Joy is Resistance

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Kiya Heartwood
March 2, 2025
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

In these challenging times, Joy is one of our super powers. Learning to stay in the struggle with rest, community, and joy. That’s how we win.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Joy doesn’t betray but sustains activism. And when you face a politics that aspires to make you fearful, alienated, and isolated, joy is a final act of insurrection.

– Rebecca Solnit

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


God of Shadows, our fear of the unknown keeps us from moving at all. Help us not to know. Protect our minds when anxious thoughts about the future refuse to leave us alone.

Deepen our breath. Bring us into communities who can be trusted when they tell us we are safe. Comfort us when our minds become frenzied trying to determine what we cannot possibly know.

When questions of what is to come or who will stay with us haunt us, make us kind with our own self-talk, tender to our bodies, loving with all we do have control over. When no amount of courage can diminish fear’s power over us, remind us that we too have power as we rise to meet it, provide a way to peace, we will not fear the dark. Ase.

– Cole Arthur Riley


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

This sermon is called, “Joy is Resistance.” The phrase “Joy is the act of resistance” comes from a poem by Black Poet Toi Delacorte. It is a joy in resistance mantra that bears repeating.

Let me hear you say it. “Joy is Resistance!”

You got the you got the gist of this. Okay. What do I mean by joy, now I mean joy is everything about us that helps us thrive. Our laughter, our food, our favorite bad TV, watching bad TV or dancing cat memes, podcasts that spice up our lives, our outrageous outfits, board games, line dancing, hand-drumming, cool tattoos, playing Sufi music while we vacuum, singing loud or living louder.

Why? Joy is resistance.

Yes. We celebrate our choice in families, our beautiful friends, our fierce happiness in the face of insurmountable odds and crushing oppression. We go swimming or hiking and drink coffee or bubble tea, let the dog take you for a walk or nap with our cats. We go sunbathe in our rip Scooby-Doo t-shirt with our pet turtle.

We take our time. We just be. Joy is a priority. It makes the whole world better. Those of us who have been activists most of our lives, those of us who come from marginal groups, a lot of us here you know what

I’m talking about you’ve got to build for distance. Change takes time – fighting takes time – and we can’t burn out we’ve got to stay alive the entirety of everything for everyone the whole world gets better.

Let me hear you say it – Joy is resistance. We don’t just survive – we Revel, Revel in our dreams, our sexualities, revel in changing our minds, learning new things, and reviving old things, fixin’ things.

Yeah, we innovate, we recreate, we do do-overs, find a way out of no-way, find a way out of no-way, that’s what we do. We’ve done it our whole lives, they’ve done it for more than 2000 years. That’s how we make change. That’s how we make the world a fit place to live for our kids.

That’s how we do it. Let’s do it find a way out of no-way. We are those people. We explore our gender expressions – our communities – our shared power structures. We are fierce and kind. We are here for everyone all of us. Nobody is left out. Nobody is expendable.

So we study our ancestors. They were scrappy, they were stubborn, they were resilient, they were underestimated. We stand in a long line of beautiful brave humans and we all matter.

We all matter. Let me say it one more time in a presbyterian kind of way. We all matter. Every single one of us. So we can learn to ask for help. We can learn to ask for help. Sometimes we need help. And help when and if we are asked. You get me? Okay. Don’t quit. Rest.

Because joy is resistance. Can I get a witness?

It is a gloom and doom, mega depression, cocktail nightly, with dire predictions at every turn. But friends, let me speak the gospel of change to you.

The future is unwritten. The future is unwritten. “The future is unwritten.” That comes from “The Clash”, by the way, Joe Strimmer (1952 – 2002).

Though those of you who are theists may think there is a master plan and that God’s got it, but at best I subscribe to a more universalist approach in that we are wonderfully made. Yeah, and we can change the stuff we want to change. There’s a lot of stuff I want to change, how about you?

We are resilient, persistent, and focused. We come from a long line of activist, stubborn, civil rights warriors, suffragettes who believed a woman could be president even before women could vote.

We are too blessed. We come from strong and sturdy stubborn people who knew they could make a world they wanted who believed The future is unwritten. If you don’t know any other clash lyrics. This is a good one.

Let’s take a moment and call our ancestors. Who do we need to emulate right now? John Lewis, Alice Paul, Medgar Evers, Shirley Jackson Lee. Pete Seeger. Molly Ivins, Woody Guthrie, “This land is your land and my land” and it’s its own land and the ones who were here before us and those who will be after.

Friends we stand on holy ground in a world that needs us to be ourselves. Call out their names. Who are you calling? Who are you calling? Call them out. Call them out. (Names called out from the audience.) Theodore Parker.

Amen my people.

We need to get a grip. Our one sacred planet needs us now. We must stand up for justice now.

The future is unwritten. The future is unwritten. That means we can write it. We can write it. We can R-I-G-H-T it.

Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, who wrote a book in 1920 called “I Thou.” He contrasted the relationship we have with everything in our capitalistic society as an “I it” relationship. Is it kind of user relationship? That’s kind of what we have right now. We think about how to market to people and we don’t treat them as three-dimensional beings with hearts and minds. We think of them as people who can do our laundry. That kind of thing. That’s what I’m talking about.

Ourselves and what we use relating to the planet other people and everything as if it was all put here for exploitation. In my opinion that is how we have gotten in this mess we are currently in.

We have used ourselves into the climate crisis and the clock is ticking down. Damage has been done but we are still here. We are resilient and creative and the future is unwritten.

It is time to adopt a new philosophy, an “I thou” philosophy, approach to each other, to other beings, four-legged, winged, green, the entire holy sacred gift that being alive brings.

The future is unwritten.

Now is our time. We are here. We have each other. Risk some stubborn optimism friends, tenacity, Grit, hard work, joy, rest, lives built for the distance.

I want us to try and get past our despair because we’re in the middle of it. And it’s awful. It is awful. And I am not doing that kind of, you know, focusing or thing where everything is just fine, because it’s not. But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t built for this time. We are.

And we have enough friendship, and we have enough talent, and we have enough energy, and we can handle this. I don’t care how old you are. I don’t care what’s going on with you, it’s time.

Martha P. Johnson, she threw that brick. We’re going to put the T back in LGBT, right the hell now. You hear me?

So remember the joyous resistance – Don’t quit – Rest – Have fun, parties, dance, and cake. Cake – Tacos. Keep it going keep it going – Ice cream. What’s your favorite? Nice. Nice. Alright.

We know how to do this. We’re built for this. We’ve had plenty of people representing for us and now it’s our turn.

Alright. We’re reaching our goals. We’re gonna diplomacy, organizing, leadership, we’re going to get arrested when we need to. Y’all get me out of jail. I’m very claustrophobic.

We’re going to speak up and we’re going to love and we’re going to love and we’re going to love because the future is unwritten.

The future is unwritten and joy is resistance.


Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Remember the way of the wind
And breathe and blow
Remember the way of the fire
Sparkle, Glitter and glow
Remember the way of the water
And ebb and flow
Remember the way of the earth
And grow.


Most sermons during the past 25 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

How to stop being a Good Person

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Carrie Holley-Hurt
January 26, 2025
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We are a people who value transformation but so often, we tie ourselves to the fixed state of “good.” Join Rev. Carrie as she explores transformation and how it plays into our goal of a more just, loving, and compassionate world.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Reverend Drew Patton

If they ever ask you which side are you on,
tell them plainly,
I sighed with the people.
With the precious ones, all,
the integral, the soft and the fierce,
irreplaceable, the beloved,
if only by garden trees
who were born who breathe and survive.
Say I sighed with
those who keep watch beneath
the bright screaming arc of bombs,
With those who hide in dark doorways
or who through the moonlight flee,
with those who stay and fight
and with those who keep kept up all night
by hunger and grief and terror and rage
by desperate unruly hope.
Who are good and green at the root
who are more than the worst that they’ve done,
who do their best to love
and still pass on the hurt in themselves
that they hate.
But what when takes sides against each other,
the people, against even themselves,
side with whatever is human in them,
what is fragile and feeling and flesh.
Side with the truth of our stories.
Side with the fact of our pain.
Side with defiant insistence on freedom.
Side there again and again.
Side there today and tomorrow.
Side there the rest of your life.
Side there together until we belong each one to every other.
If ever they ask you
which side are you on
say it doesn’t work like that.
Tell them you side with the people
and abide where the people are at.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

Tell me about despair, yours,
and I will tell you mine.

Meanwhile, the world goes on.
Meanwhile, the sun
and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.

Meanwhile, the wild geese
high in the clean blue air
are heading home again.

Whoever you are,
No matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you
like the wild geese,
harsh and exciting,
over and over
announcing your place in the family of things.


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

So, during the Texas legislative session of 2021, probably in March, I found myself suited up and in an overflow room, waiting to testify against one of the many, many bills that day that we’re attacking the LGBTQIA plus community. I was perfecting my testimony, making sure it was respectful and even full of logical arguments.

And across the aisle was a large group of mostly young queer people who were sitting together and chatting. I was feeling so uncomfortable for them. I was thinking, “Y ‘all, be serious. they’re not going to take us seriously if you are not serious.” And then, theres a huge explosion of laughter from that side of the room and I turned kind of in exaperation. But, very quicky two things are revealed to me.

The first is that the person testifying at that moment was someone from a religious organization who was using God’s name to dehumanize and support a dehumanizing bill.
The second was that laughter was coming from the group because Rev. Johnston, who with great mercy and great love pulled their attention away from all that hate and onto her so she could fill them with love.

And that’s when it hit me. All this time I thought it was important for me to be “good enough,” to look presentable, to sound presentable, to play the part so that I could, what, beg for justice? But why was I trying to appeal to the egos of those in power who were causing harm when the people who needed love, attention, care, and solidarity were the people in that room having to fight for their humanity.

This was a major breaking point in my life. You see I spent so much of my life and so much of my energy trying to be good. Be a good girl, sweet, don’t bother anyone, be a good little born-again Christian, couldn’t have anyone going to hell on my watch. Be a good worker, a good student, a good friend, a good partner, a good mother, you get it. I pretzeled, and I pretzeled myself into being what I was told was good by all the powers that be.

Y ‘all, I am a recovering civ, having poured out all of my energy in an attempt to be affirmed in my goodness to those powers. And I don’t think I’m the only one. Because systems of supremacy, like white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, for example, spends a lot of energy trying to rob us and others of our humanity. And it often does so by wielding good like a weapon.

Even those who carry the most privilege in the supremacy system, y ‘all aren’t free. And if you don’t believe me, you cis-men, tomorrow go out in a dress. I guarantee you your male privilege will drop just like that.

Privilege and freedom, Those aren’t the same. And so the system does its best to keep us, all of us, pretzeling to stay in bounds of good. And this pretzeling takes us right out of our humanity. I can only conclude that’s because true liberation starts with the liberation of self.

There is so much liberation in seeing the humanity in ourselves, to embrace who we really are, our whole messy wholeness, to allow ourselves to be colored outside of the lines of what supremacy culture allows.

When we honor the humanity in ourselves, we honor the humanity in others. It’s much harder to other someone or demonize someone when we are working to see their full humanity. We stop judging them against impossible and dehumanizing standards and start allowing grace and compassion to come into our relationships.

Being good by squeezing ourselves in the acceptable boxes of supremacy thinking is incompatible with liberation because it’s incompatible with our humanity. Being good is also a fixed position. You attain it and then you got to stay there, which means growing is out of the question. And often you have to use all your energy just to stay in defense of growth.

This past summer at General Assembly, a time when When UUs from all over the place come together to decide on the direction of our faith, we had the opportunity to vote on the business resolution titled “Embracing Transgender Non-Binary Intersex and Gender Diverse People as a Fundamental Expression of Our UU Religious Values.” Now, spoiler, it passed. Which is great news. But during that debate, Some people spoke against the resolution using what has been a widely debunked report called the CAS report – No surprise.

But my reaction to that wasn’t very generous. Very affirmed in my own goodness actually as a social justice warrior I had all sorts of thoughts and opinions about those UUs. And then I had a conversation with my wise friend and yours, Biz, who said, “They’re trying to rationally justify their disgust through something that they think holds authority, like the CAS report. Instead of just being like, whoa, I am reacting to another human being with disgust. Is that okay with me?”

Now I do not think that anyone who cited that report did so because they were trying to hurt people. Though, let me be clear – they did. No, I think they were desperately trying to protect themselves – to protect their identity as a good person. And as much as it pains me, this realization led me to see all the times that I had done the same.

When I feel uncomfortable, instead of saying, “I’m uncomfortable, let me sit with this. Does this align with my values? What’s going on?” Instead, I often interpret it as danger.

And when you interpret something as danger, it leads to a fight response. I have to defend myself or whether I have to protect my good person status and the fight response makes a lot of sense because discomfort is actually dangerous.

It’s dangerous to those ideas and thoughts we hold that are not aligned with our core self, that are not aligned with our core values are not aligned with what we are working towards, which is the beloved community.

So that fight you feel when you are uncomfortable, it’s legitimate, but it’s not helpful.

To fight our discomfort is to keep us stuck. It is to hold tight to the image we are trying to project, which keeps us cut off from growth. Therapist Iris McKellen Garrett writes,

“The more tightly we cling to our identity as a good person, the more skilled we become at rationalizing our behavior. And the less available we are to examining the ways we cause harm.

Holding tightly to your identity as good will undermine your growth because it doesn’t make room for this discomfort. And I don’t want my growth undermined. There is too much harm in this world. There is too much suffering happening right now for me to stay static. I don’t want to stop the necessary growth and transformation that is needed in order for me to do my part.


And as a people who are committed to the building the beloved community, I don’t want us to pretzel ourselves either. I don’t want us to cut off ourselves from humanity. I don’t want us to appeal to the powers that be begging for scraps of our humanity, for morsels of justice. They’re never going to give it, not in any real and tangible way, and certainly not in any way that leads us to the beloved community.

Now, I didn’t write this down, but let me be clear, this does not mean you’ll need to not go to the legislature this session. Show up. Show up in your full humanity for others, full humanity.

I want a bigger, more connected life for myself and for everyone. Being good requires a level of control that just doesn’t allow that. Looking back, I can see all the ways that I tried to control every situation and attempt to control how people perceive me and that’s just plain exhausting. If we want to work for equity and inclusion but we haven’t liberated ourselves from good, we can get stuck on learning the rules for the rules sake. Like learning what is racist and ableist and sexist language and moving it out of our vocabulary, but just kind of ending there.

Writers Sadie Smith says,

“I’m always happy when people use the right words around me and others. But it is nothing compared to decent wages, decent housing, health care, and human rights.”

Yes, We should try to make sure not to cause harm or further harm with our language, but it is just a part of the bigger landscape of what we are trying to do in a liberating space, which means we have to act, and to act is to risk.


UU ethicist Sharon Welch wrote a book called “The Feminist Ethic of Risk.” And she wrote that the work we are called to do or the work that we call ourself to do requires risk. She writes,

“What improbable task with what unpredictable results shall we undertake today in trading an ethic of control for an ethic of risk? And in living out that ethos, we can neither undo the past nor control the future, but we can learn from the past, and we can live creatively and responsibly and compassionately in the present.”

Living creatively and responsibly and compassionately are the building blocks of liberation, Are the building blocks of the beloved community in our religion provides us a foundation for that kind of risk.


One of the new values is transformation Which is pretty cool because First UU has been on it for a while. Exhibit A. In Article to the transformation value reads,

“We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform growth spiritually and ethically. Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian Universalist heritage. Never complete and never perfect.”

To me this says that our religion encourages us in our humanity, encourage us in our growth and in our change to continuously learn so that we might do better over and over again, to discard old beliefs as we gain deeper understanding of the world and of one another, for the liberation of ourselves and for the liberation of others.


But what I love most is how this value acknowledges what this looks like when we show up in our full humanity. Never complete, never perfect.

I don’t know about y ‘all but that’s a pretty powerful path for me. So if we’re going to do away with good, What are we gonna do? We strive to be in our humanity To embrace this whole messiness that is being human and to do it with creativity, Responsibility and as much compassion as we can. We strive to stop pretzeling ourselves into some ideal that was written by supremacy culture to keep us small and manageable. I don’t want to be small, and I certainly do not want to be manageable to dehumanizing systems like white supremacy and patriarchy. Do you?

We also strive to see the humanity in others, and to be so tuned in to their humanity If it is under attack, even when we don’t have stakes in the game, we stand in solidarity and push back against that dehumanizing way that they are being attacked. Because we remember that we are beholden to one another and not systems.

And like Bishop Budde this week, We speak truth to those systems of power as many times as necessary. We also get good at repair. We get good at coming back when we have caused harm and asking for forgiveness.

Not to make sure that we’re okay, everybody’s Okay but it is an actual concern for the person that was harmed. And we strive to hold our values so closely while allowing for growth, allowing for the evolution of thought and opinion we need as we move throughout this life and throughout building the beloved community. And in this way we strive to be like our living tradition, constantly changing and evolving, growing through risk, through relationship, and through repair.

This is going to be imperative during this legislative session, and I think it goes without saying at least the next four years.

Lewis Fisher, a universalist theologian around a century ago wrote these words.

“Universalists are often asked to tell where they stand. The only true answer to give to this question is that we do not stand at all. We move. We do not stand still, nor do we defend any immovable position. We grow, as all living things forever must do.”

So, let’s hold on to our humanity. Let’s get normal. Normalize learning from our discomfort. Let us be good with one another. Let us be relentlessly fighting for one another. And let’s get comfortable with the never complete and never perfect part of it all. Because we are no longer begging for scraps of justice. We are demanding liberation.


Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As you leave the sacred time of being with one another, may you leave knowing that you are held. May you leave feeling grounded. May you leave feeling loved, Knowing that you are not alone, not today or ever. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 25 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

The End

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Bis Thornton
December 29, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

As 2024 enters its final few days, many of us are thinking about endings. How do we keep loving when loving is what makes saying goodbye so hard? And how can we stay focused on joy in the present when we fear the suffering the future holds? Join guest preacher Bis Thornton on a journey into the Gospel of John to see what its stories can tell us about love and loss in our lives today.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Gwen Matthews

Whomever you are, Wherever you are from, whomever you love, whatever it is you have done, you are welcome here. You are welcome to this time, this space, this moment that we carve out of often busy and chaotic weeks. You are welcome to this time for collective breaths, for words, for music, for lighting candles, and for us to simply exist here together.

The essence that is you, that spark of life, is in your body, is of your body, and it is you are divine. In other words, you contain the holy within you right now.

And now, I invite you to take a breath as we enter into this time of worship in body, mind, and spirit.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Ada Limón

In the Union Square subway station nearly fifteen
years ago now, the L train came clanking by
where someone had fat-Sharpied a black heart
on the yellow pillar you leaned on during a bleak day,
(brittle and no notes from anyone you crushed upon).
Above ground, the spring sun was the saddest one,
(doing work but also none). What were you wearing?
Something hopeful to show the world you hoped?
A tall man was learning from a vendor how to pronounce
churro. High in the sticky clouds of time, he kept
repeating churro while eating a churro. How to say
this made you want to live? No hand to hold
still hear it was: Someone giving someone comfort
and someone memorizing hard how to ask for it again.


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

Good morning again. And I’m still this, and it’s still wonderful to see you. We’re heading for the end of the year, and I think We’re all heading towards a lot of endings, and we are experiencing them at the same time as we’re heading towards other ones.

Here in the congregation, we just got hit pretty hard together. And we are at the end of Kinsey’s time with us. Ends are all around us in the world too. However, we may feel about it in the particularities, we are all facing the end of our current presidential administration. I also know a lot of people who are experiencing the end of their old physical capacity, the end of a loved one’s life, the end of their own. Many of us are watching our friends move out of state, maybe even out of the country. There are a lot of endings right now for many of us, all around us, and it’s true that those endings may come with some new beginnings, but they’re still endings. And that’s what I want to spend some time with today.

If you’ve heard me preach before, this probably will not surprise you, but I’m here in the pulpit today to tell you some stories. First, I’m going to start with something from one of the sacred texts that’s nearest to my heart, which is the Bible. Specifically, I want to tell you a story from the end of the Gospel of John, which is one of the four versions of the life of Jesus Christ that you can find in your typical Christian Bible.

Before I start, I want to say that I feel a little bad telling a story from this part of Jesus’ life because it was just his birthday. He’s still a baby. So glad that got a laugh. I got to be real with y ‘all. Thank you. He’s still a baby, and I’m up here like, Okay, it’s time to talk about how he died and then some other stuff happened and it sucked and it was really sad That seems crummy. I Love Christmas and I really love celebrating his birthday. So how could I do this to him? How could I jump to the end? That’s crummy of me.

I Wondered about this a lot. I chose this sermon weeks ago to preach it and it was hounding me It felt like it was calling out to me to tell it to y ‘all today. And I think the answer to that question is this, I’m worried and I’m scared and I’m sad. I think about the coming months and the coming years and I feel dread. I look at new things and I feel like I can already see the terrible end that they’re hurtling towards, or in other words, Even new things these days throw me towards an anticipatory grief. That’s the dread that I feel, and maybe you feel a little bit of that too. And if we’re stuck here together, I figure why won’t we get together in the sanctuary that we love and move towards that feeling and take off our shoes and see what holy things we might find there.

The other thing I want to say is this. This is like an unnecessary, I feel like caveat, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m not asking you to believe anything in particular about this story. I’m also not asking you to know anything in particular about this story. I just want to tell it to you as I know it, and I hope you’ll enjoy the telling.

So let’s try sitting down, inside of the story, and feeling around. Feel free to close your eyes If it helps, sometimes when I’m at church, I close my eyes throughout the entire sermon. It helps me concentrate. So please feel free to do that if it helps you.

And if you’re gonna be inside of this story, you might be wondering who you are. For now, imagine this. Jesus is your teacher and you love him very much. You are his disciple, you learn from him. He has been teaching you freedom and love. And so you follow him because he has given you this gift and you want to learn more and maybe even make the world into a place where everyone finds the freedom and the love that you did. So he travels around teaching and wherever he goes, you go and you’ve left your life as a fisherman behind to come join him.

He is not a stained glass window or an idea in a book. He is a man who lives in the world. He has eyes and a smile and hair that he keeps in a particular way. You’ve watched him eat bread. You saw him trip on a rock, one time. One time. Yes, just the one. You’ve heard his voice belting out over a crowd or speaking softly at a table. You’ve had the same sand on your legs and stood beneath the same oppressive sunbeam He’s maybe one of the strangest people you’ve ever met in your life He has a funny way of speaking that’s very distinctive and it’s so distinctive in fact that you can imitate it Sometimes before he says something really important. He says truly truly I say to you You know you imagine Being with your friends and imitating this when you’re imitating him you’re like remember that time truly truly I’d say to you You know this man You’ve built your life around him and around your friends who also follow him everywhere He goes.

And one day this man that you knew and loved died. It seemed like he knew he was gonna go You looked at him one day, and he seemed to be a sailor, standing on the deck of a ship that you couldn’t board, facing away from you and towards the sea, towards the horizon. And he didn’t pass away gently. He died by a violence so present and so unspeakable that you can hardly bear to think of it at all. It was an act of violence by the state that surrounds you at every moment, and yet somehow you always slipped out of its fingers until you didn’t. And it cut down your friend, your strange, lovely, wise, funny friend.

And then you saw him again after he died, and you thought that maybe he was visiting you to say goodbye the way that ghosts sometimes do. But then your friend saw him too, and he told you to tell each other that you had seen him. And then he appeared before one of you with all of his wounds on display. And when you reached for him, your arms didn’t swing through the air, they met his familiar frame, his warm body, that body that you know because you know him. You can’t believe what’s happening, he’s back. But he still has that look like he’s going away that you had assumed was about his death He looks at you sometimes now that he’s back and he sees you so hard. It’s like he’s holding you with his eyes and Then he turns away and there’s that look again and he becomes distant And after a while none of you see him for longer and longer periods of time and you can’t bear to lose him again but somehow you know it’s ending and he has to go.

So one day you’re out with your friends on a boat fishing like the old days. The water is sloshing up against the boat. You feel the gentle rocking and the wet nets against your palms. Your outer clothes are folded in the boat so that you don’t get them wet And so the sunbeams are hitting you directly, you feel their heat. The old familiar sensations of your life. You used to do this before you knew Jesus, but it’s different now. You’ve been changed. A hero can never go home again, and fishing doesn’t feel like it used to. But still, you have to eat. And you do love your friends. You are always good at fishing, so you might as well fish together.

Here’s a reveal. You are someone specific in this story. Maybe you wanna know who you are? I do, I feel like I’m asking it constantly. Well, you could be anyone in this story, but for now, you are a disciple whose name is Peter. You’re in the boat with six other people. You’re in the boat with six of your friends. You’re in the boat with Thomas, who demanded to see Jesus’ wounds when he returned from his death. And you’re in the boat with Nathaniel, who initially laughed when he heard where Jesus was from, saying, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” But he agreed to find out. And you’re also with the sons of Zebedee and two other disciples. And one of the disciples in the boat is a man who the gospel never names. It only calls him the beloved disciple.

So you’re Peter and you’re with your friends and you’re all throwing your nets over the side of the boat and you aren’t catching a thing. The day turns into night and there’s still no fish. Maybe fishing is too different now. Maybe everything’s too different. How do you get into the flow when you know that your dead friend is back but he’s fading like the light of this wasted day and Soon he’ll be going somewhere that you can’t go. The dark oppresses you, like those sunbeams you shared with him, but this time he isn’t here.

Dawn starts breaking over the hills. On the shore, someone shouts at you, “Children, you haven’t caught anything, have you?” One of you, maybe a little mad, shouts back, “No, we haven’t.” And the stranger on the shore says, “Try the right side of the boat.” So since nothing’s going right anyway, and you might as well listen to a stranger who is maybe making fun of you, you all throw your nets over the right side of the boat. And you can’t believe it. A flurry of splashes, the sea is boiling over in just one spot. Your net is too heavy to lift into the boat. Your day was not wasted at all. The net is full of fish. And before your heart is completely sure, you hear the beloved disciple begin to speak and his confidence lights you on fire as he says “It’s him.”

In a burst of confused energy you put all your clothes back on and you throw yourself into the sea splashing wildly as you scramble for the shore while everyone else pulls the net into the boat. You don’t care about the fish, this is the end. You know it is and in your heart you’re so happy and you’re so scared. You can’t wait for the boat to reach him. You can’t waste the time. You have to throw yourself towards him instead. And as you swim, you can see him. Each time your head comes back up into the air, something sparkles on the beach. He’s lit a fire. Scrambling onto the shore, you see him smiling at you and your ridiculous behavior and your clothes completely soaked, and he’s so radiant like the dawn, maybe more like sunset. You realize he’s already cooked some fish, and he’s already got some bread. He’s always feeding you, and you love him more than you can stand, and you hate it a little bit, because loving him is what’s going to make this next part hurt so bad.

He has always seemed to know what you were thinking, and this time it’s no different. While everyone is on shore with you. Jesus says to you, “Do you love me more than these?” And he gestures at all of your friends and without hesitation or stopping to wonder what he might have meant by that, you blurt out, “Yes, you know I love you.” And he seems to think that’s a little funny. And he says, “Feed my lamps.” He waits a while sitting quietly by the crackling fire, the crackling fire. And then he turns to you again and says, “Do you love me?” With less shock, you respond in a more measured tone. “Yes, you know that I love you.” He nods and says, “Tend to my shoe.”

You’re trying to enjoy the dawn, which has turned into the day. You’re staring at him, trying to make sure you remember for the rest of your life what he looks like right now. And then he turns to you and he says, “Do you love me?” You’re wounded. You can’t believe it. Of course, of course, you’re already mourning. You already know how this is going to go. You jumped into the sea for him. You shared everything with him and he’s still asking you this? You look him in the eye heart quaking and you say “My friend, you know everything You know that I love you.”

He seems satisfied in his mysterious way and he says “Feed my sheep” and then as you wonder how you’re going to find the strength to feed his sheep when he leaves, he says, “truly, truly, I say to you,” and your heart snaps to attention, you’re ready for this. He says, “when you were new, you would dress yourself and go where you wanted. When you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you, and you will go where you do not want to go.”

You know that he’s describing your aging and your death. And as you’ve been staring at him, trying to memorize every line of his face and movement of his hands, because you know he’s leaving, he has been holding the shape of your death close to his heart, like a child, like a lamb, carrying it to and fro until the time comes to set it down and let it walk on its own.

He has been mourning you too, you are both creatures with endings and you love him more than anything and you love your friends who love him and love you and love each other. Your death is coming behind you and one day you will die and you will love him the whole time and you will light fires on the shore and when your friends reach you, you will have already started cooking them breakfast.

You turn and see the beloved disciple. Sometimes he looks so fragile to you and you say to Jesus, “What about him? What about that guy?” The beloved disciple? He seems like the wind might take him away. He seems like sometimes he stares far away too, like he and Jesus are two travelers going the same place.

Jesus looks at the beloved disciple and then he looks back at you and he smiles at you and he says, “If it is my will that he remain until I come back, what is it to you? What do you care? You follow me.” And that’s the last thing he ever says to you. And you die before you see him again.

What does it mean to see the end before it comes and somehow withstand it. How can we see the end and stay without buckling under the grief and fleeing? How can we survive when things around us end?

I want to tell you all about my grandmothers. Just before my maternal grandmother died, I spoke to her on the phone. I knew it was the end. I hated that I was on the phone instead of beside her, but those were the cards that we were dealt. She didn’t ask me, “Do you love me?” But everything I said, I felt like I was telling her over and over again, “I love you. I love you. I love you. You know that I love you.” I was so scared I would forget to tell her something I was grateful for, but I knew that she already knew. We loved each other. It didn’t matter if I forgot to say something. We both knew.

Before my paternal grandmother died, I visited her in the hospital. There was a lot of difficulty between us, but when we saw each other, it didn’t go away, but it changed. It was the end. I remember When I came into her hospital room and stood next to her bed, and she opened her eyes and saw me for the first time in six or seven years. The first thing she said to me was, “Am I dead?” That’s how surprised she was to see me.

In life, she loved to go on adventures. And after she died, I had a dream. We were on vacation together by the sea. The water was so beautiful I begged her to come swimming with me, and eventually she did, but the waves got choppy and I got scared. As I swam back to shore she was swimming out into the sea and we passed each other, and for one moment we locked eyes. I wondered if I should tell her to come back, but I didn’t. When she swam out into the sea never to return, a traveler going somewhere I couldn’t follow. Maybe like Peter, she jumped into the sea with all her clothes on, just went towards someone she loved, someone who taught her freedom long ago.

After my maternal grandmother died, I saw her in a dream too. I was standing inside of her house and looking out the window. In life, she loved to host holiday meals, and she was an incredible cook. And in my dream, as I looked out the window, I saw a long table glowing with golden light, and all along it were seated countless people, and my grandmother was walking up and down it, serving everyone something to eat. When I think of Jesus on the shore waiting for the disciples, a fire already lit, I think of her.

Endings recur and echo into one another. They are unique and common all at once. I too am a traveler and someday I will go where my loved ones cannot follow. Before I go, I hope I too will light a fire and feed them breakfast. Because of my love for my grandmothers, I carry something of them with me into my life. And perhaps I will carry something of them too into my death. Perhaps it can’t be helped as humans living on this earth death is something we have in common. Endings are something we have in common.

Walking into this story I have searched for what is holy. I’d love to hear what you might have found there but I’ll tell you what I did. The sea. Dark and infinite. Life bubbles up in one location or another. A ship sails across it and on the shore a fire. The sea is more vast than any of us. Surrounding us, creating us, calling us up into the air into existence, calling us down into the darkness again. We emerge and we dissolve and everything that we love, ebbs and flows and the waves of the sea, but the sea never goes away.

And so the endings come and come and come. And I will try not to be hurt when the voice rises up from the depths to ask me again and again, “Do you love me?” All I have to do is tell the truth. Thank you.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


by Jan Richardson

“There is no remedy for love, but to love more.”
Let us agree for now that we will not say the breaking makes us stronger
or that it is better to have this pain than to have done without this love.
Let us promise we will not tell ourselves time will heal the wound
when every day our waking opens it anew.

Perhaps for now it can be enough to simply marvel at the mystery
of how a heart so broken can go on beating,
as if it were made for precisely this.
As if it knows the only cure for love is more of it,
as if it sees the heart’s sole remedy for breaking is to love still,
as if it trusts that its own persistent pulse
is the rhythm of a blessing we cannot begin to fathom,
but will save us nonetheless.

Amen, Thank you. Blessed be.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.


Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Jami Yandle and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
November 10, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This is the time to lean into our faith and one another. Sunday we will have some time to talk about our collective grief, anger, desperation, and just be with one another.

Chalice Lighting

We light this flame
To ignite the sacred power of justice.
We light this flame
So that it may be a beacon of hope
In moments of uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and the unknown.
We light this flame, and are emboldened by its blaze,
Knowing our strength as a prophetic and powerful people Is rooted in the diverse ways we answer the call to love.

Call to Worship

by Rev. Rebekah Savage

Welcome beloveds, welcome!
We come to spiritual community this morning with many hopes in our hearts:
The hope for inspiration, the hope for comfort, the hope for renewal.

In this time and space, may inspiration water our thirsty souls. In this time and space, may comfort blossom in the gardens of our hearts, and bring us sweet relief.

In this time and space, may renewal course through us,
as electric as a surge of energy,
as serene as a nourishing meal,
as contagious as joy,
and bring us vitality and rejuvenation.

May our time together honor all the hopes we hold within;
May our time together bless us with the gifts of inspiration, comfort and renewal.

Let us Worship together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Words of Solice and Lament

NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

Chris Jimmerson

Good morning. I’m Reverend Chris Jimmerson co-lead settled minister here at the church and I am technically out on sabbatical. How’s that for bad timing?

I wanted to come in this morning after the events of this week and be with my people. I know that so many of us have been feeling things like despair, disbelief, anger, anxiety, fear, disgust. I’ve been feeling all of that and so much more.

Right now, I’m pretty squarely centered in the anger-defiant stage of my reaction. So, it says I’m supposed to offer words of solace and lament. I’m not sure if it’s the right time for that, or maybe it’s exactly the right time for that. I don’t know.

I can offer you a few things that have been helping me. The first is that I know those emotions I mentioned can can be something that we experience as painful. I think though that they are like when we feel physical pain, they’re telling us we need to pay attention to something, something that will bring us harm unless we make change. And so if we try to not pay attention to those emotions, try to move through them too quickly, we can sort of latch on to a kind of false hope that doesn’t bring change that won’t sustain us as we go forward. By moving through them, we learn what we have to do, where we need to go next, how we find a true hope in our world.

The other thing I just read from Dr. Brene Brown was that she said that while hope is the antidote to despair, hope is not actually an emotion. It is a cognitive behavioral aspect of our life. It is the way that we think and do and be in the world. So to find that hope again we have to move through these emotions.

Here’s what I know. I know we need this religious community of love and support more than ever before.

And I know that there are a lot of people who have joined us this morning and will continue to join us this morning because they want to be part of a theology of love, joy and justice up against an ideology of hate and division, we have to be there to welcome you. And so I welcome you all this morning whether you’re here in person or online.

