Rev. Sara Green and Community Potluck
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
by the Rev. Sara Green
Service Co-Led by the Revs. Sara Green and Chris Jimmerson
Followed by:
A Community Potluck
Hosted by First UU Earthkeepers
March 26, 2023
Service at 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Potluck* at 12:15 p.m. in Howson Hall and Courtyard
Rev. Sara Green is a southern cis/queer, Black femme minister and farmer living in New Orleans. She imagines liberation/salvation/beloved community as communities that have the ability to eat good food together, experience pleasure in their bodies and regularly put their hands in the soil – all while free from fear and violence from existing social structures, and while living into the cultural and legal changes necessary for this world to exist.
Rev. Chris Jimmerson is the Acting Senior Minister for First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin. He has a strong calling toward anti-oppression, interfaith and social justice work and has been especially involved in immigrant rights and racial justice. He loves leading worship and the pastoral work of ministry.
*Please bring potluck offerings to the kitchen before the service at the temperature at which they need to be served. Put your name on all dishes and utensils.
Making Meaning in an Upside Down World, with Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
April 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 7 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom
The world has turned upside down for many of us in the last few years. How do we learn from
what we have encountered and discover meaning to equip us to move into the future? We’ll draw
from UU and other writers as we put our own experience into perspective as we make meaning.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll even grow into wisdom. Register here.
Adult Religious Education Opportunities
Three stimulating opportunities for adult religious education are coming up:
Braver Angels Workshop
Saturday, March 25th from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Howson Hall
If you are heartsick about the rancor tearing our country apart,
If you believe that your opponents should not be your enemies,
If you believe that America’s best days can lie ahead,
This workshop teaches crucial capabilities for having respectful conversations that:
• Improve our ability to re-frame difficult conversations.
• Explore creative ways to discover seemingly hidden areas of common ground between us.
• Develop good boundary-setting capabilities to ensure that our conversations begin, progress,
and conclude in more respectful ways, even in difficult moments of interaction.
Click here to register for this free event.
For more information, contact Laraine Altun at
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Practice Group
Sundays at 1 p.m. from March 26th – May 28th, except April 23rd and May 21st (congregational
Through the emphasis of NVC on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—we
discover the depth of our own compassion. NVC can be seen as both a spiritual
practice that helps us see our common humanity, using our power in a way that
honors everyone’s needs, and a concrete set of skills which help us create life-serving
families and communities.
Please join us to learn more and practice using these compassionate skills together.
Register here.
For more information, contact Laraine Altun
Making Meaning in an Upside Down World with Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
April 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 7 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.
The world has turned upside down for many of us in the last few years. How do we learn from
what we have encountered and discover meaning to equip us to move into the future? We’ll draw
from UU and other writers as we put our own experience into perspective as we make meaning.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll even grow into wisdom. Register here.
Ostara (Spring Equinox) Gathering on Monday March 20, 2023 at 7 p.m. at First UU Austin.
Spring Market – Sunday, April 2
Shop with a Conscience before and after Worship Service on Palm Sunday, April 2.
Along with an opportunity to buy a variety of handmade goods, shoppers will be supporting UPAVIM, a women’s collective of artisans in Guatemala who fund a school and day care center in a very poor community.
Barb will be with us again. Some of you missed getting favorite articles at the Holiday Market in December. Barb has guaranteed a wide variety of favorites and some new things for spring. Look for her in the Gallery.
Vegan Tasting Event
Join us after the service on April 16th in Howson Hall for some extra eats and treats from the First UU Vegan interest group. Get your palates ready for some yummy good food that contains no meat, dairy, or egg ingredients; food powered only by plants.
Feel free to bring a vegan treat or dish to share if you are inclined. Bon appetit!
For questions or to learn how to join, email Suzie at
FUUCA Silent Auction – May 2023
The silent auction is back and it will run from May 7th – May 28th. Our silent auction is a different kind of auction as it features experiences and services. Of course, our primary goal is to raise money, but our silent auction also allows an opportunity to connect with others in your community through shared experiences. Examples of an experience or service might include a games night, a French picnic or having someone detail your car.
