Governance Resources Page

First UU Austin is in the process of an intentional examination of our governance with the help of Joe Sullivan of Unity Consulting and through the lens of policy-based governance. This page contains resources for that process and will be updated as often as possible.

All good governance starts with Values, Mission and Ends.

Frequently Asked Questions about Policy-Based Governance at FUUCA.

Read about our Philosophy of Governance at FUUCA.

Message from the Board President on Committee Structure and Communications within the Church.

An overview of our board plan for communicating intentionally on mission and ends with the congregation (linkage plan.

First year linkage plan

Documents from the Sept. 26, 2010 Session on Policy Based Governance with the Church and All Council:

Documents from June 12 Board Session to Discern Values, Mission and Ends:

Bridge to Our Future Files:

Other Files:

Links to outside resources:

  • UU University Governance Track Page
  • Unity Consulting
  • Unity Consulting Materials on Governance Principles and Monitoring and Assessment
  • John Carver, Ph.D. John Carver’s Policy Governance® model.
  • List that contains a wealth of materials on policy‐based governance UUs have found useful.
  • Who owns your congregation? — A congregation’s owner isn’t its board, minister, or members; it is its mission. By Dan Hotchkiss From UU World
  • Articles from the UUA
  • Ideas Gathered from the UUA Governance List

Policy Governance email list:  A UUA email list dedicated to the discussion of the Policy Governance model of board governance in UU congregations, its implementation, variations, and challenges. This list is for anyone including ordained ministers, lay leaders, and members of all sizes and shapes of UU congregations with an interest in Policy Governance. List co‐managers are Gretchen Dorn, and Marge Keip, .

To SUBSCRIBE to this list, send the following command in the first line of the message to  (you can leave the subject line blank, as listproc will ignore it):

subscribe PolicyGovernance‐L YourFirstName YourLastName

Congregational Meeting, Sunday, December 13 at 1:30 P.M. in the Sanctuary

November 20, 2009

Dear Church Member,

You are invited to attend our Fall Congregational Meeting this coming December the 13th at 1:30pm. By clicking on the link below, you can download an agenda for the meeting that outlines the important business to be addressed, including our 2010 budget, which will be discussed in more detail at the meeting. Childcare reservations can be made by contacting

According to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin: Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 18 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.

Any questions regarding voting status may be directed to the Treasurer, Luther Elmore. He can be contacted by email at: Any FUUCA member who has not contributed a financial donation is an associate member and is welcome to attend but would be unable to vote.

In accordance with Article VII, Section 6 of the bylaws, notice of the time and place of the meeting is being mailed and/or emailed to members and posted on the church bulletin board and website at least twenty days prior to the meeting day.

Other materials for the meeting will be available in the office at the church and will be posted as links below, so please check back often for updates.

If you have any questions contact me by email to

We look forward to seeing you at the Fall Congregational Meeting.


Chris Jimmerson

Materials (click to open PDF in your browser or right click to download the file):

Notes: 1.) A narrative for the budget will be added soon. In the meantime, please feel free to speak with any member of the Executive Committee if you have questions or concerns. 2.) Individual staff salaries have been redacted for the web version of the budget. Hard copies of the materials without the redaction will be available soon in the office at the church or church members may email to request a non-redacted version.

December Congregation Meeting Agenda and Materials

Appendix A — FAMP and Policy on Memorial Savings Fund if All Proposed Changes were Adopted

Appendix B — Bylaws if All Changes were Adopted

Appendix C — Reports from Senior Staff and Leadership

Addition to Appendix C — Report from Minister

Pre-Congregational Meeting, Sunday November 8 at 1:30 PM, Howson Hall

Come learn about what church business and activities will be discussed and voted upon at the December Congregational Meeting. The Pre-Congregational Meeting provides a less formal setting that is an opportunity to walk through the proposed agenda for the official Congregational Meeting and to learn more about, discuss and provide feedback on any items that will require a vote by the congregation, including the 2010 budget.

Spring 2009 First Unitarian Universalist Congregational Meeting Invitation

Dear Church Members,

You are invited to attend our Spring Congregational Meeting this coming May the 3rd at 1:30pm directly following a lunch that is being served by our FUUCA Teens as a fundraiser from 12:30pm to 1:15pm for a moderate donation. Childcare reservations can be made by contacting , or calling the church at 452-6168.

