March 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in Room 13

In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Eric Stimmel, Vice-President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio); Margaret Borden; Derek Howard; Aaron Osmer, Youth Trustee; Brendan Sterne; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister (Ex-Officio); Sean Hale, Executive Director (Ex-Officio)

Staff Present: Brent Baldwin, Director of Music

Visitors Present: Kathleen Ellis, Stephanie (Canada) Gill, Kae McLaughlin, Jeanette Swenson, Daesene Willman

Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

The Trustees present adopted the agenda (Appendix A, page 2).

Motion: Brendan Sterne– Adopt the agenda.

Second: Michael West

Discussion: None

Vote: All affirmative

Reading and Lighting of the Chalice

The trustees read the board covenant (Appendix A, Page 1) in unison and the President lit the high-tech chalice.

Visitor’s Forum

Daesene Willman thanked the trustees for being servant leaders and for supporting freeze nights.

Stephanie (Canada) Gill presented the YEW GROVE Pagan Interfaith brochure (Appendix B) and announced the Ostara Ritual & Potluck on March 21 at 2 p.m. She also announced the Grand Re-Opening of the library that will include a book sale and potluck on Saturday, April 17. Book donations will be accepted from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the sale will begin at 11 a.m. and go until 2 p.m.

Consent Agenda Items

The trustees had read the consent agenda items prior to the meeting. The President explained that the board would begin following a new procedure for the consent agenda to begin practicing some of the governance procedures from the recent board training on governance and to leave more time on meeting agendas to hold intentional discussion and exercises regarding governance. She noted that:

  • Consent agenda reports will be due to the secretary by noon on the Friday 11 days before the board meeting (one week earlier than they have been due)
  • Trustees will read the reports and direct any questions for clarification to the authors of the reports. Any policy issues brought up by the reports should be communicated to the President and the Secretary.
  • At the actual meeting, the consent agenda items will be adopted but not discussed.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – adopt the consent agenda items.

Second: Brendan Sterne

Discussion: A trustee asked that if a policy issue were raised by a report in the consent agenda whether it would be put on the discussion and action section of the agenda that month. The President replied that it would depend upon the urgency of the issue.

Vote: All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Nominations Committee: Jeanette Swenson from the Nominations Committee presented the slate for trustees being nominated for the next board year, as well as the Nominating Committee’s suggestion for board appointees of committee chairs (Appendix C). She noted that the Nominations Committee had taken an expanded role this year by conducting leadership training. This seemed to lead to more candidates and those candidates being more prepared and enthusiastic. There were more candidates than positions available. She urged the continuation of leadership development and noted that the openness of the nominating process had also helped.

The Trustees discussed the process for the appointment of the Youth Trustee. The current Youth Trustee noted that no choice had been made yet and that the Youth Trustee process is separate and occurs in September.

Treasurer: The President informed the Trustees that she had accepted the resignation of Luther Elmore as Treasurer due to personal reasons. She thanked him for his amazing work as Treasurer, as did the other trustees. She noted that Kae McLaughlin, Treasurer nominee for the next board year, had agreed to serve as Treasurer for the remainder of the current board year should the board appoint her.

Motion: Brendan Sterne – Appoint Kae McLaughlin as Treasurer for the remainder of the current board year

Second: Chris Jimmerson

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Review of New Financial Statements Format (Appendix A, Page 18): The Executive Director (ED) gave an overview of the financial statements in their new format, noting that the summary page provides key information at the top, followed by more detailed notes for those who prefer them. He gave an overview of the balance sheet and the Profit and Loss Budget Versus Actual Summary, noting that the workbook sent to Trustees also contains a sheet with more details for those who want them.

A Trustee noted a concern about plate collections being lower than anticipated and referenced an article that addressed “skimming” of collections within churches. The ED expressed that pledge collections were higher than anticipated and that more church members may be marking their plate donations as going toward their pledges. He also noted that there is always more than one person involved in accounting for plate collections. Luther Elmore also noted that collections for non-profits are separate now rather than split from one collection and that this has worked well but would keep the non-profit out of the church collection numbers as it had been in prior years.

A Trustee asked about whom to address any question about the Financial Statements. The ED responded that such questions should begin with him.

Discussion with Kathleen Ellis, District Ministerial Settlement Representative: The President welcomed Reverend Ellis, who summarized and highlighted information in materials she had brought regarding the settled minister search process (Appendix D). She highlighted the following from the materials:

  • The MSR Report Form I will be due soon from the President.
  • Begin thinking now about the salary and housing package for the next minister.
  • Begin assembling search committee and let them know it can be upwards of 400 hours of work each.
  • Appoint a negotiating team: 1 search committee member, one board member, and 1 church elder. They should create a draft letter of agreement or contract.
  • Establish a budget for the search committee.
  • The search committee will need to plan a retreat, usually a Friday evening and a Saturday.
  • Establish a budget for the Installation Ceremony for the new minister.
  • Establish criteria for search committee members (examples on pages 5 and 6 of materials).
  • The draft agreement must be sent to the transitions office before interviewing can begin. Due October 31 with candidate records seen in November.
  • Create a congregational profile and what it wants in a minister. Be honest in profile.
  • Search committee will need to be web savvy.

Michael West, charged with assembling the search committee, sought advice from his fellow trustees on making the selection process as transparent as possible. He suggested several methods for inviting applications including an article in the church newsletter, several weeks of announcements and putting the invitation into the Special Notes. He noted that due to timing issues, doing some of these could delay the selection process.

Reverend Ellis noted that the search committee could be assembled as late as May.

The consensus of the trustees was to utilize all of these methods and to have a relatively short deadline for applications once the various announcements have been completed.

Dates, Times and Locations for 2010 Board Retreat and Values/Mission/Ends Retreat: The Vice-President asked the trustees to mark their calendars for May 22 for a retreat at U Bar U and to plan to arrive by 11 a.m. and stay overnight. The costs will be $30 each, which includes meals and housing.

The Secretary asked the trustees to mark their calendars for the values/mission/ends session on June 12, 2010 from 9 am to 4 pm in Austin, location to be announced.

Executive Session: The Trustees entered into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter and those who were not trustees left the room.

Governance Discussion:

Nested Bowls – The Secretary reviewed the nested bowls diagram (page 33 of Appendix A) from the policy-based governance training materials wherein values represent the largest part of our chalice, containing within them the mission, which contains within it the ends statements. He noted that flame of the chalice represents linkage with those we as trustees represent. Good board governance lies within these areas, and policy-based governance would result in four kinds of board policies:

  • Ends
  • Executive Limitations
  • Relationship with the Executive
  • Board Processes

These polices will start at the broadest level and work toward the more specific until the board feels comfortable that the Executive could make any reasonable further interpretation of them. The Executive will make any policies beyond that point. To make time for examining governance during board meetings, the board will need to begin delegating policies that are clearly not within the four above, setting any limitations as needed.

Policy Governance the What and Why – Brendan Sterne facilitated a brainstorming session on why we are considering policy-based governance and what it entails both to help trustees clarify the concepts for themselves and to serve as way to begin educating others about it. The trustees brainstormed the following:

Policy Governance, Why?


– Clarify accountability, authority and responsibility

– Staff empowered to do their work

– Board focus on the mission

– We are a growing congregation

– Full board meets 3 hours per month; Executives work 40 hrs+ per month

Policy Governance, What?


– Board creates policies

– Board sets limits

– Board focuses on Vision / Strategy, not administrative details

– Board monitors Executives

– Board deals with policies, *not* individual cases

Policy Agenda Exercise – The Vice-President facilitated a discussion of what items on an earlier board agenda (page 35 of Appendix A) might be delegated to the Executive and which not. The trustees were in consensus that the agenda items involving personal days, pay periods and the rental policy could be delegated. There was some question regarding a proposal for a memorial and how exactly the consent agenda would be handled (would it need to be adopted at all?). The trustees will seek clarification on these from the consultant for moving toward policy-based governance. An agenda item regarding an internal audit committee might be a part of monitoring under policy-based governance.

Linkage – The Secretary facilitated a discussion of how the board could conduct linkage (definition on page 36 of Appendix A) with its moral ownership (definition also on page 36). He noted that the board is clearly accountable to the church members but that at a later time the trustees will discuss that the moral ownership might be even larger. The trustees discussed the following ways to let the congregation know about linkage opportunities and to provide such opportunities:

– “Bridge to our Future” / AI Process

– Senior Lunch

– Board member announce, “Available to chat after service”

– Broadcast emails from individuals

– Holiday events

– Get linkage ideas from the congregation (ask them!)

– Newsletter item announcing new board

– Use specific subject lines in emails

– Phone calls by trustees — gather input

– Phone calls on member’s anniversary of membership

– Board members host house parties

Kitchen Remodel: Michael West stated that a member of the congregation had approached him who might consider providing up to $50,000 in matching funds (not currently budgeted by the church) for a kitchen renovation. He asked if a kitchen had been included in the plans for a potential new RE wing in the future. The trustees recalled that the plans did not include a full kitchen but advised checking with the building committee.

The trustees expressed enthusiasm over the possibility of such an offer and a renovation of the kitchen.

With no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Jimmerson


Appendix A

Note: Appendices B, C and D will be scanned and made available here shortly.

February 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in Room 13

In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Eric Stimmel, Vice-President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio); Margaret Borden; Derek Howard; Jeff Hutchens; Brendan Sterne; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister (Ex-Officio); Sean Hale, Executive Director (Ex-Officio);

Visitors Present: Phil Hastings, Dale Bulla, Pat Bulla

Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

The Trustees present adopted the agenda (Appendix A).

Motion: Luther Elmore – Adopt the agenda.

Second: Michael West

Discussion: None

Vote: All affirmative

Reading and Lighting of the Chalice

The Interim Minister read the opening words and the President lit the chalice. The President noted that, based upon conversations she had experienced with a board member from another church, our church is often willing to take on challenges that many might shy away from.

Visitor’s Forum

There were no visitors present when the board reached the agenda item for visitors, so the trustees began the consent agenda items discussion outlined below; however, when visitors arrived, the trustees returned to the following presentations.

Dale Bulla presented data on the church electricity bill (Appendix B) that demonstrated that despite the record heat in the summer of 2009, the solar panels appear to have reduced electrical usage and costs compared to previous years. He discussed the rates that the church pays for electricity, depending upon the amount of electricity used. He noted that our current contract expires in 2011 and we will need to establish a new one to avoid a substantial increase in rates.

Phil Hastings noted some suggestions regarding Sunday services and agreed to meet with the Interim Minister to talk over the ideas. He thanked the minister for wonderful services.

The Trustees thanked Dale and Phil for their presentations.

Consent Agenda Items

Minutes from Prior Meetings:  The trustees had reviewed the minutes from the December 2009 and January 2010 meetings (Appendix C) and had no additions or corrections.

New Members and Resignations:  The following new members had joined since the last meeting: Gail Sutherland, Susan Mestier, Jynne Rivera, Joy Nelson, Bart Farar. No members had resigned.

Reports:  The Trustees had reviewed the consent agenda items prior to the meeting.  These included:

Interim Minister (Appendix D)

Executive Director: Sean Hale (Appendix E)

Director of Religious Education: Lara Douglass (Appendix F)

Director of Music Programs: Brent Baldwin (Appendix G)

Treasurer: Luther Elmore (Appendix H)

The Interim Minister noted that the Meet and Eat that was occurring the next evening would be to welcome new members. She also reported that Gini Courter, Chief Governance Officer and UUA Moderator, would be visiting the church on Wednesday March 10 and that the church would have a special Meet and Eat that evening at which Ms. Courter would be speaking. The trustees noted that the visit from Stephan Jonasson, Director for Large Congregations for the UUA, had been extremely informative and helpful.

