Fall down 7, Get up 8

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
November 11, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Persistence, endurance, resilience, grit – is it a mistake to be goal-oriented? Is there a better way to think about forward movement?

Call to Worship
– Rabindranath Tagore

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers
but to be fearless in facing them.

Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain
but for the heart to conquer it.

Let me not look for allies in life’s battlefield
but to my own strength.

Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved
but hope for the patience to win my freedom.

Grant that I may not be a coward,
feeling Your mercy in my success alone;

But let me find the grasp of Your hand in my failure.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A person will worship something – have no doubt about that.

We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts – but it will out.

That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and character.

Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.

Text of this sermon is not available. Click the play button to listen.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

A Little Mercy

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
November 4, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

What does the word “mercy” mean to you? When do you need it? When do you give it? Where does it come from?

Meditation Reading
Gretchen Haley

Before reaching out
Start by sinking in
Before lifting your eyes
To strangers and friends
Before scrolling still another headline,
another status update,
another family photo,
another election prediction
Still your heart here
For a time
Take stock of your breath, your pulse, your body
Give thanks
For all of these things that have conspired
To bring you here
Where there is no problem to be solved
No news to absorb
No worry to turn over and over and over
In your mind
No wondering what you came here for
Or what you were meant to do, or buy, or say
There is only the remembering who you are
And to whom you belong
And the space
For bringing in, and letting go
For mending, and waiting
With a purposeful patience
So that here in the vast, unfamiliar quiet
We might awaken again
To this wide world
and the light that breaks
through the thick autumn sky
And the beauty that
and the partners that are
breathing, and remembering too


My friend and colleague Joanna Fontaine Crawford, the minister at Live Oak, posted this on Facebook this week.

I don’t know if we’re all conscious about it, but right now, we’re just waiting for Tuesday. I see so many posts where people are commenting on how hard it is to get motivated to do their normal routines. We’re waiting for Tuesday. Because next Tuesday is bigger than the politicians we’re voting for.

On Tuesday, we find out about us. About the US. We find out what kind of country we’re living in. Is it a country that shrugs (or cheers) at hate? Or a country that firmly says NO?

And so it’s really no wonder that we’re having trouble continuing with “normal life.” We’re not quite sure that what we thought was normal life, is. Our country is in Schrodinger’s box right now, It could be that the last two years have been a fluke, a temporary reaction to progress, OR that they are the reality of who we are as a nation. “This is not normal,” we’ve been saying. Next Tuesday we find out.

The mass the choir is singing this morning begins with Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy. I’ve been thinking hard about mercy this week.

I’ve had a Mary Gauthier song, Need a Little Mercy Now, stuck in my head. Rolling Stone called it “the saddest song ever written.”

Mercy Now
Mary Gauthier

My father could use a little mercy now
The fruits of his labor fall and rot slowly on the ground
His work is almost over it won’t be long, he won’t be around
I love my father, he could use some mercy now
My brother could use a little mercy now
He’s a stranger to freedom, he’s shackled to his fear and his doubt
The pain that he lives in it’s almost more than living will allow

I love my church and country, they could use some mercy now
Every living thing could use a little mercy now
Only the hand of grace can end the race towards another mushroom cloud People in power, they’ll do anything to keep their crown
I love life and life itself could use some mercy now

Yeah, we all could use a little mercy now
I know we don’t deserve it but we need it anyhow
We hang in the balance dangle ‘tween hell and hallowed ground
And every single one of us could use some mercy now
Every single one of us could use some mercy now
Every single one of us could use some mercy now

Mercy was such a creamy word, such a balm, a healing sound. I think about the refugees and asylum seekers on the long walk, hot and weary, blistered and hopeful. I read about the kindness they are being shown by the people in Mexico, the mercy they are being given along the way. I see the UU Service Committee raising funds to meet them with mercy at the border. My heart cries out for mercy for the people of color terrorized by racist violence, for the Jews who have lost eleven people to US racist violence, for the transgender people who are threatened more intensely by individuals and by policies under this administration.

We are living in another ugly time for vulnerable people. My heart cries for mercy. I suffer for the suffering, but then I ask myself whether my being twisted up and anguished helps them. No. My actions help them. The money I can send can help them. My being in pain only adds to the pain of the situation, and I am having a very good life right now. I want to stand against the ugliness, but I’m going to burn out if I keep feeling like I have been feeling. If I burn out by suffering over other people’s suffering, I’ve made it all about me, I’ve centered myself, my feelings, and that doesn’t help the people who are in danger.

Too much in me is riding on this election. For survival in the struggle for the long haul, I need a little mercy for me, for you, for our hearts and our spirits now. So many of us have been so twisted up, so horrified. We watch what’s been happening to our country, and we can’t stand it. Some of us are impatient with that despair, and say “Just work, just call, just write, vote vote. Some will have scorn for this longing for mercy. Some people have told me they worry about having any kind of Mercy on themselves for fear that if they started they would end up in a puddle on the couch for the rest of their lives.

The word as it is used in our culture comes from the Hebrew hesed, meaning long running loving kindness. It’s a word that is used when someone has more power than someone else. The powerful one can have mercy on the one who is less powerful. A parent can have mercy on a child. A teacher can have mercy on a student. A judge can have mercy on the accused. Husbands wives and partners can have mercy on each other. What does that look like? We can not keep score of every slight. We can make as many excuses for them as we do for ourselves. We can seek to understand the other before seeking to be understood. We can speak sweetly, with love. We can refuse to “bring a lawsuit” against them. That is the language used in the I Ching to talk about deciding someone is hopeless, that they will never change, making a bar they have to reach, and always watching and evaluating to see if they have reached it. Having mercy on your partner or spouse also may mean letting them go if you realize you are out of love or hope for the relationship.

I wonder if I just long to have mercy on myself. Sue Monk Kidd wrote,

“The world will give you that once in awhile, a brief timeout; the boxing bell rings and you go to your corner, where somebody dabs mercy on your beat-up life.”
– Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

Many among us have been in the struggle for years. Many among us in this congregation were active in the civil rights work of the 60’s. In the struggle for reproductive rights in the 70’s and all along the way until we get here. The struggle will continue, as rights have to be won over and over. I didn’t know that, really. I heard Congressman John Lewis say that a few months ago. It’s a long haul, without a steady trajectory. It feels like we’re moving backwards now, on LGBTQ rights, on voting rights, on protections for the environment, on relationships with allies, on aid given to help other countries … Some people like that we’re moving backward. It feels safer to them.

I think mercy must be there for our opponents. Susan Sontag said

“10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.”
– Susan Sontag

That helps me, to think that the people at the rallies, yelling “Lock her up” and hating the media have just been radicalized, infected with the terrible joy of being with other like minded people who say out loud something that you have thought and felt ashamed of thinking …. And the permission to not be ashamed is given, and for a time you are a member of the religion of your baser instincts. We might try Mercy on ourselves and our families our friends. Does mercy mean to look at someone with soft eyes? To hold on to the goodness in them? Maybe Mercy for humans means just understanding that there are creative and destructive impulses within you. That if it were the culture of progressives to have a big rally and start shouting your anger about current elected officials, can you see yourself in an ecstasy of togetherness shouting “lock him up! lock him up” with other progressives? Do you have fun at football games shouting things with other people? Exhilarating “Harass them! Harass them! Make them relinquish the ball” – nerd cheers.

Mercy doesn’t mean going to the mushy moral middle, it can mean disagreeing fiercely, standing against wicked policies, and it means not giving up on the goodness of the middle 80% of people who can be persuaded toward kindness or cruelty, some of whom are in an ecstasy of cruelty right now. And let us pour out mercy on those their cruelty is hurting.

Hate cannot convince hate to end. Mercy could? Maybe. That is what Lincoln said when he wrote:

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
– Abraham Lincoln

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Those who have gone before us

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
October 28, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We will have a Clootie Tree again, from the Scottish/Irish/Appalachian tradition. We will put our wishes and our remembrances on pieces of cloth and drape them on the tree. What would we like to claim from our ancestors? What would we like to let go?

Text of this sermon is not available. Click the play button to listen.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Safe Space/Brave Space

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
October 21, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Our second End (goal) as a congregation is “We support and challenge one another in worship, spiritual growth and lifelong learning to practice a rich spiritual life” What forms can a spiritual life take? The job of a church is often described as “to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”

Call to Worship
Richard Jefferies

It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it. It is about me in the sunshine; I am in it as the butterfly in the light-laden air. Nothing has to come; it is now. Now is eternity; now is the immortal life.


Invitation to Brave Space 
Micky ScottBey Jones – inspired by an unknown author’s poem

Together we will create brave space
Because there is no such thing as a “safe space”
We exist in the real world
We all carry scars and we have all caused wounds.
In this space
We seek to turn down the volume of the outside world,
We amplify voices that fight to be heard elsewhere,
We call each other to more truth and love
We have the right to start somewhere and continue to grow.
We have the responsibility to examine what we think we know,
We will not be perfect.
This space will not be perfect.
It will not always be what we wish it to be
It will be our brave space together,
We will work in it side by side.


When I was looking around at the churches searching for ministers nine years ago, I was struck by this church’s materials, which said, about seven times more than any other church, that you wanted someone who could help you create a safe space in church. I took that seriously, and we’ve all been paying good attention to that since I got here eight years ago. Last year the congregation and the board revisited the Ends/Goals of the congregation, and, since the feeling of safety has been there, a great deal of courage was expressed. Now, we have a safe space which also wants to be a brave space. This has always been a justice-seeking church, and now the language of its goals reflects that even more sharply.

About once every ten years I re-read the book “Full Catastrophe Living,” by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Many of you know he teaches Mindfulness-based meditation at Johns Hopkins, one of the finest medical centers in the world. I read the book because I love to read, and I always hope that reading it will be the same as meditation, which I haven’t been able to do well, even though I’ve been giving it a try on and off for my whole adult life. I want to start meditation again because, not only does it help your brain, even to the point of creating new gray matter, it helps with inflammation. According to their studies, which are too significant to ignore. Inflammation makes my life harder, so I’m giving this another try. It’s a challenge to me. Why is it a challenge? I like reading and I like working, and just sitting there being aware of my breath feels like doing nothing. Even though it might be doing something really crucial for my body and my spirit, I have continued not to do it. Frustrating. I’m reminded of the letter by Paul in the Christian Scriptures where he says “the things I don’t want to do, I do, and the things I want to do, I don’t do.” As long as I’m squarely in the midst of the human condition, though, I know I’m not unusual in this regard.

In reading his book, though, one line jumped out at me, because I’m talking this morning about our church’s new Ends/Goals. We talked about the first one last month. The second goal the board wrote after listening to the congregation is this: “We support and challenge one another in worship, spiritual growth and lifelong learning to practice a rich spiritual life. ” The part that strikes me is that we support and challenge one another. What that means is that the board wants me to practice both sides of the preacher’s job. Those two sides are to be pastoral, which is related to the word for shepherd. To comfort, to heal, to speak tenderly to, to care for, to teach gently. Pastoral, and the other side is Prophetic. That is related to the word “prophet.” You could have told me that. Prophets are always shining the light on people’s shortcomings, calling people back into righteousness, scalding those who just want to be secure in their sense of themselves. People hate prophets. In the Jewish Scriptures, they get chased into the desert, thrown into holes, yelled at, jailed and even killed. To be pastoral and prophetic is the job of the minister of a church. An old saw says that the preacher’s job is Ôto comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” That always sounded a little smug to me. In my 35 years of being a minister, I’ve met very few people I would call comfortable. Life afflicts the comfortable.

I don’t like to scald people. I don’t like to scold people. I don’t learn well from being shamed or yelled at. I am called, however, to challenge people and to challenge the culture; ur broken culture, which is so busy trying to worship money and power, which is so engineered to keep the heavy-footed on top of everyone else. “You dress the mortal wound of my people as if it were superficial, saying peace, peace, where there is no peace.” That is the prophet Jeremiah.

We support and challenge each other, our goal says, toward growth into a rich spiritual life. We know how to support one another, I think, better than we know how to challenge. That’s what my experience tells me. It’s certainly what FB tells me. We roughly “call each other out” for infractions, we stomp on a person’s ignorance, we mock people’s attempts at solutions to problems. It can be ugly out there. Here is the line from the book that jumped out at me: “People blossom when challenged and wither when threatened.”

