Hello all Earth Ship travelers,

It’s a wonderfully 78 degrees cool at our casa this Wednesday morning, June 5th and forecasted to be back up in the 90’s or 100’s the rest of this week. This week will be a fine time to reach out to our friends, family and church Members who may be heat vulnerable. You never know who may be heat suffering in silence in their apartment or home. 
Here is a link to a hub for Elder Care services in case you find someone who needs assistance in these hot days: Aging Services Hub for Older Adults in Austin | AustinTexas.gov after the two words “in Austin” there is a down pointed arrow you can click on then “open link” to reach this service HUB. DON’T WAIT. If you find someone who needs elder help check them out. Also, Family Eldercare has fans and lots of health related resources you may find useful.
For extra Heat info for you from Texas Climate Scientist Mom, contact talkingclimatenewsletter@outlook.com
“My friend Patricia Solis is a geographer who studies resilience and helps people prepare for climate-induced disasters. Not long after she arrived at Arizona State University (ASU), she was working with community members to map heat-related deaths in the city and noticed a peculiar hot spot. “Why would death rates be clustered there?” she wondered. “It must be a data error.”
She says, “In this era of climate change we need everyone to be prepared and be able to adapt their own homes. This work will prevent barriers for some of the most vulnerable people to keep themselves cool.” To paraphrase anthropologist Margaret Mead’s famous quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change their community.”
Speaking of heating up our climate by burning fossil fuels:  Remember we have two proposals for Austin’s Generation and Climate Protection Plan   This is our cities energy plan for the next 5 years. Austin Energy (AE) has a proposal for Council that includes a gas power plant. Our Community (1st time in the last decade) was excluded from AE’s design process. Our Community rallied with knowledgeable willing Austin Climate Community leaders who have produced a fossil fuel free 5 year plan. This was reviewed & voted on and  recommended by the City Electric Utility Commission (EUC) to Council as the preferred 5 year plan for Austin.
Council asked the two groups to work together for a final plan. AE has hired a consultant who has designed community workshops on the Austin Generation and Climate protection Plan but only a small group of community folks will be invited & allowed to speak. You can help: Send a note to the Mayor and Council like:  
‘Dear Mayor and Council Members, Please make sure Austinites will have at least 3 minutes each to speak to this critical issue of our Austin Generation and Climate protection Plan. I’ve heard the community is not allowed to speak only AE preselected folks’. Check out Austin City Council Contact Information.
Visit AustinTexas.gov for city heat care info for people and dogs. Open link by clicking down arrow after ‘gov’ then scroll down  Austin City Council.
Together we can and must save our Earth Ship!
Beki & Richard Halpin, 
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Green Sanctuary Ministry 

“Together, we nourish souls, transform lives, and do  justice to build the Beloved   Community”