Southern Region “Our Whole Lives” training coming soon!

Our Whole Lives helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives not only provides facts about anatomy and human development, but also helps participants clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality. Click here to register:

Click the image below for a PDF version of this flyer.

Owl Save the Date

Fall Harvest Leadership Training Conference, Nov. 7-9

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Don’t miss out on the Fall Harvest Training!
Nov. 7-9, Glen Lake Conference Center, Glen Rose, TX.

This conference is a family-friendly opportunity for expert lay leader training, with only a weekend of time commitment. Classes for children to age 14. Older youth are welcome and encouraged to join the adults! Plus time to enjoy the beautiful fall countryside. Click the image above to view and download the brochure for the conference as a PDF.

Featuring workshops such as:

  • Introduction to Leadership as a Spiritual Practice
  • Congregational Stewardship with UUA Consultant Bill Clontz
  • Creating Vibrant and Meaningful Young Adult Ministry
  • Renaissance Module: Youth Ministry
  • The Ongoing March to Selma with the Regional Right Relations Specialists
  • Returning: Children’s EvolUUtion Camp for children ages 5 to 14
  • And Introducing: Infant and Toddler Childcare!

Find more information and get registered here. Scholarship information available by emailing

Are you ready for SWUUSI?!

Bring the whole family to see Rev. Meg Barnhouse at SWUUSI!
July 20-25, 2014


Have you made plans yet for SWUUSI? It’s coming up fast! Plan now for July 20-25 at the Southwest UU Summer Institute at Fort Gibson Lake, OK, as SWUUSI celebrates its 75th year. The Institute has fun on the lake, a golf course, and trails, and our very own Rev. Meg Barnhouse will be the event’s keynote speaker. Come for the education, faith development, and fun with fellow UU’s from infants to octogenarians. You can register at their website.

Click the images below to download the brochure and event flyers, or click here for a zip file containing all three.

Brochure thumbnail    Chili thumbnail    SWUUSI POT LUCK thumbnail

Ready to do SWUUSI? Don’t forget to register here!

May 4 2014 Congregational Meeting


This is to inform you of the First UU Austin regularly scheduled congregational meeting on Sunday, May 4th, at 1:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

According to our Bylaws:

Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.


1. Welcome and Call to Order, Michael Kersey – 5 min

a. Unison Reading of Covenant and Lighting of Chalice

b. Adopt Consent Agenda (Minutes from Last Meeting and Rules of order)

c. Adopt Agenda

2. Update: State of the Church, Rev. Meg Barnhouse – 10 min

3. Congregational vote on Board of Trustee and Nominating Committee candidates – 30 min

4. Joys and Concerns – 10 min

5. Closing Reading and Extinguish Chalice – 5 min

6. Adjourn

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting:

May 2014 Congregational Meeting Packet

Rules of Procedure (updated with most recent version)

2014 Nominees