When I put this quotation on Facebook for my friends to chew on, the responses were wise and well thought out. Challenges involve hope, not fear. A threat is something intended to harm, and a challenge is intended for good. What about people who perceive the challenge as a threat? Even though it wasn’t intended that way? Does the responsibility lie with the person offering the challenge or with the person receiving the challenge? One of the most elegant responses said “Challenges are invitations to grow. Threats are warnings not to grow.” The place where most UUs are feeling threatened is in our trying to get right about whiteness culture, so I’m going to talk about that for a minute. Those of us who are people of color, people of the global majority, know a lot about the way things are arranged in this culture, to favor whiteness, and those of us who identify as white are trying to keep up. For some reason a lot of us who identify as white don’t react to the new knowledge about whiteness culture with curiosity and courage. We act as if we feel like something is going to be taken away from us, and we clutch our lives and list our liberal credentials and shut the windows tightly. It takes practice to respond with curiosity and courage. I’ve thought a lot about my various privileges over the years. When I ended my marriage to a man and came out, I noticed the loss of heterosexual privilege. I’ll talk about that in another sermon.

We all are complicated intersecting privileges: youth, health, race, gender-typical, neuro-typical, sexual preference, socio-economic background, and many more. We all have some and not others. Those who have more are playing the game of life in this culture at a lower level of difficulty than others. It behooves us to notice and talk about our level of difficulty, but whiteness culture seems to forbid it.

There are so many challenges in our lives, it seems a shame to add to them here in worship, but look. Our country is wicked, and it has been forever. We have made it our mission to try to help build the Beloved Community. If we ae going to do that, we are going to have to be uncomfortable some of the time – with sermon topics, with the music, with expressions of emotion in worship or lack of them. That’s what challenge feels like. No one is trying to take anything away from us. Wait, that’s not true. I experienced my world view taken away from me as I began to wake up to the situation of women in this culture, and in the global culture. Once I woke up to seeing the war on women, I couldn’t unsee it. It was everywhere. Once I woke up to seeing the war on brown, black and native people I couldn’t unsee it. My naivetee was taken from me.

That’s what I lost. Is that bad? Why do I feel rude in mentioning that every 28 hours in our country an unarmed black, brown or native person is killed by police? Why do I feel strident pointing out that three women a day in the US are killed by their husbands, partners or boyfriends? The hesitancy to point out facts is one of the symptoms of this culture. Shhhhh, and talk about the American Dream.

This is a hard world for many among us. You look at people’s outsides and they look so together, but so many people are hurting. We need one another’s support. I would ask you to think about giving ten times the support to people you know as you give challenge. I would ask that we challenge one another rarely, and with huge love and humility. The culture, on the other hand, has all the support it needs, it seems, and we should rise up and challenge it with loud intelligent voices, with reason and disruption and skill and all the power we can muster together.

If we can hold one another in love and respect, if we can meet challenges with curiosity and the courage to make mistakes and go on, if we can build a strong spiritual life, where we root our hearts in compassion, where we slow down to take a deep breath when we are confronted by something new, where we do what we say we will do, where we know who we are and who we want to be, we will enrich our own experience of life, and we will live better and be better to live with.

If We Do Not Venture Out
Marni Harmony (excerpted)

If, on a starlit night,
with the moon brightly shimmering,
We stay inside and do not venture out,
the evening universe remains a part of life we shall not know.

If, on a cloudy day,
with grayness infusing all
and rain dancing rivers in the grass,
We stay inside and do not venture out,
the stormy, threatening energy of
the universe remains a part of life we shall not know.

If, on a frosty morning,
dreading the chilling air before the sunrise,
We stay inside and do not venture out,
the awesome cold, quiet, and stillness of
the dawn universe remains a part of life we shall not know.


If we stay inside ourselves and do not venture out
then the Fullness of the universe
shall be unknown to us….

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Love’s Sanctuary

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
October 14, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We have talked about the ancient history of offering sanctuary as we have with Sulma and Alirio. In the broader context, we all need sanctuary, a respite, a sacred place to get re-centered. We will discuss what it means to be a people of sanctuary.

Call to Worship

This place is sanctuary
Kathleen McTigue

You who are broken-hearted,
who woke today with the winds of despair
whistling through your mind,
come in.
You who are brave but wounded,
limping through life and hurting with every step, come in.
You who are fearful, who live with shadows
hovering over your shoulders,
come in.
This place is sanctuary, and it is for you.
You who are filled with happiness,
whose abundance overflows,
come in.
You who walk through your world
with lightness and grace,
who awoke this morning with strength and hope,
you who have everything to give,
come in.
This place is your calling, a riverbank to channel
the sweet waters of your life, the place
where you are called by the world’s need.
Here we offer in love.
Here we receive in gratitude.
Here we make a circle from the great gifts
of breath, attention and purpose.
Come in.


“Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow, thou art with me.
Though my heart’s been torn on fields of battle thou art with me.
Though my trust is gone and my faith not near In love’s sanctuary thou art with me.”

That’s the first verse of Austin-based, singer/songwriter Elyza Gilkyson’s song, “Sanctuary”. Gilkyson also wrote the beautiful song, “Requiem” that you just heard.

I wanted to share the song “Sanctuary” with you this morning, because even though I do not sing it anywhere near as well as she does, I think the song captures so much about the concept of sanctuary and it’s different meanings.

I saw Gilkyson in concert once, and she said basically that she has intentionally left the the “Thou” in “thou art with me” in a sense of mystery and the unknown.

More on this later!

Our Lifespan Faith Development programs are following a monthly, theme-based format called “Soul Matters”, so I decided to offer a worship service each month on the same theme being explored though our “Soul Matters” activities.

It did not even occur to me when the theme for for Soul Matters for October ended up being “Sanctuary”, that we would be in a state of not being able to use our church sanctuary so we can complete its expansion and renovations.

So we find ourselves creating sanctuary here, in this room, which was actually the church’s original sanctuary many years ago.

And on top of that, on November 11, we will be creating sanctuary wherever we can, because the building will be without electricity. We’ll let you know soon where and what we’ll be doing on the 11th!

And I think that is one of the themes of Gilkyson’s wonderful song and of our service today – while sanctuary sometimes refers to a physical place, we humans are capable of creating sanctuary wherever we may be and however we may need it.

Anyway, as I said, none of this occurred to me when I was adopting the Soul Matters theme of sanctuary as our topic for today.

It also never occurred to me that I would end up writing this sermon on this past Friday, which just happened to have been the 17th anniversary of my 19th birthday. Apparently there is no sanctuary from getting older.

Nor did it occur me that today, October 14, happens to be national “Clergy Appreciation Day.”

Just thought I would mention that. Anyway, our word, “sanctuary” comes from the Latin root “sanctus” which means “holy” – a place set aside for holy worship. Today, it also means a place or situation of refuge, protection, such as a bird or nature sanctuary. For we humans, it can also mean a place or circumstance where we find renewal of the mind, body and spirit – a restoration of wholeness and integration, which is related to the meaning of the Germanic root of the word “Holy”.

So, when we think about what “Sanctuary” means, what it means to be a people of sanctuary, as our faith development programs are examining this month, there is a rich tapestry of understanding to explore.

One meaning of sanctuary that we have been actively engaged in here at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin is the ancient tradition of temples and churches providing sanctuary, refuge to folks being wrongly persecuted by the government. This tradition goes all the way back to the time of the Hebrew scriptures and has recurred again and again through the centuries and throughout the world.

In the U.S., churches provided sanctuary along the Underground Railroad for slaves fleeing the South to seek freedom. Later, churches sometimes provided shelter for women’s and civil rights leaders.

In the 1970s, religious groups provided sanctuary to soldiers on leave from the Vietnam war who refused to return to the war for ethical reasons.

In the 1980s and 90s, churches provided sanctuary for refugees from civil war and political turmoil in several Central American countries, when our government was refusing to provide asylum to these persons even though our government and corporations were at least partially responsible for the situations causing them to have to flee their home countries.

Now, of course, we find ourselves with similar or even worse circumstances, and this church has stepped into that ancient tradition and offered sanctuary to two persons whose very lives would be at threat were they deported to their home countries.

We have also provided advice based upon these experiences to over 20 other churches that have become sanctuary or sanctuary supporting congregations, growing the sanctuary movement.

I am pleased to report that Alirio, who has been in sanctuary with us for more than a year now, along with Hilda, who has been in Sanctuary at our partner church, st. Andrew’s Presbyterian, will be filing applications for stays of removal, which would prevent their deportation, at the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement office in San Antonio later this coming week. They’ll be accompanied by their attorneys and a small group of supporters and will have the benefit of much congressional support that has been built on their behalf.

Let’s all hold them in love’s sanctuary this coming week.

Another meaning of sanctuary is a physical place that we hold sacred – a place where we feel safer, where we connect with something larger than ourselves, a place where we can renew ourselves after the challenges of life and our world.

As we discussed, that can be a church sanctuary such as we have created here, but can also be any place or circumstance within which we find refuge and renewal – somewhere in nature, in the arms of a caring loved one, gardening in our back yard, listening to music that moves us, in the words of a favorite poem, etc.

Some folks also make it a practice to create sacred spaces and daily rituals within their homes and families to make their home a place of sanctuary.

What are the places and practices within which you find refuge and renewal? Do you have enough of them? How often do you spend time within them?

Forming a sense of belonging and relationship is another way that we also can create sanctuary for ourselves and others.

When I was twelve years old, my Grandparents gave me the gift of sanctuary. My parents were in the midst of a difficult divorce, and my mom was having to work a lot, so her parents took care of us before and after school each day.

At my Grandparents house, I always knew I was loved. I always felt safe. I always knew I would be cared for.

I was struggling over the divorce and my not so great relationship with my father. I was also having problems with some of my schoolmates, because they were sensing that I was somehow different, though I do not think they or I yet knew that it was because I was a young gay kid growing up in a small, ultraconservative, South East Texas town.

My grandparents loved to travel and would sometimes go out of town for a month or more. Right before they were about to go on one of their trips for the first time since the divorce, my grandfather took me aside and gave me a key to their house. He told me that I was welcome to go there any time I needed to do so, even while they were out of town.

Their providing me with that sanctuary, that place of escape and safety, made such a huge difference for me as I moved through that difficult time. It was about having access to that physical place of refuge, yes, but even more so it was their gesture of love and understanding that created sanctuary for me.

Finally, I think we create sanctuary when we take care of each other at an even larger level – when we tend to one anothers’ wounds communally.

I think of the way in which at this church we have worked to make ourselves a welcoming space for LGBTQI persons, who so often have been hurt by religion in the past.

Likewise, we are trying to tear down white supremacy both within these church walls and beyond them, though we still have much work before us to do regarding this.

I think of how we take care of each other when we get sick, comfort one another when we encounter life’s inevitable losses, mark life passages with one another.

I think of how we help each other confront our own fears, challenges and “growing edges”, as they said when I was in seminary.

And I think of how, on an even larger level, we create sanctuary for each other when natural disasters strike, such as the hurricane we have just witnessed or the raging fires we have seen recently in some of the Western states. People coming together to create the chance for recovery and renewal for other people struck by such disasters.

This is human love and compassion in action. This is us creating love’s sanctuary.

Here is more from Eliza Gilkynson’s song:

Through desolation’s fire and fear’s dark thunder, thou art with me.
Through the sea of desires that drag me under, thou art with me.
Though I’ve been traded in like a souvenir, in love’s sanctuary thou art with me.

Now, I have been talking about our human ability to create sanctuary, but I would be remiss if I did not also talk about our human tendency to create the need for sanctuary in the first place because of the evils we do to one another.

As we have been discussing, we have to create spaces and circumstances of sanctuary to help ourselves through life’s inventible challenges and hurts and losses, as well as to celebrate its joys. We create sanctuary in response to the ravages that sometimes come from our natural world.

Far too often though, we also find ourselves having to create sanctuary for the victims of the harmful behavior perpetrated by human beings.

For far too many women and not just a few men, the past weeks have felt like being traded in like some cheap souvenir, as Gilkynson puts it in her song, as people in positions of power (primarily white, wealthy men) dismissed and belittled stories of sexual harassment and assault.

And so people have had to build “me too” and “times up” movements to try to provide some relief from the abuse.

We have to create shelters like SafePlace here in Austin for victims of domestic violence.

Alirio has to take sanctuary with us because he would likely be killed if our government were to deport him to his home country, even though our country helped create the horrible situation in EI Salvador in the first place.

