the pastoral way of saying they’re lying. Another more recent lie, as Project 2025 proves highly unpopular, the more people find out about it, is that they try to say that it has been put back on a shelf, as if they can’t take it right back off the shelf depending on how the election goes. And church member David Overton recently put together an excellent comparison of the party platforms in Texas. The legislation and policy proposals of one of those party platforms are derivative from and, if anything, more extreme than Project 2025 itself.

So what exactly is this Project 2025? Well, basically, it’s a blueprint for forming a theocratic authoritarian administration. As I said, it’s over 900 pages, so it’s impossible to cover all of their plans for every federal department this morning. Here, though, are just a few examples of what a presidential administration following Project 2025 would do, much of it within their first 180 days.

  • Eliminate job protections for and fire experienced qualified civil servants and replace them with partisans whose only job qualification would be loyalty to the conservative president.


They have already established a database of people who would serve in these positions.

  • Gut the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • End climate research.
  • Eliminate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes the National Weather Service.
  • Reverse all LGBTQ plus federal protections and end all transgender health care under Medicare and Medicaid
  • Expel trans folks from the military as well as anyone requiring treatment for HIV.
  • Eliminate the Department of Education.
  • Revoke the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Policy that prevents raids on churches.
  • Convert the Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Life, tying benefits to traditional family structures,
  • Eliminating abortion as health care,
  • Utilizing the federal bureaucracy to effectively prevent access to abortion nationwide as well as to
  • severely limit access to contraceptives.
  • Restructure the Justice Department and the FBI to serve the aims of the presidential administration and
  • End enforcement of voting rights.


Well, these are just a few. It goes on and on and on. God, guns, and gays is back with a vengeance. And if anyone claims it is an overreaction to call Project 2025, a detailed plan for establishing a permanent white nationalist, Christo-fascist state. Listen to what Trump said just recently to a group of fundamentalists.

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time, You won’t have to do it any more. You know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.”


Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, was even more direct, saying, quote,

“We are in the process of the Second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it.”


To paraphrase Maya Angelou, when people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.

  • Interdependence
  • Equity
  • Generosity
  • Pluralism
  • Community
  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Justice
  • Transcendence
  • Love

The kind of transformation we seek in our lives and our world, these are under seige by the wasp stings of a white suprimacist nationalism theocratic facist institutionalized patriarchy that has arisen during this Chrysalis time.

And so we, we must also raise up our religious values in the public square. We must become the pollinators of love and justice in our world, the butterfly siblings that dismantle all Project 2025 seeks to fortify and build in its place the beloved community.

So how do we do that? I don’t have all the answers. But right now, as Carrie mentioned in the announcements, we UU the Vote. Because when people vote, our religious values tend to become more actualized in public policy. So after the service today, join us in sending postcards, encouraging folks to vote. Consider serving as a poll worker during the election. Right now, we educate ourselves about Project 2025 And we inform and educate others about it because polling shows that even fairly conservative folks oppose it when they find out what is in it.

And right now, if you so choose, you can work for those who you believe are most likely to pursue laws and policies consistent with your values, values centered in love. Perhaps most importantly though, we must know that this transformative time will continue beyond this particular election. It will require more of us. Project 2025 will just try to become Project 2029 and so on.

So we take the long view. And one of the ways that we do that is by living our values in our daily lives. We build communities of love, joy, and justice such as this religious community. As our reading earlier said,

“We are attendants at the wake of the old way, and each of us through our actions, our thoughts, our work, and relationships is midwifing a new world into existence.”

And so in our lives, our actions small and large, our communities, our ways of being, we breathe our values into the world. We build a new way. We join with others bound for a new land of freedom and justice singing come and go with me along the way.


Author and activist Adrian Marie Brown writes,

How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale. The patterns of the universe repeat at scale. There is a structural echo that suggests two things.
  • One, that there are shapes and patterns fundamental to our universe.
  • And two, that what we practice at a small scale can reverberate to the largest scale.


Remember, my beloveds, we do what we can. How we live matters. How we live makes a difference. How we respond in transformitive moments has the potential to build the world about which we dream. This is our project.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


I leave you with words from Octavia Butler.

All that you touch, you change.
All that you change changes you.
The only lasting truth is change.
God is change.

May the change we bring builds the beloved community.
Amen and Blessed be. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

The Blessings of Small Group Ministry

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson, Toni Wegner, Melanie Cofield, and John Scott
July 28, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

One of our church’s most transformative ways of deeply connecting with fellow church members and experiencing profound spiritual growth is by participating in a Chalice Circle or Wellspring ministry group. Join us for this special service and hear about the real differences they make possible.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

May we be reminded here of our highest aspirations,
And inspired to bring our gifts of love and service
to the altar of humanity.

May we know once again that we are not isolated beings
But connected, in mystery and miracle, to the universe,
To this community and to each other.

– Anonymous

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Malidoma Somé

Whether they are raised in indigenous or modern culture, there are two things that people crave: the full realization of their innate gifts, and to have these gifts approved, acknowledged, and confirmed.

There are countless people in the West whose efforts are sadly wasted because they have no means of expressing their unique genius.

In the psyches of such people there is an inner power and authority that fails to shine because the world around them cannot perceive it.


Today’s service features several folks from the church who will explore the real differences our small group ministries such as Wellspring and Chalice Circles can make in our lives.

(NOTE: This is an ai generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)

Melanie Cofield

Good morning, everyone. My name is Melanie Cofield, and I am a white queer woman with short grayish brown hair, wearing glasses, and a blue button -up shirt. My pronouns are she /they. I welcome this opportunity to share a bit about my experience participating in First UU Small Group Ministries.

I’ll start by sharing a little of my background. Due to experiences of judgment and exclusion in churches of my youth, I have been long estranged from organized religion. During the COVID pandemic, I found welcome, comfort, hope, and peace in the online services provided by First UU of Austin. And I joined as a member with my wife in 2022.

As someone working in higher education my entire career, and relatively new to Unitarian Universalism, a logical first step for me as a new church member was to learn more about the foundations of this religious tradition.

I attended a membership information class and someone mentioned the opportunity to join a wellspring group focused on the six UU sources. So I signed up excited about a new learning adventure. Now I expected to learn about the history and foundations of Unitarian Universalism But I was surprised and moved to learn so much about myself and to connect so deeply with my fellow wellspring group members.

My spiritual life has been firmly grounded in a primal reverence for nature since childhood. And it has been a solitary, private, and somewhat haphazard pursuit for most of my years. Participating in wellspring groups has helped me deepen and fine-tune my spirituality and expand my spiritual circle. Put another way in borrowing the pragmatic motto of Unitarian Minister Reverend Mary Safford of the Iowa Sisterhood in the late 1800s, I’m learning to lengthen the cord and strengthen the stakes. Let me share some highlights from my Wellspring takeaways with you in hopes that it will inspire you to consider participation in the future. I’m pursuing deep reflection and practicing deep listening. I’m developing intentional spiritual practices. I have found a vocabulary for alter articulating my spirituality.

I’m reconnecting with my creativity And I’ve both recognized and discovered new sources of wisdom and inspiration that feed my soul. I’m slowly but tangibly letting go of self -consciousness and self -doubt in my spiritual endeavors.

And I’m moving from an exclusively solo spirituality to one based on trust and connection and community. Finally, I found space to build resilience and hope in a chaotic and despairing world. After joining that first Wellspring Sources group, I wasn’t ready for the experience to end, so I lengthened my cord and volunteered to co-facilitate a Wellspring Deep Questions program focused on the eight principles of Unitarian Universalism.

This coming year, I’m delighted to continue serving the first UU community by co-facilitating and exploring a new program in the Wellspring Curriculum called Love at the Center, UU Values and Covenants. My experience has been profound and I encourage others to explore the gift of these small group ministries offered by First UU and consider participating. We hope to see you there. Thank you for listening and have a wonderful day.

Jim Scott

Good morning. My name is John Scott and I’m a relatively new member here. My pronouns are he /him. I started attending here about two and a half years ago online, shortly after my father died. And I very unexpectedly, found myself, after about 30 years of not going to church, feeling like I wanted to belong to something like a church. So I started kind of looking around, seeing what was available, and what might feel welcoming to me, and gradually found my way here. So after attending online for several months, I began to feel ready to meet people and kind of be more engaged with the community.

And I love being a student. It’s one of my favorite things. So I thought, well, I’ll look for adult education opportunities. And I went online on the website and found my way to adult education and the Wellspring program. And it just sounded perfect for me, especially because when I was clicking around on the website, I found something that looked a lot like a syllabus. And there was like a reading list and homework assignments, and I thought, you know, this is for me. So I signed up. I signed up for Wellspring. And Two years later here. I am talking about wellspring This year we’re offering love at the center, and that’s the one that Melanie was just talking about That’s a foundational course for people who have not taken a wellspring program before so it’s For everyone in other words and plus it’s brand new so even if you have taken wellspring before You might just be interested in that because it’s new.

But then there’s also a second program called Spiritual Practices, and this one is for people who have already taken Wellspring in the past, a Wellspring Sources program. So I know there’s a group that’s just finishing Wellspring Sources. There are people that have taken it in years past, and this Spiritual Practices program would be especially for you because it’s one of the second year programs that we offer through Wellspring.

So just a little bit about how the groups work. We meet here twice a month in the church in the classrooms. It’ll be first and third Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p .m. We put the chairs in a little circle, put a stool in the middle with a candle on it as our chalice, do a brief check -in with each other just to see how we’re doing that day, how our spiritual practice is going. And then we spend most of the time reflecting on questions together. So about two weeks before we meet, the facilitators send out an email with things, and little video clips to watch, and about five or six questions to review. And for me, it would only take me maybe an hour, hour and a half over that two week period to do the homework and make notes in my journal about the reflection question.

So it’s a little bit of homework, but it didn’t feel like overly burdensome at all. And then when we’re together, twice a month, we go through those questions one at a time using Parker Palmer’s Circles of Trust. So I brought Parker Palmer’s book. It’s a really good process where when someone shares what they’ve reflected on, the rest of the group just holds that in sacred silence, just kind of deep listening. And the basic guideline is that there’s no fixing, no changing, no advising, and no setting each other straight.

So it’s not like a normal conversation. You’re deeply listening to each other, deeply sharing from your heart, and I really found this to be so helpful and nourishing. And it’s a great way to learn how to just be present with each other, which is ultimately maybe the most valuable thing we can offer to each other, is just being present with each other. So after that first year of Wellspring Sources, and Melanie was one of my colleagues, the group decided to stay together for a whole second year and do the Deep Questions program, which we just just a couple of months ago. So I think that speaks to how meaningful we all found the experience that we really bonded and we wanted to stay together a whole second year. And I just wanna give a brief shout out to my wellspring siblings, ’cause now I think of them as my siblings. So Jenny, I saw Jenny over there, and Carrie, Amy, and Melanie, Sharon, Stephanie, Aaron, AJ, and Eric. So they’re my siblings now and I look forward to having more siblings after this coming year from Wellspring. There are descriptions that I brought. If you like the syllabus like I do, I brought some of those so you can find me and I’d be happy to share those. And they will also be on the website. If you go to learning and and adults, you’ll find information about Wellspring.

Toni Wegner

Good morning. I’m Toni. I use she /her pronouns. I’m on the other side of middle age and I’m wearing a summery dress and sensible shoes. Regardless of what my record may suggest I did not join this church just to be on committees. I’m delighted to be here today because small group ministries are what nourish my soul.

I spent two years in wellspring up until the pandemic and I highly recommend the program for those who can make the time of commitment. I continue to zoom the spiritual advisor I had during that program. She was a lifeline during the pandemic and currently in my transition to retirement. I participated in Chalice Circles for a couple of years before Wellspring and for the past two years.

We currently use the Soul Matters curriculum which has themes each month that tie into the themes for the sermons and into RE, themes like renewal, mystery, generosity, heritage. We get a package of materials two to four weeks in advance that have readings and quotes, video links, spiritual You can pick you pick one spiritual exercise and one question to talk about when the chalice circle meets once a month And you can even make up your own question It’s very flexible with lots of options to choose from and you can spend as little or as much time on the packet As you’d like so there doesn’t have to be a big-time commitment It’s a fun and interesting curriculum that challenges you to think and to feel, I personally was definitely on the shorter time commitment end.

The group I met with was on Zoom, which I found very convenient, but other groups meet in person, which also have positives. Many of the activities have been creative and interesting, like identifying a family memento that has a hold on you or realizing your mother saved nothing, taking a weird walk, doing something generous while remaining anonymous, making a list of delights in your life, taking quizzes on our political misperceptions, or exploring how each of the homes you lived in has shaped and helped create you. I came away from each of the exercises and questions with insights about myself, some positive or comforting, others not so much, but always feeling like I had a better understanding of why I am the way I am.

In the chalice circle, after an opening reading and check-in, each person has the opportunity to talk about the exercise they did and the question they answered. This is completely without interruption, usually three to four minutes each, so very similar format to Wellspring. After everyone has had a chance to share, there’s a brief period for responses and reflections, again following Parker Palmer’s no fixing, saving, advising, or setting each other straight.

Here’s what I loved. I loved that even at this age I am learning things about myself that feel important, that I can talk about things that I have ever talked about with anyone else in my life, with full confidence of confidentiality, that all of us share things that make us vulnerable, and in doing so, we form a deep bond. And that I feel a deeper connection to members of the first UU community than I would have ever felt through coffee hour or committees. We had an end of year child event in June where people from all the different childless circles got together to share reflections on the program.

And having gone through the program, I felt a bond with many of these people, even though I had never met some of them before. People overwhelmingly enjoyed the curriculum, which has something for everyone. There were also lots of positive comments about the value of having uninterrupted time to talk with others listening, the practice of deep listening, and the bonding that comes from this depth of sharing.

I’m really glad that our church offers these small group ministries and hope that everyone looking to make connections or go deeper will consider signing up this year. You commit a couple of hours a month and you get a lot of nourishment for that. For those who are skeptical, as most you use are, I hope you’ll consider participating in a taste of soul after church on August 4th or 11th to let you see what this experience will be like.

Check the newsletter for more information. Finally, I haven’t mentioned yet that I was a co-facilitator last year and will be one again this year. Why do I co-facilitate? Well, pragmatically, the more facilitators we have, the more spaces available for people to participate. Also, you get to pick when and where the group will meet, so that’s kind of a plus, hence online. There’s a really good two -hour online training and opportunities to meet with other facilitators and other than that facilitating takes like less than 15 minutes a month more than participating. So you can facilitate even if it’s your first chalice circle. And I was a co-facilitator getting to work with and to know my co-facilitator has been a highlight of my last year, so please consider it. I hope that I get to know you better in a chalice circle someday.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As we go back out into our world today, may we carry with us the love of this, our beloved religious community.

