Our finalized Congregational Record
Our Congregational Record (CR) is available for review by ministerial candidates! You can view a copy of our CR by emailing info@austinuu.org or by checking in the Resources section of the Members group on Church Center. Your Co-Minister Search Team prepared this record based on what we heard from you during our congregational conversations, visits with those who have stopped by the Search Table in Howson Hall, and information from last year’s search committee (including surveys, search parties, and focus groups). We’ve done our best to represent our congregation as accurately as possible. If you have any questions about what you see in this CR, please email searchcommittee@austinuu.org, and we’d be happy to talk about this with you further.
What is Rev. Chris’s role in the Co-Minister Search?
Click here to read about Rev. Chris’s role and other frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Important Dates for the Congregation
10/05/2024 Break Barriers, Build Beliefs (B4) workshop COMPLETED
10/09 – 10/27/2024 Congregational conversations COMPLETED
Between November and April, the Co-Minister Search Team will be assembling and submitting the congregational package based on what we hear from you, reviewing packages and interviewing interested candidates, and selecting a finalist. Here is an overview of that process: • Congregational Record Submission |COMPLETED (click here to review) • Review Resumes of Interested Candidates | January 2025 | • Phone / Video Interviews | January 2025 | • In-Person Interviews | Feb – March 2025 | • Search Committee Finalist Selection | March 2025 | • Final Negotiations | April 2025 | Although the candidate review process is strictly confidential, we will provide periodic updates and continue to be available after services in Howson Hall to answer questions. |
04/04/2025 Are you a member?
- Last day to join the church and be able to vote on the new minister is 04/04/2025
04/26 – 05/04/2025 Candidating week
- Opportunities to meet with the identified candidate and see them preach/lead two services
05/04/2025 Congregational vote to call the new co-minister
- Congregation-wide meeting after the service on 05/04 with in person and online members eligible to vote
08/01/2025 New co-minister tentative start
- Actual start date will be negotiated as part of an employment agreement
For more information, visit members of the Co-Minister Search team in Howson Hall on Sundays or check out these FAQs. Still have questions? Email us at searchcommittee@austinuu.org