And finally, I know that that theology centered in love, justice, and joy is needed now more out in our community, in our state, in our nation, in our world than ever and that we have to be there. We have to show up because our world needs us to live that mission more than ever where we show up to nourish souls, transform lives, we show up to do justice, we join with others in solidarity and we build the beloved community because it is the beloved community that will move us through this ideology of hate and division back to a place of joy, of justice, of love.

Those forces want us to feel that we have no power as long as we center ourselves in love and relationship we have all the power we need.

That is the way forward.

I love you.


by Ashley Horan

How is it with your soul? This is the question that John Wesley, Anglican priest and the founder of Methodism, was known to ask of participants in small reflection groups. I ask you because, for me, this has been a hard week. So, beloveds, how is it with your souls?

If your response to that question is anything like mine, I want to invite you to pause as you read this. Take a deep breath, say a prayer, sing a song, light your chalice, feel the force of gravity pulling us all toward the same center-whatever helps you feel more rooted and less alone.

Now do it again. And again, and again.

And, once you feel that rootedness and connection, hear this:

You are loved beyond belief. You are enough, you are precious, your work and your life matter, and you are not alone. You are part of a “we,” a great cloud of witnesses living and dead who have insisted that this beautiful, broken world of ours is a blessing worthy of both deep gratitude and fierce protection.

Our ancestors and our descendants are beckoning us, compelling us onward toward greater connection, greater compassion, greater commitment to one another and to the earth. Together, we are resilient and resourceful enough to say “yes” to that call, to make it our life’s work in a thousand different ways, knowing that we can do no other than bind ourselves more tightly together, and throw ourselves into the holy work of showing up, again and again, to be part of building that world of which we dream but which we have not yet seen.

Centering and Medition

Now let us take a few moments to center ourselves in silence with these words from Harold Babcock.

Let us be quiet without and within.
Let the stillness be in us.
Let the silence hold us.
May we find the deep places of the soul and begin to let go of the distractions
which plague us.
May we let go of irritation, calm the confusion which inhibits us,
let go of fear.
The quiet is within us,
The stillness is in us,
the silence will hold us.
There are deep places in the soul.
Here, may we find peace as we enter into the silence together.

Amen, and blessed be.


NOTE: This is an edited ai generated transcript.
Please forgive any omissions or errors.

Rev. Jami Yandle

Unbeknownst to me, Reverend Chris said everything I was going to say and then some, but we’ll move on with my plan anyway and see how the spirit moves.

So instead of me blabbing on up here, I want to take a few minutes and hear from you. Turn to your neighbor and answer this question. Where are you feeling the events of this last week in your body?

I have felt tension in my shoulders, I found out just now Reverend Michelle has felt it in their gut. Where have you felt it? Gut. Jaws. Heart. Head. All over. Left foot. Left foot. wrist.

The reason I had you do that exercise is because generally some, some you use, particularly some white you use, are super great at two things. One, intellectualizing their feelings and two, trying to find the first actionable thing they can do to distract themselves from feeling their feelings.

Also if you are new here and you like spiritual questions and don’t respond to hypocritical fire and brimstone faith, don’t worry, you’re in the right place too. So how quickly you were able to discern what is going on in your body and or you were able to answer the question, might be different based on the color of your skin and some other key factors like how much society has intentionally silenced and oppressed you. But I’m gonna back up and explain a few things so you have some context for where we’re going with all of this.

I spent this past week, no doubt, like Many of you, feeling a bit lost, gobsmacked, sad, despair, and mostly angry. The gamut of emotions ran throughout my body and the concern I have for so many vulnerable communities. I can feel that concern seeping into my bones. It’s settling, and I don’t like that feeling, and it feels like pain all over. That concern that has become pain is full of questions, not only about my own trans community, but for our black and brown beloveds, migration, education, bodily autonomy. My kids go to public school in Texas. Maybe you are worried about that too. Is it time to move? Can I afford homeschool? What is going to happen? So many questions I have swirling in my mind.

My partner Natalie, who is also UU and a person of color, tried to bite her tongue and not say, I told you so. She was so much more relaxed this week to an almost alarming degree.

From the beginning, she watched everything go down and said, “This is not possible yet. This election will not produce the results that reflect our UU values yet.” It isn’t possible because her body knows something mine does not. As a woman, and especially as a woman of color, she knows all too well how far the hate goes. Generations worth of PTSD does not course through my veins as it does hers, reminding her how far systematic oppression goes. Something I have read about quite a bit and experienced and witnessed some, but it will never be to the same degree.

So I had more hope than she did. And for the record, I don’t feel foolish for hoping and dreaming. I refuse to stop, because everyone from Martin Luther King, Jr., to Victor Frankl, to Sylvia, Rivera, to Harvey Milk, and so many more of my personal heroes carried that same message.

So if any of you among us have a spark of hope left for God’s sake protect it with all you’ve got So you can reignite the flame in your neighbor, but I kept wondering What was Natalie’s deal? Why was I a frantic stress ball and she was so calm Unwavering she remained the anchor of the household. Meanwhile, I, like so many of my white peers, turned to documentaries, memes, poems, a John Stuart segment even. Anything to fix this. I was desperate. That was how I spent part of my Tuesday and Wednesday. Natalie watched all this quietly and on Thursday Natalie said to me, Stop it Stop trying to fix this you cannot fix it with your white anxiety Until you feel it more than that and you just need to feel it right now all of it

She took my hand and said just sit in it with me Be here with me My hand on her heart, hers on mine, a tender moment between two humans, the weight not the same in my body as hers, but nevertheless pushed to a newer place I opened up for more capacity for my feelings, instead of trying to rationalize and mobilize, we sat there. She said to me, This, too, is how we will dismantle systematic oppression. When you are with me, truly seeing and understanding me, this is when you will start to riot in the streets. The only way out is through. So we sit here until you understand how bad it actually all is.

Then, With you next to me we will go through this together But it can’t be a fad this time. It cannot be safety pins or blue bracelets performing allyship Risking nothing It has to be long lasting and daily to the point you will do anything to make the suffering stop For as long as it takes

So right now, this is what we’re gonna do Collectively we are going to sit we are going to feel this The elders and the ancestors providing a shield for us and with us we will sing songs and We will go through the rest of the service but intentionally Here with one another Be reminded about the power of humanity and the connections between and around us recharge your battery before making the next long road trip.

There will be time to physically move and to take action. And when it is time, you will know that because your deep knowing well will tell you so. Right now though, just be. Soul, connecting with soul, moving onwards by sitting still.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


By Audre Lorde

For those of us who live at the shoreline
standing upon the constant edges of decision
crucial and alone
for those of us who cannot indulge
the passing dreams of choice
who love in doorways coming and going
in the hours between dawns
looking inward and outward
at once before and after
seeking a now that can breed
like bread in our children’s mouths
so their dreams will not reflect
the death of ours;

For those of us
who were imprinted with fear
like a faint line in the center of our foreheads
learning to be afraid with our mother’s milk
for by this weapon
this illusion of some safety to be found
the heavy-footed hoped to silence us

For all of us
this instant and this triumph
We were never meant to survive.
And when the sun rises we are afraid it might not remain
when the sun sets we are afraid
it might not rise in the morning
when our stomachs are full
we are afraid of indigestion
when our stomachs are empty
we are afraid we may never eat again
when we are loved we are afraid
love will vanish
when we are alone
we are afraid love will never return
and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid

So it is better to speak remembering
we were never meant to survive


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.


Listen to the service by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Patrice (PK) Curtis and Rev. Michelle LaGrave
October 6, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Rev. Patrice Curtis is helping us prepare for this year’s ministerial search and the possibilities a new co-minister might bring. In their role as the UUA’s Transformational Interim Ministries Director they amplify belonging, diversity, equity, and inclusion within congregations and in querying unhealthy patterns that make Beloved Community difficult to realize. At their request Rev. Curtis’ homily is not included.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

– Sobonfu Some

Community is the spirit, the guiding light of the tribe, whereby people come together in order to fulfill a specific purpose, to help others fulfill their purpose, and to take care of one another.

Come, let us worship together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Laura Ann Hershey

Ms Hershey (August 11, 1962 – November 26, 2010) was a white poet, journalist, feminist, and a disability rights activist and consultant known to have parked her wheelchair in front of buses. Hershey was one of the leaders of a protest against the paternalistic attitudes and images of people with disabilities inherent in Jerry Lewis’s MDA Telethon. She had spinal muscular atrophy.

What you risk telling your story:
You will bore them.
Your voice will break, your ink spill and stain your coat.
No one will understand,
their eyes become fences.

You will park yourself forever on the outside, your differentness once
and for all revealed, dangerous.
The names you give to yourself will become epithets.
Your happiness will be called
bravery, denial.

Your sadness will justify their pity.
Your fear will magnify their fears.
Everything you say will prove something about their god,
or their economic system.

Your feelings, that change day-to-day, kaleidoscopic,
will freeze in place,
brand you forever,
justify anything they decide to do with you.

Those with power can afford to tell their story
or not.
Those without power risk everything to tell their story
and must.

Someone, somewhere will hear your story
and decide to fight,
to live and refuse compromise.
Someone else will tell her own story,
risking everything.


At Rev. Curtis’ request the audio and text of the homily is not available.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


“We receive fragments of holiness, glimpses of eternity, brief moments of insight. Let us gather them up for the precious gifts that they are, and renewed by their grace, move boldly into the unknown.”

– Sarah York


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

The Blessings of Small Group Ministry

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson, Toni Wegner, Melanie Cofield, and John Scott
July 28, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

One of our church’s most transformative ways of deeply connecting with fellow church members and experiencing profound spiritual growth is by participating in a Chalice Circle or Wellspring ministry group. Join us for this special service and hear about the real differences they make possible.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

May we be reminded here of our highest aspirations,
And inspired to bring our gifts of love and service
to the altar of humanity.

May we know once again that we are not isolated beings
But connected, in mystery and miracle, to the universe,
To this community and to each other.

– Anonymous

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Malidoma Somé

Whether they are raised in indigenous or modern culture, there are two things that people crave: the full realization of their innate gifts, and to have these gifts approved, acknowledged, and confirmed.

There are countless people in the West whose efforts are sadly wasted because they have no means of expressing their unique genius.

In the psyches of such people there is an inner power and authority that fails to shine because the world around them cannot perceive it.


Today’s service features several folks from the church who will explore the real differences our small group ministries such as Wellspring and Chalice Circles can make in our lives.

(NOTE: This is an ai generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)

Melanie Cofield

Good morning, everyone. My name is Melanie Cofield, and I am a white queer woman with short grayish brown hair, wearing glasses, and a blue button -up shirt. My pronouns are she /they. I welcome this opportunity to share a bit about my experience participating in First UU Small Group Ministries.

I’ll start by sharing a little of my background. Due to experiences of judgment and exclusion in churches of my youth, I have been long estranged from organized religion. During the COVID pandemic, I found welcome, comfort, hope, and peace in the online services provided by First UU of Austin. And I joined as a member with my wife in 2022.

As someone working in higher education my entire career, and relatively new to Unitarian Universalism, a logical first step for me as a new church member was to learn more about the foundations of this religious tradition.

I attended a membership information class and someone mentioned the opportunity to join a wellspring group focused on the six UU sources. So I signed up excited about a new learning adventure. Now I expected to learn about the history and foundations of Unitarian Universalism But I was surprised and moved to learn so much about myself and to connect so deeply with my fellow wellspring group members.

My spiritual life has been firmly grounded in a primal reverence for nature since childhood. And it has been a solitary, private, and somewhat haphazard pursuit for most of my years. Participating in wellspring groups has helped me deepen and fine-tune my spirituality and expand my spiritual circle. Put another way in borrowing the pragmatic motto of Unitarian Minister Reverend Mary Safford of the Iowa Sisterhood in the late 1800s, I’m learning to lengthen the cord and strengthen the stakes. Let me share some highlights from my Wellspring takeaways with you in hopes that it will inspire you to consider participation in the future. I’m pursuing deep reflection and practicing deep listening. I’m developing intentional spiritual practices. I have found a vocabulary for alter articulating my spirituality.

I’m reconnecting with my creativity And I’ve both recognized and discovered new sources of wisdom and inspiration that feed my soul. I’m slowly but tangibly letting go of self -consciousness and self -doubt in my spiritual endeavors.

And I’m moving from an exclusively solo spirituality to one based on trust and connection and community. Finally, I found space to build resilience and hope in a chaotic and despairing world. After joining that first Wellspring Sources group, I wasn’t ready for the experience to end, so I lengthened my cord and volunteered to co-facilitate a Wellspring Deep Questions program focused on the eight principles of Unitarian Universalism.

This coming year, I’m delighted to continue serving the first UU community by co-facilitating and exploring a new program in the Wellspring Curriculum called Love at the Center, UU Values and Covenants. My experience has been profound and I encourage others to explore the gift of these small group ministries offered by First UU and consider participating. We hope to see you there. Thank you for listening and have a wonderful day.

Jim Scott

Good morning. My name is John Scott and I’m a relatively new member here. My pronouns are he /him. I started attending here about two and a half years ago online, shortly after my father died. And I very unexpectedly, found myself, after about 30 years of not going to church, feeling like I wanted to belong to something like a church. So I started kind of looking around, seeing what was available, and what might feel welcoming to me, and gradually found my way here. So after attending online for several months, I began to feel ready to meet people and kind of be more engaged with the community.

And I love being a student. It’s one of my favorite things. So I thought, well, I’ll look for adult education opportunities. And I went online on the website and found my way to adult education and the Wellspring program. And it just sounded perfect for me, especially because when I was clicking around on the website, I found something that looked a lot like a syllabus. And there was like a reading list and homework assignments, and I thought, you know, this is for me. So I signed up. I signed up for Wellspring. And Two years later here. I am talking about wellspring This year we’re offering love at the center, and that’s the one that Melanie was just talking about That’s a foundational course for people who have not taken a wellspring program before so it’s For everyone in other words and plus it’s brand new so even if you have taken wellspring before You might just be interested in that because it’s new.

But then there’s also a second program called Spiritual Practices, and this one is for people who have already taken Wellspring in the past, a Wellspring Sources program. So I know there’s a group that’s just finishing Wellspring Sources. There are people that have taken it in years past, and this Spiritual Practices program would be especially for you because it’s one of the second year programs that we offer through Wellspring.

So just a little bit about how the groups work. We meet here twice a month in the church in the classrooms. It’ll be first and third Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p .m. We put the chairs in a little circle, put a stool in the middle with a candle on it as our chalice, do a brief check -in with each other just to see how we’re doing that day, how our spiritual practice is going. And then we spend most of the time reflecting on questions together. So about two weeks before we meet, the facilitators send out an email with things, and little video clips to watch, and about five or six questions to review. And for me, it would only take me maybe an hour, hour and a half over that two week period to do the homework and make notes in my journal about the reflection question.

So it’s a little bit of homework, but it didn’t feel like overly burdensome at all. And then when we’re together, twice a month, we go through those questions one at a time using Parker Palmer’s Circles of Trust. So I brought Parker Palmer’s book. It’s a really good process where when someone shares what they’ve reflected on, the rest of the group just holds that in sacred silence, just kind of deep listening. And the basic guideline is that there’s no fixing, no changing, no advising, and no setting each other straight.

So it’s not like a normal conversation. You’re deeply listening to each other, deeply sharing from your heart, and I really found this to be so helpful and nourishing. And it’s a great way to learn how to just be present with each other, which is ultimately maybe the most valuable thing we can offer to each other, is just being present with each other. So after that first year of Wellspring Sources, and Melanie was one of my colleagues, the group decided to stay together for a whole second year and do the Deep Questions program, which we just just a couple of months ago. So I think that speaks to how meaningful we all found the experience that we really bonded and we wanted to stay together a whole second year. And I just wanna give a brief shout out to my wellspring siblings, ’cause now I think of them as my siblings. So Jenny, I saw Jenny over there, and Carrie, Amy, and Melanie, Sharon, Stephanie, Aaron, AJ, and Eric. So they’re my siblings now and I look forward to having more siblings after this coming year from Wellspring. There are descriptions that I brought. If you like the syllabus like I do, I brought some of those so you can find me and I’d be happy to share those. And they will also be on the website. If you go to learning and and adults, you’ll find information about Wellspring.

Toni Wegner

Good morning. I’m Toni. I use she /her pronouns. I’m on the other side of middle age and I’m wearing a summery dress and sensible shoes. Regardless of what my record may suggest I did not join this church just to be on committees. I’m delighted to be here today because small group ministries are what nourish my soul.

I spent two years in wellspring up until the pandemic and I highly recommend the program for those who can make the time of commitment. I continue to zoom the spiritual advisor I had during that program. She was a lifeline during the pandemic and currently in my transition to retirement. I participated in Chalice Circles for a couple of years before Wellspring and for the past two years.

We currently use the Soul Matters curriculum which has themes each month that tie into the themes for the sermons and into RE, themes like renewal, mystery, generosity, heritage. We get a package of materials two to four weeks in advance that have readings and quotes, video links, spiritual You can pick you pick one spiritual exercise and one question to talk about when the chalice circle meets once a month And you can even make up your own question It’s very flexible with lots of options to choose from and you can spend as little or as much time on the packet As you’d like so there doesn’t have to be a big-time commitment It’s a fun and interesting curriculum that challenges you to think and to feel, I personally was definitely on the shorter time commitment end.

The group I met with was on Zoom, which I found very convenient, but other groups meet in person, which also have positives. Many of the activities have been creative and interesting, like identifying a family memento that has a hold on you or realizing your mother saved nothing, taking a weird walk, doing something generous while remaining anonymous, making a list of delights in your life, taking quizzes on our political misperceptions, or exploring how each of the homes you lived in has shaped and helped create you. I came away from each of the exercises and questions with insights about myself, some positive or comforting, others not so much, but always feeling like I had a better understanding of why I am the way I am.

