Navigating the Thresholds

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above. Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
May 24, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

It seems like we cross into new territory all of the time these days. As we cope with a pandemic, we are in the midst of crossing a threshold, but we cannot yet see what the other side of that threshold may be like. Still, there may be opportunity in the uncertainty. We may have the agency to influence the other side of the threshold.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

-John Schaar

The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created–created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

-Jan Richardson
from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons

Look, the world
is always ending

the sun has come
crashing down.

it has gone
completely dark.

it has ended
with the gun,
the knife,
the fist.

it has ended
with the slammed door,
the shattered hope.

it has ended
with the utter quiet
that follows the news
from the phone,
the television,
the hospital room.

it has ended
with a tenderness
that will break
your heart.

But, listen,
this blessing means
to be anything
but morose.
It has not come
to cause despair.

It is simply here
because there is nothing
a blessing
is better suited for
than an ending,
nothing that cries out more
for a blessing
than when a world
is falling apart.

This blessing
will not fix you,
will not mend you,
will not give you
false comfort;
it will not talk to you
about one door opening
when another one closes.

It will simply
sit itself beside you
among the shards
and gently turn your face
toward the direction
from which the light
will come,
gathering itself
about you
as the world begins

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Living with Trauma Brain

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above. Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
May 17, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

The human brain has its ways to react to trauma, either one big one or an ongoing series of daily dramas. It makes us react differently, and understanding trauma might help us understand ourselves and one another a bit better.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

Sophia Lyon Fahs

We gather in reverence before the wonder of life-
The wonder of this moment
The wonder of being together, so close yet so apart-
Each hidden in our own secret chamber,
Each listening, each trying to speak-
Yet none fully understanding, none fully understood.
We gather in reverence before all intangible things-
That eyes see not, nor ears can detect-
That hands can never touch
that space cannot hold,
and time cannot measure.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

Rev. Fred Rogers

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionalble can be more manageable. When we talk about our feelings they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know we are not alone.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


All will be well – Really?

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above. Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
May 10, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

All Will Be Well This song is my “hit single” in the Unitarian Universalist world. I feel like it came through me, and that it changes its meaning somewhat in my life as I get more experience. From the letters people write me about it, I see that it has a life of its own, and shift its meanings for each person who listens.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

Julian of Norwich

God is everything that is good. All life’s Pleasures and comforts are sacremental. They are God’s hands touching us.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez

I’ve seen dark before, but not like this
This is cold, this is empty, this is numb
The life I knew is over; the lights are out
Hello darkness: I’m ready to succumb

I follow you around (I always have)
But you’ve gone to a place I cannot find
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
But a tiny voice whispers in my mind

You are lost, hope is gone
But you must go on
And do the next right thing

Can there be a day beyond this night
I don’t know anymore what is true
I can’t find my direction; I’m all alone
The only star that guided me was you

How to rise from the floor
When it’s not you I’m rising for
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again It is all that I can to do

The next right thing
I won’t look too far ahead
It’s too much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath, this next step
This next choice is one that I can make

So I’ll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly toward the light
And do the next right thing
And with the dawn what comes then?
When it’s clear that everything will never be the same again
Then I’ll make the choice to hear that voice
And do the next right thing

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Punk Theology

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
May 5,2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Join Rev. Meg as she talks about how the rise of Punk gave outlets for marginalized voices and new ways to cry out against opression.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

– Rainer Maria Rilke

My eyes already touch the sunny hill.
going far beyond the road I have begun,
So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp;
it has an inner light, even from a distance-

and changes us, even if we do not reach it,
into something else, which, hardly sensing it,
we already are; a gesture waves us on
answering our own wave…
but what we feel is the wind in our faces.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

– Patti Smith

I was dreaming in my dreaming
God knows a purer view
As I lay down to my sleeping
I commit my dream to you

People have the power
The power to dream, to rule
To wrestle the world from fools
It’s decreed: the people rule
It’s decreed: the people rule

Listen. I believe everything we dream
Can come to pass through our union
We can turn the world around
We can turn the earth’s revolution
We have the power

People have the power


A punk attitude can be described non verbally with a hand gesture. You know the one I’m talking about. So that we can all survive this with our dignity intact, I’m going to use this alternative from my childhood in Philadelphia. ( hand gesture.)

England in the 70’s. Margaret Thatcher was the Iron Lady, closing down the coal mines, the economy was bad, so many working people were on the dole. The kings of the music scene were Led Zeppelin. Overblown, guitar solos turned up to 11, satin pants and flowing curls, references to English folklore and the bustle in your hedgerow. I love Led Zeppelin, but the next generation needed music that could express their lives.

You have kids who had no hope of work. They had plenty to say, anger at the establishment, little chance of having the money for musical training, the long slog of unpaid effort it takes to get a record contract, no money for satin pants. All of this is tremendously oversimplified – I’m just giving you an impression of what happened. “(Hand gesture) them!” We are going to express ourselves. Being authentic is the main thing, show our rage. Look cool. Make it clear that you are as far from satin pants as a person can get. Here, take some safety pins and stick them through your clothes. Clothes made all out of safety pins? Go for it. Stick some through your ear? Cool. Life is pain. We can take it. If you can shout, you can sing. Who needs long croony stairway to heaven songs? Make them short. Scream what you feel. Shout what you see about the world the way it is. Give it a hard edged melody and sing it in a hard voice. Can’t play an instrument? Here. This is a chord. Here are two more. Now, go write a song because all you need are these three chords. Loud. Fast. Aggressive. They think we’re angry, but loud and fast can be ecstatic too, and sexy too.

So many bands were trying to be Led Zeppelin without their genius. Pale imitations, then imitations of the imitations.

Let me read you something from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Divinity School Address: Imitation cannot go above its model. The imitator dooms himself to hopeless mediocrity. The inventor did it, because it was natural to him, and so in him it has a charm. In the imitator, something else is natural, and he bereaves himself of his own beauty, to come short of another man’s. When you do things that are from your soul, that are natural to you, they have a charm. If you are imitating others, you doom yourself to hopeless mediocrity.

The Punk movement was a do-it-yourself movement. You can learn without being taken under the wing of a great teacher. You can figure it out for yourself. Are you an outcast from the mainstream? Be out cast, then, and enjoy the freedom of saying (hand gesture) you! I didn’t want to be like you anyway.

In the US, the punks did not have the economic despair of the UK punks, but they had seen Watergate, their older brothers had gone to Vietnam, they didn’t trust the government. AIDS was beginning to kill gay men, and the government was humming with its fingers in its ears for years before doing anything. The black kids, gay kids, kids with gender questions could be punks and find a common ground. (hand gesture) you, we didn’t want to be accepted by your pale imitative group anyway. We’re going to make our own.

The punk bands came out of the garage bands who make their own music in the garage, not in a fancy studio, in a simple but energetic style, valuing expression over polish or skill.

We’ll make our own recordings, we’ll just sell them to our friends. We don’t need big money, big studios, big distribution. Developing technology helped the bands make their own tapes, then CDs, starting in the early 80’s. Then came the internet, and now you can share music, publish music, put up your art, write poems and have people read them, watch people doing recording and learn by watching, write graphic novels. On the internet you can learn almost anything. They say girls don’t play guitar? Girls don’t scream? Show them how girls rock, show them Black punks, show them drag queen bouncers, show them modified bodies. Don’t like the way it is? Change it. You can make your own world.

Overlapping here with punk, carrying on the punk ethos, are the geeks and nerds, who, if they feel rejected by the culture’s beauty standards, if they feel repulsed by the culture’s values, they are making their own worlds with science fiction and Anime. Science fiction is not new, but geeks and nerds dressing up and acting out different worlds is fairly common in these past few decades. You can make a medieval life, somewhat tweaked to reflect a modern sensibility, you can make a star trek life or a manga life, you can dress as superheroes, a movie character, or a character from a video game. That’s called Cosplay. You don’t fit well in this world? Make your own. Become a member of the Gender Bent Justice League, with Superma’m and Batma’am, and scantily clad Wonder Man and Power Guy. You want a world where females get to be heroes and still be clothed? Make your own. And by the way, if they say things have to be either female or male? (hand gesture) to that.

What about our theology is punk? We have a class called “Build Your Own Theology.” Emerson said (and I quote) “I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.” He said “Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”

There are great philosophers, then many pale imitations. There are great beatniks, then the pale imitations, great hippies, then many pale imitations, great punks, then many imitations. Do what is you. Be an authentic voice. Tell the truth as you see it. Make your own. Don’t let the fire on the altar burn out. The remedy for it is “first, soul,” Waldo says. “and second, soul, and evermore, soul.”

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Prayer when no one is listening

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above. Text of this sermon is not yet available.

Bear W. Qolezcua
April 26, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

The best laid plans… Growing up a sceptic, I questioned the faith I was told to have and why I would ever want to be a part of it. Join our R.E. Chaplain, Bear W. Qolezcua, as he speaks about atheism and the power of prayer. Where does it have a place and how can we use it when we don’t believe anyone or anything is listening?

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

Impassioned Clay
– Ralph N. Helverson

Deep in ourselves resides the religious impulse. Out of the passions of our clay it rises. We have religion when we stop deluding ourselves that we are self-sufficient, self-sustaining, or self-derived.

