Circle Round

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
October 26, 2014

This is the time of year when some earth-based traditions teach that the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is thin. We are also celebrating the 30th anniversary of the First UU Women’s Spirituality Group!

Sun and Seasons

How did people know the seasons were changing? What told them? What were the markers? They told stories to help remember what the sun was doing, what the moon was doing. Maiden, mother, crone. The divine was female because they saw the moms having babies. The moms would be young and narrow, then they would grow round and full. Then they get older, and their daughters are the young moms. Stories about the sun are that he is born as a child in the winter. Dark nights are long, and his time in the sky is short during the winter. He is weak. Then he gets stronger and stronger in the summer, then weaker in the fall. That takes a year.

Aunt Ruth

My father thought that my aunt Ruth was a bad influence on me. It was true. She was an M.D. that means the doctor the kind of doctor she was was a psychiatrist she had been a very famous psychiatrist at one time, and had been the doctor for a poet named Sylvia Plath. When she was older the fact that she had not healed Sylvia Plath was very hard for her to remember. My at-risk called herself a witch and she taught me to read cards called Tarot cards and to read the palms of people and I taught myself a lot after that.

Spells and wishes

One thing I learned was how to figure out what I wanted and whether it was helpful to the planet for me to go after it. In the women’s spirituality tradition, one of the things that’s important to remember is the Rule of Threes. What that means is that whatever you wish would happen to someone else will come back to you three times as strong as it went to them. So you really only want to wish people the things that are good for them in their lives!

I’m going to teach you a spell, which is like a wish or a prayer, only you are using your intention to make something happen in the world.


The ancients in some cultures felt that the whole earth was made of combinations of four elements: earth, air, water, fire. Other cultures thought that wood and metal were elements too, but for today’s spell we’re just calling on earth, air, water and fire.

Rule of Three. Harm No One

Do you have something you really want in mind? Something you would like to make happen? Are you willing for it to come back to you three times as strong? If you want your little sister to stop bothering you, and you say a spell about it, you might find yourself stopped from bothering other people too. You don’t want to get hurt at all, so you keep in mind never ever to hurt anyone else.

Moon phases

Now, you can say it any time you like, but you might want to find a phase of the moon that works with your spell. The moon is one of the things the ancient people noticed. It got small, then big and round, then small again. They told stories about it. Maybe it was like a female human, or a female animal, that’s one size normally, but then gets a baby inside and grows large and round. Then she gives birth to the baby and gets back to normal size. We say the moon “waxes” when it’s getting bigger, and “wanes.” When it’s getting smaller. Some people said the moon was like a woman who is a young slip of a thing, then she gets big as if she had a baby inside, and she becomes a mother, then she shrinks again, like an old old woman, called a “crone,” They said this was the triple face of the goddess, maiden, mother crone.

They say that the best time to wish for something to get more is when the moon is waxing. The best time to wish for something to get less is when it’s waning, How can you tell? Let’s hold up both our hands. If the moon looks like your Left ( hand, it’s Leaving. If it looks like your Right ) hand, it’s Returning.

Now, you have your heart’s desire, you wish, you have the phase of the moon right. You call the elements, and you keep in mind that there is a big rule that you aren’t going to hurt anyone.

The other thing to keep in mind about spells is that you don’t always know if what you want is the best for everyone. You might wish for a good pair of roller skates, but then you find out you are moving to the beach and what you really are going to need is a surfboard! So somewhere in the spell you always say “I want this, or something better/something higher. We say “higher” in this spell because it rhymes with “fire,” and, while spells don’t always have to rhyme, it’s more fun when they do.

Earth and water, air and fire
What I wish or something higher.
If it will not hurt someone
What I wish, let it be done!

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Trust and Welcome

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
October 19, 2014

What does it mean to trust someone? What are the depths of being hospitable? How far do you go with people who take you places you didn’t want to go? These are life-balance questions that we must address on the road to emotional and spiritual maturity, both as individuals and as a congregation. We get a chance to practice here.

I meet in my office with the Healthy Relations Team every month, and we talk about the covenant. A while ago, we were reviewing the covenant, not because there was a thing wrong with it, but just to keep it fresh, to remind ourselves that it’s a living document which changes as our understanding changes. In the original, it said that we were going to interact with one another in an atmosphere of trust.

What do you think that means?” we asked one another. I said that it felt almost dangerous to me. When someone who doesn’t know me well says they trust me, I start to worry. What do they mean? I worry that they might mean they trust me to be who they would be if they were me. Do they trust me to be a friend the way they would be a friend? Do they trust me to keep secrets I should not keep? Do they trust me to have the same values they do, to look at things the way they do? To be cool the way they are?

People will disappoint you, and you can’t imagine that they will be like you. I’ve heard people say “I thought she was my friend!” their voices distressed and sad. “A friend wouldn’t do that.”

Perhaps that is not how that person thinks about friendship. Maybe a friend would do that, in their system of friendship. Someone wrote that trust meant she could be know that the other person would never hurt her physically or emotionally. It’s trust like that that scares me, because when you’re in a large community, trying to get things done, talking together about deep things, and we don’t know the issues about which each person is sensitive, it’s possible that someone’s feelings will get hurt. Then they’ll think “Oh no! I trusted you!”

People expect confidentiality when it’s not necessarily assumed. Anne Lamott is a writer who writes about the people in her life. All writers struggle with how much they can write about friends and family. If you’ve heard a story but you weren’t there, can you write that? If there is a family secret, what price will you pay for writing about it? Once, at a family reunion near Charlotte, NC, I told a cousin I was thinking about writing the story of my upbringing, about this family that sets off fireworks at weddings, that has eighty people every Thanksgiving, where there are sometimes bull rides in the back yard after dinner, where we all line up for flu shots while the turkey is being wrapped up in the kitchen. Word spread around the reunion, apparently. Uncle Norman, a retired orthopedic surgeon in his eighties, crooked a finger at me to come with him. We went around the back of the house and he started shaking that finger at me. Normally when someone shakes a finger at me, I feel like reaching out and grabbing it, to attain some control of the situation. I was taught to revere my elders, though, so I just stood there while he lectured me with his finger in my face. “You will not write anything embarrassing about this family, do you hear me?” He went on to talk about Presbyterianism and Unitarianism and missionaries and lots of other things that I just let wash over me because Uncle Norman doesn’t have the same kinds of connective tissue in his conversation most people expect. One cousin said that talking to Uncle Norman is like surfing the internet without a pop-up blocker. You’ll be cruising along, talking about Gurkha fighters in Nepal, and suddenly he’ll say something about when Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile. Anyway he lectured me about not writing embarrassing things about the family, which confused me because I don’t really know anything embarrassing about the family. I feel a lot of affection for that family, and I admire them greatly. If someone said they were writing about the family, I would respond by telling them I was very much looking forward to what they would write, and could I help in any way…. Anyway, writers struggle with this, and Anne Lamott said she finally figured out that if people wanted you not to write them into your books and makes them look bad, they should behave better. Some people trust you to keep their bad behavior confidential. If they did it in public, they obviously don’t care about keeping it confidential, so why do we feel we must protect them?

One person’s idea of trust is different from another’s. I asked some friends what they would think a covenant would mean when it said something about “an atmosphere of trust.” Some people said that it meant they assumed good will. Others said they needed that in their covenant because people had squared off, not believing that they were being told the truth in meetings, believing that there was some kind of cabal running things. Many of you remember my friend from a church far away who….CORE COMMITTEE STORY. When a church goes through a period like that, it needs to address the distrust directly, so people will look at it and know something isn’t right if they think there are secret machinations going on. It makes all kinds of sense that you would put it in your covenant if that is your situation. I think it’s just all my questions about trust that make me want to talk about it with you.

In books about trust, people write about public trust and private trust. They speak of different levels of trust granted to different people. Some people you would trust to drive well enough with you as a passenger, but you wouldn’t tell them something you didn’t want everyone to know. Some people you would trust enough to tell them a guilty secret, like that you enjoy Stephen Segal movies, even when they are really bad. I have no idea where that example came from. It’s about …. A friend. Public trust has to do with trusting people to stop at red lights, to stay in their lane of traffic, not to walk up to you in an airport and hit you, not to get on a plane if they have an Ebola fever. Can you trust people like that? Mostly. So we drive defensively. Because you never know. That driver in the truck ahead of you might have just gotten out of the hospital. She might be addled from some good news or bad news or a six-pack. You need not to cast yourself into the social net unprotected.

Some people you would trust with your life. They can know everything about you. They’ve seen you at your worst and they continue to love you. They’ve seen you make bad decisions, they’ve seen you be grumpy. You’ve forgiven one another for things because you’d rather go into the future with them in your life than go without them.

I like to know what someone is trusting me to do. Do they know that I’m trying my hardest, even if I fail? Do they know I want to be the person they want me to be, even though, over and over, I’m just able to be the person I am?

Mostly I think you can trust people to be who they are. Over and over. That’s a pretty safe bet. You cast yourself into the social net, or into a beloved community, trusting people to be who they are. They’re trying.

We say in the goals of this church that we welcome all people of good will, and assuming good will is something we ask of everyone. We tell all of our incoming members that one of the expectations of membership is that they bring their good will to the church and that they assume good will on the part of others. I think this is probably the same thing as operating in an atmosphere of trust. Even if someone is doing something you think is wrong, you can be pretty sure they are doing it because they think it’s best. That doesn’t stop you from being able to say “I disagree with you on this one. Can you help me understand your decision to do things this way?” We covenant with one another to disagree from a position of curiosity and respect. We don’t covenant never to disagree. That would make for an unhealthy community. We have to be able to trust one another to talk about things.

We want to make this a welcoming community, which means several things to me. It has to feel safe enough. It has to have hope and joy and challenge. Trust isn’t in the covenant any more, but respect is there, kindness, curiosity. The bones of trust are still there, in other words. We do have an atmosphere of trust here right now, in that we trust people to have the best interests of this community in mind, and we trust that people are aspiring to treat one another the way we said we wanted to do so.

This is a church which aspires to be hospitable. Part of creating a hospitable environment is being friendly, and part of it is making a place where people can feel reasonably safe. Not that someone won’t hurt their feelings by mistake, but that you won’t get assaulted or emotionally brutalized. We have only banned one person from the community since I got here. That was my first year, a man who had shoved someone in the gallery, a man who sent me emails full of lies and accusations about the people in the church, who finally, after months of conversation, wrote me that he sure understood why that fellow went into the UU congregation in Knoxville and shot it up on a Sunday morning. Usually it’s the President who does the talking to people in a serious breach of covenant, but this time I wrote him that he couldn’t come back. Knoxville was the one word that did it.

Our job is to be hospitable to all people of good will. Our job is to be welcoming in an intelligent way. You don’t have to welcome being treated badly, being stolen from, being deceived, being scared. The Buddhists have a concept called “idiot compassion.” It’s not good for someone who is stealing to be allowed to keep stealing from you. Whether they are stealing things, your sense of safety, your trust, or taking liberties you did not invite. It is respectful and compassionate to set a boundary and say “we don’t do that here.” We are co-creating a church here, one that has been through storms and sunny days, and we will do what we can to make it strong far into the future.

Podcasts of sermons are available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Now THIS is church

Rev. Meg Barnhouse, Rev. Marisol Caballero, Chris Jimmerson
October 12, 2014

Now THIS is Church! I have that feeling pretty often, and I wonder when you have it. Is it music? The candles? The faces of the people?

Text of this sermon is not yet available. Click the play button to listen.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Forgiveness and Repentance

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
October 5, 2014

As the Jews celebrate the Days of Awe, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we reflect on when we’re not the people we know we are capable of being.

The music this morning was a Kol Nidre, which, in Hebrew, means: “All vows.” In the Jewish tradition, many of you know, it is a part of the ritual of the high holy days (which end this evening) to ask God to release us from all vows we were unable to keep. We acknowledge that, although we strive to be good people, smart people, nearly perfect people, we fall short. We fall down. Many of us have even sat at a healthy relations workshop and been tempted to get snappish with the other participants. The “All Vows” prayer says that we are people who fall down and get up, knowing we will fall again.

I was amazed the first time I heard about this tradition. To be released from vows I made in the past that I was unable to keep, vows that were unadvised, vows I made while still too young to have all the information. I was grateful to a people who had a different understanding of God from the one with which I’d been raised. The God of my childhood would have understood that you couldn’t keep your promise, of course. He never thought you could keep it in the first place. He would love you — in spite of your weakness and sin. But release you from your vows? No. You would have to carry them wrapped around your heart like barbed wire, just to remind you who and what you really were. A dumb sheep. A wretch. To include a prayer in worship in which you were released from your vows felt like mercy to me.

One of the traditional stories of the High Holy Days is about the half-brothers Isaac and Ishmael. Those of you who grew up in church or synagogue know the story. Abraham and Sarah had been promised that they would have many descendants, but the years were passing and they hadn’t had a child. Sara gave her Egyptian handmaiden Hagar to Abraham and she got pregnant. The book says then she began to despise Sara because she had a son and Sara didn’t. Sara complained to her husband and he told her to take care of it. She treated Hagar so badly that she ran away and nearly died, lost in the desert. Finally she found a spring of water. God spoke to her there, telling her to go back to living with Sara and Abraham, and telling her about her child, who was to be a father of nations. Hagar named that place “The Well of the Living One Who Sees Me.” When she was desperate, afraid and alone, God saw her and met her there. Tradition holds that Ishmael was the father of the Arab nations. Sara did have a son, Isaac, whom tradition holds to be the father of the Jewish people. To make a lengthy and confusing story simple, they never got along. When Abraham died, though, the scripture says they buried him together in the place with the well. Tradition has it that this was a reconciliation between the brothers. It is this theme of reconciliation that defines these holy days which we celebrate as the year enters into its season of gathering darkness.

Yom Kippur translated as “the day of judgment” with its rituals of repentance and reconciliation, takes place in the season of darkening time. Mystics of the northern hemisphere call us to reflection, to self-examination as the days grow shorter. In the natural world, when the nights grow longer, plants turn their energy to growing their root systems so they can be hardier and more stable when the time comes for all that greening and blossoming. For us, reflection, looking at our good deeds and our destructive ones, doing what the 12 step program calls “Taking your own inventory” is a way to become hardier and more stable, to get ready for whatever greening and blossoming we’re going to do. After the reflection, we take responsibility for who we are. We see ourselves clearly. We have qualitiesÉ. I won’t say “good” qualities or “bad” qualities, because most of the elements that go into who we are can go both ways. Seeing ourselves clearly means we don’t skitter around on the surface of our decisions yelping about what made us do it and why we didn’t have any choice. We stand our ground, take a deep breath and say “yes I did that.” “Yes, I’m like that. We make amends, show our understanding of the hurt we’ve caused and present our intention to do better.

