Earthkeepers’ Tuesday Work Day

Join us on Tuesday, June 27th from 9 a.m – 12 p.m. to improve our grounds and meet fellow gardeners. It’s hot now, so we’ll take try to work in the shade and take frequent breaks.

There is no obligation to stay until 12 p.m. Please be sure to bring water and wear sunscreen. Small tools are welcome, but not required.

Summer Solstice Ritual Celebration & Drum Circle

First UU Pagan Alliance in collaboration with the Monday Meditation Group will host our Summer Solstice Ritual Celebration & Drum Circle.

This event will be held at First UU Church on Monday June 26th at 7 p.m.

We will plan to be in the First UU Courtyard, weather permitting. Please bring a camp chair and drum if you have them, and extras to share if you’re so inclined.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ministerial Transition Update

We’ve made it through our first year of the interim period. Rev. Jonalu’s last Sunday with us in person was in May and Rev. Erin will be concluding her time as an interim minister when she presides over Sunday service on July 30th . It has been a year of growth and we appreciate all that Jonalu and Erin have done for us.

Our new interim minister, Rev. Michelle LaGrave will begin her work with us in August. Rev. Michelle specializes in interim ministry and will be coming to Austin after she has completed her service with Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston. We can look forward to learning more about her later this summer, but if you can’t wait please go to her website at

Finally, the ministerial search committee has begun its work. They, in conjunction with Rev. Chris Jimmerson, will decide in the fall whether to present Rev. Chris to the congregation as the candidate to be our next settled minister. If the decision is to present Rev. Chris as the candidate, a congregational vote will take place. The members of the congregation have the ultimate authority to vote to call a settle minister. Please look for the transition timeline in Howson Hall for more information about the timing of events in the transition. There will be multiple opportunities to engage with the search committee in the next few months. Be on the lookout for these opportunities.

Vegan Interest Group Envisioning Meeting

Are you Vegan interested? 
Join us to talk about the mission of this new group and plan activities that would bring meaning and fun to our lives and to everyone at First UU who want to explore with us. Bring your ideas, dreams and vegan hopes you want to see brought to life.

When: Saturday, June 17th at 10:30 a.m.
Where: First UU Austin, Classroom 13

Light snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring additional vegan snacks to share if you like. 
Those who like and have time may move on to a tasty vegan lunch venue after the meeting!

Everyone is welcome, vegan or not. 

RSVPs are appreciated, but not required. 
If you can’t make this meeting, but have ideas to share, or if you have questions, please feel welcome to email: or call/text: 214-649-4896

New Process for Submitting Requests for Pulpit Announcements

If you would like to submit a request for a pulpit announcement, please send them to no later than noon on the Thursday before you would like the announcement to be made. Please keep such requested announcements to three sentences or less. 

The ministers will exercise their discretion regarding pulpit announcements, prioritizing those that apply to the whole of the church community and that address events and such that will be occurring on the Sunday for which they are requested.

We will show any announcements that we are unable to present verbally or that come in after noon on Friday on the screens in the sanctuary during the postlude.

Drive a Senior

On Sunday, June 11th, Jill Skinner, the Executive Director for Drive a Senior ATX, will be joining us to share their mission and impact on the community. Drive a Senior ATX is a community-based service organization that works to help the seniors in our community age in place by providing transportation and other support services. 
And while lack of transportation is just one of the challenges facing our aging community, research shows that social isolation and loneliness have a serious impact on older people’s longevity, their physical and mental health and their quality of life. DASATX successfully addresses these issues through their dedicated and compassionate volunteers and a personalized approach to connecting with their clients through in-home visits, phone calls and social gatherings. Drive a Senior ATX believes everyone should feel a sense of community and belonging.
DASATX currently serves over 600 clients but there are many more who can benefit from their services. They rely on the generosity of individuals, communities of faith and corporations to make their work possible. 
Visit to learn more about volunteering, signing up for their services, or making a monetary donation. 

Ministerial Search Committee

The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce our Ministerial Search Committee, which includes Carolyn
Gremminger, Tomas Medina, Peggy Morton, Celeste Padilla, Tom Shindell, Bis Thornton and Susan
Thomson. Learn more about the individuals serving on the committee here.

Over the summer the search committee will receive training from the UUA on the search process, begin
conversations with the congregation about what we want for our church and our minister. This work will
prepare them to work with Rev. Chris Jimmerson to decide mutually whether he is a good match for the
position. If Rev. Chris and the committee decide that it is, then the congregation will vote. If not, then
the search committee will engage with the UUA open search process in December.

TXUUJM: GA & Late June

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• The Texas UU Justice Ministry will be at GA! If you’re going to Pittsburgh, we hope to see you. Click here for TXUUJM’s June 22 GA breakfast meetup and here for Rev. Erin’s book signing. 
• Join us Thursday, June 29, for a very special Zoom event: “TXUUJM and C.A.L.M. Present: Sacred Space After Sine Die.” This will be a time of spiritual nourishment and exhale from the 88th Legislature, before TXUUJM closes for July study leave/vacation. 
• After break, TXUUJM will host virtual sessions of Trans Inclusion in Congregations starting in August. Registration coming soon. Please sign up here for TXUUJM e-news so you get that announcement and more.
Every Thursday, join UUs across the state online for We Cry Justice (6pm CT) and Action Hour (7pm CT). Not a night owl? Action Hour lunch bunch meets on the Final Friday of the month.
Please sign up here for latest TXUUJM actions and news.
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Final Vespers of 22-23 Season

Our final vespers service of this program year will be this coming Tuesday, May 16th at 6 p.m. in the First UU Sanctuary. The theme will be a reflection on the season past and contemplation on the future of a weekday worship offering at First UU. 