We need you to donate your experience or service AND needed are a couple of volunteers to help with Sunday set-ups in May. Please find Gillian Redfearn in Howson Hall after service for questions and to offer up your experience and/or service. She can also be reached at or (512) 784-4241.
2023 Austin CROP Hunger Walk – Sunday, March 26
Announcement from the Board
Dear members and congregants,
On behalf of the Board, I would like to share a short announcement regarding the shared
ministry. Our beloved ministerial team is more than half way through this ministerial year. As
always, the Board is planning ahead and evaluating next steps in this transition period. Our
co-interim ministers, Rev. Jonalu and Rev. Erin, will be completing their one-year contract and
thus their service to First UU at the end of July. We knew going into their time with us that they
would have other commitments to tend to after this year, and all good things do come to an end
eventually! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything they have accomplished
in the last 7-8 months in shared ministry with Rev. Chris. You can refer to a more detailed written
announcement from Rev. Jonalu and Rev. Erin sent on Sunday, March 5. It’s truly been such a
blessed and wonderful journey that they have facilitated for this congregation during this
transition period and I feel privileged to partake in it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to
our beloved ministers!
As I was holding discussions with Jonalu/Erin individually as well as exchanging emails with
them regarding this announcement, Jonalu and Erin reminded me that their work is not done
yet. There is so much more to look forward to!!! The Board facilitated Transitions Committee has
been very busy planning for the Settled Search process with your input. Thank you to everyone
who submitted their nominations. You will hear more about the next steps from the Transitions
Committee led by Kelly Raley in the coming days and weeks.
So what happens after July? Rev. Chris will continue in his current role as the Minister of Values
and Mission. The Board will enter the UUA Interim Search process in the April timeframe to
identify a qualified full-time interim ministerial candidate for the upcoming ministerial calendar
year. To that end, Board members Vic Cornell (President-elect), Nathan Walther and Russell
Holley-Hurt have graciously agreed to lead the search for a full-time Interim Ministerial
candidate. I would like to thank them for taking on this responsibility. As always, we will keep
you updated as we make progress on all these fronts.
If you have any questions, please stop by the Board table in Howson Hall during coffee hour
right after this service. I will also make sure this announcement is part of next Friday’s
newsletter. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
In good faith as always,
Nesan Lawrence
On behalf of the Board of Trustees
NEW Path to Membership Class – In Person!
Braver Angels
If you are heartsick about the rancor tearing our country apart,
If you believe that your opponents should not be your enemies,
If you believe that America’s best days can lie ahead,
Saturday, March 25th 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Room 17.
This workshop teaches crucial capabilities for having respectful
conversations that:
• Improve our ability to re-frame difficult conversations.
• Explore creative ways to discover seemingly hidden areas of common
ground between us.
• Develop good boundary-setting capabilities to ensure that our
conversations begin, progress, and conclude in more respectful ways, even
in difficult moments of interaction.
For more information, contact Laraine Altun at
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Practice Group
Through the emphasis of NVC on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—we discover the depth of our own compassion.
March 2023 Monthly Service Offering Recipient – Austin Justice Coalition
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Austin Justice Coalition has had “a long, challenging year of advocating for change and more equitable policies. (They) have been a part of some key wins:
- Furthering housing justice by eliminating HACA screening criteria that blocked formerly incarcerated people from accessing housing vouchers.
- Working with the Eviction Solidarity network and a coalition of renters to win the ‘Right to Organize’ and seven-day‘ Right to Cure’ period for Austin’s tenants.
- Advocating at the SHFC board and County Commissioner’s Court for the Tenants at Rosemont Apartments
- Encouraging the City of Austin to put the largest housing bond in its history on the ballot, and working in coalition with many orgs and advocates to get the bond passed by over 71% of the vote
- Championing permanent supportive housing developments like Cady Lofts, which will provide housing
- Organized the first Community Investment Budget proposal at the City and saw many of our priorities funded including:
- A pilot for a guaranteed basic income program,
- The creation of a Trauma Recovery Center,
- An increase in the minimum wage for city workers,
- Continuing the rental assistance and anti-displacement program following the end of federal dollars
- Additional dollars for inclement weather shelter and permanent supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness
Defeated efforts to increase sworn police staffing and the police budget, which enabled many of the Community Investment Budget items above to be funded.
