Hi Earth Ship Partners,

If you know Seniors who are vulnerable to these Historic Heat levels there are lots of resources presented in last week’s newsletter.   Go there and check them out. Lots of ways to help Seniors.


“Women leading on climate, senior citizens at risk, and more climate voices to follow

Last week, my newsletter focused on the risks of extreme heat around the world, and how to stay safe: but I could write about this every week. The US National Weather Service just introduced a new Heat Risk forecast map showing where people will face dangerous levels of heat. The entire southern US, from California to Florida, is baking in yet another early-season heatwave, with Phoenix, AZ setting a new daily high of 112F (44C) last Thursday.

I also mentioned last week how heat disproportionately affects elderly people—and this new article goes into depth on exactly why that is.” more @ talkingclimatenewsletter@outlook.com


Hello! Wouldn’t it be cool if the world’s wealthiest companies — you know, the ones worth trillions of dollars — paid the bill for the shiny new technologies needed to achieve 24/7 clean power? Sigh. What a nice, idealistic dream. hello@canarymedia.com


Important Announcements:

Talks are underway with Austin Energy (AE) to replace AE’s proposed fossil fuel new gas plant with a renewables-based community plan. We will keep you posted. Come to or zoom into the next Climate Crises/solutions meeting @church.

July 2, 6:30-8PM, Next Climate Crises/Solutions mtg at Howson Hall. 6:30 potluck, 7 PM MTG. begins. Ping Bob for zoom link, roberthhendricks@aol.com, or join us in person.

The Unitarian Universalist Church (UUA) is about to take up the Climate Crisis with real actions at a grassroots level, here at our church, churches across the USA, and at the National office. The plan is already put together. Trainings are beginning now. Go to : https://www.uuclimatejustice.org/sponsorship and FAQ’s here.  Let Chris know you want to help out chris.jimmerson@austinuu.org

As previously mentioned, after 15 years as Green Sanctuary Ministry (GSM) Co-Chairs, Beki and I are retiring. If you are interested in Chairing Green Sanctuary Ministry and or managing the upcoming Climate Revival (much of the work is scripted to make it easy) Please let Chris know you’re interested.
It is a blessing to work with all of you on this Environmental Justice initiative to save our Home Planet.

Big THANKS to all Inside Books donors. The Spanish/English dictionaries were lifesavers!

Beki & Richard Halpin, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Green Sanctuary Ministry