May we center our lives in love, just as we center our faith in love. May the melody flowing through our souls be a river of love that carries us forward until next we gather our spirits again.

Amen and Blessed Be. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Poetry Plus

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and AJ Juraska
June 30, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

So often, we recoil against overly literal interpretations of the bible that at best seem irrational and at worst harmful. What if rather than a “literal- factual” understanding of biblical scripture, we embraced scholar and theologian Marcus Borg’s “historical-metaphorical” approach instead? Might then the bible become poetry of love and justice?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Marcus J Borg

“… stories can be true without being literally and factually true … A metaphorical approach to the bible thus emphasizes metaphors and their associations … metaphors can be profoundly true, even though they are not literally true. Metaphor is poetry plus, not factuality minus.”

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


“The Bible is like Santa Claus and sex. Children hear about it on the playground or on the street, whether or not their parents discuss it with them. And as an adult, if you don’t enjoy it and wish to abstain, you can successfully avoid it only by taking extreme measures such as total social deprivation or profound isolation.

The Bible is holy scripture because it is the living document and foundation of many important faiths, including Unitarian Universalist. To abandon the Bible would mean alienation from one of the world’s most important influences on religious thought-liberal and otherwise …. Our concept of respect for the web of existence, for instance, emanates from a stream of thought that flows through the Psalms and the Prophets from that same God of Genesis who declared the goodness of creation.”

– Rev. David McFarland


AJ Juraska’s Homily

I just finished my first year of seminary. If you had told me five years ago I would be in seminary, I would have been shocked. Even more so by the fact that I am attending a Christian seminary.

I wanted to attend a Christian seminary in part because I knew that whether I end up being a chaplain, a parish minister, or working on social justice issues, living in Texas means that I will be exposed to Christian viewpoints and references to the Bible. The more I learn about the Bible, the more I realize that the Bible is hidden in plain sight all around us – in song lyrics, art, writing, common sayings, and so much more. The song we heard earlier, Turn Turn Turn by Pete Seager, is from Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. While working on this homily, I learned that Emily Dickenson’s works reference the Bible.

A part of me also hoped that, by going to a Christian seminary maybe I would find myself identifying as a Christian again. I grew up in a Christian church and I miss some of the magic I found there, and the belonging in having a shared text. Being a UU can be hard in that way. When I used to play roller derby I would often get asked “but where is the ball.” I think the equivalent in UUism is “where is the central text that you all read and agree on.”

As it turns out, though, even the Christians don’t agree on a central text. Catholics include different books of the bible than Protestants. So we’re not even all reading the same Bible. It took hundreds of years after Jesus’ death before there was even a semblance of agreement on what books to include, and the order to read them in.

The books of the Bible were written in a time and a place. As my New Testament professor says, some of what we are reading is essentially someone else’s mail. Paul is writing to early Christian churches to try to guide them in how to be successful in this new endeavor, especially at a time when Christians were persecuted and there was debate over who could be included in this new church.

So why should we read something written nearly two thousand years ago that has context and meaning for a time so long in the past? Unitarian Universalist Minister John A Buehrens answers us in his book Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals. He says, “Progressive people simply cede their power to opponents when they leave interpretation of our religious heritage, or the meaning of our nation, or authentic ‘family values,’ to the reactionaries, the chauvinists, and the bigots.” He goes on to say that if we reject the Bible, it, quote “doesn’t mean that it ever goes away. Rather it simply means that it ends up only in the hands and on the lips of others – often reactionary others-where it can and will be used against you.”

Buehrens is right. Louisiana just passed a law requiring public school classrooms to display the ten commandments. Texas tried to pass a similar bill last session, and we can bet it will be on the docket again come next year’s session. We can shout about separation of church and state all we want, but the Bible isn’t going to leave our political dialogue any time soon.

While the ten commandments are a part of the bible, they are cherry-picked, in that, according to Jewish tradition, there are actually 613 commandments or mitsvot in the Bible. Most of these mitsvot cannot be followed for a variety of reasons, including that they require being in the temple which was destroyed.

One of the big questions in the early Christian church was whether the early Christians needed to follow the law, in other words the commandments. The New Testament in part is grappling with this question, and there are different interpretations of whether the Jews and the Gentiles, the Christians who do not have Jewish heritage, need to follow the law.

Laws to post the ten commandments might still get passed, but imagine if more teachers knew this context, and could explain that the ten commandments are just a selection of the 613 laws that one ancient group thought were appropriate for governing themselves.

For all my humanist friends in the audience, I promise we haven’t forgotten about you. In fact, Buehrens calls himself a Biblical humanist. He points out that one can have a foundation in the Bible without believing it reveals something about the supernatural.

The Bible has a lot for us to learn. I took a class on the book of Judges last semester, and I’m taking a class on Revelation in the fall (fun fact, it’s Revelation without an S at the end, not Revelations as I know I had said my whole life). Judges is one of the harsher books in the Bible, with lots of violence including some of the most horrific violence against women in the text. Through analyzing the book, I came to learn all the ways it can be read, including as a feminist piece, one that in talking about violence against women is in fact speaking out against it. It can also be read as a tract against kingship, and many parts of the Bible are speaking out against empire.

Like much of the Bible, Revelation chapter 13 was written in a way that people of that time and place would have understood, but we do not if we try to read it literally. It talks about beasts but is in fact coded writing against the Roman empire. This is the chapter that includes a reference to 666, or 616 in some of the manuscripts. 666 and 616 are actually codes for Emperor Nero, not a literal devil.

So where do we go from here? I don’t have all the answers, and I know Rev. Chris has some more to share with us as well. I don’t necessarily recommend trying to sit down and read the whole Bible. I do recommend looking at a study bible and learning how to use the footnotes and references. If you’d like to learn more about how to do that, I’ll be teaching a workshop called Reclaiming the Bible on July 14th from 1-3pm here in the church. We’ll go over how to look up passages and the meanings behind them using study bibles and other reference tools. An announcement will be going out soon about that workshop if you are interested.

There are also great books like John A Buehrens’s book, which I have here if you’re here in person and would like to look at it. I also have a few other books up here that you’re welcome to look through after the service. If you want to take a deeper dive, you can audit a class at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary or another seminary. There will be a class in the fall on the Hebrew Bible taught by one of my favorite professors that is mostly asynchronous, for example.

The Bible that I have discovered in seminary is not the one that I was taught as a child growing up in a Christian church. It is both more violent and more beautiful and poetic than the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, and Jesus from my childhood had led me to believe. If you find yourself afraid of or unsure about the Christian Bible, know that you are not alone. There are many of us who share those concerns.

I know that many come here with religious trauma from Christianity and the Bible. If engaging with the Bible is painful for you, honor that. No one should have to engage with religious or spiritual practices that cause harm. I am still on my own journey when it comes to the Bible. I have discovered some verses that I really like, such as James chapter 2 which talks about how faith without works is dead, or James chapter 5 which warns rich oppressors that God sees the harm they have caused. I have yet to draw the spiritual comfort from the Bible that I see so many others have-something a part of me wishes I had too.

I’m grateful for the UU value of pluralism, which celebrates diverse theology and honors that we can draw from more than one source of spiritual wisdom. The Christian Bible is one source of spiritual wisdom, but it is not the only source, and I appreciate the opportunity to explore all these wisdom traditions in this religious community. Thank you.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson’s Homily

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

That’s the Gospel of John chapter 3, verse 16 of the New testament.

King James Version. Don’t you just love the King James language? “Believeth.” “Begotten.”

Some of you have heard me talk before about how I was raised as a Southern Baptist and said I wanted to be a minister when I was a very young child, even preached sermons into the cassette tape recorder my parents had given me.

One such “baby” sermon was based upon that bible verse.

It is amazing to me that all of these years later and having rejected the fundamentalist religion of my childhood, I can still remember John 3: 16 word for word. King James version, no less.

Here’s why I think that matters.

Regardless of our religious upbringing, despite a culture that has gown more and more secular over time, the words and images and metaphors of our largely bible-based religious history have become embedded within our our cultural symbols, mythologies, values, rituals, traditions – indeed the very language with which we think and communicate, and therefore imbedded within our individual subconsciouses as well.

So, as our reading earlier describes, the bible is still pervasive in our society, and is a large a part of our Unitarian Universalist liberal religious heritage.

So to though, are more fundamentalist interpretations of the bible, like that of my Southern Baptist childhood, also imbedded within our cultural landscape.

And so part of my spiritual journey through adulthood has been to reclaim the biblical narratives that got so implanted into my formational inner psyche in ways that parallel my evolving values and understandings of life.

I have learned to reinterpret and re-embrace the sacred texts of my younger self – like that one from John 3:16.

More on that shortly!

Marcus J. Borg, author of our Call to Worship earlier, urges us to read the bible as poetry plus rather than factuality minus.

Instead of interpreting the bible as literally and factually true, we may find greater wisdom if we mine it for historical and metaphorical truths.

So, if for example we take the well known story of Noah and the flood, and has so often been done, try to accept it as literally true, we are forced to either reject it entirely as defying rational belief or to read it as a fantastical tale of an angry and vengeful God extinguishing almost all life on earth, as retribution for the wickedness of humankind.

But, if we understand that historically, civilizations that predated the origins of the Noah story had similar mythology about floods – floods that were both terribly destructive but also in some way washed cleaned the world and created circumstances through which new life might arise, then, then, we might come to understand the Noah story in a quite different way, metaphorically.

Brothers were killing brothers. Injustice prevailed. Violence had grown rampant.

Humans were engaging in physical relations with the angels.

We were filled with hubris and disregard for our fellow humans. We had moved away from love and justice.

And so, symbolically, the story may be seen as humankind cleansing itself of these violations of our deepest, most life-giving and fulfilling values and rebirthing a rootedness in love and justice.

God, then, becomes a profound inner calling toward our deepest values that move us toward thriving and fulfillment.

And over and over again throughout the bible, a literal-factual approach, too often leads to using the bible to inflict a vengeful God upon other people we don’t like or want to dominate.

But if we move instead toward this historical-metaphorical approach, then over and over again, we find story after story in the bible that becomes a poetry of love and justice – over and over again, a calling to cleanse ourselves of greed, violence, and injustice – over and over again a fervent cry for living lives of love and justice.

And I think developing our ability to return the bible to its poetic grounding in love and justice is vital for at least two reasons:

The first is that, as already mentioned, the bible is a fundamental part of Unitarian Universalist heritage. If we throw it out, we lose a rich metaphorical inspiration for many of our most cherished concepts and values.

The second though, it that we are seeing in this country an eruption of mostly white, Christian Nationalism that would brandish literalistic interpretations of this scared text to banish love and justice for all but themselves and turn our government into a white, Christofacist patriarchy.

And lest we think that is hyperbole, just consider that Louisiana has made in mandatory to post the ten commandments in every school classroom, and Oklahoma has just required that the bible be taught in every classroom.

I can only cringe at what literalistic, fundamentalist take on the bible will get taught.

I want to ask them just how they plan to teach commandments such as “Thou shall not commit adultery” or “Thous shalt not covet thy neighbors wife … nor his manservant.”

I know I’m always telling my neighbors, “don’t you go coveting my manservant.”

Once again, gotta love the King James.

The editor and chief of Christianity Today recently told of several pastors relating to him how after preaching about the sermon on the mount, several of their church goers complained that it was too “woke”.

And that returns me to the Christ story encapsulated by John 3:16 with which we began.

You see my beloveds, we have to be able to counter these selectively factual, fundamentalist readings of the bible with our own metaphorical perspective, proclaiming love and justice.

We have to proclaim and reclaim Jesus as the preacher of that sermon on the mount where he declared:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, those who mourn, those who hunger, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peace makers, those who are persecuted for righteousness.

Jesus was no blond haired, blue eyed, white, Christian nationalist warrior. He was a dark skinned, ultra woke, anti-empire, champion for love and justice, who over-turned the tables of the money changers in the temple, expressed a preference for the poor, and disenfranchised and hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors and the chronically unemployed, also know as his disciples.

For me, John 3:16 is a poem about a love so powerful, so selfless and boundless that we’re willing to give all of ourselves all we have begotten to create love and justice for all in our world so that humankind may flourish and thrive.

And that, is our life everlasting. Amen.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


And now, as we go out into our world today, may we see the poetry in our lives.

May we find the holy metaphors in all of the sacred texts of our tradition.

May we encounter the sacred in all that surrounds us.

May center ourselves in love and justice.

May the congregation say, “Amen” and “blessed be”.

Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Lessons from Chalice Camp

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Kelly Stokes with Chalice Campers
June 9, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This week we hosted Chalice Camp, a summer day camp exploring UU history, theology, values, and traditions. During worship this Sunday, the campers and counselors will be sharing some of the songs and stories from camp. Join us for this youthful – and very joyful – worship service.

Chalice Lighting

We are Unitarian Universalists,
now we light our chalice.
We are the church of the open minds,
we are the church of the listening ears,
we are the church of the loving hearts
and helping hands.

Call to Worship

It’s a blessing each one of us was born.
It matters what we do with our lives.

What each of us knows about god is a piece of the truth.
We don’t have to do it alone.

– Sheri Prud’homme and Laila Ibrahim.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Jim Scott

Let this be a house of peace.
Let this be our house of peace.

Let this be a house of peace,
Of nature and humanity,
of sorrow and elation,
Let this be our house,
A haven for the healing,
An open room for question,
and our inspiration.

Let this be a house of peace.
Let this be our house of peace.

Let this be a house of freedom;
Guardian of dignity
and worth held deep inside us,
Let this be our house,
A platform for the free voice,
Where all our sacred differences
here shall not divide us.

Let this be a house of peace.
Let this be our house of peace.

Let all in this house seek truth,
Where scientists and mystics,
abide in reverence here,
Let this be our house,
A house of our creation,
Where works of art and melodies
consecrate the atmosphere.

Let this be a house of peace.
Let this be our house of peace.

Let this be a house of prophecy,
May vision, for our children
Be our common theme.
Let this be our house
Of myth and lore and legend,
Our trove of ancient story,
and cradle of most tender dreams.

Let this be a house of peace.
Let this be our house of peace.

Let this be a house of peace.
Let this be our house of peace.


Every day this week, the counselors acted out a play for the campers about our UU history. Today we are sharing two of these. In these stories, we see how UU’s in the past have helped others.

On Tuesday, we talked about how it matters what we do, and we sang this chant.


We’re UUs and we’re here to say,
we’re making a difference in many ways;
some are big and some are small,
but they make a difference
for one and all.



SCENE 1: Classroom

NARRATOR: You see before you a classroom at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Anywhere. The teacher and children have just finished lighting the chalice when Miguel asks a question.

MIGUEL: So now do we get to learn how Unitarians and Universalists became one church?

