If you are heartsick about the rancor tearing our country apart,

If you believe that your opponents should not be your enemies,

If you believe that America’s best days can lie ahead,

Join for our FREE workshop, DEPOLARIZING FROM WITHIN. Saturday, May 13th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Howson Hall.

This workshop is for everyone who is interested in learning strategies to disagree without condemning or ridiculing others. Real change is an “inside job.” Trained moderators will walk participants through the steps: to recognize and counteract their inner polarizer; to learn how to talk about the other side in a non-polarizing way; and to learn how to depolarize conversations with like-minded people. 

Please go to Braver Angels of Central Texas to learn more and register.

For more information, contact Laraine Altun at laltun@braverangels.org.