Dear Church Members,

You are invited to attend our Spring Congregational Meeting this coming May the 3rd at 1:30pm directly following a lunch that is being served by our FUUCA Teens as a fundraiser from 12:30pm to 1:15pm for a moderate donation. Childcare reservations can be made by contacting , or calling the church at 452-6168.

You have received this invitation because you may be a voting member of our church:

“According to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin:

“Individuals who have been members of the church for thirty days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last eighteen months, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

Any questions regarding voting status may be directed to the Treasurer, Luther Elmore. He can be contacted by email at: Any FUUCA member who has not contributed a financial donation is an associate member and is welcome to attend but would be unable to vote.

In accordance with Article VII, Section 6 of the bylaws, notice of the time and place of the meeting is being mailed to members and posted on the church bulletin board at least twenty days prior to the meeting day.

We’d love to hear your ideas, views, questions and concerns at our upcoming congregational meeting.

Enclosed within this mailing are the following documents for review:

1. The May 3rd Spring Congregational Meeting Agenda.

2. Proposed changes/updating to the bylaws and FAMP (Financial Asset Management Policy) that will be discussed and voted on at our meeting.

3. Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of board candidates for the congregation to vote on.

4. Contingency Options for working with our budget that will be discussed and feedback taken.

5. Executive Director’s Report to the Congregation.

These documents can also be accessed on-line from our church website The Board Meeting minutes, the Spring All Council Meeting Minutes, and the reports that will be presented at the Congregation Meeting will all be accessible by the day of the meeting from the church website.

If you have any questions about the contents of this mailing, please call me at 673-3431 or email .

We look forward to seeing you at the Spring Congregational Meeting.


Shannon Vyff Secretary FUUCA ‘08/’09 Board of Trustees