In the chalice circle, after an opening reading and check-in, each person has the opportunity to talk about the exercise they did and the question they answered. This is completely without interruption, usually three to four minutes each, so very similar format to Wellspring. After everyone has had a chance to share, there’s a brief period for responses and reflections, again following Parker Palmer’s no fixing, saving, advising, or setting each other straight.

Here’s what I loved. I loved that even at this age I am learning things about myself that feel important, that I can talk about things that I have ever talked about with anyone else in my life, with full confidence of confidentiality, that all of us share things that make us vulnerable, and in doing so, we form a deep bond. And that I feel a deeper connection to members of the first UU community than I would have ever felt through coffee hour or committees. We had an end of year child event in June where people from all the different childless circles got together to share reflections on the program.

And having gone through the program, I felt a bond with many of these people, even though I had never met some of them before. People overwhelmingly enjoyed the curriculum, which has something for everyone. There were also lots of positive comments about the value of having uninterrupted time to talk with others listening, the practice of deep listening, and the bonding that comes from this depth of sharing.

I’m really glad that our church offers these small group ministries and hope that everyone looking to make connections or go deeper will consider signing up this year. You commit a couple of hours a month and you get a lot of nourishment for that. For those who are skeptical, as most you use are, I hope you’ll consider participating in a taste of soul after church on August 4th or 11th to let you see what this experience will be like.

Check the newsletter for more information. Finally, I haven’t mentioned yet that I was a co-facilitator last year and will be one again this year. Why do I co-facilitate? Well, pragmatically, the more facilitators we have, the more spaces available for people to participate. Also, you get to pick when and where the group will meet, so that’s kind of a plus, hence online. There’s a really good two -hour online training and opportunities to meet with other facilitators and other than that facilitating takes like less than 15 minutes a month more than participating. So you can facilitate even if it’s your first chalice circle. And I was a co-facilitator getting to work with and to know my co-facilitator has been a highlight of my last year, so please consider it. I hope that I get to know you better in a chalice circle someday.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As we go back out into our world today, may we carry with us the love of this, our beloved religious community.

May we center our lives in love, just as we center our faith in love. May the melody flowing through our souls be a river of love that carries us forward until next we gather our spirits again.

Amen and Blessed Be. Go in peace.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Reproductive Justice for All

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave and Guest Speakers
July 21, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Who is Reproductive Justice for? Why does it matter to you if you don’t have a uterus, or you are a woman past reproductive age? We will hear from four speakers who are committed to the fight for Reproductive Justice, including abortion health care but also much more. What does Reproductive Justice mean to all of us?” How can we engage and live our UU faith to build the Beloved Community? 

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Elizabeth Mount

To begin, to start, to create, to undertake,
To grow, to promise, to increase, to generate.
All these are our birthright.

As we are created, so may we create.
The ability and the choice to create is sacred.
To withdraw that chance from any person without their permission
Would be a violent act, the cutting off of life itself.

And yet, as precious is the right to simply not.
To end, to terminate, to stop, to discontinue,
To rest, to hibernate, to impede, to prevent.
These, too, are our birthright.

For without consent, our ability to create
becomes not a blessing, but a burden and an imposition.
Without space for a “no,” there can be no trustworthy “yes.”

Today, we come to this holy place and time,
Ready to invoke the divine, to make space for the sacred,
To co-create community once again.
This too is a choice,
you cannot, you may not,
be coerced into relationship with the holy or with one another.

I invite you, I ask you to join us.
I respect it if you will not, today, or ever.

More sacred than any other individual need, is Choice,
The right to know oneself.
The right to know what you are ready for,
what you need, to stretch when you can,
to pause when you will,
to know your body, your mind, your spirit better than anyone else.
And ultimately,
to be trusted with the responsibility of your own living.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


By Linci Comy

The whole point about revolution
Is seeing the things that are intolerable
And insisting on making change
And it takes everyday people to do that
The people in power, they don’t want change
They don’t want to see it
It’s the everyday people
That are the revolutionaries
You don’t wake up one day and
Suddenly have this revolutionary fervor
That you’re going to turn the world upside down
One day you wake up and realize
That you’re just not going to do
The same thing again and again and again and
Expect a different outcome
And that you’re going to start to feel in your soul
What place you want to live in
Where you want to be
And you’re going to start to create that
With your community
So revolutionary fervor is really just that
Great space of change
And transition
That we learn to feel
Revolutionary people
That’s just the We
We the people
That’s the revolutionary you see
So welcome to the world
Just open your eyes
And revolution grows
That’s how we change
Everything we know


by Sam Trumbore

What an unearned blessing to delight in the calming peace of this space;
to hear the bird’s [robin’s] song again at daybreak;
to feel the warmth in this room,
and to enjoy the promise of summer [almost] upon us.
Each moment of wakefulness has so many gifts that offer energy and delight.

Yet, too often they seem unavailable
as the weight of our troubles press down on us.
The threats to our well being, real or exaggerated,
feel like mosquitoes in the night looking for a place to land.
Minds become captive to rising flood waters: forceful, murky, threatening and ominous.

Even in moments of great danger, the direction of attention is a choice.
Fear can dominate the mind, binding it like a straitjacket.
Or love can unbind it and open it to resource and opportunity.
The soil of the mind can be watered with kindness.
The thorns can be removed one by one to appreciate the buds ready to flower.

Great possibilities await us even if all we can see is the cliff before us.
The grandeur of life, of which we are a part,
scatters rainbows in every direction, even as the deluge approaches.
Holding reality and possibility together is the holy, hope-filled work of humanity

If … we choose it, again and again, in love.


Elizabeth Gray, Reproductive Justice Social Action Chair

People ask me: why are you so passionate about Repro Justice? They assume I’ve had an abortion, and this is personal. Well, no, I haven’t had an abortion. Although unintended pregnancies are very common, I’ve been fortunate: I haven’t had birth control fail, I haven’t been the victim of coercion, I haven’t been impregnated by rape or incest. But mostly: I got a late start.

So no, I haven’t had an abortion, but I’m passionate about this topic because I’ve experienced reproductive freedom. I know what a difference it made in my life, and I cannot fathom that we would not demand the same for all people.

One of the four tenets of repro justice: I have been able to choose to have children, and how many to have. And, a second tenet of repro justice, I’ve been able to raise those children in a safe and sustainable environment. That’s reproductive freedom.

A third tenet of reproductive justice is the right to choose NOT to have children. And I know that if I HAD experienced an unwanted pregnancy, I would have been able to get an abortion. I had access to the procedure: the money, child care, ability to take time off, transportation,-everything you need to access this health care.

The last tenet of reproductive justice is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy. Now, that one strikes home. Pregnancy is not health neutral. Birth can be brutal and physically damaging. I experienced birth trauma with my first child, and I was left with a lifelong daily reminder, pelvic organ prolapse. I am by no means alone in this: I know that statistically, I share that that condition to at least some extent with half the women in this room who have given birth. Urinary incontinence, anybody?

In addition, during the labor and delivery I was subjected to medical procedures I did not want, and for three days after my son was born, I had a screaming baby I was determined to breast feed, but no breast milk. That wasn’t resolved until I was rushed to the hospital with post-partum hemorrhage due to, it was discovered, my placenta still abnormally attached to the uterine wall-no breast milk because my body thought I was still pregnant–I would have died without blood transfusions and medical intervention.

The birth of my second child also involved a life-threatening condition. My son Patrick, a very active child, was also evidently active in the womb: so much so that he wound the umbilical cord around his chest and was lodged sideways in my uterus. This is known as a transverse lie, and going into labor leads to serious complications-up to and including death of the mother or fetus. So I had a C-section, although that was also higher risk due to the position of the baby.

Does any of this sound familiar? The two years since Dobbs has been like a nationwide seminar in obstetrical emergencies. Well, even with those unexpectedly difficult encounters, I experienced reproductive freedom. I told my husband I was done having children, and it was abstinence or a vasectomy. He chose the latter, and I am not making this up: his urologist was Dr. Dick Chopp.

So no, I didn’t have an abortion, but I have experienced reproductive freedom, and everything that I am today – my whole life – is defined by that. Pregnancy, gestation, birth, lactation, and parenting – let’s not forget parenting – are all life- altering events. They have physical, emotional, and economic consequences. They are risks that require consent. No person should be forced into bearing a child they do not want.

I hope my story illustrates that Repro Justice is not only for people who have had — or will need-an abortion. Repro Justice is for All. Of. Us. For women who may not ever experience an unwanted pregnancy, but still have to deal with other aspects of sexual health and self-determination, for trans folks who want to make choices about their bodies, for people with disabilities who have a right to desire, intimacy, and sexual pleasure. For women who have children, and the people who parent them. And for men. Today, in this service, RJ is about men too. First, it is personal for men. You men all know and likely love someone who had a baby or wants to have a baby or might get pregnant. You care about them; it affects you when they are denied their human rights.

Second, your body may not be under attack, but you deserve the right to control the future of your family. Just b/c the govt. isn’t controlling your body as a man, doesn’t mean the govt. isn’t also controlling you. What’s next? What other of your freedoms are at risk? You should get to make your own decisions. You are a stakeholder.

And third, for the white men here or listening online: do you believe that you have an obligation to speak up on racism? For straight men, do you believe you have an obligation to speak up on homophobia? Yes, well, then this is the same thing. If one of us is oppressed, all of us are oppressed. Silence is consent. You need to be an ally.

We need to hear from men. We need to hear their personal stories about reproductive rights and justice and freedom. We need to hear them speak out publicly to call out bad actors, to refute the lies and misogyny pervading our society right now. We need them to speak up privately, with friends and family, to normalize discussion about reproductive health, reinforcing the behavior that we do say the word abortion. And menstruation. And infertility. And all the words we have stigmatized and silenced because they deal with reproduction and reproductive health.

This service is giving all of us the chance to step up. We have invited three people today to tell their stories of Reproductive Justice. First is Samuel Franco, Austin-based member of Men4Choice, a national organization dedicated to mobilizing male allies into the fight for self-determination and full control over our bodies.

Then we will hear from Kelenne Blake, executive director of Black Mamas, ATX, the community partner the Reproductive Justice team here has chosen to support as part of our mission.

And finally, Toga Pendrake, a member of our Repro Justice team, will read the anonymous account of a man in this congregation who works with a community network providing abortion medication to people in states with abortion bans. Thank you.

Samuel Franco, Men4Choice

My name is Samuel Franco my pronouns are he/him and I’m here to speak on men for choice and thank you for saying those words because it is extremely important that we have male allies in this fight.

I’ll start by telling you a little story my story Many years ago when I was a much younger man I had an abortion and I say those words not to take anything away from women or people who can get pregnant but to stand in solidarity with those that can get pregnant, and to normalize the conversation, to accept the fact that the role that men play in this conversation.

Many years ago, when I was finishing up grad school, I met a young lady who was also finishing her studies in El Paso. That’s where I’m from. And we took a liking to each other, and we knew we were both going to leave El Paso afterwards. Well, shortly about two weeks after getting to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I had moved to, she called me up and let me know that she was pregnant. So I rushed back to El Paso, not telling anybody in my family, no friends, nothing. Just me and her.

Growing up a Latino Catholic on the border, abortion is not something we talked about. It’s pretty much stigmatized. So we spent the weekend discussing our lives, our hopes, our dreams, where we were at, what we were going to do, and knowing that we weren’t going to be together, and what was best for us and best for that potential child. And we decided that was best for that potential child was not having that child. And that was best for us at that time. So Monday we went to the clinic and did what we had to do.

I tell you this story because I was reminded of it a couple of years ago after Dobbs. And I was sitting there looking at social media and I saw all these protests and I thought to myself, wait a minute, why wasn’t I there? And then I remembered, “Oh, because I’m a heterosexual cisgendered male, and those algorithms are not for me.” Right?

And so then I started looking around, and I thought to myself, “There’s got to be more men like me.” And that’s when I was introduced to Men4Choice. And so I want to talk to you a little bit about Men4Choice today. Men for choice was founded in 2015 with a mission to activate, educate, and mobilize male allies in the movement for reproductive rights.

Recognizing that too many men have remained passive in this critical issue, Men For Choice aims to change that by engaging men as active partners and allies. The organization believes that reproductive freedom is a fundamental right and that everyone should have the autonomy to make decisions about their own bodies without interference. Men4Choice is unique in their strategic focus on young men, particularly those aged 18 through 25, through initiatives like their youth fellowship program. This program is designed to build a pipeline of well -trained allies who can influence and support reproductive rights both now and in the future.

By educating young men on the realities and impacts of reproductive laws, Men4Choice equips them with the knowledge and tools needed to become effective advocates. Their work is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, engaging men in the fight for reproductive rights helps dismantle the deeply ingrained misogyny and sexism that often drive restrictive laws and policies. By changing the culture from within, Men4Choice aims to create a more equitable society where everyone’s rights are respected.

Secondly, the organization amplifies the voices and efforts of women and those directly affected by anti-choice legislation, providing much needed support and solidarity. Men4Choice has made significant strides by organizing educational events, mobilizing volunteers for on-the-ground actions, and running impactful digital campaigns. In conclusion, the work of Men4Choice is vital not only for financing reproductive rights, but also for fostering a culture of equity and respect.

By bringing men into the fold as allies, they help to build a stronger, more inclusive movement that can effectively challenge and change oppressive systems. I encourage everyone to learn more about men for choice and consider you can contribute to this essential cause.

Thank you

Kelenne Blake, Black Mamas ATX

Good morning, everyone. My name is Kelene Blake. My voice is a little bit unusual, but maybe only a couple of people might recognize that. And I’m the executive director of Black Mamas ATX. So I’m gonna be a little softer than usual today, but I wanted to talk about reproductive justice from my perspective as a black woman who works in this field.

Now specifically, pointed out so well, there are four parts to reproductive justice.

  • The ability to maintain bodily autonomy, that is huge.
  • The ability to have children,
  • Not have children,
  • And if you do have children, to be able to raise those children in safe and sustainable communities.


These are things that black women have been systematically deprived of from the inception of the United States project that we’re existing in. And what is interesting is that reproductive justice has been created by a black woman. And I first learned about reproductive justice not in birth and not related to abortion, But since the Supreme Court rolled back abortion rights, I’ve heard a lot more in, you know, communities that are not mine and specifically focused on abortion and that is really important. It has been an important catalyst for this change and for the awareness of this concept. However, this is a whole concept, and so I’m going to talk about some of the other aspects of it as well.

So, I learned about this first, when I would say about eight years ago, maybe not about a decade ago, when The black community in particular was coming to grips with how prevalent, or how, not really how prevalent, but how traumatic police brutality was becoming in our community, and how often we were literally seeing modern day lynchings of black community members through social media.

How does reproductive justice come in there? How did I first learn about it then? One studies show, especially from that time, one of the first things that a lot of people, you know, hear when they find out they’re pregnant, you know, they’re like, “Oh, is it a boy or a girl?” That’s the first thing they want to ask, right, or, you know, they’re excited, they’re enthusiastic. Black women asked often, is it a boy or a girl? And if they found out it was a boy, their hearts would sink. Because – Trayvon Martin – because of the many black boys and men that were experiencing state-sanctioned violence.

Not to say black women were not, but as always, black women’s stories are not highlighted. But yes, so in this concept, the idea of safe, sustainable communities in which to raise your back boys and girls, is really important. No aspect of justice work is siloed or separate from the other aspects. It all is intertwined. And so it is really important to see this very necessary and valuable push to regain abortion rights in conjunction with all the other fights for justice and freedom and liberation of all the very different groups needing those same things.

The work that I do, we specifically work with folks who are pregnant and we provide doula support because If I’m going to be really honest, it feels very dangerous to be a pregnant black woman in a hospital giving birth or even with a midwife giving birth that that midwife is not black or birth center are any of these spaces and so Working with a doula you have someone who’s yes, they’re coaching you as the pregnant person through the birth But they’re also advocating for you and helping to prevent any dangers. And that is why they make such a difference.

But then, as part of reproductive justice, as part of helping black women and birthing folks survive and thrive, we also have to look at access to mental health support. We also have to help people pay their bills and rent. Last month, we had a mom who was about to be evicted with a newborn baby, and we had to work to get her into a space, so she has her own space to live. We have countless moms, and it’s increasing every month, who literally, their lights are getting shut off. They’re worried about their water getting shut off, right? And they’re pregnant and postpartum and have these newborns. This is part of that safe, sustainable community. We are having to build it kind of offline with our work as a small non-profit. But we need to be — we’re just plugging the gaps where we can.

This needs to be something that is accessible to everyone, everywhere, whether or not they know about Black Mamas ATX or one of our doulas could serve them. So that is my take on how we are working towards reproductive justice. We are in support of our brothers and sisters who are doing the hard and scary work of addressing abortion rights in Texas.

That is frightening. And whenever y’all need us, call us and we will be there to support you. I also want to be able to call you because there’s the everyday parts of it that’s happening as well that’s not as loud and not as not as I would say in the zeitgeist of the conversation you know so that is what I wanted to raise today as part of reproductive justice.

Thank you for hearing me out thank you for your attention and your kind faces as I’m up here a little nervous, but really appreciating your ear.

Toga Pendrake

Text unavailable at the writer’s request.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Go in peace, with Love in your hearts, kindness on your lips, and compassion at your fingertips, blessing all others as you, yourselves, are now blessed.