You have received this invitation because you may be a voting member of our church:

“According to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin:

“Individuals who have been members of the church for thirty days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last eighteen months, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

Any questions regarding voting status may be directed to the Treasurer, Luther Elmore. He can be contacted by email at: Any FUUCA member who has not contributed a financial donation is an associate member and is welcome to attend but would be unable to vote.

In accordance with Article VII, Section 6 of the bylaws, notice of the time and place of the meeting is being mailed to members and posted on the church bulletin board at least twenty days prior to the meeting day.

We’d love to hear your ideas, views, questions and concerns at our upcoming congregational meeting.

Enclosed within this mailing are the following documents for review:

1. The May 3rd Spring Congregational Meeting Agenda.

2. Proposed changes/updating to the bylaws and FAMP (Financial Asset Management Policy) that will be discussed and voted on at our meeting.

3. Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of board candidates for the congregation to vote on.

4. Contingency Options for working with our budget that will be discussed and feedback taken.

5. Executive Director’s Report to the Congregation.

These documents can also be accessed on-line from our church website The Board Meeting minutes, the Spring All Council Meeting Minutes, and the reports that will be presented at the Congregation Meeting will all be accessible by the day of the meeting from the church website.

If you have any questions about the contents of this mailing, please call me at 673-3431 or email .

We look forward to seeing you at the Spring Congregational Meeting.


Shannon Vyff Secretary FUUCA ‘08/’09 Board of Trustees

Stewardship Committee Report for December 14, 2008 Congregational Meeting

Stewardship Committee Report

for December 14, 2008 Congregational Meeting



Pledge Statistics


At this point (12/1/08) we have received $525,943 in pledges from 343 households (pledging units) and have raised 87.7 % of our goal of $600,000.This is over the $525,000 which is included in the proposed budget.


Of those who have pledged so far:

����������� 34% increased their pledges from last year

����������� 12% decreased their pledges

����������� 29% kept their pledges the same level

25% are from new members or renewals


The average pledge is $1,533 and the median pledge, $1,000.

The average share of the 2009 proposed budget ($690,269) per voting member (596) is $1,158.

The average share of the 2009 proposed budget per pledging unit (388) is $1,779.


Currently there are 45 outstanding pledges (member households that made a pledge for 2008, but have not made a pledge for 2009 and have not resigned or declared a zero pledge.)This is 12% of the 388 potential pledging households.




During the upcoming weeks and months, the Stewardship Committee will reflect upon this information about this year?s canvass.There is room for improvement.Our preliminary thoughts follow:


Close the Back Door


We recommend that the church implement a strategic membership retention initiative to ?close the back door.?This initiative should include solicitation of input from church members about what they think is working and what needs improving, as well continued contact and integration of new members into church activities within several weeks after they join.�� We believe that this effort at improving connections would increase the chance for initial pledges to be made by new members, existing pledges to be honored, and renewals to be made at the time of the pledge campaign.

Discussion of Stewardship throughout the Year

To create a culture of abundance, we should increase discussion of Stewardship and financial commitment beyond our customary 6-week pledge drive (Labor Day through October).This should not be a taboo because how we spend our money strongly reflects our values.The health of our church community is directly tied to our finances.For that reason, all members must be informed of their responsibility to pledge generously on an annual basis and then to fulfill their pledges throughout the year.We should have articles about Stewardship in the newsletter during the year.We suggest a continued conversation about Stewardship by church leaders throughout the year.It is likely to take several years of continuous effort to achieve the mindset of the congregation to create a culture of abundance.

Need for Increased Participation on the Stewardship Committee

A successful Stewardship Campaign requires much advance planning and work.Ideally, many church members should share the responsibility for organizing and executing the pledge drive.We would like to see more church members join the Committee to assist in Stewardship tasks throughout the year, including the preparation for the upcoming 2010 Stewardship Campaign.


Volunteer Recognition


First, thanks to all who pledged, and to those who increased their pledge from last year, even under trying times, with the good of the church at heart.Thank you for recognizing that this church is more than just a minister, more than just a building, more than just a congregation?It is a community, fellowship, a place of learning and enriching our spirits.