The Treasurer and Executive Director agreed to work together to determine how many network stations are needed for the accounting software and therefore how many licenses need to be paid.

The Treasurer noted the information contained in the fund balances handout (last page of Appendix H) and discussed the difficulty and confusion that had resulted from the difficulties created by wording in the Financial Assets Management Policy (FAMP) and provisions of the FAMP that do not meet current best practices. This has led to various funds owing other funds and special notations needed to track “due to and due from” among these funds. The Treasurer and Executive Director are working to correct some of this moving forward.

Motion: Michael West – accept the Consent Agenda Item Reports.

Second: Derek Howard

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Reminders on Upcoming Activity Dates and Circulation of Board Calendar: The Secretary reminded the trustees of the upcoming training session on Policy Governance on February 26 and 27 as well as several other important functions over the next two months. He circulated the board calendar for signing up to read the special notes during services and great visitors and members before and after services. He noted that all of the upcoming dates of note were listed on this calendar and available at

Interim Minister Search Process:  Michael West reviewed the process for the next Interim Minister search process, which will be very much like the previous year’s search, though the work to be completed in the second transition year will be different and will be focused on “turning” – largely working towards furthering the great progress we have made so far and implementing much of what we are just beginning now. The trustees discussed the following key issues:

  • The search committee will need to be established and begin work by the next board meeting so please suggest candidates to Michael. We will need about 6 members.
  • Persons with some experience with the church community are needed and persons interested in serving on the board might be excellent candidates.
  • The current minister is an important window to the world of ministers.

Settled Minister Search Process: Michael West then presented the process for the settled minister search as outlined in Appendix I. This process will need to begin soon also. He noted some key steps. The trustees discussed the following:

  • We will need to establish a budget for the search committee.
  • The bylaws specify 9 members appointed by the board; however, a process involving congregational input may be desirable and would be possible.
  • Kathleen Ellis, Ministerial Settlement Representative, will give the sermon at the church on March 14 and meet with the board on March 16.
  • The compensation for the settled minister will need to be determined in the next budgeting process.

District Compensation Representative: The President introduced Walter Pearson, District Compensation Representative (DCR). Mr. Pearson explained that DCRs are trained volunteers appointed by the district boards who work on behalf of the church board. He outlined the following services he can provide:

  • Use of a Fair Compensation Questionnaire to establish fair salaries for all church staff.
  • Establishing functioning personnel committees.
  • Assistance with personnel policies and procedures.
  • Assistance with a detailed and specific process on how to structure the minister salary and housing compensation using a set of rules that will allow us to be advantaged in the settled minister search process.

He noted that we would not appear in the best list within the UUA settlement system unless our salary and housing meet minimum standards.

He outlined the following standards:

  • Compensation is based upon salary plus housing.
  • Ministers have to pay both sides of the social security payroll tax for the housing portion of their compensation. Offer additional salary to offset this.
  • Pay ten percent of salary into the pension plan.
  • Budget a professional expenses allowance equal to 10% of salary and housing.
  • Pay individual health insurance premium equal to 80% of the costs for the UUA health insurance plan.
  • Pay for disability insurance (through UUA it is about 1% of salary and housing).

The minimum standard for our church would be an annual salary of $66,500 for salary and $89,865 for the salary and housing total compensation. Mid-point for our church would be $87,900 salary and $117,560 for total salary and housing compensation. The highest total compensation in our category would be $145,000.

He noted to be mindful of what is on the church webpage, as some potential ministers will begin by looking at it soon.

The trustees asked several questions. Those questions (Q) and Mr. Pearson’s answers (A) to them are outlined below:

Q:            Should we post a specific salary and housing amount or post a range?

A:            Post the salary and housing you can offer, not a range

Q:            Can you also help with the process of establishing the Interim Ministry compensation?

A:            Yes.

Q:            How is it to our advantage to post one level of compensation that is pre-decided rather than post a range and then base actual compensation on the experience skills, etc. of the person actually hired?

A:            You want the decision to call a minister to be based upon a relationship you build and you do not want to begin that relationship based on conversations about money. I can assist you with establishing what compensation amount will be expected based upon what you are looking for in the minister.

Q.            What would be the negative consequence of posting a range?

A.            You put an element into the negotiations that is not to your advantage. Most ministers will negotiate how compensation is divided and other issues, not the total amount. Why put questions into the relationship from the start? Take money off the table.

Q.            What is the distribution of minister compensation for churches similar to ours?

A.            They tend to be clustered around the midpoint with none at the highest level and a few between the minimum and the midpoint.

Q.            How are the compensation guidelines established?

A.            The UUA looks at your geographic region and factors related to it. For instance, housing costs are high in Austin. They also look at compensation for ministers of similar size churches, as well as similar positions in non-profits and such in the region.

Mr. Pearson noted that a lot of good information related to this is available on the UUA website.

The President thanked Mr. Pearson for attending and providing such good information.

New Financial Reports: The Executive Director suggested delaying this discussion until the next meeting when there would be more time to dedicate to it.

Reserve Calculations: The Treasurer provided more detail on the calculations used to determine the amount transferred into the Memorial Savings fund, noting several sections of the FAMP that had lead to confusion. The Treasurer highlighted a provision of the FAMP that requires that the balance of the operating checking account be held to between one quarter to three quarters of average monthly expenditures. The secretary stated that this does not match current best practices for non-profits that generally call for from 4 to 6 months of operating liquidity. The Treasurer stated that he believed that there were still enough in funds that could be accessed in an emergency to be ample.

Interim Ministry Appraisal Recap: The Secretary and Interim Minister reported that they had met and compared their notes from the in person appraisal meeting and found that they were very much in agreement. The UUA system requires that both a representative from the church enter the appraisal information into online system and that the Interim Minister do so also. The Secretary stated that entering the information made him more fully aware of how much progress the church has made. He noted that the UUA sent an acknowledgment stating that it appeared that great things are happening at our church.

The Interim Minister noted that she had not been able to share all of hers thoughts on the various questions during the in person appraisal meeting but that she would put them into a Word document and send them out. She reminded the group that we will do another appraisal in June.

Rental Contract Exception Requests: The President outlined an issue that had come up with new rental contracts wherein several of the 12 steps groups that meet at the church would be paying a much higher rate per meeting than they had been even with non-profit and other discounts factored in (see Appendix J). The Trustees discussed the following issues:

  • There are a range of types of non-profits that rent at the church. The 12 steps programs are self-supported by their members.
  • This may be a ministry decision rather than a policy issue.
  • Many other churches in the area provide meeting space for these groups but we do not know what they charge them for the space or if they do charge them.
  • Some of the smaller groups might be forced to leave, as they might not be able to afford the new rates.
  • Space is tight in the church and some of these groups meet during some of the busiest times.
  • It might be possible, if we offer a discounted rate to steer them toward meeting in less high usage time periods.
  • Most of the groups have not specifically said that the increased rate would be a hardship but two have asked for the lower rate. Overeaters Anonymous did say it would be a hardship.
  • There is competition for space. Equity between these groups and other non-profits may be a policy issue.
  • There is an expectation in recovery groups of taking responsibility. Would offering them a lower rate than everyone else be denying that responsibility?

A trustee called for a vote on the first issue, which was whether the board should offer an additional discount rate beyond what is already in the rental contract for non-profits.

Vote: 4 affirmative, 3 Negative, 1 abstain (Laura Wood)

The Trustees then discussed how such an additional discount should be implemented. The trustees discussed how many such exceptions should be made and how much of a discount might be offered.

Motion: Brendan Sterne — The First UU board of trustees hereby authorizes the Executive Team to negotiate and grant special rental rates above and beyond the standard discounts as described in the FUUCA rental policy, up to a 75% total discount.  They may extend the special rates to 12 step groups and other non-profit groups based on hardship or their alignment with the First UU mission, vision, and values

Second: Michael West

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: Affirmative – 7, Negative – 1

Potential Parking Lot Rental: The President informed the trustees that the Executive Committee had authorized Stephan Windsor to negotiate with a restaurant developer who was interested in a long-term parking lease with the church and paving the grassy area of the parking lot. She assured the group that Stephan was aware of all of the potential advantages, disadvantages and issues involved. A real estate attorney would be consulted if the negotiations were to reach a point where a draft contract was developed.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – extend the meeting for 15 minutes.

Second: Jeff Hutchens

Discussion: None

Vote: Affirmative – 6, Abstain – 2 (Laura Wood and Derek Howard)

Executive Session: The President called the meeting into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter.

Following the Executive Session and with no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Jimmerson


Appendices (Supporting Documents)

Governance Resources Page

First UU Austin is in the process of an intentional examination of our governance with the help of Joe Sullivan of Unity Consulting and through the lens of policy-based governance. This page contains resources for that process and will be updated as often as possible.

All good governance starts with Values, Mission and Ends.

Frequently Asked Questions about Policy-Based Governance at FUUCA.

Read about our Philosophy of Governance at FUUCA.

Message from the Board President on Committee Structure and Communications within the Church.

An overview of our board plan for communicating intentionally on mission and ends with the congregation (linkage plan.

First year linkage plan

Documents from the Sept. 26, 2010 Session on Policy Based Governance with the Church and All Council:

Documents from June 12 Board Session to Discern Values, Mission and Ends:

Bridge to Our Future Files:

Other Files:

Links to outside resources:

  • UU University Governance Track Page
  • Unity Consulting
  • Unity Consulting Materials on Governance Principles and Monitoring and Assessment
  • John Carver, Ph.D. John Carver’s Policy Governance® model.
  • List that contains a wealth of materials on policy‐based governance UUs have found useful.
  • Who owns your congregation? — A congregation’s owner isn’t its board, minister, or members; it is its mission. By Dan Hotchkiss From UU World
  • Articles from the UUA
  • Ideas Gathered from the UUA Governance List

Policy Governance email list:  A UUA email list dedicated to the discussion of the Policy Governance model of board governance in UU congregations, its implementation, variations, and challenges. This list is for anyone including ordained ministers, lay leaders, and members of all sizes and shapes of UU congregations with an interest in Policy Governance. List co‐managers are Gretchen Dorn, and Marge Keip, .

To SUBSCRIBE to this list, send the following command in the first line of the message to  (you can leave the subject line blank, as listproc will ignore it):

subscribe PolicyGovernance‐L YourFirstName YourLastName

February 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting Summary

Summary of 2/16/2010 Board Meeting

The agenda for February’s board meeting was jammed and we wore ourselves out! Here is a light summary of the things we covered – please remember that these are not meant to be a substitute for the actual minutes of the meeting which are being compiled by our secretary!

  • We recognized five new members, and had no resignations
  • We approved the minutes for both the December and January meetings.
  • Dale Bulla presented a brief analysis of our electric usage and savings since the installation of the solar panels – so far a savings of some $1,500!
  • Michael West gave us an overview of the search process and timeline for calling our next interim minister, followed by the timeline for our settled minister search process. We will be appointing an interim search committee this month!
  • We welcomed Walter Pearson, the UUA Ministerial Compensation Consultant for the SW District. Walter explained his role in helping our church in the search for our next settled minister and gave us some excellent insights into the process.
  • Our treasurer Luther Elmore gave us an update on how the Finance Committee has chosen to calculate our reserves. While they remain a bit wonky, the good news is that we still have financial reserves!
  • The board authorized the Executive Team (the minister & executive director) to make exceptions to our rental rates for non-profit groups for whom our regular rates would be prove a hardship. More specifically, the team will be able to adjust the rates for several 12-step groups that meet at our church.
  • Nell Newton and Sean Hale discussed a proposal from a developer who is interested in using part of our land for restaurant valet parking. We have given Stephan Windsor authority to negotiate on our behalf. Will anything come of it? Who knows? But we’ll be looking at the details of the proposal very carefully.

