Dear DRUUMM Community,

In these challenging times, our hearts are heavy as we witness the continued violence in Palestinian Gaza and Israel. We are in solidarity with all those affected by this conflict, and we especially hold our Muslim and Jewish members of color in our thoughts and prayers.

We deeply appreciate the wisdom and guidance shared by our UUA President, Rev. Sofía Betancourt, who reminds us of the importance of engaging with the complexities of this issue while condemning violence against civilians. As Unitarian Universalists, we are committed to the principles of peace, liberty, justice and nurturing Beloved Community, and we recognize the long history that has shaped this devastating conflict.

It is essential that we, as a community, acknowledge the pain and trauma experienced by our members who are directly impacted by this ongoing crisis. We recognize the emotional toll that these events can have on individuals and families. We want to assure you that we are here for you, and our chaplains are available to provide support and a listening ear to anyone who needs it.

May we center our humanity in this terrible period, upholding actions that protect life and our commitments to human rights. We encourage critical, open and respectful dialogue within our community. Together, we can strive for understanding and seek peaceful solutions that uphold the dignity and human rights of all.

As we struggle with the unbearable pain and uncertainty, may we come together in compassion, solidarity, justice, and love. Let us be the balm that we ourselves need, and that this world needs. Together, we will find our way towards repair, transformation, and ultimately, towards peace.

May it be so.

In love and solidarity,

DRUUMM Steering Committee

Statement from the UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt Regarding the Conflict Between Israel and Hamas


DRUUMM Pastoral Care Request