Hi Our Home Planet Champions,

We all know that burning fossil fuels is warming our planet home. Rising temperatures, more wildfires, relentless floods, oceans rising, more droughts, millions of people homeless climate refugees, and fossil fuels toxic waste is making people sick and causing deaths. Here is the kicker: we are subsiding these toxic fuels. There is Good News!

Belgian Police Arrest 132 Climate Defenders Demanding End to Fossil Fuel Subsidies

“The fact that national governments are subsidizing fossil fuels is akin to a crime against humanity,” said one Extinction Rebellion organizer. Read the whole inspiring story.

We can and must do more to see our tax dollars go to helping all Americans not hurting them.

Our Climate needs our loving attention. A remarkable wave of good news and good action is coming our way. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has decide to call for climate action from UU churches across the Planet. This is a heads up. Between now and September more news and action calls about this global campaign will be released. A link will be available soon. There will be so many fun ways to participate. September will be the kick off. Watch this newsletter for the roll out of coming opportunities to act, united with other UU’s, to save our planet home. 

Now the UUA has produced this priner with financial resources for churches interested in “Financial Incentives for Energy Investments at Houses of Worship” (our church).  After our latest capital campaign is successfully completed. Talk to Chris and Shannon about ideas to increase energy efficiency, save money and our planet home. This primer is a resource to fund such important climate actions.

For more free good climate news click here: talkingclimatenewsletter@outlook.com  

Please note:  Our Climate Crises/solutions first Tuesday meeting will skip Tuesday, June and start again July 2,  Howson Hall, 6:30 p.m. pot luck, 7 p.m meeting.