- Supported a successful coalition effort to get a petition strengthening Austin police oversight on next May’s ballot
- Supported the successful unionization drives of workers at the primary public low-income healthcare provider (Integral Care) and nurses at the Ascension Seton Medical Center, creating the largest hospital union in Texas to ensure better conditions for those serving the poor in our community
- Supported allocation of dollars to community-based organizations to support gun violence victims in the hospital and to enable those accused of illegal gun possession to avoid the worst outcomes of the criminal legal system – 2 approaches shown to help prevent future gun violence
& of course (they) served our community in a multitude of ways, including:
- Supported community members financially with childcare, rent relief, medical bills, groceries, funeral expenses, etc… equaling over $100,000 in crisis relief for the community
- Sponsored back-to-school drives, Black youth football, cheerleading, and basketball teams, Brown Boy Productions, UNCF @ Huston Tillitonson, Jump On It, DOLE, Tomorrow’s Promise Foundation, community events, and more.
- Hosted supply drives to support our unhoused neighbors and families in need.*”
UBarU Monthly Service Offering – May 2023
UBarU is a Unitarian Universalist Camp and Retreat Center located on 142 rugged acres in what is, again this year, a peaceful, greening and soon-to-be wildflower strewn patch of the Texas Hill Country near Kerrville. Since the property was to passed on to us by the Quakers, we have sought to fulfill our UBarU Mission “to provide a welcoming, peaceful place to gather for spiritual, educational, and recreational purposes in harmony with our Unitarian Universalist Principles and the Land.” Over the last 20 years, scores of members of this church have joined in Spring and Summer youth camps, Deep in the Heart of Texas Women’s Retreat, Heart of Texas Men’s Retreat, Texas Wine – Texas Stars Celebrations, Fiber Arts gatherings, GenderFUUL welcoming retreats, Dark Sky Star Party weekends, contemplative retreats and personal family reunions.
Our efforts to be good stewards of the land have benefitted from grants to expand our solar panels, a new grant from H-E-B Environmental for a Rainwater Catchment System, expansive seeding of native grasses and wildflowers, and to create an additional firebreak corridor in the east, adjacent to the Meditation Oak. An additional grant from Live Oak UU Endowment created an active bird blind with native plantings and a wildflower pollinator garden. We have hosted a delightful array of birds, including Scrub Jays, Golden-Fronted Woodpeckers, a Great Crested Flycatcher and a Baltimore Oriole! In addition, our remote camera below the pool has captured photos of White-tailed Deer, Red Fox, skunk and raccoon families as well as wild turkeys and Road Runners.
If you are familiar with UBARU, you are likely aware that last year, the effects of climate change and Hill Country population pressure put our ancient water well in jeopardy of going dry. Last Fall we launched a two-year Capital Campaign, Digging Deeper to Reach Higher! Thanks to generous gifts from many of you, we have raised funds to successfully drill a new well, and refurbish the iconic, though leaking swimming pool! But we still aim to Reach Higher, expanding our septic capacity, upgrading the water-use efficiency of showers and toilets, and expanding lodging with new solar panels to accommodate more guests and Kid’s Campers! We so need your financial support in this campaign.
For those of you that have visited UBarU, you know that all activities revolve around the traditional Quaker-style Meeting House and radiate to the decks, the limestone rock pool by the windmill, the Meditation Oak, the two meditative labyrinths and the evening fire circle. We so much look forward to hosting you this year. Our children’s camps are open for registration; we hosted a BioBlitz on Earth Day and an upcoming Dark Sky Star Party Labor Day weekend and are directly in line for an Annular Eclipse this fall.
This month, UBarU is proud to have been chosen again by you, the members of First UU Austin to receive the Monthly Special Offering. Thank you for your continuing support. For a more detailed Update Letter or information on upcoming programs or the Capital Campaign please visit or check out the many photos on the UBarU Facebook page at