Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
The Work of Christmas Begins | Rev. Lena Breen | 12-26-10 |
Gifts of Earth Centered Spirituality | Rev. Ed Brock | 12-19-10 |
The Gifts of Christianity | Rev, Ed Brock | 12-12-10 |
The Gifts of Judaism | Rev. Ed Brock | 12-05-10 |
A Unitarian Universalist View of Prayer | Nell Newton | 11-28-10 |
What Thanksgiving Means to Me | Rev. Ed Brock | 11-21-10 |
Eight Characteristics of Vibrant and Flourishing Congregations | Rev. Ed Brock | 11-14-10 |
Playing above what you know | Rev. Lena Breen | 11-07-10 |
Unmasking Courage | Chris Jimmerson | 10-31-10 |
Islamophobia and Unitarian Universalism | Rev. Ed Brock | 10-24-10 |
Justice, Equity and Compassion in Relationships | Rev. Ed Brock | 10-17-10 |
The Joy of Giving | Nell Newton | 10-10-10 |
The Worth and Dignity of all persons | Rev. Ed Brock | 10-03-10 |
The Opportunity of this moment | Rev. Ed Brock | 09-26-10 |
The transformative Power of Gratitude | Rev. Ed Brock | 09-19-10 |
The Transformative Power of Loving Kindness | Rev. Ed Brock | 09-12-10 |
Experiences that have shaped my ministry | Rev. Ed Brock | 09-05-10 |
Salvation – A UU View | Rev. Mark Skrabacz | 08-29-10 |
Abner Kneeland and Freedom of Religion | Luther Elmore | 08-22-10 |
Forgiveness is for Giving | Rev. Mark Skrabacz | 08-15-10 |
Born to Run | Eric Hepburn | 08-08-10 |
Surrender as Spiritual Practice | Ron Phares | 08-01-10 |
What Fundamentalists Know | Gary Bennett | 07-25-10 |
Mission Possible | Nell Newton, Eric Stimmel, Chris Jimmerson | 07-18-10 |
Tiger Woods and the Beer Cart Girl | Timothy Tutt | 07-11-10 |
A Government by the people | Rev. Mark Skrabacz | 07-04-10 |
Between the Head and the Hands | FUU Young Adult Group | 06-27-10 |
The fire and the rose are one | Rev. Janet Newman | 06-20-10 |
Courage, Commitment, and Claiming Adulthood | Rev. Janet Newman and Graduating Seniors | 06-13-10 |
Cloudburst | Rev. Janet Newman | 06-06-10 |
Music as meaning in our lives | Rev. Janet Newman | 05-30-10 |
A Sacred Connection | Christian Schmidt | 05-23-10 |
Measurement of Worth | FUCCA Youth | 05-16-10 |
In Honor of Mothers and Others | Rev. Janet Newman | 05-09-10 |
The purpose of freedom | Kristin Grassel | 05-02-10 |
I do! I do! The joys of volunteering | Rev. Janet Newman | 04-25-10 |
Environmentalism and the Culture of Caring | Rev. Mark Skrabacz | 04-18-10 |
Liberal Religious Education: Then and Now | Lara Douglass | 04-11-10 |
So much in bud | Rev. Janet Newman | 04-04-10 |
Excellence in Ministry | Rev. Don Southworth | 03-28-10 |
Reverence and Reverends | Rev. Janet Newman | 03-21-10 |
Freedom with responsibility | Rev. Kathleen Ellis | 03-14-10 |
Spiritual Homelessness | Rev. Janet Newman | 03-07-10 |
House rules for our UU game | Corinna and Dale Whiteaker-Lewis | 02-28-10 |
The handwritting on the wall revisited | Rev. Janet Newman | 02-21-10 |
The faces and phases of love | Rev. Janet Newman | 02-14-10 |
The Humanity of Heroism | Rev. Janet Newman | 02-07-10 |
I have a dream | Rev. Janet Newman | 01-31-10 |
The Covenants We Keep | Rev. Stefan M. Jonasson | 01-24-10 |
The Handwritting on the Wall | Transition Team | 01-17-10 |
Forgiveness in an unforgiving world | Rev. Janet Newman | 01-10-10 |
For the time being | Rev. Janet Newman | 01-03-10 |
2009 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Bryan and the Social Darwinists | Gary Bennett | 12-27-09 |
A Dickens of a Christmas | Rev. Janet Newman | 12-20-09 |
What do you say once they know you’re a UU? | Rev. Janet Newman | 12-13-09 |
