Your Ministerial Search Committee has hit the ground running. Members of the committee are Susan Thomson, Chair and Carolyn Gremminger, Tomas Medina, Peggy Morton, Celeste Padilla, Tom Shindell and Bis Thornton.

This is an enthusiastic, hard-working committee. We are very aware of the trust you have placed in us by electing us to do this search. Our fundamental purpose is to discern the qualities this congregation needs in its next settled minister and to present you with a candidate who is a good match for these qualities. Because we have an inside candidate, Rev. Chris, our conversations will begin with him.

And even though we have an inside candidate who we have known a long time, we are required to go through the same processes or steps as are done for external candidate searches.

First, we discern. It’s kind of like looking for clues and for this we need your help. You will be receiving a congregational survey the last week of July and we urge you to complete it. We will then share the results with you and you will be invited to attend a search party or a focus group where we will hold structured conversations with you to further discern what this congregation needs in its settled minister. We urge you to attend one of those meetings as well.

The success of our discernment—and our search—depends on you—on our hearing from you
through the survey and the small group meetings. You will be receiving more information and details as this process moves along—through pulpit announcements, our Friday email newsletter, email blasts and information on our church website. Please be on the lookout for our logo—a young woman searching for clues!

If you have questions, please look for our table in Howson Hall.
