Green Sanctuary

Our Green Sanctuary Program has been working in youth and adult partnerships on the climate crises for the past few years. Green Sanctuary is currently partnering with Sierra Club to fight the Climate Crises. Bob and Victoria Hendricks are hosting the Climate Crises Committee Meeting first Tuesdays of each month @ 7 p.m. Meetings had been happening at First UU, but will now be held via zoom due to the Covid uptick. Contact Bob at for zoom link. 

Beki & Richard Halpin


Learn more about Climate Solutions.

Video: Katharine Hayhoe: To fight climate change, “Talk about it”


Serve Dinner to Austin’s Homeless Community at the ARCH

For more than ten years, First UU Austin has provided volunteers to help serve the chef-prepared cafeteria-style dinners at the ARCH, Austin’s downtown homeless shelter. We provide that service on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from 5 – 7 p.m.

In order to fill this service need, we need one to two volunteers for each Sunday we agree to help. It’s an opportunity to connect with our homeless neighbors, an often rewarding and transformative act. The clients served are approved for spending the night in the shelter. Scott Butki leads the group, and utilizing an email list of volunteers, announces openings for service. The work itself is easy.

Contact Scott Butki, to sign up or get more information. 

New Covenant for Our Religious Movement


A study commission of the central organizing and support structure for our faith, the Unitarian Universalist Association (or UUA) has recommended that we, the constituent congregations and faith groups of the UUA, consider a change to the bylaws for our association.

Paula Cole Jones, co-author of the 8th principle serves on that commission.

The change would be to Article II of the UUA bylaws, which currently contains our covenant to affirm and promote our principles.

The commission is proposing a new covenant for our religious movement composed of a set of religious values that embody the essence and intent of our current principles, as well as incorporates key language from each of them.

Rev. Chris will be leading a discussion of the proposed change on Sunday, February 19 at 12:30 p.m. in room 13 at the church.

Please join the discussion.

If you plan to attend, please familiarize yourself with the information found here.

Then, join the discussion with your thoughts and questions!

Pizza will be provided.

To help us prepare for the meeting, please let us know your dietary and childcare needs by registering here.

Texas UU Justice Ministry’s Legislative Action Day!

On March 13, UUs from all around the state will gather in solidarity, bring our values to the public square, visit with our legislators, and have fellowship time together. We have also been invited to be part of an important interfaith rally that day around Black maternal mortality, postpartum healthcare, and more. Details of buses, carpooling, and more to come, but please put Monday, March 13, 2023, on your calendar and plan to come to the capitol! Tell your friends!

Meanwhile, you’re invited to join UUs across Texas every Thursday night for We Cry Justice and Action Hour. Details here. Bookmark the Zoom link (it’s the same every time!). Zoom meeting ID: 333 042 6480. Not a night person? There’s a bonus “Final Friday Lunch Bunch” Action Hour on the last Friday of the month at 12 noon. Same Zoom!

Not on TXUUJM’s email list yet? Please sign up here for latest actions and news.


How We Care For One Another as a Church

COVID threw us for a loop in so many ways, including how to care for one another. While we were in the worst of it, we could not visit our members in the hospital (or at home!), gather for a memorial service, or make the most basic, essential personal connections. Now, we are remembering how to care for one another and how to ask for help.

This conversation with Rev. Jonalu Johnstone and Co-Chairs of First UU Cares will help reorient us and give us a boost so that we can make sure that all our members feel cared for and valued, whatever their circumstances. If you have input or want to know how to help, please be there. All who are interested in caring – giving and/or receiving – are encouraged to attend one of our sessions. We’d love for you to register, but the important thing is showing up.
Register here to join in person – Sunday, March 12, 12:30 – 2 PM
(pizza will be provided) 
Register here to join virtually on Zoom – Thursday, March 16, 7-8:30 PM
(sorry, no pizza)

February 2023 Monthly Service Offering Recipient: Manos de Cristo

Local non-profit Manos de Cristo serves poor community members with dental care and education, and will be featured throughout February. When the Rev. Frank Diaz worked with the poor and homeless at El Buen in Austin more than 35 years ago, he kept hearing men ask for baby food and he assumed they had children to feed. But he was mistaken and eventually noticed, “These men would smile but they had no teeth.”

At the time, local hospitals had a 6-month wait for help, and many suffering from severe toothaches could not endure the pain. Their only option was to pull their own teeth. Thus, with help from both Rev. Dias and Roland Casteneda, an elder at El Buen, Manos de Cristo opened its doors in 1988 to give the impoverished community a humane, dignified option for dental care.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin elected Manos de Cristo as one of its recipients for a monthly special offering in 2023. Manos will be featured during and after the Worship Service, Sunday Feb 12, and Executive Director Julie Ballesteros will join us to share more about them including ways people can volunteer with them.

Through grants and support from Austin-area churches and organizations, Manos founding principle is to serve by reaching out with compassionate concern. Manos now has headquarters and programs in North Central Austin, serving our community through an 11-chair dental clinic, adult education services and basic needs. Manos’ reach has continued to grow through a Back-To-School program to teach adults computer skills, citizenship and English classes.

Our own Alirio Gamez, who took sanctuary at First UU, has received low cost dental care from Manos and Hilda Ramirez, who takes sanctuary at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, has taken English with them. First UU will recognize Monthly Special Offering recipients each second Sunday of the month and then divide all of the donations equally among the recipients. To learn more about Manos de Cristo go to and during the service, Sunday, Feb. 12 plan to donate what you can to this good cause.

Celebrate Ivan winning Legal Permanent Residency

Join Austin Sanctuary Network as we celebrate Ivan, Hilda’s son, having received his Legal Permanent Residency. We’ll celebrate Ivan’s momentous occasion Saturday, March 11 from 3-5 p.m. with games and fun at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 14311 Wells Port Dr., 78728. Feel free to bring any snacks or drinks to share. He loves Takis, Tres Leches Cake and Flan! RSVP on our Facebook page: The Foundation for the Austin Sanctuary Network. We are so excited to celebrate Ivan and reconnect with our Austin Sanctuary Network friends including Alirio Gamez! We still have work to do to free Hilda and Alirio, but it’s time to celebrate Ivan and his freedom now. We hope to see you there! For questions email Peggy Morton at

Fall 2021 Congregational Meeting

Fall 2021
Congregational Meeting

December 19, 2021 • 1:30 p.m. • Sanctuary & Zoom 

On December 19, 2021 at 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in First UU Austin’s Sanctuary and on Zoom, we will hold our Fall Congregational Meeting. Zoom link is: password: 512452

At the Congregational Meeting, we will walk through the  agenda and materials, found here, and take any appropriate votes.

The church bylaws specify the following regarding voting eligibility: “Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

Thus to be eligible to vote, you must have made a documented contribution between December 19, 2020, and November 19, 2021. Any questions about voter eligibility, if you feel you should be listed but aren’t, et cetera, please contact Rev. Chris Jimmerson, Minister for Program Development,

You may attend either in person in the Sanctuary at 4700 Grover Avenue or by Zoom. In-person attendees are required to wear a mask at all times when inside the building.

Zoom Link:
Passcode: 512452