We have to build shelters and legal services and a whole gamut of support structures for immigrants being treated so deplorably by our government. We have to cry out against children being held in tent city internment camps like the one here in Tornillo, Texas, after being forcibly separated from their parents.

Scientists are forced to try to find ways to provide sanctuary, indeed to save from extinction, species after species whose very continued existence is at threat because of what humans are doing to their environment.

And I could go on and on and on. People have to create, Back Lives Matter and other groups to try to create some relief from the gross injustices of our criminal justice system against African Americans and other people of color.

We have to create housing assistance and other support for the basic needs of families because their employers are not paying them enough to survive.

Refugee services for victims of war and genocide. Medical services for people with inadequate or no health insurance. Services that provide sanctuary for elderly folks so often discarded and abused in our society.

Well, again, I could go on and on. You know the list. You know the many ways people are having to create relief, renewal, some form of sanctuary for the victims of so many forms of abuse and societal neglect.

It can feel pretty discouraging sometimes, can’t it? It can be tempting to fall into despair.

But that is exactly what an ideology that is on the rise throughout our world encourages – despair. It is an ideology of scarcity. An ideology that sees life as a zero sum game, wherein there must be winners and losers. A cynical ideology that wants to keep us in doubt and off balance. An ideology that sees authoritarianism as the only way to maintain order.

But, my beloveds, we can take another world view. We can choose faith over despair. We can have an ideology, indeed, a theology, ‘Of abundance. A theology that says we are all in this together. A theology that envisions a world wherein we all thrive together. A theology based on compassion and love and that create’s love’s sanctuary, knowing that the “thou” in love’s sanctuary with us is each other.

A theology that says that together we have this mystical ability to bring divine possibilities into being, into full realization, which in turn then offers back to us ever more creative and live-giving choices.

That’s a theology that will build a larger and larger sanctuary of beloved community in our world.

I am so thankful that we have this place, not just the beautiful new physical space we will soon occupy, but more importantly, this religious community – a community where we can come to be in sanctuary together to regain our bearings, renew our faith, nourish our often wounded souls so that we can go back out into our world and keep creating love’s sanctuary in that world.

Through the doubter’s gloom and the cynic’s sneer, thou art with me.
In the crowded rooms of a mind unclear, thou art with me.
Though I’ll walk for a while through a stream of tears.
In love’s sanctuary thou art with me.
In love’s sanctuary thou art with me.
In love’s sanctuary thou art with me.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Love is the Spirit of this church, and Service is its Law

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
October 7, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

“Love is the Spirit of this Church, and Service is its Law.” Most people look for ways to feel useful, to find good meaning in their lives, and to connect with others as they seek to leave the world a better place than they found it.

Call to Worship

This House
by Kenneth L. Patton

This house is for the ingathering of nature and human nature.

It is a house of friendships, a haven in trouble, an open room for the encouragement of our struggle.

It is a house of freedom, guarding the dignity and worth of every person.

It offers a platform for the free voice, for declaring, both in times of security and danger the full and undivided conflict of opinion.

It is a house of truth-seeking, where scientists can encourage devotion to their quest, where mystics can abide in a community of searchers.

It is a house of art, adorning its celebrations with melodies and handiworks.

It is a house of prophecy outrunning times past and times present in visions of growth and progress. This house is a cradle for our dreams, the workshop of our common endeavor.


A Litany for Survival
By Audre Lorde

For those of us who live at the shoreline
standing upon the constant edges of decision
crucial and alone
for those of us who cannot indulge
the passing dreams of choice
who love in doorways coming and going
in the hours between dawns
looking inward and outward
at once before and after
seeking a now that can breed
like bread in our children’s mouths
so their dreams will not reflect
the death of ours;

For those of us
who were imprinted with fear
like a faint line in the center of our foreheads
learning to be afraid with our mother’s milk
for by this weapon
this illusion of some safety to be found
the heavy-footed hoped to silence us
For all of us
this instant and this triumph
We were never meant to survive.

And when the sun rises we are afraid
it might not remain
when the sun sets we are afraid
it might not rise in the morning
when our stomachs are full we are afraid
of indigestion
when our stomachs are empty we are afraid
we may never eat again
when we are loved we are afraid
love will vanish
when we are alone we are afraid
love will never return
and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid

So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive.


Useless Fury. Have you been feeling some of that? I don’t think I have seen such distress in many years.

How long can you live with such distress? Lifetimes, if you read the writings of historically marginalized and powerless folks. Lifetimes. Feeling like the heavy-footed are silencing us.

I’m going to tell you something about women. Something most of you already know.

“We were imprinted with fear like a faint line in the center of our foreheads. Learning to be afraid with our mothers milk.” For by this weapon the illusion of some safety to be found the heavy-footed hoped to silence us. The heavy footed have reinforced this lesson now. It might be easy to give up. But we won’t, because we have a voice together. Together is the first word of our mission. Together is powerful. From time to time, individuals are called to step forward in Courage. Almost always, though, this courage has its roots somewhere in together.

We come to this place with our pain, our fears, or limits, and our strengths. we come to this place to learn to love and just serve. We come to this place to build the Beloved Community. Together. In order for this place to be here, we have to work together.

Sometimes when we are distressed and afraid, our first instinct is to shut down, to become isolated, to get depressed.

At my house what we do is watch a garden show called “Gardeners’ World.” The show has Golden Retrievers and volunteers. It has old ladies glowing with gardening and older couples discovering new species of orchids.

Transformation through service

Today is about transformation through service. That’s the name of a new program we have been beginning.

Every time we light our chalice, we say together, “Love is the spirit of this church and service is it’s law.”

There is so much service that has been done here. People help with the stewardship campaign, people help with Fellowship, people teach, people clean, people pitch in to proofread things, too right cards, to sit at the welcome desk so that everyone always gets a human voice when they call the church, I have a volunteer who assist me and helps me do more than I could do by myself. We have people who help us count the money and keep it safe as it comes in so that it can all be used well, we have people who write cards and make visits to those who are ill or in distress. Just to get an idea of how much human power it takes for us to make this congregation work, would you please raise your hand if you have done any volunteer service for this congregation?

I ask this so we can look around and see how many people it takes. Some people are in a position in their lives and spirits to do more than others people are temperamentally suited as givers. Other people are in a place in their lives where it’s all they can do to keep the home fires burning. We are all in different life stages.

There are many different kinds of jobs to be done in this congregation. Some require physical presence and others don’t. How can you tell if there is a job that might suit your life stage your spirits energy your gifts and talents? Transformation through service program.

Give and You Receive

“It is better to give than to receive” may have a biological basis. A new study found that the brain’s pleasure centers became activated as people decided to donate part of a new stash of money to charity, rather than keeping it all for themselves. The findings may shed light on why some people contribute to the public good, even at a personal cost.

Researchers at the University of Oregon took advantage of an advanced brain imaging technique known as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which shows when specific regions of the brain are activated. Their study was supported by NIH’s National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Science Foundation. At the start of the experiment, 19 women received S 100 and were told they could keep whatever money remained at the end of the session. They then lay in an fMRI scanner for about an hour, while a computer screen displayed a series of possible money transfers to a local food bank. About half of the proposed transfers were voluntary – participants could decide whether to accept or reject the donation. In other cases, the proposed transfers were required, similar to a tax. Occasionally, additional money was unexpectedly added or taken away from either the woman’s or the charity’s account.

As described in the June 15, 2007, issue of Science, the brain scans showed that three very different situations – receiving money, seeing money go to a good cause or deciding to donate money – all activated similar pleasure-related centers deep in the brain.

Greek philosopher Aristotle once surmised that the essence of life is “To serve others and do good.” If recent research is any indication, serving others might also be the essence of good health.

According to a recent study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The research revealed the following about each of the study’s populations:

  • Men Enrolled in Baltimore Experience Corps – This group experienced the greatest increase in brain volumes over the two-year study.
  • Women Enrolled in Baltimore Experience Corps Women showed modest gains in brain volumes, but they also began the study in generally poorer physical condition than the men. By the study’s end, women had made the most significant improvements in physical activity. Dr. Carlson noted this could lead to future increases in brain volume and improved executive function among the women.
  • Control Group Members – This group showed typical age-related shrinkage in brain volumes.

The study involved 702 retired men and women, 352 were trained to serve as Baltimore Experience Corps volunteer mentors. They worked in libraries at Baltimore City Public Schools, helping young children learn to read. The remaining 350 study participants – control group members – were not involved in Baltimore Experience Corps. Volunteer work involved:

  • Working in teams
  • Problem solving
  • Walking throughout the day
  • Sharing their knowledge

Within this larger study, researchers also conducted a “nested study” (a study within a study). This involved 111 of the research participants, 58 from the Baltimore Experience Corps group and 53 from the control group. These people underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans – an exam that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed brain images – and memory tests at scheduled points during the research.

“We expected the brains of study participants to shrink as part of the normal aging process,” said Michelle Carlson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Core Faculty at Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health. “Instead, after two years in a program that involved them in meaningful, social activity, their memory centers either maintained their size or grew modestly.”

“We learned that activity with a purpose may benefit cognitive function and memory in older adults,” Dr. Carlson said. “The magic ingredient seemed to be getting out of your home and getting out with a purpose.”

Learned helplessness

Learned helplessness can be taught. The way that you get taught learned helplessness is that nothing you do seems to make any difference to your situation. You get a shock whether you press the little paddle or not. You get your food or you don’t get your food; it doesn’t matter what you do. And you learn that nothing you do makes a difference.

We will not let them teach us this. This is a place where we can be together. We can learn that we are not helpless. We can learn our powers. We can join our voices. We can keep going TOGETHER.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

What I Learned from Being a Writer

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
September 30, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Being edited, rejected, praised, criticized, inspired, and uninspired; I’ll create circumstances in which you have to just keep your head down and write anyway.

Call to Worship
Navajo Tradition

Beauty is before me,
and beauty behind me
Above me and below me
hover the beautiful.
I am surrounded by it,
I am immersed in it.

In my youth I am aware of it
and in my old age I shall walk quietly
the beautiful trail.
In beauty it is begun
and in beauty it is ended.

Kathleen McTigue

May the light around us guide our footsteps and hold us fast to the best and most rightous that we seek. May the darkness around us nurture our dreams and give us rest so that we may give ourselves to the work of our world. Let us seek to remember the wholeness in our lives, the weaving of light and shadow in this great and astonishing dance in which we move.


Think about your life, and ask yourself what your art is. Do you garden? Paint? Theater? Actions? Do you make music? Are you a dancer? Do you make businesses, do you teach, do you write? As I’m talking about being a writer, I invite you to think about your art form and how the things I’m talking about pertain to what you do.

The book I’m using for this sermon is called Art and Fear. It’s a small book, but it packs a lot of wisdom, and I notice new things each time I read it over.

I’m going to speak in broad brush strokes here. I may say something like “everybody struggles with fears as they create.” You may think “I bet Mozart didn’t. He was a genius.” We’ll get to that. Is your art going to be like Mozart? No. Ok, let’s get on with it.

We’ll talk about genius for a moment. There are some, no doubt. They are not most of us. Let’ s talk about talent. Malcom Gladwell says maybe talent is made up of interest or focus. It doesn’t make you good at something by itself. What makes you good at something is spending ten thousand hours at it. Whatever you spend ten thousand hours on, you will be good at. Putting in the time is what makes good art.

Some people have a picture of an artist, a writer, a dancer, a business starter-upper, who has a flash of inspiration, goes to the studio or the office, works feverishly for a few days, and brilliant things are born. There are flashes of inspiration, for sure. Many people have a great idea for a garden, a painting, a book, a business, but if they don’t have the training, the tools, the craft, the muscles, the experience, they can’t make that idea happen. The art of art is a mystery, intangible, but art is mostly made up of craft. Craft is what gets you the farthest. That’s not true. Keeping going is what gets you the farthest.

There are so many things that make you want to stop. Whereas art happens in some times and places as part of community, in our culture mostly it happens when individuals are working alone, without feedback or support, not knowing whether they are any good. It used to be that the community needed you to paint that bison on the wall of the cave, or the king needed the music for his party, or the tribe or clan needed the bard to write the song that told the history of the people, or the church commissioned you to paint the ceiling. Now a lot of people work alone. The questions and fears can make you stop. “Am I any good? Will I be a success? What does that mean? Is this going to mean anything to anyone? Are people going to be angry with me? Will I be misunderstood? What is the point of this? Is it just self-expression? Is that selfish? Is it going to be helpful to anyone?”