How the holidays sing their message | Rev. Janet Newman | 12-06-09 |
What are you waiting for? | Rev. Janet Newman | 11-29-09 |
A Festival of Thanksgiving | Rev. Janet Newman& Lay Members | 11-22-09 |
A Missional Church | Rev. David Jones | 11-15-09 |
Remembrance | Rev. Janet Newman | 11-08-09 |
Martyrs of Liberal Religion | Rev. Janet Newman | 11-01-09 |
Dia de los Muertos | Rev. Janet Newman | 10-25-09 |
…As fire exists by burning | Rev. Janet Newman | 10-18-09 |
Unmentionables | Rev. Janet Newman | 10-11-09 |
Heroes of Our Heart | Rev. Janet Newman | 10-04-09 |
Transition, Transformation, and the ministry at the heart of Thacker Mountain Radio | Eunice Benton | 09-27-09 |
We are the promises we make and keep | Rev. Janet Newman | 09-20-09 |
Hospitality as Radical Practice | Rev. Janet Newman | 09-13-09 |
Ministry: An Endeavor for Life-Long Learners | Rev. Janet Newmanand Ron Phares | 09-06-09 |
American Roots of Unitarian Universalism | Luther Elmore | 08-30-09 |
Honest Religion – part 2 | Tom Spencer | 08-23-09 |
Holy Vision | Ron Phares | 08-16-09 |
Deeds not Creeds, Walking together in covenent | Barbara Coeyman | 08-09-09 |
Honest Religion | Tom Spencer | 08-02-09 |
The Miracle of Metaphor | Ron Phares | 07-26-09 |
Human Rights vs Human Duties | Rev. Jack Harris-Bonham | 07-19-09 |
Taking a Bet on the Truth | David Throop | 07-12-09 |
Listening | Ron Phares | 07-05-09 |
The Psychology of Hope and Virtue | Dr. Wendy Domjan | 06-28-09 |
The Psychology of Religion | Dr. Wendy Domjan | 06-21-09 |
When you sit, when you walk, when you lie down, when you rise | Rev. Chuck Freeman Mary K. Isaacs | 06-14-09 |
Bridges and Boundaries | Rev. Kathleen Ellis | 06-07-09 |
Values and Choices | Jim Checkley | 05-31-09 |
The Gospel according to Monty Python | Rev. Jim Rigby | 05-24-09 |
In search of Freedom | Gary Bennett | 05-17-09 |
Youth Service – Leaving the nest | The Youth of FUUCA | 05-10-09 |
Turn the tables, or turn the other cheek | Rev. Chuck Freeman | 05-03-09 |
Is the Work of God “God’s Work”? | Michael Benedikt | 04-26-09 |
Paying Attention: The essential Spiritual Practice | Tom Spencer | 04-19-09 |
Sacred Palimpsest: The Rites of Spring | Ron Phares | 04-12-09 |
Journey to UUism | Michael LeBurkien | 04-05-09 |
To such as these | Rev. Jack Harris-Bonham | 03-29-09 |
Birth, Love, & Death | Gerry King, Renee Kingsland, Sara Barker & Kathy Murphy | 03-22-09 |
The Oneness of Everything | Jim Scott | 03-15-09 |
The Death and Life of Free Will | Ron Phares | 03-08-09 |
Finding our faith | Rev. Nancy McCrainie | 03-01-09 |
What defines greatness? | Jim Checkley | 02-22-09 |
Real Hope | Tom Spencer | 02-15-09 |
Forgiveness Happens | Jimmy Stanley | 02-08-09 |
Means, Ends, & Karma | Eric Hepburn | 02-01-09 |
Opinion Industries & the Community of Faith | Rev. Eliza Galaher | 01-25-09 |
Disembodied Dreams | Ron Phares | 01-18-09 |
The seven deadly UU sins | Rev. Bret Lortie | 01-11-09 |
Is Hope enough? | Rev. Kathleen Ellis | 01-04-09 |
2008 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Time to change again | Brian Ferguson | 12-28-08 |
Can Christmas have meaning for us? | Brian Ferguson | 12-21-08 |
Now what? | Rev. Susan Smith | 12-14-08 |
Is courage ever enough? | Davidson Loehr | 12-07-08 |
Religion and Economics | Brian Ferguson | 11-30-08 |
Harvesting Thanksgiving | Davidson Loehr & Brian Ferguson | 11-23-08 |
The transcient and the permanent in religion | Davidson Loehr | 11-16-08 |
The Audicity of Hope | Davidson Loehr | 11-09-08 |
What the dead can tell us about coming alive | Brian Ferguson | 11-02-08 |