We have religion when we hold some hope beyond the present, some self respect beyond our failures. We have religion when our hearts are capable of leaping up at beauty, when our nerves are edged by some dream in the heart.

We have religion when we have an abiding gratitude for all that we have received. We have religion when we look upon people with all their failings and still find in them good; when we look beyond people to the grandeur in nature and to the purpose in our own heart. We have religion when we have done all that we can, and then in confidence entrust ourselves to the life that is larger than ourselves.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

The Book of the Good
by A C Grayling
Chapter 8, Verses 1-12

  1. Shall we ask, by what commandments should we live?
  2. Or might we better ask, each of ourselves:
  3. What kind of person should I be?
  4. The first question assumes there is one right answer.
  5. The second assumes that there are many right answers.
  6. If we ask how to answer the second question, we are answered in yet other questions:
  7. What should you do when you see another suffering, or in need, afraid, or hungry?
  8. What causes are worthy, what world do you dream of where your child plays safely in the street?
  9. There are many such questions, some already their own answer, some unanswerable.
  10. But when all the answers to all the questions are summed together, no one hears less than this:
  11. Love well, seek the good in all things, harm no others, think for yourself, take responsibility, respect nature, do your upmost, be informed, be kind, be courageous:
    At least sincerely try.
  12. Add to these ten injunctions, this:
    O friends, let us always be true to ourselves and do the best in things, so that we can always be true to one another.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Liberation Through Letting Go

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
April 19, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Sometimes when we hold on too tightly to expectations of ourselves and others, it can lead to added suffering. In these difficult times, what are some of the things for which it might be liberating to let go or at least hold less fixedly?

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

From War Cry on a Prayer Feather
by Nancy Wood

Earth teach me stillness
As the grasses are stilled with light.
Earth teach me suffering
As old stones suffer with memory.
Earth teach me humility
As blossoms are humble with beginning.
Earth teach me caring
As the mother who secures her young.
Earth teach me courage
As the tree which stands all alone.
Earth teach me limitation
As the ant who crawls on the ground.
Earth teach me freedom
As the eagle who soars in the sky.
Earth teach me resignation
As the leaves which die in the fall.
Earth teach me regeneration
As the seed which rises in spring.
Earth teach me to forget myself
As melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me to remember kindness
As dry fields weep with rain.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

by Rosemary Wahtole Trommer

That rock that we
have been pushing up
the hill-that one

that keeps rolling back down
and we keep pushing
back up-what if

we stopped? We are not
Sisyphus. This rock
is not a punishment.

It’s something we’ve chosen
to push. Who knows why.
I look at all the names

we once carved into
its sedimentary sides.
How important

I thought they were,
those names. How
I’ve clung to labels,

who’s right, who’s wrong,
how I’ve cared about
who’s pushed harder

and who’s been slack.
Now all I want
is to let the rock

roll back to where it belongs,
which is wherever it lands,
and you and I could,

imagine!, walk unencumbered,
all the way to the top and
walk and walk and never stop

except to discover what
our hands might do
if for once they were



This month, our spiritual theme at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin is liberation.

I think many of us never imagined what a different perspective on that term, liberation, we might come to hold during this time of hunkering down and social distancing.

I don’t know about you all, but I am looking forward to the time when we will be liberated from having to practice this sheltering in place – social distancing!

This morning I’d like to talk about some of the ways we might avoid entrapping ourselves with unrealistic expectations during this strange and challenging time through which we’re living. What are some of the things which we might need to let go in order to liberate ourselves from self-imposed anxiety and judgement during this period, when we all have plenty enough stress in our world already?

For me, one of the big ones is letting go of expecting myself to handle moving through a pandemic in perfect fashion.

None of us can do that. None of us has ever had to handle this before. And, in fact, because we are under stress – trauma, all of us are likely a little ADHD about now.

We’re likely to make mistakes we would not normally make. We’re likely to be more forgetful than usual. We’re likely to have less stamina than we ordinarily do.

Last week, I had to don my face mask and protective gloves and head into a Randall’s grocery store, because none of the groceries in our area had any delivery or curbside pick up time slots available. I got my groceries, and a very nice woman bagged them and put them into my cart for me.

I got home, only to discover that several of my items were missing.

“That woman didn’t give me all of my groceries”, I thought to myself.

So off I went, back to Randall’s to march in and demand my missing groceries.

Luckily, I parked right by where I had left my cart, and there, in the bottom basket of the cart was the other bag of groceries right where I had left it when I loaded everything else into the car.

This week, I was back in Randall’s again, for the same reason – no curbside or delivery available.

A woman checking out in front of me, from 6 feet away, was placing her items in a bag with her right hand. The checkout clerk completed the transaction and told her the amount owed.

In a sudden panic, the woman exclaimed, “Oh my God, where’s my wallet?”

Then she turned and saw that she was holding her wallet in her left hand.

She looked at me with embarrassment. I smiled and said, “don’t worry, we have all been doing that sort of thing all of the time. We both laughed together, and it was a blessed relief.

When we are under stress, we are all more likely to make these sorts of absent-minded mistakes. Let’s forgive ourselves and be especially careful when driving – people are accidentally running red lights and stop signs and changing lanes without even looking.

Here is another thing to let go. If any of you are like me and have always strived to be an “A” student, we may need to let go of that for a while too. If we make it though this as a “C” student, we’ll be fine!

I know I’ve sent email messages to the wrong person and texts that were so full of typos they made no sense at all!

To our folks who are trying to work from home, while parenting and providing home schooling, I especially want to say you are doing it well enough. You have been given a nearly impossible challenge.

You get an “A” plus just for the Herculean effort.

Another thing I have been learning to let go is having to be strong all the time – keep that stiff upper lip, as I was taught most of my life in my white, Euro-scandinavian family.

We have to feel the grief, the fear, the anger the stir-craziness. We have to feel all of it in order to move through it.

That doesn’t mean we have to stay there forever, just that we can’t try to stuff it all down and numb it.

We’re all also having to let go of our ideas of separateness. We will only make it through this together, and we can be in it together even while we are physically apart.

And we’re all also having to let go of what was our daily routine. That may be an opportunity for longer-term change. I am trying to start the day with a nice walk instead of immediately looking at the news. Another thing I have had to let go is feeling like I should be doing more I’m trying to be careful with that word “should”. It can lead me into all manner of troubles.

So, those are some of the big ones for me. I invite you to consider what what it might help you to let go, or at least hold a little less tightly.

One final big one for me is learning to live with not being able to have physical contact with other people.

I love preaching and leading worship, but I have discovered during this time, that one of the things I have loved most about my ministry with this church, were the Sundays when Meg, our senior minister, was preaching, and I would be what I’ve called “the floor minister”.

You know how restaurants and retail stores have had a general manger, that would be Meg, and then a floor manager who would move about checking in with people?

That’s kind of what I got to do as a minister on those Sundays – and will get to do again someday.

Move about the church and listen to folks, ask how you’re doing, try to help with any issues you might be having.

I miss being able to shake hands, or hug, or put a hand on a shoulder.

But I am learning that love can radiate through a computer screen or a phone call or even an email or text message. Love can travel from six feet apart.

So, even though right now I am doing it through a computer video camera, I am sending you much love.

Even though I am recording this a few days before you will see it on Sunday, the love will still be there.

And I’ll be there too, chatting with you in the comments.

Because the one thing we can’t let go is love.

Not even a virus can quarantine love.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


A Trip to the Underworld

Text of this sermon is not yet available. Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
April 12, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Rev. Meg tells one of the oldest human religious stories, a story from almost 4000 years ago, a story about resurrection often called Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld. We are descending these days, deeper and deeper, and we do not know what the world will look like when we come back out again.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth
day of life and love and wings and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

– e e cummings

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

If you live in the dark a long time and the sun comes out, you do not cross into it whistling. There’s an initial uprush of relief at first, then-for me, anyway- a profound dislocation. My old assumptions about how the world works are buried, yet my new ones aren’t yet operational.There’s been a death of sorts, but without a few days in hell, no resurrection is possible.

– Mary Karr from Lit



Silence my soul, these trees are prayers.
I asked the tree, “Tell me about God”;
then it blossomed.

– Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Losing My Religion

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above. Text of this sermon is not available.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
April 5, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Losing my religion. Rev. Meg looks back at her days in seminary.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.


Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will come out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping, we are becoming.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


A Vision for this Time

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
March 29, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Though this is a difficult and challenging time, it also provides us with an opportunity to truly realize our interconnectedness – to know we can only get through this together, even as we cannot be physically together. Perhaps our vision, at least for now, may be less about the future and more about how we can treat ourselves and others with kindness and compassion in this moment and time.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice so that its flame may signify the spiritual strands of light that bind our hearts and souls with one another. Even while we must be physically apart, we bask in its warmth together.