NARRATOR: Not yet. We have another tale to learn. This one is about the chalice. For this we must go back to the 1940’s during World War II.


SCENE 2: Nazi Border

NARRATOR: You see before you a group of Jewish refugees escaping from Eastern Europe due to the Nazi occupation. They come upon a border patrol.

GUARDS: Stop. You may not cross unless you have papers.

REFUGEES: We are going to Lisbon. Here are our papers.

GUARD 1: What is this?

REFUGEE 1: These are papers from the Unitarian Service Committee in America. They are expecting us.

GUARD 1: (speaking to Guard 2) I’ve never seen this seal before, but it looks official.

GUARD 2: Yes, let them through.

GUARD 1: You may pass.

NARRATOR: The refugees went on to Lisbon where they were helped by the Unitarian Service Committee.


A few years later, after the war was over, people in Europe did not have enough food, blankets or clothing. The Unitarian Service Committee worked to send supplies from the United States to people in Europe.

Members of Unitarian and Universalist churches packed up goods such as food, blankets and medicine to be sent to Europe. Like this Universalist family from Maine:

SCENE 3: Universalist family home

CHILD: What are you doing?

PARENT: Packing up a box of goods to be sent to Europe. The people there need food, blankets and medicine .

CHILD: But the war is over.

PARENT: It will be awhile before the people there have all that they need.

CHILD: How will it get there?

PARENT: It will be sent by the USC – the Unitarian Service Committee.

CHILD: But aren’t we Universalists, not Unitarians?

PARENT: Our two churches are working together on this project. We have a lot in common with the Unitarians. Here, Becky, help me draw this symbol – it’s called a Flaming Chalice.

CHILD: Why are we drawing this on there?

PARENT: That’s the symbol of the Unitarian Service Committee. They used it during the war on documents which helped refugees leave Europe. When they see the symbol they will know this box contains help.

SCENE 4: (Back to the classroom)

NARRATOR: Thank you guys. Good work on the play.

The Unitarians and Universalists realized that they had much in common. They decided to merge in 1961, becoming one church. Around that same time, the chalice started to be used in churches around the country and now throughout the world. Chalices don’t have to look a particular way. People make them out of clay or wood or metal. Even play-dough. I’ll bet you’ve made chalices in Religious Education.

CHORUS: (singing chalice lighting song)

We are Unitarian Universalists,
now we light our chalice.
We are the church of the open minds,
we are the church of the listening ears,
we are the church of the loving hearts
and helping hands.

NARRATOR: You got it. Now when you go home you can quiz your parents to see if they know the origins of the flaming chalice.


NARRATOR: We are going to transport ourselves to three different times that Unitarian Universalists fought for Civil Rights.

Womens’ Suffrage Movement

SCENE 4: (Protest Sign that says “How long must women wait for liberty?” goes up in the air.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Voting rights for women. Voting rights for women.

NARRATOR: Women deserve to have a voice in public affairs! Our voices must be heard. It is no longer tolerable that we cannot vote! I say to you all that it is only fair that we be given full emancipation!

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Voting rights for women. Voting rights for women.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Women at home keep our country strong. Women at home keep our country strong.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Voting rights for women. Voting rights for women.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Women at home keep our country strong. Women at home keep our country strong.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Voting rights for women. Voting rights for women.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Women at home keep our country strong. Women at home keep our country strong.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Voting rights for women. Voting rights for women.


Civil Rights Protest

NARRATOR: All Americans deserve the right to vote.

SCENE 4: Protest 2. (Sign that says “Unitarian Universalists for Voting Rights” goes up in the air.)

NARRATOR: None of us will be free until all of us are free. We stand in support of fellow Americans who are fighting for their right to vote. We join in the struggle with Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. All Americans deserve the right to vote regardless of the color of their skin. The arch of history is long, but it bends toward justice. Civil rights for everyone. Voting rights for everyone.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Civil rights for everyone. Civil rights for everyone.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Whites only. Whites only.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Civil rights for everyone. Civil rights for everyone.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Whites only. Whites only.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Civil rights for everyone. Civil rights for everyone.

Gay Rights Protest

SCENE 5: Protest 3. A sign goes up that says: “Civil Marriage is a civil right.”

NARRATOR: Same-sex couples don’t get the same rights and responsibilities as our straight friends. We have been granted a separate and unequal status. We are second-class citizens. This is wrong. This is un- American. This is not an example of our nation living up to its highest ideals. This must end. Civil marriage is a civil right.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Civil Marriage is a civil right. Civil Marriage is a civil right.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Defend traditional marriage. Defend traditional marriage.

UU GROUP: (CHANTING) Civil Marriage is a civil right. Civil Marriage is a civil right.

CONSERVATIVE GROUP: (CHANTING) Defend traditional marriage. Defend traditional marriage.

UU GROUP: Civil Marriage is a civil right. Civil Marriage is a civil right.

NARRATOR: Great job you guys. Come sit down. Let’s talk about this. It is so hard to believe that women couldn’t even vote.

ALL: Yeah!! Maybe in 100 years people will think that about gay marriage.

NARRATOR: So what did all those protests have in common?

They were fighting for people’s rights.

They were making our country better and more fair.

Even people who had those rights were fighting for other groups to get those rights.

NARRATOR: You guys nailed it. Those were the three ideas I wanted you to learn:

1) They were fighting for people’s rights;
2) They were insisting our country live up to its best ideals;
3) Even people who already had those rights were fighting for those groups to get those rights.

And the reason that we are talking about this in church is that Unitarians, and Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists were involved in every one of those liberation movements. That is something to be proud of. Our religion asks us to make a difference in this world.

NARRATOR: That concludes Chalice Camp Theater. (Performers bow.)

Extinguishing the Chalice

Let us remember that each of us is a blessing, that it matters what we do, and that we are not alone, until we light this flame next time.


This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
Ev’rywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine.
Building up a world, I’m gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.


2024 Flower Communion

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Michelle LeGrave
June 2, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This Sunday we will hold our annual Flower Communion Service. Please join us for this much-loved Unitarian Universalist ritual exchange of flowers. During the service you will have the opportunity to add your flower(s) to large bouquets we will create in the sanctuary and to take a different flower with you, symbolizing both the unique, sacred beauty of each of us and the even greater beauty we create when we share that sacred uniqueness with one another.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

“You who have an eye for miracles regard the bud now appearing on the bare branch of the fragile young tree. It’s a mere dot, a nothing. But already it’s a flower, already a fruit, already its own death and resurrection.”

– Diego Valeri

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Lynn Unger

What a gathering-the purple
tongues of iris licking out
at spikes of lupine, the orange
crepe skirts of poppies lifting
over buttercup and daisy.
Who can be grim
in the face of such abundance?
There is nothing to compare,
no need for beauty to compete.
The voluptuous rhododendron
and the plain grass
are equally filled with themselves,
equally declare the miracles
of color and form.
This is what community looks like-
this vibrant jostle, stem by stem
declaring the marvelous joining.
This is the face of communion,
the incarnation once more
gracefully resurrected from winter.
Hold these things together
in your sight-purple, crimson,
magenta, blue. You will
be feasting on this long after
the flowers are gone.


On June 4, 1923, Rev. Norbert Capek, the minister of Prague Liberal Religious Fellowship, a Unitarian church, created what has become our flower communion.

Rev. Capek needed a symbolic ritual that would bind people together as they faced the impending threats from Nazism in neighboring Germany ..

Capek turned to the beauty of the surrounding countryside and created a communion where congregants would bring flowers from their gardens, fields or the roadside and share them with one another – symbolizing that just as no two flowers are exactly alike, so each of us has an inherent and unique beauty.

Capek’s wife, Maja, also an ordained minister, came to the United States in 1940 and introduced the ritual to U.S. Unitarians while she was here.

Unfortunately, she was unable to return to Prague at the time, because World War II had broken out.

It was only after the war that she learned that the Nazi’s had sent Capek to a concentration camp.

However, even in the concentration camp, he held a flower ceremony with his fellow prisoners, using whatever flowering weeds they could find, testifying to a love larger than themselves and that would outlive them – a ritual we still practice today – a ritual still symbolizing both the unique, sacred beauty of each of us and the even greater beauty we create when we share that sacred uniqueness with one another.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As we go out into our world now, let us continue to share our unique gifts.

May we flourish and flower in communion with one another and all that is.

May we bring one another and our world delight.

May the congregation say, “Amen” and “Blessed Be”.

Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Exponential Theology

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
May 5, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We often talk about how divided we are politically, societally, and religiously. Many a magazine article lately has even featured how so many of us are even feeling divided among the many parts within ourselves. What if we valued these differences though? What if, with loving intent, we put them into conversation with one another? Might not this pluralism help us all grow our own depth and breadth of being by many multiples?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

– Walt Whitman
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.

– Rumi
There are many ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.



Then I was standing
on the highest mountain
of them all,

And round beneath me
was the whole hoop
of the world.

And while I stood there
I saw more than I can tell

And I understood
more than I saw.

For I was seeing
in the sacred manner
the shape of all things
of the spirit.

And the shapes
as they must live
together like one being.

And I saw that the sacred hoop
of my people
was one of many hoops
that make one circle,
wide as daylight and starlight,

And in the center grew one
mighty flowering tree

To shelter all the children
of one mother
and one father.

And I saw that it was holy.

– Black Elk


Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

First UU is Doing Justice

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
April 21, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Our church and our faith have a long history of doing justice in our world. We will explore our current efforts to build the Beloved Community and how you can get involved. Our Unitarian Universalist faith calls us to do justice, as does our church’s mission. Our spiritual practices sustain us in that work. In turn, building Beloved Community can be a vital source of our own experience of spiritual nourishment and transcendence.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship


“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (Adapted)

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Exerpt from MARTIN LUTHER KING JR’S WARE LECTURE to the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly in 1966

I’m sure that each of you has read that arresting little story from the pen of Washington Irving entitled Rip Van Winkle. One thing that we usually remember about the story of Rip Van Winkle is that he slept twenty years. But there is another point in that story which is almost always completely overlooked: it is the sign on the inn of the little town on the Hudson from which Rip went up into the mountains for his long sleep. When he went up, the sign had a picture of King George III of England. When he came down, the sign had a picture of George Washington, the first president of the United States.

When Rip Van Winkle looked up at the picture of George Washington he was amazed, he was completely lost. He knew not who he was. This incident reveals to us that the most striking thing about the story of Rip Van Winkle is not merely that he slept twenty years, but that he slept through a revolution.

While he was peacefully snoring up in the mountains a revolution was taking place in the world, that would alter the face of human history. Yet Rip knew nothing about it; he was asleep. One of the great misfortunes of history is that all too many individuals and institutions find themselves in a great period of change and yet fail to achieve the new attitudes and outlooks that the new situation demands. There is nothing more tragic than to sleep through a revolution.

And there can be no gainsaying of the fact that a social revolution is taking place in our world today. We see it in other nations in the demise of colonialism. We see it in our own nation, in the struggle against racial segregation and discrimination, and as we notice this struggle we are aware of the fact that a social revolution is taking place in our midst. Victor Hugo once said that there is nothing more powerful in all the world than an idea whose time has come. The idea whose time has come today is the idea of freedom and human dignity, and so allover the world we see something of freedom explosion, and this reveals to us that we are in the midst of revolutionary times. An older order is passing away and a new order is coming into being.


Sarah Frankie Summers

I always thought of the flame in the chalice as representing the spark of the divine within each of us. I guess that I came up with that as a kid because sparks, fire, yeah it made sense. I knew the story about the Austrian artist and fighting the Nazis and just figured it made a cool origin story but didn’t think about how that affected my life in the present day.

I also figured the chalice was vague enough to be open to interpretation, since a “free and equal search for truth and meaning” is a core of our religion, so people were going to have their own interpretations of it, and that’s a good thing.

Interestingly, a pamphlet about the flaming chalice by Susan Ritchie says this about it:

When we light the chalice in worship, we illuminate a world that we feel called upon to serve with love and a sense of justice. The flame is what one of our beloved congregational hymns terms “The Fire of Commitment.”


Well, now that resonates with me too. Especially because the story I was told while interning at the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office was that the Unitarians and the Universalists started working together at the UN before the organizations even finished merging. So I have been describing this religion as a “social justice faith” since I was nineteen.

At least from this perspective (and of course we can tell our stories from many perspectives that shed different lights depending on what we want to convey) – so at least from this perspective, the present day iteration of Unitarian Universalism is largely predicated on our work for justice and making the world a better place. But I always framed it as work the church was doing – again, not necessarily thinking beyond my own passion for recycling and ethical eating. But thinking of this flaming chalice as the Fire of Commitment also recognizes the significance of our own First UU chalice lighting, particularly the part that goes: “As our struggle becomes our salvation.” and here is where I was finally moved to action.

I admit when I first came to this church, two things stuck out to me that I wasn’t too sure about. I don’t know that they rubbed me the wrong way per se, but they were new and therefore uncomfortable. They were also confusing because they seemed a little too connected to a Christian theology with which I had no connection.

The first thing was that part of the chalice lighting “as our struggle becomes our salvation.” And the second thing was this bit of the mission about Beloved Community.

I guess I’ll be completely honest. I thought something along the lines of what the heck are these people on about? Beloved Community sounded exclusive. And why was it capitalized?

I stuck around, trusting it would make sense in time. Sure enough, Meg and Chris took to explaining this idea from time to time during the Moment for Beloved Community. They would often point to the King Center for more information on Beloved Community, so I turn there now for some of Dr. King’s words.

King said that

“Agape [love] does not begin by discriminating between worthy and unworthy people…It begins by loving others for their sakes” and “makes no distinction between a friend and enemy; it is directed toward both…Agape is love seeking to preserve and create community.”


He felt that justice could not be parceled out to individuals or groups, but was the birthright of every human being in the Beloved Community. “I have fought too long and hard against segregated public accommodations to end up segregating my moral concerns,” he said. “Justice is indivisible.”

There is so much more information about Beloved Community on the King Center website – I encourage you to check it out for yourselves. This radical idea of Beloved Community makes sense to me. And it was during one of these moments for beloved community, when Meg had taken to driving home the ways white supremacy thrives on inaction – the relative comfort of a status quo that keeps the power structures stable – that the chalice lighting finally clicked.

How does our struggle become our salvation in the Unitarian Universalist faith? For me, that “struggle” is to stop turning away from the discomfort of looking in the mirror and seeing how I still carry the invisible backpack of white privilege. For me, that struggle is to overcome the inertia of inaction and to get up and do what I can to create change. For me, that struggle is meeting others whose ideas and values differ vastly from mine and listening with compassion, the work of finding common ground.

Recall the reading that Ani did a few minutes ago. This was Dr. King speaking directly to the Unitarian Universalists. Directly to us! He could tell we were inclined toward justice, but perhaps a little lazy about it. “Don’t sleep through the revolution!” he said.