January 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in Room 13

In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio); Margaret Borden; Derek Howard; Jeff Hutchens; Aaron Osmer, Youth Trustee; Brendan Sterne; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister (Ex-Officio); Sean Hale, Executive Director (Ex-Officio);

Staff:  Brent Baldwin, Director of Music; Lara Douglass, Director of RE

Visitors Present: Jim Burson, Transition Team; John Keohane, Chair for Denominational Affairs; Sharon Moore, Transition Team; Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis, Co-Chair for Social Action

Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

The Trustees present adopted the agenda (Appendix A, 1 [numbers refer to page number where appendices may be found in attached supporting document]) after noting that there was no consent agenda report for the Bridge Builders Action Plan Update separate from the Bridge Builders Action Team Report.

Motion: Michael West – Adopt the agenda.

Second: Aaron Osmer

Discussion: None

Vote: All affirmative

Reading and Lighting of the Chalice

The Interim Minister read the opening words and the President lit the chalice.

Visitor’s Forum

The President welcomed the visitors listed above. John Keohane presented information to the Board of Trustees on a letter he had written to the Austin American Statesman (Appendix I, 45) and on the Great Moments in UU History Classes (Appendix J, 46) he had been presenting at the church and would repeat again in March. The President thanked him for his outstanding efforts.

Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis presented a recommendation from the Social Action Forum that had occurred on the previous Sunday. The recommendation would establish a monthly special offering (an extra passing of the plate) to benefit non-profit organizations nominated and elected by the congregation (see Appendix K, 47). This would be for 2010 only as a substitute for split the plate.

The Trustees and Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis discussed the following:

  • There would be eleven recipients chosen with the first special offering beginning in February.
  • If something similar to the Haiti earthquake were to occur again that was an emergency and urgent, there would be two special offerings in the month it occurred – one for the chosen non-profit and the other regarding the emergency need.
  • Recipients will be selected through an appeal for nominations from the congregation and then a congregational vote, probably at a Social Action table in the Gallery during Sunday services. It is likely that organizations with long-term associations with the church will be selected through this kind of process.
  • A Trustee suggested linking the recipient’s work when possible to what is being discussed during sermons.
  • The Treasurer reported that the collection for Haiti on the prior Sunday had collected $4,000. He suggested moving the special collection for the UUA to February so there would not be a special collection two Sundays in a row.
  • This idea will allow the selected non-profits to spend a greater time educating the church about themselves and may lead to greater connections with the church.
  • It will be important to report back to the congregation on how much they gave for such special collections.
  • It will be important to ask church members to make their checks for these special collections to the church so that the church can account for them and pass through the giving to the non-profit.

Motion: Luther Elmore – Approve this recommendation from the Social Action Committee

Second: Chris Jimmerson

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: All Affirmative

Consent Agenda Items

Minutes from the Prior Meeting: The secretary had sent a draft of the minutes from December out by email but had accidentally left them out of the final packet of materials for this meeting. The Trustees agreed to review them at the next meeting.

New Members and Resignations: The following new members had joined since the last meeting: Anna Dossett, James Dossett and Geoffrey Lorenz. The following members had resigned: Anna Fruge, Javier Cantu, Melita Cantu and Al Rogers.

Reports:  The Trustees had reviewed the consent agenda items prior to the meeting.  These included:

Executive Director: Sean Hale (Appendix B, 2)

Director of Religious Education: Lara Douglass (Appendix C, 7)

Director of Music Programs: Brent Baldwin (Appendix D, 11)

Treasurer: Luther Elmore (Appendix F, 25)

BB A-team Report: Chris Jimmerson/Brendan Sterne (Appendix E, 12)

The Treasurer noted that the 2009 financials were still being adjusted and should not be considered final. He also explained some changes to investments to earn higher interest yet maintain liquidity.

Motion: Derek Howard – accept the Consent Agenda Item Reports with the exception that minutes from the last meeting will be reviewed at the February meeting.

Second: Michael West

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Church Security: The President presented some work that had been done regarding security in the light of some incidents in the church where persons were either verbally abusive and/or disruptive or had engaged in physically threatening behavior. We will ask such persons to leave the premises and not return to them. If they do, we will call 911 and ask that the Austin Police Department remove them from the property. The President has also discussed this with freeze night volunteers and the Sunday Morning Services Team.

The Trustees discussed the following:

  • We should adopt a zero tolerance policy for even the threat of physical assault wherein we call the police immediately.
  • Trustees were concerned about vulnerability of church space with so many open entrances. The church is working toward an eventual configuration where except during Sunday services access to the building will be through only one entrance.
  • There is a need to inform all of leadership about this and to develop ways that such incidences can be handled when no one in leadership is present.

Church-Wide Covenant Process and Stephan Jonasson Visit: The Interim Minister reminded the Trustees of Dr. Jonasson’s upcoming visit. Dr. Jonasson is the Director for Large Congregations at the UUA. He will be meeting with the board for dinner on January 22, conducting a workshop from 9 am to 3 pm on January 23 on preparing ourselves to call a settled minister and offering a sermon on Covenants on January 24. After this sermon, the Transition Team will begin facilitating small group sessions to gather information toward developing a church-wide covenant of right relationship.

The Interim Minister also announced that Gini Courter, Chief Governance Officer and UUA Moderator, will be visiting the church the week of March 10th. She will send specific details as they are known.

Report from San Antonio Meeting with UUA Board: The President reported that the meeting had been very informative and that persons from across the UUA had expressed their support for our church and our effort during our transition period. The UUA Board had expressly invited church leaders to this meeting so that they could engage with them to learn of their desires for the denomination (a process known as linkage) as the UUA Board begins adopting Policy Governance.

Board Covenant: The Interim Minister and President presented the Board Covenant, slightly revised after the discussion at the prior meeting (Appendix G, 40).

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – Adopt the Board Covenant

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Overview of New Financial Reporting: The Executive Director (ED) presented a draft version of new financial statements (Appendix H, 41) based upon a new chart of accounts for 2010 that simplifies expense categories and includes numbers as well as names for the chart of accounts. The ED gave an overview of the financial reports that will be possible in 2010 which both simplify the information given to the board but also make “macro-level” understanding of them much easier. Anyone wishing the underlying detail will still be able to request it.

The Trustees complemented the ED on how much of an improvement the new statements will be.

The President welcomed the members of the Transition Team who would be joining the Board of Trustees and the Interim Minister after a break for a separate meeting to evaluate the Interim Ministry.

With no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Jimmerson


Appendices (Supporting Documents)

December 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in Room 13

In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Eric Stimmel, Vice-President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio); Margaret Borden; Jeff Hutchens; Brendan Sterne; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister (Ex-Officio); Sean Hale, Executive Director (Ex-Officio);

Staff:  Brent Baldwin, Director of Music

Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

The Trustees present adopted the agenda (Appendix A, 1 [numbers refer to page number where appendices may be found in attached supporting document]).

Reading and Lighting of the Chalice

The Interim Minister read the opening words and the President lit the chalice.

Visitor’s Forum

There were no visitors present.

Consent Agenda Items

Minutes from the Prior Meeting: The Trustees had reviewed the minutes from the November 2009 meeting prior to this meeting (Appendix B, 12) and noted one grammar change changing the word “effect” to “affect”.

New Members and Resignations: The Secretary reported that the following had become new members since the last meeting: Gregg Welch; H.I. “Sam” Long; Deidre Autry Madres; Troy Madres; Leona Perez

The Secretary reported that Susan Lowrance had resigned since the last meeting because she had moved.

Reports: The Trustees had reviewed the consent agenda items prior to the meeting.  These included:

Interim Minister: Janet Newman (Appendix C, 9)

Executive Director: Sean Hale (Appendix D, 11)

Director of Religious Education: Lara Douglass (Appendix E, 15)

Director of Music Programs: Brent Baldwin (Appendix F, 20)

Treasurer: Luther Elmore (Appendix G, 22 – includes Finance Committee Reports)

BB A-team Report: Chris Jimmerson/Brendan Sterne (Appendix H, 51)

The Bridge Builders Action team gave an overview of upcoming events including a training on Policy Governance on February 26th and 27th of 2010 and a training in March for board members and facilitators on how to do the purpose and values sessions in the church. The team will poll the board soon on a date for the purpose and values sessions training.

These trainings should be very informative, exciting and motivating and the training for the purpose and values session will be the boards’ chance to participate in establishing the information we will use to develop values, mission and ends (vision) statements. The sessions with church members will begin in April and run through early May and will provide a great opportunity to listen directly to church members’ dreams and aspirations for the church. A Trustee advised the team to avoid Spring Break when scheduling these items.

The Interim Minister reported that she and the transition team would begin working with the congregation soon on developing a Covenant of Right Relationship. Stefan Jonasson, Director for Large Congregations with the UUA, will be coming to the church to assist and will have dinner with the board on January 22, 2010 followed by working with the congregation on January 23, possibly on the topic of “What a church need to accomplish before ready to call a settled minister”.

The Treasurer noted that the current membership count for the church was 567. The Secretary noted that Paradox Players would still be making one final contribution before the end of the year of the proceeds from their final production of the season.

Motion: Luther Elmore – accept the Consent Agenda Item Reports with the noted change to the minutes of the last meeting.

Second: Michael West

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Committee on Ministries (CoM) Proposal: The Chairperson of the CoM, which had been on hiatus, brought forward a proposal to disband the CoM. This committee is not normally maintained during the interim ministry period, and churches practicing policy governance also do not use a CoM. Stefan Jonasson had made this same recommendation for our church in the past. The CoM can end up serving as a “triangulation point” between the minister and the board. As we move forward, we will need to re-envision how the role formerly played by the committee will be fulfilled.

The Trustees discussed the following:

  • Church members are likely to ask whether this committee will be revived. Under policy governance it will likely not be.
  • The history of the CoM has been that the role it played varied greatly from year to year, and some church members have been frustrated that when they bought concerns about the minister to the CoM, the CoM did not have full authority to address such concerns.
  • A Trustee asked if perhaps this could wait until the church fully adopted policy governance since the committee was on hiatus anyway; however the Chair of the CoM believed it was cleaner to go ahead and act now.

Motion: Michael West – move that the Committee on Ministries at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin be disbanded and that all reference to the Committee and its roles and responsibilities be struck from the church’s Policies and Procedures

Second: Chris Jimmerson

Discussion: A Trustee asked where under policy governance concerns about the minister might be brought. Another Trustee noted that policy governance grants both greater authority and accountability to the minister and because of this, monitoring of the minister’s performance falls to the board. The bylaws mention the CoM; however, this is only in reference to how its members are appointed and may be changed later.

Vote: Affirmative – 7, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1 (Margaret Borden)

Nominating Committee Policy and Procedure Update: The Trustees reviewed a change to this policy and procedure that had been recommended by the Nominating Committee (Appendix I, 54). This change outlined new duties regarding leadership development charged to the committee and made the Policy and Procedure match the bylaws as regards this committee. A Trustee recommended removing a reference to the Bridge builders Report and replacing that reference with “In addition”

Motion: Brendan Sterne – approve the update with the change to remove the reference to the Bridge Builders Report made

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: All affirmative

Congregational Meeting Review: The trustees discussed that the meeting had gone professionally and that people came to the meeting well prepared. The Pre-Congregational Meeting had helped with this. The congregation members who had attended seemed to have supported the idea of a Covenant of Right Relationship. The Trustees discussed the need to establish a Parliamentarian position.