Call to Worship

Rev. Chris Jimmerson

It’s okay to sit on the front porch and stare into the blankness. It’s okay to scream into the void. It’s okay to weep into the pillow and pound the mattress. None of us knows how to do this. All of us are here with each other in our hearts and spirits.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Moment for Beloved Community

“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

Meditation Reading

Dr Amy Acton
Head of the Ohio Department of Health

I can tell you that I already envision a future that is full of hope. I’ve told you my story about how absolutely essential hope is. It’s the one thing that made a difference in a really rough childhood that I had and I feel more hopeful than I’ve ever felt. I actually believe that life is not shutting down right now. Life is not shutting us down, although we’re being quiet now and we’re making that physical distance.

Life seems like it’s shutting down but I feel life is waking us up. I truly see a vision of a future that is brighter than we have known. I say that from all my heart. I just know it in my heart and my soul. So please don’t feel like this is pulling us apart. I believe this is drawing us to each other and bonding us to each other, but it will have to be all of us.


Well, it’s been a rough several days, hasn’t it? I know it has been for me. I miss being able to be physically with people, including you all. I’m wearing my rainbow kitties stole for this video because it helps me feel at least a little bit better.

I want to acknowledge the extra challenges those of you who are parents are facing with children at home all of the time because the schools are closed.

One of our church members, Kae McLaughlin posted on Facebook something one of her neighbors had sent out over NextDoor. It went, “Homeschooling is going well. Two students suspended for fighting and one teacher fired for drinking on the job.”

We are all facing challenges during this time, and we do not know yet how long this time will last. Our minds and our bodies know there is a potential existential threat to ourselves and those we love and care about. And this leads to several things we need to know.

Even as we go about the daily tasks of life, our minds are still processing what is happening in the background. Our bodies are producing a flood of chemicals that would normally prepare us for fight or flight in the face of danger. Only this is a danger that we cannot see and for which fight or flight do not really help, as we all have to shelter in place. Because of all of this, we are likely to tire more easily. We are likely to need more rest than usual. We have to be aware that we may be prone to be more snappish than usual, as those fight chemicals try to find a way to express themselves. I am trying even more than usual to pause before speaking whatever reaction I am having to try to counter this. My spouse Wayne claims I am only being partially successful at it.

Getting outdoors can help. Exercising can help. Connecting with those we love and care about in whatever ways we are able can help – phone calls, the internet, email, texting.

We are likely to experience both a wider range of emotions and to feel them more deeply than usual in times of stress such as this. Know that is normal. Let’s let ourselves feel the emotions. It is part of the way we move through stressful times.

The opposite can be true too though. We may experience times where we just shut down and stare at the wall for a while. Let’s be forgiving of ourselves and of one another during this time.

David Kessler, who along with Elisabeth Kubler Ross wrote about the stages of grief says that grief is one of the emotions we must acknowledge that we are feeling during this time. He says we are feeling grief both over the loss of normalcy and lack of physical connection that we are currently experiencing and what he calls “anticipatory grief.” That’s when we face an uncertain future where we know we may experience even more loss.

He says that our minds can begin racing, imagining the worst possible scenario but that, if we try to fight that and shut it down, our minds will not let us. In fact, trying to do so can cause us more pain.

Instead, he recommends also trying to imagine the best-case scenario to gain some balance.

Kessler says that one of the ways we can best manage our grief is to recognize the different stages of it, though he warns we do not move through them in in any certain order and that we can move back and forth between them more than once also.

See if you have experienced any of the example he gives: He says,

  • “There’s denial, which we say a lot of early on: This virus won’t affect us.
  • There’s anger: You’re making me stay home and taking away my activities.
  • There’s bargaining: Okay, if I social distance for two weeks everything will be better, right?
  • There’s sadness: I don’t know when this will end.
  • And finally there’s acceptance. This is happening; I have to figure out how to proceed.

Acceptance, as you might imagine, is where the power lies. We find control in acceptance. I can wash my hands. I can keep a safe distance. I can learn how to work virtually.” Kessler says that naming these stages helps us move through them. Kessler adds one more stage of grief that he calls “finding meaning”. I’d like to close by talking about that for a bit.

Now, I know we have witnessed the hoarding of ammunition and toilette paper. I know we have politicians calling on Grandma to sacrifice herself for the good of the capitalistic economy.

I want to tell you a few stories of somethings my spouse Wayne and I have also witnessed lately though. I had to go to Randall’s a couple of days ago because we had run out of groceries at the house. And even though there were these bright red lines we had to stand behind at the checkout counter and signs everywhere telling us we had to stay at least six feet apart, people were greeting complete strangers as they passed one another, asking how each other was doing and really wanting to hear the answer. People were checking with the store employees to ask how they were fairing and thanking them for being there. A man who had a lot more items than I did offered to let me go before him at the checkout.

Wayne was at our neighborhood convenience store and saw a woman give the store clerk her cell phone number and invite him to call her if needed.

We live on a cul de sac, and the other night, someone down the street went into their yard and started playing their clarinet. Pretty soon, a woman at one of the other houses came out into her yard with her two young daughters and joined in by playing a saxophone. Then, a young man and his family came out into their yard, and he joined in with his guitar. And so, our neighbors provided us all with a free, impromptu jazz concert.

That’s the meaning we may be finding despite these difficult, difficult times. The ideology of dog eat dog, everyone for themselves will not get us through this and is being shown to be a failed ideology.

Instead, we are finding our interconnectedness in ways that we never have before. We are discovering that we will need each other to get through this. We are finding ways to make music together, even from a distance, both literally and metaphorically. Let’s do that in this congregation.

Stay connected.

Reach out to one another.

If you go to and click on the calendar, you will see several opportunities we are providing to connect online through Zoom.

Reach out to Meg Barnhouse our senior minister and to me. The best way to do that is through email. and We both have our church email on our cell phones and check it frequently.

Meg and I both love this congregation with all of our heart and to the depth of our soul.

We will get through this together.


Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Social Distance, not Spiritual Distance

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above. Text of this sermon is not available.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
& Rev. Chris Jimmerson
March 22, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Join Rev. Meg and Rev. Chris as they discuss community and what it means to them, while reflecting on questions such as: What does community do for us? How do we need it in our lives? And, what do we do when we cannot gather in person?

Chalice Lighting

Deep calls unto deep, joy calls unto joy, light calls unto light.
Let the kindling of this flame rekindle in us the inner light of love, of peace, of hope.
And “as one flame lights another, nor grows the less,”
we pledge ourselves to be bearers of the light where ever we are.

Call to Worship

from The Night Circus
by Erin Morgenstern

And there are never really endings, happier or otherwise. Things keep going on, they overlap and blur. Your story is part of your sister’s story and is part part of many other stories and there is no telling where any of them may lead.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Moment for Beloved Community

“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

Meditation Reading

from Second Glance
by Jodi Picoult

Heroes didn’t leap over tall buildings or stop bullets with an out stretched hand; they didn’t wear boots of capes. They bled and they bruised, and their super powers were as simple as listening, or loving. Heroes were ordinary people who knew that even if their own lives were impossibly knotted they could untangle someone else’s and maybe that one act could lead someone to rescue you right back.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


The Grief Bible

You can listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Bear W. Qolezcua
March 15, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Life would be so much easier if it came with a manual that told us all the rules for survival but, of course, nothing so simple exists. Let’s look at lessons gleaned through grief and find the common threads that bind us all together in this very human experience.

Chalice Lighting

We seek our place in the world and the answers to our hearts’ deep questions. As we seek, may our hearts be open to unexpected answers. May the light of our chalice remind us that this is a community of warmth, of wisdom, and welcoming of multiple truths.

Call to Worship

Robert T Weston
from “Seasons of the Soul”

I will lift up my voice and sing;
Whatever may befall me,
I will still follow the light which kindles song.
I will listen to the music
Arising out of grief and joy alike,
I will not deny my voice to the song.
For in the depth of winter, song,
Like a bud peeping through the dry crust of earth,
Brings back memory,
And creates anew the hope and anticipation of spring;
Out of a world that seems barren of hope,
Song decries beauty in the shapes of leafless trees,
Lifts our eyes to distant mountain peaks which,
Even if we see them not,
Remind us that they are there, waiting,
And still calling to us to come up higher.
Out of the destruction of dear hopes,
Out of the agony of heartbreak,
Song rises once more to whisper to us
That even this is but the stage setting for a new beginning,
And that we shall yet take the pieces of our hearts
And put them together in a pattern
Of deeper, truer lights and shades.
I will lift up my voice in song,
For in singing I myself am renewed,
And the darkness of night is touched
By the promise of a new dawn,
For light shall come again.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Meditation Reading

Jodi Picoult
from “My Sister’s Keeper”

“There should be a statute of limitation on grief. A rulebook that says it is all right to wake up crying, but only for a month. That after 42 days you will no longer turn with your heart racing, certain you have heard her call out your name. That there will be no fine imposed if you feel the need to clean out her desk; take down her artwork from the refrigerator; turn over a school portrait as you pass – if only because it cuts you fresh again to see it. That it’s okay to measure the time she has been gone, the way we once measured her birthdays.”


I’ve brought my fair share of sorrows to this altar and left them here for you all to bear with me. Just like the fire bowl, we bring our worries and fears and pains to the candles, to the meditations, to our prayers in whatever form they manifest so that they are no longer only ours to carry. For that grace, I’m grateful. An old Swedish proverb that is dear to me reads “Sorrow shared is sorrow halved. Joy shared is joy doubled.”

