First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
Congregational Meeting
December 3, 2006

A regular congregational meeting was held on December3, 2006. The meeting was duly posted with notices sent in the newsletter and by mail to all members of the congregation, all in accordance with the bylaws. A quorum was present.

President Don Smith called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m. Smith lit the chalice and provided opening words. He introduced Mickey Moore as the timekeeper and introduced members of the Board of Trustees.

Adoption of Congregational Rules

Don Smith presented the proposed congregation rules as adopted at the last congregation meeting. Upon a motion duly made by Daesene Willmann, seconded and passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that the congregation al rules in the form of attached Exhibit A be adopted.


President Don Smith presented the minutes from the prior congregational meeting of May 7, 2005. Secretary Doris Hug offered one correction. Upon a duly made motion by Doris Hug, seconded and the minutes were approved as amended.


President Don Smith asked if there were any questions on the reports. There were none.

President?s Report is attached as Exhibit B.

Minister?s Report is attached as Exhibit C.

Interim Preacher?s Report is attached as Exhibit D.

Director of Religious Education Report is attached as Exhibit E.

Director of Music Report is attached as Exhibit F.

Treasurer?s Report is attached as Exhibit G.

Stewardship Report is attached as Exhibit H.



Henry Hug presented proposed changes to the Financial Asset Management Policy. The changes clarify distributions from the Memorial/Endowment Fund. This document must be presented and approved at two consecutive congregational meetings prior to implementation.

A motion was duly made by Finance Committee Chair, Henry Hug to approve the proposed changes to the FAMP (1st vote). The motion passed. (Exhibit I)

Master Plan

Brian Moore presented the Facility Master Plan and Next Improvement Steps report. (Exhibit J) The Building Committee is requesting hiring an outside consultant to conduct a feasibility study to determine how much money we can expect to raise with a Capital Fund Drive to build Phase I

A motion was duly made by Brian Moore as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Master Plan be accepted and the Building Committee is approved to hire an outside consultant to work with the church to determine how much money our congregation could provide toward a building addition to our facility.

Stefan Windsor offered an amendment to the motion it was seconded as follows:

RESOLVED, that the feasibility consultant costs are not to exceed $5, 000.

After discussion and clarification by the members present, the vote was taken on the motion amendment. The amendment motion failed.

A vote was then taken on the main motion and passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Master Plan be accepted and the Building Committee is approved to hire an outside consultant to work with the church to determine how much money our congregation could provide toward a building addition to our facility.

Social Action

Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis presented the Social Action Programming in 2007 document outlining goals for congregational approval. (Exhibit K)

A motion was duly made by Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis and passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that the congregation adopt the Social Action themes as presented in the document presented for 2007.


Henry Hug recognized the members of the Finance Committee for their work on the budget. Henry then reviewed the budget using a written 2007 Budget Narrative.

(Exhibit L) and a copy of the proposed 2007 Budget (Exhibit M) This is a deficit budget and the total deficit amount is -$33,599.

A motion was duly made by Henry Hug as follows:

RESOLVED, that the 2007 budget is approved as presented.

An amendment (1) to the motion was made by Interim Preacher, Jack Harris-Bonham to eliminate line item #82 (Janitorial Contract) and replace it with an intern minister. The amendment failed due to the lack of a second.

Upon a duly made motion by timekeeper Mickey Moore, seconded and passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Meeting Rules of Procedure the meeting time will be extended by 20 minutes.

An amendment (2) to the motion was duly made by Judy Sadegh, as follows:

I move that a separate item be added to Income titled ?Unbudgeted Pledges/Income in the amount to balance the additional funds needed to meet our full commitment to UUA ? both items to be foot noted to the effect that the UUA full commitment be the highest priority for any funds coming in excess of the budget in 2007.

Upon a duly made motion by Don Smith, seconded and passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Meeting Rules of Procedure the meeting time will be extended by 15 minutes.

Following discussion a vote was taken and the amendment failed.

An amendment (3) to the motion was duly made by Daesene Willmann, as follows:

I move that the amount we pay to our minister line item #19 Davidson Loehr be decreased by the amount of the deficit, $33,599.00.

The amendment was seconded and failed when the vote was taken.

An amendment (4) to the motion was duly made by Eric Hepburn, as follows:

Re-open the opportunity for members to increase their pledge through Dec. 31st. Pledge dollars to be dedicated 1st to hiring and Intern Minister. The remainder being dedicated to deficit reduction.

The amendment was seconded and failed when the vote was taken.

President Don Smith called for a vote on the main motion and the motion passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that the 2007 budget is approved as presented.

Upon a duly made motion by Ruth Marie, seconded and passed as follows:

RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Meeting Rules of Procedure the meeting time will be extended by 20 minutes to allow time for questions and concerns.

Questions and Concerns

Issues presented include:

  • My pledge was reduced to send a message to the Board of Trustees. It was not about being dissatisfied with the minister. My giving level will remain the same but not in the form of a pledge.

  • The need for an Intern Minister

  • Membership retention and a request for members to join the Membership Committee to assist with retention issues.

  • Please do not use your funds to voice you opinion, use dialog instead.

  • If you have cut your pledge or not made a pledge, please reconsider pledging. Withholding funds hurts the church not the minister.

  • Members also listed that they are grateful for the church community.

  • Thank you to the Board of Trustees and members that spoke today

  • A member read part of a letter of complaint he wrote to Dr. Loehr

  • A member said she joined the church because of Dr. Loehr and is very happy with him as our minister.

  • A member requested an evaluation of the minister

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Doris M. Hug, Secretary