The Stewardship Committee consisted of Co-Chairs Margaret Roberts and Mark Skrabacz, and member Mary Jane Ford who worked year round on the campaign.Also, Joseph Hunt, Kae McLaughlin, Michael Trice and Jean Davison joined the team during the year.Thanks to all members for the contributions you have made which include planning the campaign, making speeches, manipulating data bases, preparing reports, developing the brochure, planning parties, staffing the pledge table, and canvassing.Special thanks to Keith Savage for his programming and assistance on the on-line data base, to Michael Sweet for work on the brochure, and to Andi Windham for assistance on the church website.


Thanks to the Church office staff and Bookkeeper Jim Scott whose duties increase at pledge time, especially in the realm of credit card pledges.

The Committee expresses its thanks and acknowledgment to party hosts and helpers: Don Smith, Sheila Gladstone, Stephan Windsor, Luther Elmore, Bob Porter, David Leibson, Jim Barry, Melanie Walter Mahoney and Linda West.


Thanks to ?Just In Time? Canvass callers who have not been named previously:

Shannon Vyff, Nell Newton, Mike West, Eric Stimmel, Bonny Gardner, Phil Hastings,Mark Kilpatrick, and Marian Maxwell.


Thanks to those who gave testimonials at the services:Sheila Gladstone; Mark Kilpatrick; Don Smith; Elizabeth Gray and Eugene, Edward, and Patrick Balaguer; Rose Ann Reeser; Eric Hepburn; Luther Elmore; and George and Barbara Denny,

And thanks to those who worked the pledge table in addition to the Stewardship Committee: Linda Taylor, Joyce Wilson, Kathryn Govier and Jeanette Swenson.

Thanks for your dedication and vigilance.

Mary Jane Ford

Documents pertaining to the December 14 meeting:

  • 2008 Revisions to the Bylaws
  • December 13, 2008 Congregational Meeting Agenda


    December 13, 2008 4:00 pm

    Location: Sanctuary, First Unitarian-Universalist Church of Austin

    1. Check in and Membership Verification Membership Committee

    2. Call to Order and Opening Remarks Sheila Gladstone, President

    3. Reading

    4. Introduction of Dr. Ken Brown, District Executive for Pacific Southwest

    5. Outline of Meeting Structure Dr. Brown

    6. Position Statements:

    a. For Dismissal Phil Hastings, Trustee

    b. Against Dismissal A Representative on behalf of Dr.Loehr

    (At this time, those who need to do so may cast their vote and leave)

    7. Voting Member Comments Voting Members

    8. Pause for Contemplation

    9. Vote by private paper ballot Voting Members

    10. Ballot Count and Verification Board and Committee on Ministry

    11. Announcement of Results Dr. Brown

    12. Thank You and Adjournment Sheila Gladstone

    Documents pertaining to the meeting:

    1. 11/19/2008:

      Open Letter to the Congregation from the Board of Directors

      Documents referenced in the Board Response

      1. Letter to the Senior Minister
    2. 11/25/2008:

      Open Letter to the Congregation from Davidson Loehr

    3. 11/29/2008:

      Board Response

      Documents referenced in the Board Response

      1. Constitution and Bylaws:
        1. 2007 Constitution and Bylaws
      2. 12/3/2008:

        Board Analysis and Recommendations

        Documents referenced in the Board Analysis and Recommendations

        1. 2006 Committee on Ministry Agreement
        2. Contracts/Letters of Agreement
          1. Davidson Loehr’s contract from 2000
          2. Davidson Loehr’s contract from 2008
          3. Davidson Loehr’s final contract from 2008
        3. Executive Director Task Force Report
        4. Report from the Congregational Care Fact Finding Committee
      3. 12/9/2008:

        Open Letter to the Congregation from Davidson Loehr

      4. 12/9/2008:

        Committee on Ministry’s Position Statement

      5. 12/12/2008:

        Executive Director Report from December 2008

    Fall Congregational Meeting Agenda

    First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
    Fall Congregational Meeting Dec. 14th 2008

    Lunch 12:30 ? 1:15
    Call to Order
    Sheila Gladstone, President Board of Trustees 1:30
    Welcome & Opening Words 1:35
    Business Meeting 1:40- 3:30
    A. Adoption of Congregational Meeting Rules of Procedure
    B. Introduction of Board of Trustees
    C. Introduction of Timekeeper
    E. Approve Minutes of the May 4th Spring Congregational Meeting
    F. Reports:

    President Sheila Gladstone
    Minister Dr. Davidson Loehr
    Executive Director Sean Hale
    Office Dotti Sizer
    Director of Religious Education Lara Douglass
    Director of Music Brent Baldwin
    Treasurer Luther Elmore

    G. Business:

    1. Vote to Approve ?09 Budget
    2. Vote to Approve By-law Changes
    * Meeting notices can be sent out electronically
    * Executive Director added as Ex Oficio
    3. Vote to approve what non-profits we work with for our Split-the-plate program

    H. Questions and Concerns
    I. Closing Words and Adjournment Sheila Gladstone

    Requirement for Voting:

    According to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin:

    Individuals who have been members of the church for thirty days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last eighteen months, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.