It sometimes really bugs me that there is no handbook when it comes to grieving. However, just because there is no brochure out there with “The Perfect Grief Guide” splashed cheerily across the front leaf doesn’t mean we are bereft of any sort of guidance.

In each one of us there is an intangible well of wisdom that hastens to help us when we need it most. Some pages are scattered with frantic broken thoughts and doodles in the margins that speak of emotional highs and lows… and other pages are neatly set and well thought out, processed and made into a clear message of centered calm. Combined, much of that experience creates what I like to refer to as a “Grief Bible”, a place where we can look to find answers to our questions based off of our own learning.

My grief bible begins with “In grace, in heartache, in joy, in sorrow… I am not alone.”

Grief, of course, is not solely fashioned from the experience of death. Much in our life teaches us lessons of sorrow and those lessons have their own books within our personal bibles. Some of mine would be titled “Boy Troubles”, “What the heck do I want to do with my life?”, and “Student Loan Interest Rates.” That last one… that’s a real tear jerker.

These bibles of our own making are filled with a few short books, with only a passage or two, and others that span hundreds of pages with sayings and life experiences. Some are not yet written and others are in the infancy of them being penned.

Because I know my grief best and what I have carried away from a lot of these experiences, I would like to highlight a few takeaways. Like, Book 19. Kevin. My first love.

This book taught me that the heart never heals completely… not with time, not with distance, not with age or wisdom or any other method or measure. Though the pieces may be swept back into a pile lovingly reshaped into a semblance of its original form, a shattered heart will never be without its cracks. Kevin’s book taught me that no matter how much we think we actually want our heart to heal completely, it won’t and perhaps the most beautiful first lesson comes from that fact.

We want so desperately to not hurt anymore, to not feel that sting. When we lose someone we feel we can’t go on without, and our whole life is in an infinite number of pieces, the worst news we want to hear is that we will never really get over the loss.

There is good news there, though… and that is – we will never really get over the loss.

The reason it is good news, however, is that because you will never really get over the loss you will never really get over their memory. Eventually it might not hurt as bad when you do recall them, that itself is a gift, but the wound will still be there.

My mom told me, in one of her many personal parables, that grieving is like a robin that has broken a wing. There is hope that with time the wing will heal and the robin will fly again but the flight might be less sure than before. It will take to the skies once more but not before going through pain, healing, and growth to be strong enough for the task.

Kevin’s book ends as a lesson on the transience of life and the mortal beauty of death. And yes, as morbid as it makes me sound right now, there is very real beauty in surviving the death of someone you love. It just takes a long time to see it, if you ever do.

27: Trella, my last grandmother. This book taught me that sometimes we must rescue ourselves by whatever means necessary long enough to carry on until we can fall apart safely.

One of my favourite movies of all time, Steel Magnolias, puts Trella’s book into words perfectly… “Laughter through tears is my favourite emotion.”

My grandmother died surrounded by her descendents on a Saturday afternoon. One of her calling cards in life was a fastidiously maintained manicure done in cherry bomb red, almond shaped tips. It was her luxury that she indulged each week, on a Friday, usually with her friend Maxine. After she breathed her last we all kind of panicked and started to fall apart. We still had so much to do that we needed to be a bit more together in our heads, and I tried to find something… ANYTHING… to break me out of that all too real moment and maybe be able to help my family. Then I noticed her manicure and quipped “At least her nails look good.” We all stopped, looked at them and then the chuckling began. We were still crying but that moment of absurdity, the lifelong ritual my grandmother held sacred since coming to Austin in the 60s… it rescued us enough to keep moving forward a bit longer.

Book 31. Mom. This book taught me my most valuable lesson so far. I learned that I am not the person that so many other people told me I was, that I wasn’t just a steady rock and I didn’t have to be. Over the years I learned that I am quite tender, that I genuinely love the emotions in this life, and that the message I was told for all my years before was keeping me back from being able to call on my greatest source of true strength – my community of love and support.

I was the only one of my mom’s children she told about the final cancer diagnosis, Christmas day of 2011. When I asked her why she only told me, she said “Because you’re the strong one.”

I bore that “strong” label with me as if it were all I was. I pushed others away so that they wouldn’t have to bear this thing that I, the rock of strength, told myself I must carry alone. But her death, when it came three years later, proved I was anything but strong… or simply strong. And when I realized that fact, I was unsure as to who then I was. I wanted to hold up the box of puzzle pieces depicting my life and shake them out onto the table for them to fall perfectly in place, making sense of my grief and everything I was feeling and not feeling because I feared I was going to disappear if it went on much longer.

The last few sentences of this book read – you are never ready, even when you are ready. You are never strong enough even when you are strong enough. And you are never too old to feel like a child at the loss of a parent.

After my mom died I returned to seminary almost immediately, mistake number one. Rev. Dr. Blair Monie, one of my professors, sat with me for hours while I fell apart, crying onto the shoulder of his perfectly tailored suits. I’m sure I owed him a ton of dry cleaning money. He was the only Presbyterian minister I loved more than Mr. Rogers and y’all… I LOVE Mr. Rogers. He once told me “you will survive this. No matter what, you have survived and you will continue to survive even this.” Simple words, maybe a bit overused and even pithy but in the moment he said them, just two days after her death, they became bread to me.

In a lot of ways, he became a surrogate father and chaplaincy mentor. Blair was a gift I never had thought I would receive. A year and a half ago I added book 35. Blair Monie.

Adding this particular part of my bible felt like losing a parent all over again. His story in my life ends with the line – “We will say goodbye to our mothers and fathers many times in our lives, but only once can we say goodbye to the many mothers and fathers we have had.”

Grief comes at times we wouldn’t expect. Of course, we often see death attended by grief, that is a part of the human condition, but it so often follows closely on the heels of lost relationships, broken trust, or feeling that there is more to do and we are too small or unempowered to do the tasks needed. Right now, as a nation, many of us are experiencing the grief that stems from trauma and the uncertainty in which we all find ourselves. There is a human made food shortage because of the uncertain nature of our situation and a culture imbued with a strong “what if” mentality.

We keep watching reports of more cases of Covid-19 being confirmed in our communities and we are being told to hold steady and remain calm when our brain is screaming at us to do anything but that.

This viral disease comes with a toll for each one of us. We will all add a book to our grief bibles as we move through the waves of illness as well as the unknown recovery period. Our daily lives have been thrown out of balance and upset greatly. Not only has our comfort been shaken from our grip but also our security.

We see videos and hear stories of people fighting over basic staples of life. Folks hoard more than they will possibly need or use, much of it may be wasted in the end, all in some desperate attempt to reclaim that comfort, security, and feeling of being in control of their lives.

Many will experience the grief of feeling responsible to care for their family, however that is defined, and yet helpless to do so in the current situation. Some will experience the grief that comes from the presence of anxiety, being inflated by the media and a seemingly uncaring, inept government, the unknowns and those what ifs will build up further until that is all they can see in their lives. And still, others will, in the end, experience the grief at surviving the death of a loved one.

When humans feel that their sure footing is threatened, they lash out for whatever they can hold onto. Be that money, food, toilet paper, or other humans and now – because of actions and circumstances wildly beyond any of our control – we stand raw to the fear, exposed to the chill of these many forms of loss.

I can’t say to how this book will end, I can’t predict the final line and I dare not speak what is not yet to be into the world. I will, however, say this. In this time it is best to remember our community and keep each other in our minds and hearts. Check in with one another. Help others remain steady as they do the same for you. Draw from our collective grief bibles, if only to be reassured that, as with all things, this is temporary and it too shall pass.

A lesson from my long book of proverbs comes with a warning to remember that in ways, our society often shares the lesson that grief should be peripheral, that it is almost rude to grieve. People ask how you are but some really only want to hear “I’m doing well/alright/ok, thank you” not… I am still shattered, I haven’t showered in four days, I can’t remember if I ate or not, and I can’t find the willpower to pay my electric bill. They want absolution from the responsibility to care for another human being in a moment of pain because, for many, they’ve no idea how to help or what to do.

In conversation, the complications that come from grieving tend to be avoided. People feel embarrassed for you when you talk about your grief; you let them off the hook so that the awkwardness surrounding our fear of this part of life can be moved past. However… Here’s the deal.

Sometimes you must talk about it because talking about it is like opening the pressure valve, letting out all the steam and perhaps being able to take a breath once more.

When I talk about my grief, in times that are very heavy and loud in my head, I feel like I become more visible again. It feels like I am more able to live and move along in my life because I no longer bear it all. Just because I was told I was strong enough to do it on my own doesn’t mean that I have to be. One of the gifts that comes from talking about your grief and what you are grieving is that it can provide profound clarity and remove the gauze that hides things you never thought you knew.