If you’ve attended any of the vespers services, or meant to, we’d love to have you join us and share your thoughts and support. All of our Vespers coordinators will be collaborating on this final episode: Bis Thornton, Nancy Mohn Barnard, AJ Juraska, and Eric Hepburn. We hope to see you there!

Junetopia: An Exercise in Restraint

The gallery is hosting the Huntington-Surrey School Senior Exhibit this month through the end of May. The title of the exhibit is Junetopia: An Exercise in Restraint. The opening reception will be on Saturday, May 6th from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. in the The Sharon and Brian Moore Alternative Space Gallery. Artist, June Gormin will begin speaking at 7 p.m.
Junetopia is an exploration of a young person’s experience on the twining paths of living as a trans woman and a recovering addict. June uses documents from her time in rehab as reference, consulting illustrations that she drew while going through withdrawals. She reconstructs these ideas to create larger-than-life illustrations to reflect the feeling of isolation and addiction.
Artist, June Gormin, at the Texas State Capitol protest, opposing the passing of Senate Bill 14. A bill banning
access to transition-related medical treatments for transgender youth. Photo by Reverend Erin Walter 
This has resulted in powerful imagery, such as the highly textured and haunting “Childhood Bedroom.” Each piece is an exploration of artistic process and brutal inner honesty. June is not afraid of any medium: she has experimented with sand, salt, gesso, broken glass, burnt objects, pastel, spray paint, fabric, pig’s blood, fake blood, paper mache, bleach, cleaning vinegar, styrofoam, and acrylic paint to transfer her experiences into visceral works of art for the viewer. She was influenced and inspired by the body horror work of artists such as Francis Bacon for her piece, “Self-Mutilation”, which explores themes of femininity and body manipulation in relation to transitioning, while simultaneously addressing the political landscape and attitudes towards transgender people in recent years. June is also including a series of her stark photographic artworks highlighting her experiences as a trans teenager, based in raw portraiture of friends and those in the subculture.

Spring Into Action Lectures

On Sunday, May 7, from 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. in Room 13, Bruce Naylor will present the second of our “Spring into Action” series. The Inflation Reduction Act includes tax credits and rebates that most consumers can use to reduce greenhouse gases and at the same time save money. He will discuss what’s available and how to get these. Using effectively the money from the Inflation Reduction Act is one of the best ways to fight our climate crisis today.
Dr. Bruce Naylor is active in both the Sierra Club and Citizens’ Climate Lobby. He’s been a Computer Science Professor at University of Texas at Austin, Georgia Tech, and DeBry University. He also worked for Bell Labs. We’ll provide some snacks for attendees.

Caring for One Another: Workshop on Visiting

Rev. Jonalu will lead an in-person Caring Workshop on Visiting on Saturday, May 20th, at 1 p.m., in Room 13. The workshop should be about 90 minutes.

Our First UU Cares volunteers will attend, and everyone is invited. Even if you’re not interested in volunteering to visit church members, you may find some useful pointers for visiting your own friends who are sick or in need.

The focus will primarily be hospital, and it’s broadly applicable. If you’re uncomfortable with hospitals and sickness, it may give you some confidence. If you’re more experienced, it’s a chance to brush up on skills, maybe get some new ideas, and to share your experience!

If you would like to participate on-line instead of in person, please contact Rev. Jonalu at

Depolarizing From Within Workshop

If you are heartsick about the rancor tearing our country apart,

If you believe that your opponents should not be your enemies,

If you believe that America’s best days can lie ahead,

Join for our FREE workshop, DEPOLARIZING FROM WITHIN. Saturday, May 13th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Howson Hall.

This workshop is for everyone who is interested in learning strategies to disagree without condemning or ridiculing others. Real change is an “inside job.” Trained moderators will walk participants through the steps: to recognize and counteract their inner polarizer; to learn how to talk about the other side in a non-polarizing way; and to learn how to depolarize conversations with like-minded people. 

Please go to Braver Angels of Central Texas to learn more and register.

For more information, contact Laraine Altun at

Religious Words We Love to Hate with Rev. Jonalu Johnstone

Whether you came from a different religious tradition or grew up purely UU, you have probably encountered religious concepts, phrases, and words that rub you wrong. Here’s a chance to explore them!

Maybe “prayer” carries bad connotations for you, or “sacrifice” or “duty.” I’m looking for the religious – and spiritual – words that you love to hate. They may make an appearance in the Sunday, May 14th sermon, “Religious Words We Love to Hate”. Tell me just the words, or tell my your story. You can contact me at

Spring into Action Lecture

On Sunday, April 30, from 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. in Room 13, Bob Hendricks will present our first of our “Spring into Action” series. He will discuss many of the climate solutions we know about plus a few that we hope to innovate into. These include issues in moving towards clean sources of energy, towards lower energy use, and multiple ways of removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. It also includes suggestions as to how to get more involved.
Bob Hendricks is the chair of the executive committee of the Texas Sierra Club Chapter and also the Co-Coordinator of Texas Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We’ll provide some snacks for attendees.