Interim Minister Evaluation Process: The Interim Minister presented a description of the process and the theory behind it and presented the evaluation form (Appendix K, 57) that the UUA provides. She stressed that the form is intended to be a memory “jogger” for an honest exchange between the minister and board to be held in person. This session normally take about an hour but can go as long as two hours.

The Trustees and the Interim Minister established Sunday, January 17 at 1 p.m. at the church as the time and place for the evaluation. The Secretary volunteered to send out electronic versions of the form and description of the process prior to this date.

Audit Request: The Treasurer noted that the board needed to formally request that the internal audit committee audit payroll, as this is this is this most critical area of our accounting and the place where the most corrections have been noted in the past. The board would ask the committee for a proposal on the parameters of the audit and would work with staff to ensure such parameters do not create an unachievable burden for staff. The Chair of this committee must appoint its remaining members as soon as possible so that the audit can occur in a timely manner.

The President will contact the Chair of the committee and ask that the names of the other committee members and a proposal for a payroll audit be submitted by the next board meeting.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – Charge the Internal Audit Committee with doing an audit of payroll

Second: Jeff Hutchens

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: All Affirmative.

Board Covenant: The Trustees had reviewed a draft of the covenant (Appendix J, 56) that had been prepared by the Interim Minister and the President based upon the discussion of it at the last board meeting. The Trustees discussed several ways of streamlining and editing the document while noting that there is a need to balance conciseness with making expectations explicit. The Trustees also discussed potential ways to better define some of the issues contained in the covenant, as well as some ways of rearranging the order in which the issues are presented. The President made specific notes of the discussion and the agreements that were reached among the Trustees. She and the Interim Minister will bring a revised version to the next meeting for review and approval

With no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Jimmerson


Appendices (Supporting Documents)

December 2009 and January 2010 BoT Meeting Summaries

The following are summaries of the above meetings. The minutes will be posted as soon as they are approved (there was a delay in reviewing the December 2009 minutes)

January 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting Summary

After the heavy-lifting of the December budget process, January’s meeting was fairly light. Here is a light summary of the things we covered – please remember that these are not meant to be a substitute for the actual minutes of the meeting which are being compiled by our secretary!

  • We recognized three new members, and four resignations.
  • The December meeting minutes were accidently omitted from our report packets, so we agreed to wait until February to approve them.
  • We approved a recommendation from the Social Action Committee that will add one extra plate collection each month to benefit local non-profits. Look for details soon!
  • We reviewed the reports from our Executive Director, our DRE, the Music Director, the treasurer, and the Bridge Builders team.
  • Nell Newton and Sean Hale discussed recent steps taken to improve church security.
  • Nell Newton and Margaret Borden gave a brief report on meeting the UUA Board of Trustees at a special meeting in San Antonio.
  • The board adopted our new covenant, based upon work done in November and December. It’s cool!
  • Sean Hale gave us an overview of what our financial reports will look like using a new accounting software system. They will be MUCH easier to read!

We then adjourned the meeting, had a good snack, and fifteen minutes later convened an entirely new meeting dedicated to evaluating our interim ministry. The second meeting included members from the Transition Team and our Interim Minister Janet Newman. We followed a set of questions provided by the UUA Office of Transitions, which oversees the Interim Ministry Program. The 15 questions were thought-provoking and generated a good deal of discussion about the progress of our church during Janet’s ministry. In general, we agreed that we are well on track and that Janet has been a capable leader during this transition time.

We wrapped up our evaluation work and then discussed our second year of interim ministry. Janet recommended that we seek another minister to help us with the special work of the second year. While this news was a bit sad to hear, it does reflect the excellent progress we’ve made, and we will soon assemble a search committee to find our next interim.

December 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting Summary

  • We accepted several encouraging reports including great progress on planning for activities to develop a Church Covenant of Right Relationship and to pursue some of the objectives established in the Bridge Builders Action Plan. Other discussion and action:
  • We recognized five new members. No members had resigned in the prior month.
  • We approved a recommendation from the Chair of the Committee on Ministries that the committee be disbanded. The UUA recommends this for larger churches and it is in keeping with our move toward policy governance.
  • We approved a change to policy containing the description of the Nominating Committee that the Nominating Committee had recommended.
  • We discussed the process for the upcoming evaluation of the Interim Ministry.
  • We requested that the Internal Audit Committee begin an audit of payroll.
  • We continued our work on establishing our covenant among Trustees.

Guidelines for Requesting an Agenda Item for Board Meetings

The Executive Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:45 at the church to set the agenda for that month’s board meeting. The Board of Trustees meets on the Third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the church, usually in the gallery. You can view a list of church governance meeting dates here:

You can view the online calendar for the Board of Trustees here (may take awhile to load):

Board meetings are open to church members and there is time set aside on each agenda for members to make comments and/or bring items to the attention of the board that do not require extended discussion and/or board action. Such items do not require an additional agenda item.

Committee Chairs or others who have business should first check with the Executive Team (Executive Director or Minister) to see if it is a board-level policy issue or can be resolved more quickly at the staff level. If the issue is one of policy, requiring extended discussion and/or action by the board, please work with the Executive Team to bring the item to the Executive Committee for placement on the board agenda. Please keep in mind that such requests are needed by 5 p.m. on the day before the next regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting.

In the event that an urgent item of business becomes needed after the Executive Committee has set the agenda for that month’s board meeting, contact the Executive Team as soon as possible. Please reserve this option only for items requiring action that cannot wait until the following month.

The Board of Trustees welcome your ideas and participation and invites you to attend our meetings!

November 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in the Gallery

In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Eric Stimmel, Vice-President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio); Margaret Borden; Derek Howard; Jeff Hutchens; Aaron Osmer, Youth Trustee; Brendan Sterne; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister (Ex-Officio); Sean Hale, Executive Director (Ex-Officio);

Staff:  Brent Baldwin, Director of Music, Lara Douglas, Director of Religious Education

Visitors Present: Bill Edwards, Chair of Stewardship Committee

Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

Motion: Luther Elmore – adopt the agenda (Appendix A, 1 [numbers refer to page number where appendices may be found in attached supporting document]).

Second: Brendan Sterne

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Reading and Lighting of the Chalice

The Interim Minister read the opening words and the President lit the chalice.

Visitor’s Forum

There were no visitors other than those scheduled to present for an agenda item later in the meeting.

Consent Agenda Items

Minutes from the Prior Meeting: The Trustees had reviewed the minutes from the October 2009 meeting prior to this meeting (Appendix B, 2).

New Members and Resignations: The Secretary reported that the following had become new members since the last meeting: Suzanne Chambers, Daniel Chambers, Carolyn Lindell, Emily Sorensen, Kim Sorensen, Peg Frederick Frey, Brandon Labash, Kirsten Clay, Veronica Miller, Stephanie Mayoral Armond, Jacob Hodges, Emily Hodges, Jerry Perkins, Alice Morrow Harris, Ruby Edmond, Bonnie Nieves, Jose Nieves and Daniel Lillie.

The Secretary reported that two members had resigned since the last meeting, Mark Skrabacz, who is now in Kerrville, and Jane Laessie, who had written a very nice note wherein she had said that she had come to the realization that she is a Quaker

The Secretary reported that the following members had not made a pledge in the last 18 months and had not responded to a letter the church had sent them requesting that they contact the church if they wished to remain members; thus, they were being considered as having resigned: Moriarty, Thomas; Edwards, Leslie; Reynolds, Claire E.; Quarles, Kim; Quarles, Rob; Bostick, Bruce; Soto, Jo; Bottler, Carolyn; McAfee, Sean; Sosa, Jennifer; Doggett, Lisa; Williams, Don; Garland, Mathew; Robinson, Colleen; Fajkus, Michelle; Couvillion, Marion; Couvillion, Shirley; Garza, Bianca; Kaulfus, Jack; Nada Brahmananda, Swami; Ford, Chris.

Reports: The Trustees had reviewed the consent agenda items prior to the meeting.  These included:

Executive Director: Sean Hale (Appendix C, 9)

Director of Religious Education: Lara Douglass (Appendix D, 12)

Director of Music Programs: Brent Baldwin (Appendix E, 15)

Treasurer: Luther Elmore (Appendix F, 16 – also see Finance Committee Reports Appendix K, 35)

Bridge Builders Action Plan Update: Margaret Borden (Appendix L, 50)

BB A-Team Report: Chris Jimmerson/Brendan Sterne (Appendix G, 29)

A Trustee requested information on what was included in the potential contract from the Bridge Builders Action Team report. The Team reported that there was not yet a contract; however, after screening several candidates, two had submitted excellent proposals in terms of proposed work scope and procedures. Of the two, one was much more cost-effective and seemed best suited to the needs of the church. A Trustee asked why actual pledge collections thus far this year were going so well compared to prior years. The Treasurer commented that the reason was unknown. Several trustees noted that this might be due in part to the efforts of the Executive Director to collect credit card pledges on cards that had expired and such. The Treasurer also commented that the special Spring Campaign had contributed. The Treasurer pointed out that there had been a positive trend in plate collections for September and October.

Motion: Michael West – accept the Consent Agenda Item Reports.

Second: Brendan Sterne

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Stewardship Update: The Chairperson of the Stewardship Committee gave an update, noting that total pledges through November 16, 2009 had been $436,194 (see full report attached as Appendix M, 51). He recommended a resolution (Appendix H, 30) to rescind the July 2010 resolution the board had made to present a balance budget for 2010, as there is a need to build the congregation and future pledges and the budget cuts necessary to achieve a balanced budget might well make building the congregation and future pledges extremely difficult.

2010 Budget Discussion: The Trustees began a discussion of proposed changes to the budget based on recommendations and further discussions that had occurred since the presentation of the draft balanced budget (Appendix N, 52) presented to the members of the congregation at the Pre-Congregational Meeting that had been held on November 8, 2009.

Resolution to Rescind Prior Resolution to Present a Balance Budget for 2010

They began with a discussion of the proposed resolution noted above to rescind the July 2010 balanced budget resolution. The Treasurer noted that the calculations for moving funds to the Memorial Savings Fund would be done at the end of the year and that there would be enough funds held in the Schwab Accounts by the operating fund that a withdrawal from the Memorial Savings Fund to finance any deficit would not be needed.

Motion: Michael West – Approve the proposed resolution amending the second bullet point to state that any shortfall would be financed from the Operating Fund Reserve rather than the Memorial Savings Fund.

Second: Derek Howard

Discussion: A trustee noted that the third bullet point would also have to be changed and that the discussions of the budget to be held later in the meeting might also alter the specifics of the proposed resolution; thus, all that was needed to proceed was a motion to rescind the July 2009 balanced budget resolution.

Michael West withdrew his motion.