The Holy Days are a time to begin again clean. the start of a new year. In these days we celebrate the beginning of the world. We remember the faith-story of the creation, where God made light and dark and called them both good. In the story, light is sacred, and the dark is too. At the celebration of the birthday of the world, can we say we are grateful for the light, and may we speak of the sacred dark? It’s hard, in our culture, to think about “sacred dark.” This culture is in the habit of using the image of darkness to speak of ignorance, wickedness, poverty and cruelty.

In the language of psychology, we talk about bringing unconscious contents into the light of consciousness. Dream symbols are analyzed, feelings are analyzed, behavior is analyzed. We place great faith in analyzing, in explaining things. In the Christian traditions, God is Light, and somehow, even though, in the book of Genesis God creates the day and the night and calls both good, the church has almost always talked about darkness as a way of speaking of evil and destruction. In the New Age traditions there is a lot of talk of the Light and surrounding people and things with light. There are beings of light and beings of darkness. I’m not saying I want everyone to let all of those ways of speaking go. I just want to wonder today. I want to wonder about the sacred dark. Can we reclaim the sacred darkness as an image for a time of reflection, going deep, for the nurture of our hearts and the return of our souls to health?

Most religions have a description of the sacred dark. In ancient traditions the dark is the womb of the Great Mother. You enter the darkness, the womb, when you die, and you come out reborn, reformed. In ancient temples and in some Cathedrals, mazes and labyrinths, spirals and tunnels take you into the center, and back out again. Celtic traditions talk about Cerridwen’s Cauldron. There is cooking that happens in the sacred dark. There are chemical changes in a soul, in a life, in a way of thinking when times of darkness arrive.

We enter a time of sacred dark when we lose part of our identity – we are no longer a day-to-day parent when our children grow up, or we are no longer able to be athletic when our bodies change, or we are no longer able to be the devil-may-care bad to the bone kid when we realize that the substances that have been our best friend are killing our lives. We enter a time of sacred dark when we, who are used to knowing things, don’t know anything that will help us in this situation In the Zen Buddhist tradition this place of sacred dark is encouraged. It is call “don’t know mind,” and it is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge is one thing and wisdom is another, and the sacred darkness comes to help us make the transition. During the Days of Awe we are asked to see our lives. Not as we wish they were, but as they are. At first we see ourselves harshly. We wander in a panic in a desert of criticism and despair. Then the Mystery shows us a spring of water. Then we remember that we are loved. We remember that we are surrounded by people who can witness our lives. We are surrounded by the Spirit of Love that flows through us and through the world. We can be truly seen by the eyes of love, and they see us clearly, but with compassion and mercy. The eyes of love say “You can get up again. I will believe in you no matter how many times you fall.” Then we can begin to forgive those who have wronged us, knowing they also are people who fall short of what they would like to be. Then we can begin to forgive ourselves, and see even ourselves with the eyes of love.

Closing words

Because we spill not only milk
knocking it over with an elbow
when we reach to wipe a small face
but also spill seed on soil we
thought was fertile but isn’t
and also spill whole lives and only
later see in fading light how
much is gone and we hadn’t
intended it
Because we tear not only cloth
thinking to find a true edge and
instead making only a hole but
also tear friendships when we grow
and whole mountainsides
because we are so many and
we want to live right where black oaks
lived, once very quietly and still
Because we forget not only what
we are doing in the kitchen
and have to go back to the room we were in
before, remember why it was we left
but also forget entire lexicons of joy and
how we lost ourselves for hours
yet all that time were clearly
found and held and also forget
the hungry not at our table
Because we weep not only at jade
plants caught in a freeze and
precious papers left in the rain but
also at legs that no longer walk
or never did, although from the outside
they look like most others
and also weep at words said once as
though they might be rearranged but
which, once loose, refused to return
and we are helpless
Because we are imperfect and love so
deeply we will never have enough days
we need to gift of starting over, beginning
again: just this constant good, this
saving hope.
–Nancy Schaffer

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
September 28, 2014

What does sexual integrity look like? What is the history of our sexual mores?

This morning I’m going to talk about the next Commandment in the sermon series, and I have to say I’ve gotten a lot of comments along the lines of “I can’t wait to hear what you’re going to say about this one!” I found myself saying “I can’t wait to see what I’m going to say too,” since it is one of those commandments that feels to me to be based on something we say we don’t believe any more, yet it also seems sensible. What am I saying? Here is the part that makes me mad about it, the part we say we don’t believe any more.

In those ancient times, a woman was the property of her father until she was married, then she became the property of her husband. It was important to the laws of inheritance that a man pass his property on to his own sons. Knowing whose children your wife was bearing was a matter of knowing whose blood lines were being perpetuated, knowing your family wealth was going to blood family. Punishments for sex outside of marriage were severe. In the laws set down in the first five books of the Bible, if a new bride were found not to be a virgin, she was dragged back to her father’s house and stoned to death by the men of the village. If she were raped, the man who raped her was forced to marry her. Having intercourse with your neighbor’s wife was an offense against your neighbor, a violation of his property rights. Married men could have sex with prostitutes; that was not considered adultery. The purpose of marriage was for rearing children. A man could marry more than one woman. King David had several wives. His son Solomon had thousands of wives and more concubines. Romantic love was not what it was about for most people. I’m sure there were many couples who loved one another, but that wasn’t the center around which the relationship turned.

From Jesus’ day we have the story of the woman taken in adultery.

But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Was Jesus soft on adultery? He said

Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. and Matthew 5:32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.

Mostly what he seemed to try to do was to get people to look at themselves and their self-righteousness, to try to get the sinners to do better and the righteous folks to be kinder.

What might this Commandment have to say to people who don’t believe a wife is property?

In relatively recent history, romantic love became a reason for marriage. The ideal (at least here in the States) is that you will find someone with whom to be in love, and that you will love that person forever. People are expected to be faithful to their partners, and according to the studies about half of us are.

Most Americans, and most UUs, expect faithfulness of themselves and their partners as well. For some, there are other arrangements people make for marriage and partnership. Some have “open marriages” where both are allowed to have relationships outside the marriage, with the promise that there will be no deceit or lying about it. They say it’s the lying that adulterates, changes or destroys the relationship. The folks who name themselves polyamorists make committed relationships with more than one person at the same time. What is most important is that couples agree on what the situation is, and that it be fair to both parties.

It is not the Commandment that keeps most religious liberals faithful. It’s a sense that, if you have promised to be faithful you should keep that promise in order to honor and strengthen the trust you have with your partner. That trust is the surround within which vulnerability, intimacy and growth can take place. Also, having more than one sexual relationship at a time seems to most people to be spreading your energy too thin. One relationship of intimacy and engagement is demanding of time and energy.

An old Yiddish proverb says “You can’t ride two horses with one butt.” What makes sense in terms of ethical sexuality is what we talk about to our kids in the “Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum, and to ourselves.

Here is what I think:

I think there are many promises in a relationship that can be broken, and many things that, added to the chemical mix of an intimacy, can adulterate it, change it, or ruin it. For some couples, work is the adultery. Your partner’s energy, charm and good will are being spent elsewhere. You are not getting enough attention and all the work issues seem to take your partner farther away from you. For some couples, porn is the adultery. If one of you is spending more energy having sex solo with porn than you’re your primary person, something is wrong. Energy they could reasonably expect to be flowing toward them is flowing in another direction. You may find yourself comparing the real partner you have with an unreal dream, and reality may suffer. For some people, it feels like their partner is spending all their energy on their family of origin, or on an addiction that takes them away from the relationship. There are emotional ties outside of the relationship that hurt the relationship, there is emotional abandonment, when the person is there in body but not in other ways. There is sexual abandonment. Some people seem to believe that they can stop having sex with their partner and expect their partner not to look for sexual intimacy elsewhere. When I worked as a couples counselor, now and then I would run into people who had decided they didn’t want to have sex with their partner. Then they would be outraged and betrayed when s/he found sex elsewhere. The old rabbis had strict rules about what breaks the marriage covenant, and no sex was high on the list of things that killed the covenant. There are lots of ways to avoid showing up for your relationship. There are lots of ways to shred a covenant that has been made between two people.

I think couples should talk about their expectations of one another, about what arrangement they want for the relationship and not assume that there is only one way to go about things. If you make a covenant with a partner, try to keep it. If the covenant is broken, try to be engaged in renegotiating it so it is authentic again. In my opinion, if you are in a relationship where you would rather be alone than be with that person, then you should go on an end it. If you are in a relationship you wouldn’t want your children to be in as adults, YOU could change it. That’s a sermon about divorce, though, and that’s for another day. What matters is being loving to those you are with, as well as to yourself.

The UU stance toward sex is that it is healthy, healing, sacred, to be celebrated, but that its destructive side is equally powerful. The abuses of sexuality are hurtful. Several of my clergy colleagues have been removed from ministerial fellowship because of unethical sexual behavior within their congregations. One thing to know is that, in Texas, if a minister behaves sexually with a congregant, it is rape. Period.

I am one of the signers of an interfaith Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. Part of it says: Our culture needs a sexual ethic focused on personal relationships and social justice rather than particular sexual acts. All persons have the right and responsibility to lead sexual lives that express love, justice, mutuality, commitment, consent, and pleasure. Grounded in respect for the body and for the vulnerability that intimacy brings, this ethic fosters physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It accepts no double standards and applies to all persons, without regard to sex, gender, color, age, bodily condition, marital status, or sexual orientation.

We are fragile beings, my friends. Sometimes adultery is carelessness, sometimes it’s communication. Let’s love one another the best way we can.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Give Them Hope, Not Hell

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
September 21, 2014

John Murray’s rowing ashore in New Jersey in September of 1770 was the beginning of Universalism on this continent. What is the Universalist element in our faith? Our good news is that no one goes to hell.

Sermon: A UU faith story: John Murray

This morning I’m going to tell you about John Murray, who came to the New World in 1770, a defeated man, trying to start over again in a land where he could disappear. He was 29 years old, a widower. His wife Eliza and their one-year-old baby died in England, and medical bills had crushed him, landing him in debtor’s prison.

John Murray lost everything because he was converted to Universalism in England. He had been a lay preacher and Bible scholar with the Irish Methodists, and he loved good preaching. He visited every church in London, which is how he heard James Relly, a Universalist preacher. The idea that God was loving and that everyone would be saved in the end appealed to him and to his wife Eliza. Their friends begged them to come back to normal church. Their families cried. His business dried up. When he ended up bereaved, in prison, bailed out by Eliza’s brother, he just wanted to disappear, never preach again, never talk theology again, start all over with no history where no one knew him and he didn’t have to face either looks or words of loving concern or a self-righteous “I told you so.” He booked passage on the Hand In Hand, which was sailing for New York. The captain landed in Philadelphia instead, due to a miscalculation. Lots of the passengers got off. They sailed again for New York, but ran aground on a sand spit off the coast of New Jersey, at Good Luck Point.

Asked by the Captain to row ashore to look for food and water, came to a clearing in the pines and saw a large house and a trim looking church made of rough sawed lumber. A tall farmer stood in front of the house cleaning fish.

The following dialogue is imagined in the collected stories for UU children called “UU and Me.”

“Welcome” called out the farmer. “My name is Thomas Potter.”

“And I am John Murray, from the ship Hand in Hand.”

“Yes,” said Thomas, “I saw your ship in the bay, stuck on the sand bar, she is.”

“May I buy your fish to take back to the ship’s crew?” asked John.

“You can have them for the taking, and gladly:” answered Thomas, “and please come back to spend the night with my wife and me. I will tell you all about this little church and why it is here.”

John gratefully carried the fish to the sailors, and then returned to Thomas’ home for the night.

“Come, my friend, sit in front of our fire, this chilly fall evening,” said Thomas. “I’m so glad you have come. You may be the very person I’ve been waiting for.”

Potter told Murray that he had often heard the Bible read, and had thought a lot about God, coming up with ideas that made sense to him. He built the little church hoping for a preacher who would teach about things that made sense to him.

“Today, when I saw your ship in the bay,” he said to Murray, “a voice inside me seemed to say, “There, Potter, in that ship may be the preacher you have been so long expecting.”

John said quickly,” I am not a preacher.”

“But,” said Thomas Potter, leaning forward, “can you say that you have never preached?”

“I have preached,” answered John slowly,” and I believe, as you do, in a loving God.”

“I knew it! I knew it!” shouted Thomas.” You are the preacher for whom I have waited for so long! You’ve got to preach in my church on Sunday!”

“No,” replied John firmly. “I never want to preach again. Tomorrow, as soon as the wind changes, I will be on my way!”

After John went to bed, he couldn’t sleep. He wrote later that he thought to himself as he tossed and turned,” I just want to get away from everything…if I preach I know there will be trouble. Why start all of that over again? “By Saturday night the wind had still not changed, and John finally agreed to preach the next morning. Thomas Potter was happy. And so, on Sunday morning September 30, 1770, the first Universalist sermon was delivered in America. Thomas Potter, a Universalist before he even heard John Murray, heard a preacher talking about love instead of an angry God and a fiery hell.

I would say that John Murray is the patron saint of people who are stuck. Our life runs aground, and the way we get it going again is by doing what we were born to do. Circumstances may conspire like border collies nipping at your heels, driving you to the place where you realize what you need to do. May we all find a guide like Thomas Potter, who will give us the push we need in the right direction.

The Revolutionary War came, and John Murray worked as a chaplain to the troops, under the orders of General George Washington. When the war was over, and the new US was founded, in 1779, John Murray organized the first Universalist church in America in Gloucester, Mass.

(Owen-Towle, The Gospel of Universalism, Introduction, p.v). (Scott, These Live Tomorrow, pp.25-26)

Unfortunately, you still can hear a good many sermons preached by people who believe in hell. We are surrounded by people steeped in that belief, preachers who will use a funeral service to warn the grieving family and friends that they won’t see their loved one again if they don’t repent and believe in just the right way, so they will end up in heaven. Our UU children, along with the Presbyterian, Methodist and other more progressive denominations’ kids, hear from classmates at school about how they are doomed to eternal torment for not being the right kind of Christian. We call our movement Unitarian Universalism because we believe in Universal salvation. That means we believe a loving God would not send anyone to hell.

I think a belief in hell makes people dissociated – holding two deeply rooted opposite thoughts in their minds at the same time, not really able to look at either of them, not able to be a whole and integrated person because of that. I heard a songwriter from Lubbock on NPR years ago. He said “We learned two things in Sunday School. One, God loves you and he’ll send you straight to hell. Two, sex is dirty and dangerous and you should save it for the one you love.”