    Any questions regarding voting status may be directed to the Treasurer, Luther Elmore. He can be contacted by email at:

    Fall 2008 First Unitarian Universalist Congregational Meeting Invitation

    November 18th, 2008

    Fall 2008 First Unitarian Universalist Congregational Meeting Invitation

    Dear Church Members,

    You are invited to attend our Fall Congregational Meeting this coming December the 14th at 1:30pm directly following a lunch that is being served by our FUUCA Teens as a fundraiser from 12:30pm to 1:15pm for a moderate donation. Childcare reservations can be made by contacting, or calling the church at 452-6168.

    You have received this invitation because you are listed as being a voting member of our church:

    ?According to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin:
    Individuals who have been members of the church for thirty days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last eighteen months, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

    Any questions regarding voting status may be directed to the Treasurer, Luther Elmore. He can be contacted by email at: .  Any FUUCA member who has not contributed a financial donation is an associate member and is welcome to attend but would be unable to vote.

    In accordance with Article VII, Section 6 of the bylaws, notice of the time and place of the meeting is being mailed to members and posted on the church bulletin board at least twenty days prior to the meeting day.
    We?d love to hear your ideas, views, questions and concerns at our upcoming congregational meeting.

    Enclosed within this mailing are the following documents for review:
    1. The Dec. 14th Fall Congregational Meeting Agenda.
    2. Proposed changes/updating to the bylaws that will be discussed and voted on at our meeting.
    3. Proposed 2009 FUUCA budget that will be discussed and voted on at our meeting.

    These documents can also be accessed on-line from our church website The Board Meeting minutes, the Fall All Council Meeting Minutes, and the reports listed on the enclosed agenda will all be able to be accessed after December 2nd from the church website.

    If you have any questions about the contents of this mailing, please call me at 683 3431 or email

    We look forward to seeing you at the Fall Congregational Meeting.


    Shannon Vyff

    Secretary FUUCA ?08/?09 Board of Trustees

    Congregational Meeting Minutes

    First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
    Congregational Meeting Minutes
    May 6, 2007

    The Spring Congregational meeting was held on May 6, 2007. The meeting was duly posted with notices sent in the newsletter and by mail to all members of the congregation, all in accordance with the bylaws. A quorum was present.

    President Don Smith called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. Smith lit the chalice and provided opening words. He introduced members of the Board of Trustees, and timekeeper Gary Bennett.

    Adoption of Congregational Rules

    Don Smith presented the Congregational meeting Rules of Procedure. Upon a motion duly made by Sam Roberts, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the congregational rules are adopted as presented. (Exhibit A)


    President Don Smith presented the minutes of the December 3, 2006 congregational meeting. Upon a duly made motion by Sam Roberts and seconded and the minutes were approved. (Exhibit B)

    President Don Smith presented the minutes of the May 6, 2007 congregational meeting. Upon a duly made motion by Bill Reid and seconded and the minutes were approved. (Exhibit C)


    President Don Smith asked if there were any questions on the reports. There were none.

    President?s Report is attached as (Exhibit D).

    Interim Preacher?s Report is attached as (Exhibit E).

    Acting Director of Religious Education Report is attached as (Exhibit F).

    Treasurer?s Report is attached as (Exhibit G).



    Henry Hug presented proposed changes to the Financial Asset Management Policy. The changes clarify distributions from the Memorial/Endowment Fund. This document must be presented and approved at two consecutive congregational meetings prior to implementation.

    A motion was duly made by Finance Committee Chair, Henry Hug to approve the proposed changes to the FAMP (2nd vote). The motion passed. (Exhibit H)

    Nominating Committee Recommendation

    President Don Smith introduced the officers, trustees and Nominating Committee member recommended by the Nominating Committee. (Exhibit I)

    President Mark Kilpatrick
    Vice-President Sheila Gladstone
    Secretary Beverly Donoghue
    Treasurer Mary Jane Ford
    Trustee 2007-2008 Cindy Raab
    Trustee 2007-2010 Derek Howard
    Trustee 2007-2008 Nancy Groblewski
    Nominating Committee Jean Davison

    Upon a motion duly made by Becky Moon, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the slate is approved as presented.