Though it is growing alongside yours, I hope my grief bible is as complete as I can make it right now. This chain of stories and feelings that I have scraped together through my own faulty memory all culminates with this final lesson. – Our grief bibles have nothing to do with our actual grief. Yes, the pain and loss are there in those pages, bound and sealed for our entire lives, but they are not the end result of the book itself. Ed Sheeran sang once that a heart that’s broken is a heart that’s been loved. This grief bible… our gathered mass of stories and memories and hopes and proverbs, it is our testament to the fact that there is, somewhere within us, something more. Not every story of sorrow leads to a positive outcome, some have no greater lesson than survival, but many do come back to being a source of knowledge and guidance for finding that final page to our otherwise heartbreaking book and being able to draw on it when we, once again, need.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Awakening Our Wisdom

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
March 8, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Wisdom is more than just knowledge. In fact, sometimes we have to unlearn things to have greater wisdom. Sometimes wisdom is found in uncertainty, making mistakes and the ineffable experience of our interconnectedness with the interdependent web of all existence. Sometimes wisdom is found in experiences deeper than just the cognitive.

Chalice Lighting

At this hour, in small towns and big cities, in single rooms and ornate sanctuaries, many of our sibling Unitarian Universalist congregations are also lighting a flaming chalice. As we light our chalice today; let us remember that we are part of a great community of faith. May this dancing flame inspire us to fill our lives with the Unitarian Universalist ideals of love, justice, and truth.

Call to Worship


The beloved sometimes wants to do us a great favor, hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Moment for Beloved Community

“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

Meditation Reading

-Marcus Borg

It happened as I was driving along through a sunless rural Minnesota landscape. The only sounds were the wind and the drone of the car. I had been on the road for about three hours. The light suddenly changed. It became yellowy and golden and it suffused everything I saw: the snow covered fields left and right, the trees bordering the fields, the yellow and black road signs, the highway itself. Everything glowed. Everything looked wondrous. I was amazed.

I had never experienced anything like that before unless perhaps in very early childhood and so I no longer remembered it. At the time I felt the falling away of the subject-object distinction of ordinary every day consciousness. That dome of consciousness in which we experience ourselves as in-here and world as out-there. I became aware not just intellectually but experientially at the connectedness of everything. I saw the connectedness, experienced it. My sense of being in here while the world was out there momentarily disappeared. That experience lasted maybe a minute and then faded, but it had been the richest minute of my life. It was not only full of wonder but also filled with a strong sense of knowing, of seeing more clearly and truly than I had ever had.


“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

– Albert Einstein

This month, our religious education classes and activities are examining the concepts of awakening and wisdom.

How do we awaken our wisdom? How is wisdom different than knowledge?

I’m betting that many of you, like me, have been following the developments with the coronavirus with some degree of concern, so I thought I would start with a little wisdom from our public health officials on how to try to contain the spread of viruses.

While there is certainly no reason to panic at this point, there are some practical things we can all do.

First if we are sick with cold-like symptoms we should stay home.

We’ve placed flyers all around the church with information on proper hand washing and other sanitary measures we can all follow, such as covering our mouth when we sneeze or cough and keeping food preparation areas sanitary.

We also found a formula for making our own hand sanitizer and ordered the ingredients to do so because pre-prepared sanitizer has been sold out pretty much everywhere. We will place it around the church as soon as the ingredients come in.

Another thing we can all do is become aware of not touching our hands to our faces. We all tend to this a lot without realizing, and it is one of most common ways that we end up infecting ourselves with something.

The Center for Disease Control has recently advised that older adults and folks with severe chronic illnesses stay at home as much as possible. They don’t define what they mean by “older adults”, sorry.

If you do make the decision to stay at home and would like to watch the church services via the internet, church staff will be happy to show you how to access the the video if you do not already know how to do so.

I also have a service which would allow me to talk with you over video on the internet if we needed to so during the week.

And finally, though many of us enjoy shaking hands or hugging each other, let’s please display our affection for one another with elbow bumps instead for the time being.

The management team here at the church will continue to monitor the situation very closely and will let you know if any further precautions become necessary.

OK, public health announcement over, so back to wisdom.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German theologian, pastor and anti-Nazi dissident once wrote,

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil is. Against evil, one can protest; it can be exposed and, if necessary, stopped with force. Evil always carries the seed of its own self-destruction, because it at least leaves people with a feeling of uneasiness. But against stupidity, we are defenseless.”

Current theologian and minister, Tim Suttle writes that he is seeing a disturbing similarity in modern day America’s lack of wisdom, as that of the German’s in Bonhoeffer’s time.

Suttle notes that what many Americans lack is not knowledge. Instead, there is a refusal to apply that knowledge in wise ways and to dismiss as fake new any knowledge that contradicts our prejudices.

Witness the denial of so many about the growing possibility for global climate catastrophe.

Suttle says that contemporary America has lost several types of wisdom.

First – The wisdom of compromise. He writes, “Only fools believe in win-at-all-costs situations.” It is not that we need to sacrifice our values – but he notes that we gain wisdom through relationship with each other, particularly those with different Life experiences and world views. We can do more together than we can from within our ideological trenches.

Second – The wisdom of change. Trappist monk and mystic, Thomas Merton once said, “If the you of five years ago doesn’t consider the you of today a hectic, you are not growing spiritually.” Yet so many remain entrenched in dogma and ideology, never learning, never growing. Growth and wisdom always involve change.

Third – The Wisdom of Fidelity. By fidelity, Suttle means staying engaged with each other even when we disagree or make mistakes and being willing to work for the good of society over and above what we want for own lives.

Fourth – The wisdom of suffering. Suttle says that we gain wisdom through our hurts and our mistakes. None of us can really avoid suffering in life, but too many of us try to numb it through the use of drugs, alcohol, television, habitual shopping, smart phone binging, etc.

And finally – The wisdom of uncertainty. So much wisdom arises out of mystery and paradox – in having the humility to recognize how much we really do not and cannot know.

I loved that reading from Marcus Borg that Leo shared with us earlier. There is sense of mysteriousness and paradox in these ineffable experiences of interconnectedness and oneness that so many of us have had.

And I think those experiences bless us with a wisdom that goes deeper than rational knowledge and move us toward acting with more compassion and wiseness in our world.

So ultimately what I think Suttle is trying to get at is that too many Americans have lost that sense of our interconnectedness and the many forms of wisdom to be found within it.

I would add to Suttle’s list several other sources of wisdom.

Sometimes wisdom can come from sorting through our rational knowledge to find what is really useful and strip away what is not. As our call to worship put it, “shake all the nonsense out.”

Paying attention to what our bodies are telling us and getting in touch with our emotions are also a part of awakening our full capacity for wisdom.

This is a lesson I have had to learn more than once. For instance, after my step-father, Ty, who had been more of a father to me than my actual dad, after Ty died in April of 2015, I found myself just feeling numb.

There was a sense of unreality.

And for a couple of weeks, it was as if I completely shut down emotionally.

I went though the routines of life and my ministry here at the church, but I couldn’t feel anything much less locate the pleasure and joy I normally get from life and ministry.

And then one day, I was talking with Meg, and I realized that what was happening was that I had been depressed. That for me, depression isn’t a feeling of sadness; it’s feeling nothing.

It was only after this realization, after I finally let myself fully experience my grief and sorrow over losing my step-dad that the depression began to lift.

It was only after I let myself have a good cry or two that I began to also the able to feel gratitude and joy and happiness again.

So our wisdom arises from our whole selves, our reasoning and know ledge, yes, but also our physical and emotional selves.

And, as I mentioned briefly earlier, but it is well worth repeating, our wisdom also comes from being willing to take risks and make mistakes. Sometimes our mistakes are our greatest teachers.

So, as artist and writer Debbie Millman puts it, “If you are not making mistakes, you’re not taking enough risks. Make new mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody has ever made before.”

I think we can also find a special sort of wisdom within the metaphors contained in our stories, myths and poetry.

There is wisdom to be found in our music and drama – in our rituals and the arts.

All of these help us to grasp and understand life’s complexities in ways we cannot with only literal thinking.

This is the error, in my opinion, that too many people make by trying to read the bible or other sacred texts literally and thereby missing or even distorting the metaphorical wisdom such texts often contain.

For me, getting out into nature can also shift my thinking to this bigger picture, more metaphorical form of contemplation.

OK, we have now come to the portion of our service where I harp on the importance of spiritual practices, as I have been and will be doing each time I preach this year.

Spiritual practices, meditation or gardening or knitting, whatever you find connects you with the greater wisdom that is already within you, also help us become even wiser because these practices can also help to shift our perspective on life.

So sometimes our knowledge doesn’t change through our spiritual practices, but our understanding of that knowledge, our worldview, does.

Likewise, our readings and hymns and music and rituals and, I hope at least sometimes our sermons, here in worship at the church may provide us with new knowledge or insights but can also just help us shift our perspectives around knowledge we already had.

And this is likely more true the more we can engage, once again with our whole selves, intellect, physical and emotional. And his capacity to grow wisdom I think is there throughout the life of the church.

Certainly I believe our wonderful teachers and other religious education folks, along with our public forum folks, are helping people of all ages to cultivate greater wisdom.

When we work together for social justice and against all fonns of oppression, we encounter difference, which, in turn, can enhance our own wisdom and shift our perspectives once again.

Our work for the environment reminds us of the wisdom that we are indeed not separate from the interdependent web of all existence but a part of it.

Our First UU Cares Council teaches us the wisdom of caring for each other.

Our Fun and Fellowship and our games night remind us of the wisdom that we need fun, friendship, community, joy in our lives.

