Book Talk with “Imani Rituals” Author, Ayanna Kafi
Thursday, February 27th @ 12:00pm ET
Join us for a rich discussion of disability and black spirituality as I interview my friend and colleague, Ayanna Kafi about their upcoming skinner house release, “Imani Rituals: Nurturing African Spiritual Heritage.”
We’ll discuss the book writing process, the intersection of race and disability, and ways to adapt rituals for individual access needs.
Ayanna Kafi (they/them/theirs) is a neurodivergent, nonbinary, Black woman living on occupied Creek land, commonly known as Stone Mountain, a beautiful city within the collective of cities known by locals as Atlanta. They cohabitate with their partner, teenager, and granddog. They believe that their ministry springs from their embodiment, home, and community so they strive to fill their life with laughter, music, movement, intentional rest, and the discipline of ever-expanding joy.