2013 Sermon Index

2013 Sermons

Sermon Topic
 Surplus anxieties  Rev. Marisol Caballero 12-29-13
 A Sudden Flame, an Extraordinary Journey  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 12-22-13
 Christmas Pageant  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 12-15-13
 A UU Faith Story: John Murray  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 12-08-13
 How did we get the bible?  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 12-01-13
Guest at Your Table Kickoff  Rev. Marisol Caballero 11-24-13
 A Juicy Slice of UU History: The Iowa Sisterhood  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 11-17-13
 Dismantling Racism  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 11-10-13
 Creating Community  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 11-03-13
 Mystery, Spookiness, Magic and Wonder  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 10-27-13
Walking between the raindrops Rev. Meg Barnhouse 10-20-13
I’m a believer  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 10-13-13
Join what move  Rev. Marisol Caballero 10-06-13
Bedrock Values at the heart of humanism  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 09-29-13
 Not so good at mindfullness  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 09-22-13
 What if you can’t keep your promise  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 09-15-13
 Water Communion  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 09-08-13
 The serious business of play  Rev. Marisol Caballero 09-01-13
 Margaret Sanger  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 08-25-13
 Life of Pi  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 08-18-13
 The Oversoul  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 08-11-13
 Defense against the dark arts  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 08-04-13
 UU Minister – Some dis-assembly required  Nell Newton 07-28-13
 That little four-letter word called Hope Chris Jimmerson 07-21-13
 What is prayer? Rev. Marisol Caballero 07-14-13
 Who or what is God?  Rev. Nathan Ryan 07-07-13
 Like Slow-Growing Trees in a Ruined Place  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 06-30-13
 Joseph Priestley: The most hated man in Britain  Luther Elmore 06-23-13
 Amazing Grace  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 06-16-13
 The Rose  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 06-09-13
 Tales of the tribe  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 06-02-13
 Flower Communion  Rev. Marisol Caballero 05-26-13
 Youth Service  Audrey Lewis, Max Wethington and our youth 05-19-13
 Mother of all services  Rev. Marisol Caballero 05-12-13
 The right thing to do  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 05-05-13
 Fiery and Fearless: Olympia Brown  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 04-28-13
 The Gaia Psalms  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 04-21-13
 Lies, gossip and fighting words  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 04-14-13
 Will you harbor me?  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 04-07-13
 Only life and death  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 03-31-13
 Afri-kin  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 03-24-13
 Good question  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 03-17-13
 We’ve come this far by faith Marisol Caballero 03-10-13
As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 03-03-13
Large is beautiful, too  Rev. Stefan Jonasson 02-24-13
Recovery from Fundamentalism Rev. Meg Barnhouse 02-17-13
A Juicy Slice of UU History: Theodore Parker  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 02-10-13
God the huntress  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 02-03-13
Abandon Hope and Fear Rev. Meg Barnhouse 01-27-13
This new thing called Universalism Marisol Caballero 01-20-13
 The delicate art of forgiveness Rev. Meg Barnhouse 01-13-13
 Burning Bowl Service  Rev. Meg Barnhouse 01-06-13

February 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

FUUCA Board of Trustees

Meeting date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Location: FUUCA

Agenda: 1. Committee business

1.1. Call to Order

1.2. Board Covenant

1.3. Process Evaluation

1.4. Consent Agenda Resolution #:

1.5. Adopt Agenda Resolution #:

3.1. Board Activity Timeline

There are a large number of important board activities coming up March-May. Brendan will guide us through the forest of dates.

3.2. Fiscal Year 2010 Recap Sean Hale / 10 min

3.3. Update on DRE and VC hiring process Ed Brock / Ed will give an update on where we are in the process of finding suitable candidates for the Director of

Religious Education and the Volunteer Coordinator positions.

3.4. Report on progress toward an internal audit

3.5. Governance Task Force Reports and Exercise

3.6. Linkage updates

3.7. Break

3.8. Policy Approval

3.9. By-laws revisions

3.10. Executive Session

4. Committee business

4.1. Process Evaluation

4.2. Board-Executive Team Covenant Reading