Well, I’d been sleeping. I’d been resting on my UU upbringing, thinking that just being a part of this church was enough. That the church was doing the work of justice. But of course WE are the church. And we are the ones who have to do the work.

But do not despair in the overwhelm of all there is to be done. There are so many awesome ways to get involved here!

First UU has an amazing history of social action work, which I know was promised we would discuss, but in the interest of galvanizing you to take your own actions, I will tell you instead about the work that is being done at present. Our pillar leaders will be in Howson Hall after service with resources and ways to get involved, as well as microactions you can take TODAY. A microaction is a small step you can take with the potential for big impact, especially when many people take part.

Peggy Morton is our point person for Immigrant Rights. Visit the Immigrant rights table to sign-up to receive a link to sign a petition from Austin Sanctuary Network that calls for everyone in Travis County to have an attorney at their first appearance before a magistrate judge, including individuals targeted under the controversial SB-4 law.

Elizabeth Grey spearheads the team working for Reproductive Justice. Stop by the Reproductive Justice table to learn about the anti-abortion clinics posing as resources for pregnant persons and how to get the word out about these places known as crisis pregnancy centers that target vulnerable teens in particular with unscientific information.

Richard and Beki Halpin are the fearless leaders of the Environmental Justice arm, with many thriving programs aimed at addressing the climate crisis. Stop by their table for tools to reduce your carbon footprint. The time is critical and celebratory! Earth Day is tomorrow. A blessed day for many of us here to remember the interdependent web of life of which we are all a part.

Ginny Fredericks leads the Racial Justice group in tandem with Scott Bukti. Stop by their table to pick up a list of Black Owned Businesses and head over to one this week. We want this year to be First UU’s first ever Juneteenth service, so sign up if you want to lend your support to our BIPOC group who is working hard to plan this in tandem with TXUUJM.

Vanessa McDougal is our resident Voting Rights and Democracy expert. Stop by her table today to pick up a sample ballot for Austin’s upcoming election and make your plan to vote. For the first time, Travis County is electing 3 TCAD appraisers. Early voting starts tomorrow and runs through April 30th; election day is May 4th.

Leo Collas is our LGBTQIA+ Rights Pillar Leader (as well as one of our congregation’s TXUUJM reps). He has invited you all to join the Community Heart Circle today at 2pm in Room 13. They follow a format similar to Chalice Circles, so if you’d like to get a feeling for UU spiritual discussion groups, please join us and make new friends!

Each of these groups represents a pillar of social action here at First UU. We formed the current pillars after conducting a survey and analyzing the data to see where people were presently galvanized and where we already had leadership, but there is always more room for work to be done! For example, we had an awesome team of First UUers at iACT’s Hands on Housing event earlier this month. This is an interfaith action group that supports low income Austin homeowners. Any way you want to get involved and share your time, we could use your talents! I look forward to talking with you all after church at the tables in Howson about staying awake through the struggle of how you can help with the work of building the Beloved Community.

Chris Jimmerson

I’d like to start this morning with a story that I first told many years ago, I think the first time I shared this pulpit with our minister emerita, Meg Barnhouse, right after she had promoted to full-time minister with the church.

I also shared it at the installation service of a dear friend.

To offer some context, I’ll start with another quote from the Rev.

Dr. Martin Luther King, “Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.”

And, of course, Dr. King also made popular the term “Beloved Community”.

I think that, especially for Unitarian Universalists, we often experience the spiritual or religious when the two meet, those experiences of unutterable fulfillment, of which Dr. King spoke and the creation of Beloved Community – the bringing of love into our larger world as justice and liberation for all.

So, back in 2013, a Texas state senator named Wendy Davis became nationally famous when she held a long filibuster against a proposed bill that at the time we thought imposed unbelievably draconian restrictions on women’s reproductive freedom in Texas.

My spouse Wayne and I joined a group of Unitarian Universalists from across the state to support a large rally held on the steps of the Texas State Capital to protest the bill, as well as other attacks on women’s rights.

We all showed up in our bright yellow Unitarian Universalist tee shirts, and folks from our church gathered around our big, bright yellow First UU Church of Austin banner.

The women’s rights groups that had organized the rally absolutely loved it, so they put us right behind the speakers for the rally.

The event drew a huge crowd, and near the end of it, we noticed that all eight of us holding up the banner at the women’s rights rally were men.

That didn’t seem so unusual for UUs, so we just shared some amusement about it.

After the rally though, as I was walking to my car, a woman I had never met touched my shoulder. I turned to her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “I just want you to know how moving it was for me to see a group of all men holding up your church banner.”

Then she looked away briefly, turned back to me and said, “You know, I don’t think of myself as religious, but I’m going to have to find out more about you folks.”

I guess we were both stunned by the movement of something sacred that was occurring between us in that moment, because neither of us said anything for a while.

I don’t remember how long we just stood there or which of us broke the silence first, but I do remember that at some point she asked where she could get one of our bright yellow Tee Shirts, so I gave her the web address for that and some information about our local churches.

I don’t even think if we exchanged our names.

I will tell you though – I still have never been happier to call myself a Unitarian Universalist than I was in that moment.

I have never been more grateful to be reminded that the religious&; can happen anywhere and at any moment and that we are called to be there for it.

“Unutterable fulfillment” and doing justice, building the beloved community are inseparably linked, and it is in this interrelationship between the two that I believe our Unitarian Universalist faith flourishes.

That event was over 10 years ago, and if anything, I have come to believe this even more now and to believe it is even more vital now that our Unitarian Universalist faith flourish like never before.

The bill which Wendy Davis filibustered eventually got passed in a special session of the Texas Legislature.

We thought it was so horrible at the time because it did things like banning abortion beyond 20 weeks and imposing stringent requirements on physicians and clinics, making it much more difficult for them to continue providing abortions services.

Little did we imagine then, how much worse it would get by now. And of course, it’s not only reproductive justice that is at risk these days.

Which is why we so critically need all of the social action pillars you heard about earlier:

  • Reproductive Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • Environmental Justice
  • LGBTQ Plus Rights
  • Immigration Rights

Our very democracy itself are all under seige. 


I’ve got some news for the forces of bigotry and oppression though Wendy Davis’s filibuster has never really ended. More and more of us have just picked it up and are expressing it in a multitude of ways.

It is not over.

This is not over.

You have awakened the sleeping giant. There is a great rumbling across the land. We are seeing it in elections and voting and public action over and over agaIn.

We are coming for justice and liberation. And we will not be sleeping though this revolution – a revolution that will once again alter the face of human history – a revolution that has already begun.

This is our moment for unutterable fulfillment. We shall overcome. We shall all be free. We shall live in peace.

That dream of Beloved Community lies just upon our horizon.

And love – love will guide us there.


Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As we go out into our world today, may we know the spiritual fulfillment of working together to do justice.
May we find solidarity beyond these church walls with the many, many folks in our community and our world, who like us, are striving to build the Beloved Community.
Guided by love, may we remain ever awakened to the revolution.
And in doing so, nourish souls and transform lives, including our own.
May the congregation say, “amen” and “blessed be”.
Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Interdependence Day

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
Rev. Michelle LaGrave
April 14, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We often speak of interdependence in terms of the web of all life, from earth to all the plants and animals. But what does interdependence mean in the context of human life? How does interdependence impact human relationships and human community?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Rev. Shari Woodbury

Welcome, all who seek renewal in a weary world.
Welcome, all who come with love and energy to share.
Welcome, to those who worry for the future.
Welcome, each one who is grateful for today.
Know that in this place, you are not alone.
In community we share our strength with one another
and we keep the flame of love burning bright.
Know that in this place, responsibility is shared.
Here, tradition holds us; ancestors shine a light from the past.
Here, the young lift their bright faces, and beckon us onward.
Take my hand, and we can go on together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Robin Wall Kimmerer
An excerpt from Braiding Sweetgrass

Scientists are interested in how the marriage of alga and fungus occurs and so they’ve tried to identify the factors that induce two species to live as one. But when researchers put the two together in the laboratory and provide them with ideal conditions for both alga and fungus, they gave each other the cold shoulder and proceeded to live separate lives, in the same culture dish, like the most platonic of roommates. The scientists were puzzled and began to tinker with the habitat, altering one factor and then another, but still no lichen. It was only when they severely curtailed the resources, when they created harsh and stressful conditions, that the two would turn toward each other and begin to cooperate. Only with severe need did the hyphae curl around the alga; only when the alga was stressed did it welcome the advances.

When times are easy and there’s plenty to go around, individual species can go it alone. But when conditions are harsh and life is tenuous, it takes a team sworn to reciprocity to keep life going forward. In a world of scarcity, interconnection and mutual aid become critical for survival. So say the lichens.


Text of Rev. Chris’ Homily is not available.

Rev. Michelle’s Homily

A little over 30 years ago, I headed off to Norlands Living History Center in Livermore, Maine. I had recently graduated from college with a double major in history and anthropology. I was especially interested in museum education and historical archaeology. And, after 17 years of schooling, I was especially interested in not spending most of my days reading, researching, and writing. So it was, that with great excitement and a little trepidation, I headed off to live and work on a historic farm.

While we had some hidden access to modern amenities like running water, real bathrooms, minimal heat, and electricity, we interns, of which I was one, lived as if the year was 1870 most of the time. As it was a working farm, chores needed to be done whether visitors were present, or not, and they were divided by gender. Much of the time, I was the only woman intern. I rose early, dressed in costume, walked the half mile uphill from the 1795 house in which I was living to the main area of the farm. I milked the cow, fed the chickens, collected eggs, pasteurized milk, made butter and cottage cheese, did all the cooking on a wood stove, weeded the garden, and so on. Fall was a time of harvesting, canning, making apple cider, bottling hard cider. Winter brought lots of snow and ice, horse-drawn sleigh rides and cutting 2 foot thick ice from the pond for the ice house. I taught school in the one room schoolhouse, danced in the barn on Saturday nights, made homemade ice cream, and finished off crazy quilts. I assisted with the births of piglets and a calf. And, when visitors weren’t around, I had the opportunity to try my hand at the men’s chores, too, like driving the team of oxen to pick rocks out of the fields before they were plowed and splitting wood and, yes, I learned there were some very practical reasons for the old fashioned division of labor.

Most of all, though, I was amazed at how much I had learned to do, how empowered I felt, how self-reliant I had become. I imagined that I could homestead, someday, if I wanted to. I was taken in by this feeling of independence.

And then I got sick, really sick, and I learned that feeling of independence was just a feeling; that in some ways all that selfreliance was just an illusion. I was the last of the interns to come down with whatever it was. I became feverish, weak, and beyond exhausted. The director of the museum had to take me home, down the hill to that 1795 house, get me inside, start the fire in the wood stove, and make sure I had plenty of wood right next to the stove. I fell into bed and slept, getting up only to put more wood in the fire or use that hidden bathroom.

And, at some point during that time, I began to feel better enough to think and I realized how totally and utterly dependent I was on other human beings. If I were all alone, I would not have been able to make it outside, through all the snow, over to the woodshed, and brought in all that wood. I would have frozen, become hypothermic.

Remember what I said last week? About how our lived experiences are the raw material, the scripture from which we build our theology? I was not yet a minister, had not yet been to seminary, or even graduate school and had not been raised UU. Though, as Callie Pratt, I attended an 1870 Universalist meetinghouse on Sundays, I had not yet been exposed to the Unitarian Universalism of the modern day, or its Principles, or its Values. I knew nothing of the interdependent web and was not familiar with the concept of interdependence. I was fascinated by these ideas of and feelings about independence and dependence; how both could be true at the same time. I did have a lot of survival skills and I did need other people in order to survive. I had experienced, in a very in-your-face kind of way, the concept, the reality of interdependence. Revelation was not sealed.

We humans are just like the algae and fungi of this morning’s reading; fairly independent when resources are plentiful, fairly dependent when resources are scarce, and totally interdependent – with each other, with the earth, and with all of life, all of the time.

And, we people of First UU Austin, are like the people in this morning’s story: a community in which each person has a role to play, each person is needed, and each person needs each other; it is all together that we become whole.

As Unitarian Universalists, we often place a high value on individuals hearing a call, finding a purpose, seeking fullfillment, and so on. Sometimes, we just want to be helpful, or useful. It can be easy for us to focus on these roles as something of a higher purpose. But today, and especially because it is New Member Sunday, I want to ask us, all of us, to focus on the opposite – on being helped, on allowing ourselves to be helped. (in appropriate ways, of course) I’d like us to think about how being served is of as much value as being of service. We all have different skills, different needs. We all go through times of joy and times of struggle. We all have times of service and times of being served. None of us should focus overly much on one over the other. Both are important. Balance is important. We are an interdependent community. With each other, with the earth, with all of life.

We all need one another, in all the ways, and all the time.

May it be so. Amen and Blessed Be.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words

by the Rev. Peter Raible

We build on foundations we did not lay
We warm ourselves by fires we did not light
We sit in the shade of trees we did not plant
We drink from wells we did not dig
We profit from persons we did not know
This is as it should be.
Together we are more than anyone person could be.
Together we can build across the generations.
Together we can renew our hope and faith in the life that is yet to unfold.
Together we can heed the call to a ministry of care and justice.
We are ever bound in community.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Easter Sunday 2024

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
March 31, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In the gospel stories, the people who found Jesus’ tomb empty or experienced his resurrection felt uncertain. They wondered: What is happening? What does this all mean? What should I do? Like them, we too, have much to feel uncertain about – in our lives, in our church, and in the wider world, and we ask ourselves similar questions. What might happen if we decided to embrace these feelings and experiences of uncertainty? What gifts might we discover? What joy might we find?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

On this joyous day, enter into this sanctuary with an alleluia in your heart, and a hosana on your lips. For though we know not what tomorrow, or even today, will bring, we know that we have each other and that makes us rich in spirit. So let us rejoice and be glad. Our hearts beat as one community. We share a great Joy and a great Love. Hallelujah and Amen.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Mark 16:1-8 NRSVUE (New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition)

16:1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him.

2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb.

3 They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?”

4 When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back.

5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

6 But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him.

7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.”

8 So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.



It is so good to be back with you all this Easter Sunday.

In the Christian religious tradition, a major theme during the Easter holidays is death and resurrection.

As most of you know, my spouse, Wayne, entered home hospice care about three weeks ago.

So I have been thinking about this theme a lot.

By the way, Wayne is fine with me sharing our journey with you. And what rises up for me within the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus in the Christian gospels is that we can find a larger theme about faith rooted in a love powerful enough to embrace uncertainty and unknowing.

And, of course, death may be our greatest unknowing.

Within the time between Jesus’ death and when he rises again, the Gospels tell of a great unknowing.

Those days contain so much uncertainty. Has the promised Messiah really been vanquished? What are his disciples and followers to believe now?