Motion: Brendan Sterne – Rescind the July 2009 resolution requiring a balanced budget in 2010.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Potential Changes to Budget Proposal — Income

The Trustees then began a discussion of several changes to the proposed 2010 budget (Appendix O, 57) that had been discussed at and since the Pre-Congregational Meeting, beginning with new revenue projections. Based upon current pledges, the Trustees felt comfortable increasing budgeted pledge revenue from $400,000 to $450,000. Also, based upon current year miscellaneous income, the Trustees also felt comfortable increasing budgeted miscellaneous income for 2010 by $500.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – Increase budgeted pledge income for 2010 by $50,000 and budgeted miscellaneous income for 2010 by $500.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Potential Changes to Budget Proposal – Expenses

Church Closure – The Trustees discussed the proposal to budget for closing the church during the summer of 2010 to achieve approximately $50,000 in expense savings. Given the discussion of this at the Pre-Congregational meeting and the need to rebuild the church, several Trustees felt that this was not realistic or advisable.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – Do not include a proposal to close the church during the summer of 2010 in the budget the Board of Trustees (BoT) recommends to the congregation.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 7, Negative – 2, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Reduce Overall Earnings Package in Next Minister’s Contract by $5,000 – This would in effect treat the next Minister the same as all other church staff, as church contributions to the UUA pension plan for staff had been cut from the 2010 proposed budget.

Motion: Luther Elmore – reduce the compensation package in the next Minister’s contract by $5,000.

Second: Michael West

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Increase the Director of Music’s Salary – this increase would be to balance this salary against the loss in total salary and benefits this employee would receive if the church were to switch to the UUA recommended health benefit, which is to pay 80% of the costs for staff and 50% for their dependents (currently the church pays 100% for staff but 0% for their dependents). The Trustees noted that the decision as regards what benefit policy to enact was now under the authority of the Executive Team; however, the Executive Team did not object to this particular policy change recommendation. The Treasurer noted that he supports the idea of the policy change but thought it should be delayed one year to allow further examination.

Motion: Brendan Sterne – Increase the Director of Music’s salary to offset the increased costs he will incur due to having to pay 20% of the costs of his health insurance.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Restore $12,000 to the Religious Education (RE) Budget – This would restore $10,000 in previous personnel reductions and $2,000 in other expense reductions for RE, leaving $5,000 in proposed cuts that RE would draw from their restricted fund to cover.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – Restore $12,000 in expenses that had been cut from the proposed RE budget.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: Cutting RE would harm future church growth as RE is an area of the church that is currently experiencing large growth.

Vote: Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Restore $20,000 in budget expenses for building repairs and maintenance – in prior discussions, the BoT had thought this was a budgeted line item for emergency building repairs and thus might better be taken from long-range savings; however, this has been an ongoing yearly expense and thus would be more properly considered an ongoing operating expense.

Motion: Derek Howard – Restore $20,000 in building repairs and maintenance expenses to the proposed 2010 budget.

Second: Brendan Sterne

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Increase budgeted utilities for 2010 by $4,000 and increase budgeted gift/donation/contributions by $350 – these were recommendations from the Finance Committee to reflect a more accurate projection of likely utilities expenses and to add line items for gifts to a) partner church of $150, b) UU Service Committee of $100 and c) UU United Nations Office of $100.

Motion: Derek Howard — Increase budgeted utilities in the proposed 2010 budget by $4,000 and increase budgeted gift/donation/contributions by $350.

Second: Brendan Sterne

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative 8, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Split the Plate – The current 2010 budget proposal eliminated split the plate for a cost savings of $15,000. Other options such as restoring one Split the Plate per month (an expense increase of $7,500 to the proposed budget) or restoring it back to twice per month (an expense increase of $15,000 to the proposed budget) had been discussed.

The Trustees discussed the proposal with some Trustees reasoning that 2010 was a difficult financial year requiring the church to concentrate its resources internally in order to rebuild. Other Trustees expressed concern that Split the Plate is an important part of our social action for many in our church and cutting it entirely might distract from rebuilding; thus, restoring at least one per month might be worth the additional deficit amount it would create.

Motion: Luther Elmore – suspend Split the Plate for 2010.

Second: Jeff Hutchens

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 5, Negative – 4, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

The motions as approved above would result in the proposed budget for 2010 containing an approximately $32,050 deficit.

Transfer of $2,400 from the Caring Fund to continue paying a custodial benevolence to Victor Gonzales – this would be a transfer on the balance sheet and would not affect revenue as regards the operating budget.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson — The First UU Board of Trustees approves the use of $2,400 ($200/mo) in payment of custodial benevolence to Victor Gonzalez during the year 2010.

Second: Michael West

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

The Trustees then discussed the need to vote on a motion to present to the congregation a 2010 budget as amended by the above votes.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – Present to the congregation a 2010 recommended budget as amended by the prior approved motions with an approximately $32,050 deficit.

Second: Luther Elmore

Discussion: One Trustee noted that they would vote against the motion based upon concerns over the effect of eliminating Split the Plate on congregational members. Another noted that they would vote against it because they believe that the congregation must have a greater debate over the consequences of running deficit budgets when pledges are not enough to cover expenses.

Vote: Affirmative – 7, Negative – 2, Abstain – 1 (Aaron Osmer)

Congregational Meeting Planning: The Secretary noted that final versions of the following documents would be needed for the December Congregational Meeting:

  • The budget proposal as amended by the prior motions.
  • A document “redlining” the proposed minor changes to the Financial Assets Management Policy (FAMP).
  • A document showing the proposed policy level changes to the FAMP
  • A document showing the proposed changes to the bylaws to match the above changes to the FAMP.
  • A document showing the Membership Committee’s proposed changes to the bylaws.

The Executive Committee will prepare before the meeting to ensure that mechanisms exist to fairly ensure that the Rules of Procedures as adopted at the beginning of the meeting are followed.

Contract Signing Authority: The Finance Committee and Executive Director had agreed to leave this policy as is until they consider a larger revision to financial policies and procedures early next year.

Director of Religious Education (DRE) and Director of Music (DoM) Reporting: The Interim Minister had proposed the policy as contained in Appendix I, 31. The Trustees discussed whether the last sentence (noting that these positions would report to the Settled Minister once he or she has been hired) was needed or could be addressed at the time a Settled Minister is hired. Since this had always been the intent for the organizational structure of the church, the Trustees believed the sentence could be left as presented. Another Trustee recommended that the clause containing a projected time period for the ministerial transition period be removed from the first sentence of the proposed policy, as this time period could vary.

Motion: Brendan Sterne – Adopt the proposed policy as amended by the suggestion to remove the clause on a projected time period for the ministerial transition period. (The policy would now read: “During the Church’s ministerial transition period, the Director of Music (DoM) and Director of Religious Education (DRE) shall report directly to the Board.  Although they are expected to collaborate and work collaboratively with the Interim Minister(s), the Interim Minister(s) will work with them as a colleague, not as a supervisor.  Once the Church hires a new Settled Minister, this paragraph shall become null and void and the Director of Music and Director of Religious Education shall report directly to the Settled Minister.”)

Second: Luther Elmore

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: All Affirmative.

Board Covenant: The Interim Minister facilitated a discussion on developing a covenant of right relationship among board members. She noted that the reasons to have covenants included:

1.)   They make the rules for interacting explicit,

2.)   They serve as guidelines to help new people coming in to know what is expected of them and what they can expect from others and

3.)   They provide guideposts for reviewing right relationships from time to time.

She provided some examples of covenants (Appendix J, 32).

The Interim Minister facilitated brainstorming among the trustees on when they had felt meetings they have attended went well and why, stressing what behaviors had resulted in the success. She listed the results on an easel pad. The Interim Minister and President agreed to work together to consolidate this list and bring back suggestions that could serve as the basis for developing a board covenant.

With no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Jimmerson


Appendices (Supporting Documents)

October 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 20, 200 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in the Gallery

In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Eric Stimmel, Vice-President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President; Margaret Borden; Derek Howard; Jeff Hutchens; Aaron Osmer, Youth Trustee; Brendan Sterne; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister; Sean Hale, Executive Director

Staff:  Brent Baldwin, Director of Music, Lara Douglas, Director of Religious Education

Visitors Present: Bill Edwards, Chair of Stewardship Committee; Jacob Williamson, Chair of Membership Committee; Stephan Windsor, Chair of Finance Committee

Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

Motion: Margaret Borden – adopt the agenda (Appendix A). 

Second: Luther Elmore

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Reading and Lighting of the Chalice

The Interim Minister read the opening words and the President lit the chalice.

Visitor’s Forum

There were no visitors other than those scheduled to present for an agenda item later in the meeting.

Consent Agenda Items

Minutes from the Prior Meeting:  The Trustees had reviewed the minutes from the September 2009 meeting prior to this meeting (Appendix B).

New Members and Resignations:  The Secretary reported that the following had become new members since the last meeting: Rebecca Frazier-Smith, Chris Smith, Susan Stolar, Erik Mackdanz, Merlyn Dyches-Bessent, Stephanie Larsen, Juliette Owens, Stphen Owens, Daesene Willmann.

Reports:  The Trustees had reviewed the consent agenda items prior to the meeting.  These included:

Interim Minister: Appendix C

Executive Director: Appendix D

Director of Religious Education: Appendix E

Director of Music: Appendix S

Treasurer: Appendix O

Internal Audit Committee: Appendix F

 The Interim Minister reported that she would be giving a sermon on loss on the next Sunday, including loss that church members may still be feeling over the dismissal of the Settled Minister and asked for the Board of Trustee’s support in raising this potentially emotional issue.

A Trustee reported that the church had been paid $175 for the old phone system hardware by a wholesaler. The Treasurer noted that the church is projecting a loss of near what had been budgeted for the year and the members present discussed that the contingency options developed earlier in the year could be reexamined should cash flow become threatened. The Treasurer also noted that plate collections were down around $10,000 compared to the prior year though whether this could be attributed to a decrease in the number of people attending or to other reasons was unclear.

The Bridge Builders Action Team reported that they were still working to clarify responsibilities for some of the items in the report. The Treasurer asked that the members present review the options for what the Internal Audit Committee might examine (on page 29 of the board materials) as this is a decision the board will eventually make.

Motion: Michael West – accept the Consent Agenda Item Reports.

Second: Chris Jimmerson

Discussion: None

Vote: All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Policy Proposal on Contract Signing Authority: The Chairperson of the Finance Committee presented a proposed contract signing authority policy (Appendix G) that closely mirrored current check signing authority and noted that currently there is no definition or limit on who can contractually obligate the church. He noted that the Executive Director (ED) would be presenting an alternative policy proposal on contract signing authority and the differences between the two essentially came down to how far and how quickly the Board of Trustees (BoT) wanted to move toward policy governance (PG).

The ED presented the alternative proposal allowing the Executive to sign contracts that fall within budgeted expenses with some limitations depending upon length of the contract (Appendix P) and answered several questions regarding it. The trustees discussed the following:

  • There are some practical issues regarding requiring a BoT level signature on relatively small contracts that fall within already approved budget parameters.
  • It was noted that the minister would not sign contracts.
  • The ED’s proposal seemed to be in the spirit of where the church is moving with PG.
  • How would the policy be monitored? Through monthly reporting and if so at what level?
  • Perhaps the single signature authority in the Finance Committee proposal could be raised to a higher dollar level as a potential compromise.
  • How many contracts are signed each year? The ED answered that there have been very few.
  • A Trustee noted that contractual authority for the ED may be needed to administer his budget.
  • The Treasurer suggested that perhaps the ED and Finance Committee could get together before the November BoT meeting and draft a new version that combines and compromises between the two.

Motion:  Michael West – Adopt the proposal from the Finance Committee for now and ask the Finance Committee and then ED to bring back a combined version at the November meeting.

Second: Derek Howard

Discussion: There was no further discussion.

