Welcome to First UU Austin’s Children and Youth Religious Education!
We’re so glad you’re here!
The goal of this program is to have a place for children and youth to bring their whole selves, just as they are. Just like in the church at large, the Religious Education Department strives to create an environment of love, belonging, and growth in our community. Through our programming, staff and teachers foster a justice-oriented responsibility to ourselves, our fellow humans, and our planet, while keeping our values and love at the center.
Kinsey Shackelford, Religious Education Manager
Programs for Children and Youth
New to First UU? Register your child here.
Registration is encouraged for children under the age of 18, even for visitors. We gather your contact information to ensure your child’s well-being during our classes, and to ensure a smoother check in process.
Sunday Morning Schedule:
10:00-10:50 – Religious Education Classes:
Classes are grouped by grade level, but are flexible based on your child’s situation.Second Sunday Soul Matters: On the 2nd Sunday of the month, classes will focus on the church’s monthly theme by using developmentally appropriate curriculum for each group. This will be done in the same classrooms, with the same teachers, and in the same age groups as the other Sundays of the month.
Prek-1st: Let’s Learn with Bluey – UU values and principles taught through the social-emotional learning show, Bluey.
1st-3rd: Lego ValUUes – Discussing our new UU Values by creating and doing challenges using Legos
3rd-5th: Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints – Learn about progressive leaders from all faith traditions that have challenged norms and stand for social justice.
5th-8th: The 5th Dimension – Using episodes of the Twilight Zone, a show ahead of its time as far as social justice, to explore our UU values.
High School Youth Group – Creating your own statement of beliefs by learning about faith traditions and creating community.
PreK-5th grade must be picked up by a caregiver or designated adult at 10:50. 6th-12th graders are able to leave class to find their caregiver and go to service.
11:00-11:15 – Start in Service; Story for All Ages
Fidgets, coloring sheets, and books are available outside the Sanctuary foyer. All ages will begin in the service, then be sung out to go to their Music Class or to the playground.
11:15-12:15 – During Service
On select dates, they’ll be dismissed to either Children’s Music Club (1st-5th), or Youth Choir (5th-12th) if they are part of those activities.
Children (PreK-5th) will go to the playground to do a quick chalice lighting, then have the choice to do free play, art projects, games, books, or coloring on the playground. In uncomfortable weather, we will come inside.
Youth (6th-12th) are welcome to come to the playground as well.
Children must be picked up by a caregiver or designated adult when the service ends. Youth are welcome to find their caregiver or designated adult.
Children and Youth Safety Policy
To connect with other families, you can also request to join the Families with Children and Youth group on Facebook.
Volunteering with Religious Education
There are so many ways to volunteer in our program!
Even if you don’t feel comfortable teaching, there is a spot for you.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities here.
Additional Programs
Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education (OWL)
Our Whole Lives (OWL) was created in part by the Unitarian Universalist Association, and is an accurate, inclusive, and developmentally appropriate course about human sexuality. OWL
addresses issues such as body development, gender identity, sexuality, reproduction, relationships, and sexual health. OWL classes for ages K-Older Adult are taught at First UU Austin by trained facilitators on a yearly basis. Visit our OWL page for our curriculum schedule and more information.
Music Programs for Children & Youth
The Children’s Music Ensemble and Youth Choir offer the children and youth of First UU Austin a high level of musical experience and the opportunity for personal expression of faith.
Summer Camps
Every summer First UU Austin offers CampUU, a day camp for ages 6 and up designed to build comfort and community at church and foster familiarity with UU concepts.
Each summer, UBarU – a UU camp and retreat center – offers week-long summer camps for 4th-12thgraders near Kerrville, Texas.
Special Events
Special Events in RE All Year Round!
Summer Camp – Backpack Blessing – Splash Day – Family Potlucks – Pride Sunday – Halloween Fest – Christmas Pageant – Surprise Pals – Pet Blessing – Baby Parade – Youth Sunday – Easter
To receive weekly updates about special events in Religious Education, add yourself to the Families of Children and Youth Group on Planning Center, along with the Families with Children and Youth group on Facebook.