Board of Trustees November 2021 through Current

11-21 Board Materials

12-2021 Board Materials

01-2022 Board Materials

02-2022 Board Materials

03-2022 Board Materials

04-2022 Board Materials 

05-2022 Board Materials

06-2022 Board Materials

07-2022 Board Materials

08-202 Board Materials

09-2022 Board Materials

10-2022 Board Materials

11-2022Board Materials

12-2022 Board Materials

01-2023 Board Materials

February 2023 Board Meeting Materials

March 2023 Board Materials

April 2023 Board Materials

May 2023 Board Materials

June 2023 Board Materials

July 2023 Board Materials

August 2023 Board Materials

September 2023 Board Materials

October 2023 Board Materials

November 2023 Board Materials

December 2023 Board Materials

January 2024 Board Materials

February 2024 Board Materials

March 2024 Board Materials

April 2024 Board Materials

May 2024 Board Materials

Congregational Meeting – December 15, 2019, 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

This is your official notice for our fall congregational meeting on Sunday, December 15, 2019, 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Copies of the meeting packet are available in the copy room at the church and by online by clicking the following link:Congregational Meeting Materials The voting list has been posted in the copy room at the church. Please check the list and let Rev. Chris Jimmerson know if you have any questions or believe you have incorrectly been omitted from the list. Chris may be reached by email and at 512-452-6168.

The church bylaws specify the following regarding voting eligibility: “Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

Thus to be eligible to vote, you must hav made a contribution between December 15, 2018 and November 14, 2019.

We will be providing childcare during the meeting. Please RSVP to We look forward to seeing you there.

Congregational Meeting, Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.

This is your official notice for our regularly scheduled congregational meeting on Sunday, May 21, 2017, 1:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Copies of the meeting packet are available in the copy room at the church and by clicking on the link below:

May 21, 2017 Meeting Materials

The voting list will be posted by Sunday, May 7, 2017 in the copy room and on the welcome center board at the church. Please check the list and let Chris Jimmerson know if you have any questions or believe you have incorrectly been omitted from the list. Chris may be reached by email and at (512) 452-6168.

The church bylaws specify the following regarding voting eligibility: “Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

We will be providing childcare during the meeting. Please RSVP to

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

April 23 Pre-Congregational Meeting

Please join us for the pre-congregational meeting on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Childcare will be available. We will discuss the proposed agenda and materials to be voted upon at the formal congregational meeting to be held on Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.

Materials for the meeting are available in the copy room at the church, or by clicking on the link below:

Draft Spring 2017 Meeting Materials

As a reminder, the church bylaws specify the following regarding voting eligibility at the actual congregational meeting: “Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.” Thus to be eligible to vote, you must have made a contribution between May 21, 2016–April 21, 2017. A voting list will be posted at least two Sunday prior to the actual congregational meeting.

December 14, 2014 Congregational Meeting

This is your official notice for our regularly scheduled Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 14, 2014, 1:15pm – 2:30pm in the Sanctuary.

The agenda, proposed 2015 budget and other meeting materials are available in the copy room at the church and by clicking on the link below:

12-14-2014 Congregational Meeting Packet

We have also posted the voting list in the copy room at the church. Please check the list and let Chris Jimmerson know if you have any questions or believe you have incorrectly been omitted from the list. Chris may be reached at and (512) 452-6168.

The church bylaws specify the following regarding voting eligibility: “Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.”

We will be providing childcare during the meeting. Please RSVP to

Also, Dec. 14 will be the only day that you can vote and rank order your ten favorite social justice nonprofits to receive MSO donations in 2015. Come to the congregational meeting, or to the gallery at the Social Action table after either worship service to make your vote.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

November 23, 2014 Pre-Congregational Meeting

Please join us for the pre-congregational meeting on Sunday November 23 at 1:15 p.m in the sanctuary. Childcare will be available. We will discuss the proposed agenda and materials to be actually voted upon at the formal congregational meeting to be held on December 14, 2014 at 1 p.m, including the proposed 2015 church budget.

Materials for the meeting are available in the copy room at the church or by clicking on the link below:

Pre-Congregational Meeting Packet

In addition, the Monthly Service Offering nomination forms for 2015 will be available at this meeting.

May 15 Congregational Meeting – 1:30 PM

Please plan to attend the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 15 at 1:30.  We have an ambitious agenda of crucial items that will have a powerful affect on the future of our church.  Below you will find a variety of informative documents that will help you better understand the proposals.


  1. Chalice Lighting
  2. Consent Agenda (Minutes from January Meeting and Rules of Order)
  3. Adopt Agenda
  4. State of the Church Address
  5. Second vote on Proposed Amendment to the Financial Asset Management Policy:  Change the date the Murr fund is valued from Dec 31 to Sep 30.
  6. Vote on the slate of nominations for new Board of Trustees members.
  7. Vote on Proposed By-Laws Changes.
  8. First Vote (of two) to retire the Financial Assets Management Policy, assuming the proposed By-laws changes are approved.
  9. Second vote on using money from the Memorial Savings Fund to hire a volunteer coordinator.

Accomplishments in past 2 years of interim transition

Information for 2nd Vote on Proposed FAMP Change

To achieve our mission and ends and grown into the radically hospitable congregation we aspire to be, your board of trustees is recommending approval of the second of two votes to fund the membership/volunteer coordinator position. The following are documents with more information:

Membership/Volunteer Coordinator Proposal

Board Letter On Volunteer Coordinator

Letter Opposing the Motion

Membership/Volunteer Coordinator Questions and Answers

(All Membership/Volunteer Coordinator materials above combined into one packet with page numbers and table of contents.)

Your Board of Trustees has been hard at work reviewing and identifying how to structure our bylaws and fiscal policy to support a thriving congregation and to best enable us to fulfill our new mission, values and ends. We have examined legal standards for church bylaws and structures, best practices and have done benchmark comparisons with other thriving UU congregations around our size or larger.

The following documents provide more information if you would like to review them before May 15. Clicking on the links below should open them in your bowser or you can right click to download the file:

Some of the Reasons Behind the Recommendations and Benchmarking Chart

Recommended Bylaws and Cover Summary of Major Changes

Summary of How Fiscal Policy Would Be Structured in the Church Under This Recommendation

Documentation of Recommended Fiscal Policy Changes and New Fiscal Controls That Would Be Put Into Place

(All bylaws materials above combined into one packet with page numbers and table of contents)


Report from the Nominating Committee


Draft Board Policies (not for review at the meeting but for additional information)

Bridge Builder Action Plan June 09

Steinke Report to the Congregation Spring 09

FUUCA Strategic Plan 2003 (DRAFT)

Crank Bequest 1995


We hope to see you on May 15!