Vote: All Affirmative

Overview of the UUA Recommended Policy for Funding Staff Medical Insurance:  The Chairperson of the Finance Committee gave an overview of the UUA recommended policy versus current church policy (Appendix H). The UUA recommends paying 80% of the costs of medical insurance policy for the employee and 50% for their dependent children. Current church policy is 100% for the employee and none for their children. Changing would mean very little in costs to the church. The Finance Committee is recommending that the BoT consider voting on making this chance at their next meeting.

Membership Committee Bylaws Change Proposal:  The Chairperson of the Membership Committee gave an overview of changes to the bylaws that the committee was recommending (Appendix I). He noted that the committee had been tasked with clarifying membership requirements and developing a new member orientation class. The recommended changes to the bylaws included adding a requirement to attend the new member orientation and adding language requiring that the contribution of record be “generous within the member’s means” (to avoid the mindset of contributing $1 to maintain membership).

He noted that the committee had engaged in long discussions over whether the new member orientation should a requirement or strongly encouraged and that there was not unanimous agreement but that there was ultimately consensus around the need to address engagement of new members.

He also noted that the committee would take responsibility for administering and tracking of the orientation, that the classes would be offered at least quarterly and that current church members would not be required to attend.

The Trustees discussed the following:

  • A Trustee asked how much this would effect youth membership and the committee Chariperson answered that it would not effect it.
  • The classed would be 2 sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours each.
  • The Interim Minister had worked with only one church that had required a new member class but had not really implemented the requirement.
  • There were some concerns expressed around whether the class a required would make it harder to join and become a member, which would indicate a preference for using the phrase “strongly encouraged” rather than making it a requirement.
  • Some concerns over the practical logistics of tracking such a membership requirement and making sure that this did not fall to staff were also expressed.
  • A Trustee noted that language such as “strongly encouraged” and “generous contribution” are not specific enough requirements to be placed into the bylaws and might better work within the context of the covenants that were being developed within the church. A “new member covenant” might address these issues.

The Trustees were in consensus that adding a new member covenant that would address these and other issues would be an exciting means to implement the new member class and raise contribution expectations and new member engagement.

The President asked that the Membership Committee revise the recommended bylaws changes to require the signing of such a covenant and then work with the Interim Minister and those she is assembling to develop covenants to put language around contribution expectations and participation in the new member orientation into the covenant.

Stewardship Committee Update: The Chairperson of the Stewardship Committee gave an update on the Fall Canvass (See Appendix R for details). As of the date of the meeting, 147 pledges totaling $320,000 of the $650,000 goal had been made. The Trustees and Chairperson of the Stewardship Committee discussed the following:

  • Stewardship does not yet have a final projection for the canvass.
  • The canvassers have encountered a number of persons who were unhappy over the dismissal of Davidson Loehr and faced a backlash over this. Eight people have refused any pledge and others who pledged last time have not returned phone calls and email messages.
  • The Interim Minister would like to meet with any canvassers who encountered anger and hostility.
  • Several Trustees noted that if the Team Leaders could come up with estimates of the number of times this happened that it would be useful information to have.
  • Having the pledge table set up in the gallery has gone well.

The Board of Trustees’ meeting was adjourned for a break and for the Trustees to place their comments on the timeline outside the sanctuary.

Proposed Changes to the Bylaws and FAMP: The Treasurer presented proposed changes to the Financial Assets Management Policy and to the bylaws regarding it (Appendix J), the first of which were grammatical and clarification revisions to the FAMP. The bylaws changes and corresponding revisions to the FAMP were more substantive and would bring the voting requirements on the FAMP and the Memorial Saving Fund in line with the bylaws rather than requiring two votes at to consecutive, regularly scheduled congregational meetings. Besides bringing the FAMP into compliance with the bylaws, the changes would also act to make it easier for the congregation to react and take action should a financial crisis occur.

During discussion, it was discovered that a few other changes to the FAMP and a Policy and Procedure on the Memorial Savings Fund would need to be made for consistency and Trustees recommended that a ‘redline” version of the grammatical and clarification revisions to the FAMP be brought to the congregation to make it easier to see that these were relatively minor changes. The Treasurer agreed to work with the Finance Committee to make these revisions and to bring them to the Executive Committee for placement on the agenda at the Congregational meeting.

Personnel Policy: The ED and Chair of the Human Resources Committee had met on the policy and presented the revised version of the personnel policy (Appendix K). The Trustees discussed the following:

  • The policy details what the Executive Team may not do, so you would not have a situation where for example an executive could be mistreating staff but being judged as complying with policy because the church was doing well overall.
  • Such a policy makes it vital that the board monitor reports. There is a danger in becoming complacent and not monitoring the Executive Team.
  • A Trustee expressed reservations that since some of the staff will still be reporting to the board during the interim period, the Executive Team would be making decisions for that staff even though there is not a direct reporting line. The Executive Team responded that this was on the program side and that these folks are already functioning well and as a team, with the Interim Minister ultimately responsible.
  • A Trustee asked that reports for monitoring be not just when an exception to the policy occurs but include progress also.

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – approve the policy as presented.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Laura Wood)

Policy Establishing Executive Team: (Included as part of Appendix K above). The Trustees had reviewed this policy revision.

Motion: Derek Howard – Approve the policy change as presented.

Second: Margaret Borden

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 0, Abstain – 2 (Laura Wood and Luther Elmore)

Executive Committee Request for Authority to Establish Agenda and Determine Mailing Items for Congregational Meeting: The President noted that The Executive Committee will meet again in time to meet the calendar requirements for notice and such of the Congregational Meeting but that the next full board meeting would be too late and thus asked for the above authority for the Executive Committee.

Motion: Margaret Border – Authorize the Executive Committee to establish the agenda and determine mailing items for the congregational meeting

Second: Jeff Hutchens

Discussion: There was no further discussion

Vote: All Affirmative

Board Internal Covenant and Covenant with Minister: The Interim Minister presented two examples of covenants (Appendix L) and described the process of developing them, as well as work she had been doing with groups within the church to develop their covenants. She asked for volunteers who would like to help develop such covenants for the BoT and congregation.

Discussion of Proposals to Prepare for the Joint Board and Finance Committee Budget Meeting: The ED presented several proposals (Appendix M), which included:

  1. Increasing the budgeted contributions to $50,000
  2. Increasing rental income to $60,000
  3. Funding all office staff positions at UUA midpoint
  4. Increasing ED professional expenses
  5. Matching rental expenses to rental income by investing 30% of gross rental income in the program support budget

Trustees expressed several concerns around proposal 5 and logistics involving implementing it. This was counterbalanced by the recognition that the ED and staff need to be able to manage increased rentals and or decreases in rentals as they occur (they are often unpredictable).

Motion: Aaron Osmer – Extend the meeting by 15 minutes to allow discussion to continue

Second: Luther Elmore

Discussion: None

Vote: Affirmative – 8, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1 (Laura Wood) (One Trustee had had to leave the meeting)

The ED explained that eventually he would like to implement a new system for setting staff salaries based upon a range of issues. The Trustees discussed the remaining budget proposals; however, there was not consensus involving several of them, so the President recommended that the ED develop them and/or their rationale further and bring them to the joint board and finance committee meeting.

Motion: Margaret Borden – Extend the meeting by another 15 minutes

Second: Aaron Osmer

Discussion:  None

Vote: Affirmative – 7, Negative – 1, Abstain – 1 (Laura Wood)

The Interim Minister offered that discussion and/or action on disability insurance and Director of RE and Director of Music reporting could be postponed until the November meeting.

Bridge Builders (BB) Implementation Consultant: Funding Mechanism: The Secretary presented a proposal for funding the costs associated with the above from the Long-Range Fund rather than the operating budget. The BB Action Team and the members of the Executive Committee (EC) that had been at the last EC meeting had discussed the proposal as potentially a more fitting way to engage a consultant (Appendix Q). The Interim Minister passed around a copy of the current mission. The Secretary stressed that the work on values/mission/vision and policy governance (PG) were vital to the church and had been called for by the congregation in the BB Action Plan. The Trustees discussed the following:

  • Question — is there a defined use for the Long-Range Fund? Response — its description was vague and included in a preamble in the FAMP but that it was never defined specifically as were some of the other church funds.
  • Question — could a consultant work with the church to revise the current mission and thereby save money? Response – the process of defining mission/vision/values is often said to be more important that the actual statements that are the end result and therefore, especially given how long it ahs been since the church looked at its mission, there is a need to start “from the ground up”. Also, part of the consultant’s work would be helping the church with PG and we do not have this expertise internally.
  • There is $10,000 currently in the budget draft for 2010 that would come out if we use this mechanism instead.
  • The ED stated that the only description of the fund was in an introduction to the FAMP and described it as seed money for capital funds. He also noted that the FAMP requires the Board to review restricted funds annually and to reallocate those that are no longer active or for which their original purpose does not apply.
  • A Trustee noted that the policy description of the Long Range Planning Committee fit well with this type of activity and that the fund’s intent is likely tied to that of this committee. Another Trustee noted that this seemed an appropriate use of the fund as this planning is needed before any other long-range plans such as a capital expansion could be considered.
  • The President noted that work on values/mission/vision should not be put off another year.

Motion:  Margaret Borden — authorize an expenditure of up to $15,000 from the Long-Range Fund to fund the costs of a consultant and related costs for one year to help the church implement the mission/vision/values and policy governance aspects of the BB Action Plan

Second: Brendan Sterne

Discussion:   There was no further discussion

Vote: Affirmative – 5, Negative – 2, Abstain 2 (Laura Wood and Aaron Osmer)

Rental Rate Adjustment and Wording Clarification: The Trustees had reviewed this proposal prior to the meeting (Appendix N).

Motion: Chris Jimmerson – approve the proposal policy revision as presented.

Second:  Brendan Sterne

Discussion:  There was no further discussion

Vote:  All Affirmative


With no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Jimmerson, Secretary

Appendices (Please note, clicking on the link to the left will open a file containing all appendices from the meeting in your browser window, which may be slow because it is a large file. You can also right click on the link to download it instead).

Congregational Meeting, Sunday, December 13 at 1:30 P.M. in the Sanctuary

November 20, 2009

Dear Church Member,

You are invited to attend our Fall Congregational Meeting this coming December the 13th at 1:30pm. By clicking on the link below, you can download an agenda for the meeting that outlines the important business to be addressed, including our 2010 budget, which will be discussed in more detail at the meeting. Childcare reservations can be made by contacting

According to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin: Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 18 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.

Any questions regarding voting status may be directed to the Treasurer, Luther Elmore. He can be contacted by email at: Any FUUCA member who has not contributed a financial donation is an associate member and is welcome to attend but would be unable to vote.

In accordance with Article VII, Section 6 of the bylaws, notice of the time and place of the meeting is being mailed and/or emailed to members and posted on the church bulletin board and website at least twenty days prior to the meeting day.

Other materials for the meeting will be available in the office at the church and will be posted as links below, so please check back often for updates.

If you have any questions contact me by email to

We look forward to seeing you at the Fall Congregational Meeting.


Chris Jimmerson

Materials (click to open PDF in your browser or right click to download the file):

Notes: 1.) A narrative for the budget will be added soon. In the meantime, please feel free to speak with any member of the Executive Committee if you have questions or concerns. 2.) Individual staff salaries have been redacted for the web version of the budget. Hard copies of the materials without the redaction will be available soon in the office at the church or church members may email to request a non-redacted version.

