Congregational Meeting Announcement

Congregational Meeting, Sanctuary, 1:30-3:30 p.m., May. 5. Congregation members will vote on several matters. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Voting list: we have generated the list of everyone who is eligible to vote and it is posted in the copy room. Please check to make sure you’re on the list. Eligibility: in addition to having signed the membership book, the bylaws require that you have made a gift of record between May 5, 2012 and April 5, 2013 to vote in this congregational meeting. Any gift will do (cash, check, stock) as long as we received it within the date range and that we can connect it to you (cash in an envelope without your name on it, for example, does not qualify). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about any of the above, please contact Sean Hale, director of finance and operations,, 512-452-6168 x 308.

PDF file containing agenda and combined documents is below.

Click to download     >  CombinedDocsMay2013

May 20 2012 Congregational Meeting


This is to inform you of the First UU Austin regularly scheduled congregational meeting on Sunday, May 20th, at 1:30pm in the Sanctuary

According to our Bylaws:

Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.


1. Welcome and Call to Order, Chris Jimmerson – 5 min

a. Unison Reading of Covenant and Lighting of Chalice

b. Adopt Consent Agenda (Minutes from Last Meeting and Rules of order)

c. Adopt Agenda

2. Update: State of the Church, Rev. Meg Barnhouse – 10 min

3. Board of Trustee Elections – 30 min

4. Joys and Concerns – 10 min

5. Closing Reading and Extinguish Chalice – 5 min

6. Adjourn

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting:

Rules of Procedure

18 Dec 2011 Meeting Minutes

2012 Nominees

UPDATE: With the meeting now completed, here are the minutes:


Dec 18 2011 Congregational Meeting

Thanks to all who attended the December 18, 2011 Congregational Meeting at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

Here are the Meeting Minutes

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting:

Rules of Procedure

Congregational Meeting Minutes May 15 2011

Dec 18 2011 Congregational Meeting Agenda v3

Budget Proposal Final

FAMP Motion Language

Oct Financial Report Final


Supporting documentation regarding the second vote to retire the FAMP:

Steinke Report to the Congregation Spring 09

Bridge Builder Action Plan June 09

Some of the Reasons Behind the Recommendations and Benchmarking Chart

Summary of How Fiscal Policy Would Be Structured in the Church Under This Recommendation

Documentation of Recommended Fiscal Policy Changes and New Fiscal Controls That Would Be Put Into Place


Childcare provided.  RSVP to

May 15 Congregational Meeting – 1:30 PM

Please plan to attend the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 15 at 1:30.  We have an ambitious agenda of crucial items that will have a powerful affect on the future of our church.  Below you will find a variety of informative documents that will help you better understand the proposals.


  1. Chalice Lighting
  2. Consent Agenda (Minutes from January Meeting and Rules of Order)
  3. Adopt Agenda
  4. State of the Church Address
  5. Second vote on Proposed Amendment to the Financial Asset Management Policy:  Change the date the Murr fund is valued from Dec 31 to Sep 30.
  6. Vote on the slate of nominations for new Board of Trustees members.
  7. Vote on Proposed By-Laws Changes.
  8. First Vote (of two) to retire the Financial Assets Management Policy, assuming the proposed By-laws changes are approved.
  9. Second vote on using money from the Memorial Savings Fund to hire a volunteer coordinator.

Accomplishments in past 2 years of interim transition

Information for 2nd Vote on Proposed FAMP Change

To achieve our mission and ends and grown into the radically hospitable congregation we aspire to be, your board of trustees is recommending approval of the second of two votes to fund the membership/volunteer coordinator position. The following are documents with more information:

Membership/Volunteer Coordinator Proposal

Board Letter On Volunteer Coordinator

Letter Opposing the Motion

Membership/Volunteer Coordinator Questions and Answers

(All Membership/Volunteer Coordinator materials above combined into one packet with page numbers and table of contents.)

Your Board of Trustees has been hard at work reviewing and identifying how to structure our bylaws and fiscal policy to support a thriving congregation and to best enable us to fulfill our new mission, values and ends. We have examined legal standards for church bylaws and structures, best practices and have done benchmark comparisons with other thriving UU congregations around our size or larger.

The following documents provide more information if you would like to review them before May 15. Clicking on the links below should open them in your bowser or you can right click to download the file:

Some of the Reasons Behind the Recommendations and Benchmarking Chart

Recommended Bylaws and Cover Summary of Major Changes

Summary of How Fiscal Policy Would Be Structured in the Church Under This Recommendation

Documentation of Recommended Fiscal Policy Changes and New Fiscal Controls That Would Be Put Into Place

(All bylaws materials above combined into one packet with page numbers and table of contents)


Report from the Nominating Committee


Draft Board Policies (not for review at the meeting but for additional information)

Bridge Builder Action Plan June 09

Steinke Report to the Congregation Spring 09

FUUCA Strategic Plan 2003 (DRAFT)

Crank Bequest 1995


We hope to see you on May 15!


Winter 2011 Congregational Meeting, Jan. 16

Please attend the January 16, 2011 Congregational Meeting at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary! Childcare may be arranged by sending an email to .

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting:

Congregational Meeting Postponed

The congregational meeting scheduled for Sunday December 12, 2010 at 1:30 pm has been postponed until Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

Please mark your calendar for this very important congregational meeting. We will be deciding on the final budget for First UU. Additionally, there will be a discussion of whether or not to move ahead to hire a volunteer coordinator. Much thoughtful discussion and thought has gone into this issue. It is important that every member of the congregation be present for this meeting to make important decisions that will affect your future.

Childcare for the Congregational Meeting may be arranged by sending an email to

The following materials are available on the church web site for your information: