Hi Earth Champion,
The UUA General Assembly will happen (zoom) in June. If you attend will you check out any info they make available for us to know more about this climate and how we want to participate?
The critical global Climate crises is about to be taken up by our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in a “National Revival” rooted in our UU Churches across the US National Climate Revival.
We have this Summer to get our heads and hearts around this great opportunity. Summer events: Sermon, music, art, contest, RE curriculum and more are being planned for this Summer. Big kickoff planned for September. See what workshops may be happening now.
We still have a chance to urge our City Council to:
  1.  Decide that our new Climate Protection and Generation Plan will be the fossil free community plan vs. AE’s plan that includes a new gas plant. Come August we will need to begin actions for September votes.
  2. Closing, cleaning up and replacing the deadly generation at the Fayette Power Plant (FPP). Actions on this will pick up again in late Summer/ early Fall. View this Harvard study on how coal power.
Climate Mom, Catharine Hayhoe, talkingclimatenewsletter@outlook.com share her good & bad climate news for free. check out, Dr. Joellen Russell: Oceanographer & Science Mom. Joellen grew up in a fishing village north of the Arctic Circle by the Chukchi Sea. As a child, she grew curious about what happened to the sea ice at the end of each winter: so she decided to study it!


Meeting Dates:

  1. IRA FastTrack Monthly Meeting Tuesday, June 25, 2024 from 7pm – 8pm (CDT)
    This meeting will be on Zoom.

  2. Climate Crises/Solutions meeting is next is Tuesday, July 2nd. The potluck will begin at 6:30 pm and meeting will start at 7 pm in Howson Hall. 
Beki & Richard Halpin, Green Sanctuary Ministry 
512-658-2599 or 512-917-6018