I started writing in journals, combing through my thoughts. I lucked into a gig writing commentaries for the local WNC NPR station. They said “Make it 600 words, make it deep, and make it funny.” I did one every three weeks for years. I wrote them with little kids running around scattering legos, I wrote while they asked what was for dinner. I wrote when I was sick and when I was well. When my inspiration ran dry I had to write about when your inspiration runs dry, because I had a piece due. The same thing with sermons. I need to have something to talk to you all about on a Sunday morning. That’s a serious deadline. No extentions.

What this book says is to wonder whether you’re any good, whether you’re going to be successful, whether you are better than that other artist over there, and do you art anyway.

It’s the most Buddhist thing ever. In order to write, you have to write. You don’t have to build a writing shed, clean off a desk, clean the house, water the garden, you just write. Ruthlessly. If you wait for inspiration you’re lost. Many artists quit because there is so much business involved, paperwork, fund raising, taking things to the post office, looking up writing guidelines to figure out whether they want one inch margins or one and a half inch margins. One successful artist figured he actually painted about 6 full days a month, even though he was working on it full time.

Many artists quit because they don’t realize how much doing nothing is involved in creating. Your brain has to get into that part of it that is the daydreamer. You can’t go straight from the decision-making planning brain to creating, usually. You need to spend some time doing nothing. That’s why I need Fridays and Saturdays to write a sermon. There is the reading to be done, of course, but there is a lot of wondering. “What would I want to hear about if I were in the pew for a sermon about this? How can I not bore people to slobber? Why did I ever think I could write anything about this? It’s too complicated, too multi layered. Maybe it’s just going to be meaningful for me and no one else. Let me watch one episode of this BBC detective series. Maybe one more.” Then there is the time when you put everything together and it’s sixteen pages when it needs to be five. Then there is time when you just let it cook for a while. Then you have to have time to panic. Then you write.

The main thing is to feel afraid and to write anyway. What will people think? Wonder that and do you art anyway. Keep putting in your hours. In the book is the story of the ceramics teacher. He announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality.

His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the “quantity” group: fifty pound of pots rated an “A”, forty pounds a “B”, and so on. Those being graded on “quality”, however, needed to produce only one pot – albeit a perfect one – to get an “A”. Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity. It seems that while the “quantity” group was busily churning out piles of work – and learning from their mistakes – the “quality” group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.

You learn to do your art by doing it. A lot of it. Stephen King, in his great book “On Writing,” talks about doing the “closed door” draft of the book, the one only you will see. Natalie Goldberg talks about the bad first draft.

Everyone talks about that. If you get stuck trying to make the first paragraph brilliant, the first version of the painting brilliant, if you try to put the garden in all at once, you are setting yourself up for frustration. Some thing just slip right out as if they were channeled, and other things have to come out messy first.

I think doing church is a kind of art. The same rules apply. You have to just keep doing it. There are 20 days of team meetings to 10 days of hands on justice in a month, 20 days of planning and shopping and talking to 10 days of hands on teaching, fellowship parties, amazing music and other experiences that hold within them the possibility of nourishment and transformation.

We have our eyes on the goal of Beloved Community, but we must learn to love the process, the cleaning of the brushes, the trips to San Antonio, the relationship building with other churches and organizations. This is the way things grow and change. A church will create the skills in the people to do community well by doing it clumsily at times. You celebrate your triumphs, while always feeling that divine discontent artists talk about, never being satisfied, still following the vision. Building the Beloved Community by doing church, dancing, parties, painting, speaking, writing, singing, moving money around, knocking on doors, registering people to vote, teaching, voting, getting good at love and compassion in the midst of our efforts – it’s a process we’ll be engaged with for decades. We are making a lot of art so that some of it will be brilliant. We keep going, because that is what all veteran artists have in common. They didn’t quit.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

UU101, UU201, UU301

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
September 23, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

This Sunday will be a party. We will talk about UU 101, 201, and 301 with original songs and stories from Rev. Meg. We will all be invited and encouraged to make our pledges together as a celebration of faith and hope, expectation and promise.

Text of this sermon is not available. Click the play button to listen.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Faith Out Loud

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
& Rev. Chris Jimmerson
September 16, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

As we begin a sermon series on our church’s ends/goals, we will talk about living our UU faith and values, teaching them to our children, and acting on them in the world.

When you think about your values, your personal values, what are they? Honesty? Authenticity? Busy-ness? Kindness? Winning? Compassion? Security? Power? Connection? Knowledge? Skill? Wisdom? Experience? Health? Inclusion? Fairness? How did you get those values? Did your parents teach you directly? Were there teaching stories? Was it a matter of watching the grownups and deciding you want to be like that, or not be like that?

I was taught through the stories of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures. Wisdom is more valuable than money. Kindness and love are paramount. We will be judged on how we treat the poor, the widows and the orphans. No group of people is better than another based on anything but character. Except people who don’t like classical music, and people who do think they are better than other people. So there are the big values and then there are the tiny ones. Jar with golf balls, beads and sand?

This congregation named its values, and the list is here in your order of service:

  • Transcendence – To connect with wonder and awe of the unity of life
  • Community – To connect with joy, sorrow, and service with those whose lives we touch
  • Compassion – To treat ourselves and others with love
  • Courage – To live lives of honesty, vulnerability, and beauty
  • Transformation – To pursue the growth that changes our lives and heals our world

Children learn values mainly by interactions with us. When I was working as a family therapist, parents would talk about their hopes for their kids. “Well, odds are they are going to turn out pretty much like you, “They would grow pale and quiet. Yes. Be the person you’d like your child to be. You want them to say please and thank you? Say it to them. You want them to be kind? Be kind to them. How do you want them to handle frustration? You handle it that way. How do you want them to express anger? You do that? How do you want them to treat their friends? You do that. Does that make sense? This doesn’t always work. Sometimes there are organic issues, chemical imbalances, etc. that throw you a curve. Sometimes substances get involved, and each substance has its own “personality,” Alcohol is self-despising, accusing, pitiful and angry. When a substance gets involved, you are dealing with your loved one’s personality plus the personality of the substance.

When I was working as a family therapist, I would ask people what their parents’ expectations had been. “They just wanted me to be perfect,” they’d say. When I asked people what they wanted for their children, they would say “I just want them to be happy.” There is a disconnect there. I began to ask parents to create a “job description” for their children, a list of qualities and values that, if their children were to move toward those, they’d feel they had done a good job as parents. For my children, I make this list: be kind, strong and brave, joyful, useful loving honest and healthy. No one can be all of those things every moment, but it can be your goal, your constellation of stars by which you steer your little ship. We would say this list in our prayers every night. Now my grandchildren have their own list they say every night.

How are our values going to be transferred to our children here?

How do you teach someone to treat themselves and others with compassion and love? How do you teach someone to connect to the world with awe and wonder at the unity of life? Well, you teach them to extract DNA from strawberries, to make a volcano from lemons, you teach them about worm farming and the cycle of life, about water, about other people and their religions, about helping others and being fair, how to be an individual and also part of a group, how to look after the interests of yourself and your people, but balance that with looking after the interests of the community. We teach them about what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist in this world.

We have to talk about our faith. We make a family chalice and light it at meal times or in the evening while we’re going about our activities. We say things like “As Unitarian Universalists, we don’t act like that.” Or “As UUs, we treat our friends this way, we treat our elders this way, we disagree with curiosity and respect.”

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Wade in the Water

Rev. Meg Barnhouse
September 9, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

We bring some water from a place special to us for the common bowl as we speak together about places that move us, have meaning for us, or hold comfort for us.

Intergenerational Sunday

(Sing) — Wade in the water

This is a spiritual song from the Africian American tradition. Women and men in Africa were enslaved and brought over in ships to be sold in people in South America and North America. Enslaved people in the US were allowed to go to church, and some of the songs they would sing had layers of meaning. They mean one thing, and they also mean another thing.

First verse: See that band all dressed in white. The leader looks like an Israelite.

The Israelites were people we learn about in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Jewish Scriptures. Their people had been enslaved in Egypt for 400 years until a hero named Moses helped them escape. They went across a sea to the place where they could be free. In the story, God pushed the water out of their way, and then when the bad guys chased them, all the water fell back on them. Wade in the water.. God’s going to trouble the water. What does that mean, trouble the water?

Story in the Christian Scriptures, in the gospel of John. There was a pool in Jerusalem, and the legend was that God would make the waters choppy and rough, troubled, from time to time. If you could get in or get your friends to put you in when the water was troubled, you would be healed. The story goes that Rabbi Jesus had a conversation with a man whose legs hadn’t worked for 38 years. He told Jesus he didn’t have anyone to put him in the water when it was stirred up. Jesus told him to rise, take up his bed, and walk. He did. The religious people told the man he’d broken the law by carrying his bed on a day people were supposed to rest. He said that the man who healed him told him to do that. They looked around for Rabbi Jesus, but he had already left.

This Scripture, which the men and women in church all knew, teaches that the laws people make up are not important to Rabbi Jesus, who they worshipped. The laws said they were slaves, and that they should obey the people who owned them. This song says if a law is not right, not just, it’s okay to break it.

Wade in the water…. God’s going to trouble the water

See that band all dressed in red… Looks like the band that Moses led. There was a woman who was a hero to the enslaved Africans. Her name was Harriet Tubman, and she led groups of people escaping through fields and swamps, through mountain passes and friendly houses with hiding places so they could get to the Ohio River and cross over into states where enslaving people was against the law.

For these enslaved believers, water meant baptism and it meant a way to throw the dogs off your trail and a way to get to freedom. Their lives had plenty of trouble, so having a faith story that troubled waters were the time when healing could happen was very strengthening.

Those of us who are physically free still have rivers to cross in our lives and inside ourselves. The waters around us get troubled. We can remember that these are times we can ask for help from our friends, teachers, and family, and that the Spirit of Love is loving us.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

First UU Alive

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
and Jules Jaramillo
September 2, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Our spirits become most fully alive and connected to our human potential when we are able to embrace our UU faith and spirituality in our daily lives. Join Jules and Rev. Chris as we explore the wonderful possibilities of our UU Living Tradition.

Call to Worship

Now let us worship together.

Now let us celebrate this congregation’s highest religious values.

  • Transcendence – To connect with wonder and awe of the unity of life
  • Community – To connect with joy, sorrow, and service with those whose lives we touch
  • Compassion – To treat ourselves and others with love
  • Courage – To live lives of honesty, vulnerability, and beauty
  • Transformation – To pursue the growth that changes our lives and heals our world

Now we raise up that which we hold as ultimate and larger than ourselves. Today and all the days of our lives.

Now and in our daily lives, we nurture and cultivate these higher spiritual commitments.

by Sophia Lyon Fahs

The religious way is the deep way, the way that sees what physical eyes alone fail to see, the intangibles of the heart of every phenomenon. The religious way is the way that touches universal relationships; that goes high, wide and deep, that expands the feelings of kinship…

Life becomes religious whenever we make it so: when some new light is seen, when some deeper appreciation is felt, when some larger outlook is gained, when some nobler purpose is formed, when some task is well done.


I was standing on an outdoor platform in Chicago, waiting for the train that would take me to my class that morning. The platform was located under a street that ran across a bridge overhead, partially blocking the morning sun.

Still, one, wide ray of sun was shining though, and it was snowing very, very lightly. Tiny, fragile snowflakes were being held aloft by a brisk wind, swirling in circles in the air.

They danced through the bright ray of sunlight, reflecting it in dazzling patterns, as if thousands of miniature mirrors were whirling and casting their own small rays of light in almost infinite directions – tiny spirits dancing and floating and spreading light into their world.

Needless to say, I was captivated, standing transfixed until the sound of my train approaching drew my attention.

I turned toward the sound of the train. As I did, I made eye contact with an elderly gentleman who was leaning on a carved wooden cane for support. He was smiling. There was a joyful glint in his eyes. I smiled back.

Without exchanging a word, we both knew that we had both been mesmerized by the beautiful ballet of sunlight and snowfall. We both knew that we had somehow been profoundly moved by it.

Riding in the train a few moments later, I could not help thinking that the potential for the religious, the possibility for transformation exists within any moment.

In that small, fragmentary sliver of time on a cold train platform in Chicago, I understood that this person I had never meet and would likely never see again, was, like me, enmeshed in all the beauty and fragility and wonder and suffering and joy that life has to offer.

I was reminded that this understanding is the place from which compassion and love flow.