What will become of the movement for justice and love he had begun?

Additionally, the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all tell the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection differently. As far as the resurrection, among the many differences between the gospels are:

  • which folks first arrived at the tomb of Jesus,
  • whether or not they experienced a violent earthquake,
  • and how and to whom we experience Jesus reappearing after he has risen from the tomb.

These are just a very few of the differences. 


I think that these variances between the gospels also create a sense of uncertainty, require a faith in the metaphorical messages they all present about about a divine love that lasts forever and focuses especially upon the disenfranchised and the downtrodden.

But perhaps we find this theme of uncertainty the most in the gospel of Mark. As you heard in our reading earlier, the original version of Mark ended without a scene in which Jesus reappeared at all.Instead, a mysterious young man in a white robe, presumably an angel, tells the women who have come to the tomb to anoint Jesus that he has risen, and that they are to tell his disciples that he will meet them in Galilee.

But they are terrified and flee the tomb, saying nothing to anyone.

Now, apparently that original version of Mark got terrible reviews, and I understand that Jesus was extremely miffed about not getting to make his final appearance.

So, later biblical scribes added not one but two happy endings, in which Jesus does reappear – several times – to many different people – and then ascends to right hand of God, and they all live happily ever after, proclaiming the good news.

Personally, I like the original ending of Mark much better. Because it is filled with uncertainty and unknowing, just like life is.

Those of you who saw my message to the congregation earlier this week know how much uncertainty Wayne and I are living with on a day-to-day basis.

This church has shown such resilience through so much uncertainty, from surviving through the stay at home days of the pandemic; to the retirement of a much loved minister due to serious health issues; to a time of much transition and unknowing between called ministers.

Any now this, with me and mine.

And yet, I think the real message we can find in the original Mark and in the broader themes of Easter is about how love not only sustains us through uncertainty and loss, it can help us find new life and new creative possibilities out of the unknowing.

I think this is the true essence of having faith. The very word faith implies uncertainty. I believe, in fact, that faith without uncertainty becomes dogma and fundamentalism.

True faith is when, even out of our state of unknowing, we invest ourselves in trusting that love survives all, continuously giving rise to rebirth and renewal.

When we engage in a great love like Wayne and I have for almost 34 years; a great love for all humanity and all that is;

  • or a love for an art or music;
  • or a love for searching out new discoveries in physics
  • or computer sciences or the endless mysterious of consciousness and the human mind;
  • or perhaps some combination of many or all of these and more.

When we build a love as great as this, we have already created the resurrection. 


Happy Easter, my Beloveds.

Together, may love lead us to rebirth and renewal, time and time agaIn.


Back in the day (I love that I get to say this now) which was about 17 years ago, I was in seminary, going through a process that we call ministerial formation. That means that I was growing into a minister and there were a lot of people involved in helping me to grow, especially a lot of professors and ministers and even some psychologists, as well as the other seminarians. Back then, we had to pass through 2 committees to become a UU minister, to get fellowshipped. That meant going before a group of about 8 or so people and getting questioned on a variety of things.

The first committee was called the Regional Subcommittee and that one happened early in our formation. Once we passed through the Regional Subcommittee, we became candidates for ministry. It was a big and exciting step in the process of becoming a minister. So at the end of my first year of seminary, it was with a great deal of excitement and apprehension that I went before the New England Regional Subcommittee. And guess what happened?

I didn’t pass. I didn’t pass. After my interview, they called me into the room, and picture this -I sat before a room filled with about 8 people and they told me what they thought I needed to do to become a minister. They said a lot of things that day, including that they thought my therapist wasn’t doing me any good and they thought I needed to get a new one so that I could better integrate my life experiences into my ministerial formation. I was shocked that the committee could and would be so bold to say such things to me. And I was devastated. I had felt my call to ministry to clearly and strongly that I was heartbroken to hear that I had more work to do and needed to come back to the committee next year.

I left the building and sat on a bench on Boston Common and wept. I was grief-stricken. I felt the committee had an image in mind of who I needed to grow into but I couldn’t see that image and I didn’t know how I could grow into something that I couldn’t see or even imagine. I was filled with uncertainty.

In some ways all of our lives are filled with uncertainty. We never know for sure what will happen tomorrow, later today, or even a few minutes from now. Most of the time, we don’t think about all of that uncertainty all that much. And there are other times when are lives seem filled with uncertainty. Maybe even rich with uncertainty. Or pregnant with uncertainty. Like the seeds we planted this morning and many of you will plant later today or this week, we don’t always know what it is we are growing, exactly. We might have an idea, like that we are growing some kind of plant, or growing as a human, or growing into a better minister but we don’t always know what that looks like, exactly.

These times, these potentially rich times of uncertainty, are times when we can grow as individuals, as families, as a church community – if we embrace them. If we embrace uncertainty and allow the growth, as difficult as it may be, to happen, we can find joy, even in the midst of grief.

So, back to that scene on the Boston Common. What happened? Well, I did a lot of thinking, a lot of grieving, and a lot of processing. I thought about all the ministers I knew who I respected and admired, affirmed to myself that my call was clear and true, and decided to embrace the process, even though I didn’t understand it and couldn’t see the outcome. I did all of the things that the committee asked of me: I took an extended unit of CPE, clinical pastoral education, I continued my seminary studies, I took a job working in a church as an interim ORE, Director of Religious Education, I took care of myself – and got diagnosed with and treated for an autoimmune disorder, and … I got a new therapist, who worked with me by using the enneagram as a model for personal and spiritual growth.

And guess what? The committee was right. I had needed a new therapist. I had needed all the things they prescribed. As horrible and devastating and grief-filled as the experience was, it was also a time of great growth, great joy, and great love. And I am filled with gratitude for the committee, and the person, who with great courage, spoke the truth, the hard truth, to me, in Love. So, the next year, I returned to the Regional Subcommittee and passed into candidate status, and later went to see the MFC, the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, with passed with the highest ranking. My experience with the MFC was the complete opposite of my experience with the Regional Subcommittee – instead of being devastated, I was filled with joy.

There have been, and are, and will continue to be times in my life that are rich with uncertainty, as is true of all of you, and of this church. This church has been filled with uncertainty for several years now. You went through a pandemic and began recovering, only to find that your senior minister needed to retire for devastating medical reasons. You’ve called and settled one co-lead minister, only to hear that his husband has now entered hospice. And you’re approaching the end of your second year with interim ministry. This church is rich with uncertainty and grief. It is also pregnant with great joy and new life. May you, may we, all embrace the gift of uncertainty and in the midst of grief give birth to new energy, new joy, new hope, new life, and new love. For you are held in Love, not only by me, and Rev. Chris, but also a wider community of ministers and UU congregations. Have faith, dear ones, have faith. As Julian of Norwich had said and Rev. Meg has sung many times – all will be well, all manner of things shall be well.

Amen and Blessed Be.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


In times of uncertainty, and grief may you always be open to
New Growth
New Joy
New Love

Go in peace, knowing that you are Loved.

Amen and Blessed Be


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Wholly Spirited

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and OWL Facilitators
Kinsey Shackelford, Amanda Ray, Isaac Braman-Ray, and Elizabeth Gray
February 18, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is the nationally renowned sexuality education program rooted in our faith values. Developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church Board of Homeland Ministries, OWL includes age-appropriate curricula for people from kindergarten through older adulthood. Come and find out about how OWL is an essential element of our faith development ministries here at First UU Austin and the differences it is making in the lives of people in our religious community and beyond.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

By Elizabeth Canfield
From OWL Facilitator Training

I’ve often wondered what it would be like if we taught young people swimming in the same way we teach sexuality. If we told them that swimming was an important adult activity, one they will all have to be skilled at when they grow up, but we never talked with them about it. We never showed them the pool. We just allowed them to stand outside closed doors and listen to all the splashing. Occasionally, they might catch a glimpse of partially clothed people going in and out of the door to the pool and maybe they’d find a hidden book on the art of swimming, but when they asked a question about how swimming felt or what it was about, they would be greeted with blank or embarrassed looks.

Suddenly, when they turned 18, we would fling open the doors to the pool and they would jump in. Miraculously, some might learn to tread water, but many would drown.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


“BREATHS” Lyrics
Ysaye Barnwell

Listen more often to things than to beings
Listen more often to things than to beings
‘Tis the ancestor’s breath when the fire’s voice is heard
‘Tis the ancestor’s breath in the voice of the water.

Those who have died have never, never left
The dead are not under the earth
They are in the rustling trees
They are in the groaning woods
They are in the crying grass,
They are in the moaning rocks
The dead are not under the earth.


Those who have died have never never left.
The dead have a pact with the living.
They are in the woman’s breast,
They are in the wailing child
They are with us in our homes.
They are with us in the crowd
The dead have a pact with the living.



The UUA and The United Church Board of Homeland Ministries

From The Advocacy Manual for Sexuality Education, Health and Justice; resources for communities of faith

It is our religious heritages that compel and guide us to create a safe environment within which people can come to understand and respond to the challenges facing them as sexual beings. We are grounded as faith communities in a common and continuing promotion of justice for all people. We affirm the dignity of the individual, the importance of personal responsibility, and the essential interdependence of all people.

We believe that humans seek meaning in life and organize into religious communities to pursue meaning as a common endeavor. We believe that sexuality can enrich life and is thus an essential concern of religious communities. We recognize that people can encounter the spiritual through sexual expression.

Therefore, we believe the religious community must take an active role in the promotion of education and justice in human sexuality. To accomplish this, religious communities must engage in a wide range of activities and address the whole person through worshipping, nurturing, educating, supporting, challenging, advocating, confronting, forgiving, and healing.



Kinsey Shackleford

Kinsey: Hi there, I’m Kinsey. I use she /her pronouns. I am a white woman with dark blonde hair, rainbow earrings, and a striped shirt. I am First UU Austin’s OWL Coordinator. I was first introduced to OWL when I began working here at the church, and soon was trained to be a facilitator for grades K-12. Last spring, I taught a class of Kindergarteners and 1st graders, whom you’ll hear from in a moment. I’m currently one of the four fabulous facilitators for the 5th and 6th OWL class. I love teaching OWL because it fights shame and stigma. Shame of our bodies, shame of our families, shame of who we love and how we identify. Liz Jones, former Director of Religious Education at First UU San Diego, says it best:

“By honestly and openly addressing sexuality in appropriate ways we are honoring them as whole people. We acknowledge their worth and dignity. Through offering our sexuality program, we not only honor each individual, but through knowledge we help each other along the path to respecting and honoring those who are different from ourselves.”


I believe this work changes lives. I believe the kind of education and open conversations about sexuality and right relationships with one another, the kind that happens in OWL leads to better quality of life. But don’t just listen to me, listen to those kids who have gone through the OWL program. Thank you for your time today.

Student 1: Please watch!

Kinsey: So, teach us OWL real quick.

Student 2: (writing on a chalkboard) these are kids. They want to go to OWL, but they don’t know anything about OWL. We would have to show them, tell them, and give them an idea of what it’s like.

Kinsey: What do you remember about OWL class?

Student 2: I remember we talked about our bodies.

Kinsey: What about our bodies?

Student 1: How babies are made!

Student 2: And our private parts.

Student 1: It’s meant for questions.

Kinsey: What would you say to someone who said “I don’t wanna take OWL”

Student 1: I’d say, you should take OWL, you can learn more about your body. And if they said no…

Student 2: I’d be like, too bad!

Student 1: I’d say, it has some really interesting stuff in it. You get to do crafts…and yeah, fun stuff!

Kinsey: What do you think is the most important thing that you learned from OWL?

Student 2: Probably that…

Student 1: How babies are made!

Student 2: Probably that there are so many secrets to unfurl… and we don’t even know a lot, like do the sperms and eggs have names like ‘hi, I’m Johnson!’ or ‘hi, I’m Linguine!'”

Kinsey: What did you learn about gender identity and pronouns when you were in OWL?

Student 2: If you have a vagina, they call you a girl from birth. If you have a penis, they call you a boy from birth.

Kinsey: Is that always the case?

Student 1: No.

Student 2: No, it’s not.

Kinsey: Sometimes it is and that’s okay! Sometimes it isn’t…

Family Member: And that’s okay too.

Kinsey: If you were talking to a kindergartener who was thinking about going to OWL, what would you say to them?

Student 2: I’d say OWL is a very good place to learn about your body. Penis or no penis, vagina or no vagina, you will learn more about it if you go to OWL.

Student 2: (drawing on the board, one tall person and one short person): Here’s us.

Family Member: You’re so much bigger than the kindergartener.

Student 1: Yeah!

Captioned on screen: Drawing different types of families…in OWL, we learn that love makes a family.

Kinsey: Should more people take OWL?

Both kids: Yes!

Student 2: It’s fun and you get to learn more about your body and how bodies work.

Student 1: Yeah…and how babies are made.

Caption on screen: You heard it from the students, now come and learn for yourself! Visit for more information.

Amanda Ray and Isaac Braman-Ray

Elizabeth Gray:

Back in 2009, along with my husband Eugene, I participated in an Adult OWL class taught by Michael West and Barb Tuttle, both members of this church.


Oprah Magazine sent out a journalist to report on us, since Adult Sex Ed was apparently a thing, and they wanted to write about it. When the article was published online, I read the comments. I remember one disparaging remark “Why do adults have to meet in a church basement to learn how to have sex?” Well, I thought-first, we are in Texas and our church doesn’t have a basement! But indeed, why do adults-grown ups!–need to learn about sex–what do they not already know?

Why are there three comprehensive OWL curricula for adults:

  • Young Adults (ages 18-35)
  • Adults (ages 36-50)
  • Older Adults (over 50)

Young adults need accurate information, they are increasing their self-knowledge, and need help with safety and strengthening interpersonal skills.

The Adult curriculum

  • uses values, communication skills, and spirituality as starting points,
  • builds an understanding of healthy sexual relationships,
  • affirms diversity, and
  • helps participants accept and honor their own sexuality throughout their lives.


The Older Adult classes address sexuality with candor, sensitivity, and respect for older adults’ wisdom and life experience. Or put another way, the Adult OWL classes meet participants where they are:

  • How can I enjoy sex if I’m struggling with infertility and it feels like work,
  • not pleasure?
  • How do I manage being a parent and a sexual person?
  • How do I enjoy my sexuality if I’ve lost a breast to cancer?
  • Can I feel sexually satisfied if I am alone-if I don’t have a partner?”
  • What happens to my sexuality if I or my partner no longer want the intimate
  • activities we enjoyed in the past?


Your sexuality doesn’t end because you are alone, divorced or widowed, unwell, disabled, over 60, or just too tired tonight. Sexuality is part of who we all are at our core. It must be integrated into our spirituality because for UUs, spirituality is about wholeness.