How you should vote | Davidson Loehr | 10-26-08 |
The holy heretical spirit | Davidson Loehr | 10-19-08 |
Atonement | Davidson Loehr | 10-12-08 |
Universalism is dead: Long live Universalism? | Brian Ferguson | 10-05-08 |
What Do You People Believe, Anyway? | Davidson Loehr | 09-28-08 |
Unitarian Christianity | Davidson Loehr | 09-21-08 |
Stereotypes | Brian Ferguson | 09-14-08 |
Covenants | Davidson Loehr | 09-07-08 |
To come alive | Davidson Loehr | 08-31-08 |
To love alike | Aaron White | 08-17-08 |
Something, Anything More | Aaron White | 08-10-08 |
Doubt is not our product | Aaron White | 08-03-08 |
The Sometimes Strange Science of Us | Jim Checkley | 07-27-08 |
Responsibility and “Easy Religion” | Aaron White | 07-20-08 |
Honest Religion: One More Honest Adult | Aaron White | 07-13-08 |
A Prophet’s Authority | Aaron White | 07-06-08 |
Should I? | Emily Tietz | 06-29-08 |
Life Passed Through the Fire of Thought | Aaron White | 06-22-08 |
Brokenness | Davidson Loehr | 06-15-08 |
Annual Youth Sermon | FUUCA Youth | 06-08-08 |
Can Evangelicalism be (Gasp!) Dying? | Davidson Loehr | 06-01-08 |
Understanding Evangelical Christianity | Eric Hepburn | 05-25-08 |
Life as a Work of Art | Davidson Loehr | 05-18-08 |
Forgiveness | Davidson Loehr | 05-11-08 |
The Rapture in America | Rev. Meg Barnhouse | 05-04-08 |
Salvation | Davidson Loehr | 04-27-08 |
The Ancient Roots of the Liberal Spirit | Davidson Loehr | 04-26-08 |
What the world needs from Liberal Religion | Rev. David E. Bumbaugh | 04-26-08 |
Who Are We? | Davidson Loehr | 04-25-08 |
Churches With Souls | Michael Durall | 04-20-08 |
The Most Dangerous Fundamentalism in the World, Part 5 | Davidson Loehr | 04-13-08 |
The Most Dangerous Fundamentalism on Earth, Part 4 | Davidson Loehr | 04-06-08 |
Learning to Die | Nathan L. Stone | 03-30-08 |
The Most Dangerous Fundamentalism on Earth, Part 3 | Davidson Loehr | 03-23-08 |
Living by Covenants | Rev. Eric Posa | 03-16-08 |
The Most Dangerous Fundamentalism on Earth, Part 2 | Davidson Loehr | 03-09-08 |
The Most Dangerous Fundamentalism on Earth, Part 1 | Davidson Loehr | 03-02-08 |
A Theological Argument for Abortion | Davidson Loehr | 02-24-08 |
On becoming more awake | Patti Henry | 02-17-08 |
The Parable of the Vineyard Workers | Davidson Loehr | 02-10-08 |
The Kingdom of God is Like… | Davidson Loehr | 02-03-08 |
Best Kept Secrets | Aaron White | 01-27-08 |
On Feeding the Hungry Ghosts | Rev. Diana Heath | 01-20-08 |
Thank God for Evolution! | Rev. Michael Dowd | 01-13-08 |
Graceful Stories | Davidson Loehr | 01-06-08 |
2007 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Don’t Believe Everything You Think | Davidson Loehr | 12-30-07 |
A Messy, Merry Christmas | Davidson Loehr & Dina Claussen | 12-23-07 |
The Real Reason for the Season | Davidson Loehr | 12-09-07 |
Mother Teresa, Revisited | Davidson Loehr | 12-02-07 |
Feeling Blue About Feeling Guilty | Davidson Loehr | 11-25-07 |
Thanksgiving Homily | Dina Claussen | 11-18-07 |
Corageous Caring | Davidson Loehr | 11-18-07 |
Our Soldiers: Armed Corporate Mercenaries? | Davidson Loehr | 11-11-07 |
The Language of the Land: An Invitation | Dina Claussen | 11-04-07 |
Vampires and Demons and Goblins, Oh My! | Davidson Loehr | 10-28-07 |
Honest Health Care | Davidson Loehr | 10-21-07 |
Religion – Bad and Good | Davidson Loehr | 10-14-07 |
Spirits – Holy and Otherwise | Davidson Loehr | 09-30-07 |
Oh God – Is It My Turn? | Davidson Loehr | 09-23-07 |
The Difference Between a Church and Disneyworld | Davidson Loehr | 09-16-07 |
