Three stimulating opportunities for adult religious education are coming up:

Braver Angels Workshop
Saturday, March 25th from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Howson Hall

If you are heartsick about the rancor tearing our country apart,
If you believe that your opponents should not be your enemies,
If you believe that America’s best days can lie ahead,
This workshop teaches crucial capabilities for having respectful conversations that:
• Improve our ability to re-frame difficult conversations.
• Explore creative ways to discover seemingly hidden areas of common ground between us.
• Develop good boundary-setting capabilities to ensure that our conversations begin, progress,
and conclude in more respectful ways, even in difficult moments of interaction.
Click here to register for this free event.

For more information, contact Laraine Altun at


Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Practice Group
Sundays at 1 p.m. from March 26th – May 28th, except April 23rd and May 21st (congregational

Through the emphasis of NVC on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—we
discover the depth of our own compassion. NVC can be seen as both a spiritual
practice that helps us see our common humanity, using our power in a way that
honors everyone’s needs, and a concrete set of skills which help us create life-serving
families and communities.
Please join us to learn more and practice using these compassionate skills together.
Register here.

For more information, contact Laraine Altun


Making Meaning in an Upside Down World with Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
April 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 7 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.

The world has turned upside down for many of us in the last few years. How do we learn from
what we have encountered and discover meaning to equip us to move into the future? We’ll draw
from UU and other writers as we put our own experience into perspective as we make meaning.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll even grow into wisdom. Register here.