We prosecute parents who burn their children even once for disobeying. Do we believe we are more moral than God? Would anyone you know send one of their children to hell for eternity for any kind of misbehavior, much less for having the wrong thoughts or beliefs? No! Are we better parents than God is? To hold in your mind that God is love and that he will send you to hell requires a twisting of good sense and a good heart. To believe that we should be one way as humans, but worship a God who behaves in a less moral way doesn’t make sense. It would build your understanding on a deep fear and mistrust, and it would make you abandon trust in your own sense.

What about now? We are surrounded by people whose belief in Hell has death-dealing consequences.

Of the estimated 1.6 million homeless American youth, up to 42 percent identify as lesbian or gay, and a disproportionate number identify as bisexual or transgender. Why do LGBT youth become homeless? In one study, 26 percent of gay teens who came out to their parents/guardians were told they must leave home. LGBT youth also leave home due to physical, sexual and emotional abuse LGBT youth report they are threatened, belittled and abused at shelters by staff as well as other residents.Http://

LGBT youth are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers. Even teens who are questioning their sexuality are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers.

One prominent minister in California says if a member of his listening group finds their kid is gay and won’t repent of their “sin,” they need to shun them completely and “turn them over to Satan.”

Parents are desperate to show their kids that they have to change, and throwing them out of the house is seen as tough love. These kids are on our streets. They are suffering in our town. One of the reasons we participate in the pride parade is so that the kids can see that there is a church, an actual church that does not teach that they are sinners because of their sexual orientation.

“Hell” is a mistranslation of the Bible. Current views draw on Dante’s Inferno and Miltons “Paradise Lost.” There are levels of eternal torment supervised by the demonic lackeys. In Milton, Satan and his rebel angels are chained in a lake of fire. Dante has you descend through all the levels of hell, until you reach Satan, who is stuck waist-deep in ice.

Three words in the Jewish and Christian scriptures are translated “hell.”

Sheol: from the Hebrew, meaning the place for the dead.

Tartasus: a Greek word for a place where the dead were, now separated by a river, the good on one side and the bad on the other. Able to see one another. Rabbi Jesus cited this view in his re-telling of the Babylonian parable about Lazarus and the rich man.

Gehenna: The valley where the trash was burned. Outside, destruction. Sometimes in the Christian scripture, the writer wrote “sheol,” and translators wrote “hell.”

In the Jewish scriptures, the dead go to Sheol. It’s not a place of torment at all. You are there, watching your descendants live their lives. Then, the Greek idea of Hades began to be known in the area because it was all part of the Roman empire. Rabbi Jesus was referencing this idea now and then. In other passages, the reference is to the smoldering trash heap outside the city walls.

My friends, this knowledge is there for anyone to find if they study. No one has to believe in hell. Our forbear William Ellery Channing preached that.

We have good news. This is a hell-haunted society. It’s not just theoretical. People make hell for one another, sometimes because they believe in a literal hell. We are called to speak to the root cause of some of this wickedness.

Theodore Parker said, “I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.”

Where does the Universalist part of our faith lead us to stand? One, we believe that all will be well, in the end.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Big Gay Sunday

Rev. Marisol Caballero
September 14, 2014

This Sunday we prepare for Austin Pride by looking back at our involvement in the struggle for LGBTQ equality, and look ahead to how our faith is calling us to action in the days and years ahead.

Call to Worship 
By Wayne Arnason

Take courage friends.
The way is often hard, the path is never clear, And the stakes are very high.
Take courage.
For deep down, there is another truth:
You are not alone.


Source of Life that binds us, Some call you God,
Others call you Mother, Father, Universe, Love…
We give thanks today for your presence in this room today, For your presence in our hearts.
We invite this loving Spirit to dance with us, Sing with us,
Celebrate this family’s uniqueness,
Knowing that we’ve travelled a long road to arrive at today, And we have an unpredictable path laying before us, still, That will take us from tears to elation and back again.
We will gather our strength for this journey From You, our Eternal Source,
Who reminds us that loving community is Always a place for a weary traveler to rest Or to find that second wind.
May it be so.


Sermon “Big Gay Sunday”

Unitarians and Universalists have been among those supporting equal rights and full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people for many decades. The first gay marriage performed by one of our clergy in one of our churches, reportedly happened in the late 1950’s. This Sunday, we are getting into the spirit of the upcoming week by having our first ever, Big Gay Sunday! This will be the biggest, gayest worship service you’ve ever attended … at least within the past few weeks.

Some may wonder, what does it mean to gay-up a Sunday service? I’m glad you asked. The verb, “to gay-up,” as in “to gay-up” something or someone, means to embellish, to give a flamboyant flair, to celebrate the wacky, the outlandish, the loud, the divergent, the counter-cultural outsider. These are, of course, not words that describe the personality of every person whose sexual orientation or gender identity is apart from what the dominant culture expects of them or holds as “normal.” Not all gay men are flamboyant. Not all lesbians are butch, or masculine. Not all bisexuals are traveling through a promiscuous phase of confusion. Not all gender variant folks are drag queens. In fact, most of them are not.

These tired stereotypes are not at all what we mean by Big Gay Sunday. In the alphabet soup of the incredible diversity that makes up the “queer community,” otherwise known as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, and allies, when we call anything “Big Gay,” a huge dose of joy is implicit. To some who prefer the umbrella term “queer,” the term “gay” may sound exclusionary, as it leaves out the LBQIA and focuses only on the G. Some lesbian feminists have also noted that the term “gay” as a catch-all for the entire world’s queer population is inherently misogynist, as it’s an androcentric label, invented to describe homosexual men.

I disagree. Personally, though I understand the value in common vocabulary in movement-building and understand the term “queer’s” rise in popularity among academics and activists, to “queer” something and to “gay something up” have hugely different meanings. “To queer” means to analyze or approach a subject from an LGBTQ perspective. In seminary, we often spoke of, “queering the Bible,” or “a queer reading of Paul’s epistles,” for example.

Why go through so many changes about semantics when we just want to get down to the gaiety of this Sunday? I’m glad you asked that, too. Well, lance tried to commiserate with a gay friend about how folks always seem to assume that everyone is straight until proven otherwise. I confessed that I’ve often been guilty of this bias, myself. He responded, “Really?! I always assume that everyone’s gay until proven otherwise!” So, I suppose that I am approaching today with the biased assumption that, to many in this room, this may be the first experience of a Big Gay Sunday, or a Big Gay anything, for that matter. And, with this crowd, I will own that that is a huge assumption to make!

The truth is, this congregation has been involved in the work of welcoming all who come in good faith for quite a while. But, it took quite a bit of convincing for this church to get behind the idea doing the work required by the Unitarian Universalist Association to be officially recognized as a “Welcoming Congregation” to LGBT folks. I spoke with some of those who were involved in spearheading this effort, who remember those days. Folks spoke ofthis place, as were most institutions ofthe 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, very patriarchal and heterosexist. Though there were women’s dances held here for Austin’s lesbian population, a few out gay men, and Interweave was formed as gay/straight alliance, the unspoken message was that First UU Church of Austin was a culturally straight church. Folks at that time might have had to strain their imaginations to think about a time in which this church could be led by out gay clergy.

Among those who initiated the push for our congregation to receive the honor of being named a welcoming UU congregation, was Margaret Nunley and her partner, Jenny. The minister, Fred Wooten, was ambivalent, the board needed some persuading, and the congregation was confused about why we needed to bother engaging in a series of anti-discrimination workshops. “Aren’t we already welcoming to those people?” Margaret recalls how the help of a few staunch and fearless allies made all the difference in getting everyone on board. In particular, without the help of Doris & Henry Hug and Jim Burson, only but a few would have even shown up at the initial workshop.

Doris remembers, with pride, how adamant Henry was about these workshops moving forward. “He was ahead of his time,” Doris remembers. As the father of girls, he worked for the rights of women and, though he may not have used the word himself at the time, he would have certainly embraced it now- he saw issues of sexual orientation as feminist issues. The resistance by the congregation shocked these straight allies, but was no surprise to gay folks. Doris was taken aback when she heard such comments like, “Why do we even need to do this?” “I don’t think it’s something we need to talk about when they can just come to church, anyway.”

Change is difficult, especially when it requires taking note of personal prejudices and challenging views of what is “normal.” But, though the voices were few, love won out. About twenty-five participants began and completed the Welcoming Congregation curriculum and the congregation voted to apply for recognition of being a Welcoming Congregation within the first two years of the denomination launching the certification program! Make sure and take a glance of our plaque our in the lobby, now that you know what it took to get it there!

Among the requirements of Welcoming Congregations is a commitment to ongoing, continued education. This spring, we will honor that commitment by participating in the Welcoming Congregation renewal program, Living the Welcoming Congregation.

This year is the 75th anniversary of the landmark blockbuster, “The Wizard of Oz.” The theme of this year’s Austin Pride celebration is, “Welcome to the Wonderful Land of Oz-tin.” Our church is, once again, participating in the festival and parade, happening this coming Saturday, Sept. 20th, but there are Oz-themed pride events all week long. It all kicked off yesterday with the annual “Big Gay Brunch.” We invite you to show up here.

Folks often wonder about the connection between The Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland, & the larger gay community. No one can say it better than Pandora Boxx, star of TV’s greatest gifts to humanity, RuPaul’s Drag Race, wrote in a Huffington Post editorial

“They [weren’t] called “Friends of Dorothy” [in the 40’s and 50’s] for nothing! A pretty young gal gets swept away in a tornado, lands in a colorful magical land and squashes (literally) the one ugly being around. She then gets fabulous sparkly new shoes, meets three members of a Gay Men’s Chorus who help her get to a hologram Wizard. She then goes on to defeat the hag of the monkeys. That all sounds like a night out in West Hollywood on molly.

Ultimately, it’s about knowing that the power is within you. Again, the gays love their boozy, pill popping, messy, yet wickedly talented, divas and Judy Garland was one of the first. Divas, sparkly shoes and musical numbers? Need I say more?”

Yes, the movie is escapist and over-the-top campy which, as I mentioned early on, is not only something that gay culture admires, but the art of ironic exaggeration is one that we have perfected. Judy Garland, herself, was great at this, also, whether or not she intended to be. But, that isn’t the only reason that she is a gay icon. As Pandora Boxx notes, she was a tragic figure who overcame so much of what life threw at her, a quality that is sadly alltoo relatable. But, Ms. Garland was known for adoring gay people, who not only included her throngs of fans, but her father and many of her closest friends. She is reputed to have once said, “When I die I have visions of fags singing ‘Over the Rainbow‘ and the flag at Fire Island being flown at half-mast.” But, what’s more is that legend has it that on the night of the Stonewall Riots in New York’s Greenwich Village, the event which sparked the beginning ofthe modern Gay Rights Movement, began the night of Judy Garland’s funeral.

Time Magazine reported, decades later that, “The uprising was inspirited by a potent cocktail of pent-up rage (raids of gay bars were brutal and routine), overwrought emotions (hours earlier, thousands had wept at the funeral of Judy Garland) and drugs. As a 17-yearold cross-dresser was being led into the paddy wagon and got a shove from a cop, she fought back. [She] hit the cop and was so stoned, she didn’t know what she was doing – or didn’t care.”

That was 1969. We now have nineteen states that allow freedom to marry and fourteen states in which judges have ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, including Texas! So, why does pride still matter? Why do we still need festivals & parades? CNN contributor, LZ Granderson says, “Because Congress has yet to pass a law requiring people to hide the fact they are straight. Because the streets are not filled with children who have been kicked out of their homes for being straight. Because there seems to be a lack of stories in which someone has been beaten, tied to a fence and left to die or shot in the face at point blank range because they were straight.”

Marriage equality is important, but it is not, by far the only inequity suffered by queer people. Until I can walk into any grocery store (or church) while holding my fiance’s hand and not be given the stink eye, be spat at, called names, or be made to fear for my safety – all of which have happened to me and many others – Pride is necessary. For as long as we, as a historically marginalized community, hold memories of a painful, violent past, we will need to come together with each other and with our allies to be fierce!; to celebrate life lived brave and proud.

In this way, Pride is not just for “the gays,” it’s for our allies, too. So, I urge you, no matter which way you were born, to join us this Friday evening, 6-8pm for float decorating, and Saturday at our festival booth or to march with us in the parade! You can get more information and sign up at the Lifespan Religious Education booth after service. In keeping with the Oz theme, Meg will be the queen of our float, dressed as Glinda, The Good Witch, and I’ll be marching as Dorothy. Come in costume, in your Standing on the Side of Love T-shirts, or come as you are! We hope to see you there, gaying it up!


Go gayly forth to be fierce in demonstrating love. Werk!

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Water Communion Service

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
September 7, 2014

It’s time again for one of our favorite UU traditions, the Water Communion service! This is a UU ingathering service practiced by congregations across the continent where we bring water from a place where our spirit was refreshed. The water may literally be from a special physical place or it may be symbolic of that place. We are invited to share a few words to describe where the water comes from and its relevance. This is an intergenerational service with activities for small children.


Welcome to our Water Service. We bring water from places that refreshed our spirits this summer.

Once there was a drop of water that rained down into a lake where the water came from for a whole town full of people.

It was singing as it fell: “I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain what a glorious feeling, I’m happy again…”

Soon, after traveling through miles of pipes and pumps, he found himself wiggling with excitement inside the kitchen faucet of a house. In the house lived a kid, a mom, a grand dad, and a brown dog. Will I be used for washing? Drinking? Cooking? Making ice? The kid turned on the faucet and the water found himself falling into a glass. Yay! He thought. I get to be a drink for her. I get to help her be healthy and run fast and see far. I’m so happy! Last time I was a drink it was a dinosaur that drank me. (Because water never goes away, you know. It’s been here on the planet since the very beginning. Is that cool?) She ran outside with the glass and put it down on the grass so she’d have something to drink when she got hot. The brown dog, though, thought it looked interesting. He went over to it and knocked it over. OH NO! thought the water as he fell down through the grass and into the ground.

Sadly he sang: “Been a long time since I rock n roll. Been a long time since I did the stroll. Got to get back, got to get back got to get back. Baby where I belong. Been a long time been a long time been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely time…”

He sank down through the ground, downhill, since that’s the only direction water can go on its own. Soon he was in a river, and it was cold! He was scared and disappointed, and he couldn’t help but feel that he’d done something wrong to not be able to help his kid. He slipped along, almost fighting the flow of the rest of the water.

Soon, though, he started to sing.“Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let them know. But now they knoooooooow Let it go, let it go, can’t hold back any more. Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door. I don’t care what they’re going to say. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway.”

We will leave our water on his way down the river and to the ocean, and we will find out what happens next in the break between families coming up and telling one another how their spirits were refreshed this summer.


The little water floated in the ocean for a while, eager to get started as drinking water again. The air absorbed it, and it became part of a beautiful heavy gray cloud! The cloud moved over the land, filled with water.

He hummed to himself as they sailed over hills and ranch land. “The itsy bitsy spider came down the water spout…” when it came to the “DOWN CAME THE RAIN” part he sang really loudly, trying to give the cloud the hint that it should rain!

Finally the rain started, and there was his kid! Holding out a glass in the rain! He was going to get another chance! He fell happily into her water glass, and to his delight, she drank —- half of him. The other half she brought to her UU church’s water communion because she loved the rain so much.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Playing ball on running water

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
August 31, 2014

In Morita psychotherapy, mindfulness, daily practice and habits of attention are the elements with which one works to achieve sturdiness and balance.


You may know that I have a lot of training as a pastoral counselor. I was in private practice for years, and I reached Fellow level in the Association of Pastoral Counselors. I have seen therapy do wonderful things for people, but my belief in it is limited. One of the things I noticed was that there is very little relationship between insight into your history and your feelings and patterns and actually changing those patterns. I was intrigued when I read that a psychiatrist named Dr. Morita, dept. head of one of Tokyo’s large medical centers, wrote: “There is a limit to the progress that can be made through insight.”

Modern Western psychotherapy as leaned heavily on insight and medication. Morita addresses character-building through attention to behavior.

I’m sure it’s not either-or, but both that end up helping people.

Pulling oneself together can be a demanding and difficult task. Dr. Morita saw that neurotic suffering is a result of misunderstandings about life. Rather than treating an illness, he thought reeducation was the key. It is what you DO, not how you THINK that changes reality. Changes begin with action.

In “Conscious Living” therapy the aim is not to discover the historical origin of troubling feelings. Insight about the origin of feelings doesn’t always change the feelings. It seems reasonable to accept one’s feelings as they are and turn your attention to reality and behavior. In CL the behavior is what is important, not the feelings about the behavior or even the results of the behavior. I can spend a day weeding in the garden and the next week a new crop of weeds takes its place. I can build a house and a fire can destroy the house. Nothing, though, can take away the changes to my character that occurred while building that house. (My goal is to build a character. To be able to live in the moment and be kind. To allow my attention to focus on the problems life brings me and the joys as well. No immature fluttering around.)

Three principles are to
1. accept your feelings
2. know your purpose and do what needs doing.

So, in this system, do you ignore your feelings? No, your emotions provide needed information about what needs to be done. Don’t put off doing your life until you get yourself straightened out. That’s not going to happen before you begin doing what needs to be done. Acceptance does not equal passivity. We are most free when we are most skilled at living life, that is, when we are self-disciplined.

CL says there is no “bottled up” feeling. You are feeling it when you are feeling it. A thing isn’t a problem when you are not noticing it. You feel rage, to accept it and do what needs to be done.

A life without difficulty would be purposeless–it would destroy us. We need stress in order to be alive. We need to deal with difficulty. (Do I believe that?)

What is the purpose of accepting your feelings, knowing your purpose and doing what needs to be done? To feel euphoric all the time? That would be inappropriate, Morita says. . To handle everything smoothly? Be skilled at daily living. live well work well love well. The goal is to transcend emotions … to understand and appreciate them, to be informed by them, but no longer to be fettered by them. The goal is to become part of the work that is going on all around you, part of your surroundings. Not the center of the world which is performing for you to frustrate or entertain you.

Accept your feelings. Know your purpose. Do what needs to be done.

MISTAKES teach us what works and what doesn’t. They remind us to pay attention. They wam us of future trouble and frustration if we don’t adjust to what reality brings. Some people bore and suffocate themselves by staying in the safe zones, by not doing anything they aren’t going to be good at. Buddhist saying that a bull’s eye is the result of a hundred misses.

Knowing when to act is as important as knowing when not to act.

Sometimes productive waiting is what needs to be done. Letting the water boil. Letting the glue set all the way before testing it. We can trust reality to keep bringing us things to which we can respond. Reality doesn’t change according to what we think and feel. It changes according to what we do.

We trust the inner voice that tells us what needs to be done next in the moment.

We trust our ability to control our behavior no matter what our feelings are. (I find these trusts oblivious to the unconscious and the forces it sets in motion in our lives. I remember Paul writing, in his letters, I do that which I don’t want to do, and don’t do what I want to do! As a descnption of the human condition. I suppose Morita would just say “keep trying to do what you want to do.” )

We let our thinking freeze our action.

Summary: our feelings are not controllable. Our behavior, to a greater extent, is. CL recommends a life built on moment-to-moment doing what needs to be done. Letting feelings ebb and flow, gathering information from them, but not letting them determine what we DO. “The fully functioning human being isn’t one who is pain-free and happy all the time. Getting the job done no matter how you feel…” We become the means by which Reality gets things accomplished.

Morita seems like a great way not to get stuck. You keep your life moving forward. You do what needs doing in each situation. You notice what works and what doesn’t. There is a story about an Indian student who came to the States and, when given a tea bag for his tea, began to tear it open, since she was used to loose tea. “No, in the States we don’t tear the bag open, we just put it in the water. She filed that away, and then, when given the packet of sugar, put it in the water without tearing it open. What is the right action for each moment? Does the attitude that works for you at work also work at home? Does the way you treat your children translate to a way you treat your life-partner?

Salvation and meaning lie in the practice of daily life.

Is that all there is? I believe that salvation and meaning lie in learning to love and be loved. That’s the theme on which I’m living variations now. Every time I think I have learned part of it I go to another place inside where I find a difficulty giving or receiving love. I can’t trust or I can’t accept someone else or I try too hard to be what they want or I rebel against trying too hard to be what they want. Anyway, that’s being my meaning right now. I believe that there is a balance in the world of suffering and joy and if you’re not suffering, your job is to add to the joy. By loving and being loved. The reason I know that it is where salvation and meaning lie for me is that, when I picture myself on my death bed, if I can look at people I have loved and people who have loved me, that feels like a good life to me.

But for salvation and meaning to be in the practice of daily living? Is that enough? Could it be enough for a while until you find your own theme? I think so. And what about situations where the question of loving and being loved doesn’t seem to pertain? Then thinking about “doing the next thing” helps. When I don’t feel like writing I write anyway. That increases my self respect. When I don’t feel like going to karate class and go anyway, that increases my self respect. When something happens like your fund raiser gets rained out or your checks bounce or your favorite employee quits or your roof falls in, thinking about doing the next thing can save you a lot of flailing around. I like this system. Think about who you are. Think about your purpose. Accept your feelings. Do what needs to be done. If you try it, let me know how it goes.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Sacred spaces

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
August 24, 2014

For every people on earth, there are places where power gathers. This mountain, this street, this tree. How can we participate in the recognition and creation of such places?


I watch the news and feel overwhelmed. Brutality in the Middle East, some of which we are enabling by sending arms which will be used against Palestinians. Some of the rebels we were talking about arming in Syria turn out to be part of a group even Al-Kaeda refuses to recognize. We remove a violent and remorseless dictator and it’s as if we’ve lit a match and burned the structures that were holding chaos at bay. When you find yourself wondering whether it takes a brutal dictator to keep other brutal ideologues from slaughtering more innocents than the dictator did, it’s time for some deep reflection and going back to basics. When you feel that you have worked for years to recognize and heal from your own inner racism, and you see other people still venomous with it, when you realize that, even if we all worked to get rid of our individual racism, it’s still there in our institutions: the media, the courts, the police, capitalism itself, and you just want either to start screaming, preaching, and prophesying about it or to lie down quietly and make Zen circles with a brush dipped in black ink, it’s time for some deep reflection and going back to basics.

When you see your government talking about defeating an ideology with air strikes, when everyone knows that this will add outrage and righteousness to the ideology and convert more people to its precepts, when you don’t really know how an ideology can be defeated, knowing that you can’t even argue with your own family and change their ideologies, it’s time for deep reflection and going back to basics. What are the basics?

Lao Tze says

“if there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.

If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.

If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.

If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.

If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.”

I want to talk to you this morning about creating sacred space, a place in your home, in your yard, that is especially for the life of your soul. People from ancient times have had altars in their homes. People from Lithuania to Nepal, from Congo to California have small tables, shelves, book cases where a small figure of one of the aspects of God sits, where there are photographs of ancestors, bits of stone and wood, feathers and berries and beads arranged. Offerings of fruit, flowers, or candles speak of gratitude and reverence. Sometimes these spaces are small. Sometimes they are large. In Scotland are ancient circles of standing stones. In many places, there are stacks of stones. Temples, gardens, shrines. One of the voices articulating the reasons people make sacred space is Tim Seal, in a book called “Roadside Religion.”

Tim Seal is a young man with the same hobby as mine: visiting and interviewing folks on the religious fringes. On the front cover of his book is a photograph of a structure of red-brown girders with a large blue and white sign in front of them:”Noah’s Ark Being Rebuilt Here!” Beal is a religious scholar married to a Presbyterian minister; they load up their two kids in the summer and go on road trips to see people’s expressions of their interaction with the Divine, expressions these folks invite the public to interact with by putting them right beside the road. The family visited Holy Land, USA, in Virginia; the Golgotha Fun Park and Biblical mini-golf in Kentucky; and Noah’s Ark of Safety in Maryland.

He writes: “These places are as deeply personal as they are public. At the creative heart and soul of each is a religious imagination trying to give outward form to inner experience.”

Yes, but what does “sacred” mean, you ask? You might be sorry you wanted to know. People have been thinking about it for a long time. Many First Nations writings say “everything is sacred,” yet there are still holy mountains, burial places, medicine wheels, and ritual areas.

From Roadside Religion:

“Drawn from the Latin sacer, the most basic meaning of “sacred” is “set apart.” But what sets it apart as such? Different theorists of religion find very different answers. For Emile Durkheim, the answer was sociological. The sacred is that which symbolizes and indeed creates the social and moral coherence of the community. It is … that which a social group (a clan, a church) sets apart to represent and create unity. For other [theorists], the answer is phenomenological, that is, it’s a matter of understanding how the sacred is perceived and experienced …. French philosopher Georges Bataille …. described the sacred as that which is experienced as radical otherness, representing a realm (real or imaginary,) of animal intimacy that threatens to annihilate the social and symbolic order of things. For historian of religion Mircea Eliade, too, the sacred is wholly other, but he focuses on the religious person’s experience of it as an experience of transcendence that serves to orient her within a sacred cosmic order. “The sacred is where you encounter God, The Holy, where you feel awe, where things have a flash of making sense to you, where you have a feeling of connection to that which is larger than yourself, where you suddenly have new information that makes a shift inside you and things are different now.

When you have that feeling is it inside you or in the place itself? Are there real sacred places, springs and mountains, coming together of ley lines or a vortex of energy or are there just places that have been invested with meaning by the people who carried within themselves a human urge to be part of something larger than themselves? I don’t know the answer to that. No one does.

Have you even been to a place you felt was sacred? There is a spring down the hill behind Nazareth Presbyterian Church that is sacred. I used to work there, and I would slip off down the hill and worship there when I could get away from church responsibilities. It drew me. It felt like a responsibility to myself to get there.

Sometimes objects feel sacred. I don’t know if they are sacred in themselves or because of energies invested in them by people. When you watch the opening credits of the movie “To Kill a Mockingbird” you hear a girl humming, and the camera pans over a harmonica, a pearl necklace, a carved doll, a whistle, a broken pocket watch. Some children collect feathers, stones, beads, berries strung together. Those objects are sacred if they have mana in them. “Mana” is an anthropological word for this buzz of holiness that seems to accrue to certain objects or places in human groups. Another word for that same buzz is “numinous.”

Making sacred space can be a large undertaking or a tiny one. Iwant to encourage you to think about making a place in your house or yard that is sacred space. How do you do that? Start by making an intention that this space be set apart from other spaces. Your ancient instincts will help you. Put a beautiful cloth there, some stones, pieces of wood, a pocket watch, some beads or berries, photographs of your family and friends, reminders of times you want to mark in your life, reminders of something you learned or something that changed you, then add flowers and light candles to give it freshness, to interact with the space.

Sometimes your altar will be just for honoring those changes, those people.

Sometimes your altar will be a thank you, for getting through and illness or a divorce, for getting though a difficult period with a child or a friend, maybe it will be a thank you for life being in a good place right now, or just for life. Being.

Your altar might be a prayer, a tangible, concrete prayer or wish or intention that you put out into the Universe, that you present to God, that you communicate with your Higher Power, or your deepest/best/highest self. Some say there are parts of your brain that think in images rather than concepts, If you are trying to make changes in your life, in your self, they say it is good to have all parts of your mind and heart with you in this undertaking. Making your prayers concrete, in images, helps all the parts of your mind understand what you are trying to ask for, what you are trying to invite in. A friend wanted clarity, so she put a pair of her grandmother’s glasses on her altar, as a tangible reminder of what she was asking for. If you are building something in your life, put some sticks on top of one another like a building, or if you are trying to get rid of something, write on a candle or scratch into the wax what you are wanting to melt away. Then burn the candle (never leave a burning candle unattended) and say to God, to the Universe, to your inner mind “As this candle burns away so let this habit or this person’s influence melt away from my life.” Then, every time you see that candle getting smaller, your deep mind, your whole conscious and unconscious, sees that and says, “Oh, I want that influence, that habit, that connection, to get smaller.”

A sacred space in your home reminds you that the Holy is in the dailiness of your life, not just in certain times and places. You can remind yourself that your home is a sacred place by having a mezuzah for the door of your house, in the Jewish tradition. That is a small container of a verse of scripture that you attach to the doorframe and you touch it when you come into your house. You can have a bowl of water by the door, if your pets won’t knock it over, and touch your hand to the water whenever you come in, like holy water. A sacred space reminds you that you are more than a work machine, a family caregiver, a lover, more than yourself. It reminds you that you are part of the Mystery, and that Mystery is close at hand. It reminds you that you are a partner with the Mystery in creating peace, which is a dynamic, hard working, soul growing enterprise.



Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.


Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.



Facing our fears: A spiritual practice

Erin Walter
August 17, 2014

What are you so afraid of? And what can you do about it?


READING: An excerpt from Freedom from Fear
by Rev. Forrest Church

“One indication of how prevalent a role fear plays in our lives is that there are almost as many synonyms for it as there are Aleut [uh-loot] words for snow: terror, horror, apprehension, trepidation, perturbation, foreboding, concern, angst, agitation, anxiety, consternation, dread, fright, worry, cowardice, faintheartedness, chickenheartedness, disquiet, guilt, temerity, dismay, and alarm.”