Growing our vision | Rev. Susan Smith | 09-09-07 |
A live worth living | Dina Claussen | 09-02-07 |
Do we really need a connection to our creator? | Yew Grove Cuups | 08-12-07 |
Our life’s journey | Jimmy Stanley | 08-05-07 |
Clouds | Jack Harris-Bonham | 07-29-07 |
Boomers and Stickers – the sustainability of life on planet earth | Jack Harris-Bonham | 07-22-07 |
Foster Child | Jack Harris-Bonham | 07-15-07 |
Nothing is permanent | Eric Posa | 07-01-07 |
Asking the Next Question | Jim Checkley | 06-24-07 |
Hermits or Husbands | Jack Harris-Bonham | 06-17-07 |
Covenant – The UU Glue | Mark Skrabacz | 06-10-07 |
A Liberal Reclamation of Natural Law | Eric Hepburn | 06-03-07 |
One Inch at a Time | Emily Tietz | 05-27-07 |
Patient warrior… Tai Chi | Nell Newton | 05-20-07 |
Funny Church Store | Jack Harris-Bonham | 05-13-07 |
That’s How the Light Gets In | Jack Harris-Bonham | 05-06-07 |
What do women want? | Marilyn Sewell | 04-29-07 |
Enemy Combatants | Jack Harris-Bonham | 04-22-07 |
Love Makes You Do The Wacky | Jim Checkley | 04-15-07 |
Your Heart Will Live Forever | Jack Harris-Bonham | 04-08-07 |
The Great Escape | Jack Harris-Bonham | 04-01-07 |
Youth service | Aaron Osmer, Edward Balaguer, Megan Blau, Patrick McVeety-Mill | 03-25-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 8- Our Subversive Streak of Hope | Davidson Loehr | 03-18-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 7: Chimpanzee politics | Davidson Loehr | 03-11-07 |
The Baptism of Jesus | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 03-04-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 6: The seduction of language | Davidson Loehr | 02-25-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 5: I’ll have what she’s having | Davidson Loehr | 02-18-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 4: I feel your pain | Davidson Loehr | 02-11-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 3: The Heart of Life | Davidson Loehr | 01-28-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 2: The Mind of Life | Davidson Loehr | 01-21-07 |
Animal Stories, Part 1: Older than God | Davidson Loehr | 01-14-07 |
Baptism by Fire | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 01-07-07 |
2006 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Beyond Belief – Lessons in the Practice of Faith | Mark Skrabacz | 12-31-06 |
The Morning of the Night Before | Davidson Loehr | 12-24-06 |
Two Paths to… Jesus? | Davidson Loehr | 12-17-06 |
Mouths Filled with Laughter & Tongues with Singing | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 12-10-06 |
Heeding the Advice of a Unitarian Friend | Bren Dubay | 12-03-06 |
Pilgrim’s Prejudice | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 11-26-06 |
Listening to the Whispers | Emily Tietz | 11-19-06 |
The Secret to Happiness | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 11-12-06 |
Fortunate Blessings | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 11-05-06 |
Cocooned | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 10-29-06 |
The Religious Instinct and Modern Civilization | Gary Bennett | 10-22-06 |
Absent Fathers – Johnny Cash Sunday | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 10-08-06 |
Call Me Crazy | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 10-01-06 |
Through the Looking Glass | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 09-24-06 |
Our Destination – Every Step of the Way | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 09-17-06 |
Coming and Going | Davidson Loehr | 09-10-06 |