Amen and Blessed Be.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Buddhist Practices in Hard Times

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Florence Caplow and Rev. Chris Jimmerson
July 14, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

How do we take care of ourselves in tough times, whether those tough times are personal or societal? How do we continue to show up for what we believe in when it is so easy to lose heart? In this service, our guest speaker Rev. Florence Caplow will share stories and practices from the Buddhist tradition for resilience and renewal in tough times.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


When the The Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms or pirates if everyone panicked, all would be lost. But if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough. It showed the way for everyone to survive. I am inviting you to go deeper, to learn and to practice so that you become someone who has a great capacity for being solid, calm, and without fear. Because our society needs people like you who have these qualities. And your children, our children, need people like you in order to go on, in order to become solid and calm and without fear.

– Thich Nhat Hanh


(NOTE: This is an ai generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)

Almost all of the people I know, It seems, are talking about this particular moment in our history and whether its challenges are unprecedented or not. On hiking trails and cafes, on a phone with each other, we are talking about this. Maybe you are too. Maybe you’re feeling dread or fear or confusion. How could this be happening? I know that you in Texas have weathered literally just this week both extraordinary heat and an unprecedented hurricane that caused massive power outages in your state that are continuing. And then there is the looming hurricane in our country, this upcoming election with all its uncertainties and even terrors. I personally am of the view that both climate change and what is happening politically, not just here, but around the world is indeed unprecedented.

For quite a while now, my own personal spiritual vow is to help in whatever way I can when the storms that seem to be on the way break over our heads.

How, how do we live in this time, engaged, brave, and like the person in the boat that Thich Nhat Hanh wrote about, tall enough somehow to help everyone around us survive. This is not about turning away or turning inward, but about each of us building our own capacity, both for societal challenges and for the challenges in our own lives, in our own communities, our own personal hurricanes.

Today, I’d like to offer some possible ways, simple ways, as both a UU minister and a Buddhist teacher. And although these ways are informed by my Buddhist training, you do not have to be any kind of Buddhist to engage in them.

Many centuries ago, a Zen student in China asked their teacher, “What is the fundamental teaching?”

And the teacher replied, “An appropriate response.”

What is the appropriate response right now in these strange and scary times? Well, I can’t tell you. It’s really for you to find out. But I don’t think it is turning away or tuning out with the latest Netflix series, although that can be a helpful break, nor do I think it is drowning in fear or anger. I think at times like these spiritual practices are essential so that we can engage.

Now, I don’t really believe in giving advice, because honestly, who actually follows advice. But I’m going to break my own rule this morning and offer a little advice. Five spiritual practices for tough times. As you listen, see which one where maybe several of them really speaks to you. Even one of them could make a difference. Or consider what is already a spiritual practice for you, perhaps one you hadn’t even thought of as a spiritual practice.

The five spiritual practices I’d like to share this morning, very simple practices, are: pausing, appreciating, not knowing, staying together, and feeling your feet, with a little bonus practice at the end.

So first, and I think most importantly, find a way, or ways, to pause, to slow down, to rest, to feed your spirit. Many of us, maybe all of us, are moving so fast and so frantically, either in an attempt to survive economically or to address the wrongs around us, that spiritual practices become an afterthought or luxury. And the more we panic, speaking for myself, the more it may seem like we simply don’t have the time for spiritual practices.

Please don’t think of them as an afterthought. Think of them whatever they are or could be for you as a foundation, as essential in these times as drinking enough water. Maybe some of you feel like you’re running a And in a marathon, although honestly, I have never participated in a marathon, but this is what I hear you need to be sure to get enough water and pace yourself. Same with mountaineering, which I have done. Rest breaks are absolutely essential. When you get up into the high elevations for mountaineering, you actually have to rest with every step.

And I’m more than half convinced that there are people out there who are trying to get us to never rest, never stop surfing of the net so that we won’t stop and think what is happening. Sometimes those of us who are Activists feel that we can’t rest, that the problems are so dire, we need to be doing whatever we can 24 /7. For you, us in that category, or anyone who overworks, I want to offer these provocative words by the late Trappist monk and writer, Thomas Merton.

There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence to which the idealist (that’s us) most easily sickens activism and overwork. The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of its innate violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence. It kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.”


Or as the Black activist and founder of NAP Ministry, Trisha Hershey writes,

“Consider rest a radical act. Walk in the woods, cuddle with your loved one, or a dog, or a cat. Drink a cup of tea, Go to church on Sunday, go on retreat. Take a moment to breathe with awareness, just right now. Take in an in-breath, in an out-breath. And know that you are not turning away from the troubles of the world. You are strengthening yourself for the journey and the struggle.”


It’s said that Gandhi used to meditate for an hour a day but one day there was a big political action coming up and his followers said today is so busy that we won’t be meditating, right? Gandhi said today is so busy we will be meditating for two hours.

Maybe you’re saying to yourself I can’t meditate. That’s just not my thing and certainly not for two hours. I am here to tell you that there is such a thing as homeopathic meditation. Even a moment of presence goes a very long way. Even a breath can be a moment of Sabbath and pause. It doesn’t take any special equipment. You always have it with you. It’s always available, even one breath.

So my first piece of advice to summarize, find a way, find ways to slow down and be present, whatever you call it. I promise you that your adrenal glands will thank you if no one else does. and probably others will thank you as well.

Advice number two, Appreciating. The harder and uglier things get, the more important this simple practice becomes. Yes, you have a right to some happiness, even when things are falling apart. The intentional practice of gratitude, of gratefulness, of appreciation, has been shown scientifically to increase baseline happiness, reduce pain and depression, lower stress, and improve sleep.

Think about it, if we had a drug that did that with no side effects, it would be a runaway bestseller. And there are a thousand ways to practice this, or as Rumi said, to kneel and kiss the ground. But like most practices, it does not have to be elaborate. Two of the easiest practices are Sabering and Awe.

Sabering is to fully experience small pleasures and comforts like your morning coffee with tea or how it feels to get into bed after a long day to really notice and experience those things. And awe is our response to something vast or amazing, something seen, heard, or experienced. Awe can also arise from witnessing human kindness or greatness or courage.

I am currently visiting a little town in the Roaring Fork Valley of western Colorado where I served as a minister a number of years ago, and all around me are mountain landscapes that easily evoke awe. And last night, I went to a performance at the Aspen Music Festival. And I heard a British cellist, Stephen Isserlis, play a long, long, long lost Haydn concerto for cello. As soon as he started to play, The grace of his playing, his ease brought me into intense presence, and his very obvious bliss and joy in the music as he played was contagious. I experienced bliss too and awe.

But appreciation doesn’t need to be so special. One of my favorite quotes is from the Reverend Howard Thurman, the founder of the first intentionally interracial church in America, the church for the fellowship of all peoples in San Francisco. And this is from his Thanksgiving prayer, which starts with these words.

Today, I make my sacrament of Thanksgiving. I begin with the simple things of my days, fresh air to breathe, cool water to drink, the taste, the food, the protection of houses and clothes, the comforts of home. For all these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


Advice number three, and this may seem strange to a bunch of UUs, but is it the heart of Zen and very helpful in hard times? Practice not knowing. What do I mean by that? Well, most of the time, we are so sure we know, and it certainly seems like a lot of people online or on the news programs know something as well. But our thoughts and their thoughts about the world and where it’s going can literally, literally drive us crazy, but they are just thoughts. And when we realize this, we can act with greater peace.

Thich Nhat Hanh used to tell his students to ask themselves always, “Am I sure, for instance, perhaps like you, I am sometimes filled with dread about our collective future?”

But the reality is, I don’t know the future. And no one does, not even the wisest pundit writing in the most prestigious publication, apologies to any pundits in the sanctuary. I can ask myself, am I sure, and then still act for what I believe in without being certain of the outcome? Give it to try. Practice.

And this really comes from my UU tradition. Remember to stay together. Remember that you are not alone. What brought me to UU ministry was witnessing and being a beneficiary of the tremendous care and love even for strangers that can be expressed in a UU congregation. What actually brought me to UU ministry was stumbling into a congregation in Flagstaff, Arizona, sad and unwell and being embraced almost before they knew my name.

Come to think of it, I experienced awe when that happened too. There is so much power and encouragement that comes from showing up for each other, Acting for the world standing in a picket line or marching for justice not alone, but together This is one of the many reasons that I think Progressive faith communities will matter all the more in the coming years Despite what the pundits say. We need each other. We can’t do this alone.

I want to share a poem that has been important to me since my teen years, written by the great Zen beat poet Gary Snyder in 1959.


the rising hills, the slopes,
the statistics
lie before us,
the steep climb
of everything going up
up, as we all
go down.

In the next century,
or the one beyond that,
they say
our valleys, pastures,
we can meet there in peace
if we make it.

To climb these coming crests,
one word to you,
to you and your children.

Stay together.
Learn the flowers. Go light.

Stay together. Learn the flowers. Go light.

Number five, the simplest of all. Pay attention to your feet. Pay attention to them right now. See how they are beneath you in contact with the floor connected to the earth. We spend so much time up in our heads. Meanwhile, our humble feet are supporting us all the time. To feel your feet is to feel your foundation, to quite literally ground yourself. Whether you’re standing in a grocery line, having an argument with your partner, or facing a line of oncoming police in a direct action, feeling your feet will bring you into your body, and in contact with the earth, which is always there, always supporting you, and which receives us all in the end.

And on a lighter note, a little bonus advice. I promised you a bonus, from the great satirist Kurt Vonnegut. His last words of advice, who knows if anyone listened, to an audience in 2007. “And how should we behave during this apocalypse? We should be unusually kind to one another, certainly. But we should also stop being so serious. Jokes help a lot. And get a dog if you don’t already have one.”

So if one of these spiritual practices spoke to you, I invite you to bring it more fully into your life.

And just to review, here are some simple spiritual practices for these tough times.

  • Pause
  • Appreciate
  • Practice not knowing
  • Stay together
  • Feel your feet
  • And don’t forget to laugh now and again.


Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


You are not alone. You have generations of ancestors at your back. You have the blessings of interdependence and community. You have the great trees of the forest and steadfast allies. You have the turning of the seasons and the renewal of life as your music. You have the vast sky of emptiness to hold all things graciously. Now it is time to step forward, bringing your equanimity and courage, wisdom and compassion to the world,

– Janet Cornfield


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Generosity of Spirit

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Kristina Spaude
July 7, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Together we will reflect on our interdependence as we grow in community through the lens of time and imagination. Rev. Kristina Spaude currently serves as the contract minister for the UU Church of Tarpon Springs, FL. Her six-word story of faith is, “We’re here to build Love’s house,” and she is passionate about making the way for more justice in this world.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

– Ranier Maria Rilke
(translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)

God speaks to each of us as he makes us,
then walks with us silently out of the night.

These are the words we dimly hear:

You, sent out beyond your recall,
go to the limits of your longing.
Embody me.

Flare up like a flame
and make big shadows I can move in.

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don’t let yourself lose me.

Nearby is the country they call life.
You will know it by its seriousness.

Give me your hand.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Alberto Rios

You are not fifteen, or twelve, or seventeen
You are a hundred wild centuries
And fifteen, bringing with you
In every breath and in every step
Everyone who has come before you,
All the yous that you have been,
The mothers of your mother,
The fathers of your father.

If someone in your family tree was trouble,
A hundred were not:
The bad do not win – not finally,
No matter how loud they are.

We simply would not be here
If that were so.
You are made, fundamentally, from the good.
With this knowledge, you never march alone.
You are the breaking news of the century.
You are the good who has come forward
Through it all, even if so many days
Feel otherwise.

But think:
When you as a child learned to speak,
It’s not that you didn’t know words –
It’s that, from the centuries, you knew so many,
And it’s hard to choose the words that will be your own.
From those centuries we human beings bring with us
The simple solutions and songs,
The river bridges and star charts and song harmonies
All in service to a simple idea:
That we can make a house called tomorrow.

What we bring, finally, into the new day, every day,
Is ourselves.
And that’s all we need
To start.
That’s everything we require to keep going.
Look back only for as long as you must,
Then go forward into the history you will make.

Be good, then better.
Write books.
Cure disease.
Make us proud.
Make yourself proud.
And those who came before you?
When you hear thunder,
Hear it as their applause.


Last year during the Festival of Homiletics, a week long celebration of preaching and presentations by progressive and libratory Christian preachers and scholars, I was struck by one particular story. So we are getting biblical this morning. One of the preachers mentioned Lot’s wife and shared that she is the most referenced woman from the scriptures in poetry, I think it was.

Lot’s wife has been sitting with me for months patiently waiting for her turn to teach us. Of course, it is Lot’s wife who is unnamed in the scriptures, but who in the Midrash, the wisdom of rabbis that supplements the Torah, is named as Edith. She is the one who breaks God’s instruction not to look back as she is fleeing from her home, which is being spectacularly destroyed, fleeing with her husband and their children who would leave, and for this she instantly becomes a pillar of salt.

Now, that story begins with God expressing that there has been such an outcry from people that they cannot ignore that the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah had fallen into sinfulness, with the greatest sin, perhaps, being breaking the commandment to welcome the stranger, to love our neighbors, to be hospitable.

To assess the situation there, God sends two emissaries to the city, two of the same who had just visited Abraham and Sarah, who despite their ages are promised their own child. Abraham, just informed that he would be the father of nations despite being ancient, is told by God that Sodom is sinful, so they are preparing to make their way to Sodom, where one of Abraham’s nephews, Lot, lives.

Abraham pleads with God, “What if there are 50 good people. What if there are only 45? Maybe there are only 40. What if there are only 30, 30 good people in the city? What if there are only 20? What if there are only 10. What if there are only 10 good people? And God says he will not destroy the city if 10 are good.

They arrive and Lot who has been at the gate welcomes them into his home. Initially the angels decline but Lot urges them to stay with him. They eat well, and as night falls, the home is surrounded by the men of the town, demanding that the two be sent out. Lot begs them to behave and offers his daughters instead, and the crowd gets angrier. They only stop banging at the door when the angels strike them blind, and they can no longer find it.

This story is often misconstrued as one condemning homosexuality, but it is not about that at all. It is about the inhospitality of the residents who have wealth and food in abundance. And somehow this has made them cruel instead of generous. It has become the practice of the men of the city to violently assault their visitors, which is why people cried out to God for help. And so God decides that the city must be destroyed.

Lot and his family are given little time to collect their things and make their way out before God unleashes their destruction, sulfur and fire, which leads to explosions and more. God warns them not to look back or there will be consequences. But Lot’s wife cannot help herself, it seems.

So this raises a few questions. I’ve been spending some time with Krista Tippett and her philosophy of asking good questions. And so we begin with what other reason could there be that she would look back knowing that it would be her end. It is natural for us to look back as we leave. We remember in those moments what was, has been, the promises we once felt held by. We think about the community that we had or dreamed of having, our roots, the places we loved, and for Lot’s wife, that perhaps her children also loved.

It is deeply human to recognize that places become homes, that our relationships with places and people are what shape and make our lives. Maybe she was looking back to see if her daughters who had chosen to stay with their husbands had changed their minds. How do you not look back and remember your hopes, the people who loved you into yourself, the memory of firsts and lasts and everything in between?

As I left Pennsylvania to take my position in Tarpon Springs, I looked back as we drove across the Susquehanna River for the last time, wanting to have my last memory of the place not to be one of pain, but of beauty.

Perhaps Lot’s wife was looking back to help her accept that this city was worthy of such destruction. Given how natural of an instinct turning back would be, It seems cruel to believe that God would want to punish anyone already facing such a terrible situation.

So this is the second question. Why would God make such an instruction? In general, the God of the Hebrew Bible isn’t the warmer and fuzzier God we get to know once Jesus enters the picture. But God is also not unreasonable or punishing for the sake of being punishing. So what would inspire them to make this instruction?

Given the context of the rest of the scriptures, my interpretation is because sometimes we humans have a tendency to hold on too tightly to the past, even at the expense of our present and future. We continue to act in the ways we have acted, even when doing so keeps us locked in cycles of creating harm to ourselves. God’s attempt at going scorched earth in these cities of licentiousness is to try to create a blank slate to give the people a chance to begin again, to build something new and one would expect or at least hope better.

In order to do that, not only does Lot’s family, the ones who are to survive, that they need to be far away, they need to be moving in the direction of forward with their hearts and minds as well as with their bodies. Turning back slows us down and risks us getting stuck, whether physically or emotionally. As if looking back might cause us to freeze. As if turning Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt was just an affirmation of her own unwillingness or unpreparedness to make space for the future or even the present.

The third question is why salt? Why does she turn into a pillar of salt? The Midrash says that Lot’s wife went to other homes in Sodom asking for salt so that she could share that she had guests for the evening. This is not part of the scriptures though, and the text itself does not offer any insight into the question. What we do know is that salt is a component of tears. Being turned into a pillar of salt may be a way to convey tears of loss. Salt is also highly soluble in water that is when wet salt will melt away. And land that is saturated with salt cannot grow anything. Salt is a cleanser, a purifying agent, a sanctifier.

Perhaps being made a pillar of salt which will not last as a monument to the past for long and will become a stain upon the earth as a patch where nothing will grow is what God is trying to warn against, that if there can be no good or healthy growth, there will be no growth at all. Without a future, the past will also be lost because there is no one left to carry it.

Or to quote from Paul Razor in a 2010 UU World article, “Nearly a Century ago, the Reverend Louis B. Fisher, the Dean of the Universalist Seminary at St. Lawrence University, described Universalists are often asked to tell where they stand. The only true answer is that we do not stand at all. We move.” Razor continues, “Yet there are times when the opposite is true. When the realities are so daunting that we freeze up playing out Dean Fisher’s aphorism in reverse, we do not move, we stand. And more, when we decide to go it alone, to look backward more than we are willing to move forward, we lose ourselves. We wander into a wilderness of our own making and without companions, surrounded by what seeks to separate us from one another.

