Dear members and congregants,

On behalf of the Board, I would like to share a short announcement regarding the shared
ministry. Our beloved ministerial team is more than half way through this ministerial year. As
always, the Board is planning ahead and evaluating next steps in this transition period. Our
co-interim ministers, Rev. Jonalu and Rev. Erin, will be completing their one-year contract and
thus their service to First UU at the end of July. We knew going into their time with us that they
would have other commitments to tend to after this year, and all good things do come to an end
eventually! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything they have accomplished
in the last 7-8 months in shared ministry with Rev. Chris. You can refer to a more detailed written
announcement from Rev. Jonalu and Rev. Erin sent on Sunday, March 5. It’s truly been such a
blessed and wonderful journey that they have facilitated for this congregation during this
transition period and I feel privileged to partake in it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to
our beloved ministers!

As I was holding discussions with Jonalu/Erin individually as well as exchanging emails with
them regarding this announcement, Jonalu and Erin reminded me that their work is not done
yet. There is so much more to look forward to!!! The Board facilitated Transitions Committee has
been very busy planning for the Settled Search process with your input. Thank you to everyone
who submitted their nominations. You will hear more about the next steps from the Transitions
Committee led by Kelly Raley in the coming days and weeks.

So what happens after July? Rev. Chris will continue in his current role as the Minister of Values
and Mission. The Board will enter the UUA Interim Search process in the April timeframe to
identify a qualified full-time interim ministerial candidate for the upcoming ministerial calendar
year. To that end, Board members Vic Cornell (President-elect), Nathan Walther and Russell
Holley-Hurt have graciously agreed to lead the search for a full-time Interim Ministerial
candidate. I would like to thank them for taking on this responsibility. As always, we will keep
you updated as we make progress on all these fronts.

If you have any questions, please stop by the Board table in Howson Hall during coffee hour
right after this service. I will also make sure this announcement is part of next Friday’s
newsletter. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
In good faith as always,

Nesan Lawrence
On behalf of the Board of Trustees