Any Port in a Storm | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 09-03-06 |
The Corruption of Grace & The Grace of Corruption | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 08-27-06 |
The Thinking Reed: The Nobility of Impermanence | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 08-20-06 |
Paganism as Existential Transcendentalism | Brooks Lewis & Stephanie Canada | 07-31-06 |
When thinking is not enough | Jim Checkley | 07-23-06 |
Demons of the Heart, part 2 | Eric Hepburn | 07-16-06 |
The Miracle of Jefferson’s Bible | Scottie McIntyre Johnson | 07-09-06 |
Interdependence Day | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 07-02-06 |
Selves & Souls | Davidson Loehr | 06-25-06 |
Father-Functions | Davidson Loehr | 06-18-06 |
The Bleeding Wound of the Borderlands | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 06-11-06 |
Inspiring Tales of Failure | Hannah Wells | 06-04-06 |
Where Do We Go From Here? | Davidson Loehr | 05-21-06 |
Anticipating Mothers’ Day | Davidson Loehr | 05-07-06 |
Prayer: Its Place and Purpose in Our Lives | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 04-30-06 |
Where Do We Go From Here? Ballou-Channing District Meeting | Davidson Loehr | 04-29-06 |
Denial is Not a River in Egypt | Davidson Loehr | 04-23-06 |
Doing Easter in 2006 | Davidson Loehr | 04-16-06 |
Many Voices | Davidson Loehr | 04-09-06 |
God’s Fool | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 04-02-06 |
Being Human Religiously | Davidson Loehr | 03-19-06 |
Oh, Go ahead: Bring the Horse in the House! | Davidson Loehr | 03-12-06 |
What Are We Doing Here? | Davidson Loehr & Jack Harris-Bonham | 03-05-06 |
Gilgamesh: The Oldest Religious Hero | Davidson Loehr | 02-26-06 |
Listening to Hearts | Davidson Loehr | 02-19-06 |
Demons of the Heart | Davidson Loehr | 02-12-06 |
The Church vs. The Super Bowl | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 02-05-06 |
Spiritual Roots of Activitism | Rev. Jim Rigby | 01-29-06 |
The impossible will take a little longer | Rev. Emilee Whitehurst | 01-22-06 |
Discovering the mystical heart | Rev. Sid Hall | 01-15-06 |
Beginning to understand Islam | Davidson Loehr & Dr. Yetkin Yildirim | 01-08-06 |
Forgive Me For Not Talking About Forgiveness | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 01-01-06 |
2005 Sermon Index
2005 Sermons
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Christmas Day Stories, 2005 | Davidson Loehr | 12-25-05 |
Love Stories | Davidson Loehr | 12-18-05 |
Magic | Davidson Loehr | 12-11-05 |
The Word Was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 12-04-05 |
Secular Wisdom | Davidson Loehr | 11-27-05 |
Thanksgiving 2005 | Davidson Loehr | 11-20-05 |
T. T. T. | Davidson Loehr | 11-13-05 |
Gifts For All Occasions | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 11-06-05 |
Happy Halloween | Davidson Loehr | 10-30-05 |
Liberal Religion, part 3: The Religion of Jesus vs the Religion About Jesus | Davidson Loehr | 10-23-05 |
Liberal Religion, Part 2 | Davidson Loehr | 10-16-05 |
Media Addiction | Davidson Loehr | 10-09-05 |
Finding Ourselves, Our Souls & Our Religious Center | Jack R. Harris-Bonham | 10-02-05 |
Liberal Religion, Part 1 | Davidson Loehr | 09-25-05 |
Who is Your Audience? | Davidson Loehr | 09-18-05 |
Size Matters! | Davidson Loehr | 09-11-05 |
WWJD? | Davidson Loehr | 09-04-05 |
Farewell Musings | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 06-26-05 |
Behind the Scenes | Davidson Loehr | 06-19-05 |