This idea, that the possibility for transformation is present within every moment, has strong implications for how we think about and do faith development.

If there is transformative potential in every fragment of time, in each encounter – and if we take the work of the church to be at about spiritual growth, then that means we can carry our faith with us beyond these church walls, open ourselves to the ongoing possibility of religious experience in our daily lives Ñ both that which we create intentionally and that which occurs when we are not even expecting it.

And throughout the week, everything we do here in the church can be seen as faith development. Religious education is occurring not just in classrooms, but also throughout the life of the church. Every worship service, every ministry team and committee meeting, every conversation during the fellowship hour has the potential to be transformative.

I wonder, if we take this view, how might our church meetings change? Might they focus less on details and more upon our values and vision? Might we put our mission at the top of every meeting agenda?

Might we, from time to time, begin our ministry team meetings by reviewing our covenant of right relations?

Maybe we infuse our stewardship campaigns with our passion for living out our mission in the world and making real differences in real people’s lives!

Perhaps we pause during meetings for a reflective period or to sing a hymn together that captures our vision for creating a better world.

How about some time for dancing during that Green Sanctuary Team meeting! OK, well at least maybe time for meditation and prayer!

The way that we are together becomes paramount. The how we interact takes precedence, whether in the classroom or the boardroom.

The method is the message, as our Unitarian Universalist education forbearer, Angus McLean famously put it.

Here is another example.

When I was doing my ministerial internship, one project they gave me was to put together an intergenerational Christmas Pageant for one of our December worship services.

The pageant was a Unitarian Universalist version of the biblical nativity story. Our cast included folks ranging in age from four or five to this amazing woman in her mid-eighties who ran circles around me and kept our rehearsals on track.

Putting together a pageant, complete with costumes, props, songs and children dressed up as the animals in the stable had been quite the challenge but lots of fun too.

We had camels, cows, a donkey, some doves and at least a couple of cats.

An ongoing challenge was helping them to remember that there were imaginary stable walls around the edges of our little dais. More than once during rehearsals, a cow or camel would walk right through one of the imaginary walls, and we would have to remind them not to do that!

On the Friday before we were to do the pageant, the news broke about the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary.

On Saturday, I talked with my supervising minister. We had to decide whether to go forward with the pageant or whether it would be too light hearted given the anguishing news.

We decided to go forward; however on Sunday morning, we stood together before the congregation, and offered a prayer for the victims and their families before we be started.

I could feel a noticeable sense of shock and grief among our church members that morning.

We started the pageant.

About halfway through it, one of the children costumed as an animal in our imaginary stable, one of the cats I believe, got so wrapped up in one of the songs in the pageant, that she stood up and started dancing.

She pirouetted right through one of our imaginary walls, whirling and swirling in balletic circles in front of our carefully set up nativity scene.

She was about the same age as the youngest children who had been killed at Sandy Hook.

The woman who had helped keep our rehearsals on track and I were sitting together, and we looked at each other, both wondering if we should get up and lead our little dancing cat back into the scene.

As soon as our eyes met though, we both knew that we had to let her continue.

She was dancing. The music was playing and the people were singing. At one point the song almost faltered. The children were mesmerized by the little girl’s impromptu ballet and the adults were nearly overcome with emotion.

I looked around the sanctuary and saw that the adult’s eyes were glistening, their tears reflecting tiny pinpoints of light in almost infinite directions across our sanctuary.

We kept on singing, and the little girl kept her ballet afloat, and our spirits were dancing through joy and sorrow and back again in small, fragmentary slivers of time.

The music and the singing and the dancing were the method. That we had to continue our part in the creative co-telling of life’s grand pageant was the message.

A young girl’s dancing had transformed a congregation that morning.

I have a spiritual director who says that a key element of spiritual growth is to be always mindful of and open to the possibility of transformative experiences.

I think that’s right.

And, I believe faith formation in our churches can go a step further by helping us to actively carry our faith into our daily lives – to actively pursue transformative experience both in our lives and throughout the life of this congregation.

May we always be mindful of our capacity to transform one another.


Text of Jule’s homilie is not yet available. Click the play button to listen.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Muppet Theology

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 26, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

Jim and Jane Henson created their lovable puppet characters over six decades ago, and the Muppets really began to gain prominence in the early 1970s. Through their decades of television and movies, what have the Muppets had to tell us about life, love and creating community?


Swedish Chef Video

I have waited my entire life to begin a sermon with the Swedish Chef doing Rapper’s Delight.

And, choosing this service topic gave me an excuse to wear my new Muppet boots, featuring Animal.

In actuality, I have been thinking about doing this service since back when I was in seminary and having to read many, many, many theology books and write many, many theology papers.

One evening I decided I needed to clear my head of the deep thinking for a bit, so my spouse Wayne and I went out to see a movie.

Thinking it would get me about as far away from theology as I could get, we went to see the muppet movie that was playing at the time that was simply titled, “The Muppets”

By the way, for Unitarian Universalists, theology does not have to involve a God or Gods, though it can. It can also be about a way of thinking about and understanding that which is ultimate, that which is most important for living richly and fully, that which is larger than ourselves but of which we are a part.

Anyway, I am sitting there watching the movie, and I’m like, “Wow, there’s a kind of theology happening here.”

It’s about creating community and struggling together toward a common purpose. The Muppets have always had each other, even when things looked bleak. They stuck together. They stayed in relationship even when they had conflict.

They never let one another give up – they carried each other when needed.

And I sat there thinking, here we have a band of quirky, intelligent, creative oddballs and misfits who somehow find each other and create a caring community where they laugh, cry, play and sing together.

My God, they’re Unitarian Universalists!

I told Wayne all of this. He said, “Shut up and watch the movie.”

I’m joking about that last part. We talked on the way home, not during the movie. We were at Alamo Drafthouse, and the ghost of Ann Richards would have taken us out if we had done so.

Over the past 63 years now, in television programs like “Sesame Street” and “The Muppet Show”, as well as in their movies, the Muppets have modeled spiritual themes rooted in community, belonging and interconnectedness: we can help each other follow our dreams; reconciliation and redemption are possible.

They’ve modeled staying true to yourself and your calling; mysticism and wonder; the effort and the struggle being more important than the outcome; being willing to ask for help when we end it; and to quote one line from the movie, “Life’s a happy song when there’s someone beside you to sing it”.

A while back, I put a public post on Facebook, asking folks, “Over the years, what have you learned about life and living from the Muppets.

Now, I should have known in a mostly Unitarian Universalist crowd that I would get some typically smart aleck responses like:

  • It’s not easy being green.
  • Don’t be a grouch or you’ll end up living in a garbage can.
  • Cookies are good.
  • Don’t play with electricity like crazy Harry

The more serious responses all also focused on belonging and relationship. Folks had gotten from the Muppets:

  • The importance of listening deeply to one another.
  • The power of music to turn strangers into friends and friends into family.
  • How friends make life exponentially better.
  • That you might as well embrace life’s weirdness because life is already weirder than you think.
  • Caring and curiosity will make your own life better.
  • Our differences are what make life more interesting and creative.
  • Even with our differences, we can all live on the same street and get along.
  • We can all come together and create something beautiful if given the chance.

I loved it that one of church couples has decided that everyone has a “Spirit Muppet” in life (you know, like spirit animals), and they have chosen Ralph the Dog and Grover as theirs. 

They decided this after reading about slate. com Supreme Court reporter Dahlia Lithwick’s “Unified Theory of Muppets Types” which theorizes a singular factor that divides us in our society: “Every one of us is either a Chaos Muppet or an Order Muppet. “

Here’s how Lithwick explains her Unified Muppet Theory:

“Chaos Muppets are out-of-control, emotional, volatile. They tend toward the blue and fuzzy. They make their way through life in a swirling maelstrom of food crumbs, small flaming objects, and the letter C.

Cookie Monster, Ernie, Grover, Gonzo, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and-paradigmatically-Animal, are all Chaos Muppets.

Zelda Fitzgerald was a Chaos Muppet. So, I must tell you, is former Justice Stephen Breyer.”

Order Muppets-and I’m thinking about Bert, Scooter, Sam the Eagle, Kermit the Frog, and the blue guy who is perennially harassed by Grover at restaurants (the Order Muppet Everyman)-tend to be neurotic, highly regimented, averse to surprises and may sport monstrously large eyebrows.

They sometimes resent the responsibility of the world weighing on their felt shoulders, but they secretly revel in the knowledge that they keep the show running.

Your first grade teacher was probably an Order Muppet. So is Chief Justice John Roberts.

And in this way, we can understand all societal conflict.

Are you an order muppet or a chaos muppet?

Now, whether or not you buy Lithwick’s “Unified Theory of Muppet Types”, I do think that the muppet characters can be thought of as archetypes that capture some of our human traits and, more specifically, our Unitarian Universalist faith characteristics rather well.

Of course, we have to start with Kermit the Frog, who I think can be thought of as representing our Unitarian Universalist rootedness in rationality and the use of reason. He’s a steadfast thinker and philosopher and a natural leader.

There is a great drive in this part of our faith that leads us to contemplation, discovery and progress in our state of knowledge. The shadow side of it though is that we can get so caught up in our heads that we sometimes do not actually act upon that knowledge.

But either way, how can we keep from loving a frog who does a cover of the Talking Head’s “Once in a Lifetime”.

Kermit Video

In contrast, I think Animal can be thought of us as representing our embodied, emotional, passionate side.

This is the side of us that drives to acting upon our faith but can also result in us being hasty and irrational.

Still, it is where a deep well of compassion and love resides. ÇAnimal VideoÈ

Next, I think Fozzy the Bear can represent how we can enhance our faith by infusing it with a sense of fun, fellowship, joy and humor.

While our faith would become shallow if these were all that it involved, fun, fellowship, joy and humor can very much help us sustain and deepen the other aspects of our spirituality.

Even when the jokes are really bad. Waka. Waka.

Fozzy Video

And then there’s Janice, our guitar rocking, deep thinking, mystical side of ourselves.

I also suspect Janice may be Buddhist.

Janice (and we) though have to be careful sometimes to avoid thinking we’re being deeper than we really are.

Janice Video

I have always loved Statler and Waldorf, the grumpy guys that sit up in the balcony and offer unsolicited commentary.

I think maybe they can be thought of as representing our Unitarian Universalist history of skepticism and questioning.

A healthy dose of skepticism and questing has helped keep ours an honest religion.

I think the danger may be that too much skepticism can devolve into sitting on the sidelines and criticizing the efforts of others in our faith.

Statler and Waldorf Video

And, of course, we cannot leave out Ms. Piggy, who as you heard in our reading earlier considers is a feminist, as well as I think represents that there is probably a spark of Diva along with that spark of the divine within each of us.

In fact, in 2015, Ms. Piggy received the Sackler Center First Award for her feminism from the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum. Gloria Steinem, presented her with the award.

Ms. Piggy has a particular kind of feminism, I think. She embraces her femininity and feminine charm, but is also tough as nails, knows karate and will take you down if you mess with her!

I like to think of Ms Piggy as representing our strong and steadfast commitment to feminism and all struggles for equality and human rights – our affirming and promoting the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Here’s Ms. Piggy in her own words with some advice on being stylish and living life.

Ms Piggy Video

So, those are just a few of our Muppet archetypes.

My apologies if I left out anyone’s favorite Muppet character. I leave it to you to figure out what archetype they may represent, as well as to discern your own “spirit muppet” if you are so moved.

I am leaning towards Gonzo.

So, to summarize, Muppet theology is about our need for connection, community and belonging.

It is about knowing that creating community can be messy and difficult sometimes, but, if we stay in relationship with each other even during the challenges, we can become our best selves and create something greater than ourselves at the same time.

Muppet theology is about learning that the things that may be our greatest strengths can also be aspects of ourselves that can contain challenges and potential pitfalls.

It is about being there for each other, carrying each other when it is needed, as well as celebrating our uniqueness and our differences.

In these times, wherein cynicism abounds, it occurred to me as I working on this service that the Muppets might seem a bit naive and simplistic these days.

Then I thought, “or perhaps they are expressing some very basic human values from which we can too easily become separated”.

Maybe we could benefit from a return to simple compassion, caring and communality. The Muppets model for us that sense of caring and compassion. They model how if we stay in community, stay in relationship through good times and bad, we can make beautiful music together.

And so it is that I am left with no choice but to close by offering you at least a small part of the Muppets performing Bohemian Rhapsody.