Lot’s wife is a warning to us that where we travel, we must go together if we are to have any hope. To reference another scriptural story, the one about Moses leading the people from Egypt. Too often we focus on the 40 years wandering the desert. And with good reason, we understand that hardship. But in doing so, we overlook the effort that it takes to leave Egypt at all. Some people protest. The journey will be hard. And is being a slave really so bad when you know how the system works?

They clung to their horrendous conditions because they were familiar. The past can feel like a warm comforter on a cold day. Cause sometimes we humans have a tendency to hold on too tightly to the past, even at the expense of our present and future. We continue to act in ways that we have acted, even when doing so keeps us locked in cycles of creating harm to ourselves.

Communities, including congregations that are not moving or resting actively are dying, resting from the lens of doing appropriate care, of catching our breath, of meditating to bring us calm or to help us dream. Of taking the time to ask the hard questions, these are all active resting. Refusing to engage in these practices like refusing to do the work to move forward is an indication of unease of this, we become like Lot’s wife, frozen in time.

The thing is that generosity is not just about money, or your time, talent, and treasures we so often say. It’s about all of that and more, about the ways that we are open to curiosity, hospitality, care. The ways we think about not just this moment, but about this moment in the context of what has been and what will yet be, yet to be possible based on what we do today.

Generosity is temporal this way, it extends from before all the way to beyond. It’s also a conversation that we have, both with the past and the future to give direction to the present. It’s a conversation we have with all that is possible now. Perhaps we are like children who created Roxaboxen, whose imaginations inspire them to create homes and neighborhoods out of boxes, stones, glass, cactus, and other odds and ends. The present offers different possibilities to us just as the future does if we let it.

Generosity is about reaching beyond ourselves into the future, doing just a little bit more than is necessary to make other things possible. We need to be generous in holding space for dreaming, for others dreams that we alone cannot imagine, but that will save us nonetheless. We need to look forward at least as much as we are looking back. Are we reaching forward for the generosity the future is trying to extend to us?

How do we hold space in this moment to honor the past, to name what it has given us, and to allow the future to also be possible? A healthy past wants us to let go and grow forward. When Lot’s wife looked back, she was holding herself back from being able to hold space for other possibilities in that moment.

When I left Pennsylvania, I was already making space in my heart and mind for Florida for a couple of months. My looking back was a last goodbye, an act of closure. Our minds sometimes imagine us living in the future or our hearts and minds may try to convince us that we live in the past. We know how that turned out though.We can only ever live in this moment in the present.

Our own imaginations as we age may become less inspired, less curious, less interesting. Imagination is something that we have to practice. And congregations have to practice this together. And every time someone comes or goes, we have to rework the possibilities we have been imagining to make space for everyone, to practice a generosity of spirit.

And we can if we choose to do so. Choose to make a little more space. Choose to be a little bit more flexible. Choose to dream a little bigger. Choose to lean in a little more. May we choose to do the next right thing, the next caring thing, the next thing worth doing for the tomorrow we hope to build.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar

In the lore of ancient China, there is a story of a philosopher who was asked, “Where is the road called Hope?”
He replied, “It does not exist, but as people move upon it, it comes into being.”

I invite you to continue moving forward on this path, this journey called hope, together in Unitarian Universalism with me.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

A Quest for Freedom

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Addae Ama Kraba
June 16, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Whatever way we choose to become indebted economically, thereby chaining ourselves to a workforce that we hate out of necessity is a personal choice of imprisonment. However, true freedom is a natural right that every human being is born with.

Chalice Lighting

At times our own light goes out and is redindled by a spark of another person. Each of us has couse to think with great gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.

Call to Worship

Carol Meyer

May we open ourselves ever more fully to that Eternal Mystery which lures us onward toward life and creativity.

May we find the courage to live our faith, to speak our truth, and to strive together for a world where freedom abounds and justice truly does roll down like water.

May we know the fullness of love without fear, and the serenity of peace without turmoil. May we hold one another in the deep and tender places with compassion, and may we grace one another by sharing our own vulnerabilities, being ever mindful of the divinity within that makes soulmates of us all.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.



These words are dedicated to those who survived,
Because they refused to give up and defied statistics.
Because they had faith and trusted in the holy,
Because the expected the worst and were always prepared,
Because they were angry,
Because they could act,
Because they endured humiliation,
Because they turned the other cheek,
Because they looked the other way.

These words are dedicated to those who survived,
Because life is a struggle and they struggled.
Because life is an awakening and they were alert.
Because life is a flowering and they blossomed.
Because life is a gift and they were free to accept it.

These words are dedicated to those who survived.


Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


As you go out into the world
in the face of hate,
in the face of exclusion,
in the face of homophobia,
let us answer the call to love.

In the face of racism,
in the face of misogyny,
in the face of bigotry,
we answer the call of open-mindedness.
we answer the call of hope.

As Unitarian Universalists,
now more than ever,
we answer the call to love.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

2024 Youth Sunday

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

First UU’s High School Youth Group
May 26, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This Sunday, our High School Youth Group will take us on a journey of coming of age in the twenty-first century. The youth will share music and readings that have resonated with them this year, along with very real and sometimes challenging stories and reflections on mental health, being a teen, and being a UU.

Chalice Lighting

Sandra Cisneros

“What they don’t understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you’re eleven, you’re also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one. And when you wake up on your eleventh birthday, you expect to feel eleven, but you don’t. You open your eyes, and everything’s just like yesterday, only it’s today. And you don’t feel eleven at all. You feel like you’re still ten. And you are – underneath the year that makes you eleven.

Like some days, you might say something stupid, and that’s the part of you that’s still ten. Or maybe some days you might need to sit on your mama’s lap because you’re scared, and that’s the part of you that’s five. And maybe one day when you’re all grown up maybe you will need to cry like if you’re three, and that’s okay. That’s what I tell Mama when she’s sad and needs to cry. Maybe she’s feeling three.

Because the way you grow old is kind of like an onion or like the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little wooden dolls that fit one inside the other, each year inside the next one…”

Call to Worship

What connects us all is bagels and coffee and talking in Howson Hall after service.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Toko-pa Turner

For the rebels and the misfits, the black sheep and the outsiders. For the refugees, the orphans, the scapegoats, and the weirdos. For the uprooted, the abandoned, the shunned and invisible ones.

May you recognize with increasing vividness that you know what you know.

May you give up your allegiances to self-doubt, meekness, and hesitation.

May you be willing to be unlikeable, and in the process be utterly loved.

May you be impervious to the wrongful projections of others, and may you deliver your disagreements with precision and grace.

May you see, with the consummate clarity of nature moving through you, that your voice is not only necessary, but desperately needed to sing us out of this muddle.

May you feel shored up, supported, entwined, and reassured as you offer yourself and your gifts to the world.

May you know for certain that even as you stand by yourself, you are not alone.


Homily 1: Pheonix Holley-Hurt

Homily 2: Adlai Parry

Homily 3: E.B. Parry

Homily 4: Isaac Braman-Ray

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Kimya Dawson

I got good at feeling bad and that’s why I’m still here.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

The Force of Possibility

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Michelle LaGrave
and Casandra Ryan, VP of the UU Service Committee
May 19, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

From fighting for climate justice in the South Pacific, to assisting refugees in Ukraine, supporting migrants in Central America, and helping rebuild civil society in Haiti, please join us to learn about UUSC’s work around the world and how UU’s are partnering to promote peace, justice, and global solidarity.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Our first task in approaching another people,
another culture,
another religion,
is to take off our shoes,
for the place we are approaching is holy,
Else we find ourselves treading on others’ dreams.

– Max Warren, adapted

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


by Aurora Levins Morales

Last night I dreamed
ten thousand grandmothers
from the twelve hundred corners of the earth
walked out into the gap
one breath deep
between the bullet and the flesh
between the bomb and the family.
They told me we cannot wait for governments.
There are no peacekeepers boarding planes.
There are no leaders who dare to say
every life is precious,
so it will have to be us.
They said we will cup our hands around each heart.
We will sing the earth’s song,
the song of water,
a song so beautiful that vengeance will turn to weeping,
the mourners will embrace,
and grief replace every impulse toward harm.
Ten thousand is not enough, they said,
so, we have sent this dream, like a flock of doves
into the sleep of the world. Wake up. Put on your shoes.
You who are reading this, I am bringing bandages
and a bag of scented guavas from my trees. I think
I remember the tune. Meet me at the corner.
Let’s go.

Centering and Meditation

This is a prayer for all the travelers.
For the ones who start out in beauty, who fall from grace,
who step gingerly,
looking for the way back.
And for those who are born into the margins,
who travel from one liminal space to another,
crossing boundaries in search of center.

This is a prayer for the ones whose births
are a passing from darkness to darkness,
who all their lives are drawn toward the light,
and for those whose journeys
are a winding road that begins and ends in the same place,
though only when the journey is completed
do they finally know where they are.

For all the travelers, young and old, aching and joyful,
weary and full of life;
the ones who are here, and the ones who are not here;
the ones who are like you (and they’re all like you)
and the ones who are different (for in some ways, we each travel alone).

This is a prayer for traveling mercies,
And surefootedness,
for bread for your body and spirit,
for water,
for your safe arrival
and for everyone you see along the way.

– Angela Herrera


Casandra Ryan, VP of the UU Service Committee

Hello Friends! It is a joy to be with you on this beautiful day.

Thank you for welcoming me, and thank you to Mary and David Overton, for inviting me to be with you today, and to also be a part of last night’s celebration of legacy giving.

I know that many of us are working in different ways to promote justice in the world and at home – you are working to help your local community and protecting our nation’s democracy-thank you! And I know that there is so much strife and devastation around us, in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, Central America, and in the U.S. So many important causes that demand our attention.

It’s why I am especially grateful to be with you, to share a bit about some good that is happening.


In her 2019 message of support to the youth climate strikers, author, Rebecca Solnit shared some important guidance … she opens her letter with this,

  • I want to say to all the climate strikers today: thank you… for being un- reasonable.
  • Your actions matter, and your power will be felt.
  • Today you are the force of possibility.



At the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, we are blessed to be in relationship with partners who imagine what is possible. It is this fundamental principle that I believe is needed, for the sake of a world that reflects our commitment to peace, and justice.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share stories of UUSC’s history, and the work we are doing, with our members and our grassroots partners around the globe, and with you.


UUSC has always depended on the support and vision of the UU community. And the values of UUSC are at the center of our congregations.

More than a hundred years ago, Lewis Fisher, dean of the Ryder Divinity School in Chicago, famously said, “Universalists are often asked to tell where they stand. The only true answer to give to this question is that we do not stand at all… we move.”

I have the honor to travel around the country visiting UU congregations, and each UU community is so unique. The elements of the service, the configuration of the space, the ambiance; all very different from each other.

However, there is one thing that solidly connects us. At every single gathering, there is a chalice, lit to begin our time of reflection.

It is the chalice itself, the very thing that binds UUs together, that calls us to the work of resisting oppressive systems, such as racism, sexism, and fascism, promoting human rights for all people, and caring for the earth we share.


Our chalice was not always the symbol of the Unitarian and Universalist faiths. In 1940, Reverend Charles Rhind Joy was sent by the newly created Unitarian Service Committee, to Lisbon, to aid refugees fleeing the Nazi regime. Dr. Joy worked with Hans Deutsch, an Austrian refugee and artist, to create documents with an official seal to match other travel papers. That seal was the flaming chalice.

It was at this same time when Waitstill and Martha Sharp, were also sent to Europe by the Service Committee-and from these efforts, UUSC was born. If you are interested in learning more about our founding and the Sharps, the terrific Ken Burns documentary, Defying the Nazis, will be shown in this congregation on Wednesday at 6 PM!


So, the thing that binds Unitarian Universalists together –the chalice– was founded on our commitment to human rights. Since the founding of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, we have been committed to supporting the work of liberation, even when, and maybe especially when, it involves making trouble for the powers that would deny anyone’s full humanity.


UUSC now works with more 30,000 members and over 50 grassroots partners in 20 countries. We galvanize our members to advance Climate Justice, Emergency Response, and the rights of displaced people.

The key to our success is our very dedicated membership and working in close partnership with locally led groups. We invest in these grassroots groups to help them implement their own plans for relief. UUSC engages in the work of human rights through what we call “radical trust.”

Our mission affirms the inherent dignity of all people. We are often the first funder of these partner groups, helping them launch movements for justice and to grow into mighty forces for good.

UUSC partners consistently and stubbornly claim their power and reject the notion that there is little we can do. We are committed to standing with them and helping them achieve their goals-our shared goals.


How can we use the power of possibility to imagine action that can lead to different and better futures?

UUSC’s grassroots partners see a better future. Getting to know their work offers us a chance to see new possibilities. Through them, we reach beyond ourselves, to marshal our efforts and resources, to create a new world.

Let’s learn a bit more about the important ways we are all advancing justice:

With our migrant justice work, for example, UUSC focuses on three aspects of the crisis people are experiencing. First on supporting grassroots organizations working so people can remain safely at home, in Honduras and Nicaragua and Guatemala. And providing safety to people migrating along the trails through Mexico, and finally, access to asylum here in the United States.

One of the ways we are supporting access to asylum is in partnership with UU congregations, and other progressive faith communities, to provide support to the congregations as they sponsor and accompany asylum seekers. We are also doing similar work to support trans folks in the United States through the Pink Haven Network, helping them to relocate and resettle in safety and community.

Recently, in another area of work, 27 Pacific Islands Students worked with UUSC to form a group fighting Climate Change. They took their vision from a theoretical law school project to the floor of the United Nations General Assembly, where it was adopted by unanimous consent. UUSC was their first funder and, we were able to connect them with even larger funders, so that they could become a force for indigenous communities across the globe.

In Haiti, we have launched an emergency response fund to support our partners and people facing extreme violence and immediate threats to their lives. We do this by building upon the deep relationships we have established in the country over the last decade. This work at its core is all about relationships.

UUSC partners cannot deny the devastating systems of oppression that order so much of our world. Yet with courage and imagination, they resist.

In this work, we see possibility and courage, in our partners and with UUs across the country. And I love the way that our being a small organization makes BIG, important things possible.


A few weeks ago, I returned from a trip to Poland where we visited with partners who are supporting refugees from Ukraine.

One after the other, I found each of our partners, as I always do, to be immensely inspiring and dedicated to their cause.

One group, Toward Dialogue is working with Romani people in Eastern Europe, including Roma refugees from Ukraine, a largely ignored population. The Alliance for Black Justice Poland is a team that fights against the racism that is rampant in Eastern Europe and, among many NGO’s.

We are working with groups to support refugees and combat human trafficking. Martynka is the only group in Poland that exists specifically to protect refugee women from gender-based violence. And sadly, the need is great.

I am humbled by the brilliance and compassion of our partners. And they are so grateful to us and to you, and those who support UUSC. Margo from Toward Dialogue, told us that UUSC is different. We listen, our support is flexible, unrestricted, and long-term.

And I hear this again and again. From UUSC partners all over the world. They tell us that UUSC works differently. Ours is a better model, one that works. All of us together, we are creating possibilities. We are lighting sparks of hope that burst into fire of commitment and justice.


In rejecting the notion that there is no other way, and little we can do, aid workers in Poland, the Pacific Students, grassroots groups in Burma, feminist farmers in Nicaragua, water defenders in Honduras, democracy activists in Haiti, are recreating a world where all may flourish and thrive.

It is not always easy to see what is possible.

BUT, what our partners have shared with us, provides me with the hope that we can, and we, in fact, do effect change. Here are just a few more examples from what I have heard from them: Like,

  • Ana Lorena from Mexico City. She is working to reunite lost and displaced people, along the multiple migrant trails that runs through Mexico to the United States, who said that, together, “We are putting Justice on the Move.”
  • And Joseph from the South Pacific, who works with indigenous groups fighting to save their countries and cultures from the ravages of climate change, he boldly declares that “We are not drowning, we are fighting.”
  • Jasmin and Marissa, of LEGIS in Macedonia are supporting refugees from North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. They shared that where larger aid agencies swoop in and absorb available resources and staff, their relationship with UUSC has transformed the organization, making it stronger so they can aid more refugees and save more lives.
  • Kasia from Poland, she works at the Association for Women’s Rights. Kasia said that she remains hopeful because she knows that where there is injustice, good people will organize.
  • And Juan Antonio, from Honduras – he is one of my favorites. Juan Antonio is a quiet, sweet man, defending human rights defenders from corrupt corporate and government officials who are stealing land and resources, and committing crimes with absolute impunity, exasperating the migration crisis. His life is constantly under threat. He has been wrongfully detained multiple times, and his friends and coworkers have been murdered. Yet he insists that “Hope is the act of defiance I commit each day.”


As a staff member of UUSC, it is one of my great privileges to travel to meet these partners and learn about their life-saving work. It is also my privilege to visit congregations, to thank folks in person for their social justice efforts.

I know this congregation is doing so much good both locally and globally. I am grateful to you for standing with UUSC. Though, I am hoping that more of you will join our ranks. A member of this congregation has offered to match donations of new or renewed supporters, up to $2,000!

A gift of any size will make you a member-and all gifts make a difference. To those of you who are supporting UUSC, I thank you.

Whether you are a current member or not, I want you all to be confident that this organization is doing great things in the name of Unitarian Universalism, and that you are a part of that.

The struggle for justice is real. But if you are ever tempted by despair, please remember UUSC and our partners. And know that we can all resist injustice, by joining together.

Together, we are a force of possibility. Thank you.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


We have a calling in this world:

We are called to honor diversity,
to respect differences with dignity,
and to challange those who would forbit it.

We are people of a wide path.

Let us abide in affection
and go our way in peace.