The Priesthood of All Believers | Davidson Loehr | 06-12-05 |
Knowing Your Nugget | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 05-29-05 |
The Cost of Money | Davidson Loehr | 05-22-05 |
Transforming Liberalism of James Luther Adams | Rev George Beach | 05-15-05 |
When You Love Someone: HS seniors bridging service | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 05-08-05 |
American Myths | Davidson Loehr | 05-01-05 |
Growing Up and Finding Ourselves: Annual youth service | Davidson Loehr | 04-24-05 |
Earth Day Celebration | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 04-17-05 |
Life Shrinks and Expands in Proportion to One’s Courage | Davidson Loehr | 04-10-05 |
Spiritual, Not Religious | Dr. Laurel Hallman | 04-03-05 |
Eastering | Davidson Loehr | 03-27-05 |
Coming of Age – Constantly! | Davidson Loehr | 03-20-05 |
Finding Your Own Voice | Davidson Loehr | 03-13-05 |
Women’s Wisdom, Women’s Work | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 03-06-05 |
About Schmidt – About Life – About Aging | Nathan L. Stone | 02-27-05 |
Walking the strait and narrow | Rev Chuck Freeman | 02-20-05 |
On Tolerating Bad Religion | Davidson Loehr | 02-13-05 |
God | Davidson Loehr | 02-06-05 |
Myths to Live By, Part 5 | Davidson Loehr | 01-30-05 |
Finding Our Way Through The Dark | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 01-23-05 |
Myths to Live By, Part 4 | Davidson Loehr | 01-16-05 |
On Spiritual Practices | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 01-09-05 |
Reclaiming Our Ultimate Concerns From Religion | Davidson Loehr | 01-02-05 |
2004 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
The View from Mt. Nebo | Davidson Loehr | 12-26-04 |
The Slaughter of the Innocents | Davidson Loehr | 12-19-04 |
Advent | Davidson Loehr | 12-12-04 |
Birthing the Sacred | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 12-05-04 |
The Legitimate Heir to God | Davidson Loehr | 11-28-04 |
Thanksgiving | Davidson Loehr & Victoria Shepherd Rao | 11-21-04 |
Devali Service | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 11-14-04 |
Living under Facism | Davidson Loehr | 11-07-04 |
On Death and Dying | Davidson Loehr & Henry Hug | 10-31-04 |
Myths to Live By, Part 3 | Davidson Loehr | 10-24-04 |
Reflections on Roadkill and the Imagining of A Proper Response | Victoria Shepherd Rao | 10-17-04 |
Myths to Live By, Part 2: the Dependent Goddesses | Davidson Loehr | 10-10-04 |
Myths to Live By, Part 1 | Davidson Loehr | 10-03-04 |
Desiderating Peace | Vicki Rao | 09-26-04 |
Starting Over | Vicki Rao | 09-12-04 |
Religion is Like an Airplane | Davidson Loehr | 09-05-04 |
Finding an adequate religion | Davidson Loehr | 08-22-04 |
A Cross of Iron Revisited | Martin Bryant | 08-15-04 |
The meaning of success | Becky Harding | 08-08-04 |
The wheel of the year | Yew Grove Cuups | 08-04-04 |
Science and religion | Henry Hug | 07-25-04 |
Why “Unitarian Universalism” is Dying | Davidson Loehr | 07-21-04 |
On Being a Morning Person | Don Smith | 07-18-04 |
When Winning Is The Only Thing | Jim Checkley | 07-11-04 |
Who’s on the inside | Hannah Wells | 07-04-04 |
Daily Practice Makes Perfect | Jonobie Ford | 06-27-04 |
Behind the scenes | Davidson Loehr and Hannah Wells | 06-20-04 |
Tolerance (Annual Youth Service) | Ian Reed, Will Boney | 06-13-04 |
Religion 101 | Davidson Loehr | 06-06-04 |
Thank You For Your Service | Hannah Wells | 05-30-04 |
The Four Faces of Jesus | Davidson Loehr | 05-23-04 |
YRUU Bridging ceremonies | Hannah Wells | 05-09-04 |
Mother’s Day | Davidson Loehr | 05-09-04 |
