Green Sanctuary is part of a team of organizations and individuals who, for the past ten years or so, have been advocating to decommission the Fayette coal fired power plant. We just received a report* documenting the millions of tons toxic emissions this out dated fossil fuel burning catastrophe pumps into our atmosphere. We are writing this piece to share this info with you. We believe, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Our faith, values and pragmatism inspire us to seek life affirming alternatives to this obsolescent costly power plant operation. So many of our fellow Texans are struggling to breathe, to live a healthy life in this historic heat wave and drought. Our local and statewide economy our Texas businesses are at critical risk.  As Texans, we are the owners who’s tax money continues to be misused while this plant dumps millions of tons of deadly chemicals into our atmosphere poisoning all Texans and the global community. As people of faith and values we know we must be smarter stewards of our beautiful planet. 
 What you can do now? Pay attention to your electric and water use. Save energy and water whenever you safely can. Ask your friends and family to do the same. Big picture? watch this space for a strategy that could have bigger leverage. In prep for that start thinking and jotting down the names of church, business and individual influencers who you know., Beki and Richard