– Jean M Rowe


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Silent No More

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Nancy Mohn Barnard
April 28, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Lately, bad news is omnipresent: climate change, polarized politics, and inequity abound. But Unitarian Universalism offers a message of good news; we just need the courage to share it.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Joan Javier-Duval

Voice 1: You are beloved and you are welcome here

Voice 2: Whether tears have fallen from your eyes this past week or gleeful laughter has spilled out of your smiling mouth

Voice 1: You are beloved and you are welcome here

Voice 2: Whether you are feeling brave or broken-hearted; defiant or defeated; fearsome or fearful

Voice 1: You are beloved and you are welcome here

Voice 2: Whether you have untold stories buried deep inside or stories that have been forced beyond the edges of comfort

Voice 1: You are beloved and you are welcome here

Voice 2: Whether you have made promises, broken promises, or are renewing your promises,

Voice 1: You are beloved and you are welcome here

Voice 2: Whatever is on your heart However it is with your soul in this moment

Voice 1: You are beloved and you are welcome here

Voice 2: In this space of welcome and acceptance, commitment and re-commitment, of covenant and connection,

Let us worship together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Dana Worsnop

Often people say that they love coming to a place with so many like-minded people.

I know just what they are getting at — and I know that they aren’t getting it quite right.

I don’t want to be with a bunch of people who think just like me.

I want to be in a beloved community where I don’t have to think like everyone else to be loved, to be eligible for salvation.

I want to be with people who value compassion, justice, love and truth, though they have different thoughts and opinions about all sorts of things.

I want to be with independent-minded people of good heart.

I want to be with people who have many names and no name at all for God.

I want to be with people who see me in me goodness and dignity, who also see my failings and foibles, and who still love me.

I want to be with people who feel their inter-connection with all existence and let it guide their footfalls upon the earth.

I want to be with people who see life as a paradox and don’t always rush to resolve it.

I want to be with people who are willing to walk the tight rope that is life and who will hold my hand as I walk mine.

I want to be with people who let church call them into a different way of being in the world.

I want to be with people who support, encourage and even challenge each other to higher and more ethical living.

I want to be with people who inspire one another to follow the call of the spirit.

I want to be with people who covenant to be honest, engaged and kind, who strive to keep their promises and hold me to the promises I make.

I want to be with people who give of themselves, who share their hearts and minds and gifts.

I want to be with people who know that human community is often warm and generous, sometimes challenging and almost always a grand adventure.

In short, I want to be with people like you.


When you hear the word evangelism, what comes to mind? For many of us the word evangelism can have negative connotations, bringing to mind religious trauma from our pasts, in which we were maybe proselytized to or pressured into being saved. Indeed, nowadays the word evangelism has come to be associated with a particular sect of Christianity and not the actual dictionary definition, which means to spread the “good news” of the gospel. Evangelism no longer represents good news, but rather, has become a negative word with which we want nothing to do.

As Unitarian Universalists, our tradition has become a haven for those who have experienced trauma from evangelism. And yet, today I’m going to make an argument for reclaiming the word evangelism, specifically for the Unitarian Universalist tradition. Though many of you may cringe — I’d like to argue that evangelism is needed in the Unitarian Universalist church. Now, I realize that the thought of an evangelical Unitarian Universalist tradition may be triggering. Indeed, for many years, anything that even hinted at evangelism triggered me. But over time, as I have recovered from my past, the negative connotation of evangelism has slowly lessened.

Evangelism first became a loaded and negative word for me back in 1992, when I first moved to Georgetown, Texas. At the age of sixteen, in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, my parents uprooted my northern California family to relocate there. The culture shock was real. Whereas back home religion was something that people kept to themselves, at school, the “What’s your name?” question was inevitably followed up with “where do you go to church?”

Even the public school had undercurrents of Christianity. For example, one day the administration called a general assembly, and we all filed into the gym, prepared for the usual pep rallies, student recognitions and school announcements. The gym, however, had been transformed into what looked like a prototype of the modern CrossFit gym. Gymnastic mats lined the gym floor; one foot stacks of plywood were dispersed throughout the set; and a variety of weights, ropes and other props filled in the remaining spaces. This assembly was obviously no ordinary school function.

The principal excitedly announced that today we had special visitors. And as he gave introductions, ten, huge, Hulk-Hogan looking men entered the gymnasium and took up positions around the floor mats. They then proceeded to put on an electrifying show that involved karate chopping through stacks of plywood along with other feats of strength. At the end of the show, the students cheered with wild abandon, and the men invited us to another show that evening-a show that promised even more amazing strength stunts.

My friend and I decided that we would absolutely attend that evening’s show. After all, what else was going on that night in our small town? Hours later we pulled up to a church on the outskirts of town, which struck us as an odd venue for a muscle show. However, it could easily be explained by the lack of suitable venues in the area. We entered, took our seats and soon, the same muscle men were entering the auditorium, flexing and showing off their muscles, but this time, Christian rock and not heavy metal blasted through the speakers.

Things only continued getting weird. The muscle men led the audience in an opening prayer. What then followed was almost two hours fined with one testimony after the next. Each of the men got a chance to tell their stories. Stories about losing one’s path, finding Jesus, and God gifting them with supernatural strength; the latter of which allowed them to put on shows, travel around the United States and testify. As audience members, we were there to witness the abilities with which the Lord had endowed these men. The primary message was that the Lord provides-and even rewards-those who are faithful and willing to proselytize in his name.

Now, I’m not fond of bait and switch situations, and although 1 wanted to see them perform more feats of strength, I couldn’t handle the evangelism that was the show}s focus. I was also annoyed by the knowledge that the school knew what this group represented, and yet, never warned the student body that the evening’s show would have a Christian focus. My friend and I decided that we were done and headed to the exits to leave. As we stepped outside the auditorium, a huge guy — who looked like a bouncer — stopped us. He began to grill us on why we were leaving, and we tried to explain that we had seen the show earlier that day. Soon the conversation changed tones, as the man began to question us about our beliefs in Jesus and the power of God. My friend and I eyed the exit door with longing, calculating whether or not we could make it to the parking lot and lose this guy who was doing his best to keep us there. But we were intimidated by this man who towered over us. And finally, we decided to give up and hopelessly slunk back into the auditorium.

When the show was finally over, I was fuming — I resented that we had been pressured to stay; I was annoyed that the man had intimidated us, and moreover, that he had intentionally done so. Instead of making me feel fired up about Jesus and God, I began to suspect that Christianity was a scam full of con artists that used scare tactics to elicit belief. Indeed, this experience had the opposite effect of what it had intended-instead of celebrating the gifts that faith can bring, it made me want to run as far away from Christianity as fast as possible.

Unfortunately, this incident was one of several evangelizing experiences that I had encountered in the first few months I spent in Georgetown. All of the experiences felt like someone was pushing views onto me — rigid views that did not invite discussion. Moreover, in several of these encounters, I was told that I was going to hell, despite the fact that — at that time –I was a Christian. Indeed, these experiences had the after effect of me leaving the Christian church for good. It took me years to recover from some of these experiences.

Fast forward to last year when I had to take a mission and evangelism class at my Presbyterian seminary. I dreaded taking the class, for despite the many years since my traumatic experiences, the word evangelism still elicited a negative reaction. However, the class surprised me. Instead of encouraging us to evangelize and find ourselves some Christian converts, it instead examined evangelism from an academic, colonialist perspective. When we were expected to read a book on evangelism and present our findings to the class, I was excited when my professor allowed me and two of my fellow Unitarian Universalists to form a group and research evangelism in our own faith tradition. The book we chose was entitled Seeking Paradise: A Unitarian Mission for Our Times, and it was written by Stephen Lingwood who is a British Unitarian.

The book focuses on Unitarian evangelism and missionaries in Britain. For example, it talks about Richard Wright, who spread the message of Universalism long before the merging of the Unitarian and Universalist churches in 1961; and Joseph Tuckerman who created a mission in London and worked on behalf of the poor. My favorite example, however, of Unitarian evangelism was Charles Dall, a Unitarian missionary who went to India to seek converts. Dall, however, ended up being the convert when he decided to join a liberal Hindu reformist movement. I find this anecdote to be particularly amusing, as Dall’s conversion is such a Unitarian Universalist move-his openness to the Hindu faith exemplifies our fourth principle, which is the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. In his attempt to spread the values of the faith, he remained open to truth and meaning and found it in Hinduism. This is all to say that the Unitarian Universalist church does have a history of evangelism, though as we have furthered ourselves from our Christian roots, we have also stopped evangelizing efforts. But today, my friends, I’d like to argue that it’s time to restart our evangelizing efforts, for in 2024, the Unitarian Universalist church has a heretofore unseen opportunity for growth.

According to the Pew Research Center, an increasing number of Americans are leaving Christianity and instead identifying as “Nones” (spelled n-o-n-e-s and not n-u-n-s). The term “nones” refers to those with “no particular religious identification,” which includes atheists and agnostics. Indeed, in 2019, the Pew Research Center showed that over the past ten years, Christianity had lost approximately 12% of their population. This Christian attrition can be seen across the northern hemisphere, although Christianity continues to grow south of the equator. Meanwhile, research tells us that 26% of people now identify as “Nones.” And although I have not conducted a formal survey, I can tell you anecdotally from my work in Religious Education both with children and adults that Unitarian Universalist Churches have a significant number of If Nones” in our congregations. Just because people are atheist or unable to identify with a mainline tradition doesn’t mean that spiritual needs do not exist. People long for communities and connections; for a space in which they can unite with others in the name of social justice. The Unitarian Universalist church can fulfill that need.

And yet, few people know about the existence of our unique and welcoming tradition. Even at seminary — where I am surrounded by people who are smart and knowledgeable about faith traditions, many people are unfamiliar with the Unitarian Universalist church. Often people simply refer to us as Unitarians, while being unaware of how important the Universalist name is to our identities. While the word Unitarian reflects our belief in one God, no matter what the name, universalism reflects our belief that everyone is elected; our faith is one of universal love-a message that is much needed in today’s isolating and lonely world. In many ways, my fellow UU students and I have inadvertently found ourselves acting as evangelists on behalf of our faith, as we try to educate others on the meaning and importance of being both a “Unitarian” and a “Universalist.” And I must say that my peers have been nothing but curious and gracious.

But if even seminarians lack a full understanding of Unitarian Universalism, imagine the population at large. Many of my friends know that I’m involved in the Unitarian Universalist church and that I’m in seminary, working towards ordination. But no matter how many times I tell them that I’m not Christian, they inevitably forget; “church” only has one meaning to them, which is Christianity. When I explain what our Unitarian Universalist church is like, they often look at me in disbelief. “What do you mean there are atheists in your church? Why would an atheist go to church?” At this point in the conversation, I often point out that just because people don’t believe in God doesn’t mean that they’re not seeking meaning, truth and knowledge. Moreover, many people are looking for a community in which their questions and beliefs — no matter how unusual — will be welcomed with open arms. The Unitarian Universalist church is the answer that many people are inadvertently seeking, as we welcome all who are welcoming and affirming; all who are willing to enter into covenant as we work towards justice and truth.

Unfortunately, few people know of our existence and what we stand for. But it’s time to correct this problem; it’s time to tell the world of our existence. More and more I’m receiving questions from people who are interested in this faith. I suspect that even with our silence, word is slowly spreading.

Now is the time for the Unitarian Universalist church to come into its own. Our faith tradition is both beautiful and unique. It is a tradition that welcomes a” inquiry; a tradition that acknowledges the validity of all sources and experiences; a tradition that cares about equity for a” humans. Though it pains me to think of myself as an evangelist, I nonetheless can no longer be shy about sharing this faith with others, for the Unitarian Universalist truth is truly the Good News that many people seek.

SO, if you have friends or family who find themselves in need of a spiritual community-particularly one that embraces all those who are welcoming – please tell them about the Unitarian Universalist church. And though I know it may feel distasteful, I encourage you to invite people to our services. Studies show that people are more likely to attend a church service when they are invited by a friend. Or don’t be afraid to wear your Unitarian Universalist shirts whenever you can. Tell people what we are about; tell people that we are affirming and believe that everyone is of the elect; spread the good news that there is a place for everyone within our walls, for we are Unitarian Universalists, and we recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every person as they engage in the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


Go forth in simplicity.
Find and walk the path
that leads to compassion and wisdom,
that leads to happiness, peace and ease.
Welcome the stranger and
open your heart to a world in need of healing.
Be courageous before the forces of hate.
Hold and embody a vision of the common good that
serves the needs of all people.


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.

Public Education is Under Attack


Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Joanna Fontaine-Crawford
March 24, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Across the United States, people are showing up at school board meetings to protest books and knowledge they deem inappropriate, especially concerning education around diversity. Here in Texas, the governor called the legislature back into session in an attempt to divert public school funding to vouchers for private schools. But there is an underlying battle that has been waged since 1848 when Unitarian Horace Mann said, “Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.” What is the real outcome we are fighting over?

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

Ann Arthur

We meet together to celebate who we are,
to share the insights which give meaning and hope to our lives,
to learn from the wisdom of others
that their truth may contribute to our understanding.
We meet,
We share,
We learn,
We celebrate our coming together.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


Tom Junod

Mister Rogers had already won his third Daytime Emmy, and now he went onstage to accept Emmy’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and there, in front of all the soap-opera stars and talk-show sinceratrons, in front of all the jutting man-tanned jaws and jutting saltwater bosoms, he made his small bow and said into the microphone, “All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, ten seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are … Ten seconds of silence.”

And then he lifted his wrist, and looked at the audience, and looked at his watch, and said softly, “I’ll watch the time,” and there was, at first, a small whoop from the crowd, a giddy, strangled hiccup of laughter, as people realized that he wasn’t kidding, that Mister Rogers was not some convenient eunuch but rather a man, an authority figure who actually expected them to do what he asked … and so they did. One second, two seconds, three seconds … and now the jaws clenched, and the bosoms heaved, and the mascara ran, and the tears fell upon the beglittered gathering like rain leaking down a crystal chandelier, and Mister Rogers finally looked up from his watch and said, “May God be with you” to all his vanquished children.


Do you believe in publicly funded education that is common to all? My dad was born in 1929 at the start of the Great Depression, and he grew up in East Texas in a small town called Center (because it was the center of the county, not real poetic, but there you go).

He came from a family that did not have money, but he loved school and he worked hard in school. After High School, he went to Texas A&M, which at that time was a military school and it was known as the school where all the poor kids went. And by kids, I mean white males. Texas A&M would not let in female or black students until the 1960s. So my dad was able to graduate with a degree in petroleum engineering. After that, he paid his debt to Uncle Sam, serving in the Army; this was during the Korean War, and eventually, he was able to provide a middle-class lifestyle for his family in a way that his father had never been able to-and this is what we call social mobility, and it was made possible because of that education system.

Now the system that benefited my father was working the way it was designed to. It was designed for smart, hardworking white boys.

But then in 1954, the Supreme Court had the Brown versus the Board of Education decision, and things changed. Now there was at least the possibility that this public education system that led to social mobility was now accessible to those who were not white and male. And ever since that time, there has been a concerted organized movement to damage that public education system because there are people who do not believe that it should be, in fact, common to all. If you feel like in the last few years that this movement has gone into overdrive, it is not your imagination. It absolutely has. But this is not something new – this has been a long time coming from the people who got our society to this point. They understood (and I will say it was an evil plan) … they understood that it was going to be a marathon, not a sprint, and so they set up different things so that we could be where we are now, which in my mind is a fight for our whole public education system. And for us, as Unitarian Universalists, this is not political. This is hitting at our core religious values, our beliefs about what it means to be a person: inherent worth and dignity, and the idea that every person deserves to be able to try and fulfill their potential. And this also hits at our history.

In 1796, Unitarian Horace Mann was born, and he also grew up in an extremely poor family; his father was a poor farmer, there were many kids, and Horace was never even able to go out and get a complete school year. It was usually only six weeks out of every year that he could go to school, but he made the most of it. He loved to learn; he soaked it all up. They did have in his town a library; he read everything that he could get his hands on. So eventually, he was able to go to Brown University, where he became the valedictorian. After that, he went on to law school, he became a lawyer, and then he became a Massachusetts legislator.

And you know, it’s really interesting, there seemed to be two kinds of people, as the saying goes — those people who had to go through a lot of hardship, had to really struggle to make their way in the world, and some of those people say, “I made it, so can you, you can do it the hard way too.”

And then there are the people like Mann who say, “I don’t want anyone else to ever have to go through what I went through,” and so education to him was one of the big passions of his life. In Massachusetts, while he was a legislator, the governor created a new thing, a state board of education, and he became the Secretary of it, and it was in that role that he was able to take all of these visions he had about creating a system so that everyone could reach their potential, or at least had the opportunity to do so. He created what is called the Common School movement. Now, common doesn’t refer to like commoners, common as in “for everyone.” His vision was that we would have a publicly funded system of education that was common to all. It was a radical idea.

In his vision, all American students would go to these schools, they would sit side by side. He firmly, — he was a Unitarian — he did firmly believe in the equality of all people, and his vision was one where whether you were the child of a wealthy landowner or the child of a family that was in poverty, you would all receive the exact same education. Another thing that Horace Mann really believed in — this was, you know, mid-1800s – he really believed in all of this stuff about the United States of America, and all that it could be, a place where, unlike England, it did not matter, it should not matter the circumstances of your birth. He really believed in it, and he knew that the key to that was education, and he even said,

“Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of people, the balance wheel of the social machinery.”


It is a radical idea now, and it was a radical idea at that time, even many of the people who we look back at the start of this country, people who considered themselves to be the great modern Progressive thinkers. They weren’t there yet. In 1779, Thomas Jefferson also supported the idea of a public education system, but he felt that there should be two tiers to it, one for the laboring class and one for the learned class, he did say that he thought that there should be enough, you know, room in it that it could rake, his exact words, “rake a few geniuses from the rubbish.” Thomas Jefferson, boy, and that’s a sermon for another day.