Our art gallery, Paradox Players, our many musical programs bring these special sources of wisdom to us.

Well, I could go on and on but there are about another 80 or so ministry teams and church programs I haven’t mentioned yet, so I better stop now.

My point is that as a religious community, in these and so many more ways, I believe we can and do help each other grow our wisdom.

Today is International Women’s Day, so I would be remiss if I were to fail to mention that in Proverbs of the Hebrew Scriptures, God’s wisdom is personified as Woman Wisdom or Sophia.

Sophia, Woman Wisdom, hearkens back to the Tree of Life. She was there at the very act of creation, frolicking in God’s presence and taking delight as God fashioned humanity, the heavens and earth, placing true wisdom within the interconnectedness between the many elements of God’s creation.

So my fellow guys, let us ponder in the days to come over what metaphorical truth Proverbs may be trying to teach us.

I’ll leave you with a poem by Unitarian Universalist minister Leslie Takahashi. It is titled, “Labyrinth”.

“Walk the maze within your heart: guide your steps into its questioning curves.
This labyrinth is a puzzle leading you deeper into your own truths.
Listen in the twists and turns.
Listen in the openness within all searching.
Listen: a wisdom within you calls to a wisdom beyond you
and in that dialogue lies peace.”

Here, as a religious community, may we walk the maze of life together.

Here, in this sacred place, may we help each other find the wisdom within us that calls to a wisdom beyond us.

Amen and blessed be.


– Khalil Gibran

Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry,
the philosophy which does not laugh,
and the greatness which does not bow before children.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Two Parables of the Beloved Community

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
March 1, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Another in our sermon series on the elements of baking. We look at bread and yeast. Rabbi Jesus told a parable about how the kingdom of heaven, or the Beloved Community is like yeast. What could that mean for us?

Chalice Lighting

At this hour, in small towns and big cities, in single rooms and ornate sanctuaries, many of our sibling Unitarian Universalist congregations are also lighting a flaming chalice. As we light our chalice today; let us remember that we are part of a great community of faith. May this dancing flame inspire us to fill our lives with the Unitarian Universalist ideals of love, justice, and truth.

Call to Worship

by David White

“This is not the age of information, forget the news and the radio and the blurred screen. This is the time of loaves and fishes: the people are hungry. We say one good word, and it can become bread for a thousand.”

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Moment for Beloved Community

“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

Meditation Reading

“[Jesus] said, ‘With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable shall we use for it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth, yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.’ “

Again he asked, “What shall I compare the Kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”


In the Jewish faith story, the Hebrew people, descendants of Abraham and Sarah, had been enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. Moses, their liberator, said to the Pharaoh, “Let my people go.” The Pharaoh was reluctant, since he’d needed the labor of the people to build his economy. Then came the plagues. The water turned to blood, and no one could drink it. Frogs infested the land, then flies. Then all the cattle got sick, then the people got boils. Hail came, then locusts. Then the skies turned dark so you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face. The last plague was that the first born children of all the Egyptians died overnight. After that final plague the Pharaoh said he would let Moses’ people go. The Hebrew people were told to make unlevened bread, which we now know as Matzoh bread, a bread with no yeast, made only of flour, olive oil, water and salt. This was fast and simple bread to make, and a person could live on it for a short time.

You can mix grain and water together and live on the paste for a little while, but you will soon die. If, however, you give the flour and water time, if you mix it together and set it on a counter in your kitchen, after a few days it will start to bubble. I don’t know which prehistoric person saw the grain and water porridge bubbling in a bowl in the corner and thought “I’m going to bake that in the fire,” but they are the first baker of bread. Anthropologists are divided about whether the first person to see the bubbling said “I’m going to bake that,” or whether they said “I’m going to drink that.” You have the “bread before beer” scientists, and you have the “beer before bread” scientists.

If you let that flour and water paste we started with take its time, that is, if you don’t have to run away from the pursuing armies of Egypt, then you can have levened bread, and leavened, or yeasted bread can sustain your life indefinitely. Where does the yeast come from? It’s wild, it’s in the air. Yeast is a fungus that floats in the biosphere. If you give it time, it will find your flour and water and start to break down the starches in the mixture, forming sugar. This is fermentation. When the yeast breaks down the cell walls of the starch, it gives off carbon dioxide, which makes the bubbles and creates the holes you see when you tear open a loaf of yeasted bread.

Bill read a pair of parables for our meditation reading, parables attributed by the author to Rabbi Jesus. He was describing the Kingdom of Heaven, which we could translate as “the Beloved Community.”

The Beloved community is like a mustard seed, which a gardener planted. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches. It’s like yeast that a baker took and mixed into about sicty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.

Something that starts small can have a large effect. Helping build the Beloved Community doesn’t have to be enormous sweeping actions, but small ones, persistent, breaking down the walls of apathy and ignorance in order to create something that will nourish souls and transform lives.

In the series Cooked, on Netflix, botanist Michael Pollan talks about bread. How it was one of humanity’s first foods, how bread (or beer) was the reason humans changed from being nomadic hunters to being farmers of wheat and other grains. To plant and have a harvest, people have to stay in one place for a period of time. Staying in one place means you will probably build dwellings that can last for at least a year. It may mean that you will have to defend your harvest from those who didn’t plant it, but who may want it for themselves. Staying in one place means that when your people die, you will probably make one place where you bury their bodies, and you may develop some rituals, ceremonies to render those burials sacred.

When you have beer and bread, thanks to the wild yeast in the air of your place, you have conviviality, feasting, you survive, and you have nourishment and intoxication. Bread is the staff of life, a metaphor for a thing you need every day. In the Cooked series, you see a boy, maybe 10 years old, in Morocco, picking up the tray on which are the loaves his mother has kneaded and shaped that morning. He takes them to the neighborhood baker, whose is the only house with an over. He bakes all day, loaves the neighborhood families bring to him. The flour comes from all over the world: Ukraine, Germany, France, because Morocco can’t grow enough grain to make the bread eaten by all of its people. Bread is the spoon that they scoop up the dinner. Bread is the plate.

My mother, who was raised in what is now Pakistan, would wash dishes muttering grumpily about the wastefulness of having to buy, store and wash plates, when in India, she’d say, the plate is the bread, and when you are finished with the meal, the plate is gone. In some cultures it is an offence to take a knife to bread. It wants to be handled, torn, to have the shape of a human action instead of a metal tool.

When you have kneaded bread, and it has become smooth and stretchy, and then it rises, it has much the same feel to your hand as a human body, as if this were a baby smooth under your hands. It feels as if it could be part of you, or you part of it.

Here is what I want you to remember. The Beloved Community is like yeast. You don’t have to change everything all at once. This is true within us and in our communities. I told you two weeks ago that when I was in seminary, the women started calling God “she.” It was like a tiny seed that grew and changed everything, giving the birds of our lived experience a place to rest. The idea was like yeast, that started bubbling and soon we were all rising. Have you ever heard or seen something that seemed small at first, but changed the way you saw things? Another thing that changed me was when I followed a suggestion that, watching TV or movies, I switched the genders of the people involved. Another seed is reversing the ethnicity of people you see. On Face Book there was a meme with a row of Asian women laughing, on their phones, having pedicures done by white women.

Tiny things can start big things in the culture. Greta Thunberg began her climate change activism sitting in front of the Swedish parliament building in August of 2018. How far have things come from there? Young climate change activists have been the yeast that levens an enormous amount of flour. And we are all rising. People, ideas, songs can be yeast, a small beginning that changes everything. When 10 percent of a group begin to talk about something, people shrug them off as fringe folks. When 20 percent talk about something, people begin to notice, and it feels like everyone is talking about it. When 30 percent of people are on the bus, talking about that idea, it feels like a movement. When you have 40 percent, you can win over the rest of the people easily. You can see that in this 2 minute video from Derek Sivers.


The poet said “This is not the age of information… the people are hungry. We help one another rise. We say one good word, and it can become bread for a thousand.”

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Graceful Resilience

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
February 23, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Sometimes it takes grit and determination to stay resilient in times of challenge. Sometimes, though, like the trees, we need to be able to bend but not break when strong winds gust – change, but also hold onto our core selves, like when the river changes course around obstacles in its path. Always, we need each other to weather life’s challenges.

Chalice Lighting

At this hour, in small towns and big cities, in single rooms and ornate sanctuaries, many of our sibling Unitarian Universalist congregations are also lighting a flaming chalice. As we light our chalice today; let us remember that we are part of a great community of faith. May this dancing flame inspire us to fill our lives with the Unitarian Universalist ideals of love, justice, and truth.

Call to Worship

by Adrienne Rich

My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely,
with no extraordinary power,
reconstitute the world.

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Moment for Beloved Community

“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

To deepen our reflection on the meaning of Beloved Community and the challenges we still encounter for building it, each week we have been asking folks to consider something that is may be outside their realm of experience.

Kevin was 17 when he fled Honduras with his sister. After their grandmother had died, they had been left parentless, and the gang MS-13 forced them to work for it at threat for their lives.

When the gang told Kevin he would have to kill a stranger to prove his loyalty, he and his sister made the decision to flee to the United States.