“Any fear that recurs or malingers is more likely to pose a danger than protect us from one. . . . One person can spend a year worrying about whether he has cancer before going to the doctor to find out that he doesn’t or, if he does, that it is now too late to do anything about it. Another person can worry so much about the telltale signs of aging that she fails to enjoy her youth. When fear misdirects us down long, unnecessary detours, detracting from our journey without making it any safer, the time has come to pull over and ask for directions.”


READING: An excerpt from I Don’t Know How to Talk to White People About Ferguson,
By Ali Barthwell, published 8.15.14 in the online magazine XOJane.

As a black woman in a mostly white social circle, I don’t know who to turn to and how to talk to them about Ferguson. I feel really vulnerable. I feel really scared…. I’ve noticed that white people often misinterpret my emotions about race when I express them…. I’ve noticed that my white friends don’t always understand when their words come from a place of privilege and might be a bit tone deaf considering the state of the world.

The Monday following Mike Brown’s death, I had an improv rehearsal with a team of women I regularly practice and perform with. I’m the only black woman on the team. Part of our improv form is telling personal stories. One woman took center stage to tell us a story about how she was wronged by the police and can’t trust them anymore. She was given a small ticket for riding her bike on the sidewalk that she felt she didn’t deserve and was chastised by the police for not remembering the license plate of a car that hit her.

Her story was over. That was it. That’s why she couldn’t trust the police.

It’s hard to bring up the incredible terror I feel when I’m stopped by the police. Or the white hot shame and violation I felt as an eight-year-old when a security guard grabbed my arm when I snuck a gummi bear from a bulk candy bin. Or that I began to cry so hard at the George Zimmerman acquittal that I had to leave work early.

It’s hard to bring up these feelings with my white friends as black people march in Ferguson against a white police force because I’m scared I’ll be let down again.

I was let down by my white boyfriend who wouldn’t tell off his roommate when his roommate told me I was an angry uneducated black woman.

I was let down by my online alumnae community when I was accused of censoring white people when I said it was “uncool” to treat black men and women as lustful and that’s why everyone should date one at least once.

I’m so afraid that I’ll be let down by white people when I speak up about how I see myself in the faces of the black people on the news in Ferguson, MO that I would rather suffer in silence.

Because I don’t know how to tell people that I’d rather be let down by white society than be let down by white individuals.

How do I begin that dialogue?



If you had told me years ago that I would someday consider “facing fear” to be one of my personal spiritual practices, I’m not sure I would have believed you. After all, I am a classic white-knuckle flier and I didn’t learn to ride a bike until my 19th birthday because I was afraid to fall over. I’ve been afraid to exit the ski lift, to get bangs, and just generally to go backwards — backdive, backwards roll, backing into a parking space? I won’t do it.

But I’ve also always been a little fascinated by fear. As a kid, I tore out an article of a women’s magazine with a list of fears I couldn’t believe other people had — fear of sitting down, fear of antique furniture, fear of string. I kept the list on my bulletin board for years.

So let me assure you, as we get started, that whatever your fears are, you’re not alone. Everyone is afraid– or as Forrest Church described in his list, chickenhearted– about something. Some fears are more pressing than others, and we’ll get to that.

In recent years, I’ve faced off with some of my deepest fears and anxieties Ð either by accident, by choice, or through loss, and in doing so, I’ve seen how fear can help us answer questions like:

What do I want most in life? What is my purpose here? If we listen to what’s behind our fears, there is much we can learn.


Fear is a big topic, so we’re gonna start very small. With grapes.

All my life, I ate green grapes but would not be caught dead near red ones. I was a green grape person. Like being a Beatles person vs Stones person. Until one day, about 10 years ago, I was on an airplane (keeping it in the air with the power of my mind, as usual. I hear the Dalai Lama does this too). When my meal came, I offered the stranger next to me my red grapes.

“You don’t want them?” he said.
“No, I only eat the green ones.” I said, as if this were a sane thing.
“Why? … They taste the same.”
“Yeah… they’re all the same.”
“Are you serious? Why didn’t anybody tell me?!”

I paused–for the first time–and asked myself what I had against red grapes. The answer was: I had no idea. Zero. Maybe my mom usually bought green ones when I was kid, so that was what I was used to. But somehow what I was “used to” evolved into “Oh no! I hate that! Get it away from me! Ew!”

And that’s a lot like how other fears work. The unknown becomes the feared, and ugly habits develop.

So I looked at the airplane grapes. Really looked at them. I plopped one in my mouth and let it squish around. And you know what? It did taste just like a green one. It still blows my mind.

By this time in our lives, how often do our senses experience something totally new? What a gift. What a spiritual experience. That one stranger, that one grape, changed my life. If I was wrong about red grapes, what else had I been wrong about all those years? I started trying new things, one at a time–avocados, creme brule, writing a song something in Nicaragua called the Monster Swing. I got bangs.

And suddenly I was living out my Unitarian Universalist values in a way I never expected. I joined a Community Supported Agriculture organization with other members of my Chicago church. Every Friday I opened my box of local veggies and found at least one I’ve never seen, let alone tasted. Cooking became a thrill, and I found myself a part of the ethical eating movement in my own small way.

We have a lot of bigger fears to talk about than food, but it is clear to me that in facing fears as an spiritual practice, it is just fine to start small. Whatever is holding you back, you have to start somewhere. Thanks to the grapes, whenever I run up against a case of my own fear or stubbornness or prejudice, I know what to do now. You can do it to. Ask yourself: Why do I think this? How did I get here? Do I really have to say no this? What would happen if I said yes? What if I did something differently? These are very UU questions.

And in fact, church is a great place to tackle some fears that are as common as they are debilitating: the fear of intimacy, fear of asking for help, fear of change. From saying hi in coffee hour to seeking out the care team to getting involved with the Capitol Campaign, we have a way for you to conquer some interpersonal fears. And with the Standing of the Side of Love campaign, UUs are committed to getting our nation past its fear of marriage equality, immigration reform, and more.


Now on behalf of the contrarians among us, before we go any further, I’ll pose another question: what is so wrong with being afraid? Well, nothing, in some cases. I’m petrified of my kids running into traffic or falling out a window, and that fear makes me a more diligent parent. But many fears are doing us no favors. Research from Stanford suggests that prolonged worry and anxiety may lead to memory loss and brain damage. It can also raise blood pressure and stress levels, shortening life expectancy. So, basically, fear causes the thing many of us fear most: death.


For the longest time, my greatest fear was dying. I just didn’t want to do it. I don’t want my family members to go that route either. There is a scene in the mystery-comedy Clue where Professor Plum asks, “What are you afraid of, a fate worse than death?” And Mrs. Peacock responds, “No, just death, isn’t that enough?” That was me.

The thing about the fear of death though, is that sooner or later, we all have to face it. When I was 7 and my parents split up, I began worrying that something would happen to my dad when we were apart. When either of my parents was late to pick me up from school or a playdate, I panicked.

18 years later it did happen. This hilarious cowboy, in seemingly perfect health, suffered a sudden heart attack, was in a coma for five days, and died at age 55. Friend after friend stood up at my dad’s funeral and said, “David Walter was supposed to give my eulogy.”

My world ended, just like I had long feared it would. It will be 11 years this month.

But you learn something huge when you face your worst fear Ð the kind of fear that makes red grapes seem like, well, grapes. You learn you can live through it. That life goes on. Life can still be good.


So, have you ever noticed how the very things that terrify some of us are the same things that thrill others? Bungee jumping, sushi, dancing, diversity, traveling, being alone, being in a crowd, falling in love, saying hi in coffee hour Ð this dichotomy tells us something. I’m not asking you to skydive if you don’t want to Ð I do NOT want to be that person on the front of your order of service and I’m cool with that Ð but I’m asking you to think of something you fear that secretly calls to you. Or a fear that speaks to a deeper need or concern.

You might start by digging around for fears that stand between you and your values. I’d argue fear is an obstacle to all of the UU principles, but there’s especially no question that fear stands in the way of the second: justice, equity and compassion in human relations; and the sixth: the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.

So give your own fears some thought this week. I’d love to know what you come up with.


Now, another key thing about facing our fears is that it’s not a one-shot deal. You have to do it over and over again. That’s part of how it becomes a spiritual practice. Like prayer or meditation or loving kindness, you have to decide (and keep deciding) that you will choose courage over avoidance whenever you can.

One holiday break, I had to face my dad’s death again by going through his things in storage with my stepmom Ð his cowboy hats and boots, military medals, photographs and the corny stuff like a singing mounted fish.

I was afraid. Could I handle being in a cold storage room with all my father’s special things, things that didn’t even smell like him anymore, things I hated to admit he would never touch again? And what if my sisters Ð apparently braver, more dedicated daughters who had long since gone through all the boxes Ð what if they’d taken all the special things? What if I had waited too long, as Rev. Church described, and there was nothing left for me to treasure? Those fears ate at me.

As is usually the case, they were unfounded. The experience was almost entirely a joyful one. I felt close to my dad and to my stepmom, proud of all he accomplished, even if his life had been too short. And those nagging thoughts that had been in my mind for so long Ð “Donna is waiting for you! Everyone else has gone but you!” Ð have been replaced with the knowledge that I did my part, eventually, and tangible parts of my father are with me now.

For the many who share my fear of death, I should give the most important news wittoh you: that in the end, the moment of my father’s passing was peaceful and beautiful. And he is not gone. He is her. Always. With me. Love is so much stronger than fear.


Now, I said some fears are more pressing than others. So, I want to talk to you about the role fear is playing in current events and what you can do about it. Because the sad fact is: not all deaths are peaceful and beautiful. And for many people, here and abroad, my dad’s “short” life of 55 years would be very long indeed.

I always come back to this quote from poet Robert Bly: “Wherever the wound appears in our psyche, that is precisely the place from which we will give our major gift to the community.” Please think about that. “Wherever the wound appears in our psyche, that is precisely the place from which we will give our major gift to the community.”

Do you feel wounded this week?
I do.
How can we make a gift of it?

I think about Robin Williams’ suicide and the need to better treat depression and mental illness. I think about the refugee children coming across U.S. borders, desperate for help. Mass incarceration. Conflicts abroad. Discrimination and abuse of transgender men and women. The needs in each community around the country.

The roots of the problems are deep and tangled. My greatest fear is no longer death, but that we will not make enough change in my lifetime.

To fulfill our mission–to transform lives and do justice– we have to look our fears in the eye — fear that we are too small, that the problems are too big, fear that there is nothing we can do, scientifically unfounded fears that refugee children are sicker than our own children and nonsense like that. Then summon our courage and get to work.

Get people registered to vote. VOTE. Volunteer with justice organizations in this church. Give money to organizations providing aid and working on legal challenges. Pressure your elected officials to change laws. There are easy forms and email addresses and good old-fashioned phone numbers on the internet. I urge you to start this week– and how about every week?– with half an hour of pestering people in power about the things that matter to you.

We cannot be too paralyzed by fear to take real actions.

We also cannot let fear stop us from talking, face to face, about Ferguson. About America. About Austin. About racism and injustice.

Ferguson, Missouri, United States of America,–where an unarmed black teenager, Mike Brown, was shot and killed by police and left in the street, bloody, uncovered, for hours for his family and neighbors to see. Where police met protesters with equipment far beyond that of even military infantry. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. Fear tactics. Terror.

Greg Howard wrote a powerful piece for the online magazine Deadspin this week, titled “America is Not for Black People.” I couldn’t bring myself to read this piece for a couple days. The headline alone was so painful. But I knew the fear of reading it meant I needed to read it. In the piece, Howard describes quote “a very real, very American fear” of black men.

“They-we-” he writes, “are inexplicably seen as a millions-strong army of potential killers, capable and cold enough that any single one could be a threat to a trained police officer in a bulletproof vest. There are reasons why white gun rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children’s toys.”

Mike Brown’s death is a part of a very big, heartbreaking picture. How can we improve that picture — law, attitudes, accountability — if we are too scared to talk to each other about it? If we are scared of each other, period?

There is a fear of failure–a fear that we will say the wrong thing. A fear that everything will come out wrong and we will make it worse. I have this fear standing before you now. I can’t and I don’t pretend to have all the answers.

But the only way we can make racism and abuse of power and gross inequality worse right now is by giving up, by not caring, by putting a happy face on it, by looking away.

Earlier this year I attended Bahai Racial Unity Day at the San Marcos UU Fellowship. There, the lay leader read this unforgettable quote from Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker, former president of Starr King School for the Ministry: “The inner journey of anti-racism for whites involves learning to withdraw our negative and positive projections from people of color. Whites must become relationally committed to meeting people of color as themselves, not as symbolic extensions of ourselves.”

Friends and church members of color, it is not your job to educate those of us who are white. But as a member of this congregation who wants it to be as welcoming and diverse and true to our mission as possible, I very much want to listen to what you have to say.

Those of us who are white — we must rise above the tendency to take things personally. We mus be present to hear and feel the individual experiences of people of color. When so many say, as Ali Barthwell wrote in XOJane, that they are terrified of police, we mustn’t try to debate those feelings. We must not equate loss of life and lifetimes of oppression to property damage.

It’s about understanding that current events do not happen in a vacuum. It’s about recognizing, as we say in the UU church, the inherent worth and dignity of our fellow Americans, so we can make very real change– in the systems, in ourselves, in our relationships.


The tasks ahead for us– all of us — are daunting. They are scary. But my experience with the spiritual practice of facing fear, from now seemingly petty fears like foods and hairstyles to something as personal and profound as losing a loved one, is that we can tackle this. We can overcome our fears, even the biggest ones. We don’t have to be perfect, and we have what it takes.

When your own fear about saying the wrong thing is about to halt a conversation that needs to be had, be brave. Remember that there are others in this country who fear for their children walking down the street–who fear the dangers of a drug war they did not start, who live in unsafe conditions in part due to unjust laws and a lack of living wage. And there are even those with an equally tragic, but far more modern fear–that if I, for example, as a white mother, do not teach my son well–and maybe even if I do–he could end up as the shooter in a school or a movie theater or in SWAT gear in a racially charged tragedy like Ferguson.

I acknowledge those fears today so that we may know they are real AND so that we may start to overcome them. Let us not be downtrodden. Let us not borrow sorrow, as the saying goes, from the people of Ferguson. Instead, let’s be the ones who use our privileges — one of which is witnessing Ferguson’s plight from a physical distance — to do the work of racial reconciliation, social justice, and human rights. We must rest and work, pray and work, meditate and work, dance for joy and work. Let’s overcome our fears, shine our lights brightly, and be the change we want to see, for us all.

