First UU Stewardship

The 2025 Pledge Drive is Wrapping Up!

Together, we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community. – Mission of First UU of Austin

In love and joy, we invite you to join the 2025 First UU Stewardship Campaign.  Our theme, “Building Beloved Community,” is an affirmation of our commitment to building a world of justice, compassion, and love. 

This year, we are striving to make pledging joyful by encouraging positive reasons to give, easy ways to make your pledge, and a churchwide celebration recognizing our congregation’s accomplishments and having some fun.

Before you make your pledge for 2025, please learn about how First UU is Building Beloved Community both inside and outside the physical building.

Members, ministers and staff are actively engaged in building community within First UU through:

  • Uplifting and sometimes challenging Sunday services 
  • A music program for children as well as a wide variety of music for adults
  • Our caring ministers and Staff, as well as our caring team volunteers
  • A light meal before and after every service, 
  • Small group ministries and outreach, including chalice circles, mindful meditation, women’s spirituality groups, men’s breakfast, and senior lunch, to mention a few.
  • A chance for online members and friends to get to know the ministers 

Members, ministers and staff are actively engaged in building community beyond the walls of First UU by:

  • encouraging folks to vote their values and write postcards to encourage others to vote,
  • supporting Women’s reproductive rights, 
  • supporting and advocating  for our LGBTQ+ community at church and at the Capitol, 
  • advocating for climate justice, 
  • engaging in anti-racism efforts,
  • sending books to Texas prisons, and
  • offering religious education and Our Whole Lives, human sexuality education, OWL to our children as well as adults. 

Your pledge is a powerful and positive way to support the spiritual work of building community. Please be as generous as you’re able. 

**How to Participate:**

1. Attend Commitment Sunday on October 13 at 11 am to be inspired to make a commitment to First UU and its community building.

2. Complete the pledge form and indicate your commitment.

3. Attend Celebration Sunday on October 27 from 12:15 – 2 to celebrate our commitments and  to connect with fellow congregants. RSVP here.

Thank you for being a part of our Unitarian Universalist community. Together, we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

“Every act of kindness, generosity, or love overflows its original bounds. Our acts of kindness, generosity, and love multiply. Stewardship is a call to transformation. Stewardship is an invitation to do new things in relationship with people in this community and beyond our walls. Generously giving of our time, talents, and treasure to this church community is a radical act of hope that has ripple effects that continue to multiply in people’s lives and in the world. We give because we are invested in the creation of a truly Beloved Community for all.”

Tina DeYoe, Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration

Unitarian Church of Los Alamos, NM


Together, we nourish souls, transform lives, and do justice to build the Beloved Community.

“The future depends on what you do today.”

Mahatma Gandhi

  • Pledge Online for 2025 Here
  • Contact our Executive Director, Shannon Posern:
    (512) 452-6168 extension 1313 to pledge by phone.
  • Reach out to if you’d like to meet with a Stewardship Visitor.
  • If you are at least 70 1/2 years old, consider a required minimum distribution from your traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA account.
  • Are you curious about how UU churches work or would you like an overview of First UU’s recent finances? Then you should read this article entitled “Money Matters: How to UU churches work?”

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