Transcendentalism For Today | Hannah Wells | 05-02-04 |
The Corporations Will Eat Your Soul | Davidson Loehr | 04-25-04 |
The Easter of Nature: The Nature of Easter | Davidson Loehr & Hannah Wells | 04-11-04 |
Where Do We Find Absolution? | Hannah Wells | 04-04-04 |
The DaVinci Code, Part 2 | Davidson Loehr | 03-28-04 |
Spiritual Aeronautics, Part 2 | Davidson Loehr | 03-28-04 |
Spiritual Aeronautics, Part 1 | Davidson Loehr | 03-21-04 |
One is Silver and the Other’s Gold | Hannah Wells | 03-14-04 |
Oh, Gods! | Davidson Loehr | 03-07-04 |
The Danger in Handling Sacred Things | Davidson Loehr | 02-29-04 |
Watertight Integrity | Matt Tittle | 02-22-04 |
The Case For Medical Marijuana: A Human Rights Issue | Hannah Wells | 02-15-04 |
The Strings of Compassion | Davidson Loehr | 02-08-04 |
Missing Stories | Davidson Loehr | 02-01-04 |
The spirituality of imperfection | Rev. Liz Brown | 01-25-04 |
Is it me or memorex | Rev. Jim Rigby | 01-18-04 |
No Longer at ease | Rev. Sid Hall | 01-11-04 |
Spirituality of Humor | Hannah Wells | 01-04-04 |
The 2004 Jesus Seminar
2003 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Endings | Davidson Loehr | 12-28-03 |
Christmasing | Davidson Loehr & Hannah Wells | 12-21-03 |
The Difference Between Loving Jesus and Rejecting Christianity | Hannah Wells | 12-14-03 |
Oh God, Not Another Christmas! | Davidson Loehr | 12-07-03 |
Self Reliance vs. Free Will | Hannah Wells | 11-30-03 |
How to Become Big and Strong | Davidson Loehr | 11-30-03 |
Giving thanks & An optimistic patriot | Davidson Loehr & Hannah Wells | 11-23-03 |
How to be a Chicken | Davidson Loehr | 11-16-03 |
Veterans’ Day 2003 | Davidson Loehr | 11-02-03 |
All Souls | Hannah Wells | 10-26-03 |
Boo! | Davidson Loehr | 10-26-03 |
World Peace in the Home | Hannah Wells | 10-19-03 |
Under the Banner of Heaven | Davidson Loehr | 10-19-03 |
The Spiritual Journey Home | Hannah Wells | 10-12-03 |
At-One-ment | Davidson Loehr | 10-05-03 |
You Are What You Love | Hannah Wells | 09-28-03 |
Happy New Year! | Davidson Loehr | 09-28-03 |
The DaVinci Code, Part 1 | Davidson Loehr | 09-21-03 |
Where your treasure is | Davidson Loehr | 09-14-13 |
The Shadow Knows | Davidson Loehr | 08-31-03 |
Faith Without Works is Dead | Davidson Loehr | 08-24-03 |
On the Outside Looking In | Becky Harding | 08-17-03 |
All Things Buffy | Jim Checkley | 08-03-03 |
The Simple Gifts of Liberal Religion – SUUSI | Davidson Loehr | 07-23-03 |
Bread for the Journey | Cathy Harrington | 07-20-03 |
Ancient wisdom – modern practice | Yew Grove CUUPS | 06-29-03 |
Looking for Love in Furry Faces | Cathy Harrington | 06-22-03 |
Religion or UUism? | Davidson Loehr | 06-15-03 |
Behind the Scenes | Davidson Loehr and Cathy Harrington | 06-08-03 |
The Prodigal Son’s soliloque | Davidson Loehr | 06-01-03 |
The Father’s soliloque | Davidson Loehr | 05-25-03 |
What’s the Good News? | Davidson Loehr | 05-18-03 |
Science, Religion and Life | Davidson Loehr | 05-11-03 |
The Goat in the Tree and Other Miracles | Cathy Harrington | 05-04-03 |
Why are you you? Youth Service | YRUU youth | 04-27-03 |
The ABC’s of Easter | Davidson Loehr & Cathy Harrington | 04-20-03 |
The shadow knows | Davidson Loehr | 04-13-03 |
Death Be Not Proud | Cathy Harrington | 04-06-03 |
Soliloquies from the Prodigal Son: The Fatted Calf | Davidson Loehr | 03-30-03 |
She: A Salvation Story for Women | Davidson Loehr | 03-23-03 |
He: A Salvation Story for Men | Davidson Loehr | 03-16-03 |
The Soul’s Code | Davidson Loehr | 03-09-03 |
Nicaragua, some reflections | Cathy Harrington | 03-02-03 |