I invite you to a big, important anti-racism workshop hosted and led by this church, coming up on Sept 5-6. Please talk to Rev. Mari Caballero and Chris Jimmerson. I will be there. It is open to our youth, to our adults, to the public, to people of all backgrounds.

Thank you for listening with loving hearts. We will close today with the responsive reading that is an insert to your order of service. The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, which represents a cross section of progressive African American faith leaders and their congregations, has asked churches like ours to join them in this litany today.


A Litany For Children Slain By Violence and Traumatized By Those Called to “Serve and Protect”

August 17, 2014 ©2014
by Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, adapted by Erin Walter

Leader: A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children. She refuses to be comforted, for they are dead.

Congregation: We pray for the families of children who have been slain by gun violence, left to die on streets with less dignity than is given to animals.

Leader: A sound is heard in every city. Communities are weeping generationally for their children. Our sons, like Emmett Till, Trayvon Martin, Ezell Ford, Michael Brown and John Crawford. Our daughters, like Ayanna Jones, Miriam Carey, Malisa Williams and Tarika Wilson.

Congregation: As people of this loving community, we weep for the lives of all children who, instead of enjoying the sweetness of innocence, become victims of hate, victims of war, and victims of violence.

Leader: Now, let us rise up and interrupt these rushing waters of violence that leave children and communities wounded and paralyzed, traumatized by internal disintegration and state terror. Let us rise up and demand this nation abandon its affair with beliefs, practices and laws that are rooted in militarism, justified by racism and propped up by systemic inequities.

Congregation: We will rise up against laws that have no concern for life, nor any concern for love. We will rise up until justice rolls on like a river and righteousness like a never failing stream.

Leader: Spirit of life and love and all that is holy, we commit ourselves to seeing all children, no matter their age or race, as precious gifts, created with transformative purpose and unlimited promise.

Congregation: And for that cause, we pledge to be hedges of protection for their lives, we pledge to stand against anything that threatens their potential or promise.

All: We embody the universal spirit of Ubuntu, “I am because we are and because we are, I am.” We are all Rachel crying for the children! Therefore, we pledge to lock arms in solidarity with the families of the slain. We pledge to let our voices be heard all over this nation and the world, for we know we are called to do what is just and right.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


When the method is the message

Chris Jimmerson
August 10, 2014

Unitarian Universalism is a religion without creed. We do not have a prescribed set of beliefs with which we must all express agreement. So how is it that we are bound together?


Reading: Grace

When she was a young girl, they told her that Grace was only available to her, the child of original sin, through the forgiveness and whim of a benevolent God. Then she sat with her Grandfather as he was dying. She held his hand, and she and the ones she loved stayed with him through his great passage, and she felt Grace arise among them.

Later, during her college years, she volunteered for the local refugee shelter. And one day she witnessed the counselor work with young children traumatized by war.

She heard the children begin to speak their truths with one another, in that language that is only fully understood by such children, and she watched the counselor put his plans aside and let the children heal one another, and she felt Grace radiate between them.

And as over and over again through her year, she witnessed this same emergence between and among people, she came to understand Grace as something we create, and, sometimes, something we allow to happen by simply getting out of the way.


I was standing on an outdoor train platform in Chicago, waiting for the train that would take me to my seminary class that morning. The platform was located under a street that ran across a bridge overhead, partially blocking the morning sun. Still, one, wide ray of sun was shining though, and it was snowing very, very lightly. Tiny, fragile snowflakes were being held aloft by a brisk wind, swirling in circles in the air. They danced through the bright ray of sunlight, reflecting it in dazzling patterns, as if thousands of miniature mirrors were whirling and casting their own small rays of light in almost infinite directions – tiny spirits dancing and floating and spreading light into their world.

Needless to say, I was captivated, standing transfixed until the sound of my train approaching drew my attention. I turned toward the sound of the train. As I did, I made eye contact with an elderly, a woman who was leaning on a carved wooden cane for support.

She smiled – a joyful glint in her eyes. I smiled back. Without even exchanging a word, we both knew that we had both been mesmerized by the beautiful ballet of sunlight and snowfall. We both knew that we had somehow been profoundly moved by and connected through the experience.

Riding in the train a few moments later, I could not help thinking that the potential for transformation exists within any moment, each encounter. In that small, fragmentary sliver of time on a cold train platform in Chicago, I understood that this person whose life experiences had no doubt been different than my own, this person I had never met and would likely never see again, was, none-the-less, like me, enmeshed in all the beauty and fragility and wonder and suffering and joy that life has to offer.

I had understood that we are connected in ways we only are rarely able to truly glimpse, and these experiences of the vastness and complexity of our interconnectedness are a source of empathy and compassion and love. And this idea, this experience of the possibility for transformation present within any moment, in each encounter, for me, is a key element of our Unitarian Universalist, covenantal tradition. It is part of what drew me to our faith and sustains me as I go about living it.

It is central to a worldview known as process-relational theology, from which I draw great meaning. Process-relational thought sees all of us as part of an interconnected web or matrix that is continually unfolding. It sees within that web of relationships the creative potential for transformation bursting forth in each new moment.

For me, this idea also grounds and sustains our anti-racism, anti-oppression and multi-cultural work, our work for justice, by insisting that to realize the greatest potential for us all, we must go beyond finding common ground to do the often more difficult and challenging work of embracing difference – encountering, experiencing and respecting difference.

For a religious movement without creed, without a statement of prescribed beliefs to which we all must agree – for such a religious movement, covenantal relationship forms the core for practicing our faith. The way that we are together becomes paramount. The how we interact takes precedence. The method is the message, as our great Unitarian Universalist forbearer in religious education, Angus McLean, so famously put it. And I think this idea can continuously inform the ways in which we think about and go about doing congregational and denominational life.

If there is transformative potential in every fragment of time, busting forth in every encounter – and if we also take the work of the church to be at least in part about spiritual or maturational growth for our members, then everything we do in our churches can be seen as faith development. Faith formation, spiritual transformation, is occurring not just in worship, not just in our religious education classrooms, but also throughout the life of the church. Every community or small group gathering, every committee meeting, every conversation during the fellowship hour has the potential to transform us, as well as to provide comfort in times of need and to sustain us through life’s difficult and challenging times.

I wonder, if we take this view, how might we approach each other differently? How much more bound by our covenants of right relations, the promises we make to one another, might we feel? In what ways might we become even more connected with our fellow Unitarian Universalist churches and our larger Unitarian Universalist movement?

I wonder if we might even more passionately strive for a pluralistic, multi-cultural faith – a people in deep relationship, a people emerging out of a full and vibrant matrix of cultures and identities, bound together in promises to both hold each other accountable to our greater ideals and at the same time hold each other in compassion, love, shared vulnerability and deep respect. The method is the message.

The very way we do church life begins to burst forth with new creative possibilities. Worshipped can be transformed when there are more and more styles and perspectives to be included. Congregational meetings and gatherings spend more and more time reflecting with each other on the world we dream about and how as a religious community we can work together to bring it into being! The method is the message.

Maybe our interfaith and social justice activities become a vital part of our spiritual practices throughout the religious community as a whole. Perhaps we stop during board meetings for a reflective period or to sing a hymn together that captures a vision for creating that better world. How about some time for liturgical dancing during that finance committee meeting! OK, maybe not. I got a little carried away.

Anyway, as another example, I think that the capital campaign in which we are currently engaged here at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin is likewise deeply rooted in this idea that positive change is possible through each encounter. Our building is part of our method, and it sends a message about our values and our desire to create a welcoming table and transformative experience for all who enter this holy place.

I’m told that members of this congregation have already pledged over two point one million dollars toward the campaign, and that demonstrates that this congregation walks in the ways of generosity and stewardship and commitment to the future of this beloved religious community.

Likewise, the fact that First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin is a covenantal and mission-focused congregation greatly moves us into living out that vital religious faith I have been describing. The beautiful covenant we read together earlier describes a transformational way of being together: Welcome and serve. Nurture and protect. Sustain and build. Thus we do covenant with one another.

These are methods. They are ways of being together, and they emanate a strong message about who we are as a religious people.

The mission we have emblazoned onto our wall and into our memories and hearts compels us toward creative and transcendent possibilities.

Now, I know we just said it together a few minutes ago, but I am feeling a little low energy after all this talking I have been doing up here on my own, so I wonder if you might indulge me in reciting it together again? And, yes, a preacher is really going to encourage other people to talk during his sermon! At First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin…

We gather in community to nourish souls, transform lives and do justice.

Thanks. I feel better now. I just love that!

Gather. Nourish. Transform. Do Justice.

These may imply goals and ends; however, first and foremost they are actions. They are verbs. They describe ways of doing and being together. They are each a method, and the method matters.

It matters because it help us maintain an awareness of that capacity to transform one another. It opens up a space for creative potentialities – what I like to call “Grace that we co-create” and it does so in sometimes surprising and unexpected ways. This happened during a powerful and moving experience at the church where I served as ministerial intern.

For the holidays in the first year of my internship, we had been putting together a multigenerational Christmas Pageant. The pageant was a Unitarian Universalist version of the biblical nativity story. Our cast and crew included folks ranging in age from four or five to this beautiful woman in her eighties who ran circles around me and kept our rehearsals on track.

Putting together a pageant, complete with costumes, props, songs, a little platform that served as our imaginary stable and children dressed up as the stable animals had been quite the challenge sometimes but lots of fun too. Alongside the human characters, we had camels, cows, a donkey, some doves and at least a couple of kitty cats. An ongoing challenge was helping the youngest of the children to remember that there were imaginary stable walls around the edges of our little platform. More than once during rehearsals, a cow or camel would walk right through one of the imaginary walls, and we would have to stop, go back and remind them not to do that!

On the Friday before we were to present the pageant, the news broke about the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary.

I talked with my supervising minister. We had to decide whether to go forward with the pageant or whether it would be too light hearted given the circumstances. We decided to go forward. On Sunday morning though, we first stood together before the congregation, and she offered a prayer for the victims and their families.

There was a pervasive tone of grief among our church members that morning – a sense of shock and emotional paralysis. We started the pageant.

About halfway through it, one of the children costumed as an animal in our imaginary stable, one of our cats, I believe, got so wrapped up in the pageant song we were singing, that she stood up and started dancing. She pirouetted right through one of our imaginary stable walls, whirling and swirling in balletic circles in front of our carefully set up nativity scene. She was about the same age as the youngest children who had been killed at Sandy Hook.

The woman who had helped keep our rehearsals on track and I were sitting together, and we looked at each other, both wondering if we should get up and lead our little dancing cat back into the scene. As soon as our eyes met though, we both knew that we had to let her continue.

And she was dancing, and the music was playing and the congregation was singing. At one point the song almost faltered. The children were mesmerized by the little girl’s impromptu ballet and the adults were nearly overcome with emotion. I looked around the sanctuary, and the adult’s eyes were glistening, their tears reflecting tiny pinpoints of light in almost infinite directions. We kept on singing, and the little girl kept her ballet afloat, and our spirits were dancing through joy and sorrow and back again in small, fragmentary slivers of time. The music and the singing and the dancing were the method. That we must continue our part within the struggle and the creative co-telling of life’s ongoing pageant was the message. A young girl’s dancing had spread Grace throughout our sanctuary and transformed a congregation that morning.

A minister who I consider one of my mentors says that a key element of spiritual growth is to be always mindful of and open to this possibility of Grace. I learned that morning that she is right. And, I believe our faith and our churches can go even a step further – actively creating that potential for Grace through the ways in which we do congregational and denominational life – cultivating an ever-present awareness of our capacity to transform one another.

And speaking of grace, I am so blessed and so filled with gratitude that, with Meg’s wisdom and guidance, my ministry now involves walking with all of you, as we build beloved community, as we nourish and transform one another and our world, as we engage in the vital and life-giving work of doing justice. Together, may we reach for the transformative potential, bursting forth in each new moment.

So may we be. Amen.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


The Choice is Yours, Choose Wisely

Rev. Marisol Caballero
August 3, 2014

We celebrate the closing of another Camp UU year by looking to Harry Potter and the lot from Hogwarts to teach us life lessons. We explore how the seventh principle might be understood to one of J.K. Rowling’s witches or wizards!


Call To Worship
By Amy McKenzie Quinn

Welcome to this common,
Sacred space.
Common, because we are all welcome.
Sacred, because here we transform the ordinary
And attend to the profound.
We carry with us regrets, doubts, fears, stories, laughter;
And they may inspire our worship.
Above all, may we each meet what we need most to find,
On this day, in this common, sacred space.

Reading: “Back-Scratcher”
by David Bumbaugh

The fall from grace,
The great disruption of primordial order,
The original sin, had nothing to do
With eating apples or talking with snakes.

The instrument of our fall was a wooden back-scratcher,
That piece of wood, bent at the end
So one piece can reach the unreachable spot-
There, between the shoulder blades,
Down just a little bit lower,
Now up a little bit,
There where the most persistent itch
Always takes up residence.

Before the back-scratcher,
Before that simple, infernal device,
We, like our primate kin, depended on others to do for us
What we could not do for ourselves:
“You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”
Before the back-scratcher,
Before that simple, infernal tool,
We needed each other to scratch that unreachable itch.
The wooden back-scratcher dissolved the bonds of reciprocity,
Unloosed the ties of community,
And tempted us to believe in our own godlike self-sufficiency.

And God walked in the cool of the garden,
And saw a primate standing alone.
“What have you done,” God asked, “that you stand alone?”
I have found a back-scratcher,” said the beast,
and now I need no one.”
“Poor beast,” said God, “now you must leave this garden:
In Eden, no one stands alone; each depends on the others,”<

And thus began our wandering, our pacing up and down the earth,
Scratching our own itches, pretending self-sufficiency,
Trying to ignore the persistent sense of loss,
The vague yearning for a primordial order,
A world where you scratched my back and I scratched yours.
A wooden back-scratcher is poor compensation
For the gentle touch of a living hand.

By Victoria Weinstein

Divinity is our birthright. God nods
To God from behind each of us. But let us remember, as
Mr. Emerson said, “divinity
Is behind our failures and follies also.”
In the silence that follows, let us pray
That we may notice and accept the Divinity of tiny things
The Divine of ordinary miracles
And even in the awkward mistakes.
In frivolous conversation with friends
In wordless companionship with a loved one-
In the work that seems futile one day
But resonates with meaning the next.
In the shared meal,
And the shopping list
In the peaceful sleep
In the simple procession of the [summer] days.
We pray this moment to keep tender vigil over
Our precious, imperfect lives.
To know each other as a vessel, however
cracked or broken, of the Holy.
So we may strive to recognize the indwelling
Presence of God in all people,
In all living things,
And even in ourselves.
In the silence, may we open our hearts. So may it be.