He was captured at the border and placed into a shelter run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is responsible for providing care for underage immigrants.

As a part of that care, he was offered psychological counseling, which he understood would be confidential.

He met with a therapist and talked about all of the things the gang had forced him to do or witness.

Little did he know, that under a new Trump administration policy, his therapist’s notes would be passed on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who would use it to declare him a danger to society and argue for his detainment and deportation.

He has now been in detention for over 950 days while his legal case plays out.

One has to wonder if they would have done the same to a teenager from, oh, say, Finland.

What must it be like to have a vulnerable counseling session used against you in a legal setting?

As we struggle with this, let us remember there is no need to immerse ourselves in guilt or shame. In fact, these can be counterproductive, as we need joy and community to sustain our struggle to do justice and build the beloved community.

There is beauty to be found in the struggle itself.

Meditation Reading

by Chris Jimmerson

When she was a young girl, they told her that Grace was only available to her, a child of original sin, through the forgiveness and whim of an all-powerful God.

Then, she sat with her Grandfather as he was dying. She held his hand, as she and the ones she loved stayed with him through his great passage.

And she felt Grace arise among them.

Later, during her college years, she volunteered for the local refugee shelter. And one day she witnessed the counselor work with young children traumatized by war.

She heard the children begin to speak their truths with one another, in that language that is only fully understood by such children, and she watched the counselor put his plans aside and let the children begin to heal one another.

And she felt Grace radiate between them.

And as over and over again through her years, she witnessed this same emergence between and among people, she came to understand Grace as something we co-create, and, sometimes, something we allow to happen by simply getting out of the way.


“Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.”

“You’re stronger than you think.”

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

How many of you have heard one or more of these platitudes about human resilience?

The problem with them, besides the fact that they’re platitudes, is also that they center our resilience solely upon each of us as individuals. However, in reality our ability to remain resilient in difficult circumstances greatly depends on communal relationships and social support.

That’s not to say that there are not practical things we can do as individuals to build our personal resilience, and I’ll talk about some of these later.

It’s just that too often we forget that when we face challenges, we do not have to face them alone.

We have each other. We are a part of something much larger than ourselves.

As our religious education chaplain and communications coordinator, Bear Qolezcua put it in one of his wonderful Weekly Faith Connections bulletins, “These are the moments in which we are blessed to remember that we are part of the great, interdependent web of life upon which all things strum a rhythm of living and love and hope and sorrow and joy and pain and loss and newness.”

So this morning, as we consider the spiritual topic of resilience, which our religious education classes and activities have been exploring this leap year month of February, I want to start by stressing the relational, communal and social aspects of our resilience.

One group of psychologists who study resilience define it this way: “Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress .. .It means ‘bouncing back’ from difficult experiences.

However, Eric Greitens, former navy seal, humanitarian, author and ex-disgraced, shortterm Republican governor of Missouri, but hey, wisdom can come from the strangest of sources sometimes – Greitens writes that we do not really bounce back to exactly who we were before.

The parent who loses a child is forever changed.

The nineteen-year old who goes to war comes back a different person than when they left.

Greitens says that rather than bouncing back to who we were before, we move through our challenges.

He writes, “What happens to us becomes a part of us”.

Resilient people find healthy ways to integrate hard experiences into their lives.

And, especially in our most difficult situations, to do that, we most often need relationship with; we need the support of others.

As I began what was supposed to be my final year of seminary in the fall of 2014, my world had suddenly become very challenging.

My spouse, Wayne, had developed a debilitating and life-threatening illness.

I am happy to say he is doing well now, but at the time it was pretty scary.

My step-father, Ty was dying of congestive heart failure. We knew it was only a matter of time. We just did not know how much time he had left.

We were blessed that he actually lived more than a year longer than his doctors had predicted. I was so moved that he was even able to attend my ordination here at this church just a couple of months before we lost him.

On top of all that, the congregation where I was doing a part-time internship that was required as part of my final year in seminary was moving through a great deal of emotional turmoil because of abuses they had suffered at the hands of other ministers.

I began to doubt whether I would be able to complete the school year and graduate.

The seminary was a long distance program, where I could do much of the studying and work here, but then had to go to Chicago for intensive classes for several weeks three times per year.

With all that was going on, it seemed a high likelihood that I might not be able to be away at some point or that I might have to leave in the middle of classes if the worst happened in any of the situations going on back home.

I also just was not sure I was going to have the emotional stamina to push through the hard work of seminary.

My prior years at the seminary, I had served as the co-chair of the student advisory council, and the school’s president, Lee Barker, had asked me to fill a position that would serve as student representative to the faculty team and the board of trustees.

I realized that I had to call Lee to tell him I could not serve in the position. I dreaded making that call because I was afraid he would be disappointed in me.

Instead, as soon as I told him all that was going on in my life, he said, “Forget the position, you’re what matters. Let’s talk about what you need.”

He gave me such a gift of grace, because he stayed with me where I was as we continued the conversation. He didn’t try to tell me it was OK or that it would be OK because, of course, it wasn’t and he couldn’t make the promise that it would be.

He did tell me that the school would work with me to find ways around it if I had to miss class time or had trouble keeping up with readings and assignments.

He offered to be available to me if at any time I needed to talk more.

And as the school year went on, he helped me find a resilience that I could not have found by myself – a resilience that allowed me to complete that final year of seminary and graduate with my friends and classmates.

Research has found that our resilience is rooted in relationship in several ways.

Positive and supportive social relationships, such as Lee offered too me, are key to our resilience.

As the American Psychological Association puts it, “Many studies show that the primary factor in resilience is having caring and supportive relationships within and outside the family. Relationships that create love and trust, provide role models and offer encouragement and reassurance, help bolster a person’s resilience.”

So building and maintaining relationships and community are vital to our ability to weather life’s inevitable storms.

Next, finding a sense of purpose that involves altruism and working for the good of others is a second way that our resilience is rooted in social connections.

Research has found, it turns out, that when we get involved in contributing to our communities, working for social justice, trying to create a better world, we benefit ourselves, because in doing so we are exposed to different perspectives and life experiences, and we find that sense of purpose. These, in turn, help build our own personal resilience.

Finally, social safety nets increase the resilience of citizens. In countries with strong social safety nets, such as paid parental leave and universal free health care, people are healthier and express greater life satisfaction.

In turn, these seem to make folks in such countries more resilient when they encounter challenges in life.

So, paid parental leave and Medicare for all, ya’ll!

Now, while still stressing that maintaining the social relationships I’ve been discussing is vital, I do want to talk a little bit about what we can do individually to maintain and build our resiliency.

Jane McGonigal is a video game designer who a few years ago suffered a traumatic brain injury that left her with constant headaches, nausea, vertigo, memory loss and mental fogginess.

Her doctors told her that in order to heal, she had to avoid anything that triggered these symptoms – no reading, no running, no writing – basically none of the activities she loved in life.

She found herself growing more and more depressed. She found herself having suicidal thoughts.

She decided to try to create a game she could play that might help her make it through.

She called the game, “Jane the Concussion Slayer” and invited her twin sister and her husband to play it with her.

The game basically just helped them identify how to battle the “bad guys” – anything that could trigger her symptoms like bright lightsand activate power ups – anything she could do to feel even just a little better like cuddling her dog for a few minutes.

Within just a few days her depression lifted. She still had symptoms of the head injury for another year, but she no longer had suicidal thoughts.

She renamed the game “SuperBetter” and shared it over the internet. She soon found herself receiving messages from around the world from people with a variety medical conditions saying that the game had helped them face their challenges with much less anxiety and depression.

She was curious how such a simple game could be so helpful, so she devoured the scientific literature and discovered what the game was doing was helping people identify simple activities that have been shown to contribute to four different types of resilience.

I want to share with you a few minutes from a Ted Talk that McGonigal presented in which she walked her audience through some very simple activities we can do even several times daily that help build these four types of resilience that she will describe.

I invite you as, in the video, she talks the people in her audience through these exercises to join in with them and do the activities too.


So, everybody ready? This is your first quest. Here we go. Pick one: Stand up and take three steps, or make your hands into fists, raise them over your head as high as you can for five seconds, go! All right, I like the people doing both. You are overachievers. Very good.


Well done, everyone. That is worth +1 physical resilience, which means that your body can withstand more stress and heal itself faster. We know from the research that the number one thing you can do to boost your physical resilience is to not sit still. That’s all it takes. Every single second that you are not sitting still, you are actively improving the health of your heart, and your lungs and brains.

Everybody ready for your next quest? I want you to snap your fingers exactly 50 times, or count backwards from 100 by seven, like this: 100,

93 … Go!


Don’t give up.


Don’t let the people counting down from 100 interfere with your counting to 50.



Nice. Wow. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen that. Bonus physical resilience. Well done, everyone. Now that’s worth +1 mental resilience, which means you have more mental focus, more discipline, determination and willpower. We know from the scientific research that willpower actually works like a muscle. It gets stronger the more you exercise it. So tackling a tiny challenge without giving up, even one as absurd as snapping your fingers exactly 50 times or counting backwards from 100 by seven is actually a scientifically validated way to boost your willpower.