December Congregation Meeting Agenda and Materials

Appendix A — FAMP and Policy on Memorial Savings Fund if All Proposed Changes were Adopted

Appendix B — Bylaws if All Changes were Adopted

Appendix C — Reports from Senior Staff and Leadership

Addition to Appendix C — Report from Minister

September 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 15, 200 at 6:30 p.m.

First UU Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, Austin, TX  78756 in the Gallery


In Attendance:

Trustees:  Nell Newton, President; Eric Stimmel, Vice-President; Luther Elmore, Treasurer; Chris Jimmerson, Secretary; Sheila Gladstone, Immediate Past President; Margaret Borden; Derek Howard; Jeff Hutchens; Aaron Osmer, Youth Trustee; Michael West; Laura Wood.

Executive Team:  Janet Newman, Interim Minister; Sean Hale, Executive Director

Staff:  Brent Baldwin, Director of Music


Call to Order

The President called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.


Adoption of Agenda

Motion:           Margaret Borden – To adopt the agenda (Appendix A).  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative


Opening Words

The Interim Minister read the following words:

                       MEDITATION by Robert Weston  If Love Be There

This day, setting aside all that divides me from others;

This day, remembering that the world is beautiful to one who is willing

   That it be so

And that into the open, eager heart

The beauty enters in

If love be there;

This day I will make a part of the song of life.

There may be grief but if there be love it will be overcome.

There may be pain but it can be borne with dignity and courage;

There may be difficulty but it can be turned to strength.

Remembering that the world is beautiful if I will let it be so for others whom   I meet,

This day I will make a part of the song of life.

The President lit the chalice.


Visitor’s Forum

Beverly Donoghue, one of two delegates to Austin Area Interreligious Ministries (AAIM), described AAIM’s dual mission:  to promote interfaith dialog and “to assist the vulnerable and the voiceless.” AAIM’s governance structure has changed from shared policy decision-making by delegates and the Board of Trustees to policy decisions by the Board only.  Delegates are now key members for encouraging broader community participation in AAIM events.  AAIM sponsors Hands On Housing, a city-wide effort to repair homes owned by low-income individuals and families who can no longer afford to make these repairs.  Interfaith dialog is promoted through AAIM’s Amazing Faith Dinner Dialogs in November and through a new program, the Red Bench, which begins tonight.  The Red Bench seeks to promote deeper listening and conversations around values shared by faith traditions.  AAIM’s 25th Annual Thanksgiving Celebration will be held on Sunday, November 22nd at First Baptist Church and will include an interfaith service, pot luck dinner, and songs and dances from a variety of faith traditions.  Beverly invited Trustees to participate in and promote AAIM’s interfaith events.  (See Appendix B.) 

The President requested, and Beverly agreed, to get more information on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA’s) funding to support congregational leaders’ participation in interfaith activities as a way to support AAIM’s activities.  Margaret Borden noted that two church members, Lindsay Ellison and Valerie Sterne, led AAIM’s refugee school this past summer.


Consent Agenda Items

Minutes from the Prior Meeting:  The Trustees had reviewed the minutes from the August 2009 meeting prior to this meeting (Appendix C).

New Members and Resignations:  The Secretary reported that Charles Hobbs had joined the congregation and that Myra and Stroud McIlvain and Margaret Harrison had resigned.

Reports:  The Trustees had reviewed the consent agenda items prior to the meeting.  These included:

Appendix D:    Director of Religious Education’s (DRE’s) Report

Appendix E:    Treasurer’s Report

Appendix F:     Director of Music’s (DM’s) Report

Appendix G:    Executive Director’s (ED’s) Report

Appendix H:    Bridgebuilder Update 9/15/09

The Trustees discussed the following items related to the consent agenda items:

The Treasurer hopes to narrow the 2009 deficit to less than $40K.  The church has been spending more than it has received since $50K was received during the Spring Pledge Drive.

The new five-year photocopier rental contract is for a black and white copier with more features and will cost $100 less annually.  Copies from the new color copier will cost ten cents each. 

Margaret Borden, who is monitoring the Bridgebuilder action plan to ensure that all action items are included, pointed out the Bridgebuilder update.  Trustees discussed the difference between policy review, or bylaws review, and policy governance.  Policy review would involve looking at a process outline should a concern about the minister arise.  Policy governance – developing the church’s mission, vision, values, and covenant — would influence the process but would not prescribe the specific steps of the process. 

Margaret was most concerned, from the Board’s perspective, about action items 5 and 13.  She was not sure how Trustees should implement action 5: to establish a governance review task force.  Action item 13 is to change the bylaws to require orientation classes for prospective members before they join.  The Membership Committee is aware of this action item and is developing a curriculum outline for the new member orientation/class to present for Trustee approval.  Margaret also pointed out that action 9 — to determine ways the church’s Council can build community and fellowship at meetings — was not a clear charge yet and needed Trustee review.

The President requested putting the Bridgebuilder Action Plan and Update on the agenda for the October meeting so Trustees would have more time could be taken to discuss specific items and issues.  She suggested the church could apply for grant funds from the UUA to offset the cost of implementing policy governance.  A trustee discussed the possibility of finding an “angel member” to help cover these costs.  It would be helpful if policy governance implementation costs could be offset by grant funds.  Another trustee inquired about the possibility of having the Interim Minister do some of the consulting mentioned for policy governance implementation.  However, the Interim Minister noted that her full-time job and the need for the policy work facilitator to have additional specialized skills would mitigate against her doing this consulting work.  The policy governance implementation team is exploring different consultants with different skill sets and different costs.

Bridgebuilder action number 3, to establish a policy governance implementation team, and action 7, to create a team to oversee development of mission-vision-values-covenant, overlap and are actually the same item.  One trustee would like the Director of Music’s input on who should be on the governance implementation team.

The Interim Minister will submit her report to Trustees later.

Motion:           Chris Jimmerson – To accept the Consent Agenda Item Reports.  The motion was           seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Discussion and Action Items

Security Task Force Report: The President reported that this item was not ready yet and would need to be postponed until the October Trustees’ meeting.

Substitute Item — Interim Ministry Contract:  The Interim Minister requested that the Trustees approve her request that a portion of her salary, $16,250, be designated as housing allowance and, as a result, be tax-free.  This request is in accordance with the Interim Ministry Contract (Appendix I), Governing Board agreements, number 1. A. 2).

Motion:         Derek Howard – To approve the Interim Minister’s request to designate $16,250 of  her salary as housing allowance.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance:  Trustees agreed to postpone this item until after addressing the personnel policy.

Board of Trustees Budget Proposal:  The Treasurer passed out a copy of the 2008 Final Budget and the 2009 Budget with projected income. (Appendix J)  The President explained that the Trustees were considering requesting a line item in the budget for board expenses and would continue the discussion that began during the August board meeting.  The Financial Asset Management Policy (FAMP) gives the Trustees the authority to spend up to $10,000 outside the budget for unanticipated emergency expenses, and $10,000 could be budgeted for Trustees’ expenses.

Trustees made the following points in their discussion:

  • $1,500 or $2,000 might be sufficient to cover the All-Council lunch and other non-emergency expenses that arise. 
  • Trustees should base a line item for Board of Trustees’ expenses on history. 
  • The budget deficit increased in May, and yet Trustees are on record for wanting a balanced budget.
  • All-Council meeting expenses are not unanticipated and should be a line item in the budget.
  • Prior minister liked discretionary funds and picked and chose how to spend them.  There will be more trust if the Trustees are open about a Board of Trustees’ expense line item.
  • Each anticipated Board of Trustees’ expense item could be listed in the budget.

Trustees then discussed each board expense item:

1)   Funding for the All-Council Retreat

The amount in the budget is zero because it was cut.  It costs $300 for the all-day meeting to cover breakfast, lunch, and clean-up expenses. 

2)   Becoming a “Fair Share” Congregation

“Fair Share” is a budget item under Denominational Affairs.

“Fair Share” costs with 600 members: $56 per member for UUA, or     $33,600,

            plus $20/member for SWUUA, or      $12,000 –

                                             for a total of        $28,800

After further discussion, a Trustee offered the following alternative proposal to be submitted     as a recommendation for the 2010 budget:

Fund at $28 per member for UUA, or      $16,800

Plus $20 per member for SWUUA, or     $12,000

                                          for a total of     $28,800

Motion:                 Chris Jimmerson — Approve the proposal. The motion was seconded.

Discussion:         None

Vote:                     Affirmative-9, Negative-0, Abstain-1

3)   Consulting fee for vision, mission, values, and covenant development

1st year’s package = $10,000

Large UU churches in Dallas, Portland, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Atlanta had all engaged a consultant to put in place mission/vision/values/ends and move to Policy Governance and continue to bring in a consultant annually but at a lesser degree and rate.  1st UU in Dallas’ Board of Trustees’ President said that his congregation could not have accomplished all they had done without engaging a consultant.  A concern raised that nothing might happen on the BB Actionn without consultants and that a fully engaged process might help with Stewardship by creating an exciting environment.

Motion:           Chris Jimmerson – To include $10,000 for vision-mission-values-policy governance                      work.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1

4)   Accountant-prepared financial statement

There are 3 levels – compiled, reviewed, and audited financial statements.  1st UU has never had an audit report because of poorly organized information.  The plan for next year is to have a compiled financial statement – for year after year consistency, to compare operations from year to year, for continuity – having reliable historical information, and for credibility of the Trustees to the congregation (See Appendix K).  Our church would give a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) financial information monthly, and the CPA would do annual compiled financial statement.  Estimated cost:  $1,200 for compiled statement or $2,000 for compiled statement and consulting to get started.  Discussion points included:

  • Our ED could do this.
  • A professional CPA can provide guidance on how to handle specific transactions and how to present on a financial statement.  Church doesn’t know how to do GAAP financial statements
  • Concern about whether can provide accurate financial information for January-December 2010.
  • Goal:  Begin clean set of books starting in January 2010.
  • Helps prevent Bookkeeper/Treasurer changes without continuity.

Motion:           Jeff Hutchens – To include a $2,000 line item for compiled financial statements in 2010 by a CPA who specializes in financial statements for non-profit organizations.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain — 1

5)   Interim Minister Search and Settled Minister Search

Costs of our church’s Interim Minister search consisted of about $150 for cell phone charges and packages mailed by the Secretary.  Interim Minister Search Committee members paid own way to travel to listen to the Interim Minister candidate.

Our Interim Minister has always served for one year and never two.  After her evaluation in January, she and the Trustees could each consider whether an extension of her contract was desired.  She recommended electing a Search Committee in the Spring of 2010, to work steadily through Fall 2010.  In January 2011, our records would be opened up to ministerial applicants, and we would be able to see records of ministerial applicants.  The UUA’s ministerial settlement handbook is online.  Most of settled minister work in 2010 will be discussions and handled here in Austin.  Expenses will be phone calls and making copies – about $300.  Travel would not occur until 2011.

The Trustees agreed to move up the agenda item for board pledging to precede the personnel policy agenda item. 

Michael West announced that a “green” welcoming gift awaited the Interim Minister in the church’s kitchen.

The Board of Trustees’ meeting was adjourned for a break at 8:15 p.m. and resumed at 8:30 p.m.

Board Pledging

Bill Edwards, Stewardship Committee Chair, presented this agenda item.  The Stewardship Committee’s canvass goal for 2010 is $650,000, which would include $50,000 for an interior facelift and kitchen renovation or $600,000 with the current facilities unchanged.  There are 16 Team Leaders who will each get five or more canvass volunteers.  Each volunteer will contact three pledging units.  There are over 100 potential canvassers or donor prospects.  The Trustees and Team Leaders have pledged over $100,000.