And yes, back to that group in the church basement, when you take an Adult OWL class you are very likely to learn something you didn’t know.

As an OWL instructor, I never want to let an opportunity pass for us to learn about our sexuality. Here’s an example:


The picture is a fist-sized pink object that looks sort of like a sensual sculpture of an orchid flower.

Shout it out if you recognize what this is.

That’s right, it’s an anatomically correct model of a clitoris, probably more detailed than what was in your high school biology textbook.

Sexuality. It really is Our. Whole. Lives.

Rev Chris Jimmerson:

I wanted you to know their great work and how vital the OWL program is to our faith and this church – the difference it makes for folks’ human and spiritual development.


I believe OWL is one of our faith’s and our church’s greatest contributions to nourishing souls, transforming lives, and doing justice.

And as your newly installed settled minister, I wanted emphasize, as so many know, that this and our other great religious education offerings are not something that just happens back there in that other part of the church.

They are vital to us living our our values and mission.

I want to bring RE into the sanctuary and into the entire life of the church and visa versa. So, I wanted you to hear about OWL today because it matters. It is integral to our faith.

You know, sometimes we say that our children and youth are the future of our UU faith and our church. To that I would add – they are also our UU faith and our church right now.

I am so grateful for work this church does in religious education and bursting at the seems proud of our OWL program. They bring our faith alive and move it toward the future about which we dream.

And amen to that. May you know, peace, love, and joy.


As we go back out into our world today, may you be held by the love of this religious community throughout the moments of your daily lives.

Until next we gather again in this place that is sacred to us, may we experience the holy amidst all we encounter.

May the congregation say, “Amen”, and “blessed be.”


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Talkin’ bout a Revolution

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
February 11, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In our mission, we say that we “do justice”. What if truly doing justice requires not just new ways of thinking but new ways of being? Equity instead of equality? Liberation versus liberalism? Proximity rather than paternalism? What if we moved beyond charitable compassion to a love that is revolutionary?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. One goes to the unprotected those, precisely, who need the law’s protection most! – and listens to their testimony. – James Baldwin

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.

What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places – and there are so many – where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.

And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.

– Howard Zinn


I want to share something with you.


That’s Danez Smith, award winning poet, writer, and performer who identifies as queer, non-binary, and HIV positive.

It is part of their poem “Principles”.

If you get the chance, it is well worth watching the rest of their performance, which you can find on YouTube. Their words demand to be heard.

Because Danez Smith isn’t calling for incremental fixes to a country filled with so many systems of oppression and denial that we can no longer believe that those systems are “broken”.

When year after year, we witness the continued killing of unarmed BIPoe folks by law enforcement – When one out of every seven police interventions results in bodily injury – When we know that one out of every eight black person in the U.S. will be sent to prison –

When year after year after year, despite both so called liberal and so called conservative interventions, inequities by race, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation and more continue to persist in employment, income, wealth, housing, healthcare, education, food and nutrition, well just about every facet of life in the U.S., every system and sector of our society, we have to face the reality that these systems are not broken.

They are functioning exactly as they are intended.

They are concentrating more and more wealth and power within the control of fewer and fewer folks.

And still, most of them white. Most of them male. Most of them heterosexual. Most of them Cis. Most of them already born into power and wealth to begin with.

That’s the system.

So, Danez Smith is crying out not to repair America around the edges, but to replace our fundamental societal structures with something entirely new that lives up to the values of justice, liberty, and the potential for human dignity and fulfillment we claim to hold.

Here is more of what they have to say:

i want to be a citizen of something new.
i want a country for the immigrant hero.
i want a country where joy is indigenous as the people.
i want a country that keeps its word.
i want to not be scared to drink the water …
i want a country not trying to cure itself of me …
I want a nation under a kinder god.
I want justice the verb not justice the dream.”

Danez Smith is “talkin bout a revolution”. My words, not theirs.

Well, those of Traci Chapman in the lyrics of her song we heard earlier.

And so, if are to make justice a verb, to do justice as we say in our mission, if we are to tear down the systems of injustice we have now and build new ones – build The Beloved community – we need a revolution in our ways of thinking and being in our world.

Folks as diverse as Bryan Stevenson, social justice activist and law professor to faith activist Rev. William Barber, provide what I think are at least fours ways in which we can create that revolution.

The first is to root our work for justice in a theology that moves and sustains us.

Now that word theology can sometimes freak out some Unitarian Universalists (UUs for short) because it can imply a creedal belief system involving a God or Gods.

But it does not have to involve these things.

Rev. Dr. Elias Ortega, of our UU Meadville Lombard Theological School describes how theology can be “practices of being, thinking, and acting in the world” that move us toward that which we hold most vital.

For Unitarian Universalism, our theology grows out of traditions embracing the unity of all life and creation and a universal love that flows through our universe and our lives.

Our is a living, ever evolving theology of collective liberation, that values all people and beings, especially lifting up those of us who experience marginalization and inequity.

It is a relational theology that recognizes that each of us can only reach for our fullest creative potential when all of us are able to do so.

In the famous words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.”

We need one another.

The revolution, the Beloved community, can only become when it is co-created by us all.

And such a theology moves us to the second way we might build a justice revolution.

In the late 80s and early 90s, I was involved in non-profit HIV / AIDS research, education, treatment and humans services.

All greatly needed because so many people were suffering and dying from the disease.

And even though I could see every day how much this charitable work was necessary, I started to grow more and more depressed and disillusioned, as more and more people I had come to know and love died, one after the other.

I remember at one point looking through my contact list and realizing that at least a third of the people in it had died of the disease.

And so I began to realize that only providing charitable support, as much as it was needed, was doing nothing to address the systemic racism and anti-LGBTQ bigotry that were blocking people from learning how to keep from getting the disease in the first place and accessing treatment once exposed.

I began to see the complete lack of humanity in a healthcare system and drug development process that exist to worship the Gods of profit at the expense human life and wellbeing.

And so I knew I had to also get involved in activism and building new systems to replace those that were quite literally killing people.

Research from Darren Walker of the Ford Foundation reveals that the vast majority of charity in the U.S. actually goes from the wealthy to the wealthy – to healthcare facilities, institutions of higher education and the like that serve mainly the very rich.

And as I had discovered with HIV/AIDS, charity, wherein most often the powerful determine what and how to give to the less powerful, can frequently serve to uphold systems of inequity by alleviating just enough pressure to prevent the rebellion against them that might otherwise arise.

As educator and philanthropic innovation researcher Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen says, “Charity is about helping people survive. Justice is about helping people thrive.”

A theology of collective liberation moves us beyond charitable compassion toward a revolutionary love that dismantles the unjust systems creating the need for charity in the first place.

And this leads us to a third and corresponding way we can revolutionize how we do justice.

A relational theology requires us to be in proximity to those with whom we are trying to be in solidarity.

Mother Teresa once said, ” … it is fashionable to talk about the poor, it is not so fashionable to talk with them.”

We call for justice, yet we don’t want the multi-family, low cost housing project in our neighborhood.

We prefer to drive across town to volunteer for the charity health clinic.

And don’t put that homeless shelter in the old hotel down the street.

And lest we think this is a conservative versus liberal issue, research indicates that liberal enclaves are some of the most segregated in the country.

As our call to worship pointed out earlier though, to change systems, we have to be in conversation with those who are most affected by those systems.

And, further, collective liberation theology calls us to follow their lead.

In 2015, I joined a group ofUU’s from across the country in Selma, Alabama at the 50th anniversary commemoration of the march for voting rights across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Several of the mostly white UU s there had to be told that, no, they would not be at the front of the commemorative march across that bridge.

The black folks who had organized the event and whose lives had after all been most affected by the history being remembered were perfectly capable of leading their own march.

Here’s an example of when we’ve done better.

First UU helped to form the Austin Sanctuary Network, and from the beginning the sanctuary network has centered in its leadership folks most affected by our inhumane immigration system.

Collective liberation theology moves us from paternalism to proximity.

Finally, I believe that our faith is strong enough, our underlying theology powerful enough, that it can sustain us through the discomfort in which we will have to dwell at times in our journey toward transformation.


What in the world is Rev. Chris on about now?

Go with me for just a moment into some discomfort that exists right here within this here very church.

We have had a lot of surveys, listening sessions, and the like in the church over the last couple of years, haven’t we?

Well, some themes around where we feel discomfort have occasionally emerged.

For instance, we want First UU to be a strong force for justice in our world.

And there is some discomfort talking about politics in church.

But you know, a lot of what happens regarding justice or injustice, is enacted through legislation or through court rulings, both of which are driven by politics.

So, while we are prohibited from supporting political candidates or parties, we must move through any discomfort around justice-related political issues, whether in church or in the public arena.

I can assure you our fundamentalist faith counterparts have no such discomfort.

And further, given the need for revolutionary change that Danez Smith proclaims in their poem …

And given that far too often our political choices these days seem to be between regressivism at worst and painfully slow incrementalism at best, we will need even more than political engagement.

We will need more than protests and marches.

We will be required to dream of new societal systems and structures and to begin living out them out, sometimes in rebellious ways, within our daily lives.

And that can be extremely uncomfortable for those of us for whom the current systems provide privilege.

As author and activist Arundhati Roy says of war, “Colorful demonstrations and weekend marches are vital but alone are not powerful enough to stop wars. Wars will be stopped only when soldiers refuse to fight, when workers refuse to load weapons onto ships and aircraft, when people boycott the economic outposts of Empire that are strung across the globe.”

UU theologian (and one of my favorite people), Sharon Welch, applies this to the many aspects of our lives in her book, “After the Protests are Heard“.

She writes that we must notice “the ways ways our everyday decisions already create more justice.”

And though that awareness may sometimes bring discomfort, changing even small acts in our daily lives, as our reading earlier described, germinates seeds of hope and transformation.

Here are some of Danez Smith’s thoughts on that hope.


My beloveds, rooted in faith, we can move the mountain. Sustained by a theology of liberation for all of us, every single one of us, now, now, we’re talkin’ bout a revolution.


As we go out into our world now, may you carry with you a sense of the great river of love that flows through our universe and through each of us.

A revolutionary love that moves us toward equity, justice, and the realization of the Beloved Community.

May you also carry with you the love of this religious community, until next we are gathered again.

May the congregation say, “Amen”, and “blessed be”.

Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

2024 Animal Blessing Service

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
February 4, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Join us for an all ages service to bless the beloved animal companions in your lives. All friendly, well-behaved creatures young, old, great and small, furry and scaly are invited to this cherished annual tradition.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Ask the animals and they will teach you.
Or the birds in the sky and they will tell you.
Or speak to the Earth and it will teach you.
Or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know the breath of the divine has done this.
In whose care is the life of every creature and the breath of all human kind.

– Job 12, 7-10

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Rev. Gary Kowalski

Sense a solitude you can never fully enter into or understand.

Be aware that this is a being who has known hardships and hurts you can never imagine. This is a being who has known moments of wildness and innocence that you can never share.

Yet this is a creature who has desires like you. It walks the same ground and breathes the same air. It feels pain and enjoys its senses – the dazzling warmth of the sun, the cooling shade of the forests, the refreshing taste of pure water – as you do.

And in this we are all kin.

In that kinship, all life exists. Through that kinship, we can find wholeness. Out of that kinship we can draw wisdom and understanding for the healing of our common home.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Animal Blessing

For all the ways you enliven my days
I bless you.

For moments of oxytocin induced bliss
I bless you.

For knowing how I am feeling, often before I do
I bless you.

For so many moments of joy and laughter
I bless you.

For entrusting me with providing you with care and nourishment
I bless you.

For providing me with care and comfort
I bless you.

For helping me to find my center during times when I have struggled
I bless you.

For all the many ways you bless me more than I ever could you.
I bless you. I bless you. I bless you.


by Rev. Chris Jimmerson

Show joy when you first see your loved ones after being apart.

Except in the most dire of situations, retract your claws (unless it is all in good, playful fun).

Knock something off the shelf every once in a while, it’s fun and can open up new possibilities.

Delight in simple joys. Play a lot.

Never try to persuade humans to be reasonable.

Purr loudly or wag your whole body when you’re happy.

Sometimes a good howl or some hissing can help a lot, just avoid biting, which can get you in lots of trouble. Nap just for the pleasure of it.

Comfort others: accept comfort when you are able. Love freely, but never lose yourself in doing so.

May the congregation say, “Amen” and “Blessed Be”. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Universal Love

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
January 21, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Our Universalist heritage professed that God is love and would save everyone – “universal salvation”. No one would be condemned to hell. We have come to think of this as a universal love that calls us to “love the hell out of this!world” (thank you, Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford). Universal love calls us to create universal salvation in this world and in this time.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

“The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom.”

– bell hooks

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Rev. Sr. Tess Baumberger

Love is caring, affectionate, and loyal
It recognizes, knows, and respects the other.
Love is committed and trusting.
Love takes the risk of loving
Love is never hurtful, abusive, or neglectful. It does not coerce or dominate, Neither does it spoil or over-indulge.
Love is ethical, accountable and responsible.
Love does not lie to avoid conflict or to manipulate.
Love does not lie to trick or deceive.
Love is open and honest, but with a positive slant.
Love lives with integrity that wills cooperation
Though it is satisfying to love, Love is not about getting one’s needs met, nor solely about meetings others’ needs. True love is made of mutuality.
Love is a generous giver, and in giving it learns to receive.
Love places another’s interest on the same footing as our own.
Love is not so much a feeling as an action, A continuing active choice to nurture another’s wellbeing.
There can be no love without justice and equality. Therefore love requires that we subvert patriarchy, white supremacy, consumerism, ableism, anti-queerness, and all other forms of oppression.


“Love is the doctrine of our church: The quest of truth is its sacrament, and service is its prayer. To dwell together in peace, To seek knowledge in freedom, To serve humanity in fellowship, To the end that all souls shall grow in harmony with the divine Thus do we covenant with each other.”

Those words are from a covenant written by early 20th century Universalist minister, Rev. L. Griswold Williams that many our our fellow Unitarian Universalist congregations still affirm during their worship service each Sunday, including our Texas sibling, First Unitarian Church of Dallas.

Actually, it originally ended with “Thus do we covenant with each other AND WITH GOD, but the God part got removed in many later versions because, rather than reclaiming the term, we seem to have sometimes developed an allergy to the word “God”. In fact some of our churches use a similar version of it, written by a Unitarian Minister, that begins with “Love is the SPIRIT of this church”, instead of “doctrine. Rather than reclaiming it, we also seem to have developed an allergy to the word “doctrine”.

But I digress. Anyway, I wanted to start with this heritage of centering our faith in covenant, the promises that we make to one another about how we will be together in the ways of love, which we inherit from both our Unitarian and Universalist forbearers.

Today we’ll be particularly considering how our Unitarian Universalist or UU faith has begun to much more explicitly reclaim also centering our faith in a theology of universal love, bequeathed to us by that second U, Universalism.