    Bylaw Amendment

    President Don Smith presented the proposed Bylaw amendment.

    The six-year limitation for serving on the Board of Trustees, contained in the Constitution and Bylaws, Article VI, Section 3: Vacancies and Term Limits, applies only to the time spent serving on elected, full terms as officer or other Board member. Time spent finishing out another individual?s uncompleted term does not count toward the six-year limit.

    Upon a motion duly made by Ed Nichols, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the Bylaw amendment is approved as presented.

    Questions and Concerns

    Issues presented include:

    • Ron Turner requested that Cindy Raab?s term as a trustee recorded as 2007-2010. She has agreed to serve for one year however the term is for three years.
    • Henry Hug objected to the Treasurer’s use of the term “Board Discretionary” to describe the Long Range Fund.  He said the fund is to be used for long-range projects and seed money for a capital fund campaign. Treasurer Mary Jane Ford explained the word “discretionary” indicates that the Board of Trustees may use money from the fund if necessary without a congregational vote.
    • Ron Turner said that the church board is not allowed to spend over $10,000 in a year in excess of the annual budget for any purpose, from any fund without a congregational vote.  Mary Jane Ford explained that the church policies and Bylaws are not clear on this issue and should be reviewed and revised for consistency.
    • Margaret Roberts thanked President Don Smith for his service on the Board of Trustees.
    • Barbara Denney thanked Margaret Roberts and Cindy Raab for all their work on the Sparkle Plenty Fundraiser.
    • Vice President Nancy Groblewski announced the volunteer recognition party she will host at the church on May 20th.
    The meeting adjourned at 2:02 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Doris M. Hug, Secretary

    These minutes are not official until approved at the December 2007 Congregational Meeting


    The reports listed as exhibits to these minutes are currently available in the church office during normal business hours.

    Special Congregational Meeting

    First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
    Special Congregational Meeting
    February 25, 2007

    A special congregational meeting was held on February 25, 2007. The meeting was duly posted with notices sent in the newsletter and by mail to all members of the congregation, all in accordance with the bylaws. A quorum was present.

    President Don Smith called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m. Smith lit the chalice and provided opening words. He introduced Mickey Moore as the timekeeper and introduced members of the Board of Trustees.

    Adoption of Congregational Rules

    Don Smith presented the proposed congregation rules as adopted at the last congregation meeting. The rules were approved by consensus.


    Intern Minister

    President Don Smith explained the purpose of the meeting and the improved end of year financial status of the church. At the December Fall Congregational Meeting funding for an intern minister had been cut from the 2007 budget due to a decrease in pledging from the previous year. With an improved financial out look the Board of Trustees recommends hiring an intern minister.

    Upon a duly made motion by Nancy Neavel, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the budget will be amended to hire an intern minister.

    The meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Doris M. Hug, Secretary

    Congregational Meeting

    First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin
    Congregational Meeting
    December 3, 2006

    A regular congregational meeting was held on December3, 2006. The meeting was duly posted with notices sent in the newsletter and by mail to all members of the congregation, all in accordance with the bylaws. A quorum was present.

    President Don Smith called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m. Smith lit the chalice and provided opening words. He introduced Mickey Moore as the timekeeper and introduced members of the Board of Trustees.

    Adoption of Congregational Rules

    Don Smith presented the proposed congregation rules as adopted at the last congregation meeting. Upon a motion duly made by Daesene Willmann, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the congregation al rules in the form of attached Exhibit A be adopted.


    President Don Smith presented the minutes from the prior congregational meeting of May 7, 2005. Secretary Doris Hug offered one correction. Upon a duly made motion by Doris Hug, seconded and the minutes were approved as amended.


    President Don Smith asked if there were any questions on the reports. There were none.

    President?s Report is attached as Exhibit B.

    Minister?s Report is attached as Exhibit C.

    Interim Preacher?s Report is attached as Exhibit D.

    Director of Religious Education Report is attached as Exhibit E.

    Director of Music Report is attached as Exhibit F.

    Treasurer?s Report is attached as Exhibit G.

    Stewardship Report is attached as Exhibit H.