This Sunday, September  20th, the Stewardship Committee will host a Celebration in Howson Hall.  Postcards have been mailed to all members to come celebrate ourselves.  Several long-time members will be honored.  To RSVP for this event, Trustees should phone Bill Edwards or e-mail Ron Turner.

The Stewardship Committee has raised $30,000 from Team Leaders and others to match 2010 pledge increases dollar for dollar (Appendix L).  Every Trustee and Team Leader increased their pledges for 2010.  Trustees were encouraged to not request a match for their pledge increases so that other members would be encouraged to increase their pledges from 2009 and earn matches for their pledge increases.

The Interim Minister encouraged Trustees to get involved in the canvass if funds were still needed at the end of the year and mentioned doing a phone-a-thon at the end if the Fall Canvass Campaign did not reach the desired goal.  The President and other Trustees noted that Trustees traditionally get involved in the Fall Canvass and were also involved in last Spring’s pledge drive, with each Trustee signing up to call individual members.  One Trustee suggested the best time to call members about pledging is between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.

Personnel Policy

The Trustees instructed the ED to create a broad policy covering personnel issues to enable the Trustees to focus on getting results rather than on micromanaging.  He drafted revisions to pages 6-7 of the Policies and Procedures Manual to clarify who the executive team is and their roles and expectations.  The proposed personnel policy on pages 30-33 was taken almost exactly from policies at Unity Church in St. Paul, Minnesota and creates a framework for further revisions and additions as needed in the future.  (See Appendix M.)

Trustee comments on approving the draft personnel policy included:

  • Page 31, no. 4 – Some concern expressed that an executive team member shall inform the President or another Trustee of violating Board of Trustees’ policy but will not be required to ask permission to do so. The Trustees could discuss and decide at the next monthly Board of Trustees’ meeting whether there should be any consequences for violating Board of Trustees’ policy.
  • Concern about jumping into policy governance in the middle rather than in an orderly progression — without further reflection and with no monitoring system in place .
  • Likes to see movement toward policy governance
  • Page 30, no. 2 – The executive team may refuse to comply with a request from an individual Trustees or Trustee Committee if the request appears to require substantial staff time to comply.  A Trustee can accept that refusal or pursue reorienting the ED’s priorities at the next Board of Trustees’ meeting. There was concern that there did not appear to be an avenue for resolution, regardless of the importance of the Trustee’s request.  Another Trustee suggested that the Trustees could approve a Trustee to be the executive team’s liaison on a specific issue – so the Executive Team would know the importance of the request.
  • Page 31, no. 5, last sentence – “Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with mutual interaction about individual understanding of policies.”  And page 31, Policy I-B, no. 3 – “Appropriate use and delegation of power.”

The President asked if the draft policy was the direction that the Trustees wanted to go, and they agreed.  Sheila Gladstone and Derek Howard will prepare recommended edits for the draft personnel policy, preserving the meaning in the current draft, for Trustees’ review and approval at the October Board of Trustees’ meeting.  

Motion:           Sheila Gladstone – To approve the draft personnel policy in principle.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

One Trustee asked if other Unitarian Universalist (UU) churches limited the Executive Team to the Minister and the ED.  One UU church defines the Executive Team as the Minister and ED, with the Minister serving as Chief Executive Officer.  Another UU church has an Executive Team of four people.  Another UU church has three people – the Minister, ED, and Membership Director.  The Trustees decided last year that the DRE and DM would continue reporting directly to the Trustees during the Interim Minister’s tenure.  The ED has the authority to hire and fire office staff.

Floating Holiday Policy

The current “floating holiday” policy allows staff to take two of the three following holidays as paid holidays:  MLK Day, President’s Day, and Veteran’s Day.  Because tracking this attendance is cumbersome, the ED recommends eliminating Veteran’s Day as a paid holiday for staff and giving staff MLK Day and President’s Day as standard paid holidays (Appendix N).  

Motion:           Derrick Howard – to approve the proposal in appendix N, eliminating the floating holiday policy.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All  Affirmative

Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance

The purpose of long-term disability insurance is to replace a stream of income lost by being unable to work for longer than 90 days due to disease or injury.  If a church employee should become disabled, the church could take up a collection but might not agree about how much money would be enough.  In all likelihood, not enough money could be raised.

The Interim Minister recommends that the Trustees approve the church’s purchase of long-term disability insurance for full-time staff beginning in 2010 (Appendix O).  Policy proposal 1 would be to add a statement to the Personnel Policy Manual insurance section that the church provides long-term disability insurance to all full-time staff.  Policy proposal 2 recommends funding long-term disability insurance for staff for the remainder of 2009 with unused funds in the ministerial budget.  The cost of the annual premium is one percent of the amount insured.  For full-time employees, this would amount to $2,026 per year – plus a little more if staff receives raises this year.  The UUA’s long-term disability insurance policy (Appendix P) provides for a disabled staff member who works at least half-time to receive 60 percent of his or her current salary, beginning 90 days after the injury. 

The discussion included the following points:

  • Wait two months and include long-term disability insurance for church staff in the 2010 budgeting process;
  • Trustees would feel terrible if a staff member became disabled and Trustees had not approved the purchase of long-term disability insurance;
  • The best private employers and state agencies don’t offer long-term disability insurance for free but for purchase by employees at very low cost;
  • Adding another benefit with the current deficit might be a problem;
  • Concern that there is no waiting period before enrollment.  Someone who is about to “go under” could try to get hired by an employer to obtain this benefit;
  • The church should pay for staff’s long-term disability insurance out of a sense of justice – of treating employees well;
  • If the church had purchased disability insurance years ago for a prior janitor who became disabled, he would have benefited, and the church would not be paying him an annual amount;
  • It’s difficult to justify doing this when a Trustee has never had this benefit.  Trustees would need more regionally-based evidence that this purchase is a common practice among UU churches;
  • Whether the Trustees should support this purchase because a lot of other churches do this or because we want to either fund this or make this option available to staff
  • It would be very positive to offer staff long-term disability insurance for free.
  • ED clarification:  Church staff members already have the option of purchasing long-term disability insurance.  The only question is whether the Trustees will approve the church automatically paying for it.  No staff members have purchased this insurance to date;
  • The church has a history of giving an annual 3% cost of living adjustment (COLA).  2% could be used to pay for COLA, and 1% could be used to purchase disability insurance;
  • Employees do a cost/benefit analysis and decide that purchasing disability insurance is not worth the cost when balanced against other needs;
  • Most UU churches purchase long-term disability insurance for their staff;
  • How many other UU churches pay for disability insurance for their staff;
  • Purchasing this insurance would be one way for the Board to demonstrate that we are a caring community.

The President suggested that the minister gather more information, including how many UU churches purchase this insurance automatically for their employees, and review the recommendation to purchase long-term disability insurance at the October Board of Trustees meeting.

Extension of Board Meeting

Motion:           Jeff Hutchens — To extend the Board of Trustees’ meeting for 15 minutes (at 9:43 p.m.).  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Long-Term Care Insurance (Continued)

Motion:           Jeff Hutchens — To request putting in long-term disability insurance as a line item                          in the 2010 budget as in Policy Proposal 1.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1

The October Board of Trustees’ meeting will address long-term disability insurance as policy.  Policy Proposal 2 was tabled.

Proposal for Alana Rosshirt Memorial

The ED asked Rose Ann Reeser, who knew Alana Rosshirt, to develop a proposal for allocating Ms. Rosshirt’s gift of $5,000 to 1st UU to honor her many years of service to the church.  Jack Rosshirt, Alana’s husband, suggested the church could use the funds for the sanctuary garden and some sort of recognition of her gift.  Rose Ann’s proposal (Appendix Q) included the following:

  • Allocating $1,500 for renovating the sanctuary garden, which is now underway
  • Hanging a framed certificate of appreciation in recognition of Ms. Rosshirt’s gift in the sanctuary close to the door to the garden
  • Allocating $1,000 to the Public Affairs Forum
  • Allocating $1,000 to Worship Services
  • Allocating $1,500 to the Permanent Endowment Fund.

Discussion points included:

  • Trustees should accept Rose Ann’s proposal as is;
  • Trustees should allocate $1,500 for the sanctuary garden and asking Jack Rosshirt if the church can put $3,500 wherever it is most needed;
  • Her gift would have a permanent impact if invested in the landscape or in the capital campaign for the building.

Motion:           Michael West – To defer to Rose Ann’s recommendation for allocation of Alana Rosshirt’s gift to the church, based on Rose Ann’s sensitivity and awareness of the church’s situation.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1

Authority to Resolve the Outcome with Donated Speakers

About four years ago, Marcus Barnes donated to the church eight Altec Lansing speakers, which have not been used.  The ED developed a proposal (Appendix R) to use these speakers to best benefit the church, including but not limited to installing the speakers in the sanctuary and selling the speakers.

Motion:           Aaron Osmer – Accept mandate proposed by the ED for making use of the donated loudspeakers.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Internal Audit Committee Update

Jeff Hutchens noted that Eugene Balaguer volunteered to chair the Internal Audit Team.  He is a financial analyst with the city and has assisted many non-profits.

Motion            Jeff Hutchens – That Eugene Balaguer be appointed chair of the Audit Committee for an initial term of one year.  The Audit Committee Chair will be tasked with selecting two additional committee members and developing the initial draft of the policies and procedures for the Audit Committee.  Said policies and procedures will be submitted to the Board for approval no later than the November Board meeting.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Extension of Board Meeting

Motion:           Aaron Osmer – To extend the Trustees’ meeting for 15 minutes (at 9:58 p.m.).  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Emergency Funding Request from the ED

Rental income has increased 60 percent so far this year and is projected to bring in $22,000 more than budgeted by the end of 2009.  Natalie Freeburg is spending much more time handling rental requests and, as a result, the ED is doing Natalie’s job for several hours each week delaying his work.  The ED is requesting $7,000 to take measures through December 2009 to support staff and enable the ED to carry out his responsibilities and duties (Appendix S).

The Treasurer advised that $3,400 plus of the Board’s discretionary funds were used to pay Peter Steinke.  His consulting fee was offset by $1,400 in donations, but still came from the Trustees’ discretionary funds.  Since Trustees have $10,000 in discretionary funds per year, there is approximately $6,600 in discretionary funds left for 2009.

Motion:           Jeff Hutchens – To approve $6,600 for operations of the church.  The motion was  seconded:

Discussion:   There was not further discussion

Vote:               Affirmative – 8, Negative – 0, Abstain – 2

Extension of Board Meeting

Motion:           Margaret Borden – To extend the Board of Trustees’ meeting for 15 minutes (at 10:17 p.m.).  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Executive Session

The Trustees entered executive session to discuss personnel issues.  Those who were not Trustees left the room.

Call to Order

The President called the meeting back to order at 10:40 p.m

Motion:           Margaret Borden – To approve the proposed letter from the President to negotiate with the ED regarding an adjustment to the ED’s annual leave.   The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               All Affirmative

Motion:           Brendan Sterne – That under-withheld employee contributions for health  insurance premiums not be recovered up to this point in time.  The motion was seconded.

Discussion:   None

Vote:               Affirmative – 9, Negative – 0, Abstain – 1

Adjourn:  The President adjourned the meeting at 10:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Beverly Donoghue

Assistant Secretary

Note: The below are large files, so it may be easier to right click on them and download them to your computer.

Appendices Submitted Before the Meeting (includes all appendices not listed below)

Appendices from Items Handed Out at The Meeting (includes Appendices B, I, J, K, L, N, O