Do you support publicly funded education that is common to all?

This was and is today a very radical idea, there are many people who do not want it, good publicly funded education common to all leads to social mobility and with that comes a real opportunity for a reallocation of power.

Underneath this idea of public education that is common to all is this idea of social mobility. Do you truly believe in social mobility, the vision of a society where a child is not confined to the circumstances in which they were born? We can look at other countries and we can see where there is no possibility for this kind of social mobility.

My spouse and I sponsored a student from his private school education (just wait just wait for a moment) from about Middle School through college, he was in Nepal. Do we have anyone else here who has sponsored a student from Nepal? Amazing program by the way. Education, even college, over there is more like Community College here and it is private education is way more affordable, I think it was like 5 or $600 a year. The person who runs it, Earle Canfield, is a Unitarian Universalist and he is very clear about the ultimate goal of this program. It is not so much about helping individual students, but rather, the bigger goal – one that is always kept in sight – is to overcome the caste system of Nepal, because this is the only way it can happen. You see, they do have public education, but it is so inferior that if you are in a lower caste, you will never be able to move out of that caste. The only way for you to move into a different caste is through private education.

I believe that this is the real vision for some of the people in our country.

I don’t think we often say things like this when we hear about vouchers and stuff like that. We’ll often talk about how it’s just a way for the wealthy, who are already paying for private education, to have a little more money in their pockets. Then sometimes we’ll go all the way the other way and say, “No, no, the whole goal here is to absolutely kill public education and get rid of it.”

I don’t think so. I think their vision is to have something like Nepal. A public education system that will support the existing caste system in the United States. We all know there is a caste system in the United States, right? To take that existing system and cement it in place.

And this has been a long time coming. You really can’t talk about the war on public education without talking about the Koch brothers. They’ve been part of this for a very, very long time. There was pushback to public education right after Brown versus the Board of Education, and we saw it. There were schools that literally would prefer to close their schools rather than integrate. But ultimately, that was not a long-term solution, and so there were brains that were trying to come up with, “Well, how do we make this happen?”

In 1980, David Koch ran for vice president on the libertarian platform, and that platform said, “We advocate the complete separation of education and state. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.” That was 1980.

Charles and David Koch created a political machine that operates on the strategy of astroturfing. Do we have some people here who are familiar with this term, astroturfing? Well, I’m actually going to use the Merriam-Webster definition because it’s really good:

Astroturfing – “organized activity that is intended to create a false impression of a widespread, spontaneously arising grassroots movement in support of or in opposition to something but that is in reality initiated and controlled by a concealed group or organization, such as a corporation.”


There are so many different names, there are so many- it’s just overwhelming how many different little spontaneous grassroots organizations or think tanks are all either started by or funded by the Koch Brothers. This is just a handful: Americans for Prosperity, Koch Institute, Mercatus Center, The Federalist Society, The Institute for Humane Studies, Institute for Justice, FreedomWorks, Freedom Partners, Concerned Women for America, Young Americans for Liberty, Parents Defending Education, and of course, Moms for Liberty.

Here’s the sad thing: astroturfing often works. It worked just this past week, I think it was, in Lake Travis ISD, because of a complaint, banned another book. It’s happening in Houston now. This is where the system has -because, again, there’s not just one way to try and solve this problem of good public education-the state has taken over Houston ISD.

Here in Austin, y’all have also been fighting that. But astroturfing often works. You take anxiety and fear, and you combine it with bigotry, and it especially works in this fight on public education, because evolution has wired our poor little human brains that when we think of our kids, we often go to the amygdala and anxiety rather than the prefrontal cortex and our best thinking.

So when you combine anxiety and fear with bigotry, then that gets everyone stirred up. And then you have people, and this, again, is an organized concerted effort-they provide terms for those who are on the ground, and they tell them to repeatedly use these terms. It’s a way to bring in bigotry without having to admit that you don’t believe in treating everyone equally.

Used to, some of you will remember in the ’70s, it was busing, right? That was the code for, “Oh, I’m not against integration, I just don’t think that children should be bused to somewhere else or neighborhood schools.” Does anyone remember that one? “Oh, we just want our kids to be able to go to their neighborhood school.” It’s the fact that it was in an all-white neighborhood was just incidental.

More recently, in the last few years, it has been CRT (Critical Race Theory), DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and most recently, the one that I have heard the most is safety, especially safety for girls. Not safety from shooters or anything that might actually help-safety for girls is the code word for anti-trans rhetoric.

You get people revved up and give them the talking points. You can go find the talking points. None of this is hidden. You can go right now and Google it — There is a school board guide produced by the Tea Party Patriots, funded by FreedomWorks, which came out of Americans for Prosperity, aka the Koch Brothers’ political advocacy group. Forty-six pages on a how-to guide for activists combating anti-American CRT. Thirty-four pages on combating critical race theory in your community. An A-to- Z guide on “how to stop critical race theory and reclaim your local school board.”

I want to read you one line from that one: “It is important to note that whether CRT is currently in your school system is mostly irrelevant to the purpose of this document.”

Do you support public funding education that is common to all?

Now look, we never came anywhere close to realizing Horace Mann’s vision, especially in terms of a common education. I don’t believe that we ever will. People are always going to want a leg up, l(ike Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin) for their kids.

But the vision is more relevant than ever: public-funded education common to all, that equips children to fulfill their potential, to break the prison of generational poverty. It is not only better for them, it is better for our entire society.

In Nepal, the only way that you are able to break out of your caste is through being picked for a program that sends you to a private school. I believe that for some in the United States, that is the vision: a world with clear and rigid class boundaries that disproportionately correlate with race.

Right now, you know this thing that you’re hearing in the news-the difficulty to find unskilled laborers, right? Of course, they’re not unskilled, but if you call them that, you can pay them less. Do you really think that none of the people with the top economic privilege, those billionaires out in West Texas who have been trying to manipulate things around vouchers and around public education-do you not think that they are wondering about the question of how do you come up with an unlimited source of laborers whom you can underpay and oppress?

And this isn’t just a matter for those who have kids or grandkids in school; it’s for all of us. I ask you to support your school boards, find out what area you are in. If you don’t already know, you can go on the internet and read the agenda for school board meetings. Practically all of them are live streaming. Turn it on, see what is happening. When you start seeing hordes that are showing up there, trying to attack good teachers, attack the school board members, get books banned, show up. You don’t even have to talk; it’s great when you do during those citizen comments. But if you see that there are big crowds pouring into that room, trying to damage our public education, take one seat away from them just by sitting in it. And of course, vote at every school-related election as though it were a presidential election.

Do you support publicly funded education that is common to all? Real nice public education system you got here. It would be a real shame if something were to happen to it.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

– Horace Mann


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.


The Power of Utopian Thinking

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Carrie Holley-Hurt
March 17, 2024
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Things feel very bleak right now. There is so much violence, so much political corruption, and so much inequality that it can feel overwhelming. But our religion is not one of despair but hope and that hope is tied to our ability to imagine a more just and compassionate world for everyone. Utopian thinking is our superpower! Let’s explore our superpower and how we can tap into it even when we feel overwhelmed by the world’s pain.

Chalice Lighting

This is the flame we hold in our hearts as we strive for justice for everyone. This is the light we shine upon systems of oppression until they are no more. This is the warmth that we share with one another as our struggle becomes our salvation.

Call to Worship

by Clyde Grubbs and Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley

The road of history is long, full of both hope and disappointment. In times past, there have been wars and rumors of wars, violence and exploitation, hunger and homelessness, and destruction of this earth, your creation.

We have become a global village, with a growing realization of how fragile this earth is, and how interconnected we are to each other and to all creation.

We cannot continue to live in the old way. We must make a change, seek a new way. A way toward peace with justice and a healthy planet.

O Great Creative Spirit: You have given a vision of the good, and we yearn for a new way. But where are we to find the courage to begin this work? We know that a different tomorrow is possible, but how can we build it?

We think of the prophets, women and men, who voiced unpopular opinions, who made personal sacrifices, and sometimes lost their lives, for the sake of justice.

We think of Isaiah, who called out to let those who are held in captivity go free, to give solace to the poor and homeless. Let us be inspired by all who work to overcome misery, poverty, and exploitation.

We think of Harriet Tubman, who called out to people of good will to join her on an underground railroad, to lift a dehumanized people from the bondage of slavery to the promise of freedom, even when it meant challenging unjust laws. Let us be inspired by those who are outlaws for freedom.

We think of Gandhi, whose belief in “Soul Force” – the witness to Love’s Truth – helped to overthrow the oppression of an empire and gave witness to the way of nonviolent action. Let us be inspired to become witnesses for peace.

We think of Chief Seattle, who reminded us that we belong to the earth, not the earth to us. Let us be inspired by all those who work for the healing of creation, of Mother Earth and all her creatures.

Who are the prophets who inspire you? They may be well known, or known only to you, offering personal inspiration. courage, and hope.

May they join a great cloud of witnesses to a new way of life-the way of peace and justice, the way of justice lived according to the way of peace, the beloved community.

So may it be. Amen.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.


By Aurora Levins Morales

Say these words when you lie down and when you rise up,

when you go out and when you return. In times of mourning and in times of joy. Inscribe them on your doorposts, embroider them on your garments, tattoo them on your shoulders,

teach them to your children, your neighbors, your enemies, recite them in your sleep, here in the cruel shadow of empire:

Another world is possible.

Imagine winning. This is your sacred task. This is your power.

Imagine every detail of winning, the exact smell of the summer streets in which no one has been shot,

the muscles you have never unclenched from worry, gone soft as newborn skin, the sparkling taste of food when we know that no one on earth is hungry, that the beggars are fed, that the old man under the bridge and the woman wrapping herself in thin sheets in the backseat of a car,

and the children who suck on stones, nest under a flock of roofs that keep multiplying their shelter.

Lean with all your being towards that day when the poor of the world shake down a rain of good fortune out of the heavy clouds, and justice rolls down like waters.

Defend the world in which we win as if it were your child. It is your child. Defend it as if it were your lover. It is your lover.

When you inhale and when you exhale breathe the possibility of another world into the 37.2 trillion cells of your body until it shines with hope.

Then imagine more. Imagine [violence] is unimaginable. Imagine war is a scarcely credible rumor.

That the crimes of our age, the grotesque inhumanities of greed, the sheer and astounding shamelessness of it, the vast fortunes made by stealing lives, the horrible normalcy it came to have, is unimaginable to our heirs, the generations of the free. Don’t waver.

Don’t let despair sink its sharp teeth into the throat with which you sing.

Escalate your dreams. Make them burn so fiercely that you can follow them down any dark alleyway of history and not lose your way. Make them burn clear as a starry drinking gourd over the grim fog of exhaustion, and keep walking.

Hold hands. Share water.

Keep imagining. So that we, and the children of our children’s children may live.


I went a long time sleeping-in on Sundays, not calculating annual pledges, or attending a congregational meeting. And then I became a UU

and all that changed.

And it’s good. I get to be a part of this beautiful community of like-hearted people.

I’m connected to amazing people all over the place doing good work And in this crazy mixed-up social-political landscape we have, I am way more hopeful than I was when I was on my own.

I’m so grateful,

But what makes us different than a social club?

I could find meaning and connection at a social club and probably sleep in on Sundays.

I want, and I think we should all expect, more from our religion than what a social club can offer

I believe that we have that

I’m a firm believer that we should allow our religion to do two things for us.

First, it should motivate us to do the important work of love. With beloved community at our core, this looks like working to get ourselves free and helping to remove barriers so others can be free too.

Secondly, our religion should hold us. Through tough and scary times, our religion should hold us. It should comfort us and renew us.

That is what our religion can do for us, but so often I think we can get out of balance. I know I often feel very motivated to act but very rarely allow this beautiful religion to comfort me.

And I need that – that comfort and that renewal – because y’all things are not great and often they are pretty overwhelming.

We have many tools in our religion that help us to feel both motivated and held, but the one I’m connecting to most right now is Utopian thinking.

But first let’s establish what that means and what I don’t mean.

I don’t mean … the utopian thinking that led to 19th-century communes. You know, those ones that pop up on the History Channel from time to time, occasionally led by Unitarians.

The ones that inevitably failed because of some scandal to do with sex or money or sex and money.

Yeah, thats not what I mean.

What I mean is the way of thinking that says “the way it is, isn’t the way it has to be.” And in fact, as Aurora Levins Morales wrote in our reading, “Another world is possible.”

A world that is more just, more compassionate, and more loving.

That world is possible. The way things are, isn’t the way things have to be.

This kind of thinking is at the very core of our religion.

And it makes sense, after all, we are a very contrarian people.

And we have been for our entire history.

Just think about it.

Early Unitarians in the 16th century said in a sea of Trinitarians, often at great risk to themselves, I don’t find that in my text.

Universalists said, I know hell is a really effective marketing tool but how could a loving god ever ….

At a time when the entire economy of the US was fueled by trafficking, imprisonment and forced labor of human beings, unitarian and universalist abolitionists said- it doesn’t have to be this way.

The fight for universal suffrage – it doesn’t have to be this way
Those fighting Jim Crow said – it doesn’t have to be this way.
Those fighting for queer rights- it doesn’t have to be this way

When we speak of the Beloved community, we tap into that core, we are practicing Utopian thinking.

The beloved community –

when no one is starving or being murdered in Gaza,
no one is getting cut up by razor wire at the border,
no trans kid is being murdered.
No boys are having to bear the cost of anti-blackness and ableism,
No one unhoused.
No one abused.
No one neglected.
No one abandoned.

That is Utopian thinking

And it is a beautiful thing that is the core of our religion.

And certainly many would tell us we are absurd or naive

but I would just say to those people ….

Try being a Unitarian Universalist in Texans

It is not naive to believe that how things are is not how it has to be.

Rutger Bregman a Dutch historian said:

“I’ve always believed in the power of utopian thinking. Every milestone of civilization – the end of slavery, (the creation of) democracy, (the attainment of) equal rights – these were all utopian fantasies once until they happened. That’s why I think that history is actually the most subversive discipline of all the social sciences because history shows us that things can be different. They don’t have to be this way. We can change them.”

“We can change them” this is heart of our religion and it does so much for us! 


It allows us a different way of looking at time, at our purpose, and our actions by placing them in the larger scheme of things.

For example. When it comes to the Beloved Community, we know that we are mostly planting seeds for a forest we will never see. But when we do that work of building the beloved community, we are bringing some of that utopia into the here and the now.

When we go down to witness what is happening at the border, When we use our sacred spaces as a sanctuary for asylum seekers

When we make our churches open and loving spaces for people who are targeted for oppression and marginalization.

When we show up to places of power and tell them “another world is possible”

We are bringing that Utopian thinking down into the lives of those being harmed in the here and now.

It is powerful stuff!

And it is core to who we are as people in a liberating faith.

But in order to utilize this beautiful, life-giving aspect of our faith, we have to make it a spiritual practice.

First, we do this by spending time in the community envisioning what is possible.

What would it actually look like if we treated everyone as if they had inherent dignity and worthiness? If we lived, worked, spoke, like everyone and everything is interconnected.

Learning from one another opens us up to the diversity of lived experience and needs, allowing us, in community, to envision a much deeper and richer future. We can envision a reality that expands past our individual needs.

Secondly, we nourish our vision so that we counteract the pervasive messages of the status quo that says “that how things are is just the nature of things.”

Bregman says

“There’s nothing inherent about our current political, economic and social realities; people made these systems and can make them anew. To envision something novel, read more history and less news. “There’s nothing as anti-utopian as the product that we call the news,”

He says that when we allow ourselves to get caught up in the “sensationalistic daily news cycle” it “can constrict your ability to see the world as anything but dangerous, violent and mean.” 


So as we nourish our vision, by being intentional about where we are placing our focus. What are we doing to combat those pervasive messages of sameness?

What art are we interacting with? Are we making?

Art opens us up to possibilities and different way of seeing and experiencing the world.

Are we reading poetry?

Are we letting Amanda Gordan, Mary Oliver, Maya Angelo mirror our humanity while inspiring us to hope.

Are we writing our own poetry.

Our we taking our pain, our hope, our vision for the future and turning it into art on the page?

What music are you allowing to flow into and out of you?

Who are we spending our time with or listening to ?

Nothing will help to pull me out of my Hobbesian notion of human nature being only nasty, brutish, and short faster than a 5-year-old asking me what my third favorite dinosaur is. Or the way high schoolers use their voices to speak up for one another and protest injustice.

Are we doom-scrolling or are we intentionally being awakened to the beauty, joy, and love in the people and creatures all around us?

We will not nurture utopian thinking by living on a constant diet of the status quo. Seeing it as a spiritual practice, means we are intentional and disciplined about what we are focusing our energy on.

And finally, we let Utopian thinking nourish us!

So often I think that we UUs feel as if we are suppose to just do it. Just go fight the good fight.

And while, yes, please do that.

We have to let it do more. We have to let it nourish us.

Because if we are only fighting the good fight without replenishing ourselves we are vulnerable to burnout.

To apathy.

We have to let it nourish us!

Let it nourish us in the ways that it anchors our hope.

Let it nourish us in the way it anchors us to the past, present, and the future.

The whole arc of the moral universe.

In this it will help us to stop seeing every election and every bill as the next apocalypse because we can see the full expanse of the work.

We can see the ways our actions are connected to the larger web that holds us all.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we hold in our hearts until we are together again.


And now as we go to leave this place, may you feel the warmth of this beautiful community.

May you feel motivated, supported, and held by this beautiful religion. May you hold yourself and others with love and compassion

Just as you are held.

Let it comfort us, strengthen us, and give us energy for this beautiful work we are called to do and this precious life we are given.

May it remind us that we are a people not of despair but of hope.

May it always be so


Most sermons during the past 24 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link above to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link above or copying and pasting this link.