    Henry Hug presented proposed changes to the Financial Asset Management Policy. The changes clarify distributions from the Memorial/Endowment Fund. This document must be presented and approved at two consecutive congregational meetings prior to implementation.

    A motion was duly made by Finance Committee Chair, Henry Hug to approve the proposed changes to the FAMP (1st vote). The motion passed. (Exhibit I)

    Master Plan

    Brian Moore presented the Facility Master Plan and Next Improvement Steps report. (Exhibit J) The Building Committee is requesting hiring an outside consultant to conduct a feasibility study to determine how much money we can expect to raise with a Capital Fund Drive to build Phase I

    A motion was duly made by Brian Moore as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the Master Plan be accepted and the Building Committee is approved to hire an outside consultant to work with the church to determine how much money our congregation could provide toward a building addition to our facility.

    Stefan Windsor offered an amendment to the motion it was seconded as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the feasibility consultant costs are not to exceed $5, 000.

    After discussion and clarification by the members present, the vote was taken on the motion amendment. The amendment motion failed.

    A vote was then taken on the main motion and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the Master Plan be accepted and the Building Committee is approved to hire an outside consultant to work with the church to determine how much money our congregation could provide toward a building addition to our facility.

    Social Action

    Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis presented the Social Action Programming in 2007 document outlining goals for congregational approval. (Exhibit K)

    A motion was duly made by Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the congregation adopt the Social Action themes as presented in the document presented for 2007.


    Henry Hug recognized the members of the Finance Committee for their work on the budget. Henry then reviewed the budget using a written 2007 Budget Narrative.

    (Exhibit L) and a copy of the proposed 2007 Budget (Exhibit M) This is a deficit budget and the total deficit amount is -$33,599.

    A motion was duly made by Henry Hug as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the 2007 budget is approved as presented.

    An amendment (1) to the motion was made by Interim Preacher, Jack Harris-Bonham to eliminate line item #82 (Janitorial Contract) and replace it with an intern minister. The amendment failed due to the lack of a second.

    Upon a duly made motion by timekeeper Mickey Moore, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Meeting Rules of Procedure the meeting time will be extended by 20 minutes.

    An amendment (2) to the motion was duly made by Judy Sadegh, as follows:

    I move that a separate item be added to Income titled ?Unbudgeted Pledges/Income in the amount to balance the additional funds needed to meet our full commitment to UUA ? both items to be foot noted to the effect that the UUA full commitment be the highest priority for any funds coming in excess of the budget in 2007.

    Upon a duly made motion by Don Smith, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Meeting Rules of Procedure the meeting time will be extended by 15 minutes.

    Following discussion a vote was taken and the amendment failed.

    An amendment (3) to the motion was duly made by Daesene Willmann, as follows:

    I move that the amount we pay to our minister line item #19 Davidson Loehr be decreased by the amount of the deficit, $33,599.00.

    The amendment was seconded and failed when the vote was taken.

    An amendment (4) to the motion was duly made by Eric Hepburn, as follows:

    Re-open the opportunity for members to increase their pledge through Dec. 31st. Pledge dollars to be dedicated 1st to hiring and Intern Minister. The remainder being dedicated to deficit reduction.

    The amendment was seconded and failed when the vote was taken.

    President Don Smith called for a vote on the main motion and the motion passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that the 2007 budget is approved as presented.

    Upon a duly made motion by Ruth Marie, seconded and passed as follows:

    RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Meeting Rules of Procedure the meeting time will be extended by 20 minutes to allow time for questions and concerns.

    Questions and Concerns

    Issues presented include:

    • My pledge was reduced to send a message to the Board of Trustees. It was not about being dissatisfied with the minister. My giving level will remain the same but not in the form of a pledge.

    • The need for an Intern Minister

    • Membership retention and a request for members to join the Membership Committee to assist with retention issues.

    • Please do not use your funds to voice you opinion, use dialog instead.

    • If you have cut your pledge or not made a pledge, please reconsider pledging. Withholding funds hurts the church not the minister.

    • Members also listed that they are grateful for the church community.

    • Thank you to the Board of Trustees and members that spoke today

    • A member read part of a letter of complaint he wrote to Dr. Loehr

    • A member said she joined the church because of Dr. Loehr and is very happy with him as our minister.

    • A member requested an evaluation of the minister

    The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,


    Doris M. Hug, Secretary