Sermon: “The Choice is Yours, Choose Wisely”

A pregnant woman leading a group of five people out of a cave on a coast is stuck in the mouth of that cave, In a short time high tide will be upon them, and unless she is unstuck, they will all be drowned except the woman, whose head is out of the cave. Fortunately, (or unfortunately,) someone has with him a stick of dynamite, There seems no way to get the pregnant woman loose without using the dynamite which will inevitably kill her; but if they do not use it everyone else will drown. What should they do?

In real life, our ethical dilemmas are usually nowhere near the drama of this story. Without realizing it, we make hundreds of ethical decisions in an average day. Should I let my neighbor know that their teen snuck out late last night? Should I consider placing my aging parent in a nursing home? Should I submit a project I know to be sub-par? Should I laugh at a racist joke to fit in? Should I spend the extra money to buy organic, free-range groceries or give that money to charity? Should I give my spare change to that panhandler?

Jesuit ethicist, Thomas Shanks, tells us that, “Most people would indeed like to live an ethical life and to make good ethical decisions, but there are several problems. One, we might call the everyday stumbling blocks to ethical behavior. Consider these: My small effort won’t really make a difference. People may think badly of me. It’s hard to know the right thing to do. My pride gets in the way. It may hurt my career. It just went by too quickly. There’s a cost to doing the right thing.

Shanks goes on, “Now, how would you respond if your own children were the ones making these excuses for their behavior? Oh, Mom, what I do won’t really make a difference. Dad, I just didn’t know what to do. Grandma, my friends won’t like me. I won’t get invited to anybody’s home. I know I’ll just never date again.”

It has been awhile since I took that undergraduate ethics class, but with a small amount of refreshing, I became reacquainted with every manner of philosophical theory ever written by a long-dead guy on the subject. Immanuel Kant, wrote about our free will, which separates people from things. Moral behavior is that which does not inhibit or harm the free will of another individual. I am not sure how Kant would respond to the pregnant woman stuck in the cave, To blow her up would surely inhibit her free will, and we can safely assume that to not do so would inhibitthe free will of the tour group as they drown.

John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarianism instructs us to choose the action which will provide the greater amount of good to the most people and will produce the least harm. Mill and Bentham would have us do away with the pregnant woman posthaste and allow the majority to survive.

Over 2,000 years ago, Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero all wrote of the common-good approach. Though less individualistic than the previous two, the common-good approach to ethical decision making calls us to reflect on our place within a society and asks us to consider how our actions and governmental policies affect everyone. This has proven to be a task easier said than done in a capitalist society, When the bottom dollar is the final word, usually the “haves” remain having and the “have- nots” continue to not have. While the Grecian greats make it sound good on paper, I am not sure that imperial antiquity was altogether that utopian, either.

However, Aristotle also wrote about another criteria by which we might base our morality- the justice approach. If we ask, “How fair is this action?,” we must analyze the level of discrimination or bias toward an individual or group over another before acting. This is an approach that is popular, at least in theory, with Unitarian Universalists, who pride ourselves on our social justice activism, leveling the playing field. Aristotle was right on to something when he said, “equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally.” I’ve observed the problem within UU ranks of a great denial with regard to who among us are treated unequally.

Although Unitarian Universalists don’t share a creed or a hard doctrine, we do have a set of guiding principles that each member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association agrees to affirm and promote. When misunderstood as a creed by another name, UU’s will often argue the exact language of the Seven Principles until they are blue in the face. The vague, poetic language of the Principles is not for everyone. But, what each of the Principles points to is a deeply held virtue that we do tend to have in common. More than any other technique, UU’s will often, over time, begin to employ a virtues approach to ethical decision making.

Our Seventh Principle refers to the “respect for the interconnected web of existence of which we are a part,” On Friday, I shed my skin as Rev, Mari and took on the role of Professor Hagrida, Chair of the Care of Magical Creatures department at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I had a great time dressing up in a silly costume and leading five classes of campers in a spiderweb-weaving craft. I enjoyed telling the kids that spiders are magical creatures not only because they protect us from biting insects and produce silk, a material that has a strength-to-density ratio that exceeds that of steel. Spiders are magical because they spin webs to not only serve themselves, but to leave as reminders to witches and wizards, the only ones in the know to interpret such signs, that we are all connected. We are all part of an interconnected web of existence that we cannot see, we can only feel and acknowledge by our actions.

As I often do, I began to wonder about how and why we came to understand our interconnectedness through the metaphor of a web. Words intrigue me. Rev. Ann Schranz once preached, “I am not the first to note that spider webs exist as a way to trap tasty morsels of food. A web is a weapon. Also, the typical web exists on a plane; it is flat. There is no hierarchy of wholeness, not even a healthy hierarchy (in contrast to a “dominator hierarchy”). The philosopher Ken Wilber might call something like this “flatland.” I do not see myself as part of a “web” of existence. The “web” metaphor is not sophisticated enough to point to the nature of existence.” I don’t suffer from this same affliction, though I respect her opinion, As much as UU’s everywhere love a good semantics free-for-all, I’m not sure that we split hairs too much in Texas over poetic license. This is a place where we all know what someone means when they proclaim that, “That dog don’t hunt.” And we understand that when someone says that another city is, “not a far drive at all,” we should ring plenty of road snacks and leave first thing in the morning,

Nonetheless, curiosity led me to discover that a spider web as metaphor for our interconnectedness and implied ethical responsibility to each other and our world has no known origin. According to Fritjof Capra’s book, “The Web of Life: a New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems, “The “web of life” is, of course, an ancient idea, which has been used by poets, philosophers, and mystics throughout the ages to convey their sense of interwovenness and interdependence of all phenomena. One of the most beautiful expressions is found in the celebrated speech attributed to Chief Seattle,”

This we know, all things are connected like the blood which unites one family… Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons and daughters of the earth, [A person] did not weave the web of life; [they] are merely a strand in it, Whatever [they] do to the web, [they] do to [themselves.]

So, in this way, spiders really are magical creatures who leave reminders of our interconnectedness to those who know how to interpret their meaning. Not to beat this metaphor to death, because surely there are many flaws within it – poetry, after all, is not meant to be precise but to point us to a truth that we are then to discover for ourselves. But, if we are to understand ourselves as mere strands within the web of life, then each point of connection is as important as any other and each strand is crucial to the overall strength of the web.

Why, then, do we feel less of a moral obligation toward those across the world from us than those across the street? Moral psychologist Joshua Greene argues that the notion that morality is mostly common sense and following our gut instincts doesn’t work so well when we are considering a global ethics. Greene says that we are biologically and culturally wired to understand right from wrong with regard to our local group, our “tribe.”. In other words, “evolution didn’t equip us for modern judgements.” Our intuition is sewed to care more for those in close proximity and similarity to us. The farther away we perceive an ethical dilemma to be, the more unrealistic we believe our ability to effect change – or, the more “other” we imagine a people to be, the less likely we are to devote energy to acting. Our moral compasses seem to have a harder time navigating in an increasingly small world. Our brains seem more comfortable thinking in the “us vs. them” binary, despite the intentions of our bleeding hearts.

Enter, the world of Harry Potter. The character of J.K. Rowling’s creation and his trials at Hogwarts school reads like a modern-day morality play. Though not without flaws, Harry continually proves that, given the option, he will choose to do what’s right over what is easy.

This character’s example has inspired books, college courses, and serious academic analysis, In tier essay, “Moral Fibre and Outstanding Courage: Harry Potter’s Ethic of Courage as a Paradigm for the Muggle World,” Eliana Ionoaia writes, “Harry’s authentic courage comes from his valuing of other people’s lives even beyond his own; he feels strongly about his friends; he truly appreciates freedom, and seems to possess an inner compass pointing to justice.” Paradoxically, she points out that Potter’s tragic flaw lies in his difficulty in asking for help or vocalizing his own needs. He feels responsible to the web of life but does not feel worthy of being cared for in return. I’m sure this is relatable to many of us.

With such a fine example as the Harry Potter books toward virtues-based ethical decision making, it’s no wonder that our Hogwarts Camp UU has been such a success in teaching young campers what it means to be UU. In fact, “a study published in the journal of Applied Social Psychology found that J.K. Rowling’s books have been helping fight prejudice by altering young people’s perception towards stigmatized groups,” such as immigrants and LGBT people.

Ethical decision making is not something we finish learning about in adolescence, it is something that we must practice and explore until our last days. This year, Dr. Andy Gerhart will be teaching a course for adults based on the Tapestry of Faith curriculum, “What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists.” This course will be offered on alternating Wednesday evenings, beginning September 17th. Keep your eyes out for more information in next month’s newsletter.

Perhaps our downfall has been the advent of the back-scratcher. We have become too independent and forgotten that we need one another, that we need to be taken care of as much as we need to take care of others. Thank goodness for spiderwebs and their reminder to the contrary. Thank goodness for all magical creatures and the lessons they teach us, including each and every one of us. May the magical creature in you thrive in this wonderful web of existence!


Podcasts of sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.


Hipster misogyny and Gaga feminism

Rev. Marisol Caballero
July 27, 2014

When Theodore Parker said, “I do not pretend to understand the moral universe… but from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice,” he never could have imagined the current landscape of dialogue around gender equality.



Oh, what a week in evening news!
Spirit of Life and Love,
God of many names,
Help us find a place of meaning
between disconnected apathy
and overwhelming helplessness.
Allow our ears to recognize that
Suffering knows no border,
Our voices of empathy and solidarity to be heard,
And our hands to be active in the cause for peace.
Open our eyes, also, to see the need for healing
In our neighbors and in ourselves, as well,
As we remind ourselves that we,
And our closest communities,
Are worthy of our time and concern.
In the name of all that is good, and holy, and true,
We pray.


If anyone has ever listened to a couple of my sermons or has spent more than five minutes talking to me, they will find a multitude of clues to the fact that I am a relatively unashamed pop culture junkie. I am fascinated by the ways in which and the speed with which the media influences all aspects of our lives- politics, our vocabulary, and even the price we pay for goods. Over time, even for the most disconnected, pop culture will inform how we think- what is funny, what infuriates us, even what is or is not relevant.

This is why, when I look around the world and in our backyard at all that women and girls continue to endure, I wonder what affect pop culture has had in it all. How is it, that 2014, saying the “F-word” is still so shocking? Yes, folks, I’m talking about the word, feminist. This isn’t exactly the crowd that would be too shocked by feminism, but something is amiss when in the first quarter of 2012,49 state legislatures had introduced 916 bills to restrict access to women’s health care. And, just this past April, an Equal Pay for Equal Work bill was defeated in the nation’s House. A week ago, I saw a photo online of a young woman holding a sign at a women’s healthcare rally, which read, “Didn’t my grandmother already have this conversation?” So true. What is happening?

A UU publishing house, Beacon Press, recently published a book by J. Jack Halberstam, a female-bodied professor of ethnic and gender studies at USC who happily occupies the ambiguous space between genders. The book is “Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal” Halberstam introduces gaga feminism, a “feminism of the phony, the unreal, the speculative” that is inspired by pop icon performance artist and singer, Stefani Germanotta, known as Lady Gaga.

Halberstam says that, gaga feminism is “simultaneously a monstrous outgrowth of the unstable concept of “woman” in feminist theory, a celebration of the joining of femininity to artifice, and a refusal of the mushy sentimentalism that has been siphoned into the category of womanhood… [gaga feminism] does not simply tie feminism to a person or to a set of performances, rather it uses the meteoric rise to fame of Lady Gaga to hint at emerging formulations of gender politics for a new generation.”

Halberstam walks in the footsteps of generations of, “activists of all stripes and queer activists in particular [who] have always looked to pop culture for inspiration and have refused facile distinctions between culture and reality,” saying that, “Gaga is a hypothetical form of feminism, one that lives in between the “what” and the “if.”

I read Halberstam’s book thinking, “Yes, and… ?” Being inventive, creative, rejecting culturally imposed ideas of what is normal, sexy, or attractive sounds wonderful as a personal life choice or as an artistic conviction, but does it necessarily work as a political ideology? How does a hypothetical feminism combat an actual, to borrow the language of the media, worldwide political and household war on women? And, I question whether a new school of feminist thought should be inspired by a musical provocateur who has demonstrated a sadly poor understanding of the F-word, herself, as she was quoted as saying, “I’m not a feminist. I hail men, I love men, I celebrate American male culture – beer, bars, and muscle cars.” It’s disheartening to hear that the tired stereotype of feminists as man-haters still permeates after all of these generations.

She then turns around and makes statements such as, “When I say to you, there is nobody like me and there never was, that is a statement I want every woman to feel and make about themselves,” confusing all of us. Is she a feminist or not? Is the confusion part of the performance? After all, ambiguity and any form of attention getting combine to form the brand of performance art Lady Gaga is known for, moreso than her music that, on its own, does not carry a unique sound. Weird Al Yankovic satirized her dance ballad, “Born This Way,” with the lyrics, “I may be wearing swiss cheese or maybe covered in bees, it doesn’t mean I’m crazy, I perform this way.”

Another pop diva that has critics on the fence in understanding her as a true feminist or misguided opportunist is Beyonce Knowles Carter. Several months ago, Beyonce released a powerful, sex-positive album that surprised the world. She independently recorded and produced a full album, complete with music videos to a slack-jawed, stunned world that never saw it coming. The album is chocked full of unapologetic sexually explicit lyrics and images. One song, “Flawless,” was deemed Beyonce’s “Feminist Manifesto” by MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry because, during the track, audio from Nigerian author, Chimamanda Adichie’s Ted Talk entitled, “We Should All Be Feminists” was sampled. She speaks of how girls are taught to aspire to be someone’s wife, rather than to reach their fullest potential, while boys are encouraged to succeed. In the video, Beyonce, embodying her best butch persona, then mocks that expectation of marriage and physical beauty by singing, “My diamond, this diamond, my rock, this rock… tell ’em I woke up like this.” Feminist columnist Jessica Valenti, a panelist on Harris Perry’s show predicted that this would be the “album that will launch a thousand women’s studies papers.”

A few years ago, she released a song which asked “Who Run the World?” and answered, definitively, “Girls.” She “raises a glass for college grads” and then, in the next verse, seemingly advocates for women using their sexual prowess toward manipulation. These contradictions are what have old-school feminists, myself sometimes included, taught to reject the objectification of the male gaze, confused by today’s pop stars that are hailed as champions of women, which in turn, confuses young, would-be feminists into a rejection of the F-word.

