The Board of Trustees of First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin represents the congregation in shaping the vision and long-term goals of the church. We ensure the church is externally effective and internally efficient, and we create policy and direction for the Executive Team and church staff.

Contact the Board
For matters concerning church policy, long-term vision and goals, contact one of the board members shown below.  We want to hear from you! For concerns or ideas on matters related to church programming, contact the senior minister.

Become a Member of the Board of Trustees
Trustees serve three-year terms. Three new trustees are elected to the board each at the semi-annual congregational meeting in May. In the spring, the Nominating Committee identifies and interviews interested board candidates to select a slate for election by the congregation.

Board of Trustees Meeting Times
The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin Board of Trustees meet once a month on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The board meetings are open and anyone is welcome to attend.

Congregational Meetings
The congregation as a whole meets twice a year (in December and May) to hear a state of the church address and to vote on decisions and other issues reserved to the congregation within the bylaws or of general importance. In practice, this means a vote on the church budget in December and a vote on a slate of candidates to serve on the church Nominating Committee and Board of Trustees in May. The church bylaws also allow for specially called congregational meetings as needed.

Gretchen Riehl

Email Gretchen
Karen Neeley

Email Karen
Donna Carpenter
Email Donna
Russell Holley-Hurt
Email Russell

Evan Mahony


Email Evan


Tomas Rodriguez 



Email Tomas

Pam Knight


Email Pam

Charles Smith


Email Charles

Rob Rough


Email Rob

Margaret Borden


Email Margaret

Jim Houchins


Email Jim

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
Ex Officio
Co-Lead Minister
Email Chris

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Ex Officio

Interim Co-lead Minister

Email Michelle

To contact all of the board of trustees, you may send an e-mail to the board president who will disperse the email to the other members.