Now, this religious community, our church, has a covenant that we call our “Covenant of Healthy Relations”, which I think is wonderful, because it acknowledges that love is not just a feeling.

It is also a verb.

We have to know what actions we will take, how we can live out love as a religious community on an ongoing basis.

At our December congregational meeting, we adopted a new version of our covenant, as a result of the great work of our healthy relations team, Julie Paasche, Tomas Medina, and our lay leader this morning, Margaret Borden.

They listened carefully to you all, folks from the congregation and engaged with another in some great discussions to discern how our covenant might better help us embrace things like our UU 8th principle and its call for us to dismantle racism and oppression.

So to begin, I would like to invite Julie, Tomas, and Margaret to lead us in a unison reading of the result of their great work – the new version of our covenant.

As a religious community, we promise:

To Welcome and Serve by:


  • Being intentionally hospitable to all people of goodwill Celebrating all aspects of diversity
  • Treating others as they wish to be treated
  • Being present with one another through life’s transitions Encouraging the spiritual growth of people of all ages


To Nurture and Protect by:


  • Communicating with one another directly in a spirit of compassion and goodwill
  • Ensuring those who wish to communicate are heard and understood
  • Speaking when silence would inhibit progress Disagreeing from a place of curiosity and respect Interrupting hurtful interactions when we witness them Expressing our appreciation to each other


To Sustain and Build by:


  • Affirming our gratitude with generous gifts of time, talent, and money for our beloved community
  • Honoring our commitments to ourselves and one another for the sake of our own integrity and that of our congregation
  • Forgiving ourselves and others when we fall short of expectations, showing good humor and the optimism required for moving forward Thus, do we covenant with one another.


Many thanks to our wonderful healthy relations team! “Thus, do we covenant with one another.”

Thus, do we promise to dwell together in the ways of love.

And that love is love with a capital L – a Universal Love that we draw theologically from our Universalist heritage.

Now, differing variations of Christian Universalism go all the way back to the very earliest days of Christianity.

Universalism was, and for some still is, a belief that God is all loving and would never condemn any of us to an eternity of damnation in hell – that God would eventually offer salvation to all souls.

This is why the term All Souls often shows up in the names of some of our UU churches.

This idea that God’s love is pervasive and includes everyoneGod’s love is universal- shows up over and over again in some form throughout the history of Christian religion.

And the idea that God’s universal love leads inevitably to universal salvation has been extremely controversial, also throughout Christian history.

It turns out, a lot of people really hate it when you get rid of hell. More on that shortly.

It was here in America though that the IDEA of Universalism actually came to take the institutional form of churches and societies of churches.

Now, our origin myth and miracle story for how universalism came to America (and eventually our UU faith) involves John Murray, a Methodist preacher from England who had converted to Universalist beliefs there.

After the death of his first wife and their infant son, as well as then being thrown into debtors prison, a dispirited Murray, his faith in doubt, gave up preaching and immigrated to America in 1770.

Upon arriving on the American coast, Murray’s ship got grounded on a sandbar.

While waiting for his ship to get freed, Murray went ashore, where he met a farmer named Thomas Potter, who had built a chapel on his land to accommodate itinerant preachers.

Upon learning that Murray was a preacher, Potter was convinced that Murray had been sent by God to proclaim the gospel in his chapel.

Murray resisted, but Potter convinced him to preach if the ship was still not free by that Sunday.

God kept the ship stranded past Sunday (at least from Potter’s point of view), so Murray preached. He made such a great impression that he ended up getting invited to spread the good news of Universalism up and down the East coast of the American colonies, eventually founding a Universalist church in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

And like many if not most origin myths and miracle stories, this one is not entirely true.

It was more likely a seasonal lack of wind than God that got and kept Murray’s ship stranded.

Universalism had already taken root in several other religious sects in the colonies.

And, in fact, Murray didn’t even focus on Universal Love and Salvation in his preaching at first. It was more likely his charisma that got him invited to preach throughout the area, at least in the beginning.

So the story is more complicated than the way in which we often tell it. But complicated stories don’t make for very good miraculous origin myths!

Incidentally, it is absolutely true that we get a strong heritage of feminism from American Universalism.

Murray’s second wife, Judith Sargent Murray, was an essayist, poet, and playwright – in the 1700s.

She advocated for women’s progress, and, under pseudonyms, sometimes male, she published such articles as “Desultory Thoughts Upon the Utility of Encouraging a Degree of Self-Complacency, especially in Female Bosoms” and “On the Equality of the Sexes” in the 1700s!

In 1863, Olympia Brown became the first woman to gain full ministerial standing from any denomination in America when she was ordained by the Universalist Church.

Perhaps the most influential force in the development of Universalism though, was the self-educated minister, orator, debater and writer Hosea Ballou.

He espoused ultra-universalism, the idea that God would not condemn humans to hell for any period of time at all, which led to much controversy and conflict with more traditional Universalists who believed God would temporarily condemn the wicked to hell for some unspecified period of time before eventually saving all souls.

The leaders of other denominations that were firmly committed to hell as a means for controlling human behavior, REALLY hated the idea.

Ballou firmly asserted that God was the embodiment of eternal love and seeks the happiness of all humans. He was convinced that once people knew this, they would take pleasure in living a moral life and doing good works.

In a famous story, Ballou was traveling with a Baptist minister one afternoon. The Baptist minister looked at him and said, “Brother Ballou, if I were a Universalist and feared not the fires of hell, I could hit you over the head, steal your horse and saddle, and ride away, and I’d still go to heaven.”

To which Ballou replied, “If you were a Universalist, the idea would never occur to you.”

Another time, an elderly woman, firmly committed to religious beliefs involving the depravity of human nature queried Ballou on whether he frequently asked his parishioners, “0, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Hosea Ballou responded, “No Madam. That class do not attend my church.”

I kind of feel that way about this church!

So, here is why I have given you this extremely brief and thoroughly incomplete taste, this smattering of stories from our Universalist inheritance.

As I mentioned earlier, our UU faith is reclaiming the relational, love-centered legacy of our Universalist heritage that has sometimes been overshadowed by the also extremely important focus on reason and individual autonomy of our Unitarian roots.

Though again, it is more completed than that. Both of our traditions contained elements of all of this and more.

Anyway in the time since our two Us merged in 1961, we have translated the Universalist concept of an all loving God, offering universal salvation after death, into a Universal Love that offers salvation in this world, in this life, in the here and now.

A Universal Love that like that big umbrella from our story earlier shelters us all under a shield of justice -love that when practiced moves us all toward liberation and freedom, as bell hooks wrote about.

The early 20th century Universalist minister and scholar Clarence Skinner wrote that Universalism answers the primal question of how we can “transform this old earth into the kingdom of heaven”.

My friend, the Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford, lead minister of LiveOak UU church, just says it calls us to “love the hell out of this world”.

Our UU theologian, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker refers to what I am calling Universal Love as being “alive and afoot in the cosmos … ” In this church, we sometimes call it as a river of love that flows through our Universe.

We began the sermon today with exploring how our UU faith is centered in covenant.

The covenant that we make with our fellow UUs throughout our faith is contained in Article II of our Unitarian Universalist Association bylaws.

These are the promises that all UUs make with one another about how we will dwell together in the ways of love.

Well, for over 5 years, our larger UU faith has been engaging in a process to update that covenant between all UUs, just as we did for our church covenant, though we didn’t take nearly as long.

Now, I do not have time to go into the details today. You can find more information at

Here though, is a graphic representation of the values we would covenant to affirm and promote under this proposed update.

 Love Flower Graphic

Now being UUs, some of our folks affectionately refer to this graphic as “the love flower.” And some of our folks derisively refer to this graphic as “that love flower.”

However, you feel about the graphic, it does illustrate how we might center our covenant in love.

Universal Love practiced through the values of Generosity, Pluralism, Transformation, Equity, Interdependence, and Justice.

Universal Love that, when lived through these values, moves us “towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others.”

My beloveds, as we face the many challenges of this election year – the frankly terrifying wave of authoritarianism flowing through our country – the war and violence in our world – the rampant injustices – the ongoing violations of the inherit worth and dignity of so many – centering ourselves in Universal Love is going to be more vital than ever.

And perhaps, just maybe, by centering ourselves in that Universal Love – we can take George Harrison’s words from our anthem earlier and make them universal:

Give us, ourselves, one another, and our world, love Give us love
Give us peace on earth Give us light
Give us life
Keep us all free from birth.

Who knew George Harrison might be a Universalist?




by Maya Angelou:


We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Love in the Hard Places

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
January 14, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Sometimes love feels easy, like when we think about our love for a beloved pet or family member. Other times, love feels hard, like when we encounter someone who feels difficult to love or when we are loving someone through a hard place. What happens when we lay sentimentality to the side and think about Love theologically or as a spiritual value?

Chalice Lighting

by Amy Carol Webb

We light this flame
For the art of sacred unknowing.
Humbled by all that we cannot fathom in this time,
We come into the presence of what we do know,
Perhaps the only thing we can ever know:
That Love is now and forever
The only answer to everything
And everyone
In every moment.

Call to Worship

by Joan Javier-Duval

Whether tears have fallen from your eyes this past week or gleeful laughter has spilled out of your smiling mouth

You are beloved, and you are welcome here

Whether you are feeling brave or broken-hearted, defiant or defeated, fearsome or fearful

You are beloved, and you are welcome here

Whether you have untold stories buried deep inside or stories that have been forced beyond the edges of comfort

You are beloved, and you are welcome here

Whether you have made promises, broken promises, or are renewing your promises,

You are beloved, and you are welcome here

Whatever is on your heart, however it is with your soul in this moment

You are beloved, and you are welcome here

In this space of welcome and acceptance, commitment and re-commitment, of covenant & connection,

Let us worship together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by the Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

I was talking with God the other day, ’cause we’re cool like that.
And God said “Hey, I want you to tell people something.”
And I was kinda busy, so I pretended like I didn’t hear.
And God poked me and said, “I’m not kidding. Pay attention,”
(’cause while we’re cool, we aren’t that cool
And I know when I have pushed it way too far.)
So I put down my coffee cup and I turned around.

And God said, “Let me hang a Word around your neck, so that Everyone can see it. And you better speak it when you’re out, ’cause I’ll know if you don’t.
And it will be heavy,
So heavy,
On your soul.”

And a Word was hung around my neck to take out to the people standing in the streets.
A Word was preached into my ear and laid into my mouth and burned into my Heart until all I could see was the shape of the Word and the Word was all.
And the Word was Love.

And God said “Now get out because
You don’t have all day, and that Word is gonna get heavier.
And you got some work yet to do.

So I’m taking my Word out into the world.

Love came down on this green earth.
Love came down and turned over the tables and set the world on its end
Love made it clear that it was the Word for the poor and the broken hearted. For the queer boi and the angry girl.
Love was the Word for late night hookers and the long haul truckers,
for the heroin junkie and the runaway cutters.

Love was the Word for all of the screwed up and pushed over and too tired and I can’t take no more.
Love was the Word for the HIV patient and the man with no papers.
Love was the Word for me and for you,
for the saints and the sinners and the scramblers in between.

Love came down and made a way
for there to be a way
and then
Love said “We are never going back.”

(he who has ears let him hear)

Love said we are all a part of something bigger and if you cannot rise with us, if you cannot Love with us
then you should get the Hell out of the way because
We aren’t going anywhere and you
are in the path.

(he who has ears let him hear)

Love came down for the World to know and
I’m holding out this Word so
even when you and God are just like that you can’t pretend you didn’t know.

I cannot put it down.

Not for a politician spewing hatred.
Not for a minister vomiting out bile in the costume of a saint.
Not for money or for country or for kin.

I’m holding my Word in my mouth
‘Cause the next time I see God I wanna be able to say “You gave me a
Word and I carried it just the way you asked.”

You gave it to me and I took it.
I showed it to everyone I met.

You gave it to me and I showed it to her and gher and ze and him.
I showed it to them and they and those over there.

I never put it down.
(I can never put it down).

I was talking with God the other day, ’cause we’re cool like that.
And God said “Hey, I want you to tell people something.”
And I was still kinda busy, so I pretended like I didn’t hear.
And God said, “I’m not kidding. Pay attention,”
(’cause while we’re cool, we aren’t that cool
And I know when I have pushed it way too far.)
So I put down my coffee cup and I turned around.

And then God gave me a Word.
And now I’ve given it to you.

Start moving.


Rev. Michelle LaGrave’s Homily

Every so often, I offer a Question Box sermon. I did one with Rev. Chris shortly after I arrived here this past summer. That’s when instead of an already prepared sermon, the congregation is invited to ask questions of the minister. The scope of questions is pretty open, within appropriate bounds. They might cover anything from UU thea/ology to UU history to world religions to congregational life to personal getting-to-know you kinds of questions. As you might imagine, it can be a lot of fun. It can also be … well, risky, because you never know what someone might ask.

I offered one of these question box sermons several years ago at the church I was serving in Omaha. And, as you might guess, someone came up with a doozy of a question. Are you ready for it? “Why is life so darn hard?”

“Why is life so darn hard?” Well, I didn’t know then and I still don’t know. It just is. It just is.

What I can tell you is this. As Unitarian Universalists, we build our thea/ology from our life experiences, whatever they may be, including, especially including, the hard things. That’s what makes us different from so many faith traditions. Instead of receiving an inherited body of theology, or creed, or doctrine, or dogma, we build our own thea/ology. And the material we use in doing so is our life experiences.

So we go through life, experiencing all of the hard things for ourselves or witnessing our friends and families and neighbors and each other experiencing their hard things, living in and through those hard places. Illness, job loss, people who are mean or unfair or unkind, addiction, and recovery, divorce, loss of abilities, coming out, not making the team, mental health struggles, unwanted moves from one place or home to another, homelessness. There are so many, many hard things, hard places, and hard, or hardened, people.

What are we to do about all of this hardness? About life being so darn hard?

As Universalists, one answer is … Love! We love each other while we are in and as we go through the hard places. We listen to and witness each other’s stories, the ways in which we each live out our lives and then weave them into a whole cloth of meaning.

Our Universalist ancestors tell us that Love is God and God is Love. This has been my experience as well. I remember one night, when I was a child, and I was in a hard place, tearfully lying in bed when all of a sudden I felt like I was being enveloped by a large, warm, hug. I was completely wrapped up in this powerful feeling of being Loved. Completely, thoroughly, peacefully, and warmly Loved. It was an almost indescribable feeling, one I attributed to G-d.

As an adult, my understanding of this spiritual experience has expanded to thinking of this as some kind of collective unconsciousness, or quantum entanglement, or the universe. But in the end, whatever the exact cause or nature of this experience of being loved, thea/ologically speaking, calling it G-d, in the end, still works for me.