The Legitimate Heir to Salvation | Davidson Loehr | 02-23-03 |
Reconsidering the Concept of God | Davidson Loehr | 02-16-03 |
Original Sins and Blessings | Davidson Loehr | 02-09-03 |
In the Beginning | Davidson Loehr | 02-02-03 |
Turning points and the challenge of Change | Rev. David Owen | 1-26-03 |
Being good – Beyond Santa | Rev. Art Severence | 1-19-03 |
Christ without myth | Rev. Sidney Hall | 1-12-03 |
The Golem | Rabbi Elizabeth Dunsker | 1-5-03 |
2002 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Happy Holy Days | Davidson Loehr & Cathy Harrington | 12-22-02 |
Dreamcatchers : A New History of Christmas | Davidson Loehr | 12-16-02 |
The Advent Of… | Davidson Loehr | 12-08-02 |
Blessed to receive | Cathy Harrington | 12-01-02 |
So much to be thankful for | Davidson Loehr & Cathy Harrington | 11-24-02 |
Homeless in Austin | Davidson Loehr | 11-17-02 |
The experience of War | Davidson Loehr | 11-10-02 |
Making Memories | Davidson Loehr | 10-27-02 |
What if There Isn’t A God? | Davidson Loehr | 10-20-02 |
Rediscovering Prayer | Cathy Harrington | 10-13-02 |
Oil, Arrogance, and War | Davidson Loehr | 09-29-02 |
What If There Really Were A God? | Davidson Loehr | 09-22-02 |
The Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes | Davidson Loehr | 09-15-02 |
Living East of Eden: God’s Justice and Human Justice | Davidson Loehr | 09-08-02 |
Something to believe in | Cathy Harrington | 09-01-02 |
You Must Be Present to Win | Davidson Loehr | 08-25-02 |
Faith Without Works is Dead | Davidson Loehr | 08-18-02 |
Have Yourself a Very August Christmas | Jim Checkley | 08-04-02 |
Humility | Davidson Loehr | 06-16-02 |
What Then, Shall We Believe? | Davidson Loehr | 06-02-02 |
Under the Gaze of Eternity | Davidson Loehr | 05-26-02 |
Reaping What We Sow | Davidson Loehr | 05-19-02 |
Can We Teach Morality in Schools? | Davidson Loehr | 05-12-02 |
Religion & Society, Mix well and serve | Davidson Loehr | 04-28-02 |
Under the Cover of War | Davidson Loehr | 04-21-02 |
Giving Birth to the Sacred | Davidson Loehr | 03-31-02 |
Dar nacimiento a lo sagrado | Davidson Loehr | 03-31-02 |
Demythologized Christianity | Davidson Loehr | 03-24-02 |
The Morality of Abortion (Part 2 of 2) | Davidson Loehr | 03-10-02 |
The Meaning of Life The (Part 1 of 2) | Davidson Loehr | 03-03-02 |
The Fundamentalist Agenda | Davidson Loehr | 02-03-02 |
Liberal Salvation | Davidson Loehr | 01-06-02 |
2001 Sermon Index
2000 Sermon Index
Sermon Topic | Author | Date |
Carpe Diem! | Chris Summers | 12-31-00 |
Christmas Stories | Davidson Loehr | 12-24-00 |
No Room at the Inn | Davidson Loehr | 12-17-00 |
From the Fringes to the Center? | Davidson Loehr | 12-10-00 |
How To Become A Butterfly | Davidson Loehr | 11-26-00 |
Choose Life | Davidson Loehr | 11-19-00 |
Why do Soldiers Die? | Davidson Loehr | 11-12-00 |
Spooks from the Depths | Davidson Loehr | 10-29-00 |
Religion for Atheists | Davidson Loehr | 10-22-00 |
Religion para ateos | Davidson Loehr | 10-22-00 |
Not Fit to Live: Capitol punishment | Davidson Loehr | 10-15-00 |
The Dark God of Capitalism | Davidson Loehr | 10-08-00 |
Talk is Not Cheap | Davidson Loehr | 09-24-00 |
Salvation, American Style | Davidson Loehr | 09-17-00 |
The ABC’s of Religion | Davidson Loehr | 09-10-00 |
In a Restaurant, Choose a Table Near a Waiter | Davidson Loehr | 08-27-00 |
The Virtues of Heresy | Davidson Loehr | 08-13-00 |
Las virtudes de la herejia | Davidson Loehr | 08-13-00 |
ESSAY: From Surviving to Thriving: Moving Beyond UUism | Davidson Loehr | 08-01-00 |