After the release of Beyonce’s surprise album, Adichie asserted in an interview,

If a woman is sexually overt is she still feminist?

Whoever says they’re feminist is bloody feminist. And I just feel like we live in a world where more people need to be saying it and we shouldn’t be looking to pull people out of the feminist party. And I think the reason I find myself reacting so strongly to questions offemale sexuality is … there’s something very disturbing to me about the idea that a woman’s sexuality somehow is not hers. So when certain feminists who will say, it’s about the male gaze, it’s for the man, there [is] a kind of a self-censoring about that that’s similar to what they’re fighting.

So as long as women have the choice … why shouldn’t women own their sexuality? Why shouldn’t a woman who does whatever with her sexuality identify as feminist? I’ve just always found that very troubling. It’s almost unfeminist to make that argument that if you shake your booty, you’re not feminist.

But I’m thinking, well, do you want to shake your booty? Shouldn’t you have your choice to shake your booty? … 1 want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl.

Here’s where I admit- First off, how cool is it to belong to a faith tradition in which we can legitimately and openly allow our faith to be informed by such figures as Lady Gaga & Beyonce! And secondly, I should tell you that I am not really a fan of Lady Gaga and I am a fan of Beyonce, so there is a bias there that I cannot avoid easily, but I do see many similarities in the debate surrounding their feminism. Perhaps, whether or not women in the spotlight identify as feminists matters less than if they are showing others the value of female artistic autonomy, the chance to define who you are. This is, sadly, still an act that is still to be considered as transgressive, both for the famous and the anonymous woman.

Why should we care about the celebrities whose names are tossed around in contemporary feminist debate? Well, for one, the complexity of the conversation around contemporary feminisms points to the complexities of current misogynies. Not all oppression of women comes packaged in the obvious with restrictive health care laws that define conception as the beginning of life. These days, young men are feeling freer to use misogyny as a cheap laugh and call it irony, but there is a fine line, indeed, between what is well-done satire that will point out the absurdity in hatred and what is actually hate speech disguised as irony. This brand of mistreatment of women has been dubbed “hipster misogyny,” as a nod to Lindy West’s now famous 2012 article on the feminist site, Jezebel, “A Complete Guide to Hipster Racism.”

Alisa Quart writes in New Yorker Magazine, “Like Hipster Racism, Hipster Sexism is a distancing gesture, a belief that simply by applying quotations, uncool, questionable, and even offensive material about women can be alchemically transformed.” Now, instead of solely relying on the classic sexist approaches of interpersonal sexual harassment and cat-calls and institutionalized glass ceilings with unequal pay, we now must also confront the attitude of the dismissive and extra-hurtful, “Relax, it’s just a joke!”

In an editorial piece on the firing of misogynist extraordinaire, Dov Charney, former CEO of American Apparel, Tom Hawking reminds us that, “It’s not like misogynist culture ever really went away, of course – a trip to any sort of frat party will be enough to remind you of this. But in the late ’90S and early ‘0 as, it was cast as something transgressive, a daring reaction against politically correct orthodoxy. Look, we’re being sexist assholes! Aren’t we daring! If you don’t like it, you’re just a square! And, of course, there was always the ubiquitous defense of irony – no, look, we’re getting drunk and harassing women, but we’re doing it ironically! a special sort of cynicism: the nihilistic appropriation of misogyny for personal gain, dressed up in a pretense of irony and satire.”

It is this brand of humor that leaves me unable to stomach such shows as “Family Guy” and such movies as “The Hangover,” but turning a blind eye to the increasing complexities of emerging misogynies and the feminisms that emerge to combat it does nothing to effect positive change. If we are to understand ourselves as helping to bend the moral arc of the universe toward justice, then we must notice where love and acceptance is losing its foothold, including and especially instances when we are a part of it. We should endeavor to understand why rape jokes are laughed at and why young women feel that shocking, grotesque, or hyper-sexualized imagery by pop stars is liberating. We must, for lack of a better description, go gaga.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.



My faith is in science, but I try and keep an open mind

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
July, 20, 2014

What is prayer for Unitarian Universalists? What good does it do? To whom do we pray? In what ways might we pray? Is it all magical thinking? Why do so many of us keep practicing things our mind doesn’t quite support?


There is great rejoicing in the land today because my phone, which was lost, has now been found. It could only have been in one of two places: the camp site or the car. I’d been taking pictures coming down the mountain toward the campground, and then I’d hopped out of the car to claim the site while my beloved went to register us. I’d been reading Rumpole of the Bailey stories from an actual paper book while I waited for her. We set up camp and got back in the car to go on an adventure. I looked around for my phone, because more beauty was coming and I wanted to be ready.

“I must have had it over by the tent,” I said, and went to look. It was a fairly simple camp site, and easy to search. The phone was nowhere. Over the course of the next few days, we took the car apart, took the bins full of clothes and gear apart, took the camp site apart. It was in picking up the tent sack to feel to see whether my phone was in there that I met a huge tarantula. Fortunately we were both pretty laid back, and the enormous spider had an adventure that day as a lesson for some Mennonite homeschoolers before being set gently back in the dry scrub. I will tell that story another day.

We were in my Civic because the keys to our camping van had disappeared ten minutes before we were supposed to leave town. My love looked everywhere. Three times. They’d vanished. This kind of thing happens to us enough that we call it “gremlins.” We look in the usual places, over and over. Most people who believe in the laws of thermodynamics would look once, eliminate that place, and go on to the next one. Five or six times, though, we’ve had the experience of looking in an obvious place just one more time and there it is, big as life and looking casual, the thing that was lost. The gremlins have put it back, and they’re giggling or doing a jig or whatever it is gremlins do. We still believe in the laws of thermodynamics, of course. They work so often. I’m sure there are scientific explanations for each time something lost has popped up in plain sight in a place that’s already been scoured. It’s easy to see, however, how people can start thinking magically when matter persists occasionally in behaving – well – magically. My faith is in science, but I try to keep an open mind.

When something is lost I pray to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. I started this when I was Presbyterian, although Presbyterians don’t believe in saints. I do not believe that prayer is begging the Divine to do something s/he/it/they would not ordinarily do, as if someone were sitting “up there,” arms crossed, waiting for you to ask before help was given, and then only if you asked in just the right way. I do not believe that prayer is only for the person praying, either. I think it’s a kind of energy not yet understood. I do not think it’s always harmless, as people pray sometimes instead of doing something sensible they might otherwise do, were they not waiting on the Divine to act. I don’t really even believe in praying to St. Anthony. All that said, we prayed to St. Anthony to help us find the keys, but they would not be found. We had looked everywhere. Finally we transferred all the gear to the Civic, packed it to the gills, and took off for West Texas. The next day, getting towels from a tub that had been searched twice, we heard the keys jingling. There they were. “Gremlins,” we said to each other. Then, the way one does, we thought aloud that maybe there was a reason we needed to know we could camp just as well in the Civic as in the van. This is another place where my day to day behavior is a bit at odds with my theology. I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason. I can’t hold on to a belief that would sound abhorrent if it were spoken in a refugee camp in front of a child whose parents had been killed by the Janjaweed. In a multi-layered mind, though, one’s theology may not be strictly held by every layer of that mind. Some of my layers persist in wondering about the reason things happen.

Most of us use our phones for everything: email, music, home library and research portal, camera, social media, and calendar. We drove home without listening to my favorite music. I felt the loss of the photos I’d taken of the desert mountains. Coming back to the world, I felt its lack keenly. What was on my schedule for the day? Who knew. Was I free October 25th to speak at a colleagues installation or was I doing a wedding that day? Good question. No answer. My office computer hadn’t backed up my calendar the way I thought it would. I didn’t pray to St. Anthony about my phone. I think I was still sulking about the keys. Now an unbeliever, I went to the phone store at lunch time to replace the thing, but I got so annoyed at the wait and the speed at which the staff were moving that I left. After work that afternoon I went to a different store, got out of the car, and said waspishly, “St. Anthony, this is your last chance to talk to those gremlins and give me back my phone. I would really like that as I hate setting up a new phone, and I love my phone, and I don’t really have time for this.” I decided to look one more time under the passenger seat where I’d been sitting while taking those last pictures before the phone went missing. I’d looked under there twice before and so had my beloved. I reached my hand to pat around under there, and my fingers closed around the cool smooth face of my phone. “gremlins!” St. Anthony! Yes, I will be your playmate. I wondered what the lesson was here even though my theology says this life is not a school and there isn’t necessarily a lesson in everything. Laughing to myself and shaking my head, I sing hymns of gratitude to the mysterious, mischievous multiverse.

People think and talk about prayer in such different ways. For most religious people of every faith, prayer is asking God to do something. You beseech the Lord, you beg, you plead. Some people teach that God is a good parent, that God knows what you need without being asked, but that the asking is for your benefit. That is how I was taught. Other people act like God is an arrogant and forgetful king, who could do anything he wanted to do for you, but, unless you beg pretty, unless you do everything exactly right and say just the right thing, with just the right tone, just the right level of faith, having sent seed money to the right religious enterprise, God will not do what you need for him to do. I have told many of you the story of gathering around my mother as she was being prayed over for healing. The new minister of her church said that, if we had the right faith, she would be healed of her cancer. He said if anyone didn’t believe that it was the Lord’s will that she be healed, they should leave the circle, because their lack of faith could keep the prayers from being effective. I had lost hope that she would be healed. She had cancer for five years and she was near the end. I had begged God to take her cancer away. It did leave, then it came back, then it would leave, then it would come back. I didn’t believe any more. I didn’t have any more hope. I left the circle.

Now I look at that, stunned that someone could love a God like that, who would be able to heal someone but wouldn’t because there was someone in the room with doubts. What a cruel and capricious God. What a stupid God.

Lady who heard God say “I’ll take it from here,” and so she let go of the steering wheel. Her car swerved and hit a motorcyclist.

I don’t believe that prayer is asking God for something.

Yesterday when I was driving around looking for the Christmas in Action crew, I had our new puppy riding with me. Apparently she gets car sick, and after we had driven around for an hour (I had memorized the route I would take, but I didn’t bring the map with me, and the route I had memorized didn’t work any more with Spartanburg’s new configurations, or something) and after she had thrown up in my car three times, I drove on home. I prayed, though. To St. Anthony, actually, the patron saint of lost things. You pray “St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come around, my ring is lost, and it must be found.” So I was praying “St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come around, my church people are lost and they must be found.” Probably it didn’t work because I was the one who was lost. And I was saying “Please help her tummy feel better, please help her not throw up again. Oh no.”

I don’t believe (in my theology, which, most of the time, informs by practice) that prayer is asking or begging God to do something God would not otherwise do for us. The prayers that seem to cross denominational and religious lines is “Thank you.” and “Thy will be done,” and holding the person In love and light. The prayer that seems to be the most effective is a holding the person in love. Saying “Thy will be done” Or “whatever.” Paying attention in an attitude of surrender.

Surrender to what? I don’t know. To the way things work? The books on near death experiences say that “The Light’ asks you what you did to serve in love, and it asks you did you learn the way things work. I don’t know a lot about the way things work, except that you reap what you sow, the same bad things that happen to other people can happen to you, it’s better to understand than to be understood, you can’t make people do right, and even when folks ask for your help they don’t always want it. Surrender – maybe it’s just an attitude of knowing that you are not controlling things. Surrender to the Highest Good, to the Will of Heaven, to the Tao,- seems to be a powerful act that makes things happen. There is a pagan song of surrender that goes: “The river is flowing, flowing and growing the river Is flowing down to the sea. Mother carry me, your child I will always be. Mother carry me down to the sea.”

I have prayed with some of my church people. I had one couple where he was a Christian and she was an atheist. She got pretty sick, and I sat by her bed with him. I told him I would pray a Christian prayer with him, and she and I did an Atheist prayer, where we joined pinkies and agreed on what we wanted to have happen. We hold hands, we may close our eyes or we may not, we may both speak words or it could just be me. Doing it feels right. I have some beliefs that inform this practice, and I want to start by talking about those. I believe that when we become clear in our intentions, things start to move. They don’t necessarily move the way we want them to, but they do move. When several people are clear in a single intention, I believe that has power. Sometimes when I am praying with someone I will ask a question. “So we agree together that what we want for you in this situation is clarity, and patience, and whatever else we decided was important, after talking. Intending something together is a strong action. Is that just because it’s good to get your mind clear on something? Maybe. That would be the Humanist view, which is fine. There may be more to it. I think clarity and will are forces in and of themselves. I think prayer is a force. I don’t think any of this is supernatural. I don’t believe in a supernatural. Maybe this is semantics, just playing with words, but I believe that the natural world has mysteries in it we don’t yet understand. People talk about “the natural world” as if what they mean is “the world we understand and can measure.” I think there are more things than we can measure. Yet. Things people experience and talk about. God, peace, miracles, ghosts, telepathy. So many people experience those things. A person with a scientific mind that’s open might say “well, those are phenomena which appear over and over in human experience. Maybe one day we will understand them.”

As UUs we can pray. Some of us don’t feel comfortable with the old ways of praying anymore, even though some still do. So we stop doing it altogether, as if that were the only way to do it. It’s not. We can agree on things, we can say what we hope, what we wish for. Lots of folks here believe in a Force, a stream of energy or love that we can align ourselves with. Maybe clarity helps you align with it. Maybe clarity is a magnet for the energy of the universe. Maybe loving intention is a magnet for that energy. Forgiveness, love, effort, sacrifice, maybe those things attract the stream of the good, the true, the loving. Maybe surrender of the illusion of control attracts or changes the stream. Is the stream something we can call God or Goddess? I think so. Is it the creator of the universe? I don’t know. I do know, for me, that the stream of energy is the creative force in the universe…. It stimulates ideas and change. It has the good of the whole at heart.

One person in another congregation who called herself an atheist surmised that the stream was the collective energy of all the love and truth given out and received by all the human and animal spirits that have lived. Maybe when we die our loving stays behind, and makes up what people call God, and as the millennia pass, it grows. I call myself a theist, but I agree with her. I think that’s what it is. Our job is to align with it. Our job is to make it grow when we leave this place, with all the loving and kindness and forgiveness and truth-telling we’ve done.

Maybe we can just be still, and that is prayer enough. Maybe we can make long lists of our hopes and our goals, and let that be our prayer of clarity. Maybe we can meditate and never ask for a thing. Or maybe we can just say Thank you. That is prayer enough. Or we can stop saying and listen. Who will we hear? Our own wisdom? A thought from the collective unconscious? A thought or feeling from the oversoul, the one soul of all things? IT’s worth an experiment.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 14 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.