So good job. Quest number three. Pick one:

Because of the room, fate’s really determined this for you, but here are the two options. If you’re inside, find a window and look out of it. If you’re outside, find a window and look in. Or do a quick YouTube or Google image search for “baby [your favorite animal.]”

Do it on your phones, or just shout out some baby animals, and I’ll put them on the screen. So, what do we want to see? Sloth, giraffe, elephant, snake. Okay, let’s see what we got. Baby dolphin and baby llamas. Everybody look. Got that? Okay, one more. Baby elephant.

(Audience) Oh!

We’re clapping for that? That’s amazing.


All right, what we’re just feeling there is plus-one emotional resilience, which means you have the ability to provoke powerful, positive emotions like curiosity or love, which we feel looking at baby animals, when you need them most.

Here’s a secret from the scientific literature for you. If you can manage to experience three positive emotions for everyone negative emotion over the course of an hour, a day, a week, you dramatically improve your health and your ability to successfully tackle any problem you’re facing. And this is called the three-to-one positive emotion ratio. It’s my favorite SuperBetter trick, so keep it up.

All right, pick one, last quest: Shake someone’s hand for six seconds, or send someone a quick thank you by text, email, Facebook or Twitter. Go!


Looking good, looking good. Nice, nice. Keep it up. I love it! All right, everybody, that is +1 social resilience, which means you actually get more strength from your friends, your neighbors, your family, your community. Now, a great way to boost social resilience is gratitude. Touch is even better.

Here’s one more secret for you: Shaking someone’s hand for six seconds dramatically raises the level of oxytocin in your bloodstream, now that’s the trust hormone. That means that all of you who just shook hands are biochemically primed to like and want to help each other. This will linger during the break, so take advantage of the networking opportunities.

So just these simple activities, repeated enough, can build our resilience. And if her activities are not workable for someone because of a disability or such, finding some simple way to challenge ourselves in each of those four areas will likely still have the same effect – physical, emotional, mental, and, of course, social.

Now, have I harped on the importance of spiritual practices yet this Sunday?

No? Well, here goes. Yep, it turns out spiritual practices – meditation, prayer, gardening, gratitude journaling, etc. engaging in regular spiritual practices builds our resilience.

Here are some other activities that help us build and maintain resilience:

  • Allowing ourselves to experience joy.
  • Immersing ourselves in that which we find to be beautiful.
  • Laughter and humor.
  • The arts, music, poetry.
  • Engaging our creativity.

I think sometimes we think of resilience as always meaning being tough, having grit and determination. And that CAN be part of it.

But like those platitudes with which I started, it is not all of the story.

Sometimes resilience means allowing ourselves to feel the grief and rage and sorrow and pain of our situations without falling into immobilization, without losing joy, laughter, humor, beauty.

Sometimes, like the “flag” tree on the cover of your order of service and up on the screens, we need to muster the grace to bend but not break up against the winds of traumatic challenge or dramatic change. And my beloveds, we need each other to do so.

Sometimes we have to have the courage to ask for help.

For after all, we co-create grace in our world together. We grow stronger together.

We build our greatest resilience together.

May this place and this religious community be a wellspring of spiritual resilience so together, we may:

  • nourish souls, ours and others,
  • transform lives, in our midst and out in our world,
  • and do justice, within these walls and beyond them.

Building the Beloved Community requires just such a great spiritual resilience.

Thus, we are blessed to have each other, in this, our beloved religious community.


Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.


Sugar: What is enough?

Listen to the sermon by clicking the play button above.

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
February 16, 2020
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

So many beings seek sweetness. Fruits invite the bees with it, It can make a meal delightful. What happens, though, when civilizations go after sugar production without thought for ethics or balance?

Chalice Lighting

At this hour, in small towns and big cities, in single rooms and ornate sanctuaries, many of our sibling Unitarian Universalist congregations are also lighting a flaming chalice. As we light our chalice today; let us remember that we are part of a great community of faith. May this dancing flame inspire us to fill our lives with the Unitarian Universalist ideals of love, justice, and truth.

Call to Worship

The words of Hans Christian Andersen, a white Danish author best known for his fairy tales.

Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

Affirming Our Mission

Together we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

Moment for Beloved Community

“Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”

– The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

Meditation Reading

From the words of Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, a white Marine Corps officer who fought in both the Mexican Revolution and World War I. Butler was, at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

I spent 33 years and 4 months in active military service … And during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

Thus, I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in ….

I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927, I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.

Our boys were sent off to die with beautiful ideals painted in front of them. No one told them that dollars and cents were the real reason they were marching off to kill and die.


My mama was a health food nut. When I was little she used to celebrate our good things with celery. She’d say “So good! Let’s have some CELERY!!” When I was four someone gave me sugar. I felt betrayed. I remember the first time I gave my two year old his first tiny bite of a chocolate kiss. He stopped. He transformed with rapture. I had a herd of boys in and out of the yard. Occasionally they would come in to the house and I introduced them to Earl Grey Tea. Not too much tea. Lots of milk. And sugar. They loved it. I felt a little guilty about the sugar. I knew it was a drug.

We’re going along in a series about some of the elements of baking. Today we’re talking about sugar. This’ll be fun, I thought. This’ll be sweet.

Sugarcane grows in Southeast Asia, and it’s been used for its sweetness since 4,000 BCE. From about 2,000 years ago in India, they were crystalizing the juice into granules. The cultivation and manufacture of cane sugar spread through the Islamic world, and there continued to be improvements in production methods. It was used as medicine in the Greek and Roman cultures.

Then I came to the headline Sugar cultivation in the New World, See also slavery in the British and French Caribbean.


I learned about the slavery triangle. Portuguese traders took seeds and planted them on the islands of the Caribbean, and they grew well. The New World was going to be a cash machine of sugar. It was back breaking work, and the Europeans were dying from heat and malaria. Traders began buying people from the coast of Africa to come work in the cane fields, making the very expensive spice called sugar. The sugar was shipped to England. The goods from England were sold on the way to Africa to buy more people. I say “people” because when you say “buy more slaves” it sounds like these folks were born slaves, or like they are some other species, but it’s buying enslaved people is what they were doing. And shipping them, stuffed in like merchandise, to the New World. Over 11 million people were sold into the cane plantations, mostly in Brazil. Between 1502 and 1866, of the 11.2 million Africans, only 388,000 arrived in North America, while the rest arrived in Latin America and the Caribbean. These enslaved people were brought as early as the 16th and 17th centuries. The work, the heat and the malaria was killing people, so more people had to be bought and brought to the sugar companies.

The colonizing countries were making so much money on their occupied colonies where sugar was growing, that their economies depended heavily on sugar. The enslaved workers throughout the Great Britain colonies outnumbered the White plantation owners and they were always worried about uprisings. They demanded troops from the Crown to protect themselves. If the Crown hadn’t been spending so much money and so many troops protecting their sugar interests around the world that they couldn’t spend what they needed to in order to win against the American Revolutionary armies. So we may have won that war because sugar in their other colonies was distracting the Brits.

Now the work is still back breaking and we have better machinery, so sugar is inexpensive and doesn’t require slave labor any more. It’s not fun work, but people get paid some.

So with sugar’s bloody history, should we allow ourselves to enjoy it? Sugar is naturally attractive to bees, to animals and humans too. Apples, as we know, increase their sugar content to increase their appeal….then farmers helped that process keep going. But when we humans like something we try to get more and more of it, concentrate it more and more. We go after the things that make us happy : pleasure, accomplishment, friendship, love relationships, money, drugs, alcohol…. And it seems to me that we have a tendency to want to process whatever it is until it reaches its full concentration. I wonder what is enough? Sugar is one of those things that can trigger a switch (alcohol is just liquid sugar) in your mind and nothing is enough. Money does that to some people. Nothing is enough. 10 million sounds good, but once you have that, 100 million sounds better.

What we want, we want. We don’t ask ourselves often what is enough. We have the money, most among us, to have most of what we want. As long as it doesn’t cause people to be enslaved. This is where I have to tell you about how much child labor and yes, even child slavery is still involved in the chocolate trade.

The US State Department estimated that 20 years ago there were 15,000 child slaves working in the cocoa, cotton and coffee farms in the Cote D’Ivoire. Hershey, Mars and Nestle promised they would no longer use chocolate that involved child labor. But they have broken that promise. Newman’s Own chocolate keeps its promise not to use child labor, and other companies do too, but their chocolate is harder to get.

There is nothing wrong with chocolate. It’s the people who run the farms, and the people who run those people. And underneath it all, the love of money, the never-enoughness of the people at the top and their money, and the system that says you have to squeeze as much money out of your company as you possible can, and you’ll go as far as you need to go to do that.

This world is so hard on children, so hard on the powerless. We can’t possibly live in complete purity, but we can try to do what we can. Let’s keep making the world better, one step at a time. When you get weary, let someone else “hold the note” for you for a while. Do not despair, but let’s use all our privileges of health, wealth, skin color, sexuality, citizenship and education to partner with the powerless to stand by them and listen to their pain and do what can be done. That will be really sweet.

Most sermons during the past 20 years are available online through this website. Click on the index link below to find tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on a topic to go to that sermon.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them by clicking on the podcast link below or copying and pasting this link.