Can We Teach Morality in Schools?

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 12 May 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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Religion and Society, Mix well and serve

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
Davidson Loehr  April 28, 2002 Text of this sermon is not available but you can listen to the sermon by…
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Under the cover of war

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 21 April 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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Dar nacimiento a lo sagrado

Davidson Loehr En Español Former Ministers Sermons
(Traducción al español, Francisco Javier Lagunes Gaitán) APERTURA Este es uno de los dos periodos vacacionales religiosos oficiales del año,…
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Giving Birth to the Sacred

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 31 March 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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Demythologized Christianity

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 24 March 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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The Morality of Abortion

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 10 March 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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The Meaning of Life

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 3 March 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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The Fundamentalist Agenda

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr 3 February 2002 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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Liberal Salvation

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
Davidson Loehr 6 January 2002 Text of this sermon is not available but you can listen to the sermon by…
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2001 Sermon Index

  Sermon Topic Author Date Religion is the Music of Believers Seeking Truth Together Davidson Loehr 12-29-01 La Religion es la…
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Davidson Loehr En Español Former Ministers Sermons
publicado en el periódico Austin American Statesman (Traducción de Francisco Javier Lagunes Gaitán) Como Unitario, soy un liberal religioso. Para…
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Religion is the Music of Believers Seeking Truth Together

Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
Davidson Loehr Published in the Austin American Statesman December 29th 2001 As a Unitarian, I’m a religious liberal. And for…
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Getting Into – or Fighting – the Holiday Spirit

Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr December 16th, 2001 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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Audio available Davidson Loehr Former Ministers Sermons
© Davidson Loehr November 25, 2001 First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756 Listen to…
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