Honor Your Father

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons Video available
Rev. Meg Barnhouse June 15, 2014 The Fifth Commandment talks about honoring our parents. What does that mean? We reflect…
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The Cherokee Removal

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons Video available
Rev. Meg Barnhouse June 8, 2014 Did you know that the man who was chief of the Cherokee during the…
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Rilke’s Swan

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons Video available
Rev. Meg Barnhouse June 1, 2014 The Fourth Commandment is to rest. What do you do to rest? What might…
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The lessons of flowers

Audio available Marisol Caballero Sermons
Marisol Caballero May 25, 2014 We join in this much-loved tradition of Flower Communion that celebrates beauty, diversity, and uniqueness…
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May 20, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Minutes
Click here to view and download PDF file: Minutes_5-20-2014
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Bridging Ceremony – Learn to love

Audio available Guest Speakers Sermons
First UU Youth Group May 18, 2014 The Senior High Youth Group invites you to share in the exploration of…
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A Juicy Slice of UU History – Servetus

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons Video available
Rev. Meg Barnhouse May 11, 2014 Michael Servetus was one of the martyrs of our faith. He lived during the…
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May the force be with you

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons
Rev. Meg Barnhouse May 4, 2014 Does a concept like George Lucas’ “The Force” represent most Unitarian Universalists’ idea of…
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The banality of indifference

Audio available Marisol Caballero Sermons Video available
Rev. Marisol Caballero April 27, 2014 The phrase “the banality of evil” refers to how evil can often wear a…
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Jesus’ Grandmothers

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons
Rev. Meg Barnhouse April 20, 2014 Who were the women in Rabbi Jesus’ family tree? What did their oddness say…
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April 15, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Minutes
Click here to view and download PDF file: Minutes_4-15-2014
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May 4 2014 Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting Documents Governance Documents
Greetings, This is to inform you of the First UU Austin regularly scheduled congregational meeting on Sunday, May 4th, at 1:30…
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Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons
Rev. Meg Barnhouse April 13, 2014 So many people suffer from bouts of depression. What helps? How does one be…
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God wants you to be rich!

Audio available Meg Barnhouse Sermons Video available
Rev. Meg Barnhouse April 6, 2014 The Third Commandment forbids taking God’s name in vain. So many people say “God…
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A World of Pure Imagination

Audio available Marisol Caballero Sermons Video available
Rev. Marisol Caballero March 30, 2014 The way we speak about our beliefs is powerful. Language can either serve to…
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