Bohemian Rhapsody Video

And Amen.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Loving, Laughing, Living

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
August 19, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

For many of us, the stories and images we have been witnessing in our news and social media have felt like trauma. In fact, some notable authors have suggested that Americans have begun to show the signs of trauma as a people. We will explore some of the ways to lower our trauma responses and foster resilience, love, and joy.


After the Blinding Rains
Chris Jimmerson

After the blinding rains came and washed away the foundations;

After the howling winds blew through windows, shattering glass and tearing apart wooden blinds and curtain fabric;

Once the bombs had knocked down even the walls made of such precise and rugged stone, and fires had ravaged wooden rafters.

I stumbled amidst the rubble of what was left, crying out at all that had been lost, unable to make repairs and build anew, searching for some new materials that might withstand such devastations.

And then I saw you, and also you, and all of the ones following each of you, each carrying with you your own fragments of what had been.

Some of you bringing new elements to strengthen our possibilities – replace what had been lost.

And together, we built new structures of meaning.

We created soaring towers of beauty; deep wells of understanding; walls held aloft by an infrastructure of love.

And there we dwelt for a while, fortified once more, having chosen our new place and our new way of being.


In 1972, in the mountain town of Buffalo Creek West Virginia, a rudimentary damn that had been holding back waste water and sludge deposited behind it by a coal mining company collapsed during a rainstorm. A huge wall of thick black waste flooded town after town below, destroying homes, churches, roads, businesses.

One hundred twenty five people died.

The waste avalanche wiped out the entire infrastructure supporting community after community.

Sociologists visiting the area a year later discovered not only individual trauma, but also collective trauma.

Entire communities experiencing collective disorientation and disconnection, shock.

Entire communities struggling to find meaning and purpose because the structures and institutions, relationships and routines that had defined their daily lives for generations had been swept away.

Collective trauma is when the familiar ideas, expectations, norms and values of an entire community or society are damaged, plunging them into a state of extreme uncertainty and confusion.

Studies have found that collective trauma can be trans generational, passed on to the children of communities that have experienced trauma. One study evert found that holocaust survivors had passed a genetic tendency toward stress hormones associated with trauma to their children, though others have questioned this study.

Individually and collectively, trauma is the result of experiences that pose an existential threat to our well being or even our very existence.

We can also experience secondary trauma when we witness such experiences happen to other people.

I’m going to go through a list of some of the signs and symptoms that can indicate trauma in a society and/or in individuals. As I do so, I’d like to invite you to reflect on what we are witnessing in our u.s. society these days, as well as what you mayor may not have felt or experienced.

  • Anxiety, fear, tension, inability to relax, trouble sleeping.
  • Increased rates of substance abuse and other addictions.
  • Impunity, social injustice, inequality, discrimination.
  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
  • Rumors, disinformation, tendency toward conspiracy theories.
  • A sense that one can never do enough.
  • Hyper vigilance, chronic exhaustion, paranoia, a sense of persecution.
  • Loss of communality, polarization, tearing of the social fabric.
  • Depression, despair, increased physical ailments, shortened life expectancy.

Any of that ring a bell? And the list could go on.

A growing number of sociologists and others are suggesting that u.s. society is exhibiting signs of collective trauma.

And would that really be so surprising? Let’s review again some of what we have been experiencing and witnessing.

  • Rapidly growing wealth and income inequality that has resulted in greater and greater numbers of American households living in poverty or only one lost paycheck, one unexpected major expense away from it. People having to crowd fund insulin and other basic healthcare necessities. This is an existential threat, folks.
  • News reports full of violence, terrorism threats, renewed fears of nuclear warfare, mass shootings. School children having to participate in active shooter drills where they hide under their desk while uniformed men with guns burst into their school room. How can we think they wouldn’t be traumatized?
  • Climate change that is driving a new age of species extinctions and making whole geographic areas of our world uninhabitable.
  • The Me Too movement revealing harassment and abuse women continue to endure in this country.
  • Polarizing and sometimes violent political rhetoric and attacks upon the very institutions of our representative democracy.
  • Those of us who are LGBTQI and our allies witnessing our hard fought rights protections being reversed and moves to make discrimination against us legal.
  • The continued brutality against and killing of African Americans by police who are rarely held accountable for it. Clueless white people calling the police on African Americans for the crimes of having a barbecue while black, napping in their own dorm lobby, a black child selling lemonade in front of her house.

I find it horrifying to read these stories and view these images and videos. I can only imagine how traumatizing it must be for African Americans and other people of color.

Our government ripping small children apart from their asylum seeking parents, some who may never be reunited. Our gross mistreatment and human rights violations of immigrants more broadly.

Again, I experienced what I can only honestly call secondary trauma over these stories and images. The trauma experienced by these children and their parents must be devastating, as well as that experienced by their collective communities.

These are just some of the societal issues we are experiencing that could very well be leading to collective trauma.

Now, I have to talk about our 45th President here for a moment. Every time I do, I hear back from someone who thinks we should not talk about politics from the pulpit (or our senior minister Meg gets an upset email about it).

The thing is, that set of religious principles that we read together earlier – as Unitarian Universalists we make a covenant (a sacred promise with ourself and with one another) to affirm and promote them.

And we cannot be true to that covenant, that sacred promise, if we remain silent while those religious principles are trampled upon and violated in the political policy sphere.

So, when the Obama administration was holding small children in prison like facilities, I spoke out against that too.

And I do not think we can begin to address the societal ills I just described if we do not acknowledge that the policies and rhetoric of 45 and his administration are creating some of them and making others of them much worse than they had been.

And while I am getting myself in trouble, there is one more potential source of collective trauma that some social observers have proposed we may be experiencing.

I want to read a definition for you.

“Gas lighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s belief.”

Collective trauma is when the familiar ideas, expectations, norms and values of an entire community or society are damaged, plunging them into a state of extreme uncertainty and confusion.

The Washington Post Fact checker found that as of August 1 of this year, our 45th President had made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days.

That’s an average of almost 8 falsehoods per day, and they found his rate of daily denials, misdirections, contradictions, and lies has been increasing.

If you watch his rallies, I think he is even traumatizing his own supporters in this way

OK, enough about that. Since I am on my iPad, I’m just sending Meg a text warning her not to check her email until she gets back from vacation and study leave.

So, if we accept that we may be experiencing collective trauma, how do we heal? How do we reduce our trauma responses and foster resilience?

Well, the first step may be recognizing the trauma. I think sometimes because what we are experiencing may be at a lower level than people who have experienced the horrors of genocide or individual abuse, we discount our own feeling and experiences.

To become whole again though, requires that we share our feelings collectively, share our stories with each other, and that can feel very vulnerable. It is a paradox of trauma that it understandably causes us to want to put up an emotional shield because our vulnerability has been abused, and yet expressing our emotions can be one way through it.

We can work to change the conditions that are leading to trauma in the first place. We can join with groups that are pressuring our current governmental officials to institute policies that alleviate these social conditions and create a more equitable economic system.

We can work to elect officials more committed to social justice and economic fairness. We can encourage and help others to vote. And my friends, there is an election coming up – so vote!

And my beloveds, I called this sermon, “Loving, Laughing, Living” because one of the things trauma causes us to do is to withdraw from the very things that bring us joy in life – that are what our lives are all about.

During times such as this, connection and belonging with our loved ones, and expressing that love with them becomes even more important. Finding larger communities of compassion and support, such as we have with this congregation can be vital.

Taking care of ourselves, eating well, exercising, getting plenty of rest will help.

Here’s some advice that really helped me – only access news and social media once or twice each day and set time limits on how long.

Tending to our spirits, engaging in practices which ground and calm us, whether that is attending worship, meditation, yoga, hikes in nature, taking time to list all that for which we are grateful, whatever the practice might be, tending our spirits can also help shield us from collective trauma.

And it is OK to take a break from life’s struggles – immerse ourselves in beauty and the things that bring us joy. In fact, it is not only OK, it is necessary to our wellbeing. It is one of the strongest ways we resist collective trauma.

Playfulness and fun. Humor. The arts. Music. Goofing with our pets. Exhilarating in natural beauty.

Collective trauma (and progressive guilt) can cause us to rob of us these experiences of beauty and joy. We can feel that we do not deserve them because, after all we have it better than many other folks do.

The truth is we need them to sustain our spirits and give us resilience in our struggles to create a better world wherein we no longer experience human caused collective trauma.

Allow yourself the joy, my beloveds. I’ve come to think of joy as divine love finding expression in our lives.

I’ll close with the words of the poet Jack Gilbert:

“If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction, we lessen the importance of their deprivation.

We must risk delight… We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world. To make injustice the only measure of our attention is to praise the Devil. If the locomotive of the Lord runs us down, we should give thanks that the end had magnitude. We must admit there will be music despite everything”.


Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Truth Telling

Kye Flannery
August 12, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

So many people in so many ways have said “the truth shall set you free.” What are the truths that set us free? What sounds like truth but doesn’t liberate us at all? Together we’ll be exploring our experience, how we know ourselves, and how we speak from our deep truth to create better relationships and a better world.


I must say it’s easy to deliver one’s truth by sermon — pull your argument together, write it out — read it — I get to take 15-20 minutes of your time, uninterrupted — most of the time — 😉 Much harder in real life.

  • When you don’t think someone will care
  • When there’s no one to help
  • When we don’t want to risk a relationship
  • When you’re low on the totem pole…

as Ashley Judd, one of the actresses who came forward to help start the #metoo movement — in speaking out about harassment she’d faced from Harvey Weinstein, she pointed to this truth: ‘Were we supposed to call some fantasy attorney general of moviedom?’

No. No such person. It can be hard to tell the truth. It can put us in a place that feels dangerous, or is dangerous. But let’s face it. Our Universalism infuses how we view our own lives and the lives of others. We don’t believe that anybody’s condemned, and we believe that everybody and everything is interconnected. The time is ripe for us to get talking, and sharing our truths — with neighbors and law-makers, family members, oil companies and educators.

And I’ll just say there are a lot of grey heads out there that I bet have been telling difficult truths since I was in diapers. So, I’m sharing my truth today, and I look forward to hearing yours. Let’s start by bringing the spirits of other great truth-tellers into the room… who are they, in your life? Who lifts you up with the way they speak truth?

We’ve gathered those brave spirits into the space, a host of angels around us, supporting and inspiring.

One of the strongest voices of truth I know is a woman who spoke it with such courage, and it was so integral to her character, that she gave herself the name Truth — Sojourner Truth.

When I stop to think about that auditorium in Akron, Ohio — the Women’s Convention – May 1851 five male pastors had spoken — one, a universalist — and all had given theological reasons that it was inappropriate for women to have the vote or speak in public to advocate for themselves.

Nobody asked Sojourner to speak — she just stood up and walked to the podium. Organizer Frances Gage ALLOWED her speak, but all around there were rumbles from white women about a black woman speaking at the assembly. 1

If you were striving for respectability, it was considered unseemly for a woman to speak in assemblies or churches… 2 Olympia Brown wasn’t ordained by the universalists until 1863. But Sojourner stands, and she speaks:

That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne five children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?”

Just grok for a moment the courage it took to say that to a room full of white folks, confronting us with our stereotypes about strength, and womanhood, and blackness, all at once —

Book Crucial Conversations – I recommend it – I have been enjoying it and have incorporated some of its wisdom into what I bring you this morning. Here’s how I see the process of truth-telling:

We must first know our truths.
Then we must share our truth while staying in connection.
Then, we must find the path forward.
Courage – Listening – Translation – Creation

We must first know our truths.
Sometimes threats to our health, financial stability, physical safety, immigration status mean it isn’t safe to tell a truth that needs to be told. The first rule of caring for each other is believing that we each know what is safest for us, and to honor that.
But within the bounds of safety…

Is there something you really need to tell the truth about…? It’s possible to shy away from truth, even inside our own hearts, because it’s messy, because we suspect people don’t want to hear it, because we’re ashamed of it, because it’s ugly or painful.

And it takes time to transform the things that might be holding us back.
Truth-telling takes connection. Do we really want connection?
Truth-telling takes fairness. Are we willing to be fair?
Truth-telling means working through our fear. Are we afraid?

Buddhist teacher and climate activist Joanna Macy writes about fear of climate disaster, what we’re doing to the planet keeps us from even looking at it. 3 Fear keeps us ignorant of our own motivations and feelings, not to mention the feelings and motivations of others. So, this path to knowing our own truth involves facing fear, being with fear. After all, we can’t ask others to be brave and lay something on the line unless we set the example.

