Climate Crises/Solutions meeting. with Bob and Victoria, Sunday, July 2nd in Howson Hall at 6:30 pm for  pot luck & 7 pm for the meeting. MAKE A DIFFERENCE & HAVE FUN
As we look at transitioning Green Sanctuary Leadership we must examine what we have been working on and how to go forward. 
    Burning fossil fuels produce CO2 and other gases that trap the heat over us like a green house.  Harvard/UT study
Here are our primary working projects: Stop Killing our Climate/all life:
1. Replace Austin Energy’s new fossil fuel burning gas plant proposal with the The Community Plan created by energy savvy volunteer Austin Community Members and voted unanimous approval by the  city Electric Utility Commission.
Our role: We are part of a city wide team that is promoting The Community Plan to our community and City Council.
2. Close, cleanup and replace the coal burning Fayettee Power Plant with battery storage and clean renewable energy generation. 
Our role: We are part of a long standing community team that continues to keep this issue in the City Council and community group’s focus.  See more about closing down Austin Coal Plant.
3. Climate Actions:
A. Increase Climate awareness and promote practical actions: Continue to host/promote Bob & Victoria’s WHAT YOU CAN DO monthly Climate Crises/ Solutions Mtgs and follow up actions. 

B.  Encourage and support our church participation in preparing for the National UUA Climate Revival-August/September. Church Members/staff are attending UUA free trainings on getting ready to rollout the Climate Revival activities.
C.  Support Bob Hendrick’s continued Leadership and organizing around the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) share availability of those financial resources with our congregants and community to lower their carbon footprint/electric bill.
4.  Watch dog the attempts to overcome (appeal) the court decision to not allow high level nuclear waste be shipped by train and dumped in West Texas near the Ogallala Aquifer. 
More good climate news from:
“The climate and biodiversity crises are bigger than any one of us. The only way we can create a better world fast enough is to work together – and stay informed. The good news is there are many ways that you can help. I challenge you to bring people along with you on this journey.

  1. Stay Curious – if a headline seems too good or too bad to be true, look further.
  2. Counter the Narrative – be willing to wade into the difficult conversations because, as Katharine says so frequently, talking about these crises is one of the most important things you can do.
  3. Ask Hard Questions of your community leaders and the businesses that you support – how are they showing up for climate and for nature and for people?
We have years, not decades, to solve these crises; but I’m confident that, together, we can find a way.” 
We will keep you posted as New Leadership for Green Sanctuary Ministry emerges. Contact Rev. Chris if your interested.
Beki & Richard Green Sanctuary Ministry         
“Together We Nourish Souls, Transform Lives & Do Justice to build the Beloved Community”