Over 60 candidates were nominated for search committee membership and the Board
Transitions Team contacted the top nominees (i.e. those nominated the most times) to
determine who is able to serve. As a result, we have 10 candidates for the Search Committee
that will work to bring to the congregation a candidate to be our next settled minister: Wendy
Erisman, Ruth Friede-Cornell, Carolyn Gremminger, Tomas Medina, Peggy Morton, Celeste
Padilla, Gillian Redfearn, Tom Shindell, Bis Thornton, and Susan Thomson. You can read about
these candidates here.

The Search Committee Election will occur on Sunday, April 30th. Individuals who are members of the
church as of March 31st will be able to vote either in-person or online. The ballot will list all 10
candidates and voters will be asked to rank the candidates by preference. More details and a
chance to practice are forthcoming.

After the search committee has identified a candidate, the congregation will vote on that
candidate. Our bylaws require that a candidate get an affirmative vote of 90% of the members.
The timeline depends on whether the search committee and Rev. Chris Jimmerson agree that
he is the right candidate for the job.