I know I get this *ding* when things fall into place — when I’m seeing from a big enough perspective that both the other person’s truth and my truth can fit there together, when I believe I can see a person’s goodness and good intent while also knowing I have a piece of the truth that they need. 4 And it is my job to walk with them to this truth… starting with what we both want, and showing how I believe we can get there.

I want to share words from a woman who is masterful at this.

Rigoberta Menchu — 1992 Nobel acceptance Speech… “Peace cannot exist without justice, justice cannot exist without fairness, fairness cannot exist without development, development cannot exist without democracy, democracy cannot exist without respect for the identity and worth of cultures and peoples… We are not myths of the past, ruins in the jungle, or zoos. We are people and we want to be respected, not to be victims of intolerance and racism… It is said that our indigenous ancestors, Mayas and Aztecs, made human sacrifices to their gods. It occurs to me to ask: How many humans have been sacrificed to the gods of Capital in the last five hundred years?”

It’s clear she’s done some very hard work – figuring out what’s in her heart, and also how it doesn’t fit what the dominant narrative said about her people. 5

I hear her facing fear — here’s what they say about us — they say we’re animals, savages — and I don’t accept it.

I hear her walking people along the path, from the end goal – peace – back to its roots — respect for the cultures and identities of all peoples…

There’s something so strong and undeniable in our words when we face our fear.

I really believe that we can’t connect with others on the issue racism unless we’ve connected to our own racism… I want to tell you a story about that.

There was a man I met at a church where I worked in Boston. He did cleaning in the office. We became friendly over time and I learned that his family was from the Dominican Republic. He’d had some brushes with the law, but was now doing better. He had a lovely little boy who I met once or twice. I was just getting to know him. I liked him, he was soft-spoken — eager to learn new things — One morning he came into the office late and he… I couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. I asked him the regular questions, how are you, how was your weekend, how’s your son — but he didn’t seem to comprehend my questions, he was barely able to answer them. I let him be and went about my day. I started to wonder in that moment if … maybe he wasn’t very smart. Did he not understand my questions?

There was a listening circle that happened later that month, talking and listening facilitated circles on the topic of race. I learned what happened that morning. That morning he had been driving a green car, and there had been a call about a crime, they were looking for “a black man in a green car.” He’d been stopped by the police in his car, put face-down on the pavement in the rain in front of his 1.5-year-old son, who was in the back seat of the car.

Suddenly I felt that grief and horror WITH HIM — anger — such a sense of loss — what would it have been like if I had been a trusted person for him to talk to —

Him telling his truth was me Claiming sorrow that had been mine all along, I just didn’t know it — Cultural grief. And we need to be able to both share this and hear this from our people.

Francis Weller, therapist, grief counselor in California 6

He writes about grief and conducts grief rituals, encouraging us to get in touch with the grief we are all carrying. He writes: “We send into the shadow the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable to ourselves or to others, hoping to disown them… The lack of courtesy and compassion surrounding grief is astonishing, reflecting an underlying fear and mistrust of this basic human experience… We must find the courage, once again, to walk the wild edge of grief.”

If we don’t even know how to feel one another’s pain when they’ve had a death in the family, how can we grapple as a culture with the effects of slavery, of failing refugees and asylum seekers, how can we willingly get into the imaginary space of truly GETTING what we’re doing to the planet, minute by minute? There’s that courage again —

We shape our lives to get away from discomfort! But as Pema Chodron puts it: “That’s the definition of Ego, just trying to get away from our experience, which never adds up to inner strength…it just makes us more scared and more uptight. And saddest of all, it isolates us and cuts us off from each other…” 7

We actually move away from each other because we’re afraid we can’t handle the things others bring up in us.

When pursuing truth, we must do those things which cultivate our courage.

What gives you courage?

Jumping in the springs gives me courage. Everytime, I dread it, and everytime I do it, I’m glad I did.

This leads us into sharing our truth, while staying in connection.

WHEN I TELL THE STORY I just shared with you — about my friend who was harassed by the police because he was a man of color driving a green car– it becomes easier for people who haven’t understood how racism functions in our society to understand how deep it runs — how much it hurts — both of us — him, and me — and how UNTIL I KNEW ABOUT IT, he was carrying all the grief and heaviness of that experience. He was the only one who knew. One of us was living in a police state, the other wasn’t.

So I’m not often going to tell someone the “truth” about their own racism. But I will tell them the truth of my racism, and that’s opened up more than one conversation. Because that is MY story, my vulnerability, my shame and grief.

Jungian psychologist James Hillman 8 — INDIVIDUATION — “Transparent Person, who is seen and seen through, foolish, who has nothing left to hide, who has become transparent through self-acceptance; her soul is loved, revealed… she is just what she is, freed from paranoid concealment… her transparency serves as a prism for the world….”

I like this idea. When we have courage to be seen and seen through, we become prisms. You know how being around a truthful person is like being around a clear light, when they use their power for good and not evil? I think that’s what he means. Sometimes, a truth is simple — that doesn’t mean it’s easy to say.

  • “I don’t like the way this conversation is going”
  • “I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s at all fair to say that Muslim people are dangerous, I don’t see evidence that this is the case.”
  • “If you want to talk seriously, we need to talk in terms that are serious and respectful.”
  • “I see the changes happening in our environment and I’m afraid for us… I see our planet and our species in danger.”
  • “I don’t feel that you’re doing your share of the work, and I’m tired of picking up the slack.”
  • “I know you’re a spiritual person, and I expect more compassion from you.”

For me, this is the hardest part — engaging with another person’s truth without resorting to SILENCE or VIOLENCE.

Purposely withholding information from the dialogue, to avoid creating a problem.

  • Masking – understating or selectively showing what you actually think
  • Avoiding – not addressing the real issues, shifting the focus to others
  • WIthdrawing or even exiting

Convincing, controlling or compelling others to our view

  • Controlling: Cutting others off, overstating facts, speaking in absolutes, dominating the conversation
  • Labelling – stereotyping, name-calling
  • Attacking – belittling or threatening the other person

As truth-finders, we run into our own discomfort, As truth-tellers, we are likely to run into our own AND OTHER PEOPLE’S cognitive dissonance – ” The discomfort experienced when we simultaneously hold two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.”

For instance,

  • How could we be walking through everyday life like things are normal if our planet is in crisis?
  • How could a man I’ve been friendly with cross the line into assault or harassment? How could it be that I have been a predator for 40 years?
  • I always thought other people were racist. What if I am too!?

AT THAT POINT our work is three-fold: not to get hooked on our own emotion, not to get hooked on other people’s, and to help them try to disentangle if they’re stuck.

Creating safe space
Those who are terrible at it: Ignore the need for safety, express without regard for how it will be received
Those who are good at it: May sense that safety is at risk, but do the wrong thing — water down content, which avoids the real problem
Those who are best at it: Step out of the content of the conversation, make it safe, then re-enter
Stepping out of content and then moving back into the content of the conversation.
When someone (including ourselves) begins to move into silence or violence, we recognize it.
Say, hey, what’s happening for you right now? Address the kind and generous soul in front of you who’s not feeling safe. How can you help to reduce this, without stepping away from truth? 9

I’ve done this with my mom — Ha, this was a pretty funny conversation, if you have a daughter or a mom you can probably hear how this went in your head 😉
Mom, can we talk about what this is bringing up for you?
“Don’t you chaplain me!!”

I didn’t stop chaplaining though. In a really defensive place, a person is wanting to be able to relax and trust, but can’t. We have to establish — sometimes over time — that our approach is loving and dependable — Marge Piercy: “fight persistently like the vine which brings down the tree”

Being aware of the other person’s emotions and our own emotions!! Being able to hold both of those at once! 10 Tonglen Practice. This is breathing in what’s difficult, and breathing out something lighter. Breathing in what’s difficult, breathing out something lighter. Breathing in what’s difficult, allowing it to open our hearts and wash over us and the situation, lightness and peace.

In that spirit, we find the path forward.
The examples of this peaceful courage are in this congregation and all around us

Isabel Pascual is a 42-year-old strawberry picker, She was interviewed in Time Magazine , when Time named the #metoo ladies their Person of the Year. Isabel is not her real name. Isabel was harassed in the workplace by a man who threatened to harm her and her children. “That’s why I kept quiet,” Isabel said. “I felt desperate. I cried and cried. But, thank God, my friends in the fields supported me. So I said, ‘Enough.’ I lost the fear. It doesn’t matter if they criticize me. I can support other people who are going through the same thing.”

Isabel spoke out about sexual harassment while working without documents. Her courage gives me chills.

Part of the creativity of finding the path forward is going where we don’t normally go, where others reside, (#metoo is a movement of both movie stars and migrant workers) — people continuing to put themselves on the line for others — courage and creativity go hand-in-hand.

When finding our path through truth together, we pratice courage — listening — translation — creativity — and, I believe, we must cultivate cheerfulness —

In Shambhala Buddhism there are several sources of energy and power for the self — different sources of life force. The one they call Windhorse: “gallantry, cheerfulness, upliftedness, gentleness” (Thea!) “Primordial confidence” — Let’s just breathe with our windhorse right now — deep breaths, bringing up that primordial confidence, gallantry, cheerfulness — 11

Taking up the path of truth doesn’t mean we are perfect In fact, if we are perfect, we probably aren’t practicing very much. 12

Another favorite mystic: Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul “The soul becomes greater and deeper through the living out of the messes and the gaps — this is the negative way of the mystics”

COURAGE – Listening – Translation – Creation

What’s the worst that could happen? What do the voices tell you? That we won’t be liked or respected? That we’ll lose our words? And there is a voice inside me that says if I speak out I’ll die — for some people that may be true.

But for me, in most situations, it isn’t. So if that voice speaks to you, too, I leave you with some words from sister Sojourner: “I’m not going to die, I’m going home like a shooting star! ”


(are you holding a truth that needs to be told that will bring healing?)

In the tradition of UU ordination, we lay hands on ministers to offer them strength,e energy, courage. I say, let us join our hands right now and bless one another as we move forward into the world as ministers:

We bless each other as seekers of truth. We start with the courage to listen. In the words of John O’Donohue:

To all that is chaotic in you, let there come silence…
Let there be an opening into the quiet that lies beneath the chaos,
Where you find the peace you did not think possible,
And see what shimmers in the storm.

We bless each other as sharers of our truth — It is in us to offer safety for ourselves and others in our words. In the words of Audre Lorde:

…when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid

So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive.

Let us bless each other as finders of the path forward — in the words of Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.

May it be so, Amen.

1 There are only a few accounts of this speech, version I’m going with was shared by Ms. Gage, 12 years later, in her autobiography. So take it with a grain of salt.

2 Though there are some itinerant women preachers from this time who were supported by specific communities… three of them left behind autobiographies… Sisters of the Spirit, Indiana Univ Press

3 She created an activist community to check out online: “The Work that Reconnects”

4 “Every time God’s children have thrown away fear in the pursuit of honesty, trying to communicate, understood or not – miracles have happened.” – Duke Ellington

5 International Indigenous People’s Day was this week — August 9 — gratitude for Rigoberta, the water protectors still doing the work of protecting the earth and our water supply here in the U.S.

6 Francis Weller “The Wild Edge of Sorrow”

7 Staying with Discomfort From Fear to Fearlessness

8 “Myth of Analysis”

9 It’s totally possible to do this badly! I remember speaking directly to a man who shouted at me and cut me off once in a board meeting — pulling him aside when we took our break and asking him what was going on, and saying that I didn’t feel that was appropriate, asking if we needed to talk about what feelings I was bringing up for him. Unfortunately, this set him off again — my tone, rather than helping him to feel safe, threatened his sense of calm and safety, which he was keeping by dominating the conversation. I think this made him feel shame and anger to boot.

10 When deepening engagement, we must cultivate Tolerance/Patience/Khsanti – Tonglen practice

11 Windhorse energy “Warrior’s gentleness: this is elegance, not arrogance. This is fearlessness, not heavy-handedness. Genuineness is not trying to convince ourselves something is there when it doesn’t exist. Gentleness is not being polite… Windhorse could be described as a bank of energy, which is the product of genuineness…” –Chogyam Trungpa

12 Joanna Macy’s 5 vows of a leader in the climate movement. Mix of our own growth and courage and engagement:

  • Committing to the healing of the world and the welfare of all beings. To live in Earth more lightly and less violently
  • Drawing strength and guidance from the living Earth, from our brothers and sisters of all species.
  • To help others in their work and to ask for help
  • To pursue a daily spiritual practice that clarifies my mind, strengthens my heart

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.