Now while none of us can, individually, match this all-encompassing feeling of being loved for someone else, we can aspire to live out our lives in Love – love for each other and love for the people who are easier to ignore than to love, especially when they are a stranger to us. Our tradition of humanism teaches us this.

Here’s a story, shared on social media by a chaplain named J.S. Park:

A patient was yelling at someone, then at me. I had a few options.

1) Call security.
2) Keep walking.
3) Go confront him.
4) Go find his nurse. (The RNs love this. But really. They don’t.)
5) Ask him what he needed.

You might have guessed I picked 5. Here’s what happened:

I got up as close to this patient as possible – now my patient an arm’s length. Just out of striking distance. I asked, “What do you need right now?” No kidding, his mouth hung open. He stared at my hair. Back to me.

“Hungry,” he said. “I’m hungry. But I mean, I need real food.”

“Okay,” I said. “.. do you have any dietary restrictions?”

“No sir, I don’t,” he said. “I am the opposite of dietary restrictions. I am dietarily open-minded.”

“How about a hamburger and fries?”

“For real? You for real? Can I get two of each?”

He told me his story. He went to the ED which he thought would be a quick trip, but it turned into a week. He said the hospital food reminded him of prison food. He didn’t mind the hospital. But he didn’t like it reminded him of prison. He had cried himself to sleep every night.

Normally I don’t buy food for patients. But hearing his story – what else could I do? I checked with the nurse.

“Got enough burgers for the floor?” she asked, only half joking.

I went to grab his food. He almost lunged at the bag. Finished a burger right in front of me.


And he told me between bites: “Chaplain, believe it or not, but I’ve stayed at the Ritz. And this right here is the best burger I’ve ever had in my life.”

“I believe you,” I told him.

“Thanks, chap. That’s all I wanted.”

This patient was in a hard place and his behavior was probably making it difficult for anyone to feel compassion for him. And yet, the solution to helping him out was easy. The chaplain listened. The chaplain heard him. The chaplain fed him. This is Love. This is Loving someone through a hard place.

Have you ever loved someone through a hard place? Has someone ever loved you through a hard place?



Rev. Chris Jimmerson’s Homily

My uncle Bobbie was so very lovable. And, my uncle Bobbie could be extremely hard to love sometimes. That’s not as much of a paradox as it might seem.

Bobbie was brilliant and funny and caring and was the first in my family to recognize and accept that I was gay.

I will always remember the practical jokes he played on more than one of us. I can still picture him standing in a comer at the edge of family gatherings, quietly throwing in hysterical commentary at the goings on. His jokes and comments though were affectionate – most often pointing out something he loved about us in a humorous way.

I grew up with uncle Bobbie as one of my parental figures. He was my mom’s brother, and they had always been close, so our family and his would get together often.

My brother and sister and I grew up almost as as siblings with our cousins, Bobbie’s three daughters. They lived just outside of New Orleans, so visiting them was always an adventure compared to the much more staid little Southeast Texas town where we lived.

Bobbie was also manic depressive, which got much worse as he aged. When he was at the depths of the worst of his depressive states, what had been humor could turn biting and hurtful.

At the height of his manic states, he could become delusional, like the time he attached a giant television antenna to the top of his van and wired it into the dashboard radio so he could pick up what God was sayIng.

He got to the point in his 40s and 50s that he could no longer work, and my grandparents had to take care of him. At times, when the psychological illness had him in its grasp though, he could be very ugly to them, even physically threatening sometimes.

Eventually though, with the right medications, he was able to stabilize enough that he could live on his own again, but with their continued support.

But, when he was only 55 years old, Bobbie and a woman he begun seeing drove to Louisiana for a night out together. On their way back, they were in a terrible car wreck, and both were killed.

I will always believe though that Bobbie made it as long as he did because of the love and care of my grandparents, my mom, and his daughters, and that with that care he might have made it even much longer were it not for that tragic accident.

We had loved him through some very hard places.

On the night after Bobbie’s funeral, his youngest daughter, my cousin, Jeannie, her husband, Steve and I spent the night at my mom’s house.

As I said, Jeannie and I grew up together. She is several years younger than me though, and because of that age difference, we had always been that sort of “family close” – you know, where you have great familiarity and affection for each other because of spending so much family time together, but you don’t actually know one another all that well?

That evening, we talked until late. We told stories of Bobbie. We laughed and cried and were vulnerable with each other and got to know each other much more deeply.

After that, Wayne and I began to visit Jeannie and Steve in New Orleans when we could, and they would visit with us where we lived in the Heights area of Houston.

So, when Steve took a job in the Houston area, they moved to the Heights too, just a few blocks away from our house.

I was there when their first child, Robbie, was born, and Wayne and I used to help take care of Robbie when he was an infant, babysitting him from time to time so they could get a night out together.

Out of that terribly difficult tragedy of love lost, a new, much deeper relationship also came into being because we had loved each other through the loss.

Well, Wayne and I ended up moving to Austin, and Jeannie and Steve moved back to New Orleans, and life and then the pandemic happened, so we haven’t been able to stay in touch in the way that we used too.

And yet, Jeannie and I talked recently to catch up and make promises to each other to do better about staying in touch, and the most amazing thing happened. As we spoke on the phone, it was as if we picked things up right where we had left off.

The laughter and love and vulnerability with each other was right there, just like it had been when we could be together often. Love crosses the hard places and the hard times and the long distances of time and space, if we just give it the opportunity.

I’m betting many of you have had similar experiences.

You’re probably familiar with Brene Brown, a research professor and the Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair at the University of Houston School of Graduate Social work.

In her best-selling books, as well as her peer reviewed academic publishing, she often demonstrates that one of the ways that we become whole is through being vulnerable enough to express love even when it’s hard, to love even when we are finding others difficult to love sometimes.

She quotes Social psychologist and philosopher Erich Fromm, who said, “Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.”

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. King once said, “Love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. One who loves is a participant in the being of God.”

For me, theologically, we might express these ideas like this. There is a river of love that flows through the universe. This divine river, this eternally flowing process, pulls us toward more life-giving, loving, creative ways of being.

Sometimes we drift smoothly and easily in its currents. Sometimes, it feels as if raging rapids might pull us under. And yet always, we are also its tributaries.

We choose whether to add more love, strengthening its flow. We choose whether to create rapids that, rather than sweeping any of us under, instead carry us all toward a future of Beloved Community.

Even when it seems difficult, maybe especially when it is difficult, may we immerse ourselves into that river so that love may flow ever more powerfully.


As the Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker says, there is an all-encompassing Love which has never broken faith with us and never will.

Through all of your days and all of your nights, may you feel held in the arms of an all-encompassing, all-embracing, and everlasting Love.

And in all of your comings and all of your goings, may you tap into this Love and use it to bless all others as you yourselves are now blessed.

Amen and Blessed Be


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Lessons and Carols 2023

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson & Rev. Michelle LaGrange
December 24th, 2023
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

On Christmas Eve we hold our annual Lessons and Carols service featuring beautiful, holiday-related readings and singing carols together. We join together for this magical day of celebrating love, joy, and peace.

Chalice Lighting

On this night of anticipation, we raise our voices in story and song to greet Christmas. May the lessons of compassion, trust, and generosity alight within us and lead us into the new day, renewed.

Opening Words

by Rev. Mary Wellemeyer (adapted)

Like those shepherds who were on the hillsides with their flocks,
like those wise ones in their observatories with their telescopes and astronomical charts,
we find our daily work interrupted by these holy days.

And like them, we cannot keep on working, we must stop and listen to the
singing of the angels, and feel the call of that special star,

The little town of Bethlehem is thronged with people who have come to be taxed,
crowding streets and shops, and we must wind our way to an unknown place
where a wonderful new beginning awaits.

What precious new beginning are you seeking this night?
For what do you push through the crowds?
What message do the angels sing to you?
What is the call of your star?



“Cantique de Noel” (Adolphe Adam)
Katrina Saporsantos & Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen, vocals;
Benjamin Dia, piano


by Ellen Fay

It is the winter season of the year
Dark and chilly
Perhaps it is a winter season in your life.
Dark and chilly there, too
Come in to Christmas here,
Let the light and warmth of Christmas brighten our
lives and the world.
Let us find in the dark corners of our souls the
light of hope,
A vision of the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Let us find rest in the quiet of a holy moment to
find promise and renewal.
Let us find the child in each of us, the new hope,
the new light, born in us.
Then will Christmas come
Then will magic return to the world.

Carol “O Come All Ye Faithful” 


by Susan Cooper

So the shortest day came, and the year died,
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world
Came people singing, dancing,
To drive the dark away.
They lighted candles in the winter trees;
They hung their homes with evergreen;
They burned beseeching fires all night long
To keep the year alive,
And when the new year’s sunshine blazed awake
They shouted, reveling.
Through all the frosty ages you can hear them
Echoing behind us – Listen!!
All the long echoes sing the same delight,
This shortest day,
As promise wakens in the sleeping land:
They carol, fest, give thanks,
And dearly love their friends,
And hope for peace.
And so do we, here, now,
This year and every year.
Welcome Yule!

Carol “Joy to the World”


by Rev. Kendyl Gibbons

One of the great things about Christmas is that it is a sturdy holiday. Christmas doesn’t wimp out when times are hard – it comes anyway, even if there are hardly any presents, even when there isn’t much food to make a feast with, even if you’re sad, even if the world around you is at war, even if you are living in fear and danger and oppression, Christmas still comes.

And when it comes, Christmas is subversive. Christmas, with its story of an unwed mother and a doubtful father; with its legend of a helpless baby, born in a stable, who was worshipped by some of the wisest, richest men in the world; with its tale of the child pursued by the deadly wrath of kings, who escaped as a refugee to a foreign land far from home.

Christmas, with its ancient, enduring summons of peace on earth, good will to all people, everywhere. You can’t stop a day like that with a little hardship, or greed, or injustice. It will show up anyway, shining the light of a midnight star into the darkest places of our collective lives.

Do not underestimate the power of the manger, and the hope it holds. The Christmas song of the angels is not as innocent as it sounds. It has turned the world upside down before now. It still can.

Carol “Angels We Have Heard on High”


Luke 2:1-7

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.


by Rev. Frank Rivas (adapted)

My little sister, Renee, was ten years younger than I. When she was in kindergarten, I considered her to be the most obnoxious child on this planet.

So I decided to get her a lump of coal for Christmas. I know that people generally consider it Santa’s responsibility to give lumps of coal to kids who misbehave, but I had learned over the years not to trust Santa’s judgment. I’d seen it over and over again; the old man went easy on little kids.

So the responsibility fell to me. I searched the yellow pages, went to the nearest coal yard, picked out an exceptionally large chunk, wrapped it nicely in a box with a bow and placed it under the Christmas tree.

Our family encouraged recipients to lift, shake, and guess at the contents as soon as a gift was under the tree. Renee was fascinated. What gift could weigh so much?

By our Christmas morning tradition, the gifts were sorted into five piles; then one at a time, going around the circle as many times as necessary, we opened our gifts for everyone to see.

Renee opened mine first. As she unwrapped ribbon, paper and box, her excitement grew. My excitement grew too; the moment of reckoning was at hand. From her first glance at the coal she loved it. She screamed with delight and hugged me profusely.

How was I to know that only a week earlier, in her kindergarten class, she had learned to grow colorful crystals on coal. How was I to know that this would be her favorite gift?

There’s a moral to this story, my friends. Watch out for this season. There’s a spirit in the air that can turn even the most vindictive thoughts into good deeds.


Luke 2:8-14

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Hymn #244: “It Came upon a Midnight Clear”


Luke 2:15-20

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.


Sophia Lyon Fahs (adapted)

For so the children come
and so they have been coming.
Always in the same way they came-
Born of the seed of life.
No angels herald their beginnings.
No prophets predict their future courses.
no wise ones see a star to show where to find
The babe that will save humankind.
Yet each night a child is born is a holy night.
Sitting beside their children’s cribs-
Feel glory in the sight of a new beginning.
They ask “Where and how will this new life end?
Or will it ever end?”
Each night a child is born is a holy night-
A time for singing-
A time for wondering
A time for worshiping.

Carol No. 245: “Joy to the World”


by Lynn Ungar

Of course they never consulted us. They were wise men, kings, starreaders, and we merely transportation.

They simply loaded us with gifts and turned us toward the star.

I ask you, what would a king know of choosing presents for a child?

Had they ever even seen a baby born to such simple folks, so naked of pretension, so open to the wind?

What would such a child care for perfumes and gold?

Far better to have asked one born in the desert, tested by wind and sand.

We saw what he would need: the gift of perseverance, of continuing on the hard way, making do with what there is, living on what you have inside.s

The gift of holding up under a burden, of lifting another with grace, of kneeling to accept the weight of what you must bear.

Our footsteps could have rocked him with the rhythm of the road, shown him comfort in a harsh land, the dignity of continually moving forward. But the wise men were not wise enough to ask.

They simply left their trinkets and admired the rustic view. Before you knew it, we were turned again toward home, carrying men only half-willing to be amazed.

But never mind.

We saw the baby, felt him reach for the bright tassels of our gear. We desert amblers have our ways of seeing what you chatterers must miss. That child at heart knows something about following a star.

Our gifts are given.


“Carol of the Bells” (Mykola Leontovych; arr. Margaret Goldstone)
Benjamin Dia, piano


Rev. Michelle LaGraveand Rev. Chris Jimmerson

Let us take into our hands a Christmas candle, a Solstice candle
this is a night of ancient joy and ancient fear
those who have gone before us were fearful of what lurked
outside the ring of fire, of light and warmth.

As we light this fire we ask that the fullness of its flame
protect each of us from what we fear most
and guide us towards our perfect light and joy.

May we each be encircled by the fire and warmth of love
and by the flame of our friendship with one another.

On this night, it was the ancient custom to exchange gifts
of light, symbolic of the new light of the sun.

Therefore make ready for the light!
Light of star, light of candle,
Firelight, lamplight, love light
Let us share the gift of light.

Candle Lighting: “Silent Night, Holy Night” (Instrumental)

Carol “Silent Night, Holy Night”


by Howard Thurman

When the song of angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are
When shepherds are back with
their flock,

The work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost,
to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry,
to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among the brothers,
to make music in the heart.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words


It is not over, this birthing.
There are always newer skies
into which God can throw stars.
When we begin to think
that we can predict the Advent of God,
that we can box the Christ in a stable in Bethlehem,
that’s just the time that God will be born
in a place we can’t imagine and won’t believe.
Those who wait for God
watch with their hearts and not their eyes,
listening, always listening for angel words.

Singing Together


We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
And bring it right here

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
So bring it right here

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We all like our figgy pudding
We all like our figgy pudding
We all like our figgy pudding
With all its good cheers

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year


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