Making Our Alphabet Soup

Rev. Chris Jimmerson
Guest Speakers: Michael Thurman, Becca Brennan-Luna, and Tomas Medina
August 5, 2018
First UU Church of Austin
4700 Grover Ave., Austin, TX 78756

With the LGBTQ Pride Festival and Parade coming soon, members of our “Alphabet Soup” group will share their stories of finding a spiritual home at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin.

Call to Worship

We Answer the Call of Love
Responsive Reading By Julia Corbett-Hemeyer

In the face of hate,
We answer the call of love.
In the face of exclusion,
We answer the call of inclusion.
In the face of homophobia,
We answer the call of LGBTQ rights.
In the face of racism,
We answer of justice for all races.
In the face of xenophobia,
We answer the call of pluralism.
In the face of misogyny,
We answer the call of women’s rights.
In the face of demagoguery,
We answer the call of reason.
In the face of religious intolerance,
We answer the call of diversity.
In the face of narrow nationalism,
We answer the call of global community.
In the face of bigotry,
We answer the call of open-mindedness.
In the face of despair,
We answer the call of hope.

As Unitarian Universalists, we answer the call of love —
now more than ever.


Let Us Make this Earth a Heaven
By Tess Baumberger

Let us make this earth a heaven, right here, right now.
Who knows what existences death will bring?
Let us create a heaven here on earth
where love and truth and justice reign.

Let us welcome all at our Pearly Gates, our Freedom Table,
amid singing and great rejoicing,
black, white, yellow, red, and all our lovely colors,
straight, gay, transgendered, bisexual, and all the ways
of loving each other’s bodies.
Blind, deaf, mute, healthy, sick, variously-abled,
Young, old, fat, thin, gentle, cranky, joyous, sorrowing.

Let no one feel excluded, let no one feel alone.
May the rich let loose their wealth to rain upon the poor.
May the poor share their riches with those too used to money.
May we come to venerate the Earth, our mother,
and tend her with wisdom and compassion.
May we make our earth an Eden, a paradise.
May no one wish to leave her.

May hate and warfare cease to clash in causes
too old and tired to name; religion, nationalism,
the false false god of gold, deep-rooted ethnic hatreds.
May these all disperse and wane, may we see each others’ true selves.
May we all dwell together in peace and joy and understanding.
Let us make a heaven here on earth, before it is too late.
Let us make this earth a heaven, for each others’ sake.


Michael Thurman

How I found this church. It was the 90s, Every week there was another funeral another friend diagnosed with AIDS. My LGBTQ family were being villafied around the globe. we were feeling scared, guilty and helpless. We were living in full crisis mode. Feeling alone and shunned by family, friends and the whole community at times.

We leaned on each other and time was spent on vigils, helping our dying friends as much as we could. Cooking for them, some of us opened our homes so during the day no one had to be left alone, while their partners worked. Our social lives had changed from bars and dinner parties to hospital visits, Benefits and collecting donations. We got the notice for a 24 hour benefit called The mostly music marathon. It was being held in a church?

Now I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church. (Its where I learned the word HYPOCRISY) I grew up hearing the hate spewed out in my church against homosexuality. I was lucky though, coming out was no problem for me. I came out after high school graduation in 1979 and my mother always had my back. She would get upset while we were out together and ask “Why do you have to let everyone know your gay?” Because they need to know gay people exist! My mom and step dad even left the family church after a sermon (as they described) as a ignorant unkind attack on their son.

So the day of the mostly music marathon I got prepared, picked out my clothes made sure my belt matched my shoes and then started to prepare for entering a church again.

Practiced my smile and nod I would muster up when I heard “Love the sinner Hate the sin” “accept Jesus Christ as your savior and denounce your homosexuality before you die and you might make it to heaven” and hoped I did not get whiplash when smacked upside my head with the bible. My montra was brain first mouth second.

We pulled up in front of the church, walked to the front double doors and the first thing we see is a sign that stated “This church has a open door policy and accepts all that step through its doors” WOW! That still makes my hair stand up on end (and with all this hair that is saying something) As we walked in we were welcomed by several church members and smiled at, a little small talk, no entrapment so far! Then we hit the sanctuary and found a place to set. As I sat there a kind of peace fell over me. Here in this church there was every kind of person, all colors, ages, sexuality and families with children, not afraid to be around us gays. During intermission in the fellowship hall got to meet and talk to members of the church, gay and straight all welcoming and thanking us for being there. Heard of the gay mens group that met once a month. Even heard a rumor the new pastor was going to be a gay man.

The next sunday got up and went to our first Unitarian service. After a few more services my partner and I became members. Worked on committees gathered things for the annual fundraiser auctions. Being gay here was just a normal thing. I had found my place of peace. Now as all things do, things change, a breakup, a move out of town, several health challenges and church fell to the side. Then on my birthday a couple of years ago a small gift from a fellow Unitarian. My First Unitarian Universilist name tag. I found my place of peace again back in this church!

It was a little confusing that first Sunday back, All those Rainbow stickers on a lot of name tags had me confused. I thought “this church has become overrun with the gays” Then realizing allies wore them too, my heart felt so supported. Thanks allies for all the love and support. You are definitly part of my peace here. THANK YOU.

Becca Brennan-Luna

Hi, my name is Becca Brennan-Luna. I have been a member of First UU since last September, so almost a year. My wife Amy and I have been married for over two years and together for over 6 years. We had a few setbacks, and some discrimination at first, but we just recently found out that we have become licensed foster parents!

I was raised Mexi-Catholic in El Paso, TX. My family went to church every Sunday. We celebrated Christmas and Easter and gave up something for the 40 days of Lent. We were REALLY super Catholic! It was a big part of my life for a long time. I was baptized, had my First Holy Communion, and my Confirmation in the Catholic Church. I grew up believing that if we prayed and sacrificed and confessed our sins, that we would go to Heaven. I believed that God created us in His image and that He loves us, but that He would punish us if we sinned.

I’m sure we all have an idea about what the Catholic Church thinks about homosexuality, right? Well, Pope Francis is a good guy, but it was different when I was growing up. I heard a lot of anti-gay sentiment and hate and judgement based on fear. Despite this I did believe that God would be there for us when we needed Him. I still believe that, and I still pray. Okay, maybe my image of God is different now. He is a She, for one.

My family was very close and very loving. But we definitely had a certain way of doing things, and a way things were supposed to be. Homosexuality is not something my family talked about all that much. My mom had one gay friend who lived in California and a distant gay cousin who lived in Mexico. We saw the friend sometimes, and my family was pleasant with him, but there was always an air of mystery about the men and their “lifestyle.” It certainly wasn’t something that would be acceptable for me in my family’s eyes.

I guess growing up I had crushes on boys. Yes, I swooned after the New Kids on the Block. But maybe that’s because that’s what all the other girls did. Maybe that’s just what I was “supposed” to do I honestly didn’t know crushing on girls was an option. I remember feeling very ashamed and confused for a long time.

I attended an all-girls private Catholic high school, with nuns and everything! If the mean girls didn’t like you, they would spread a rumor that you were a (whisper) leeeesbian! Oh, the horror if that rumor got spread around about you! Everyone would avoid you like the plauge and make ugly faces at you for being SUCH an abomination. Needless to say, finally coming to terms with my sexual orientation was a lengthy and difficult process. College was great for me because I moved away from home, met like-minded people, and felt accepted for who I was. I understood who Becca really was for the first time . So, I shared a bit of my coming-out story and we’re supposed to be talking about our experience at First Unitarian Universalist. I’ll get to that.

Even though I felt a little betrayed by the Catholic Church, I still continued to go for a while. I longed for that spiritual connection with a community. I loved the music, the singing, the prayers and “Peace be With You.” At first it was kind of ok to be there. Even though I personally was never turned away, it got harder to ignore the fact that I was not welcome.

I heard about First Unitarian Universalist from a few different people, so my wife and I decided to try it out. I LOVED it! People were so welcoming! It seemed like everyone was friendly with one another. The music was so lively and uplifting. I love hearing Reverend Chris and Reverend Meg’s messages acceptance, inclusion and love. I enjoyed the services very much.

What means so much to me was that I ALWAYS feel like I belong here. I joined the People of Color group, Alphabet Soup, and I got involved with Service Saturdays, Sack-Lunch making and Religious Education. Im just so thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful community. I have everything I used to love about my old church, minus all the judgement. I feel like I am welcome and accepted. I feel like I am home.

Tomas Medina

When I was growing up, my father used to tell me, “Gay people should be lined up and shot.” When I was growing up, the worst thing you could be called in school was faggot. In junior high and high school, I was called faggot, a lot. In fact, I had such a miserable time in high school, that I skipped my senior year altogether, opting to test out and start college at age 17.

The church I was brought up in was also not a place of refuge for me. I was taught that I should love the homosexual sinner, but that a homosexual act was a mortal sin, which not only prevented me from taking communion but would also condemn me to hell, if I was unlucky enough to die before having the chance to confess my sin.

As you might imagine, as a young man wondering about my own sexual orientation, I never felt particularly safe at home, or at school or at church. When I came out at 17 to my parents, I was seriously worried that they would react negatively and throw me out. They didn’t throw me out, but they did send me to a psychologist whose advice to me was to not look at the men on my college campus who were wearing shorts. Fortunately, at my college, I was part of support group for LGBTQIA students, and I quickly decided that I didn’t need to see a psychologist to help me get over my gay feelings. What I decided instead was that it was my parents who needed help to get over their homophobia.

Coming out to my parents was not the only time I felt like coming out might be risky. As a gay man, deciding whether to come out is something that I have to weigh on an almost daily basis. With every new situation and every new person that I encounter, I do a quick calculus as to whether it is safe for me to be explicit about being gay. And I don’t think I’m being paranoid about this calculus. Even in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood, a very gay neighborhood, I’ve recently been called faggot by men who I not only had no romantic interest in but was downright frightened of. And I remember that when I was being interviewed for a job by a judge in a NYC court, he asked me how I could live in downtown NY where there were so many homosexuals and wasn’t I afraid that I’d get AIDS. There are only two places, where I don’t feel the need to do the mental calculus as to whether to come out. One is when I’m somewhere that is predominantly gay and caters to the gay community, like a gay club, gym, or beach. The other exception is here at First UU Austin. I think it’s remarkable that there is a community that is majority non LGBTQIA where I don’t have to wonder what the consequence will be if explicitly acknowledge my gay identity.

Here at First UU being lesbian gay bisexual transgendered, intersexual, questioning, asexual or straight is not something that is used to define us. But, at the same time, our struggles with the world outside of this First UU community are acknowledged, and our triumphs are celebrated.

Being part of a community that is majority non LGBTQIA , in which I feel both safe and acknowledged, has had transformative benefits for me. For one thing, it has allowed me to find a spiritual home. I couldn’t explore my spirituality anywhere where being gay somehow made me lesser than anyone else.

Something else I appreciate about First UU is that it supports our Alphabet Soup group. A group exclusively for those who identify as part of both the LGBTQIA and UU community. It’s a wonderful treat to be able to meet with other First UU’s who share similar experiences and to be able to relate to each other without the need to explain ourselves. And, not all members of the LGBTQIA community at large are interested in exploring spirituality, so it’s great t be able to form relationships with other member of this community who share similar spiritual yearnings.

I also love that at First UU I have formed relationships and friendships with many people outside of the LGBTQIA community. Being supported and loved by so many people in this congregation, has given me the confidence to be more myself in the outside world. As I find myself taking leadership positions in the church, I also find myself less willing to keep my opinions and beliefs to myself in my relationships outside of the church, whether I’m with family, friends, or at work.

Perhaps the most transformative aspect of being part of the First UU community is the optimism it has given me. I am confident that if we can build a loving and supportive community in here, it can happen in the outside world too. Being part of this community has given me more confidence to take the risk when I do the calculus as to whether to come out, yet again. And I know that every time I and others in the LGBTQIA community comes out, yet again, the world takes a small step towards becoming the world we know it can be.

Podcasts of this and other sermons are also available for free on iTunes. You can find them here.

Most sermons delivered at the First UU Church of Austin during the past 18 years are available online through this website. You will find links to them in the right sidebar menu labeled Sermons. The Indexes link leads to tables of all sermons for each year listed by date (newest to oldest) with topic and speaker. Click on the topic to go to a sermon.